danfengliu f0ebd17994 Add build base image step in build package git action workflow
Build base image step should be in build package workflow, and local base images build by new step should be removed since images have been pushed to docker hub.

Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
2021-04-17 18:10:44 +08:00

408 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright Project Harbor Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource contains any keywords related to using the Nimbus cluster
*** Variables ***
${ESX_VERSION} 4564106 #6.5 RTM
${VC_VERSION} 4602587 #6.5 RTM
${NIMBUS_ESX_PASSWORD} e2eFunctionalTest
*** Keywords ***
Deploy Nimbus ESXi Server
[Arguments] ${user} ${password} ${version}=${ESX_VERSION} ${tls_disabled}=True
${name}= Evaluate 'ESX-' + str(random.randint(1000,9999)) modules=random
Log To Console \nDeploying Nimbus ESXi server: ${name}
Open Connection %{NIMBUS_GW}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 30 sec Login ${user} ${password}
\ ${out}= Execute Command nimbus-esxdeploy ${name} --disk=48000000 --ssd=24000000 --memory=8192 --nics 2 ob-${version}
\ # Make sure the deploy actually worked
\ ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${out} To manage this VM use
\ Exit For Loop If ${status}
\ Log To Console ${out}
\ Log To Console Nimbus deployment ${IDX} failed, trying again in 5 minutes
\ Sleep 5 minutes
# Now grab the IP address and return the name and ip for later use
@{out}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${item} IN @{out}
\ ${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${item} IP is
\ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' Set Suite Variable ${line} ${item}
@{gotIP}= Split String ${line} ${SPACE}
${ip}= Remove String @{gotIP}[5] ,
# Let's set a password so govc doesn't complain
Remove Environment Variable GOVC_PASSWORD
Remove Environment Variable GOVC_USERNAME
Set Environment Variable GOVC_INSECURE 1
Set Environment Variable GOVC_URL root:@${ip}
${out}= Run govc host.account.update -id root -password ${NIMBUS_ESX_PASSWORD}
Should Be Empty ${out}
Run Keyword If ${tls_disabled} Disable TLS On ESX Host
Log To Console Successfully deployed new ESXi server - ${user}-${name}
Close connection
[Return] ${user}-${name} ${ip}
Deploy Multiple Nimbus ESXi Servers in Parallel
[Arguments] ${user} ${password} ${version}=${ESX_VERSION}
${name1}= Evaluate 'ESX-' + str(random.randint(1000,9999)) modules=random
${name2}= Evaluate 'ESX-' + str(random.randint(1000,9999)) modules=random
${name3}= Evaluate 'ESX-' + str(random.randint(1000,9999)) modules=random
Open Connection %{NIMBUS_GW}
Login ${user} ${password}
${out1}= Deploy Nimbus ESXi Server Async ${name1}
${out2}= Deploy Nimbus ESXi Server Async ${name2}
${out3}= Deploy Nimbus ESXi Server Async ${name3}
Wait For Process ${out1}
Wait For Process ${out2}
Wait For Process ${out3}
${out}= Execute Command nimbus-ctl ip ${user}-${name1}
@{out}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${item} IN @{out}
\ ${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${item} ${user}-${name1}
\ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' Set Suite Variable ${line} ${item}
@{gotIP}= Split String ${line} ${SPACE}
${ip1}= Remove String @{gotIP}[2]
${out}= Execute Command nimbus-ctl ip ${user}-${name2}
@{out}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${item} IN @{out}
\ ${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${item} ${user}-${name2}
\ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' Set Suite Variable ${line} ${item}
@{gotIP}= Split String ${line} ${SPACE}
${ip2}= Remove String @{gotIP}[2]
${out}= Execute Command nimbus-ctl ip ${user}-${name3}
@{out}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${item} IN @{out}
\ ${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${item} ${user}-${name3}
\ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' Set Suite Variable ${line} ${item}
@{gotIP}= Split String ${line} ${SPACE}
${ip3}= Remove String @{gotIP}[2]
Log To Console \nDeploying Nimbus ESXi server: ${gotIP}
# Let's set a password so govc doesn't complain
Remove Environment Variable GOVC_PASSWORD
Remove Environment Variable GOVC_USERNAME
Set Environment Variable GOVC_INSECURE 1
Set Environment Variable GOVC_URL root:@${ip1}
${out}= Run govc host.account.update -id root -password ${NIMBUS_ESX_PASSWORD}
Should Be Empty ${out}
Disable TLS On ESX Host
Log To Console Successfully deployed new ESXi server - ${user}-${name1}
Log To Console \nNimbus ESXi server IP: ${ip1}
Remove Environment Variable GOVC_PASSWORD
Remove Environment Variable GOVC_USERNAME
Set Environment Variable GOVC_INSECURE 1
Set Environment Variable GOVC_URL root:@${ip2}
${out}= Run govc host.account.update -id root -password ${NIMBUS_ESX_PASSWORD}
Should Be Empty ${out}
Disable TLS On ESX Host
Log To Console Successfully deployed new ESXi server - ${user}-${name2}
Log To Console \nNimbus ESXi server IP: ${ip2}
Remove Environment Variable GOVC_PASSWORD
Remove Environment Variable GOVC_USERNAME
Set Environment Variable GOVC_INSECURE 1
Set Environment Variable GOVC_URL root:@${ip3}
${out}= Run govc host.account.update -id root -password ${NIMBUS_ESX_PASSWORD}
Should Be Empty ${out}
Disable TLS On ESX Host
Log To Console Successfully deployed new ESXi server - ${user}-${name3}
Log To Console \nNimbus ESXi server IP: ${ip3}
Close connection
[Return] ${user}-${name1} ${ip1} ${user}-${name2} ${ip2} ${user}-${name3} ${ip3}
Deploy Nimbus vCenter Server
[Arguments] ${user} ${password} ${version}=${VC_VERSION}
${name}= Evaluate 'VC-' + str(random.randint(1000,9999)) modules=random
Log To Console \nDeploying Nimbus vCenter server: ${name}
Open Connection %{NIMBUS_GW}
Login ${user} ${password}
\ ${out}= Execute Command nimbus-vcvadeploy --vcvaBuild ${version} ${name}
\ # Make sure the deploy actually worked
\ ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${out} Overall Status: Succeeded
\ Exit For Loop If ${status}
\ Log To Console Nimbus deployment ${IDX} failed, trying again in 5 minutes
\ Sleep 5 minutes
# Now grab the IP address and return the name and ip for later use
@{out}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${item} IN @{out}
\ ${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${item} Cloudvm is running on IP
\ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' Set Suite Variable ${line} ${item}
${ip}= Fetch From Right ${line} ${SPACE}
Set Environment Variable GOVC_INSECURE 1
Set Environment Variable GOVC_USERNAME Administrator@vsphere.local
Set Environment Variable GOVC_PASSWORD Admin!23
Set Environment Variable GOVC_URL ${ip}
Log To Console Successfully deployed new vCenter server - ${user}-${name}
Close connection
[Return] ${user}-${name} ${ip}
Deploy Nimbus ESXi Server Async
[Tags] secret
[Arguments] ${name} ${version}=${ESX_VERSION}
Log To Console \nDeploying Nimbus ESXi server: ${name}
${out}= Run Secret SSHPASS command %{NIMBUS_USER} %{NIMBUS_PASSWORD} 'nimbus-esxdeploy ${name} --disk\=48000000 --ssd\=24000000 --memory\=8192 --nics 2 ${version}'
[Return] ${out}
Run Secret SSHPASS command
[Tags] secret
[Arguments] ${user} ${password} ${cmd}
${out}= Start Process sshpass -p ${password} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking\=no ${user}@%{NIMBUS_GW} ${cmd} shell=True
[Return] ${out}
Deploy Nimbus vCenter Server Async
[Tags] secret
[Arguments] ${name} ${version}=${VC_VERSION}
Log To Console \nDeploying Nimbus VC server: ${name}
${out}= Run Secret SSHPASS command %{NIMBUS_USER} %{NIMBUS_PASSWORD} 'nimbus-vcvadeploy --vcvaBuild ${version} ${name}'
[Return] ${out}
Deploy Nimbus Testbed
[Arguments] ${user} ${password} ${testbed}
Open Connection %{NIMBUS_GW}
Login ${user} ${password}
\ ${out}= Execute Command nimbus-testbeddeploy ${testbed}
\ # Make sure the deploy actually worked
\ ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${out} is up. IP:
\ Exit For Loop If ${status}
\ Log To Console Nimbus deployment ${IDX} failed, trying again in 5 minutes
\ Sleep 5 minutes
[Return] ${out}
Kill Nimbus Server
[Arguments] ${user} ${password} ${name}
Open Connection %{NIMBUS_GW}
Login ${user} ${password}
${out}= Execute Command nimbus-ctl kill '${name}'
Close connection
Cleanup Nimbus PXE folder
[Arguments] ${user} ${password}
Open Connection %{NIMBUS_GW}
Login ${user} ${password}
${out}= Execute Command rm -rf public_html/pxe/*
Close connection
Nimbus Cleanup
[Arguments] ${vm_list} ${collect_log}=True ${dontDelete}=${false}
Run Keyword If ${collect_log} Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Gather Logs From Test Server
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Cleanup Nimbus PXE folder %{NIMBUS_USER} %{NIMBUS_PASSWORD}
Return From Keyword If ${dontDelete}
:FOR ${item} IN @{vm_list}
\ Run Keyword And Ignore Error Kill Nimbus Server %{NIMBUS_USER} %{NIMBUS_PASSWORD} ${item}
Gather Host IPs
${out}= Run govc ls host/cls
${out}= Split To Lines ${out}
${idx}= Set Variable 1
:FOR ${line} IN @{out}
\ Continue For Loop If '${line}' == '/vcqaDC/host/cls/Resources'
\ ${ip}= Fetch From Right ${line} /
\ Set Suite Variable ${esx${idx}-ip} ${ip}
\ ${idx}= Evaluate ${idx}+1
Create a VSAN Cluster
Log To Console \nStarting basic VSAN cluster deploy...
${out}= Deploy Nimbus Testbed %{NIMBUS_USER} %{NIMBUS_PASSWORD} --noSupportBundles --vcvaBuild ${VC_VERSION} --esxPxeDir ${ESX_VERSION} --esxBuild ${ESX_VERSION} --testbedName vcqa-vsan-simple-pxeBoot-vcva --runName vic-vmotion
${out}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${line} IN @{out}
\ ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${line} .vcva-${VC_VERSION}' is up. IP:
\ ${ip}= Run Keyword If ${status} Fetch From Right ${line} ${SPACE}
\ Run Keyword If ${status} Set Suite Variable ${vc-ip} ${ip}
\ Exit For Loop If ${status}
Log To Console Set environment variables up for GOVC
Set Environment Variable GOVC_URL ${vc-ip}
Set Environment Variable GOVC_USERNAME Administrator@vsphere.local
Set Environment Variable GOVC_PASSWORD Admin\!23
Log To Console Create a distributed switch
${out}= Run govc dvs.create -dc=vcqaDC test-ds
Should Contain ${out} OK
Log To Console Create three new distributed switch port groups for management and vm network traffic
${out}= Run govc dvs.portgroup.add -nports 12 -dc=vcqaDC -dvs=test-ds management
Should Contain ${out} OK
${out}= Run govc dvs.portgroup.add -nports 12 -dc=vcqaDC -dvs=test-ds vm-network
Should Contain ${out} OK
${out}= Run govc dvs.portgroup.add -nports 12 -dc=vcqaDC -dvs=test-ds bridge
Should Contain ${out} OK
Log To Console Add all the hosts to the distributed switch
${out}= Run govc dvs.add -dvs=test-ds -pnic=vmnic1 /vcqaDC/host/cls
Should Contain ${out} OK
Log To Console Enable DRS and VSAN on the cluster
${out}= Run govc cluster.change -drs-enabled /vcqaDC/host/cls
Should Be Empty ${out}
Log To Console Deploy VIC to the VC cluster
Set Environment Variable TEST_URL_ARRAY ${vc-ip}
Set Environment Variable TEST_USERNAME Administrator@vsphere.local
Set Environment Variable TEST_PASSWORD Admin\!23
Set Environment Variable BRIDGE_NETWORK bridge
Set Environment Variable PUBLIC_NETWORK vm-network
Set Environment Variable TEST_DATASTORE vsanDatastore
Set Environment Variable TEST_RESOURCE cls
Set Environment Variable TEST_TIMEOUT 30m
Gather Host IPs
Create a Simple VC Cluster
[Arguments] ${datacenter}=ha-datacenter ${cluster}=cls ${esx_number}=3 ${network}=True
Log To Console \nStarting simple VC cluster deploy...
${esx_names}= Create List
${esx_ips}= Create List
:FOR ${IDX} IN RANGE ${esx_number}
\ ${esx} ${esx_ip}= Deploy Nimbus ESXi Server %{NIMBUS_USER} %{NIMBUS_PASSWORD} ${ESX_VERSION} False
\ Append To List ${esx_names} ${esx}
\ Append To List ${esx_ips} ${esx_ip}
${vc} ${vc_ip}= Deploy Nimbus vCenter Server %{NIMBUS_USER} %{NIMBUS_PASSWORD}
Log To Console Create a datacenter on the VC
${out}= Run govc datacenter.create ${datacenter}
Should Be Empty ${out}
Log To Console Create a cluster on the VC
${out}= Run govc cluster.create ${cluster}
Should Be Empty ${out}
Log To Console Add ESX host to the VC
:FOR ${IDX} IN RANGE ${esx_number}
\ ${out}= Run govc cluster.add -hostname=@{esx_ips}[${IDX}] -username=root -dc=${datacenter} -password=${NIMBUS_ESX_PASSWORD} -noverify=true
\ Should Contain ${out} OK
Run Keyword If ${network} Setup Network For Simple VC Cluster ${esx_number} ${datacenter} ${cluster}
Log To Console Enable DRS on the cluster
${out}= Run govc cluster.change -drs-enabled /${datacenter}/host/${cluster}
Should Be Empty ${out}
Set Environment Variable TEST_URL_ARRAY ${vc_ip}
Set Environment Variable TEST_URL ${vc_ip}
Set Environment Variable TEST_USERNAME Administrator@vsphere.local
Set Environment Variable TEST_PASSWORD Admin\!23
Set Environment Variable TEST_DATASTORE datastore1
Set Environment Variable TEST_DATACENTER /${datacenter}
Set Environment Variable TEST_RESOURCE ${cluster}
Set Environment Variable TEST_TIMEOUT 30m
[Return] @{esx_names} ${vc} @{esx_ips} ${vc_ip}
Setup Network For Simple VC Cluster
[Arguments] ${esx_number} ${datacenter} ${cluster}
Log To Console Create a distributed switch
${out}= Run govc dvs.create -dc=${datacenter} test-ds
Should Contain ${out} OK
Log To Console Create three new distributed switch port groups for management and vm network traffic
${out}= Run govc dvs.portgroup.add -nports 12 -dc=${datacenter} -dvs=test-ds management
Should Contain ${out} OK
${out}= Run govc dvs.portgroup.add -nports 12 -dc=${datacenter} -dvs=test-ds vm-network
Should Contain ${out} OK
${out}= Run govc dvs.portgroup.add -nports 12 -dc=${datacenter} -dvs=test-ds bridge
Should Contain ${out} OK
Log To Console Add all the hosts to the distributed switch
${out}= Run govc dvs.add -dvs=test-ds -pnic=vmnic1 /${datacenter}/host/${cluster}
Should Contain ${out} OK
Log To Console Enable DRS on the cluster
${out}= Run govc cluster.change -drs-enabled /${datacenter}/host/${cluster}
Should Be Empty ${out}
Set Environment Variable BRIDGE_NETWORK bridge
Set Environment Variable PUBLIC_NETWORK vm-network
Create A Distributed Switch
[Arguments] ${datacenter} ${dvs}=test-ds
Log To Console \nCreate a distributed switch
${out}= Run govc dvs.create -product-version 5.5.0 -dc=${datacenter} ${dvs}
Should Contain ${out} OK
Create Three Distributed Port Groups
[Arguments] ${datacenter} ${dvs}=test-ds
Log To Console \nCreate three new distributed switch port groups for management and vm network traffic
${out}= Run govc dvs.portgroup.add -nports 12 -dc=${datacenter} -dvs=${dvs} management
Should Contain ${out} OK
${out}= Run govc dvs.portgroup.add -nports 12 -dc=${datacenter} -dvs=${dvs} vm-network
Should Contain ${out} OK
${out}= Run govc dvs.portgroup.add -nports 12 -dc=${datacenter} -dvs=${dvs} bridge
Should Contain ${out} OK
Add Host To Distributed Switch
[Arguments] ${host} ${dvs}=test-ds
Log To Console \nAdd host(s) to the distributed switch
${out}= Run govc dvs.add -dvs=${dvs} -pnic=vmnic1 ${host}
Should Contain ${out} OK
Disable TLS On ESX Host
Log To Console \nDisable TLS on the host
${ver}= Get Vsphere Version
${out}= Run Keyword If '${ver}' != '5.5.0' Run govc host.option.set UserVars.ESXiVPsDisabledProtocols sslv3,tlsv1,tlsv1.1
Run Keyword If '${ver}' != '5.5.0' Should Be Empty ${out}
Get Vsphere Version
${out}= Run govc about
${out}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${line} IN @{out}
\ ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${line} Version:
\ Run Keyword And Return If ${status} Fetch From Right ${line} ${SPACE}
Deploy Nimbus NFS Datastore
[Arguments] ${user} ${password}
${name}= Evaluate 'NFS-' + str(random.randint(1000,9999)) modules=random
Log To Console \nDeploying Nimbus NFS server: ${name}
Open Connection %{NIMBUS_GW}
Login ${user} ${password}
${out}= Execute Command nimbus-nfsdeploy ${name}
# Make sure the deploy actually worked
Should Contain ${out} To manage this VM use
# Now grab the IP address and return the name and ip for later use
@{out}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${item} IN @{out}
\ ${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${item} IP is
\ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' Set Suite Variable ${line} ${item}
@{gotIP}= Split String ${line} ${SPACE}
${ip}= Remove String @{gotIP}[5] ,
Log To Console Successfully deployed new NFS server - ${user}-${name}
Close connection
[Return] ${user}-${name} ${ip}