wang yan aab761ac8a Fix gofmt check results
Signed-off-by: wang yan <wangyan@vmware.com>
2018-08-29 11:50:00 +08:00

651 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright 2018 The Harbor Authors. All rights reserved.
package pool
import (
var (
workerPoolDeadTime = 10 * time.Second
const (
workerPoolStatusHealthy = "Healthy"
workerPoolStatusDead = "Dead"
//Copy from period.enqueuer
periodicEnqueuerHorizon = 4 * time.Minute
pingRedisMaxTimes = 10
//GoCraftWorkPool is the pool implementation based on gocraft/work powered by redis.
type GoCraftWorkPool struct {
namespace string
redisPool *redis.Pool
pool *work.WorkerPool
enqueuer *work.Enqueuer
sweeper *period.Sweeper
client *work.Client
context *env.Context
scheduler period.Interface
statsManager opm.JobStatsManager
messageServer *MessageServer
//no need to sync as write once and then only read
//key is name of known job
//value is the type of known job
knownJobs map[string]interface{}
//RedisPoolContext ...
//We did not use this context to pass context info so far, just a placeholder.
type RedisPoolContext struct{}
//NewGoCraftWorkPool is constructor of goCraftWorkPool.
func NewGoCraftWorkPool(ctx *env.Context, namespace string, workerCount uint, redisPool *redis.Pool) *GoCraftWorkPool {
pool := work.NewWorkerPool(RedisPoolContext{}, workerCount, namespace, redisPool)
enqueuer := work.NewEnqueuer(namespace, redisPool)
client := work.NewClient(namespace, redisPool)
scheduler := period.NewRedisPeriodicScheduler(ctx, namespace, redisPool)
sweeper := period.NewSweeper(namespace, redisPool, client)
statsMgr := opm.NewRedisJobStatsManager(ctx.SystemContext, namespace, redisPool)
msgServer := NewMessageServer(ctx.SystemContext, namespace, redisPool)
return &GoCraftWorkPool{
namespace: namespace,
redisPool: redisPool,
pool: pool,
enqueuer: enqueuer,
scheduler: scheduler,
sweeper: sweeper,
client: client,
context: ctx,
statsManager: statsMgr,
knownJobs: make(map[string]interface{}),
messageServer: msgServer,
//Start to serve
//Unblock action
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) Start() error {
if gcwp.redisPool == nil ||
gcwp.pool == nil ||
gcwp.context.SystemContext == nil {
//report and exit
return errors.New("Redis worker pool can not start as it's not correctly configured")
//Test the redis connection
if err := gcwp.ping(); err != nil {
return err
done := make(chan interface{}, 1)
go func() {
var err error
defer func() {
if err != nil {
//report error
gcwp.context.ErrorChan <- err
done <- struct{}{} //exit immediately
//Register callbacks
if err = gcwp.messageServer.Subscribe(period.EventSchedulePeriodicPolicy,
func(data interface{}) error {
return gcwp.handleSchedulePolicy(data)
}); err != nil {
if err = gcwp.messageServer.Subscribe(period.EventUnSchedulePeriodicPolicy,
func(data interface{}) error {
return gcwp.handleUnSchedulePolicy(data)
}); err != nil {
if err = gcwp.messageServer.Subscribe(opm.EventRegisterStatusHook,
func(data interface{}) error {
return gcwp.handleRegisterStatusHook(data)
}); err != nil {
if err = gcwp.messageServer.Subscribe(opm.EventFireCommand,
func(data interface{}) error {
return gcwp.handleOPCommandFiring(data)
}); err != nil {
startTimes := 0
//Start message server
if err = gcwp.messageServer.Start(); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Message server exits with error: %s\n", err.Error())
if startTimes < msgServerRetryTimes {
time.Sleep(time.Duration((int)(math.Pow(2, (float64)(startTimes)))+5) * time.Second)
logger.Infof("Restart message server (%d times)\n", startTimes)
go func() {
defer func() {
//Start stats manager
//blocking call
go func() {
defer func() {
logger.Infof("Redis worker pool is stopped")
//Clear dirty data before pool starting
if err := gcwp.sweeper.ClearOutdatedScheduledJobs(); err != nil {
//Only logged
logger.Errorf("Clear outdated data before pool starting failed with error:%s\n", err)
//Append middlewares
logger.Infof("Redis worker pool is started")
//Block on listening context and done signal
select {
case <-gcwp.context.SystemContext.Done():
case <-done:
return nil
//RegisterJob is used to register the job to the pool.
//j is the type of job
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) RegisterJob(name string, j interface{}) error {
if utils.IsEmptyStr(name) || j == nil {
return errors.New("job can not be registered with empty name or nil interface")
//j must be job.Interface
if _, ok := j.(job.Interface); !ok {
return errors.New("job must implement the job.Interface")
redisJob := NewRedisJob(j, gcwp.context, gcwp.statsManager)
//Get more info from j
theJ := Wrap(j)
work.JobOptions{MaxFails: theJ.MaxFails()},
func(job *work.Job) error {
return redisJob.Run(job)
}, //Use generic handler to handle as we do not accept context with this way.
gcwp.knownJobs[name] = j //keep the name of registered jobs as known jobs for future validation
return nil
//RegisterJobs is used to register multiple jobs to pool.
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) RegisterJobs(jobs map[string]interface{}) error {
if jobs == nil || len(jobs) == 0 {
return nil
for name, j := range jobs {
if err := gcwp.RegisterJob(name, j); err != nil {
return err
return nil
//Enqueue job
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) Enqueue(jobName string, params models.Parameters, isUnique bool) (models.JobStats, error) {
var (
j *work.Job
err error
//Enqueue job
if isUnique {
j, err = gcwp.enqueuer.EnqueueUnique(jobName, params)
} else {
j, err = gcwp.enqueuer.Enqueue(jobName, params)
if err != nil {
return models.JobStats{}, err
//avoid backend pool bug
if j == nil {
return models.JobStats{}, fmt.Errorf("job '%s' can not be enqueued, please check the job metatdata", jobName)
res := generateResult(j, job.JobKindGeneric, isUnique)
//Save data with async way. Once it fails to do, let it escape
//The client method may help if the job is still in progress when get stats of this job
return res, nil
//Schedule job
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) Schedule(jobName string, params models.Parameters, runAfterSeconds uint64, isUnique bool) (models.JobStats, error) {
var (
j *work.ScheduledJob
err error
//Enqueue job in
if isUnique {
j, err = gcwp.enqueuer.EnqueueUniqueIn(jobName, int64(runAfterSeconds), params)
} else {
j, err = gcwp.enqueuer.EnqueueIn(jobName, int64(runAfterSeconds), params)
if err != nil {
return models.JobStats{}, err
//avoid backend pool bug
if j == nil {
return models.JobStats{}, fmt.Errorf("job '%s' can not be enqueued, please check the job metatdata", jobName)
res := generateResult(j.Job, job.JobKindScheduled, isUnique)
res.Stats.RunAt = j.RunAt
//As job is already scheduled, we should not block this call
//Once it fails to do, use client method to help get the status of the escape job
return res, nil
//PeriodicallyEnqueue job
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) PeriodicallyEnqueue(jobName string, params models.Parameters, cronSetting string) (models.JobStats, error) {
id, nextRun, err := gcwp.scheduler.Schedule(jobName, params, cronSetting)
if err != nil {
return models.JobStats{}, err
res := models.JobStats{
Stats: &models.JobStatData{
JobID: id,
JobName: jobName,
Status: job.JobStatusPending,
JobKind: job.JobKindPeriodic,
CronSpec: cronSetting,
EnqueueTime: time.Now().Unix(),
UpdateTime: time.Now().Unix(),
RefLink: fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/jobs/%s", id),
RunAt: nextRun,
return res, nil
//GetJobStats return the job stats of the specified enqueued job.
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) GetJobStats(jobID string) (models.JobStats, error) {
if utils.IsEmptyStr(jobID) {
return models.JobStats{}, errors.New("empty job ID")
return gcwp.statsManager.Retrieve(jobID)
//Stats of pool
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) Stats() (models.JobPoolStats, error) {
//Get the status of workerpool via client
hbs, err := gcwp.client.WorkerPoolHeartbeats()
if err != nil {
return models.JobPoolStats{}, err
//Find the heartbeat of this pool via pid
stats := make([]*models.JobPoolStatsData, 0)
for _, hb := range hbs {
if hb.HeartbeatAt == 0 {
continue //invalid ones
wPoolStatus := workerPoolStatusHealthy
if time.Unix(hb.HeartbeatAt, 0).Add(workerPoolDeadTime).Before(time.Now()) {
wPoolStatus = workerPoolStatusDead
stat := &models.JobPoolStatsData{
WorkerPoolID: hb.WorkerPoolID,
StartedAt: hb.StartedAt,
HeartbeatAt: hb.HeartbeatAt,
JobNames: hb.JobNames,
Concurrency: hb.Concurrency,
Status: wPoolStatus,
stats = append(stats, stat)
if len(stats) == 0 {
return models.JobPoolStats{}, errors.New("Failed to get stats of worker pools")
return models.JobPoolStats{
Pools: stats,
}, nil
//StopJob will stop the job
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) StopJob(jobID string) error {
if utils.IsEmptyStr(jobID) {
return errors.New("empty job ID")
theJob, err := gcwp.statsManager.Retrieve(jobID)
if err != nil {
return err
needSetStopStatus := false
switch theJob.Stats.JobKind {
case job.JobKindGeneric:
//Only running job can be stopped
if theJob.Stats.Status != job.JobStatusRunning {
return fmt.Errorf("job '%s' is not a running job", jobID)
case job.JobKindScheduled:
//we need to delete the scheduled job in the queue if it is not running yet
//otherwise, nothing need to do
if theJob.Stats.Status == job.JobStatusScheduled {
if err := gcwp.client.DeleteScheduledJob(theJob.Stats.RunAt, jobID); err != nil {
return err
needSetStopStatus = true
case job.JobKindPeriodic:
//firstly delete the periodic job policy
if err := gcwp.scheduler.UnSchedule(jobID); err != nil {
return err
//secondly we need try to delete the job instances scheduled for this periodic job, a try best action
gcwp.deleteScheduledJobsOfPeriodicPolicy(theJob.Stats.JobID, theJob.Stats.CronSpec) //ignore error as we have logged
//thirdly expire the job stats of this periodic job if exists
if err := gcwp.statsManager.ExpirePeriodicJobStats(theJob.Stats.JobID); err != nil {
//only logged
logger.Errorf("Expire the stats of job %s failed with error: %s\n", theJob.Stats.JobID, err)
needSetStopStatus = true
//Check if the job has 'running' instance
if theJob.Stats.Status == job.JobStatusRunning {
//Send 'stop' ctl command to the running instance
if err := gcwp.statsManager.SendCommand(jobID, opm.CtlCommandStop); err != nil {
return err
//The job running instance will set the status to 'stopped'
needSetStopStatus = false
//If needed, update the job status to 'stopped'
if needSetStopStatus {
gcwp.statsManager.SetJobStatus(jobID, job.JobStatusStopped)
return nil
//CancelJob will cancel the job
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) CancelJob(jobID string) error {
if utils.IsEmptyStr(jobID) {
return errors.New("empty job ID")
theJob, err := gcwp.statsManager.Retrieve(jobID)
if err != nil {
return err
switch theJob.Stats.JobKind {
case job.JobKindGeneric:
if theJob.Stats.Status != job.JobStatusRunning {
return fmt.Errorf("only running job can be cancelled, job '%s' seems not running now", theJob.Stats.JobID)
//Send 'cancel' ctl command to the running instance
if err := gcwp.statsManager.SendCommand(jobID, opm.CtlCommandCancel); err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("job kind '%s' does not support 'cancel' operation", theJob.Stats.JobKind)
return nil
//RetryJob retry the job
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) RetryJob(jobID string) error {
if utils.IsEmptyStr(jobID) {
return errors.New("empty job ID")
theJob, err := gcwp.statsManager.Retrieve(jobID)
if err != nil {
return err
if theJob.Stats.DieAt == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("job '%s' is not a retryable job", jobID)
return gcwp.client.RetryDeadJob(theJob.Stats.DieAt, jobID)
//IsKnownJob ...
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) IsKnownJob(name string) (interface{}, bool) {
v, ok := gcwp.knownJobs[name]
return v, ok
//ValidateJobParameters ...
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) ValidateJobParameters(jobType interface{}, params map[string]interface{}) error {
if jobType == nil {
return errors.New("nil job type")
theJ := Wrap(jobType)
return theJ.Validate(params)
//RegisterHook registers status hook url
//sync method
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) RegisterHook(jobID string, hookURL string) error {
if utils.IsEmptyStr(jobID) {
return errors.New("empty job ID")
if !utils.IsValidURL(hookURL) {
return errors.New("invalid hook url")
return gcwp.statsManager.RegisterHook(jobID, hookURL, false)
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) deleteScheduledJobsOfPeriodicPolicy(policyID string, cronSpec string) error {
schedule, err := cron.Parse(cronSpec)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("cron spec '%s' is not valid", cronSpec)
return err
now := utils.NowEpochSeconds()
nowTime := time.Unix(now, 0)
horizon := nowTime.Add(periodicEnqueuerHorizon)
//try to delete more
//return the last error if occurred
for t := schedule.Next(nowTime); t.Before(horizon); t = schedule.Next(t) {
epoch := t.Unix()
if err = gcwp.client.DeleteScheduledJob(epoch, policyID); err != nil {
//only logged
logger.Warningf("delete scheduled instance for periodic job %s failed with error: %s\n", policyID, err)
return err
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) handleSchedulePolicy(data interface{}) error {
if data == nil {
return errors.New("nil data interface")
pl, ok := data.(*period.PeriodicJobPolicy)
if !ok {
return errors.New("malformed policy object")
return gcwp.scheduler.AcceptPeriodicPolicy(pl)
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) handleUnSchedulePolicy(data interface{}) error {
if data == nil {
return errors.New("nil data interface")
pl, ok := data.(*period.PeriodicJobPolicy)
if !ok {
return errors.New("malformed policy object")
removed := gcwp.scheduler.RemovePeriodicPolicy(pl.PolicyID)
if removed == nil {
return errors.New("nothing removed")
return nil
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) handleRegisterStatusHook(data interface{}) error {
if data == nil {
return errors.New("nil data interface")
hook, ok := data.(*opm.HookData)
if !ok {
return errors.New("malformed hook object")
return gcwp.statsManager.RegisterHook(hook.JobID, hook.HookURL, true)
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) handleOPCommandFiring(data interface{}) error {
if data == nil {
return errors.New("nil data interface")
commands, ok := data.([]interface{})
if !ok || len(commands) != 2 {
return errors.New("malformed op commands object")
jobID, ok := commands[0].(string)
command, ok := commands[1].(string)
if !ok {
return errors.New("malformed op command info")
return gcwp.statsManager.SendCommand(jobID, command)
//log the job
func (rpc *RedisPoolContext) logJob(job *work.Job, next work.NextMiddlewareFunc) error {
logger.Infof("Job incoming: %s:%s", job.Name, job.ID)
return next()
//Ping the redis server
func (gcwp *GoCraftWorkPool) ping() error {
conn := gcwp.redisPool.Get()
defer conn.Close()
var err error
for count := 1; count <= pingRedisMaxTimes; count++ {
if _, err = conn.Do("ping"); err == nil {
return nil
time.Sleep(time.Duration(count+4) * time.Second)
return fmt.Errorf("connect to redis server timeout: %s", err.Error())
//generate the job stats data
func generateResult(j *work.Job, jobKind string, isUnique bool) models.JobStats {
if j == nil {
return models.JobStats{}
return models.JobStats{
Stats: &models.JobStatData{
JobID: j.ID,
JobName: j.Name,
JobKind: jobKind,
IsUnique: isUnique,
Status: job.JobStatusPending,
EnqueueTime: j.EnqueuedAt,
UpdateTime: time.Now().Unix(),
RefLink: fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/jobs/%s", j.ID),