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// Copyright Project Harbor Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package models
import (
v1 "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
func init() {
the status are used for Garbage Collection
StatusNone, the blob is using in Harbor as normal.
StatusDelete, the blob is marked as GC candidate.
StatusDeleting, the blob undergo a GC blob deletion.
StatusDeleteFailed, the blob is failed to delete from the backend storage.
The status transitions
StatusNone -> StatusDelete : Mark the blob as candidate.
StatusDelete -> StatusDeleting : Select the blob and call the API to delete asset in the backend storage.
StatusDeleting -> Trash : Delete success from the backend storage.
StatusDelete -> StatusNone : Client asks the existence of blob, remove it from the candidate.
StatusDelete -> StatusDeleteFailed : The storage driver returns fail when to delete the real data from the configurated file system.
StatusDelete -> StatusDelete : Encounter failure in the GC sweep phase. When to rerun the GC job, all of blob candidates are marked as StatusDelete again.
StatusDeleteFailed -> StatusNone : The delete failed blobs can be pushed again, and back to normal.
StatusDeleteFailed -> StatusDelete : The delete failed blobs should be in the candidate.
const (
StatusNone = "none"
StatusDelete = "delete"
StatusDeleting = "deleting"
StatusDeleteFailed = "deletefailed"
// StatusMap key is the target status, values are the accepted source status.
// For example, only StatusDelete can be convert to StatusDeleting.
var StatusMap = map[string][]string{
StatusNone: {StatusNone, StatusDelete, StatusDeleteFailed},
StatusDelete: {StatusNone, StatusDelete, StatusDeleteFailed},
StatusDeleting: {StatusDelete},
StatusDeleteFailed: {StatusDeleting},
// ArtifactAndBlob holds the relationship between manifest and blob.
type ArtifactAndBlob struct {
ID int64 `orm:"pk;auto;column(id)" json:"id"`
DigestAF string `orm:"column(digest_af)" json:"digest_af"`
DigestBlob string `orm:"column(digest_blob)" json:"digest_blob"`
CreationTime time.Time `orm:"column(creation_time);auto_now_add" json:"creation_time"`
// TableName ...
func (afb *ArtifactAndBlob) TableName() string {
return "artifact_blob"
// ProjectBlob holds the relationship between manifest and blob.
type ProjectBlob struct {
ID int64 `orm:"pk;auto;column(id)" json:"id"`
ProjectID int64 `orm:"column(project_id)" json:"project_id"`
BlobID int64 `orm:"column(blob_id)" json:"blob_id"`
CreationTime time.Time `orm:"column(creation_time);auto_now_add" json:"creation_time"`
// TableName ...
func (*ProjectBlob) TableName() string {
return "project_blob"
// Blob holds the details of a blob.
type Blob struct {
ID int64 `orm:"pk;auto;column(id)" json:"id"`
Digest string `orm:"column(digest)" json:"digest"`
ContentType string `orm:"column(content_type)" json:"content_type"`
Size int64 `orm:"column(size)" json:"size"`
Status string `orm:"column(status)" json:"status"`
UpdateTime time.Time `orm:"column(update_time);auto_now_add" json:"update_time"`
Version int64 `orm:"column(version)" json:"version"`
CreationTime time.Time `orm:"column(creation_time);auto_now_add" json:"creation_time"`
// TableName ...
func (b *Blob) TableName() string {
return "blob"
// IsForeignLayer returns true if the blob is foreign layer
func (b *Blob) IsForeignLayer() bool {
return b.ContentType == schema2.MediaTypeForeignLayer
// IsManifest returns true if the blob is manifest layer
func (b *Blob) IsManifest() bool {
return b.ContentType == schema2.MediaTypeManifest ||
b.ContentType == schema1.MediaTypeManifest || b.ContentType == schema1.MediaTypeSignedManifest ||
b.ContentType == v1.MediaTypeImageManifest || b.ContentType == v1.MediaTypeImageIndex ||
b.ContentType == manifestlist.MediaTypeManifestList
// FilterByArtifactDigest returns orm.QuerySeter with artifact digest filter
func (b *Blob) FilterByArtifactDigest(_ context.Context, qs orm.QuerySeter, _ string, value interface{}) orm.QuerySeter {
v, ok := value.(string)
if !ok {
return qs
sql := fmt.Sprintf("IN (SELECT digest_blob FROM artifact_blob WHERE digest_af IN (%s))", `'`+v+`'`)
return qs.FilterRaw("digest", sql)
// FilterByArtifactDigests returns orm.QuerySeter with artifact digests filter
func (b *Blob) FilterByArtifactDigests(_ context.Context, qs orm.QuerySeter, _ string, value interface{}) orm.QuerySeter {
artifactDigests, ok := value.([]string)
if !ok {
return qs
var afs []string
for _, v := range artifactDigests {
afs = append(afs, `'`+v+`'`)
sql := fmt.Sprintf("IN (SELECT digest_blob FROM artifact_blob WHERE digest_af IN (%s))", strings.Join(afs, ","))
return qs.FilterRaw("digest", sql)
// FilterByProjectID returns orm.QuerySeter with project id filter
func (b *Blob) FilterByProjectID(_ context.Context, qs orm.QuerySeter, _ string, value interface{}) orm.QuerySeter {
projectID, ok := value.(int64)
if !ok {
return qs
return qs.FilterRaw("id", fmt.Sprintf("IN (SELECT blob_id FROM project_blob WHERE project_id = %d)", projectID))