
251 lines
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// Copyright Project Harbor Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package models
import (
allowlist "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/pkg/allowlist/models"
const (
// ProjectTable is the table name for project
ProjectTable = "project"
// ProjectPublic means project is public
ProjectPublic = "public"
// ProjectPrivate means project is private
ProjectPrivate = "private"
func init() {
// Project holds the details of a project.
type Project struct {
ProjectID int64 `orm:"pk;auto;column(project_id)" json:"project_id"`
OwnerID int `orm:"column(owner_id)" json:"owner_id"`
Name string `orm:"column(name)" json:"name" sort:"default"`
CreationTime time.Time `orm:"column(creation_time);auto_now_add" json:"creation_time"`
UpdateTime time.Time `orm:"column(update_time);auto_now" json:"update_time"`
Deleted bool `orm:"column(deleted)" json:"deleted"`
OwnerName string `orm:"-" json:"owner_name"`
Role int `orm:"-" json:"current_user_role_id"`
RoleList []int `orm:"-" json:"current_user_role_ids"`
RepoCount int64 `orm:"-" json:"repo_count"`
Metadata map[string]string `orm:"-" json:"metadata"`
CVEAllowlist allowlist.CVEAllowlist `orm:"-" json:"cve_allowlist"`
RegistryID int64 `orm:"column(registry_id)" json:"registry_id"`
// NamesQuery ...
type NamesQuery struct {
Names []string // the names of project
WithPublic bool // include the public projects
// GetMetadata ...
func (p *Project) GetMetadata(key string) (string, bool) {
if len(p.Metadata) == 0 {
return "", false
value, exist := p.Metadata[key]
return value, exist
// SetMetadata ...
func (p *Project) SetMetadata(key, value string) {
if p.Metadata == nil {
p.Metadata = map[string]string{}
p.Metadata[key] = value
// IsPublic ...
func (p *Project) IsPublic() bool {
public, exist := p.GetMetadata(ProMetaPublic)
if !exist {
return false
return isTrue(public)
// IsProxy returns true when the project type is proxy cache
func (p *Project) IsProxy() bool {
return p.RegistryID > 0
// ContentTrustEnabled ...
func (p *Project) ContentTrustEnabled() bool {
enabled, exist := p.GetMetadata(ProMetaEnableContentTrust)
if !exist {
return false
return isTrue(enabled)
// VulPrevented ...
func (p *Project) ContentTrustCosignEnabled() bool {
enabled, exist := p.GetMetadata(ProMetaEnableContentTrustCosign)
if !exist {
return false
return isTrue(enabled)
// VulPrevented ...
func (p *Project) VulPrevented() bool {
prevent, exist := p.GetMetadata(ProMetaPreventVul)
if !exist {
return false
return isTrue(prevent)
// ReuseSysCVEAllowlist ...
func (p *Project) ReuseSysCVEAllowlist() bool {
r, ok := p.GetMetadata(ProMetaReuseSysCVEAllowlist)
if !ok {
return true
return isTrue(r)
// Severity ...
func (p *Project) Severity() string {
severity, exist := p.GetMetadata(ProMetaSeverity)
if !exist {
return ""
return severity
// AutoScan ...
func (p *Project) AutoScan() bool {
auto, exist := p.GetMetadata(ProMetaAutoScan)
if !exist {
return false
return isTrue(auto)
// FilterByPublic returns orm.QuerySeter with public filter
func (p *Project) FilterByPublic(_ context.Context, qs orm.QuerySeter, _ string, value interface{}) orm.QuerySeter {
subQuery := `SELECT project_id FROM project_metadata WHERE name = 'public' AND value = '%s'`
if isTrue(value) {
subQuery = fmt.Sprintf(subQuery, "true")
} else {
subQuery = fmt.Sprintf(subQuery, "false")
return qs.FilterRaw("project_id", fmt.Sprintf("IN (%s)", subQuery))
// FilterByOwner returns orm.QuerySeter with owner filter
func (p *Project) FilterByOwner(_ context.Context, qs orm.QuerySeter, _ string, value interface{}) orm.QuerySeter {
username, ok := value.(string)
if !ok {
return qs
return qs.FilterRaw("owner_id", fmt.Sprintf("IN (SELECT user_id FROM harbor_user WHERE username = %s)", orm.QuoteLiteral(username)))
// FilterByMember returns orm.QuerySeter with member filter
func (p *Project) FilterByMember(_ context.Context, qs orm.QuerySeter, _ string, value interface{}) orm.QuerySeter {
query, ok := value.(*MemberQuery)
if !ok {
return qs
subQuery := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT project_id FROM project_member WHERE entity_id = %d AND entity_type = 'u'`, query.UserID)
if query.Role > 0 {
subQuery = fmt.Sprintf("%s AND role = %d", subQuery, query.Role)
if query.WithPublic {
subQuery = fmt.Sprintf("(%s) UNION (SELECT project_id FROM project_metadata WHERE name = 'public' AND value = 'true')", subQuery)
if len(query.GroupIDs) > 0 {
var elems []string
for _, groupID := range query.GroupIDs {
elems = append(elems, strconv.Itoa(groupID))
tpl := "(%s) UNION (SELECT project_id FROM project_member pm, user_group ug WHERE pm.entity_id = ug.id AND pm.entity_type = 'g' AND ug.id IN (%s))"
subQuery = fmt.Sprintf(tpl, subQuery, strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(elems, ", ")))
return qs.FilterRaw("project_id", fmt.Sprintf("IN (%s)", subQuery))
// FilterByNames returns orm.QuerySeter with name filter
func (p *Project) FilterByNames(_ context.Context, qs orm.QuerySeter, _ string, value interface{}) orm.QuerySeter {
query, ok := value.(*NamesQuery)
if !ok {
return qs
if len(query.Names) == 0 {
return qs
var names []string
for _, v := range query.Names {
names = append(names, `'`+v+`'`)
subQuery := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT project_id FROM project where name IN (%s)", strings.Join(names, ","))
if query.WithPublic {
subQuery = fmt.Sprintf("(%s) UNION (SELECT project_id FROM project_metadata WHERE name = 'public' AND value = 'true')", subQuery)
return qs.FilterRaw("project_id", fmt.Sprintf("IN (%s)", subQuery))
func isTrue(i interface{}) bool {
switch value := i.(type) {
case bool:
return value
case string:
v := strings.ToLower(value)
return v == "true" || v == "1"
return false
// TableName is required by beego orm to map Project to table project
func (p *Project) TableName() string {
return ProjectTable
// Projects the connection for Project
type Projects []*Project
// OwnerIDs returns all the owner ids from the projects
func (projects Projects) OwnerIDs() []int {
var ownerIDs []int
for _, project := range projects {
ownerIDs = append(ownerIDs, project.OwnerID)
return ownerIDs