
273 lines
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// Copyright Project Harbor Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
cfgModels "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/lib/config/models"
// It contains all user related configurations, each of user related settings requires a context provided
// GetSystemCfg returns the all configurations
func GetSystemCfg(ctx context.Context) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
sysCfg := DefaultMgr().GetAll(ctx)
if len(sysCfg) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("can not load system config, the database might be down")
return sysCfg, nil
// AuthMode ...
func AuthMode(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
mgr := DefaultMgr()
err := mgr.Load(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to load config, error %v", err)
return "db_auth", err
return mgr.Get(ctx, common.AUTHMode).GetString(), nil
// LDAPConf returns the setting of ldap server
func LDAPConf(ctx context.Context) (*cfgModels.LdapConf, error) {
mgr := DefaultMgr()
err := mgr.Load(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &cfgModels.LdapConf{
URL: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPURL).GetString(),
SearchDn: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPSearchDN).GetString(),
SearchPassword: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPSearchPwd).GetString(),
BaseDn: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPBaseDN).GetString(),
UID: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPUID).GetString(),
Filter: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPFilter).GetString(),
Scope: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPScope).GetInt(),
ConnectionTimeout: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPTimeout).GetInt(),
VerifyCert: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPVerifyCert).GetBool(),
}, nil
// LDAPGroupConf returns the setting of ldap group search
func LDAPGroupConf(ctx context.Context) (*cfgModels.GroupConf, error) {
mgr := DefaultMgr()
err := mgr.Load(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &cfgModels.GroupConf{
BaseDN: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPGroupBaseDN).GetString(),
Filter: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPGroupSearchFilter).GetString(),
NameAttribute: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPGroupAttributeName).GetString(),
SearchScope: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPGroupSearchScope).GetInt(),
AdminDN: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPGroupAdminDn).GetString(),
MembershipAttribute: mgr.Get(ctx, common.LDAPGroupMembershipAttribute).GetString(),
}, nil
// SessionTimeout returns the session timeout for web (in minute).
func SessionTimeout(ctx context.Context) int64 {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.SessionTimeout).GetInt64()
// TokenExpiration returns the token expiration time (in minute)
func TokenExpiration(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.TokenExpiration).GetInt(), nil
// RobotTokenDuration returns the token expiration time of robot account (in minute)
func RobotTokenDuration(ctx context.Context) int {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.RobotTokenDuration).GetInt()
// SelfRegistration returns the enablement of self registration
func SelfRegistration(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.SelfRegistration).GetBool(), nil
// OnlyAdminCreateProject returns the flag to restrict that only sys admin can create project
func OnlyAdminCreateProject(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
err := DefaultMgr().Load(ctx)
if err != nil {
return true, err
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.ProjectCreationRestriction).GetString() == common.ProCrtRestrAdmOnly, nil
// UAASettings returns the UAASettings to access UAA service.
func UAASettings(ctx context.Context) (*models.UAASettings, error) {
mgr := DefaultMgr()
err := mgr.Load(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
us := &models.UAASettings{
Endpoint: mgr.Get(ctx, common.UAAEndpoint).GetString(),
ClientID: mgr.Get(ctx, common.UAAClientID).GetString(),
ClientSecret: mgr.Get(ctx, common.UAAClientSecret).GetString(),
VerifyCert: mgr.Get(ctx, common.UAAVerifyCert).GetBool(),
return us, nil
// ReadOnly returns a bool to indicates if Harbor is in read only mode.
func ReadOnly(ctx context.Context) bool {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.ReadOnly).GetBool()
// HTTPAuthProxySetting returns the setting of HTTP Auth proxy. the settings are only meaningful when the auth_mode is
// set to http_auth
func HTTPAuthProxySetting(ctx context.Context) (*cfgModels.HTTPAuthProxy, error) {
mgr := DefaultMgr()
if err := mgr.Load(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &cfgModels.HTTPAuthProxy{
Endpoint: mgr.Get(ctx, common.HTTPAuthProxyEndpoint).GetString(),
TokenReviewEndpoint: mgr.Get(ctx, common.HTTPAuthProxyTokenReviewEndpoint).GetString(),
AdminGroups: SplitAndTrim(mgr.Get(ctx, common.HTTPAuthProxyAdminGroups).GetString(), ","),
AdminUsernames: SplitAndTrim(mgr.Get(ctx, common.HTTPAuthProxyAdminUsernames).GetString(), ","),
VerifyCert: mgr.Get(ctx, common.HTTPAuthProxyVerifyCert).GetBool(),
SkipSearch: mgr.Get(ctx, common.HTTPAuthProxySkipSearch).GetBool(),
ServerCertificate: mgr.Get(ctx, common.HTTPAuthProxyServerCertificate).GetString(),
}, nil
// OIDCSetting returns the setting of OIDC provider, currently there's only one OIDC provider allowed for Harbor and it's
// only effective when auth_mode is set to oidc_auth
func OIDCSetting(ctx context.Context) (*cfgModels.OIDCSetting, error) {
mgr := DefaultMgr()
if err := mgr.Load(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
scopeStr := mgr.Get(ctx, common.OIDCScope).GetString()
extEndpoint := strings.TrimSuffix(mgr.Get(context.Background(), common.ExtEndpoint).GetString(), "/")
scope := SplitAndTrim(scopeStr, ",")
return &cfgModels.OIDCSetting{
Name: mgr.Get(ctx, common.OIDCName).GetString(),
Endpoint: mgr.Get(ctx, common.OIDCEndpoint).GetString(),
VerifyCert: mgr.Get(ctx, common.OIDCVerifyCert).GetBool(),
AutoOnboard: mgr.Get(ctx, common.OIDCAutoOnboard).GetBool(),
ClientID: mgr.Get(ctx, common.OIDCCLientID).GetString(),
ClientSecret: mgr.Get(ctx, common.OIDCClientSecret).GetString(),
GroupsClaim: mgr.Get(ctx, common.OIDCGroupsClaim).GetString(),
GroupFilter: mgr.Get(ctx, common.OIDCGroupFilter).GetString(),
AdminGroup: mgr.Get(ctx, common.OIDCAdminGroup).GetString(),
RedirectURL: extEndpoint + common.OIDCCallbackPath,
Scope: scope,
UserClaim: mgr.Get(ctx, common.OIDCUserClaim).GetString(),
ExtraRedirectParms: mgr.Get(ctx, common.OIDCExtraRedirectParms).GetStringToStringMap(),
}, nil
// GDPRSetting returns the setting of GDPR
func GDPRSetting(ctx context.Context) (*cfgModels.GDPRSetting, error) {
if err := DefaultMgr().Load(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &cfgModels.GDPRSetting{
DeleteUser: DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.GDPRDeleteUser).GetBool(),
AuditLogs: DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.GDPRAuditLogs).GetBool(),
}, nil
// NotificationEnable returns a bool to indicates if notification enabled in harbor
func NotificationEnable(ctx context.Context) bool {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.NotificationEnable).GetBool()
// QuotaPerProjectEnable returns a bool to indicates if quota per project enabled in harbor
func QuotaPerProjectEnable(ctx context.Context) bool {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.QuotaPerProjectEnable).GetBool()
// QuotaSetting returns the setting of quota.
func QuotaSetting(ctx context.Context) (*cfgModels.QuotaSetting, error) {
if err := DefaultMgr().Load(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &cfgModels.QuotaSetting{
StoragePerProject: DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.StoragePerProject).GetInt64(),
}, nil
// RobotPrefix user defined robot name prefix.
func RobotPrefix(ctx context.Context) string {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.RobotNamePrefix).GetString()
// SplitAndTrim ...
func SplitAndTrim(s, sep string) []string {
res := make([]string, 0)
for _, s := range strings.Split(s, sep) {
if e := strings.TrimSpace(s); len(e) > 0 {
res = append(res, e)
return res
// PullCountUpdateDisable returns a bool to indicate if pull count is disable for pull request.
func PullCountUpdateDisable(ctx context.Context) bool {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.PullCountUpdateDisable).GetBool()
// PullTimeUpdateDisable returns a bool to indicate if pull time is disable for pull request.
func PullTimeUpdateDisable(ctx context.Context) bool {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.PullTimeUpdateDisable).GetBool()
// PullAuditLogDisable returns a bool to indicate if pull audit log is disable for pull request.
func PullAuditLogDisable(ctx context.Context) bool {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.PullAuditLogDisable).GetBool()
// AuditLogForwardEndpoint returns the audit log forward endpoint
func AuditLogForwardEndpoint(ctx context.Context) string {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.AuditLogForwardEndpoint).GetString()
// SkipAuditLogDatabase returns the audit log forward endpoint
func SkipAuditLogDatabase(ctx context.Context) bool {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.SkipAuditLogDatabase).GetBool()
// AuditLogTrackIPAddress enables ip address tracking
func AuditLogTrackIPAddress(ctx context.Context) bool {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.AuditLogTrackIPAddress).GetBool()
// AuditLogTrackUserAgent enables user info tracking
func AuditLogTrackUserAgent(ctx context.Context) bool {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.AuditLogTrackUserAgent).GetBool()
// ScannerSkipUpdatePullTime returns the scanner skip update pull time setting
func ScannerSkipUpdatePullTime(ctx context.Context) bool {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.ScannerSkipUpdatePullTime).GetBool()
// BannerMessage returns the customized banner message
func BannerMessage(ctx context.Context) string {
return DefaultMgr().Get(ctx, common.BannerMessage).GetString()