danfengliu f0ebd17994 Add build base image step in build package git action workflow
Build base image step should be in build package workflow, and local base images build by new step should be removed since images have been pushed to docker hub.

Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
2021-04-17 18:10:44 +08:00

98 lines
5.5 KiB

# Copyright Project Harbor Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to Unified OVA
*** Variables ***
${ova_root_pwd} ova-test-root-pwd
${ova_appliance_options} --prop:root_pwd=${ova_root_pwd} --prop:permit_root_login=true
${ova_target_vm_name} harbor-unified-ova-integration-test
${ovftool_options} --noSSLVerify --acceptAllEulas --name=${ova_target_vm_name} --diskMode=thin --powerOn --X:waitForIp --X:injectOvfEnv --X:enableHiddenProperties
${ova_network_searchpath} eng.vmware.com
${ova_network_domain} mrburns
${ova_network_options} --prop:network.ip0=${ova_network_ip0} --prop:network.netmask0=${ova_network_netmask0} --prop:network.gateway=${ova_network_gateway} --prop:network.DNS=${ova_network_dns} --prop:network.searchpath=${ova_network_searchpath} --prop:network.domain=${ova_network_domain}
${ova_harbor_admin_password} harbor-admin-passwd
${ova_harbor_db_password} harbor-db-passwd
#${ova_service_options} --prop:auth_mode="%{AUTH_MODE}" --prop:max_job_workers="%{MAX_JOB_WORKERS}" --prop:harbor_admin_password="%{HARBOR_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" --prop:db_password="%{DB_PASSWORD}"
#${ova_options} ${ovftool_options} ${ova_appliance_options} ${ova_service_options}
#${ova_options_with_network} ${ova_options} ${ova_network_options}
${tls_not_disabled} False
*** Keywords ***
# Requires vc credential for govc
Deploy Harbor-OVA To Test Server
[Arguments] ${dhcp} ${protocol} ${build} ${user} ${password} ${ova_path} ${host} ${datastore} ${cluster} ${datacenter}
Log To Console \nCleanup environment...
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run GOVC_URL=${host} GOVC_USERNAME=${user} GOVC_PASSWORD=${password} GOVC_INSECURE=1 govc vm.destroy ${ova_target_vm_name}
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run GOVC_URL=${host} GOVC_USERNAME=${user} GOVC_PASSWORD=${password} GOVC_INSECURE=1 govc object.destroy /${datacenter}/vm/${ova_target_vm_name}
Log To Console \nStarting to deploy unified-ova to test server...
Run Keyword If ${dhcp} Log To Console ovftool --datastore=${datastore} ${ova_options} ${ova_path} 'vi://${user}:${password}@${host}/${datacenter}/host/${cluster}'
... ELSE Log To Console ovftool --datastore=${datastore} ${ova_options_with_network} ${ova_path} 'vi://${user}:${password}@${host}/${datacenter}/host/${cluster}'
${out}= Run Keyword If ${dhcp} Run ovftool --datastore=${datastore} ${ova_options} ${ova_path} 'vi://${user}:${password}@${host}/${datacenter}/host/${cluster}'
... ELSE Run ovftool --datastore=${datastore} ${ova_options_with_network} ${ova_path} 'vi://${user}:${password}@${host}/${datacenter}/host/${cluster}'
Should Contain ${out} Received IP address:
Should Not Contain ${out} None
${out}= Run GOVC_URL=${host} GOVC_USERNAME=${user} GOVC_PASSWORD=${password} GOVC_INSECURE=1 govc ls /ha-datacenter/host/cls/
${out}= Split To Lines ${out}
${idx}= Set Variable 1
:FOR ${line} IN @{out}
\ Continue For Loop If '${line}' == '/ha-datacenter/host/cls/Resources'
\ ${ip}= Fetch From Right ${line} /
\ Set Suite Variable ${esx${idx}-ip} ${ip}
\ ${idx}= Evaluate ${idx}+1
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run GOVC_URL=${host} GOVC_USERNAME=${user} GOVC_PASSWORD=${password} GOVC_INSECURE=1 govc host.esxcli -host.ip=${esx1-ip} system settings advanced set -o /Net/GuestIPHack -i 1
${ip}= Run GOVC_URL=${host} GOVC_USERNAME=${user} GOVC_PASSWORD=${password} GOVC_INSECURE=1 govc vm.ip -esxcli harbor-unified-ova-integration-test
Set Environment Variable HARBOR_IP ${ip}
Log To Console \nHarbor IP: %{HARBOR_IP}
Wait for Harbor Ready ${protocol} %{HARBOR_IP}
[Return] %{HARBOR_IP}
# Requires vc credential for govc
Cleanup Harbor-OVA On Test Server
[Arguments] ${url}=%{GOVC_URL} ${username}=%{GOVC_USERNAME} ${password}=%{GOVC_PASSWORD}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output GOVC_URL=${url} GOVC_USERNAME=${username} GOVC_PASSWORD=${password} GOVC_INSECURE=1 govc vm.destroy ${ova_target_vm_name}
Log ${output}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run GOVC_URL=${url} GOVC_USERNAME=${username} GOVC_PASSWORD=${password} GOVC_INSECURE=1 govc object.destroy /%{TEST_DATACENTER}/vm/${ova_target_vm_name}
Log To Console \nUnified-OVA deployment is cleaned up on test server
Build Unified OVA
[Arguments] ${user}=%{TEST_USERNAME} ${password}=%{TEST_PASSWORD} ${host}=%{TEST_URL}
Log To Console \nStarting to build Unified OVA...
Log To Console \nRemove stale local OVA artifacts
Run Remove OVA Artifacts Locally
${out}= Run PACKER_ESX_HOST=${host} PACKER_USER=${user} PACKER_PASSWORD=${password} make ova-release
Log ${out}
@{out}= Split To Lines ${out}
Should Not Contain @{out}[-1] Error
Log To Console \nUnified OVA is built successfully