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import {throwError as observableThrowError, Observable } from "rxjs";
import { Injectable, Inject } from "@angular/core";
import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
import { map, catchError } from "rxjs/operators";
import {HttpErrorResponse} from "@angular/common/http";
import { HelmChartItem, HelmChartVersion, HelmChartDetail } from "./helm-chart.interface.service";
import { RequestQueryParams } from "../../../lib/services";
import { IServiceConfig, SERVICE_CONFIG } from "../../../lib/entities/service.config";
import { HTTP_GET_OPTIONS, HTTP_JSON_OPTIONS } from "../../../lib/utils/utils";
* Define service methods for handling the helmchart related things.
* Loose couple with project module.
* @abstract
* class RepositoryService
export abstract class HelmChartService {
* Get all helm charts info
* ** deprecated param projectName Id of the project
* ** deprecated param queryParams options params for query data
abstract getHelmCharts(
projectName: string,
queryParams?: RequestQueryParams
): Observable<HelmChartItem[]>;
* Delete an helmchart
* ** deprecated param projectId Id of the project
* ** deprecated param chartId ID of helmChart in this specific project
abstract deleteHelmChart(projectId: number | string, chartName: string): Observable<any>;
* Get all the versions of helmchart
* ** deprecated param projectName Id of the project
* ** deprecated param chartName ID of the helm chart
* ** deprecated param queryParams option params for query
abstract getChartVersions(
projectName: string,
chartName: string,
): Observable<HelmChartVersion[]>;
* Delete a version of helmchart
* ** deprecated param projectName ID of the project
* ** deprecated param chartName ID of the chart you want to delete
* ** deprecated param version name of the version
abstract deleteChartVersion(projectName: string, chartName: string, version: string): Observable<any>;
* Get the all details of an helmchart
* ** deprecated param projectName ID of the project
* ** deprecated param chartname ID of the chart
* ** deprecated param version name of the chart's version
* ** deprecated param queryParams options
abstract getChartDetail(
projectName: string,
chartname: string,
version: string,
): Observable<HelmChartDetail>;
* Download an specific verison
* ** deprecated param projectName ID of the project
* ** deprecated param filename ID of the helm chart
* ** deprecated param version Name of version
* ** deprecated param queryParams options
abstract downloadChart(
projectName: string,
filename: string,
): Observable<any>;
* Upload chart and prov files to chartmuseam
* ** deprecated param projectName Name of the project
* ** deprecated param chart chart file
* ** deprecated param prov prov file
abstract uploadChart (
projectName: string,
chart: File,
prov: File
): Observable<any>;
* Implement default service for helm chart.
export class HelmChartDefaultService extends HelmChartService {
private http: HttpClient,
@Inject(SERVICE_CONFIG) private config: IServiceConfig
) {
private handleErrorObservable(error: HttpErrorResponse) {
return observableThrowError(error.error || error);
public getHelmCharts(
projectName: string,
): Observable<HelmChartItem[]> {
if (!projectName) {
return observableThrowError("Bad argument, No project id to get helm charts");
return this.http
.get<HelmChartItem[]>(`${this.config.helmChartEndpoint}/${projectName}/charts`, HTTP_GET_OPTIONS)
map(response => response || []),
catchError(error => this.handleErrorObservable(error))
public deleteHelmChart(projectId: number | string, chartName: string): Observable<any> {
if (!chartName) {
observableThrowError("Bad argument");
return this.http
.pipe(map(response => {
return response || [];
public getChartVersions(
projectName: string,
chartName: string,
): Observable<HelmChartVersion[]> {
return this.http.get<HelmChartVersion[]>(`${this.config.helmChartEndpoint}/${projectName}/charts/${chartName}`, HTTP_GET_OPTIONS)
map(response => response || []),
public deleteChartVersion(projectName: string, chartName: string, version: string): any {
return this.http.delete(`${this.config.helmChartEndpoint}/${projectName}/charts/${chartName}/${version}`, HTTP_JSON_OPTIONS)
.pipe(map(response => {
return response || [];
public getChartDetail (
projectName: string,
chartName: string,
version: string,
): Observable<HelmChartDetail> {
return this.http.get<HelmChartDetail>(`${this.config.helmChartEndpoint}/${projectName}/charts/${chartName}/${version}`)
public downloadChart(
projectName: string,
filename: string,
): Observable<any> {
let url: string;
let chartFileRegexPattern = new RegExp('^http.*/chartrepo/(.*)');
if (chartFileRegexPattern.test(filename)) {
let match = filename.match('^http.*/chartrepo/(.*)');
url = `${this.config.downloadChartEndpoint}/${match[1]}`;
} else {
url = `${this.config.downloadChartEndpoint}/${projectName}/${filename}`;
return this.http.get(url, {
responseType: 'blob',
.pipe(map(response => {
return {
filename: filename.split('/')[1],
data: response
public uploadChart(
projectName: string,
chart?: File,
prov?: File
): Observable<any> {
let formData = new FormData();
let uploadURL = `${this.config.helmChartEndpoint}/${projectName}/charts`;
if (chart) {
formData.append('chart', chart);
if (prov) {
formData.append('prov', prov);
if (!chart) {
uploadURL = `${this.config.helmChartEndpoint}/${projectName}/prov`;
return this.http.post(uploadURL, formData, {
responseType: 'json'
.pipe(map(response => response || []))