Deng, Qian 8feb49c64e Feature of helm chart UI
1. Add Charts list view
2. Add Charts card view
3. Add Chart version list view
4. Add chart version card view
5. Add Chart Detail Summary
6. Add Chart Detail Value
6. Add Chart Detail Deps
7. Update nodeclarity Dockerfile
8. Add markdown support
9. Add package-lock file to src
2018-08-01 13:20:06 +08:00

23 lines
358 B

set -e
cd /harbor_src
mv /harbor_resources/node_modules ./
npm install -q --no-progress
## Build harbor-ui and link it
npm run build:lib
## Link harbor-ui
chmod -R +xr /harbor_src/lib/dist
cd /harbor_src/lib/dist
npm link
cd /harbor_src
npm link harbor-ui
npm run build
npm run test > ./npm-ut-test-results
rm -rf /harbor_src/node_modules