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// Copyright Project Harbor Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package scan
import (
// Report of the scan.
// Identified by the `digest`, `registration_uuid` and `mime_type`.
type Report struct {
ID int64 `orm:"pk;auto;column(id)"`
UUID string `orm:"unique;column(uuid)"`
Digest string `orm:"column(digest)"`
RegistrationUUID string `orm:"column(registration_uuid)"`
MimeType string `orm:"column(mime_type)"`
Report string `orm:"column(report);type(json)"`
CriticalCnt int64 `orm:"column(critical_cnt)"`
HighCnt int64 `orm:"column(high_cnt)"`
MediumCnt int64 `orm:"column(medium_cnt)"`
LowCnt int64 `orm:"column(low_cnt)"`
UnknownCnt int64 `orm:"column(unknown_cnt)"`
NoneCnt int64 `orm:"column(none_cnt)"`
FixableCnt int64 `orm:"column(fixable_cnt)"`
Status string `orm:"-"`
StartTime time.Time `orm:"-"`
EndTime time.Time `orm:"-"`
// TableName for Report
func (r *Report) TableName() string {
return "scan_report"
// TableUnique for Report
func (r *Report) TableUnique() [][]string {
return [][]string{
{"digest", "registration_uuid", "mime_type"},
// VulnerabilityRecord of an individual vulnerability. Identifies an individual vulnerability item in the scan.
// Since multiple scanners could be registered with the projects, each scanner
// would have it's own definition for the same CVE ID. Hence a CVE ID is qualified along
// with the ID of the scanner that owns the CVE record definition.
// The scanner ID would be the same as the RegistrationUUID field of Report.
// Identified by the `cve_id` and `registration_uuid`.
// Relates to the image using the `digest` and to the report using the `report UUID` field
type VulnerabilityRecord struct {
ID int64 `orm:"pk;auto;column(id)"`
CVEID string `orm:"column(cve_id)"`
RegistrationUUID string `orm:"column(registration_uuid)"`
Package string `orm:"column(package)"`
PackageVersion string `orm:"column(package_version)"`
PackageType string `orm:"column(package_type)"`
Severity string `orm:"column(severity)"`
Fix string `orm:"column(fixed_version);null"`
URLs string `orm:"column(urls);null"`
CVE3Score *float64 `orm:"column(cvss_score_v3);null"`
CVE2Score *float64 `orm:"column(cvss_score_v2);null"`
CVSS3Vector string `orm:"column(cvss_vector_v3);null"` // e.g. CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
CVSS2Vector string `orm:"column(cvss_vector_v2);null"` // e.g. AV:L/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N
Description string `orm:"column(description);null"`
CWEIDs string `orm:"column(cwe_ids);null"` // e.g. CWE-476,CWE-123,CWE-234
VendorAttributes string `orm:"column(vendor_attributes);type(json);null"`
// TableName for VulnerabilityRecord
func (vr *VulnerabilityRecord) TableName() string {
return "vulnerability_record"
// TableUnique for VulnerabilityRecord
func (vr *VulnerabilityRecord) TableUnique() [][]string {
return [][]string{
{"cve_id", "registration_uuid", "package", "package_version"},
// GetID returns the ID of the record
func (vr *VulnerabilityRecord) GetID() int64 {
return vr.ID
// Key returns the uniq key of the vuln
func (vr *VulnerabilityRecord) Key() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", vr.CVEID, vr.Package, vr.PackageVersion)
// ReportVulnerabilityRecord is relation table required to optimize data storage for both the
// vulnerability records and the scan report.
// identified by composite key (ID, Report)
// Since each scan report has a separate UUID, the composite key
// would ensure that the immutability of the historical scan reports is guaranteed.
// It is sufficient to store the int64 VulnerabilityRecord Id since the vulnerability records
// are uniquely identified in the table based on the ScannerID and the CVEID
type ReportVulnerabilityRecord struct {
ID int64 `orm:"pk;auto;column(id)"`
Report string `orm:"column(report_uuid);"`
VulnRecordID int64 `orm:"column(vuln_record_id);"`
// TableName for ReportVulnerabilityRecord
func (rvr *ReportVulnerabilityRecord) TableName() string {
return "report_vulnerability_record"
// TableUnique for ReportVulnerabilityRecord
func (rvr *ReportVulnerabilityRecord) TableUnique() [][]string {
return [][]string{
{"report_uuid", "vuln_record_id"},
// GetID returns the ID of the record
func (rvr *ReportVulnerabilityRecord) GetID() int64 {
return rvr.ID