danfengliu a2fc1bcfaf Fix quotas test issue in upgrade pipeline
1. Change way for quotas verification in upgrade pipeline, prepare specific size of image, then it's an known value for verifcation;
2. Add notary key rotate test;
3. For issue brought by docker 20, clean containerd cache is the only effective way, so both dockerd and containerd should be cache cleard and restarted;
4. Upgrade E2E Dockerfile for importing readable file size package, and other issues;
5. Uncomment project level robot account test in nightly.
6. Get DNS from local setting, and set it into docker deamon config file;

Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
2021-03-10 06:27:22 +00:00

278 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright Project Harbor Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides helper functions for docker operations
Library OperatingSystem
Library Process
*** Keywords ***
Run Docker Info
[Arguments] ${docker-params}
Wait Unitl Command Success docker ${docker-params} info
Pull image
[Arguments] ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} ${project} ${image} ${tag}=${null} ${is_robot}=${false}
Log To Console \nRunning docker pull ${image}...
${image_with_tag}= Set Variable If '${tag}'=='${null}' ${image} ${image}:${tag}
Run Keyword If ${is_robot}==${false} Wait Unitl Command Success docker login -u ${user} -p ${pwd} ${ip}
... ELSE Wait Unitl Command Success docker login -u robot\\\$${project}+${user} -p ${pwd} ${ip}
${output}= Docker Pull ${ip}/${project}/${image_with_tag}
Log ${output}
Log To Console ${output}
Should Contain ${output} Digest:
Should Contain ${output} Status:
Should Not Contain ${output} No such image:
#Remove image for docker 20
Clean All Local Images
Push image
# If no tag provided in $(image_with_or_without_tag}, latest will be the tag pulled from docker-hub or read from local
[Arguments] ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} ${project} ${image_with_or_without_tag} ${need_pull_first}=${true} ${sha256}=${null} ${is_robot}=${false}
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${image_in_use}= Set Variable If '${sha256}'=='${null}' ${image_with_or_without_tag} ${image_with_or_without_tag}@sha256:${sha256}
${image_in_use_with_tag}= Set Variable If '${sha256}'=='${null}' ${image_with_or_without_tag} ${image_with_or_without_tag}:${sha256}
Sleep 3
Log To Console \nRunning docker push ${image_with_or_without_tag}...
${image_in_use}= Set Variable If ${need_pull_first}==${true} ${image_in_use} ${image_with_or_without_tag}
Run Keyword If ${need_pull_first}==${true} Docker Pull ${LOCAL_REGISTRY}/${LOCAL_REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}/${image_in_use}
Run Keyword If ${is_robot}==${false} Wait Unitl Command Success docker login -u ${user} -p ${pwd} ${ip}
... ELSE Wait Unitl Command Success docker login -u robot\\\$${project}+${user} -p ${pwd} ${ip}
Run Keyword If ${need_pull_first}==${true} Wait Unitl Command Success docker tag ${LOCAL_REGISTRY}/${LOCAL_REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}/${image_in_use} ${ip}/${project}/${image_in_use_with_tag}
... ELSE Wait Unitl Command Success docker tag ${image_in_use} ${ip}/${project}/${image_in_use_with_tag}
Wait Unitl Command Success docker push ${ip}/${project}/${image_in_use_with_tag}
Wait Unitl Command Success docker logout ${ip}
#Remove image for docker 20
Clean All Local Images
Sleep 1
Push Image With Tag
#tag1 is tag of image on docker hub,default latest,use a existed version if you do not want to use latest
[Arguments] ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} ${project} ${image} ${tag} ${tag1}=latest
Log To Console \nRunning docker push ${image}...
Docker Pull ${LOCAL_REGISTRY}/${LOCAL_REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}/${image}:${tag1}
Wait Unitl Command Success docker login -u ${user} -p ${pwd} ${ip}
Wait Unitl Command Success docker tag ${LOCAL_REGISTRY}/${LOCAL_REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}/${image}:${tag1} ${ip}/${project}/${image}:${tag}
Wait Unitl Command Success docker push ${ip}/${project}/${image}:${tag}
Wait Unitl Command Success docker logout ${ip}
#Remove image for docker 20
Clean All Local Images
Clean All Local Images
${rc} ${out}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)
Log All ${out}
${rc} ${out}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run docker system prune -a -f
Log All ${out}
Cannot Docker Login Harbor
[Arguments] ${ip} ${user} ${pwd}
Command Should be Failed docker login -u ${user} -p ${pwd} ${ip}
Cannot Pull Image
[Arguments] ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} ${project} ${image} ${tag}=${null} ${err_msg}=${null}
Restart Process Locally containerd
Restart Process Locally dockerd
${image_with_tag}= Set Variable If '${tag}'=='${null}' ${image} ${image}:${tag}
Wait Unitl Command Success docker login -u ${user} -p ${pwd} ${ip}
FOR ${idx} IN RANGE 0 30
${out} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Command Should be Failed docker pull ${ip}/${project}/${image_with_tag}
Exit For Loop If '${out[0]}'=='PASS'
Sleep 3
Clean All Local Images
Log To Console Cannot Pull Image - Pull Log: ${out[1]}
Should Be Equal As Strings '${out[0]}' 'PASS'
Run Keyword If '${err_msg}' != '${null}' Should Contain ${out[1]} ${err_msg}
Cannot Push image
[Arguments] ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} ${project} ${image} ${err_msg}=${null} ${err_msg_2}=${null}
Log To Console \nRunning docker push ${image}...
Wait Unitl Command Success docker login -u ${user} -p ${pwd} ${ip}
Wait Unitl Command Success docker tag ${LOCAL_REGISTRY}/${LOCAL_REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}/${image} ${ip}/${project}/${image}
${output}= Command Should be Failed docker push ${ip}/${project}/${image}
Log To Console ${output}
Run Keyword If '${err_msg}' != '${null}' Should Contain ${output} ${err_msg}
Run Keyword If '${err_msg_2}' != '${null}' Should Contain ${output} ${err_msg_2}
Wait Unitl Command Success docker logout ${ip}
Clean All Local Images
Wait Until Container Stops
[Arguments] ${container}
FOR ${idx} IN RANGE 0 60
${out}= Run docker %{VCH-PARAMS} inspect ${container} | grep Status
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${out} exited
Return From Keyword If ${status}
Sleep 1
Fail Container did not stop within 60 seconds
Hit Nginx Endpoint
[Arguments] ${vch-ip} ${port}
Wait Unitl Command Success wget ${vch-ip}:${port}
Get Container IP
[Arguments] ${docker-params} ${id} ${network}=default ${dockercmd}=docker
${ip}= Wait Unitl Command Success ${dockercmd} ${docker-params} network inspect ${network} | jq '.[0].Containers."${id}".IPv4Address' | cut -d \\" -f 2 | cut -d \\/ -f 1
[Return] ${ip}
# The local dind version is embedded in Dockerfile
# docker:1.13-dind
# If you are running this keyword in a container, make sure it is run with --privileged turned on
Start Docker Daemon Locally
${pid}= Run pidof dockerd
#${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output ./tests/robot-cases/Group0-Util/docker_config.sh
#Log ${output}
#Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Return From Keyword If '${pid}' != '${EMPTY}'
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist /usr/local/bin/dockerd-entrypoint.sh
${handle}= Start Process /usr/local/bin/dockerd-entrypoint.sh dockerd>./daemon-local.log 2>&1 shell=True
Process Should Be Running ${handle}
${pid}= Run pidof dockerd
Exit For Loop If '${pid}' != '${EMPTY}'
Sleep 2s
Sleep 2s
[Return] ${handle}
Start Containerd Daemon Locally
${handle}= Start Process /usr/local/bin/containerd > ./daemon-local.log 2>&1 & shell=True
${pid}= Run pidof /usr/local/bin/containerd
Log To Console pid: ${pid}
Exit For Loop If '${pid}' != '${EMPTY}'
Sleep 2s
Sleep 2s
[Return] ${handle}
Restart Process Locally
[Arguments] ${process}
${full_process}= Set Variable If
... '${process}'=='containerd' /usr/local/bin/containerd dockerd
${start_process_cmd}= Set Variable If
... '${process}'=='dockerd' /usr/local/bin/dockerd-entrypoint.sh dockerd>./daemon-local.log 2>&1
... '${process}'=='containerd' ${full_process} > ./daemon-local.log 2>&1 &
Should Be True '${start_process_cmd}' != '${EMPTY}'
Run Keyword If '${process}'=='dockerd' OperatingSystem.File Should Exist /usr/local/bin/dockerd-entrypoint.sh
${pid}= Run pidof ${full_process}
Exit For Loop If '${pid}' == '${EMPTY}'
${result}= Run kill ${pid}
Log To Console Kill docker process: ${result}
Sleep 2s
${pid}= Run pidof ${full_process}
Should Be Equal As Strings '${pid}' '${EMPTY}'
${result}= Run rm -rf /var/lib/${process}/*
Log All Clear /var/lib/${process}: ${result}
${handle}= Start Process ${start_process_cmd} shell=True
Log All handle : ${handle}
${pid}= Run pidof ${full_process}
Log All pid : ${pid}
Exit For Loop If '${pid}' != '${EMPTY}'
Sleep 2s
Sleep 2s
#Process Should Be Running ${handle}
${result}= Run ps aux |grep ${full_process}
Log All result : ${result}
[Return] ${handle}
Prepare Docker Cert
[Arguments] ${ip}
Wait Unitl Command Success mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/${ip}
Wait Unitl Command Success cp harbor_ca.crt /etc/docker/certs.d/${ip}
Wait Unitl Command Success cp harbor_ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
Wait Unitl Command Success update-ca-certificates
Prepare Docker Cert For Nightly
[Arguments] ${ip}
Wait Unitl Command Success mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/${ip}
Wait Unitl Command Success cp harbor_ca.crt /etc/docker/certs.d/${ip}
Wait Unitl Command Success cp harbor_ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
#Add pivotal ecs cert for docker manifest push test.
Wait Unitl Command Success cp /ecs_ca/vmwarecert.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
Wait Unitl Command Success update-ca-certificates
Kill Local Docker Daemon
[Arguments] ${handle} ${dockerd-pid}
Terminate Process ${handle}
Process Should Be Stopped ${handle}
Wait Unitl Command Success kill -9 ${dockerd-pid}
Docker Login Fail
[Arguments] ${ip} ${user} ${pwd}
Log To Console \nRunning docker login ${ip} ...
${output}= Command Should be Failed docker login -u ${user} -p ${pwd} ${ip}
Should Contain ${output} unauthorized
Should Not Contain ${output} 500 Internal Server Error
Docker Login
[Arguments] ${server} ${username} ${password}
Wait Unitl Command Success docker login -u ${username} -p ${password} ${server}
Docker Pull
[Arguments] ${image}
${output}= Retry Keyword N Times When Error 6 Wait Unitl Command Success docker pull ${image}
Log All Docker Pull: ${output}
[Return] ${output}
Docker Tag
[Arguments] ${src_image} ${dst_image}
Wait Unitl Command Success docker tag ${src_image} ${dst_image}
Docker Push
[Arguments] ${image}
Wait Unitl Command Success docker push ${image}
Docker Push Index
[Arguments] ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} ${index} ${image1} ${image2}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output ./tests/robot-cases/Group0-Util/docker_push_manifest_list.sh ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} ${index} ${image1} ${image2}
Log ${output}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Docker Image Can Not Be Pulled
[Arguments] ${image}
FOR ${idx} IN RANGE 0 30
${out}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Docker Login "" ${DOCKER_USER} ${DOCKER_PWD}
Log To Console Return value is ${out}
${out}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Command Should be Failed docker pull ${image}
Exit For Loop If '${out[0]}'=='PASS'
Log To Console Docker pull return value is ${out}
Sleep 3
Clean All Local Images
Log To Console Cannot Pull Image From Docker - Pull Log: ${out[1]}
Should Be Equal As Strings '${out[0]}' 'PASS'
Docker Image Can Be Pulled
[Arguments] ${image} ${period}=60 ${times}=2
FOR ${n} IN RANGE 1 ${times}
Sleep ${period}
${out}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Docker Login "" ${DOCKER_USER} ${DOCKER_PWD}
Log To Console Return value is ${out}
${out}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Docker Pull ${image}
Log To Console Return value is ${out[0]}
Exit For Loop If '${out[0]}'=='PASS'
Sleep 5
Clean All Local Images
Run Keyword If '${out[0]}'=='FAIL' Capture Page Screenshot
Should Be Equal As Strings '${out[0]}' 'PASS'