
420 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package dao
import (
// AddRepTarget ...
func AddRepTarget(target models.RepTarget) (int64, error) {
o := GetOrmer()
sql := "insert into replication_target (name, url, username, password, insecure, target_type) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id"
var targetID int64
err := o.Raw(sql, target.Name, target.URL, target.Username, target.Password, target.Insecure, target.Type).QueryRow(&targetID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return targetID, nil
// GetRepTarget ...
func GetRepTarget(id int64) (*models.RepTarget, error) {
o := GetOrmer()
t := models.RepTarget{ID: id}
err := o.Read(&t)
if err == orm.ErrNoRows {
return nil, nil
return &t, err
// GetRepTargetByName ...
func GetRepTargetByName(name string) (*models.RepTarget, error) {
o := GetOrmer()
t := models.RepTarget{Name: name}
err := o.Read(&t, "Name")
if err == orm.ErrNoRows {
return nil, nil
return &t, err
// GetRepTargetByEndpoint ...
func GetRepTargetByEndpoint(endpoint string) (*models.RepTarget, error) {
o := GetOrmer()
t := models.RepTarget{
URL: endpoint,
err := o.Read(&t, "URL")
if err == orm.ErrNoRows {
return nil, nil
return &t, err
// DeleteRepTarget ...
func DeleteRepTarget(id int64) error {
o := GetOrmer()
_, err := o.Delete(&models.RepTarget{ID: id})
return err
// UpdateRepTarget ...
func UpdateRepTarget(target models.RepTarget) error {
o := GetOrmer()
sql := `update replication_target
set url = ?, name = ?, username = ?, password = ?, insecure = ?, update_time = ?
where id = ?`
_, err := o.Raw(sql, target.URL, target.Name, target.Username, target.Password, target.Insecure, time.Now(), target.ID).Exec()
return err
// FilterRepTargets filters targets by name
func FilterRepTargets(name string) ([]*models.RepTarget, error) {
o := GetOrmer()
var args []interface{}
sql := `select * from replication_target `
if len(name) != 0 {
sql += `where name like ? `
args = append(args, "%"+Escape(name)+"%")
sql += `order by creation_time`
var targets []*models.RepTarget
if _, err := o.Raw(sql, args).QueryRows(&targets); err != nil {
return nil, err
return targets, nil
// AddRepPolicy ...
func AddRepPolicy(policy models.RepPolicy) (int64, error) {
o := GetOrmer()
sql := `insert into replication_policy (name, project_id, target_id, enabled, description, cron_str, creation_time, update_time, filters, replicate_deletion)
values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id`
params := []interface{}{}
now := time.Now()
params = append(params, policy.Name, policy.ProjectID, policy.TargetID, true,
policy.Description, policy.Trigger, now, now, policy.Filters,
var policyID int64
err := o.Raw(sql, params...).QueryRow(&policyID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return policyID, nil
// GetRepPolicy ...
func GetRepPolicy(id int64) (*models.RepPolicy, error) {
o := GetOrmer()
sql := `select * from replication_policy where id = ? and deleted = false`
var policy models.RepPolicy
if err := o.Raw(sql, id).QueryRow(&policy); err != nil {
if err == orm.ErrNoRows {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
return &policy, nil
// GetTotalOfRepPolicies returns the total count of replication policies
func GetTotalOfRepPolicies(name string, projectID int64) (int64, error) {
qs := GetOrmer().QueryTable(&models.RepPolicy{}).Filter("deleted", false)
if len(name) != 0 {
qs = qs.Filter("name__icontains", name)
if projectID != 0 {
qs = qs.Filter("project_id", projectID)
return qs.Count()
// FilterRepPolicies filters policies by name and project ID
func FilterRepPolicies(name string, projectID, page, pageSize int64) ([]*models.RepPolicy, error) {
o := GetOrmer()
var args []interface{}
sql := `select rp.id, rp.project_id, rp.target_id,
rt.name as target_name, rp.name, rp.description,
rp.cron_str, rp.filters, rp.replicate_deletion,
rp.creation_time, rp.update_time,
count(rj.status) as error_job_count
from replication_policy rp
left join replication_target rt on rp.target_id=rt.id
left join replication_job rj on rp.id=rj.policy_id and (rj.status='error'
or rj.status='retrying')
where rp.deleted = false `
if len(name) != 0 && projectID != 0 {
sql += `and rp.name like ? and rp.project_id = ? `
args = append(args, "%"+Escape(name)+"%")
args = append(args, projectID)
} else if len(name) != 0 {
sql += `and rp.name like ? `
args = append(args, "%"+Escape(name)+"%")
} else if projectID != 0 {
sql += `and rp.project_id = ? `
args = append(args, projectID)
sql += `group by rt.name, rp.id order by rp.creation_time`
if page > 0 && pageSize > 0 {
sql += ` limit ? offset ?`
args = append(args, pageSize, (page-1)*pageSize)
var policies []*models.RepPolicy
if _, err := o.Raw(sql, args).QueryRows(&policies); err != nil {
return nil, err
return policies, nil
// GetRepPolicyByName ...
func GetRepPolicyByName(name string) (*models.RepPolicy, error) {
o := GetOrmer()
sql := `select * from replication_policy where deleted = false and name = ?`
var policy models.RepPolicy
if err := o.Raw(sql, name).QueryRow(&policy); err != nil {
if err == orm.ErrNoRows {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
return &policy, nil
// GetRepPolicyByProject ...
func GetRepPolicyByProject(projectID int64) ([]*models.RepPolicy, error) {
o := GetOrmer()
sql := `select * from replication_policy where deleted = false and project_id = ?`
var policies []*models.RepPolicy
if _, err := o.Raw(sql, projectID).QueryRows(&policies); err != nil {
return nil, err
return policies, nil
// GetRepPolicyByTarget ...
func GetRepPolicyByTarget(targetID int64) ([]*models.RepPolicy, error) {
o := GetOrmer()
sql := `select * from replication_policy where deleted = false and target_id = ?`
var policies []*models.RepPolicy
if _, err := o.Raw(sql, targetID).QueryRows(&policies); err != nil {
return nil, err
return policies, nil
// GetRepPolicyByProjectAndTarget ...
func GetRepPolicyByProjectAndTarget(projectID, targetID int64) ([]*models.RepPolicy, error) {
o := GetOrmer()
sql := `select * from replication_policy where deleted = false and project_id = ? and target_id = ?`
var policies []*models.RepPolicy
if _, err := o.Raw(sql, projectID, targetID).QueryRows(&policies); err != nil {
return nil, err
return policies, nil
// UpdateRepPolicy ...
func UpdateRepPolicy(policy *models.RepPolicy) error {
o := GetOrmer()
sql := `update replication_policy
set project_id = ?, target_id = ?, name = ?, description = ?, cron_str = ?, filters = ?, replicate_deletion = ?, update_time = ?
where id = ?`
_, err := o.Raw(sql, policy.ProjectID, policy.TargetID, policy.Name, policy.Description, policy.Trigger, policy.Filters, policy.ReplicateDeletion, time.Now(), policy.ID).Exec()
return err
// DeleteRepPolicy ...
func DeleteRepPolicy(id int64) error {
o := GetOrmer()
policy := &models.RepPolicy{
ID: id,
Deleted: true,
UpdateTime: time.Now(),
_, err := o.Update(policy, "Deleted")
return err
// AddRepJob ...
func AddRepJob(job models.RepJob) (int64, error) {
o := GetOrmer()
if len(job.Status) == 0 {
job.Status = models.JobPending
if len(job.TagList) > 0 {
job.Tags = strings.Join(job.TagList, ",")
return o.Insert(&job)
// GetRepJob ...
func GetRepJob(id int64) (*models.RepJob, error) {
o := GetOrmer()
j := models.RepJob{ID: id}
err := o.Read(&j)
if err == orm.ErrNoRows {
return nil, nil
return &j, nil
// GetTotalCountOfRepJobs ...
func GetTotalCountOfRepJobs(query ...*models.RepJobQuery) (int64, error) {
qs := repJobQueryConditions(query...)
return qs.Count()
// GetRepJobs ...
func GetRepJobs(query ...*models.RepJobQuery) ([]*models.RepJob, error) {
jobs := []*models.RepJob{}
qs := repJobQueryConditions(query...)
if len(query) > 0 && query[0] != nil {
qs = paginateForQuerySetter(qs, query[0].Page, query[0].Size)
qs = qs.OrderBy("-UpdateTime")
if _, err := qs.All(&jobs); err != nil {
return jobs, err
return jobs, nil
func repJobQueryConditions(query ...*models.RepJobQuery) orm.QuerySeter {
qs := GetOrmer().QueryTable(new(models.RepJob))
if len(query) == 0 || query[0] == nil {
return qs
q := query[0]
if q.PolicyID != 0 {
qs = qs.Filter("PolicyID", q.PolicyID)
if len(q.Repository) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter("Repository__icontains", q.Repository)
if len(q.Statuses) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter("Status__in", q.Statuses)
if len(q.Operations) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter("Operation__in", q.Operations)
if q.StartTime != nil {
qs = qs.Filter("CreationTime__gte", q.StartTime)
if q.EndTime != nil {
qs = qs.Filter("CreationTime__lte", q.EndTime)
return qs
// DeleteRepJob ...
func DeleteRepJob(id int64) error {
o := GetOrmer()
_, err := o.Delete(&models.RepJob{ID: id})
return err
// UpdateRepJobStatus ...
func UpdateRepJobStatus(id int64, status string) error {
o := GetOrmer()
j := models.RepJob{
ID: id,
Status: status,
UpdateTime: time.Now(),
n, err := o.Update(&j, "Status", "UpdateTime")
if n == 0 {
log.Warningf("no records are updated when updating replication job %d", id)
return err
// SetRepJobUUID ...
func SetRepJobUUID(id int64, uuid string) error {
o := GetOrmer()
j := models.RepJob{
ID: id,
UUID: uuid,
n, err := o.Update(&j, "UUID")
if n == 0 {
log.Warningf("no records are updated when updating replication job %d", id)
return err
func genTagListForJob(jobs ...*models.RepJob) {
for _, j := range jobs {
if len(j.Tags) > 0 {
j.TagList = strings.Split(j.Tags, ",")