
252 lines
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package policy
import (
const (
oneDay = 24 * 3600
//AlternatePolicyConfiguration store the related configurations for alternate policy.
type AlternatePolicyConfiguration struct {
//Duration is the interval of executing attached tasks.
//E.g: 24*3600 for daily
// 7*24*3600 for weekly
Duration time.Duration
//An integer to indicate the the weekday of the week. Please be noted that Sunday is 7.
//Use default value 0 to indicate weekday is not set.
//To support by weekly function.
Weekday int8
//OffsetTime is the execution time point of each turn
//It's a number to indicate the seconds offset to the 00:00 of UTC time.
OffsetTime int64
//AlternatePolicy is a policy that repeatedly executing tasks with specified duration during a specified time scope.
type AlternatePolicy struct {
//To sync the related operations.
//Keep the attached tasks.
tasks task.Store
//Policy configurations.
config *AlternatePolicyConfiguration
//To indicated whether policy is enabled or not.
isEnabled bool
//Channel used to send evaluation result signals.
evaluation chan bool
//Channel used to notify policy termination.
done chan bool
//Channel used to receive terminate signal.
terminator chan bool
//Unique name of this policy to support multiple instances
name string
//NewAlternatePolicy is constructor of creating AlternatePolicy.
//Accept name and configuration as parameters.
func NewAlternatePolicy(name string, config *AlternatePolicyConfiguration) *AlternatePolicy {
return &AlternatePolicy{
RWMutex: new(sync.RWMutex),
tasks: task.NewDefaultStore(),
config: config,
isEnabled: false,
terminator: make(chan bool),
name: name,
//GetConfig returns the current configuration options of this policy.
func (alp *AlternatePolicy) GetConfig() *AlternatePolicyConfiguration {
return alp.config
//Name is an implementation of same method in policy interface.
func (alp *AlternatePolicy) Name() string {
return alp.name
//Tasks is an implementation of same method in policy interface.
func (alp *AlternatePolicy) Tasks() []task.Task {
return alp.tasks.GetTasks()
//Done is an implementation of same method in policy interface.
func (alp *AlternatePolicy) Done() <-chan bool {
return alp.done
//AttachTasks is an implementation of same method in policy interface.
func (alp *AlternatePolicy) AttachTasks(tasks ...task.Task) error {
if len(tasks) == 0 {
return errors.New("No tasks can be attached")
return nil
//Disable is an implementation of same method in policy interface.
func (alp *AlternatePolicy) Disable() error {
if !alp.isEnabled {
return fmt.Errorf("Instance of policy %s is not enabled", alp.Name())
//Set state to disabled
alp.isEnabled = false
//Stop the evaluation goroutine
alp.terminator <- true
return nil
//Evaluate is an implementation of same method in policy interface.
func (alp *AlternatePolicy) Evaluate() (<-chan bool, error) {
//Lock for state changing
defer alp.Unlock()
//Check if configuration is valid
if !alp.isValidConfig() {
return nil, errors.New("Policy configuration is not valid")
//Check if policy instance is still running
if alp.isEnabled {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Instance of policy %s is still running", alp.Name())
//Keep idempotent
if alp.evaluation != nil {
return alp.evaluation, nil
alp.done = make(chan bool)
alp.evaluation = make(chan bool)
go func() {
var (
waitingTime int64
timeNow := time.Now().UTC()
//Reach the execution time point?
//Weekday is set
if alp.config.Weekday > 0 {
targetWeekday := (alp.config.Weekday + 7) % 7
currentWeekday := timeNow.Weekday()
weekdayDiff := (int)(targetWeekday - (int8)(currentWeekday))
if weekdayDiff < 0 {
weekdayDiff += 7
waitingTime = (int64)(weekdayDiff * oneDay)
utcTime := (int64)(timeNow.Hour()*3600 + timeNow.Minute()*60)
diff := alp.config.OffsetTime - utcTime
if waitingTime > 0 {
waitingTime += diff
} else {
waitingTime = diff
if waitingTime < 0 {
waitingTime += oneDay
//Let's wait for a while
if waitingTime > 0 {
//Wait for a while.
log.Infof("Waiting for %d seconds after comparing offset %d and utc time %d\n", diff, alp.config.OffsetTime, utcTime)
select {
case <-time.After(time.Duration(waitingTime) * time.Second):
case <-alp.terminator:
//Trigger the first tick.
alp.evaluation <- true
//Start the ticker for repeat checking.
tk := time.NewTicker(alp.config.Duration)
defer func() {
if tk != nil {
for {
select {
case <-tk.C:
if alp.IsEnabled() {
alp.evaluation <- true
case <-alp.terminator:
alp.isEnabled = true
return alp.evaluation, nil
//Equal is an implementation of same method in policy interface.
func (alp *AlternatePolicy) Equal(p Policy) bool {
if p == nil {
return false
pl, ok := p.(*AlternatePolicy)
if !ok {
return false
cfg := pl.GetConfig()
cfg2 := alp.GetConfig()
if (cfg == nil && cfg2 != nil) || (cfg != nil && cfg2 == nil) {
return false
return cfg == nil ||
(cfg.Duration == cfg2.Duration &&
cfg.OffsetTime == cfg2.OffsetTime &&
cfg.Weekday == cfg2.Weekday)
//IsEnabled is an implementation of same method in policy interface.
func (alp *AlternatePolicy) IsEnabled() bool {
defer alp.RUnlock()
return alp.isEnabled
//Check if the config is valid. At least it should have the configurations for supporting daily policy.
func (alp *AlternatePolicy) isValidConfig() bool {
return alp.config != nil && alp.config.Duration > 0 && alp.config.OffsetTime >= 0