danfengliu f0ebd17994 Add build base image step in build package git action workflow
Build base image step should be in build package workflow, and local base images build by new step should be removed since images have been pushed to docker hub.

Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
2021-04-17 18:10:44 +08:00

110 lines
5.7 KiB

*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
Resource ../../resources/Util.robot
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Disable Scan Schedule
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${vulnerability_edit_btn} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${vulnerability_edit_btn}
Retry Element Click ${vulnerability_dropdown_list}
Retry Element Click ${vulnerability_dropdown_list_item_none}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${vulnerability_save_btn} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${vulnerability_save_btn}
Set Scan Schedule
[Arguments] ${type} ${value}=${null}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${vulnerability_edit_btn} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${vulnerability_edit_btn}
Retry Element Click ${vulnerability_dropdown_list}
Run Keyword If '${type}'=='custom' Run Keywords Retry Element Click ${vulnerability_dropdown_list_item_custom} AND Retry Text Input ${targetCron_id} ${value}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${vulnerability_save_btn} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${vulnerability_save_btn}
Trigger Scan Now And Wait Until The Result Appears
Retry Element Click xpath=${scan_now_button}
Sleep 60
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${scan_now_result}
Switch To Vulnerability Page
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-main-container//clr-vertical-nav//a[contains(.,'Interrogation')]
Retry Element Click xpath=//app-interrogation-services//a[contains(.,'Vulnerability')]
Retry Wait Element ${scan_now_button}
Set Vulnerabilty Serverity
#0 is critical, 1 is high, 2 is medium, 3 is low, 4 is negligible.
[Arguments] ${level}
Goto Project Config
#enable first
Retry Element Click ${project_config_prevent_vulenrability_checkbox_label}
Checkbox Should Be Selected //project-detail//clr-checkbox-wrapper//input[@name='prevent-vulenrability-image-input']
Retry Element Click //project-detail//select
#wait for dropdown popup
Sleep 1
Select From List By Index //project-detail//select ${level}
Retry Element Click ${project_config_save_btn}
Scan Is Disabled
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //button[@id='scan-btn' and @disabled='']
Move To Summary Chart
Sleep 2
Wait Until Element Is Visible //hbr-vulnerability-bar//hbr-result-tip-histogram
Mouse Over //hbr-result-tip-histogram
Sleep 1
Scan Repo
#use fail for image can not scan, otherwise use success
[Arguments] ${tagname} ${status}
#select one tag
Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${tagname}')]//label
Retry Element Click //button[@id='scan-btn']
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'Succeed' Wait Until Element Is Visible //hbr-vulnerability-bar//hbr-result-tip-histogram 300
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'Fail' Wait Until Element Is Visible //hbr-vulnerability-bar//a 300
Scan Result Should Display In List Row
[Arguments] ${tagname} ${is_no_vulerabilty}=${false}
Run Keyword If ${is_no_vulerabilty}==${true} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //artifact-list-tab//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'No vulnerability') and contains(.,'${tagname}')]//clr-dg-cell//clr-tooltip
... ELSE Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //artifact-list-tab//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'Total') and contains(.,'Fixable') and contains(.,'${tagname}')]//clr-dg-cell//clr-tooltip
Enable Scan On Push
Checkbox Should Not Be Selected //clr-checkbox-wrapper[@id='scan-image-on-push-wrapper']//input
Retry Element Click //clr-checkbox-wrapper[@id='scan-image-on-push-wrapper']//label
Checkbox Should Be Selected //clr-checkbox-wrapper[@id='scan-image-on-push-wrapper']//input
Retry Element Click ${project_config_save_btn}
Sleep 10
Vulnerability Not Ready Project Hint
Sleep 2
${element}= Set Variable xpath=//span[contains(@class, 'db-status-warning')]
Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element}
Switch To Scanners Page
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-main-container//clr-vertical-nav//a[contains(.,'Interrogation')]
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${set_default_scanner}
Should Display The Default Trivy Scanner
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //clr-datagrid//clr-dg-row//clr-dg-cell[contains(.,'Trivy')]//span[contains(.,'Default')]
Trivy Is Immutable Scanner
Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'Trivy')]//clr-radio-wrapper/label
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${scanner_action_xpath} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${delete_scanner_action_xpath}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${delete_scanner_action_xpath} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${delete_scanner_confirm_btn}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${delete_scanner_confirm_btn} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${immutable_trivy_msg_xpath}
Set Default Scanner
[Arguments] ${scanner_name}
Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${scanner_name}')]//clr-radio-wrapper/label
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${scanner_set_default} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${scanner_set_default_success_xpath}
Check Listed In CVE Allowlist
[Arguments] ${project_name} ${image} ${tag} ${cve_id} ${is_in}=Yes
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Go Into Repo ${project_name}/${image}
Go Into Artifact ${tag}
Scroll Element Into View //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${cve_id}')]
${text}= Get Text //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${cve_id}')]//clr-dg-cell[7]
Capture Page Screenshot
Log All is_in_allow_list:${text}
Should Be Equal As Strings '${text}' '${is_in}'