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# Copyright 2016-2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource contains all keywords related to creating, deleting, maintaining VCHs
*** Keywords ***
Set Test Environment Variables
# Finish setting up environment variables
${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Environment Variable Should Be Set DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Set Environment Variable DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER 0
${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Environment Variable Should Be Set BRIDGE_NETWORK
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Set Environment Variable BRIDGE_NETWORK network
${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Environment Variable Should Be Set PUBLIC_NETWORK
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Set Environment Variable PUBLIC_NETWORK 'VM Network'
${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Environment Variable Should Be Set TEST_DATACENTER
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Set Environment Variable TEST_DATACENTER ${SPACE}
@{URLs}= Split String %{TEST_URL_ARRAY}
${len}= Get Length ${URLs}
${IDX}= Evaluate %{DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER} \% ${len}
Set Environment Variable TEST_URL @{URLs}[${IDX}]
# TODO: need an integration/vic-test image update to include the about.cert command
#${rc} ${thumbprint}= Run And Return Rc And Output govc about.cert -k | jq -r .ThumbprintSHA1
${rc} ${thumbprint}= Run And Return Rc And Output openssl s_client -connect $(govc env -x GOVC_URL_HOST):443 </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout | cut -d= -f2
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Set Environment Variable TEST_THUMBPRINT ${thumbprint}
Log To Console \nTEST_URL=%{TEST_URL}
${host}= Run govc ls host
${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Environment Variable Should Be Set TEST_RESOURCE
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Set Environment Variable TEST_RESOURCE ${host}/Resources
${noQuotes}= Strip String %{TEST_DATASTORE} characters="
Set Environment Variable GOVC_DATASTORE ${noQuotes}
${about}= Run govc about
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${about} VMware ESXi
Run Keyword If ${status} Set Environment Variable HOST_TYPE ESXi
Run Keyword Unless ${status} Set Environment Variable HOST_TYPE VC
${about}= Run govc datastore.info %{TEST_DATASTORE} | grep 'Type'
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${about} vsan
Run Keyword If ${status} Set Environment Variable DATASTORE_TYPE VSAN
Run Keyword Unless ${status} Set Environment Variable DATASTORE_TYPE Non_VSAN
# set the TLS config options suitable for vic-machine in this env
${domain}= Get Environment Variable DOMAIN ''
Run Keyword If $domain == '' Set Suite Variable ${vicmachinetls} --no-tlsverify
Run Keyword If $domain != '' Set Suite Variable ${vicmachinetls} --tls-cname=*.${domain}
Set Test VCH Name
# Set a unique bridge network for each VCH that has a random VLAN ID
${vlan}= Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Evaluate str(random.randint(1, 4093)) modules=random
${out}= Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Run govc host.portgroup.add -vlan=${vlan} -vswitch vSwitchLAN %{VCH-NAME}-bridge
Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Set Environment Variable BRIDGE_NETWORK %{VCH-NAME}-bridge
Set Test VCH Name
${name}= Evaluate 'VCH-%{DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}-' + str(random.randint(1000,9999)) modules=random
Set Environment Variable VCH-NAME ${name}
Set List Of Env Variables
[Arguments] ${vars}
@{vars}= Split String ${vars}
:FOR ${var} IN @{vars}
\ ${varname} ${varval}= Split String ${var} =
\ Set Environment Variable ${varname} ${varval}
Parse Environment Variables
[Arguments] ${line}
# If using the old logging format
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${line} mINFO
${logdeco} ${vars}= Run Keyword If ${status} Split String ${line} ${SPACE} 1
Run Keyword If ${status} Set List Of Env Variables ${vars}
Return From Keyword If ${status}
# Split the log log into pieces, discarding the initial log decoration, and assign to env vars
${logmon} ${logday} ${logyear} ${logtime} ${loglevel} ${vars}= Split String ${line} max_split=5
Set List Of Env Variables ${vars}
Get Docker Params
# Get VCH docker params e.g. "-H --tls"
[Arguments] ${output} ${certs}
@{output}= Split To Lines ${output}
:FOR ${item} IN @{output}
\ ${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${item} DOCKER_HOST=
\ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' Set Suite Variable ${line} ${item}
# Ensure we start from a clean slate with docker env vars
Parse Environment Variables ${line}
${dockerHost}= Get Environment Variable DOCKER_HOST
@{hostParts}= Split String ${dockerHost} :
${ip}= Strip String @{hostParts}[0]
${port}= Strip String @{hostParts}[1]
Set Environment Variable VCH-IP ${ip}
Set Environment Variable VCH-PORT ${port}
:FOR ${index} ${item} IN ENUMERATE @{output}
\ ${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${item} http
\ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' Set Suite Variable ${line} ${item}
\ ${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${item} Published ports can be reached at
\ ${idx} = Evaluate ${index} + 1
\ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' Set Suite Variable ${ext-ip} @{output}[${idx}]
${rest} ${ext-ip} = Split String From Right ${ext-ip} ${SPACE} 1
${ext-ip} = Strip String ${ext-ip}
Set Environment Variable EXT-IP ${ext-ip}
${rest} ${vic-admin}= Split String From Right ${line} ${SPACE} 1
Set Environment Variable VIC-ADMIN ${vic-admin}
Run Keyword If ${port} == 2376 Set Environment Variable VCH-PARAMS -H ${dockerHost} --tls
Run Keyword If ${port} == 2375 Set Environment Variable VCH-PARAMS -H ${dockerHost}
### Add environment variables for Compose and TLS
# Check if tls is enable from vic-machine's output and not trust ${certs} which some tests bypasses
${tls_enabled}= Get Environment Variable DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY ${false}
### Compose case for no-tlsverify
# Set environment variables if certs not used to create the VCH. This is NOT the recommended
# approach to running compose. There will be security warnings in the logs and some compose
# operations may not work properly because certs == false currently means we install with
# --no-tlsverify. Add CURL_CA_BUNDLE for a workaround in compose tests. If we change
# certs == false to install with --no-tls, then we need to change this again.
Run Keyword If ${tls_enabled} == ${false} Set Environment Variable CURL_CA_BUNDLE ${EMPTY}
# Get around quirk in compose if no-tlsverify, then CURL_CA_BUNDLE must exist and compose called with --tls
Run Keyword If ${tls_enabled} == ${false} Set Environment Variable COMPOSE-PARAMS -H ${dockerHost} --tls
### Compose case for tlsverify (assumes DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY also set)
Run Keyword If ${tls_enabled} == ${true} Set Environment Variable COMPOSE_TLS_VERSION TLSv1_2
Run Keyword If ${tls_enabled} == ${true} Set Environment Variable COMPOSE-PARAMS -H ${dockerHost}
Install VIC Appliance To Test Server
[Arguments] ${vic-machine}=bin/vic-machine-linux ${appliance-iso}=bin/appliance.iso ${bootstrap-iso}=bin/bootstrap.iso ${certs}=${true} ${vol}=default ${cleanup}=${true}
Set Test Environment Variables
# disable firewall
Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Run govc host.esxcli network firewall set -e false
# Attempt to cleanup old/canceled tests
Run Keyword If ${cleanup} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Cleanup Dangling VMs On Test Server
Run Keyword If ${cleanup} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Cleanup Datastore On Test Server
Run Keyword If ${cleanup} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Cleanup Dangling Networks On Test Server
Run Keyword If ${cleanup} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Cleanup Dangling vSwitches On Test Server
Run Keyword If ${cleanup} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Cleanup Dangling Containers On Test Server
# Install the VCH now
Log To Console \nInstalling VCH to test server...
${output}= Run VIC Machine Command ${vic-machine} ${appliance-iso} ${bootstrap-iso} ${certs} ${vol}
Log ${output}
Should Contain ${output} Installer completed successfully
Get Docker Params ${output} ${certs}
Log To Console Installer completed successfully: %{VCH-NAME}...
Run VIC Machine Command
[Tags] secret
[Arguments] ${vic-machine} ${appliance-iso} ${bootstrap-iso} ${certs} ${vol}
${output}= Run Keyword If ${certs} Run ${vic-machine} create --debug 1 --name=%{VCH-NAME} --target=%{TEST_URL}%{TEST_DATACENTER} --thumbprint=%{TEST_THUMBPRINT} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --image-store=%{TEST_DATASTORE} --appliance-iso=${appliance-iso} --bootstrap-iso=${bootstrap-iso} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --force=true --bridge-network=%{BRIDGE_NETWORK} --public-network=%{PUBLIC_NETWORK} --compute-resource=%{TEST_RESOURCE} --timeout %{TEST_TIMEOUT} --volume-store=%{TEST_DATASTORE}/test:${vol} ${vicmachinetls}
Run Keyword If ${certs} Should Contain ${output} Installer completed successfully
Return From Keyword If ${certs} ${output}
${output}= Run Keyword Unless ${certs} Run ${vic-machine} create --debug 1 --name=%{VCH-NAME} --target=%{TEST_URL}%{TEST_DATACENTER} --thumbprint=%{TEST_THUMBPRINT} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --image-store=%{TEST_DATASTORE} --appliance-iso=${appliance-iso} --bootstrap-iso=${bootstrap-iso} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --force=true --bridge-network=%{BRIDGE_NETWORK} --public-network=%{PUBLIC_NETWORK} --compute-resource=%{TEST_RESOURCE} --timeout %{TEST_TIMEOUT} --volume-store=%{TEST_DATASTORE}/test:${vol} --no-tlsverify
Run Keyword Unless ${certs} Should Contain ${output} Installer completed successfully
[Return] ${output}
Run Secret VIC Machine Delete Command
[Tags] secret
[Arguments] ${vch-name}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux delete --name=${vch-name} --target=%{TEST_URL}%{TEST_DATACENTER} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --force=true --compute-resource=%{TEST_RESOURCE} --timeout %{TEST_TIMEOUT}
[Return] ${rc} ${output}
Run Secret VIC Machine Inspect Command
[Tags] secret
[Arguments] ${name}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux inspect --name=${name} --target=%{TEST_URL}%{TEST_DATACENTER} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --thumbprint=%{TEST_THUMBPRINT}
[Return] ${rc} ${output}
Run VIC Machine Delete Command
${rc} ${output}= Run Secret VIC Machine Delete Command %{VCH-NAME}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6x 5s Check Delete Success %{VCH-NAME}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Should Contain ${output} Completed successfully
${output}= Run rm -rf %{VCH-NAME}
[Return] ${output}
Run VIC Machine Inspect Command
${rc} ${output}= Run Secret VIC Machine Inspect Command %{VCH-NAME}
Get Docker Params ${output} ${true}
Gather Logs From Test Server
[Tags] secret
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Run zip %{VCH-NAME}-certs -r %{VCH-NAME}
${out}= Run curl -k -D vic-admin-cookies -Fusername=%{TEST_USERNAME} -Fpassword=%{TEST_PASSWORD} %{VIC-ADMIN}/authentication
Log ${out}
${out}= Run curl -k -b vic-admin-cookies %{VIC-ADMIN}/container-logs.zip -o ${SUITE NAME}-%{VCH-NAME}-container-logs.zip
Log ${out}
Remove File vic-admin-cookies
${out}= Run govc datastore.download %{VCH-NAME}/vmware.log %{VCH-NAME}-vmware.log
Should Contain ${out} OK
Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Run govc logs -log=vmkernel -n=10000 > vmkernel.log
Check For The Proper Log Files
[Arguments] ${container}
# Ensure container logs are correctly being gathered for debugging purposes
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc and Output curl -sk %{VIC-ADMIN}/authentication -XPOST -F username=%{TEST_USERNAME} -F password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} -D /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc and Output curl -sk %{VIC-ADMIN}/container-logs.tar.gz -b /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME} | tar tvzf -
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Log ${output}
Should Contain ${output} ${container}/output.log
Should Contain ${output} ${container}/vmware.log
Should Contain ${output} ${container}/tether.debug
Scrape Logs For the Password
[Tags] secret
${rc}= Run And Return Rc curl -sk %{VIC-ADMIN}/authentication -XPOST -F username=%{TEST_USERNAME} -F password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} -D /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
${rc}= Run And Return Rc curl -sk %{VIC-ADMIN}/logs/port-layer.log -b /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME} | grep -q "%{TEST_PASSWORD}"
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 1
${rc}= Run And Return Rc curl -sk %{VIC-ADMIN}/logs/init.log -b /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME} | grep -q "%{TEST_PASSWORD}"
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 1
${rc}= Run And Return Rc curl -sk %{VIC-ADMIN}/logs/docker-personality.log -b /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME} | grep -q "%{TEST_PASSWORD}"
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 1
${rc}= Run And Return Rc curl -sk %{VIC-ADMIN}/logs/vicadmin.log -b /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME} | grep -q "%{TEST_PASSWORD}"
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 1
Remove File /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME}
Cleanup VIC Appliance On Test Server
Log To Console Gathering logs from the test server %{VCH-NAME}
Gather Logs From Test Server
Log To Console Deleting the VCH appliance %{VCH-NAME}
${output}= Run VIC Machine Delete Command
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Cleanup VCH Bridge Network %{VCH-NAME}
[Return] ${output}
Cleanup VCH Bridge Network
[Arguments] ${name}
Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Run govc host.portgroup.remove ${name}-bridge
${out}= Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Run govc host.portgroup.info
Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Should Not Contain ${out} ${name}-bridge
Cleanup Datastore On Test Server
${out}= Run govc datastore.ls
${items}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${item} IN @{items}
\ ${build}= Split String ${item} -
\ # Skip any item that is not associated with integration tests
\ Continue For Loop If '@{build}[0]' != 'VCH'
\ # Skip any item that is still running
\ ${state}= Get State Of Drone Build @{build}[1]
\ Continue For Loop If '${state}' == 'running'
\ Log To Console Removing the following item from datastore: ${item}
\ ${out}= Run govc datastore.rm ${item}
\ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6x 5s Check Delete Success ${item}
Cleanup Dangling VMs On Test Server
${out}= Run govc ls vm
${vms}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${vm} IN @{vms}
\ ${vm}= Fetch From Right ${vm} /
\ ${build}= Split String ${vm} -
\ # Skip any VM that is not associated with integration tests
\ Continue For Loop If '@{build}[0]' != 'VCH'
\ # Skip any VM that is still running
\ ${state}= Get State Of Drone Build @{build}[1]
\ Continue For Loop If '${state}' == 'running'
\ ${uuid}= Run govc vm.info -json\=true ${vm} | jq -r '.VirtualMachines[0].Config.Uuid'
\ Log To Console Destroying dangling VCH: ${vm}
\ ${rc} ${output}= Run Secret VIC Machine Delete Command ${vm}
\ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6x 5s Check Delete Success ${vm}
Cleanup Dangling Networks On Test Server
${out}= Run govc ls network
${nets}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${net} IN @{nets}
\ ${net}= Fetch From Right ${net} /
\ ${build}= Split String ${net} -
\ # Skip any Network that is not associated with integration tests
\ Continue For Loop If '@{build}[0]' != 'VCH'
\ # Skip any Network that is still running
\ ${state}= Get State Of Drone Build @{build}[1]
\ Continue For Loop If '${state}' == 'running'
\ ${uuid}= Run govc host.portgroup.remove ${net}
Cleanup Dangling vSwitches On Test Server
${out}= Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Run govc host.vswitch.info | grep VCH
${nets}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${net} IN @{nets}
\ ${net}= Fetch From Right ${net} ${SPACE}
\ ${build}= Split String ${net} -
\ # Skip any vSwitch that is not associated with integration tests
\ Continue For Loop If '@{build}[0]' != 'VCH'
\ # Skip any vSwitch that is still running
\ ${state}= Get State Of Drone Build @{build}[1]
\ Continue For Loop If '${state}' == 'running'
\ ${uuid}= Run govc host.vswitch.remove ${net}
Get Scratch Disk From VM Info
[Arguments] ${vm}
${disks}= Run govc vm.info -json ${vm} | jq -r '.VirtualMachines[].Layout.Disk[].DiskFile[]'
${disks}= Split To Lines ${disks}
:FOR ${disk} IN @{disks}
\ ${disk}= Fetch From Right ${disk} ${SPACE}
\ ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${disk} scratch.vmdk
\ Return From Keyword If ${status} ${disk}
Cleanup Dangling Containers On Test Server
${vms}= Run govc ls vm
${vms}= Split To Lines ${vms}
:FOR ${vm} IN @{vms}
\ # Ignore VCH's, we only care about containers at this point
\ ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${vm} VCH
\ Continue For Loop If ${status}
\ ${disk}= Get Scratch Disk From VM Info ${vm}
\ ${vch}= Fetch From Left ${disk} /
\ ${vch}= Split String ${vch} -
\ # Skip any VM that is not associated with integration tests
\ Continue For Loop If '@{vch}[0]' != 'VCH'
\ ${state}= Get State Of Drone Build @{vch}[1]
\ # Skip any VM that is still running
\ Continue For Loop If '${state}' == 'running'
\ # Destroy the VM and remove it from datastore because it is a dangling container
\ Log To Console Cleaning up dangling container: ${vm}
\ ${out}= Run govc vm.destroy ${vm}
\ ${name}= Fetch From Right ${vm} /
\ ${out}= Run govc datastore.rm ${name}
\ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6x 5s Check Delete Success ${name}
# VCH upgrade helpers
Install VIC with version to Test Server
[Arguments] ${version}=7315 ${insecureregistry}=
Log To Console \nDownloading vic ${version} from bintray...
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output wget https://bintray.com/vmware/vic-repo/download_file?file_path=vic_${version}.tar.gz -O vic.tar.gz
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output tar zxvf vic.tar.gz
Set Environment Variable TEST_TIMEOUT 20m0s
Install VIC Appliance To Test Server vic-machine=./vic/vic-machine-linux appliance-iso=./vic/appliance.iso bootstrap-iso=./vic/bootstrap.iso certs=${false} vol=default ${insecureregistry}
Set Environment Variable VIC-ADMIN %{VCH-IP}:2378
Set Environment Variable INITIAL-VERSION ${version}
Clean up VIC Appliance And Local Binary
Cleanup VIC Appliance On Test Server
Run rm -rf vic.tar.gz vic
Log To Console \nUpgrading VCH...
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux upgrade --debug 1 --name=%{VCH-NAME} --target=%{TEST_URL} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --force=true --compute-resource=%{TEST_RESOURCE} --timeout %{TEST_TIMEOUT}
Should Contain ${output} Completed successfully
Should Not Contain ${output} Rolling back upgrade
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Check Upgraded Version
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux version
@{vers}= Split String ${output}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux inspect --name=%{VCH-NAME} --target=%{TEST_URL} --thumbprint=%{TEST_THUMBPRINT} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --compute-resource=%{TEST_RESOURCE}
Should Contain ${output} Completed successfully
Should Contain ${output} @{vers}[2]
Should Not Contain ${output} %{INITIAL-VERSION}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Log ${output}
Get Docker Params ${output} ${true}
Check Original Version
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux version
@{vers}= Split String ${output}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux inspect --name=%{VCH-NAME} --target=%{TEST_URL} --thumbprint=%{TEST_THUMBPRINT} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --compute-resource=%{TEST_RESOURCE}
Should Contain ${output} Completed successfully
Should Contain ${output} @{vers}[2]
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Log ${output}
Get Docker Params ${output} ${true}
Log To Console \nTesting rollback...
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux upgrade --debug 1 --name=%{VCH-NAME} --target=%{TEST_URL} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --force=true --compute-resource=%{TEST_RESOURCE} --timeout %{TEST_TIMEOUT} --rollback
Should Contain ${output} Completed successfully
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Enable VCH SSH
[Arguments] ${vic-machine}=bin/vic-machine-linux ${rootpw}=%{TEST_PASSWORD} ${target}=%{TEST_URL} ${password}=%{TEST_PASSWORD} ${thumbprint}=%{TEST_THUMBPRINT} ${name}=%{VCH-NAME} ${user}=%{TEST_USERNAME} ${resource}=%{TEST_RESOURCE}
Log To Console \nEnable SSH on vch...
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output ${vic-machine} debug --rootpw ${rootpw} --target ${target} --password ${password} --thumbprint ${thumbprint} --name ${name} --user ${user} --compute-resource ${resource} --enable-ssh
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Should Contain ${output} Completed successfully