sigsbee 9bf38c2486
Add autotest case (#4603)
Add test case large image replicate
Add test case Download CA
Add test case repo description
Add test case project level replication
Add test case repo size
Add test case statistics info
2018-04-25 16:24:11 +08:00

216 lines
8.0 KiB

# Copyright 2016-2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
Resource ../../resources/Util.robot
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Check New Rule UI Without Endpoint
Click Element ${new_replication-rule_button}
Page Should Contain Please add an endpoint first
Click Element ${link_to_registries}
Page Should Contain Endpoint Name
Create A New Endpoint
[Arguments] ${name} ${url} ${username} ${pwd} ${save}=Y
#click new button
Click Element xpath=${new_endpoint_button}
#input necessary info
Input Text xpath=${destination_name_xpath} ${name}
Input Text xpath=${destination_url_xpath} ${url}
Input Text xpath=${destination_username_xpath} ${username}
Input Text xpath=${destination_password_xpath} ${pwd}
#cancel verify cert since we use a selfsigned cert
Click Element ${destination_insecure_xpath}
Run Keyword If '${save}' == 'Y' Run keyword Click Element ${replicaton_save_xpath}
Run Keyword If '${save}' == 'N' No Operation
Create A Rule With Existing Endpoint
# day 1=Monday..7=Sunday timeformat 12hour+am/pm
[Arguments] ${name} ${project_name} ${endpoint} ${mode} ${plan}=Daily ${weekday}=1 ${time}=0800a
#click new
Click Element ${new_name_xpath}
#input name
Input Text ${rule_name} ${name}
#input descripiton,here skip, leave it blank
#source projects, input
Input Text ${source_project} ${project_name}
#set filter
Click Element ${source_image_filter_add}
Input Text ${source_iamge_repo_filter} *
Click Element ${source_image_filter_add}
Input Text ${source_image_tag_filter} *
#select endpoint
Click Element ${rule_target_select}
Wait Until Element Is Visible //select[@id='ruleTarget']//option[contains(.,'${endpoint}')]
Click Element //select[@id='ruleTarget']//option[contains(.,'${endpoint}')]
#set trigger
Click Element ${rule_trigger_select}
Wait Until Element Is Visible //select[@id="ruleTrigger"]//option[contains(.,'${mode}')]
Click Element //select[@id="ruleTrigger"]//option[contains(.,'${mode}')]
Run Keyword If '${mode}' == 'Scheduled' Setting Replicaiton Schedule ${plan} ${weekday} ${time}
#click save
Click Element ${rule_save_button}
Project Create A Rule With Existing Endpoint
# day 1=Monday..7=Sunday timeformat 12hour+am/pm
[Arguments] ${name} ${project_name} ${endpoint} ${mode} ${plan}=Daily ${weekday}=1 ${time}=0800a
#click new
Click Element ${new_name_xpath}
#input name
Input Text ${rule_name} ${name}
#input descripiton,here skip, leave it blank
#in this keyword, source project is not need to input
#set filter
Click Element ${source_image_filter_add}
Input Text ${source_iamge_repo_filter} *
Click Element ${source_image_filter_add}
Input Text ${source_image_tag_filter} *
#select endpoint
Click Element ${rule_target_select}
Wait Until Element Is Visible //select[@id='ruleTarget']//option[contains(.,'${endpoint}')]
Click Element //select[@id='ruleTarget']//option[contains(.,'${endpoint}')]
#set trigger
Click Element ${rule_trigger_select}
Wait Until Element Is Visible //select[@id="ruleTrigger"]//option[contains(.,'${mode}')]
Click Element //select[@id="ruleTrigger"]//option[contains(.,'${mode}')]
Run Keyword If '${mode}' == 'Scheduled' Setting Replicaiton Schedule ${plan} ${weekday} ${time}
#click save
Click Element ${rule_save_button}
Setting Replication Schedule
[Arguments] ${plan} ${weekday}=1 ${time}=0800a
Click Element ${schedule_type_select}
Wait Until Element Is Visible //select[@name="scheduleType"]/option[@value="${plan}"]
Click Element //select[@name="scheduleType"]/option[@value="${plan}"]
Run Keyword If '${plan}' == 'Weekly' Setting Replication Weekday ${weekday}
Input Text ${shcedule_time} ${time}
Setting Replication Weekday
[arguments] ${day}
Click Element ${schedule_day_select}
Wait Until Element Is Visible //select[@name="scheduleDay"]/option[@value='${day}']
Click Element //select[@name="scheduleDay"]/option[@value='${day}']
Endpoint Is Unpingable
Click Element ${ping_test_button}
Wait Until Page Contains Failed
Endpoint Is Pingable
Click Element ${ping_test_button}
Wait Until Page Contains successfully
Disable Certificate Verification
Checkbox Should Be Selected ${destination_insecure_checkbox}
Click Element ${destination_insecure_xpath}
Sleep 1
Enable Certificate Verification
Checkbox Should Not Be Selected ${destination_insecure_checkbox}
Click Element ${destination_insecure_xpath}
Sleep 1
Switch To Registries
Click Element ${nav_to_registries}
Sleep 1
Switch To Replication Manage
Click Element ${nav_to_replications}
Sleep 1
Trigger Replication Manual
[Arguments] ${rule}
Click Element ${rule_filter_search}
Input Text ${rule_filter_input} ${rule}
Sleep 1
Click Element //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${rule}')]//label
Click Element ${action_bar_replicate}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${dialog_replicate}
Click Element ${dialog_replicate}
Wait Until Page Contains successfully
Click Element ${dialog_close}
Rename Rule
[Arguments] ${rule} ${newname}
Click Element ${rule_filter_search}
Input Text ${rule_filter_input} ${rule}
Sleep 1
Click Element //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${rule}')]//label
Click Element ${action_bar_edit}
Input Text ${rule_name} ${newname}
Click Element ${rule_save_button}
Delete Rule
[Arguments] ${rule}
Click Element ${rule_filter_search}
Input Text ${rule_filter_input} ${rule}
Sleep 1
Click Element //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${rule}')]//label
Click Element ${action_bar_delete}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${dialog_delete}
Click Element ${dialog_delete}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${dialog_close}
Click Element ${dialog_close}
Filter Rule
[Arguments] ${rule}
Click Element ${rule_filter_search}
Input Text ${rule_filter_input} ${rule}
Sleep 1
Select Rule
[Arguments] ${rule}
Sleep 1
Click Element //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${rule}')]//label
Stop Jobs
Click Element ${stop_jobs_button}
View Job Log
[arguments] ${job}
Click Element ${job_filter_search}
Input Text ${job_filter_input} ${job}
Click Element //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${job}')]//a
Wait Until Page Contains View Replication Job Log
Click Element ${dialog_close}
Sleep 1
Rename Endpoint
[arguments] ${name} ${newname}
Filter Object ${name}
Select Object ${name}
Click Element ${action_bar_edit}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${destination_name_xpath}
Input Text ${destination_name_xpath} ${newname}
Click Element ${replicaton_save_xpath}
Delete Endpoint
[Arguments] ${name}
Click Element ${endpoint_filter_search}
Input Text ${endpoint_filter_input} ${name}
Sleep 1
#click checkbox before target endpoint
Click Element //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${name}')]//label
Sleep 1
Click Element ${action_bar_delete}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${dialog_delete}
Click Element ${dialog_delete}
Wait Until Page Contains success
Click Element ${dialog_close}