Updated Release 1.6.0 (markdown)

Yan 2018-09-12 17:08:51 +08:00
parent 7d8a979fbd
commit 087384ed0f
1 changed files with 13 additions and 1 deletions

@ -54,4 +54,16 @@ Simplify the Harbor user privilege management with LDAP group.
## Replicate images with label filters
## Migrate multiple database to one unified PostgreSQL database
## Migrate multiple database to one unified PostgreSQL database
### Motivations
In the previous releases, there are two or three database instances running into one Harbor node, which are Maria/Mysql and Postgresql. Obviously, it costs double/triple effort to maintain two/three types databases. Merge multiple databases into a single database, making it far easier to keep things straight and make it possible to enable HA solution for the future Helm Chart release.
### Main features
* Migrate Harbor DB to Postgresql
* Migrate Notary DB to Postgresql
* Redirect Clair DB to Harbor/Notary DB
### Benefits to users
Avoid spending efforts to manage/maintain two/three types of database in one Harbor instance.