Updated Home (markdown)

Steven Zou 2018-07-12 14:58:18 +08:00
parent eb67f0c760
commit 2f8033ec3b
1 changed files with 4 additions and 1 deletions

@ -21,4 +21,7 @@ Welcome to the Wiki homepage of Project Harbor!
| 2018/06/20 20:30-21:00 | [@statemood](https://github.com/statemood) | 6 |[Recording](https://VMware.zoom.us/recording/share/FHRk_lYCD0zk4vL7LXtD1OpMaOMHFVFk-bUsGgr-adewIumekTziMw ) | Review incubating project 'Nowa' |[Followups](https://github.com/vmware/harbor/wiki/Project-page-for-incubating-project-'Nuwa')|
| 2018/06/27 21:00-21:30 | [@kofj](https://github.com/kofj) | 12 |[Recording](https://VMware.zoom.us/recording/share/n6Rj3klndmlMjxtkqXReIqExJJ-R5ACX3L4VLJXFhxWwIumekTziMw) |Introduce and demo image build history feature|[Followups](https://github.com/vmware/harbor/wiki/Followup-steps-for-feature-'image-build-history'-developed-by-360-team)|
| PLANNING| | | | ||
| 2018/07/18| [@nlowe](https://github.com/nlowe)& [@moooofly](https://github.com/moooofly)| | | Discuss the feature 'Keep the latest X tags, clear the old ones'||
| 2018/07/25 | @harbor team|||Monthly regular meeting, harbor latest updates, answer questions, collect and discuss potential meetings||
| 2018/08/01 | [@moooofly](https://github.com/moooofly) | | |go-cli for harbor introduction and discussion||
| 2018/08/08 | [n/a] |||Distribute images via decentralized P2P network||