Updated Harbor FAQs (markdown)

He Weiwei 2021-09-28 13:46:11 +08:00
parent 371929f35a
commit b59acc3552
1 changed files with 14 additions and 4 deletions

@ -63,19 +63,29 @@ sudo docker-compose exec postgresql psql -c "SHOW max_connections"
### Installed by Helm
1. Modify the `max_connections` parameter
1. Fetch the `postgresql.conf` from the database pod
POD_NAME=`kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pod -l "component=database,app=harbor" -o name`
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE exec $POD_NAME -- cat /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf | sed 's/max_connections = .*/max_connections = 1000/g' | kubectl -n $NAMESPACE exec $POD_NAME -i -- tee /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE exec $POD_NAME -- cat /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf > postgresql.conf
2. Modify the `max_connections` parameter in the postgresql.conf
3. Write back the `postgresql.conf` to database pod
POD_NAME=`kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pod -l "component=database,app=harbor" -o name`
cat postgresql.conf | kubectl -n $NAMESPACE exec $POD_NAME -i -- tee /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf
2. Delete the pod of the database and wait Kubernetes schedule a new pod
4. Delete the pod of the database and wait Kubernetes schedule a new pod
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE delete $POD_NAME
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE wait --for=condition=ready $POD_NAME --timeout=60s
3. Ensure that the `max_connections` changed to 1000
5. Ensure that the `max_connections` changed to 1000
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE exec $POD_NAME -- psql -c "SHOW max_connections"