diff --git a/src/invidious/comments.cr b/src/invidious/comments.cr
index 357a461c..5749248e 100644
--- a/src/invidious/comments.cr
+++ b/src/invidious/comments.cr
@@ -182,7 +182,11 @@ def fetch_youtube_comments(id, cursor, format, locale, thin_mode, region, sort_b
json.field "contentHtml", content_html
json.field "isPinned", (node_comment["pinnedCommentBadge"]? != nil)
+ json.field "isMember", (node_comment["sponsorCommentBadge"]? != nil)
+ if node_comment["sponsorCommentBadge"]?
+ # Member icon thumbnails always have one object and there's only ever the url property in it
+ json.field "memberIconUrl", node_comment["sponsorCommentBadge"]["sponsorCommentBadgeRenderer"]["customBadge"]["thumbnails"][0]["url"].to_s
+ end
json.field "published", published.to_unix
json.field "publishedText", translate(locale, "`x` ago", recode_date(published, locale))
@@ -674,6 +678,14 @@ def content_to_comment_html(content, video_id : String? = "")
text = "#{text}" if run["bold"]?
text = "#{text}" if run["strikethrough"]?
text = "#{text}" if run["italics"]?
+ if emojiImage = run.dig?("emoji", "image")
+ emojiAlt = emojiImage.dig?("accessibility", "accessibilityData", "label").try &.as_s || text
+ emojiThumb = emojiImage["thumbnails"][0]
+ emojiUrl = "/ggpht#{URI.parse(emojiThumb["url"].as_s).request_target}"
+ emojiWidth = emojiThumb["width"]
+ emojiHeight = emojiThumb["height"]
+ text = "
+ end