--- k3s_cluster: children: server: hosts: agent: hosts: # Required Vars vars: ansible_port: 22 ansible_user: debian k3s_version: v1.26.9+k3s1 token: "mytoken" # Use ansible vault if you want to keep it secret api_endpoint: "{{ hostvars[groups['server'][0]]['ansible_host'] | default(groups['server'][0]) }}" extra_server_args: "" extra_agent_args: "" # Optional vars # api_port: 6443 # k3s_server_location: /var/lib/rancher/k3s # systemd_dir: /etc/systemd/system # extra_service_envs: [ 'ENV_VAR1=VALUE1', 'ENV_VAR2=VALUE2' ] # List of locally available manifests to apply to the cluster, useful for PVCs or Traefik modifications. # Manifests should be either full paths or relative to the playbook directory. # extra_manifests: [ '/path/to/manifest1.yaml', '/path/to/manifest2.yaml' ]