# ENV['VAGRANT_NO_PARALLEL'] = 'no' NODE_ROLES = ["server-0", "server-1", "server-2", "agent-0", "agent-1"] NODE_BOXES = ['generic/ubuntu2004', 'generic/ubuntu2004', 'generic/ubuntu2004', 'generic/ubuntu2004', 'generic/ubuntu2004'] NODE_CPUS = 2 NODE_MEMORY = 2048 # Virtualbox >= 6.1.28 require `/etc/vbox/network.conf` for expanded private networks NETWORK_PREFIX = "10.10.10" def provision(vm, role, node_num) vm.box = NODE_BOXES[node_num] vm.hostname = role # We use a private network because the default IPs are dynamicly assigned # during provisioning. This makes it impossible to know the server-0 IP when # provisioning subsequent servers and agents. A private network allows us to # assign static IPs to each node, and thus provide a known IP for the API endpoint. node_ip = "#{NETWORK_PREFIX}.#{100+node_num}" # An expanded netmask is required to allow VM<-->VM communication, virtualbox defaults to /32 vm.network "private_network", ip: node_ip, netmask: "" vm.provision "ansible", run: 'once' do |ansible| ansible.compatibility_mode = "2.0" ansible.playbook = "playbook/debug.yml" ansible.groups = { "server" => NODE_ROLES.grep(/^server/), "agent" => NODE_ROLES.grep(/^agent/), "k3s_cluster:children" => ["server", "agent"], } ansible.extra_vars = { k3s_version: "v1.26.5+k3s1", api_endpoint: "#{NETWORK_PREFIX}.100", token: "myvagrant", # Required to use the private network configured above extra_server_args: "--node-external-ip #{node_ip} --flannel-iface eth1", extra_agent_args: "--node-external-ip #{node_ip} --flannel-iface eth1", # Not needed, left as reference for ruby-ansible list syntax # extra_service_envs: [ "NO_PROXY='localhost'" ], } end end Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| # Default provider is libvirt, virtualbox is only provided as a backup config.vm.provider "libvirt" do |v| v.cpus = NODE_CPUS v.memory = NODE_MEMORY end config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| v.cpus = NODE_CPUS v.memory = NODE_MEMORY end NODE_ROLES.each_with_index do |name, i| config.vm.define name do |node| provision(node.vm, name, i) end end end