--- stages: - build .mbusd_job_template: &mbusd_job_template # Hidden key that defines an anchor image: debian:stable before_script: - apt update -qq - apt install -y -qq build-essential autoconf automake pkg-config libtool m4 autoconf-archive - apt install -y gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf artifacts: # create an archive with a name of the current stage and branch name name: "${CI_BUILD_STAGE}_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}" imtracled: true paths: - src/mbusd - doc/mbusd.8 build:linux_x86: <<: *mbusd_job_template stage: build script: - "autoreconf -i" - "./configure" - "make" build:deb_armhf: <<: *mbusd_job_template stage: build script: - "autoreconf -i" - "./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf -prefix=${CSTOOL_DIR}/linux_arm_tool" - "make"