## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 SUBDIRS = src doc mbusddocdir = ${docdir} mbusddoc_DATA = \ README.md\ CHANGELOG.md\ LICENSE mbusdconfdir = ${mbusddocdir} mbusdconf_DATA = \ conf/mbusd.conf.example EXTRA_DIST = $(mbusddoc_DATA) $(mbusdconf_DATA) # Copy all the spec files. Of cource, only one is actually used. dist-hook: for specfile in *.spec; do \ if test -f $$specfile; then \ cp -p $$specfile $(distdir); \ fi \ done # systemd AM_DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = \ --with-systemdsystemunitdir='$$(prefix)/$(systemdsystemunitdir)' if HAVE_SYSTEMD systemdsystemunit_DATA = \ systemd-units/mbusd@.service $(systemdsystemunit_DATA): -$(SED) -e 's,@bindir\@,$(bindir),g' '$@.in' >'$@' distclean-local:: -$(RM) $(systemdsystemunit_DATA) endif