package server import ( "context" "fmt" "net" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" dockertypes "" "" "" swarmtypes "" "" "" "" ) type IDockerWatcher interface { StartInSwarm(timeoutSeconds int, refreshIntervalSeconds int) error Stop() } var DockerWatcher IDockerWatcher = &dockerWatcherImpl{} type dockerWatcherImpl struct { sync.RWMutex client *client.Client contextCancel context.CancelFunc } const ( DockerConfigHost = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" DockerAPIVersion = "1.24" DockerRouterLabelHost = "" DockerRouterLabelPort = "mc-router.port" DockerRouterLabelDefault = "mc-router.default" DockerRouterLabelNetwork = "" ) func (w *dockerWatcherImpl) makeWakerFunc(service *routableService) func(ctx context.Context) error { return func(ctx context.Context) error { return nil } } func (w *dockerWatcherImpl) StartInSwarm(timeoutSeconds int, refreshIntervalSeconds int) error { var err error timeout := time.Duration(timeoutSeconds) * time.Second refreshInterval := time.Duration(refreshIntervalSeconds) * time.Second opts := []client.Opt{ client.WithHost(DockerConfigHost), client.WithTimeout(timeout), client.WithHTTPHeaders(map[string]string{ "User-Agent": "mc-router ", }), client.WithVersion(DockerAPIVersion), } w.client, err = client.NewClientWithOpts(opts...) if err != nil { return err } ticker := time.NewTicker(refreshInterval) serviceMap := map[string]*routableService{} var ctx context.Context ctx, w.contextCancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background()) initialServices, err := w.listServices(ctx) if err != nil { return err } for _, s := range initialServices { serviceMap[s.externalServiceName] = s if s.externalServiceName != "" { Routes.CreateMapping(s.externalServiceName, s.containerEndpoint, w.makeWakerFunc(s)) } else { Routes.SetDefaultRoute(s.containerEndpoint) } } go func() { for { select { case <-ticker.C: services, err := w.listServices(ctx) if err != nil { logrus.WithError(err).Error("Docker failed to list services") return } visited := map[string]struct{}{} for _, rs := range services { if oldRs, ok := serviceMap[rs.externalServiceName]; !ok { serviceMap[rs.externalServiceName] = rs logrus.WithField("routableService", rs).Debug("ADD") if rs.externalServiceName != "" { Routes.CreateMapping(rs.externalServiceName, rs.containerEndpoint, w.makeWakerFunc(rs)) } else { Routes.SetDefaultRoute(rs.containerEndpoint) } } else if oldRs.containerEndpoint != rs.containerEndpoint { serviceMap[rs.externalServiceName] = rs if rs.externalServiceName != "" { Routes.DeleteMapping(rs.externalServiceName) Routes.CreateMapping(rs.externalServiceName, rs.containerEndpoint, w.makeWakerFunc(rs)) } else { Routes.SetDefaultRoute(rs.containerEndpoint) } logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"old": oldRs, "new": rs}).Debug("UPDATE") } visited[rs.externalServiceName] = struct{}{} } for _, rs := range serviceMap { if _, ok := visited[rs.externalServiceName]; !ok { delete(serviceMap, rs.externalServiceName) if rs.externalServiceName != "" { Routes.DeleteMapping(rs.externalServiceName) } else { Routes.SetDefaultRoute("") } logrus.WithField("routableService", rs).Debug("DELETE") } } case <-ctx.Done(): ticker.Stop() return } } }() logrus.Info("Monitoring Docker for Minecraft services") return nil } func (w *dockerWatcherImpl) listServices(ctx context.Context) ([]*routableService, error) { services, err := w.client.ServiceList(ctx, dockertypes.ServiceListOptions{}) if err != nil { return nil, err } serverVersion, err := w.client.ServerVersion(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, err } networkListArgs := filters.NewArgs() // (Docker 17.06) if versions.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(serverVersion.APIVersion, "1.29") { networkListArgs.Add("scope", "swarm") } else { networkListArgs.Add("driver", "overlay") } networkList, err := w.client.NetworkList(ctx, dockertypes.NetworkListOptions{Filters: networkListArgs}) if err != nil { return nil, err } networkMap := make(map[string]*dockertypes.NetworkResource) for _, network := range networkList { networkToAdd := network networkMap[network.ID] = &networkToAdd } var result []*routableService for _, service := range services { if service.Spec.EndpointSpec.Mode != swarmtypes.ResolutionModeVIP { continue } if len(service.Endpoint.VirtualIPs) == 0 { continue } data, ok := w.parseServiceData(&service, networkMap) if !ok { continue } for _, host := range data.hosts { result = append(result, &routableService{ containerEndpoint: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", data.ip, data.port), externalServiceName: host, }) } if data.def != nil && *data.def { result = append(result, &routableService{ containerEndpoint: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", data.ip, data.port), externalServiceName: "", }) } } return result, nil } func dockerCheckNetworkName(id string, name string, networkMap map[string]*dockertypes.NetworkResource, networkAliases map[string][]string) (bool, error) { // we allow to specify the id instead if id == name { return true, nil } if network := networkMap[id]; network != nil { if network.Name == name { return true, nil } aliases := networkAliases[id] for _, alias := range aliases { if alias == name { return true, nil } } return false, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("network not found %s", id) } type parsedDockerServiceData struct { hosts []string port uint64 def *bool network *string ip string } func (w *dockerWatcherImpl) parseServiceData(service *swarm.Service, networkMap map[string]*dockertypes.NetworkResource) (data parsedDockerServiceData, ok bool) { networkAliases := map[string][]string{} for _, network := range service.Spec.TaskTemplate.Networks { networkAliases[network.Target] = network.Aliases } for key, value := range service.Spec.Labels { if key == DockerRouterLabelHost { if data.hosts != nil { logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"serviceId": service.ID, "serviceName": service.Spec.Name}). Warnf("ignoring service with duplicate %s", DockerRouterLabelHost) return } data.hosts = strings.Split(value, ",") } if key == DockerRouterLabelPort { if data.port != 0 { logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"serviceId": service.ID, "serviceName": service.Spec.Name}). Warnf("ignoring service with duplicate %s", DockerRouterLabelPort) return } var err error data.port, err = strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32) if err != nil { logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"serviceId": service.ID, "serviceName": service.Spec.Name}). WithError(err). Warnf("ignoring service with invalid %s", DockerRouterLabelPort) return } } if key == DockerRouterLabelDefault { if data.def != nil { logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"serviceId": service.ID, "serviceName": service.Spec.Name}). Warnf("ignoring service with duplicate %s", DockerRouterLabelDefault) return } data.def = new(bool) lowerValue := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(value)) *data.def = lowerValue != "" && lowerValue != "0" && lowerValue != "false" && lowerValue != "no" } if key == DockerRouterLabelNetwork { if != nil { logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"serviceId": service.ID, "serviceName": service.Spec.Name}). Warnf("ignoring service with duplicate %s", DockerRouterLabelNetwork) return } = new(string) * = value } } // probably not minecraft related if len(data.hosts) == 0 { return } if len(service.Endpoint.VirtualIPs) == 0 { logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"serviceId": service.ID, "serviceName": service.Spec.Name}). Warnf("ignoring service, no VirtualIPs found") return } if data.port == 0 { data.port = 25565 } vipIndex := -1 if != nil { for i, vip := range service.Endpoint.VirtualIPs { if ok, err := dockerCheckNetworkName(vip.NetworkID, *, networkMap, networkAliases); ok { vipIndex = i break } else if err != nil { // we intentionally ignore name check errors logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"serviceId": service.ID, "serviceName": service.Spec.Name}). Debugf("%v", err) } } if vipIndex == -1 { logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"serviceId": service.ID, "serviceName": service.Spec.Name}). Warnf("ignoring service, network %s not found", * return } } else { // if network isn't specified assume it's the first one vipIndex = 0 } virtualIP := service.Endpoint.VirtualIPs[vipIndex] ip, _, _ := net.ParseCIDR(virtualIP.Addr) data.ip = ip.String() ok = true return } func (w *dockerWatcherImpl) Stop() { if w.contextCancel != nil { w.contextCancel() } }