2011-01-05 17:20:42 +01:00
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
//Class: vMinecraftListener
//Use: The listener to catch incoming chat and commands
//Author: nossr50, TrapAlice, cerevisiae
public class vListener extends PluginListener {
2011-01-08 09:55:20 +01:00
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
2011-01-08 07:10:56 +01:00
//On console stuff
public boolean onConsoleCommand(String[] split) {
2011-01-08 09:55:20 +01:00
String server = Colors.LightGreen + "[Server]" + Colors.DarkPurple;
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2011-01-08 09:55:20 +01:00
if(split.length > 1){
String args = " " + etc.combineSplit(1, split, " ");
2011-01-09 21:35:06 +01:00
vChat.gmsg(server + " " + args);
2011-01-10 20:18:38 +01:00
log.log(Level.INFO, "[Server] " + args);
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return true;
2011-01-08 09:55:20 +01:00
return false;
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2011-01-11 22:20:28 +01:00
2011-01-09 21:35:06 +01:00
vChat.gmsg(server + " shutting down the server");
2011-01-10 20:18:38 +01:00
log.log(Level.INFO, "[Server] " + "shutting down the server");
2011-01-11 22:20:28 +01:00
2011-01-08 07:10:56 +01:00
return false;
2011-01-05 17:20:42 +01:00
//Function: disable
//Input: None
//Output: None
//Use: Disables vMinecraft, but why would you want to do that? ;)
public void disable() {
log.log(Level.INFO, "vMinecraft disabled");
public void onPlayerMove(Player player, Location from, Location to) {
//Function: onChat
//Input: Player player: The player calling the command
// String message: The message to color
//Output: boolean: If the user has access to the command
// and it is enabled
//Use: Checks for quote, rage, and colors
public boolean onChat(Player player, String message){
if (message.startsWith("@") ||
2011-01-08 00:29:37 +01:00
return vChat.adminChat(player, message);
2011-01-08 00:17:36 +01:00
if((message.startsWith("!")) ||
return vChat.partyChat(player, message);
//Quote (Greentext)
2011-01-05 17:20:42 +01:00
else if (message.startsWith(">"))
2011-01-08 00:17:36 +01:00
return vChat.quote(player, message);
2011-01-05 17:20:42 +01:00
//Rage (FFF)
else if (message.startsWith("FFF"))
return vChat.rage(player, message);
//Send through quakeColors otherwise
return vChat.quakeColors(player, message);
//Function: onCommand
//Input: Player player: The player calling the command
// String[] split: The arguments
//Output: boolean: If the user has access to the command
// and it is enabled
//Use: Checks for exploits and runs the commands
public boolean onCommand(Player player, String[] split) {
//Copy the arguments into their own array.
String[] args = new String[split.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(split, 1, args, 0, args.length);
//Return the results of the command
int exitCode = vCom.cl.call(split[0], player, args);
if(exitCode == 0)
return false;
else if(exitCode == 1)
return true;
return false;
//Function: onHealthChange
//Input: Player player: The player calling the command
// int oldValue: The old health value;
// int newValue: The new health value
//Output: boolean: If the user has access to the command
// and it is enabled
//Use: Checks for exploits and runs the commands
public boolean onHealthChange(Player player,int oldValue,int newValue){
//Sets a player as dead
if (player.getHealth() < 1){
if (player.getHealth() > 1 && vUsers.getProfile(player).isDead()){
Warp home = null;
if (etc.getDataSource().getHome(player.getName()) != null){
home = etc.getDataSource().getHome(player.getName());
player.sendMessage(Colors.DarkPurple + "Return here with /myspawn");
player.sendMessage(Colors.DarkPurple + "The penalty for returning is the loss of inventory");
player.sendMessage(Colors.DarkPurple + "Set your own spawn with /sethome");
vChat.gmsg(Colors.Gray + player.getName() + " " + vConfig.randomDeathMsg());
return false;
public void onLogin(Player player){
vChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "There are currently " + etc.getServer().getPlayerList().size() + " players online.");
public void onDisconnect(Player player){
public boolean onIgnite(Block block, Player player) {
//There are 3 ways fire can spread
//1 = lava, 2 = lighter, 3 = spread (other fire blocks)
//Stop lava from spreading
if(block.getStatus() == 1 && vConfig.getInstance().lavaSpread()){
return true;
//Stop fire from spreading fire
if (block.getStatus() == 3 && vConfig.getInstance().stopFire()){
return true;
//Checking to see if any of the blocks fire is trying to spread to is on the "fireblockan" list
if (block.getStatus() == 3){
int x,
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2011-01-05 17:20:42 +01:00
x = block.getX();
y = block.getY();
z = block.getZ();
//Finding out the blockid of the current blocks fire is trying to spread to
int blockid = etc.getServer().getBlockIdAt(x, y, z);
//Check to see the blockid doesn't match anything on the list
for(x = 0; x >= vConfig.fireblockan.size(); x++){
if (vConfig.fireblockan.get(x) == blockid){
return true;
//Stop players without permission from being able to set fires
if(block.getStatus() == 2 && !player.canUseCommand("/flint")){
return true;
return false;
public boolean onDamage(PluginLoader.DamageType type, BaseEntity attacker, BaseEntity defender, int amount) {
//Invincibility for EzModo players
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//This also checks if the defender is a player
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Player dplayer = defender.getPlayer();
return true;
2011-01-08 00:17:36 +01:00
//So far we've checked if the defender is a player, next we check if the attacker is one
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if(attacker != null && attacker.isPlayer()){
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//If the attacker is not null and is a player we assign the attacker to a new player variable
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Player aplayer = attacker.getPlayer();
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//Then we preceed to check if they are in the same party, the code for this is stored elsewhere
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2011-01-08 00:17:36 +01:00
//If they are in the same party we tell onDamage to return true stopping the damage code from executing
2011-01-09 21:35:06 +01:00
if(aplayer != null && vmc.inSameParty(aplayer, dplayer)){
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return true;
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//if they aren't we tell it to return false, making the damage happen
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} else{
return false;
else {
return false;
return false;