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synced 2025-02-28 15:41:06 +01:00
New translations messages.yml (Spanish)
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ death-exp-loss:
- '&4Has muerto y has perdido {loss} de experiencia.'
- '&4Has muerto y has perdido {loss} de experiencia.'
- ''
- ''
not-enough-perms: '&cNo tienes suficientes permisos.'
#Experience boosters
- '&e'
- '&e'
- '&e¡Un multiplicador de EXP &6x{multiplier}&e está activo!'
- '&e¡Un multiplicador de EXP &6x{multiplier}&e está activo!'
@ -24,10 +26,34 @@ booster-skill:
- '&e¡Un multiplicador de EXP &6x{multiplier}&e para &6{profession} &eestá activo!'
- '&e¡Un multiplicador de EXP &6x{multiplier}&e para &6{profession} &eestá activo!'
- '&e'
- '&e'
booster-expired: '&c¡Caducado!'
booster-expired: '&c¡Caducado!'
#PvP Mode
cooldown: '&cPor favor espera &e{remaining} &csegundos para volver a usar este comando.'
#When you cannot hit another player
high-level-difference: '&cLa diferencia de nivel es demasiado alta para luchar contra este jugador.'
low-level-target: '&cNo puedes luchar contra este jugador porque su nivel es demasiado bajo.'
low-level-self: '&cTu nivel es demasiado bajo para luchar contra otros jugadores.'
pvp-mode-disabled-target: '&cEste jugador no ha activado el PvP.'
pvp-mode-disabled-self: '&cNo has activado el PvP.'
invulnerable-self: '&cAún estás fuera de combate durante {left} segundos.'
invulnerable-target: '&cEste jugador está fuera de combate durante {left} segundos.'
#When using /pvpmode
on-safe: '&aAhora podrás luchar contra otros jugadores en áreas dedicadas.'
on-invulnerable: '&aPodrás luchar contra otros jugadores en {time} segundos.'
off-safe: '&cYa no puedes luchar contra otros jugadores.'
#Entering/leaving regions
pvp-allowed: '&cHas abandonado la zona PVP pero todavía eres vulnerable durante {remaining} segundos!'
pvp-denied: '&cAbandonaste la zona de PVP.'
pvp-mode-on: '&aHas entrado en la zona PVP y ganaste invulnerabilidad durante {time} segundos!'
pvp-mode-off: '&aHas entrado en una zona PVP. Puedes usar /pvpmode para luchar contra otros jugadores.'
#Fishing Profession
#Fishing Profession
caught-fish: '&c¡Has atrapado un pez!'
caught-fish: '&c¡Has atrapado un pez!'
fish-out-water: '&a¡Bien hecho!'
fish-out-water: '&a¡Bien hecho!'
fish-out-water-crit: '&aCritical Fish!'
fish-out-water-crit: '&aPeces Críticos!'
#Player Input
#Player Input
@ -42,7 +68,7 @@ player-input:
guild-invite: '&eEscribe en el chat el nombre del jugador que quieres invitar.'
guild-invite: '&eEscribe en el chat el nombre del jugador que quieres invitar.'
guild-creation-tag: '&eEscribe en el chat la etiqueta del gremio que quieres crear.'
guild-creation-tag: '&eEscribe en el chat la etiqueta del gremio que quieres crear.'
guild-creation-name: '&eEscribe en el chat el nombre del gremio que quieres crear.'
guild-creation-name: '&eEscribe en el chat el nombre del gremio que quieres crear.'
cancel: '&eWrite &c''cancel'' &eto cancel.'
cancel: '&eEscribe &c''cancel'' &epara cancelar.'
#Spell Casting
#Spell Casting
@ -51,124 +77,126 @@ casting:
no-mana: '&6[{index}] &9&l{skill}'
no-mana: '&6[{index}] &9&l{skill}'
no-stamina: '&6[{index}] &9&l{skill}'
no-stamina: '&6[{index}] &9&l{skill}'
split: '&7 &7 - &7 '
split: '&7 &7 - &7 '
no-longer: '%&cYou cancelled skill casting.'
no-longer: '%&cHas cancelado el lanzamiento de habilidades.'
no-mana: '&cYou do not have enough {mana}!'
no-mana: '&cNo tienes suficiente {mana}, necesitas {mana-required}!'
no-stamina: '&cYou do not have enough stamina!'
no-stamina: '&c¡No tienes suficiente estamina!'
on-cooldown: '&cThis skill is on cooldown.'
on-cooldown: '&cEsta habilidad está en un enfriamiento de {cooldown} segundos.'
#Combat Log
#Combat Log
now-in-combat: '%&cYou are now in combat!'
now-in-combat: '%&c¡Ahora estás en combate!'
leave-combat: '%&aYou left combat.'
leave-combat: '%&aHas abandonado el combate.'
new-waypoint: '%&eYou unlocked the &6{waypoint} &ewaypoint!'
new-waypoint: '%&eHas desbloqueado el waypoint &6{waypoint}!'
new-waypoint-book: '%&eYou unlocked the &6{waypoint} &ewaypoint!'
new-waypoint-book: '%&e¡Has desbloqueado &6{waypoint} &ewaypoint!'
not-enough-stellium: '&cYou don''t have enough stellium: you need {more} more.'
not-enough-stellium: '&cNo tienes suficientes stellium, necesitas {more} más.'
waypoint-cooldown: '&cPlease wait {cooldown} before using a waypoint again.'
waypoint-cooldown: '&cPor favor, espera {cooldown} antes de usar un waypoint de nuevo.'
not-unlocked-waypoint: '&cYou have not unlocked that waypoint yet.'
not-unlocked-waypoint: '&cNo has desbloqueado ese waypoint todavía.'
not-dynamic-waypoint: '&cYou many only teleport to a non-dynamic waypoint while standing on another waypoint.'
not-dynamic-waypoint: '&c Solamente podrás teletransportarte a un waypoint estático mientras estés en otro waypoint.'
standing-on-waypoint: '&cYou are already standing on this waypoint.'
standing-on-waypoint: '&cYa estás en este waypoint.'
warping-canceled: '%&cWaypoint warping canceled.'
warping-canceled: '%&cTeletransporte al punto de ruta cancelado.'
warping-comencing: '%&cDO NOT MOVE!&e You will be warped in {left}sec.'
warping-comencing: '%&cNO TE MUEVAS!&e Serás teletransportado en {left} segundos.'
cannot-teleport-to: '&cThe two waypoints are not linked.'
cannot-teleport-to: '&cLos dos puntos de ruta no están vinculados.'
deposit: '&eYou successfully deposited &6{worth}g&e.'
deposit: '&eHas depositado exitosamente &6{worth} de oro&e.'
withdrawing: '&eType in the chat the amount of &6gold&e you want to &6withdraw&e.'
withdrawing: '&eEscribe la cantidad de &6oro&e que quieras &6retirar&e.'
withdraw-cancel: '&eWithdrawing canceled.'
withdraw-cancel: '&eRetiro cancelado.'
withdrew: '&eYou successfully withdrew &6{worth}g&e.'
withdrew: '&eHas retirado exitosamente &6{worth} de oro&e.'
wrong-number: '&c{arg} is not a valid number.'
wrong-number: '&c{arg} no es un número válido.'
not-enough-money: '&cYou don''t have enough money, you need {left} more gold.'
not-enough-money: '&cNo tienes suficiente dinero, necesitas {left} de oro más.'
stand-near-enderchest: '&cYou must be standing near a bank to do that.'
stand-near-enderchest: '&cDebes estar cerca de un banco para hacer eso.'
cannot-break: '%&cYou do not have the right tool in order to break that block.'
cannot-break: '%&cNo tienes la herramienta adecuada para romper ese bloque.'
no-longer-friends: '&cYou and {unfriend} are no longer friends.'
no-longer-friends: '&cTú y {unfriend} ya no sois amigos.'
not-online-player: '&c{player} is not online.'
not-online-player: '&c{player} no está conectado.'
sent-friend-request: '&eYou sent a friend request to &6{player}&e.'
sent-friend-request: '&eEnviaste una solicitud de amistad a &6{player}&e.'
now-friends: '&eYou are now friends with &6{player}&e.'
now-friends: '&eAhora eres amigo de &6{player}&e.'
friend-request-cooldown: '&cPlease wait {cooldown}.'
friend-request-cooldown: '&cPor favor, espera {cooldown}.'
cant-request-to-yourself: '&cYou can''t send a request to yourself.'
cant-request-to-yourself: '&cNo puedes enviarte una solicitud a ti mismo.'
already-friends: '&cYou are already friends with {player}.'
already-friends: '&cYa eres amigo de {player}.'
- '{"text":""}'
- '{"text":""}'
- '{"text":"&6{player} &ejust sent you a friend request!"}'
- '{"text":"&6{player} &eacaba de enviarte una solicitud de amistad!"}'
- '[{"text":" ","hoverEvent":{}},{"text":"&8[&a&lACCEPT&8]","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/friends accept {uuid}"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"&eClick to accept!"}},{"text":"&r ","hoverEvent":{}},{"text":"&8[&c&lDENY&8]","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/friends deny {uuid}"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"&eClick to deny."}}]'
- '[{"text":" "},{"text":"&8[&a&lACCEPT&8]","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/friends accept {uuid}"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"&eClick to accept!"}},{"text":"&r "},{"text":"&8[&c&lDENY&8]","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/friends deny {uuid}"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"&eClick to deny."}}]'
- '{"text":""}'
- '{"text":""}'
party-chat: '&5[Party] {player}: {message}'
party-chat: '&5[Grupo] {player}: {message}'
sent-party-invite: '&eYou sent a party invite to &6{player}&e.'
sent-party-invite: '&eEnviaste una invitación de grupo a &6{player}&e.'
already-in-party: '&c{player} is already in your party.'
already-in-party: '&c{player} ya está en tu grupo.'
- '{"text":""}'
- '{"text":""}'
- '{"text":"&6{player} &ehas invited you to their party!"}'
- '{"text":"&6{player} &ete ha invitado a su grupo!"}'
- '[{"text":" "},{"text":"&8[&a&lACCEPT&8]","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/party accept {uuid}"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"&eClick to accept!"}},{"text":"&r "},{"text":"&8[&c&lDENY&8]","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/party deny {uuid}"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"&eClick to deny."}}]'
- '[{"text":" "},{"text":"&8[&a&lACEPTAR&8]","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/party accept {uuid}"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"&eClic para aceptar!"}},{"text":"&r "},{"text":"&8[&c&lDENEGAR&8]","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/party deny {uuid}"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"&eClic para denegar."}}]'
- '{"text":""}'
- '{"text":""}'
party-is-full: '&cSorry, your party is full.'
party-is-full: '&cLo siento, tu grupo está completo.'
party-joined: '&eYou successfully joined &6{owner}&e''s party.'
party-joined: '&eTe has unido exitosamente al grupo de &6{owner}.'
party-joined-other: '&6{player}&e joined your party!'
party-joined-other: '&6{player}&e se ha unido a tu grupo!'
transfer-party-ownership: '&eYou were transfered the party ownership.'
transfer-party-ownership: '&eSe te ha transferido la propiedad del grupo.'
kick-from-party: '&eYou successfully kicked &6{player}&e.'
kick-from-party: '&eHas expulsado exitosamente a &6{player}&e.'
party-invite-cooldown: '&cPlease wait {cooldown} before inviting {player}.'
party-invite-cooldown: '&cPor favor, espera {cooldown} antes de invitar a {player}.'
high-level-difference: '&cYou cannot invite {player} as the level difference is too high ({diff}).'
high-level-difference: '&cNo puedes invitar a {player} ya que la diferencia de nivel es demasiado alta ({diff}).'
guild-chat: '&a[{tag}] {player}: {message}'
guild-chat: '&a[{tag}] {player}: {message}'
sent-guild-invite: '&eYou sent a guild invite to &6{player}&e.'
sent-guild-invite: '&eHas enviado una invitación al gremio a &6{player}&e.'
already-in-guild: '&c{player} is already in your guild.'
already-in-guild: '&c{player} ya está en tu gremio.'
- '{"text":""}'
- '{"text":""}'
- '{"text":"&6{player} &ehas invited you to their guild!"}'
- '{"text":"&6{player} &ete ha invitado a su gremio!"}'
- '[{"text":" "},{"text":"&8[&a&lACCEPT&8]","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild accept {uuid}"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"&eClick to accept!"}},{"text":"&r "},{"text":"&8[&c&lDENY&8]","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild deny {uuid}"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"&eClick to deny."}}]'
- '[{"text":" "},{"text":"&8[&a&lACEPTAR&8]","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild accept {uuid}"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"&eClic para aceptar!"}},{"text":"&r "},{"text":"&8[&c&lDENEGAR&8]","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild deny {uuid}"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"&eClic para denegar."}}]'
- '{"text":""}'
- '{"text":""}'
#guild-is-full: '&cSorry, your guild is full.' -Unused right now
#guild-is-full: '&cSorry, your guild is full.' -Unused right now
guild-joined: '&eYou successfully joined &6{owner}&e''s guild.'
guild-joined: '&eTe has unido exitosamente al gremio de &6{owner}.'
guild-joined-other: '&6{player}&e joined your guild!'
guild-joined-other: '&6{player}&e se ha unido a tu gremio!'
transfer-guild-ownership: '&eYou were transfered the guild ownership.'
transfer-guild-ownership: '&eSe te ha transferido la propiedad del gremio.'
kick-from-guild: '&eYou successfully kicked &6{player}&e from the guild.'
kick-from-guild: '&eHas expulsado exitosamente a &6{player}&e del gremio.'
guild-invite-cooldown: '&cPlease wait {cooldown} before inviting {player}.'
guild-invite-cooldown: '&cPor favor, espera {cooldown} antes de invitar a {player}.'
failed: "&cCouldn't create guild: {reason}"
failed: "&cNo se pudo crear el gremio: {reason}"
invalid-characters: "&eInvalid character(s)!"
invalid-characters: "&eCarácter(es) Inválidos!"
invalid-length: "&eThe length must be between {min} and {max}!"
invalid-length: "&eLa longitud debe estar entre {min} y {max}!"
already-exists: "&eThat guild tag already exists!"
already-exists: "&eEsa etiqueta de gremio ya existe!"
already-on-quest: '&cYou are already on a quest.'
already-on-quest: '&cYa estás en una misión.'
cancel-quest: '&eYou successfully canceled your ongoing quest.'
cancel-quest: '&eHas cancelado con éxito tu misión en curso.'
quest-level-restriction: '&cYou need to be {level} {count}.'
quest-level-restriction: '&cDebes ser {level} {count}.'
cant-redo-quest: '&cYou can''t start this quest twice.'
cant-redo-quest: '&cNo puedes iniciar esta misión dos veces.'
quest-cooldown: '&cYou need to wait {delay}.'
quest-cooldown: '&cNecesitas esperar {delay}.'
start-quest: '&eYou successfully started &6{quest}&e.'
start-quest: '&eHas comenzado exitosamente &6{quest}&e.'
- '&cYou need one class point to perform this action.'
- "&cYou don't have the permission to choose this class."
no-attribute-points-spent: '&cYou have not spent any attribute points.'
no-attribute-points-spent: '&cNo has usado ningún punto de atributo.'
not-attribute-reallocation-point: '&cYou do not have 1 reallocation point.'
not-attribute-reallocation-point: '&cNo tienes 1 punto de reasignación.'
not-attribute-point: '&cYou have no attribute point.'
not-attribute-point: '&cNo tienes ningún punto de atributo.'
not-attribute-point-shift: '&cYou must have &4{shift_points} &cattribute points.'
not-attribute-point-shift: '&cDebes tener&4{shift_points} &cpuntos de atributo.'
attribute-points-reallocated: '&eYou successfully reset your attributes. You now have &6{points} &eattribute points.'
attribute-points-reallocated: '&eHas restablecido correctamente tus atributos. Ahora tienes &6{points} &epuntos de atributo.'
attribute-max-points-hit: '&cYou cannot level up this attribute anymore.'
attribute-max-points-hit: '&cYa no puedes subir de nivel este atributo.'
attribute-level-up: '&eYou successfully leveled up your &6{attribute}&e.' #{level}
attribute-level-up: '&eHas subido exitosamente de nivel tu &6{attribute}&e.' #{level}
#Class selection
- '&cNecesitas un punto de clase para realizar esta acción.'
- "&cNo tienes el permiso para elegir esta clase."
no-class-skill: '&cYour class has no skill.'
no-class-skill: '&cTu clase no tiene habilidades.'
not-enough-skill-points: '&cYou need one skill point.'
not-enough-skill-points: '&cNecesitas un punto de habilidad.'
not-enough-skill-points-shift: '&cYou need {shift_points} skill points.'
not-enough-skill-points-shift: '&cNecesitas {shift_points} puntos de habilidad.'
upgrade-skill: '&eYour &6{skill} &eis now Level &6{level}&e!'
upgrade-skill: '&eTu &6{skill} &ees ahora nivel &6{level}&e!'
not-unlocked-skill: '&cYou have not unlocked that skill yet.'
skill-level-not-met: '&cAún no puedes usar esta habilidad.'
no-skill-bound: '&cYou don''t have any skill bound to this slot.'
no-skill-bound: '&cNo tienes ninguna habilidad asociada a esta ranura.'
not-active-skill: '&cThis is not an active skill.'
not-compatible-skill: '&cLa habilidad seleccionada no es compatible con esta ranura.'
not-passive-skill: '&cThis is not a passive skill.'
cant-manually-bind: "&cNo puedes vincular/desvincular manualmente esta habilidad de la ranura."
skill-max-level-hit: '&cYou already hit the max level for that skill.'
skill-max-level-hit: '&cYa has alcanzado el nivel máximo de esa habilidad.'
no-skill-placeholder: 'No Skill Bound'
no-skill-placeholder: 'Sin Habilidad Asociada'
not-skill-reallocation-point: '&cYou do not have 1 skill reallocation point.'
not-skill-reallocation-point: '&cNo tienes 1 punto de reasignación de habilidades.'
no-skill-points-spent: '&cYou have not spent any skill points.'
no-skill-points-spent: '&cNo has usado ningún punto de habilidad.'
skill-points-reallocated: '&eYou successfully reset your skill points. You now have &6{points} &eskill points.'
skill-points-reallocated: '&eHas restablecido correctamente tus puntos de habilidad. Ahora tienes &6{points} &epuntos de habilidad.'
max-points-reached: '&cYou reached the maximum points you can spend. You need to reallocate your points to rollback.'
max-points-reached: '&cHas alcanzado el máximo de puntos que puedes usar. Necesitas reasignar tus puntos para volver a empezar.'
#Skill Trees
#Skill Trees
no-skill-tree-points-spent: '&cYou have not spent any skill tree points.'
no-skill-tree-points-spent: '&cNo has usado ningún punto en el árbol de habilidades.'
locked-node: '&cThis skill is locked!'
locked-node: '&c¡Esta habilidad está bloqueada!'
upgrade-skill-node: '&eYour skill node &6{skill-node} &eis now Level &6{level}&e!'
upgrade-skill-node: '&e¡Tu nodo de habilidad &6{skill-node} &ees ahora nivel &6{level}&e!'
skill-node-max-level-hit: '&cYou already hit the max level for that skill node.'
skill-node-max-level-hit: '&cYa has alcanzado el nivel máximo para ese nodo de habilidad.'
not-enough-skill-tree-points: '&cYou need one skill tree point.'
missing-skill-node-permission: '&cNo tienes el permiso para desbloquear este nodo de habilidad.'
reallocated-points: '&eYou successfully reset the skill tree {skill-tree}. &eYou now have &6{points} &eskill tree points.'
not-enough-skill-tree-points: '&cNecesitas {point} puntos del árbol de habilidades.'
not-skill-tree-reallocation-point: '&cYou do not have 1 skill tree reallocation point.'
reallocated-points: '&eHas restablecido con éxito el árbol de habilidades {skill-tree}. &eAhora tienes &6{points} &epuntos del árbol de habilidades.'
no-skill-tree: '&cYour class doesn''t have any skill tree.'
not-skill-tree-reallocation-point: '&cNo tienes 1 punto de reasignación del árbol de habilidades.'
no-skill-tree: '&cTu clase no tiene ningún árbol de habilidades.'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user