diff --git a/MMOCore-Dist/src/main/resources/default/translation/French/gui/skill-list.yml b/MMOCore-Dist/src/main/resources/default/translation/French/gui/skill-list.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..64aa66d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/MMOCore-Dist/src/main/resources/default/translation/French/gui/skill-list.yml @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +#GUI display name +name: 'Selected Skill: &6{skill}' +#Number of slots in your inventory. Must be +#between 9 and 54 and must be a multiple of 9. +slots: 54 +items: + skill: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + function: skill + name: '&a{skill} &6[{level}]' + lore: + - '' + - '{unlocked}&a✔ Requires Level {unlock}' + - '{locked}&c✖ Requires Level {unlock}' + - '{max_level}&e✔ Maximum Level Hit!' + - '' + - '{lore}' + next: + slots: + - 47 + function: next + item: PLAYER_HEAD + texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTliZjMyOTJlMTI2YTEwNWI1NGViYTcxM2FhMWIxNTJkNTQxYTFkODkzODgyOWM1NjM2NGQxNzhlZDIyYmYifX19 + name: '&aNext' + lore: { } + previous: + slots: + - 2 + function: previous + item: PLAYER_HEAD + texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ2OWUwNmU1ZGFkZmQ4NGU1ZjNkMWMyMTA2M2YyNTUzYjJmYTk0NWVlMWQ0ZDcxNTJmZGM1NDI1YmMxMmE5In19fQ== + name: '&aPrevious' + lore: { } + reallocate: + slots: + - 45 + function: reallocation + item: CAULDRON + name: '&aReallocate Skill Points' + lore: + - '' + - 'You have spent a total of &6{total}&7 skill points.' + - '&7Right click to reallocate them.' + - '' + - '&eCosts 1 skill reallocation point.' + - '&e◆ Skill Reallocation Points: &6{points}' + passive-skill-slot: + slots: + - 7 + - 16 + - 25 + - 34 + - 43 + - 52 + function: passive-slot + item: BOOK + #Material used when the slot is empty + empty-item: BLUE_DYE + name: '&aPassive Skill Slot {slot}' + no-skill: '&cNone' + lore: + - '&7Current Passive Skill: &6{skill}' + - '' + - '&e► Left click to bind {selected}.' + - '&e► Right click to unbind.' + skill-slot: + slots: + - 8 + - 17 + - 26 + - 35 + - 44 + - 53 + function: active-slot + item: BOOK + #Material used when the slot is empty + empty-item: GRAY_DYE + name: '&aSkill Slot {slot}' + no-skill: '&cNone' + lore: + - '&7Current Skill: &6{skill}' + - '' + - '&7&oCast this spell by pressing [F] followed' + - '&7&oby the keybind displayed on the action bar.' + - '' + - '&e► Left click to bind {selected}.' + - '&e► Right click to unbind.' + skill-level: + slots: + - 6 + - 15 + - 24 + - 33 + - 42 + - 51 + function: level + #Skill level offset, should be changed + #according to the amount of inventory + #slots the skill-level item occupies. + offset: 2 + #Item displayed if the skill level is + #too low to display a level item in the GUI + too-low: + item: AIR + item: LIME_DYE + name: '&a{skill} Level {roman}' + lore: + - '' + - '{lore}' + upgrade: + slots: + - 15 + function: upgrade + item: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&a&lUPGRADE {skill_caps}' + lore: + - '&7Costs 1 skill point.' + - '' + - '&eCurrent Skill Points: {skill_points}'