New translations player-stats.yml (French)

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Taner 2023-09-10 11:00:44 +00:00
parent 5e692e9840
commit f669dd13e2
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#GUI display name #GUI display name
name: Your Character name: Vos personnages
#Number of slots in your inventory. Must be #Number of slots in your inventory. Must be
#between 9 and 54 and must be a multiple of 9. #between 9 and 54 and must be a multiple of 9.
slots: 54 slots: 54
@ -9,46 +9,46 @@ items:
- 10 - 10
function: profession_mining function: profession_mining
name: '&aMining' name: '&aMinage'
hide-flags: true hide-flags: true
lore: lore:
- '' - ''
- '&7Current Level: &e{level}' - '&7Niveau de classe : &e{level}'
- '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%' - '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%'
- '' - ''
- '&7&oMining unlocks rare ores and raw materials.' - '&7&oL''exploitation minière débloque les minerais rares et les matières premières.'
- '&7&oThis is vital to your rise in power and strength,' - '&7&oCeci est vital pour votre montée en puissance et en puissance,'
- '&7&omine frequently for unique and rare drops.' - '&7&omine fréquemment pour des gouttes uniques et rares.'
woodcutting-profession: woodcutting-profession:
slots: slots:
- 11 - 11
function: profession_woodcutting function: profession_woodcutting
item: IRON_AXE item: IRON_AXE
name: '&aWoodcutting' name: '&aCoupage en bois'
hide-flags: true hide-flags: true
lore: lore:
- '' - ''
- '&7Current Level: &e{level}' - '&7Niveau de classe : &e{level}'
- '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%' - '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%'
- '' - ''
- '&7&oThough it may seem like a boring task, woodcutting' - '&7&oBien que cela puisse sembler une tâche ennuyeuse, la coupe du bois'
- '&7&ois vital to obtaining materials used for crafting and trade,' - '&7&ois essentiels à l''obtention de matériaux utilisés pour l''artisanat et le commerce'
- '&7&oand will help give you the upper hand in the arcane ways.' - '&7&oand vous aidera à prendre le dessus dans les sens arcaniques.'
farming-profession: farming-profession:
slots: slots:
- 12 - 12
function: profession_farming function: profession_farming
item: IRON_HOE item: IRON_HOE
name: '&aFarming' name: '&aFermer'
hide-flags: true hide-flags: true
lore: lore:
- '' - ''
- '&7Current Level: &e{level}' - '&7Niveau de classe : &e{level}'
- '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%' - '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%'
- '' - ''
- '&7&oWith tons of new food and consumable recipes,' - '&7&oAvec des tonnes de nouvelles recettes alimentaires et consommables,'
- '&7&oyou will need to stay on top of the crops in order' - '&7&ovous devrez rester au-dessus des récoltes afin de pouvoir'
- '&7&oto obtain the best food and drinks to keep yourself healthy.' - '&7&oto obtenir les meilleurs aliments et boissons pour vous maintenir en santé.'
fishing-profession: fishing-profession:
slots: slots:
- 19 - 19
@ -58,16 +58,16 @@ items:
hide-flags: true hide-flags: true
lore: lore:
- '' - ''
- '&7Current Level: &e{level}' - '&7Niveau de classe : &e{level}'
- '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%' - '&8[<progress>&8] &e<percent>%'
- '' - ''
- '&7&oFishing may give you unique drops you' - '&7&oLa pêche peut vous donner des gouttes uniques'
- '&7&ocan''t find anywhere else. The more you' - '&7&ocanne ne trouve nulle part ailleurs. Plus vous'
- '&7&ofish, the easier it becomes to find these.' - '&7&ofish, plus il devient facile de les trouver.'
- '' - ''
- '&7Fishing Strength: &c{fishing_strength}%' - '&7Force de Pêche: &c{fishing_strength}%'
- '&7Crit Fishing Rate: &c{critical_fishing_chance}%' - '&7Taux de Pêche Critique : &c{critical_fishing_chance}%'
- '&7Crit Failure Rate: &c{critical_fishing_failure_chance}%' - '&7Taux d''échec critique : &c{critical_fishing_failure_chance}%'
alchemy-profession: alchemy-profession:
slots: slots:
- 20 - 20
@ -76,36 +76,36 @@ items:
name: '&aAlchemy' name: '&aAlchemy'
lore: lore:
- '' - ''
- '&7Current Level: &e{level}' - '&7Niveau de classe : &e{level}'
- '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%' - '&8[<progress>&8] &e<percent>%'
- '' - ''
- '&7&oIn a world where you are no longer limited to' - '&7&oDans un monde où vous n''êtes plus limité à'
- '&7&osimple potions, try learning tons of new brewing' - '&7&opotions simples, essayez d''apprendre des tonnes de nouvelles préparations'
- '&7&orecipes to give yourself the edge on the battlefield.' - '&7&orecipes pour vous donner l''avantage sur le champ de bataille.'
smithing-profession: smithing-profession:
slots: slots:
- 21 - 21
function: profession_smithing function: profession_smithing
item: ANVIL item: ANVIL
name: '&aSmithing' name: '&aForge'
lore: lore:
- '' - ''
- '&7Current Level: &e{level}' - '&7Niveau de classe : &e{level}'
- '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%' - '&8[<progress>&8] &e<percent>%'
- '' - ''
- '&7&oStabbing enemies and having them laugh is the worst,' - '&7&oAgiter les ennemis et les faire rire est le pire,'
- '&7&oPractice makes perfect when it comes to smithing.' - '&7&oLa pratique est parfaite quand il s''agit de forger.'
- '&7&o&nWar is won by the man with the pointiest stick.' - '&7&o&nLa guerre est gagnée par l''homme avec le bâton le plus pointu.'
enchanting-profession: enchanting-profession:
slots: slots:
- 28 - 28
function: profession_enchanting function: profession_enchanting
name: '&aEnchanting' name: '&aEnchantement'
lore: lore:
- '' - ''
- '&7Current Level: &e{level}' - '&7Niveau de classe : &e{level}'
- '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%' - '&8[<progress>&8] &e<percent>%'
- '' - ''
- '&7&oLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur' - '&7&oLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur'
- '&7&oadipiscing elit. Proin malesuada maximus massa,' - '&7&oadipiscing elit. Proin malesuada maximus massa,'
@ -115,15 +115,15 @@ items:
- 29 - 29
function: profession_smelting function: profession_smelting
name: '&aSmelting' name: '&aFonte'
lore: lore:
- '' - ''
- '&7Current Level: &e{level}' - '&7Niveau de classe : &e{level}'
- '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%' - '&8[<progress>&8] &e<percent>%'
- '' - ''
- '&7&oSinging your eyebrows will become standard.' - '&7&oChanter vos sourcils deviendra standard.'
- '&7&oYour long hours over the heat will make you' - '&7&oVos longues heures de chaleur vous feront passer'
- '&7&ofaster and more efficient with your oven.' - '&7&ofaster plus efficace avec votre four.'
boost-display: boost-display:
slots: slots:
- 47 - 47
@ -135,34 +135,34 @@ items:
no-boost: no-boost:
name: '&aNo Booster' name: '&aPas de Booster'
lore: { } lore: { }
#Profession experience boosters #Profession experience boosters
profession: profession:
name: '&aEXP Boost' name: '&aBoost d''EXP'
lore: lore:
- '&7Amount: &6+{value}%' - '&7Montant : &6+{value}%'
- '&7Time left: &6{left}' - '&7Temps restant : &6{left}'
- '&7Profession: &6{profession}' - '&7Profession: &6{profession}'
- '&7' - '&7'
- '&eStarted by {author}' - '&eContacté par {author}'
#Main class experience boosters #Main class experience boosters
main-level: main-level:
name: '&aEXP Boost' name: '&aBoost d''Exp'
lore: lore:
- '&7Amount: &6+{value}%' - '&7Montant : &6+{value}%'
- '&7Time left: &6{left}' - '&7Temps restant : &6{left}'
- '&7' - '&7'
- '&eStarted by {author}' - '&eContacté par {author}'
boost-next: boost-next:
slots: slots:
- 52 - 52
function: boost-next function: boost-next
texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTliZjMyOTJlMTI2YTEwNWI1NGViYTcxM2FhMWIxNTJkNTQxYTFkODkzODgyOWM1NjM2NGQxNzhlZDIyYmYifX19 texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTliZjMyOTJlMTI2YTEwNWI1NGViYTcxM2FhMWIxNTJkNTQxYTFkODkzODgyOWM1NjM2NGQxNzhlZDIyYmYifX19
name: '&aNext' name: '&aSuivant'
lore: { } lore: { }
boost-prev: boost-prev:
slots: slots:
@ -170,21 +170,21 @@ items:
function: boost-previous function: boost-previous
texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ2OWUwNmU1ZGFkZmQ4NGU1ZjNkMWMyMTA2M2YyNTUzYjJmYTk0NWVlMWQ0ZDcxNTJmZGM1NDI1YmMxMmE5In19fQ== texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ2OWUwNmU1ZGFkZmQ4NGU1ZjNkMWMyMTA2M2YyNTUzYjJmYTk0NWVlMWQ0ZDcxNTJmZGM1NDI1YmMxMmE5In19fQ==
name: '&aPrevious' name: '&aPrécédent'
lore: { } lore: { }
party: party:
slots: slots:
- 16 - 16
function: party function: party
item: CAKE item: CAKE
name: '&aParty Morale' name: '&aMoral de la Cavalerie'
lore: lore:
- '&7&oPlaying with your friends' - '&7&oJouez avec vos amis'
- '&7&ogreatly encourages you!' - '&7&ovous encourage fortement !'
- '' - ''
- '&7Party Bonuses ({count}):' - '&7Bonus de groupe ({count} ) :'
- '&8- +{buff_additional_experience}% Experience Earned!' - '&8+{buff_additional_experience} Experience Earned!'
- '&8- +{buff_health_regeneration}% Health Regeneration' - '&8+{buff_health_regeneration} Health Regeneration'
stats: stats:
slots: slots:
- 15 - 15
@ -193,49 +193,49 @@ items:
name: '&e{player}' name: '&e{player}'
lore: lore:
- '' - ''
- '&7Current Level: &e{level}' - '&7Niveau de classe : &e{level}'
- '&7Progression: &e{exp} / {next_level}' - '&7Progression: &e{exp} / {next_level}'
- '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%' - '&8[<progress>&8] &e<percent>%'
- '&7Skill Points: &6{skill_points}' - '&7Points de compétence : &6{skill_points}'
- '' - ''
- '&7Current Class: &c{class}' - '&7Classe actuelle : &c{class}'
- '&7Class Points: &c{class_points}' - '&7Points de classe : &c{class_points}'
phys: phys:
slots: slots:
- 32 - 32
function: stats function: stats
name: '&cPhysical' name: '&cPhysique'
hide-flags: true hide-flags: true
lore: lore:
- '' - ''
- 'Current Strength: &c&l{attribute_strength}' - 'Force actuelle : &c&l{attribute_strength}'
- '' - ''
- '✦ Attack Damage: &c{attack_damage} &7(&c{attack_damage_base} &7+ &c{attack_damage_extra}&7)' - '✦ Dégâts d''attaque : &c{attack_damage} &7(&c{attack_damage_base} &7+ &c{attack_damage_extra}&7)'
- '✦ Attack Speed: &c{attack_speed} &7(&c{attack_speed_base} &7+ &c{attack_speed_extra}&7)' - '✦ Dégâts d''attaque : &c{attack_speed} &7(&c{attack_speed_base} &7+ &c{attack_speed_extra}&7)'
- '' - ''
- '❤ Max Health: &c{max_health} &7(&c{max_health_base} &7+ &c{max_health_extra}&7)' - '❤ Santé Max : &c{max_health} &7(&c{max_health_base} &7+ &c{max_health_extra}&7)'
- '❤ Health Regen: &c{health_regeneration} &7(&c{health_regeneration_base} &7+ &c{health_regeneration_extra}&7)' - '❤ Health Regen: &c{health_regeneration} &7(&c{health_regeneration_base} &7+ &c{health_regeneration_extra}&7)'
- '' - ''
- '✤ Max Stamina: &9{max_stamina} &7(&9{max_stamina_base} &7+ &9{max_stamina_extra}&7)' - '✤ Endurance maximale : &9{max_stamina} &7(&9{max_stamina_base} &7+ &9{max_stamina_extra}&7)'
- '✤ Stamina Regen: &9{stamina_regeneration} &7(&9{stamina_regeneration_base} &7+ &9{stamina_regeneration_extra}&7)' - '✤ Health Regen: &c{stamina_regeneration} &9(&c{stamina_regeneration_base} &9+ &c{stamina_regeneration_extra}&7)'
- '' - ''
- '❖ Armor: &c{armor} &7(&c{armor_base} &7+ &c{armor_extra}&7)' - '❖ Armor: &c{armor} &7(&c{armor_base} &7+ &c{armor_extra}&7)'
- '❖ Armor Toughness: &c{armor_toughness} &7(&c{armor_toughness_base} &7+ &c{armor_toughness_extra}&7)' - '❖ Endurance de l''armure : &c{armor_toughness} &7(&c{armor_toughness_base} &7+ &c{armor_toughness_extra}&7)'
dex: dex:
slots: slots:
- 33 - 33
function: stats function: stats
name: '&aDexterity' name: '&aDextérité'
hide-flags: true hide-flags: true
lore: lore:
- '' - ''
- 'Current Dexterity: &a&l{attribute_dexterity}' - 'Dextérité actuelle: &a&l{attribute_dexterity}'
- '' - ''
- '✤ Knockback Resistance: &f{knockback_resistance} &7(&f{knockback_resistance_base} &7+ &f{knockback_resistance_extra}&7)' - '✤ Résistance au recul : &f{knockback_resistance} &7(&f{knockback_resistance_base} &7+ &f{knockback_resistance_extra}&7)'
- '✤ Movement Speed: &f{movement_speed} &7(&f{movement_speed_base} &7+ &f{movement_speed_extra}&7)' - '✤ Vitesse de déplacement : &f{movement_speed} &7(&f{movement_speed_base} &7+ &f{movement_speed_extra}&7)'
- '✤ Speed Malus Reduction: &f{speed_malus_reduction}% &7(&f{speed_malus_reduction_base} &7+ &f{speed_malus_reduction_extra}&7)' - '✤ Réduction du Malus de Vitesse: &f{speed_malus_reduction}% &7(&f{speed_malus_reduction_base} &7+ &f{speed_malus_reduction_extra}&7)'
int: int:
slots: slots:
- 34 - 34
@ -245,13 +245,13 @@ items:
hide-flags: true hide-flags: true
lore: lore:
- '' - ''
- 'Current Intelligence: &b&l{attribute_intelligence}' - 'Intelligence actuelle: &b&l{attribute_intelligence}'
- '' - ''
- '✤ Max Mana: &9{max_mana} &7(&9{max_mana_base} &7+ &9{max_mana_extra}&7)' - '✤ Endurance maximale : &9{max_mana} &7(&9{max_mana_base} &7+ &9{max_mana_extra}&7)'
- '✤ Mana Regen: &9{mana_regeneration} &7(&9{mana_regeneration_base} &7+ &9{mana_regeneration_extra}&7)' - '✤ Health Regen: &c{mana_regeneration} &9(&c{mana_regeneration_base} &9+ &c{mana_regeneration_extra}&7)'
- '' - ''
- '✤ Skill Cooldown Reduction: &9{cooldown_reduction} &7(&9{cooldown_reduction_base} &7+ &9{cooldown_reduction_extra}&7)' - '✤ Réduction du temps de recharge des compétences : &9{cooldown_reduction} &7(&9{cooldown_reduction_base} &7+ &9{cooldown_reduction_extra}&7)'
- '✤ Extra Experience: &9{additional_experience} &7(&9{additional_experience_base} &7+ &9{additional_experience_extra}&7)' - '✤ Expérience supplémentaire : &9{additional_experience} &7(&9{additional_experience_base} &7+ &9{additional_experience_extra}&7)'
- '' - ''
- '❊ Max Stellium: &9{max_stellium} &7(&9{max_stellium_base} &7+ &9{max_stellium_extra}&7)' - '❊ Endurance maximale : &9{max_stellium} &7(&9{max_stellium_base} &7+ &9{max_stellium_extra}&7)'
- '❊ Stellium Regen: &9{stellium_regeneration} &7(&9{stellium_regeneration_base} &7+ &9{stellium_regeneration_extra}&7)' - '❊ Health Regen: &c{stellium_regeneration} &9(&c{stellium_regeneration_base} &9+ &c{stellium_regeneration_extra}&7)'