From 2a6247ae42f7d3bcbcf4bdfee100e2587f0693c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Taner <> Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2023 10:11:45 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] New translations stats.yml (Thai) --- .../resources/default/language/Thai/stats.yml | 135 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 135 insertions(+) create mode 100644 MMOItems-Dist/src/main/resources/default/language/Thai/stats.yml diff --git a/MMOItems-Dist/src/main/resources/default/language/Thai/stats.yml b/MMOItems-Dist/src/main/resources/default/language/Thai/stats.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f78c0be1 --- /dev/null +++ b/MMOItems-Dist/src/main/resources/default/language/Thai/stats.yml @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +#Weapon Stats +attack-damage: '&3 &7➸ พลังโจมตี: &f{value}' +attack-speed: '&3 &7➸ ความเร็วโจมตี: &f{value}' +critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ อัตราคริติคอล: &f{value}%' +critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ ความเสียหายคริติคอล: &f{value}%' +skill-critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ อัตราคริติคอลสกิล: &f{value}%' +skill-critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ ความเสียหายคริติคอลสกิล: &f{value}%' +range: '&3 &7■ ระยะ: &f{value}' +mana-cost: '&3 &7■ ใช้มานา &9{value} หน่วย' +stamina-cost: '&3 &7■ ใช้พลังกาย {value} หน่วย' +arrow-velocity: '&3 &7■ ความเร็วลูกธนู: &f{value}' +blunt-power: '&3 &7■ Blunt Power: &f{value}' +blunt-rating: '&3 &7■ Blunt Rating: &f{value}%' +two-handed: '&3 &7■ Two Handed' +handworn: '&3 &7■ Handworn' +knockback: '&3 &7■ Knockback: &f{value}' +recoil: '&3 &7■ Recoil: &f{value}%' +note-weight: '&3 &7■ Note Weight: &f{value}' +lifesteal: '&3 &7■ Lifesteal: &c+{value}%' +spell-vampirism: '&3 &7■ Spell Vampirism: &c+{value}%' +#Extra Damage +pve-damage: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage: &f{value}%' +pvp-damage: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage: &f{value}%' +magic-damage: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage: &f{value}%' +weapon-damage: '&3 &7■ Weapon Damage: &f{value}%' +undead-damage: '&3 &7■ Undead Damage: &f{value}%' +skill-damage: '&3 &7■ Skill Damage: &f{value}%' +physical-damage: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage: &f{value}%' +projectile-damage: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage: &f{value}%' +faction-damage-undead: '&3 &7■ Undead Faction Damage: &f{value}%' +#Abilities +ability-format: '&a>&8| &7{trigger} &8|&e|&8| &7&l{ability}' +ability-modifier: ' &3>&8|&7 {modifier}&8: &f{value}' +ability-splitter: '&8' +#Armor Stats +block-power: '&3 &7■ Block Power: &f{value}%' +block-rating: '&3 &7■ Block Rating: &f{value}%' +block-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Block Cooldown Reduction: &f{value}%' +dodge-rating: '&3 &7■ Dodge Rating: &f{value}%' +dodge-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Dodge Cooldown Reduction: &f{value}%' +parry-rating: '&3 &7■ Parry Rating: &f{value}%' +parry-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Parry Cooldown Reduction: &f{value}%' +armor: '&3 &7✠ Armor: &f{value}' +armor-toughness: '&3 &7✠ Armor Toughness: &f{value}' +knockback-resistance: '&3 &7✠ Knockback Resistance: &f{value}%' +max-health: '&3 &7❤ Health:&c {value}' +movement-speed: '&3 &7■ Movement Speed: &f{value}' +#Damage Reduction +defense: '&3 &7■ Defense: &f{value}' +damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Damage Reduction: &f{value}%' +fall-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fall Damage Reduction: &f{value}%' +fire-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fire Damage Reduction: &f{value}%' +magic-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage Reduction: &f{value}%' +projectile-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage Reduction: &f{value}%' +physical-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage Reduction: &f{value}%' +pve-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage Reduction: &f{value}%' +pvp-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage Reduction: &f{value}%' +#RPG stats +health-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Health Regeneration: &f{value}' +max-mana: '&3 &7■ Max Mana: &f{value}' +mana-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Mana Regeneration: &f{value}' +max-stamina: '&3 &7■ Max Stamina: &f{value}' +stamina-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Stamina Regeneration: &f{value}' +cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Skill Cooldown Reduction: &f{value}%' +additional-experience: '&3 &7■ Additional Experience: &f{value}%' +additional-experience-alchemy: '&7■ Additional Alchemy Experience: &f{value}%' +additional-experience-enchanting: '&7■ Additional Enchanting Experience: &f{value}%' +additional-experience-farming: '&7■ Additional Farming Experience: &f{value}%' +additional-experience-fishing: '&7■ Additional Fishing Experience: &f{value}%' +additional-experience-mining: '&7■ Additional Mining Experience: &f{value}%' +additional-experience-smelting: '&7■ Additional Smelting Experience: &f{value}%' +additional-experience-smithing: '&7■ Additional Smithing Experience: &f{value}%' +additional-experience-woodcutting: '&7■ Additional Woodcutting Experience: &f{value}%' +#Extra Options +perm-effect: '&3 &7■ Permanent &f{effect}' +command: '&3 &7■ Command: &f{format} &3 &7(&f{cooldown}&3 &7s)' +item-cooldown: '&3 &7■ &f{value}&3 &7s Cooldown' +arrow-potion-effects: '&3 &7■ Arrow Effect: &f{effect}' +#Consumables +restore-health: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Health' +restore-food: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Food' +restore-saturation: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Saturation' +restore-mana: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Mana' +restore-stamina: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Stamina' +effect: '&3 &7■ Grants &f{effect} &7for &f{duration} &7s' +repair: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}' +repair-percent: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}%' +can-identify: '&3 &7■ Can identify items.' +can-deconstruct: '&3 &7■ Can deconstruct tiered items.' +can-deskin: '&3 &7■ Can de-skin skinned items.' +success-rate: '&3 &7■ Success Rate: &a&l{value}%' +max-consume: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Uses Left' +#Gem Stones +empty-gem-socket: '&a◆ Empty {name} Gem Socket' +filled-gem-socket: '&a◆ {name}' +when-applied: '&aWhen Applied:' +gem-stone-lore: '&8&l[&2&l*&8&l] &aDrag onto an item &7to apply!' +#Soulbound +soulbinding-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to bind your item.' +soulbound-break-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to break soulbounds.' +soulbound-level: '&3 &7■ Level &e{value} &7Soulbound' +#Tools +autosmelt: '&3 &7■ &fAutosmelt' +bouncing-crack: '&3 &7■ &fBouncing Crack' +pickaxe-power: '&3 &7■ &fPickaxe Power: &a{value}' +durability: '&7Durability: {current} / {max}' +#General +item-type: '&c{type}' +tier: '&3 &7Tier: {value}' +required-class: '&3 &7{value} Item' +required-level: '&eRequires Lvl {value}' +#MMOCore Attributes +required-dexterity: '&eRequires &c{value} &eDexterity' +required-strength: '&eRequires &c{value} &eStrength' +required-intelligence: '&eRequires &c{value} &eIntelligence' +additional-dexterity: '&3 &7■ Extra Dexterity: &f{value}' +additional-strength: '&3 &7■ Extra Strength: &f{value}' +additional-intelligence: '&3 &7■ Extra Intelligence: &f{value}' +#Professions +profession-alchemy: '&eAlchemy Level: &c{value}' +profession-enchanting: '&eEnchanting Level: &c{value}' +profession-farming: '&eFarming Level: &c{value}' +profession-fishing: '&eFishing Level: &c{value}' +profession-mining: '&eMining Level: &c{value}' +profession-smelting: '&eSmelting Level: &c{value}' +profession-smithing: '&eSmithing Level: &c{value}' +profession-woodcutting: '&eWoodcutting Level: &c{value}' +#Elemental Stat Format +elemental-damage: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Damage' +elemental-damage-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Damage' +elemental-defense: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Defense' +elemental-defense-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Defense' +elemental-weakness: '{color}{icon}&7 {value}% {element} Weakness' +#Custom stats +custom-myluck: '&3 &7■ Luck: &f{value}'