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synced 2025-03-01 15:51:03 +01:00
Merge branch 'l10n_master' into 'master'
Crowdin language updates See merge request phoenix-dvpmt/mmoitems!63
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
cast: 施法时
shoot-bow: 发射箭矢时
shoot-trident: 投射三叉戟时
sneak: 潜行时
shift-left-click: 潜行 + 左键
arrow-tick: 箭矢飞行时
timer: 定时触发
death: 死亡时
trident-land: 三叉戟落地时
arrow-land: 箭矢落地时
trident-tick: 三叉戟飞行时
kill-entity: 击杀实体时
right-click: 右键
attack: 左键
arrow-hit: 箭矢命中时
login: 上线时
api: Api
damaged: 造成伤害时
left-click: 左键
trident-hit: 三叉戟命中时
damaged-by-entity: 受伤时
shift-right-click: 潜行 + 右键
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
nether-spirit: '&3 &7■ 下界之灵'
void-spirit: '&3 &7■ 虚空之灵'
mana-spirit: '&3 &7■ 法力之灵'
lightning-spirit: '&3 &7■ 雷霆之灵'
xray-spirit: '&3 &7■ X射线之灵'
thunder-spirit: '&3 &7■ 风暴之灵'
sunfire-spirit: '&3 &7■ 阳炎之灵'
wave: '&3 &7■ 波纹旋律'
circular: '&3 &7■ 环形旋律'
slash: '&3 &7■ 尖锐旋律'
simple: '&3 &7■ 普通旋律'
brute: '&3 &7■ 野蛮旋律'
heavy: '&3 &7■ 沉重旋律'
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
positive: '&a✔ 需要 #level#级 工作 #profession#'
negative: '&c✖ 需要 #level#级 工作 #profession#'
positive: '&a✔ 需要 #mana# 法力值'
negative: '&c✖ 需要 #mana# 法力值'
positive: '&a✔ 需要金钱 $#money#'
negative: '&c✖ 需要金钱 $#money#'
positive: '&a✔ 需要等级 #level#'
negative: '&c✖ 需要等级 #level#'
positive: '&a✔ 需要 #stellium# 星光'
negative: '&c✖ 需要 #stellium# 星光'
positive: '&a✔ 需要 #stamina# 耐力'
negative: '&c✖ 需要 #stamina# 耐力'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ 需要 #points# #attribute#'
negative: '&c✖ 需要 #points# #attribute#'
positive: '&a✔ 需要职业: #class#'
negative: '&c✖ 需要职业: #class#'
positive: '&a✔ 需要 #food# 饥饿值'
negative: '&c✖ 需要 #food# 饥饿值'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #level##item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #level##item#'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #item#'
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
name: '&a确认'
lore: [ ]
name: '&8'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a上一页'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a下一页'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a上一个'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a下一个'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a返回'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a&l合成&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8条件:'
- '{crafting_time}'
- '{crafting_time}&7合成用时: &c#crafting-time#&7秒'
- ''
- '&8所需材料:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&e左键点击以合成!'
- '&e右键点击以预览!'
name: '&e&l升级&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8条件:'
- ''
- '&8所需材料:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&e左键点击以合成!'
- '&e右键点击以预览!'
name: '&6&l队列&f #name#'
- '{ready}&7&o这个物品已被成功合成.'
- '{queue}&7&o这个物品正在排队等待被合成.'
- '{queue}'
- '{queue}&7剩余时间: &c#left#'
- ''
- '{ready}&e点击收取!'
- '{queue}&e点击取消.'
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
received-item: '你获得了 &e#amount# x &6#item#'
hands-too-charged: '你什么都做不了, 你的手太重了.'
spell-on-cooldown: '#progress# &e你需要等待 #left#秒 以释放这个技能.'
item-on-cooldown: '这个物品正在冷却中! 请等待 #left#秒.'
not-enough-perms-command: '你的权限不足.'
not-enough-levels: '你没有足够的等级以使用这个物品!'
soulbound-restriction: '这个物品已经被灵魂绑定到其它玩家, 你不能使用它!'
not-enough-perms: '你没有足够的权限以使用这个.'
wrong-class: '你的职业不正确!'
not-enough-mana: '你的法力值不足!'
not-enough-stamina: '你的耐力不足!'
not-enough-attribute: '你没有足够的 #attribute#!'
not-enough-profession: '你的工作 #profession# 等级不足!'
unidentified-item: '你不能使用未鉴定的物品!'
zero-durability: '物品已损坏, 你需要先修复它.'
cannot-identify-stacked-items: '你一次只能鉴定一个物品.'
successfully-identified: '你成功鉴定了 &6#item#&e.'
successfully-deconstructed: '你成功拆解了 &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-applied: '你成功将 &6#gem#&e 镶嵌到了 &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-broke: '你的宝石 &6#gem#&c 在镶嵌到 &6#item#&c 的过程中损坏了.'
repaired-item: '你成功修复了 &6#item#&e &6#amount#次 &e使用次数.'
skin-applied: '你成功将物品皮肤贴到了 &6#item#&e 上!'
skin-removed: '你成功将物品皮肤从 &6#item#&e 上揭了下来!'
skin-broke: '你的物品皮肤在贴到 &6#item#&c 上的过程中损坏了.'
skin-rejected: '你的 &6#item#&c 上已经贴着一个物品皮肤了!'
skin-incompatible: '该物品皮肤与你的 &6#item#&c 不兼容!'
random-unsocket-gem-too-old: '宝石已经与你的物品融为一体. 不能拆除.'
random-unsocket-success: '&a你从物品 &6#item#&a 上移除了 &3#gem#&a!'
cant-bind-item: '这个物品已经被灵魂绑定到了 #player#, 绑定等级 #level#. 你需要先破坏这个绑定.'
no-soulbound: '这个物品没有被灵魂绑定到任何人.'
cant-bind-stacked: '你不能一次灵魂绑定多个物品.'
unsuccessful-soulbound: '你的灵魂绑定失败了.'
unsuccessful-soulbound-break: '你不能破坏这个灵魂绑定.'
low-soulbound-level: '这个物品的灵魂绑定等级为 #level#. 你的绑定消耗品需要有更高的绑定等级才能打破这个绑定.'
successfully-bind-item: '你成功以等级 &6#level# &e灵魂绑定到了你的物品 &6#item#&e.'
successfully-break-bind: '你成功破坏了等级为 &6#level# &e的灵魂绑定!'
soulbound-item-lore: '&4灵魂绑定至 #player#//&4绑定等级 #level#'
cant-upgraded-stack: '你不能一次升级多个物品.'
max-upgrades-hit: '这个物品无法被进一步升级了.'
upgrade-fail: '你的升级失败了, 消耗品已丢失.'
upgrade-fail-station: '你的升级失败了, 材料已丢失.'
wrong-upgrade-reference: '你不能用这个消耗品升级这个物品.'
upgrade-success: '你成功升级了 &6#item#&e!'
not-have-item-upgrade: '你没有可以升级的物品!'
upgrade-requirement-safe-check: '你没有达到升级需求.'
death-downgrading: '&c你的 &6#item#&c 在那场战斗中严重受损...'
not-enough-materials: '你没有足够的材料以合成这个物品.'
conditions-not-met: '你不能合成这个物品.'
crafting-canceled: '你取消了一个合成.'
crafting-queue-full: '合成队列已满.'
station-big-stack: '合成数量: #size#'
recipe-preview: '配方预览'
unable-to-repair: '这个物品不能被这个消耗品修复!'
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
speed: 速度
slow: 缓慢
fast-digging: 急迫
slow-digging: 挖掘疲劳
increase-damage: 力量
heal: 生命恢复
harm: 瞬间伤害
jump: 跳跃提升
confusion: 反胃
regeneration: 生命恢复
damage-resistance: 抗性提升
fire-resistance: 防火
water-breathing: 水下呼吸
invisibility: 隐身
blindness: 失明
night-vision: 夜视
hunger: 饥饿
weakness: 虚弱
poison: 中毒
wither: 凋零
health-boost: 生命提升
absorption: 伤害吸收
saturation: 饱和
glowing: 发光
levitation: 飘浮
luck: 幸运
unluck: 霉运
slow-falling: 缓降
conduit-power: 潮涌能量
dolphins-grace: 海豚的恩惠
bad-omen: 不祥之兆
hero-of-the-village: 村庄英雄
darkness: 黑暗
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#Weapon Stats
attack-damage: '&3 &7➸ 攻击伤害: &f{value}'
attack-speed: '&3 &7➸ 攻击速度: &f{value}'
critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ 暴击率: &f<plus>{value}%'
critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ 暴击伤害比例: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ 技能暴击率: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ 技能暴击伤害比例: &f<plus>{value}%'
range: '&3 &7■ 范围: &f{value}'
mana-cost: '&9■ 消耗 {value} 法力值'
stamina-cost: '&9■ 消耗 {value} 耐力'
arrow-velocity: '&3 &7■ 箭矢速度: &f{value}'
blunt-power: '&3 &7■ AOE伤害半径: &f{value}'
blunt-rating: '&3 &7■ AOE伤害比例: &f{value}%'
two-handed: '&3 &7■ 双手使用'
handworn: '&3 &7■ 戴在手上'
knockback: '&3 &7■ 击退: &f{value}'
recoil: '&3 &7■ 后坐力: &f{value}%'
note-weight: '&3 &7■ 音符强度: &f{value}'
lifesteal: '&3 &7■ 生命窃取: &c+{value}%'
spell-vampirism: '&3 &7■ 技能吸血比例: &c+{value}%'
#Extra Damage
pve-damage: '&3 &7■ PvE伤害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage: '&3 &7■ PvP伤害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage: '&3 &7■ 魔法伤害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
weapon-damage: '&3 &7■ 武器伤害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
undead-damage: '&3 &7■ 不死生物伤害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-damage: '&3 &7■ 技能伤害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage: '&3 &7■ 物理伤害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage: '&3 &7■ 弹射物伤害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
faction-damage-undead: '&3 &7■ 不死派系伤害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
ability-format: '&a>&8| &7{trigger} &8|&e|&8| &7&l{ability}'
ability-modifier: ' &3>&8|&7 {modifier}&8: &f{value}'
ability-splitter: '&8'
#Armor Stats
block-power: '&3 &7■ 格挡比例: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-rating: '&3 &7■ 格挡几率: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ 格挡冷却缩减: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-rating: '&3 &7■ 闪避几率: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ 闪避冷却缩减: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-rating: '&3 &7■ 招架几率: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ 招架冷却缩减: &f<plus>{value}%'
armor: '&3 &7✠ 护甲值: &f<plus>{value}'
armor-toughness: '&3 &7✠ 盔甲韧性: &f<plus>{value}'
knockback-resistance: '&3 &7✠ 击退抗性: &f<plus>{value}%'
max-health: '&c❤ 生命上限: <plus>{value}'
movement-speed: '&3 &7■ 移动速度: &f<plus>{value}'
#Damage Reduction
defense: '&3 &7■ 护甲: &f<plus>{value}'
damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ 伤害减免: &f<plus>{value}%'
fall-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ 摔落伤害减免: &f<plus>{value}%'
fire-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ 火焰伤害减免: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ 魔法伤害减免: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ 弹射物伤害减免: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ 物理伤害减免: &f<plus>{value}%'
pve-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PVE伤害减免: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvP伤害减免: &f<plus>{value}%'
#RPG stats
health-regeneration: '&3 &7■ 生命恢复: &f<plus>{value}'
max-mana: '&3 &7■ 法力上限: &f<plus>{value}'
mana-regeneration: '&3 &7■ 法力恢复: &f<plus>{value}'
max-stamina: '&3 &7■ 耐力上限: &f<plus>{value}'
stamina-regeneration: '&3 &7■ 耐力恢复: &f<plus>{value}'
cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ 技能冷却缩减: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience: '&3 &7■ 额外职业经验: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-alchemy: '&7■ 额外炼金经验: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-enchanting: '&7■ 额外附魔经验: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-farming: '&7■ 额外农业经验: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-fishing: '&7■ 额外垂钓经验: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-mining: '&7■ 额外采矿经验: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smelting: '&7■ 额外锻造经验: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smithing: '&7■ 额外冶炼经验: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-woodcutting: '&7■ 额外伐木经验: &f<plus>{value}%'
#Extra Options
perm-effect: '&3 &7■ 永久效果 &f{effect}'
command: '&3 &7■ 指令: &f{format} &3 &7(&f{cooldown}&3 &7秒)'
item-cooldown: '&3 &7■ &f{value}秒&3 &7Cooldown'
arrow-potion-effects: '&3 &7■ 箭矢药水效果: &f{effect}'
restore-health: '&3 &7■ 恢复 &f{value} &7生命值'
restore-food: '&3 &7■ 恢复 &f{value} &7饥饿值'
restore-saturation: '&3 &7■ 恢复 &f{value} &7饱和度'
restore-mana: '&3 &7■ 恢复 &f{value} &7法力值'
restore-stamina: '&3 &7■ 恢复 &f{value} &7耐力'
effect: '&3 &7■ 获得 &f{effect} &7持续 &f{duration}&7秒'
repair: '&3 &7■ 修复: &f{value}'
repair-percent: '&3 &7■ 修复: &f{value}%'
can-identify: '&3 &7■ 用于鉴定物品'
can-deconstruct: '&3 &7■ 用于拆解物品'
can-deskin: '&3 &7■ 用于揭下物品皮肤'
success-rate: '&3 &7■ 成功几率: &a&l{value}%'
max-consume: '&3 &7■ &7剩余使用次数: &f{value}'
#Gem Stones
empty-gem-socket: '&a◆ 空 {name} 宝石槽'
filled-gem-socket: '&a◆ {name}'
when-applied: '&a镶嵌时间:'
gem-stone-lore: '&8&l[&2&l*&8&l] &a将宝石拖放到物品上 &7以镶嵌!'
soulbinding-chance: '&3 &7■ 有 &a{value}% &7几率灵魂绑定你的物品'
soulbound-break-chance: '&3 &7■ 有 &a{value}% &7几率破坏灵魂绑定'
soulbound-level: '&3 &7■ 灵魂绑定等级 &e{value}'
autosmelt: '&3 &7■ &f自动熔炼'
bouncing-crack: '&3 &7■ &f范围破坏'
pickaxe-power: '&3 &7■ &f挖掘强度: &a{value}'
durability: '&7耐久: {current} / {max}'
item-type: '&c{type}'
tier: '&3 &7品质: {value}'
required-class: '&3 &7所需职业 {value}'
required-level: '&e所需等级 {value}'
#MMOCore Attributes
required-dexterity: '&e所需敏捷 &c{value}'
required-strength: '&e所需力量 &c{value}'
required-intelligence: '&e所需智慧 &c{value}'
additional-dexterity: '&3 &7■ 额外敏捷: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-strength: '&3 &7■ 额外力量: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-intelligence: '&3 &7■ 额外智慧: &f<plus>{value}'
profession-alchemy: '&e炼金等级: &c{value}'
profession-enchanting: '&e附魔等级: &c{value}'
profession-farming: '&e农业等级: &c{value}'
profession-fishing: '&e垂钓等级: &c{value}'
profession-mining: '&e采矿等级: &c{value}'
profession-smelting: '&e锻造等级: &c{value}'
profession-smithing: '&e冶炼等级: &c{value}'
profession-woodcutting: '&e伐木等级: &c{value}'
#Elemental Stat Format
elemental-damage: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} 伤害'
elemental-damage-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} 伤害加成'
elemental-defense: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} 防御'
elemental-defense-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} 防御加成'
elemental-weakness: '{color}{icon}&7 {value}% {element} 弱化'
#Custom stats
custom-myluck: '&3 &7■ 幸运: &f<plus>{value}'
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
cast: 投擲
shoot-bow: 射箭時
shoot-trident: 投擲三叉戟時
sneak: 蹲下
shift-left-click: Shift+左鍵使用
arrow-tick: 箭矢擊中
timer: 定時
death: 死亡時
trident-land: 三叉戟掉落時
arrow-land: 箭掉落時
trident-tick: 三叉戟擊中
kill-entity: 殺死實體
right-click: 右鍵使用
attack: 發動攻擊時
arrow-hit: 擊中時
login: 登入時
api: API
damaged: 受到傷害時
left-click: 左鍵使用
trident-hit: 三叉戟擊中時
damaged-by-entity: 受到實體傷害時
shift-right-click: Shift+右鍵使用
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
nether-spirit: '&7■ 幽冥之靈'
void-spirit: '&7■ 虛靈'
mana-spirit: '&7■ 法力精神'
lightning-spirit: '&7■ 閃電之靈'
xray-spirit: '&7■ X-Ray 之靈'
thunder-spirit: '&7■ 雷神'
sunfire-spirit: '&7■ 陽炎之靈'
wave: '&7■ 波攻擊'
circular: '&7■ 循環攻擊'
slash: '&7■ 砍擊'
simple: '&7■ 簡單攻擊'
brute: '&7■ 蠻力攻擊'
heavy: '&7■ 強力攻擊'
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
positive: '&a✔ #profession# 等級 #level#'
negative: '&c✖ #profession# 等級 #level#'
positive: '&a✔ #mana# 法力值'
negative: '&c✖ #mana# 法力值'
positive: '&a✔ #money# 元'
negative: '&c✖ #money# 元'
positive: '&a✔ 等級需求 #level#'
negative: '&c✖ 等級需求 #level#'
positive: '&a✔ #stellium# 群星'
negative: '&c✖ #stellium# 群星'
positive: '&a✔ #stamina# 耐力值'
negative: '&c✖ #stamina# 耐力值'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ 需要 #points# #attribute#'
negative: '&c✖ 需要 #points# #attribute#'
positive: '&a✔ 職業需求 #class#'
negative: '&c✖ 職業需求 #class#'
positive: '&a✔ 需要 #food#'
negative: '&c✖ 需要 #food#'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #level##item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #level##item#'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #item#'
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
name: '&a確認'
lore: [ ]
name: '&8'
lore: [ ]
name: '&6上一頁'
lore: [ ]
name: '&6下一頁'
lore: [ ]
name: '&6上一頁'
lore: [ ]
name: '&6下一頁'
lore: [ ]
name: '返回'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a&lCraft&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8合成條件:'
- '{crafting_time}'
- '{crafting_time}&8合成時間: &c#crafting-time# &8秒'
- ''
- '&8所需素材:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&e左鍵點擊來合成!'
- '&e右鍵點擊來預覽!'
name: '&e&l強化&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8強化條件:'
- ''
- '&8所需素材:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&e左鍵點擊來強化!'
- '&e右鍵點擊來預覽!'
name: '&6&l合成:&f #name#'
- '{ready}&7&o已成功合成.'
- '{queue}&7&o正在等待合成.'
- '{queue}'
- '{queue}&7剩餘時間: &c#left#'
- ''
- '{ready}&e點擊領取物品!'
- '{queue}&e點擊取消合成.'
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
received-item: '&f獲得 #amount# x #item#'
hands-too-charged: '請將需要改變屬性的物品置於手中'
spell-on-cooldown: '#progress# &eYou must wait #left# second#s# before casting this spell.'
item-on-cooldown: 'This item is on cooldown! Please wait #left# second#s#.'
not-enough-perms-command: '你沒有權限執行該命令'
not-enough-levels: 'You don''t have enough levels to use this item!'
soulbound-restriction: 'This item is linked to another player, you can''t use it!'
not-enough-perms: 'You don''t have enough permissions to use this.'
wrong-class: 'You don''t have the right class!'
not-enough-mana: 'You don''t have enough mana!'
not-enough-stamina: 'You don''t have enough stamina!'
not-enough-attribute: '你沒有足夠的 #attribute#!'
not-enough-profession: '你的 #profession# 級別不夠高!'
unidentified-item: '您不能使用不明物品!'
zero-durability: '物品已無耐久值 請先修復該物品'
cannot-identify-stacked-items: '你無法識別已堆疊的物品.'
successfully-identified: 'You successfully identified &6#item#&e.'
successfully-deconstructed: 'You successfully deconstructed &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-applied: 'You successfully applied &6#gem#&e onto your &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-broke: 'Your gem stone &6#gem#&c broke while trying to apply it onto &6#item#&c.'
repaired-item: '修復 #amount# x #item#'
skin-applied: '已成功將皮膚應用至 &6#item#&e!'
skin-removed: '已成功將皮膚由 &6#item#&e 移除!'
skin-broke: '此皮膚在應用至 &6#item#&c 時失敗。'
skin-rejected: '已有皮膚應用於 &6#item#&c!'
skin-incompatible: '無法將此皮膚應用至 &6#item#&c!'
random-unsocket-gem-too-old: '寶石與您的物品緊密結合. 無法移除.'
random-unsocket-success: '&e你從 &6#item# &e移除了 &3#gem#'
cant-bind-item: '該物品綁定至 #player# 綁定等級 #level# 若需重新綁定請破壞原綁定'
no-soulbound: '無綁定'
cant-bind-stacked: '無法綁定堆疊物品'
unsuccessful-soulbound: '綁定失敗'
unsuccessful-soulbound-break: '無法破壞綁定'
low-soulbound-level: '綁定等級 #level# 若需重新綁定 綁定等級需高於該綁定等級'
successfully-bind-item: '成功綁定 綁定等級 #level# 綁定物品 #item#'
successfully-break-bind: '綁定破壞 綁定等級 #level#'
soulbound-item-lore: '&f綁定至 #player# &8| &n綁定等級 &7&l#level#'
cant-upgraded-stack: '你無法進化已堆疊的物品.'
max-upgrades-hit: '該物品已達最大等級.'
upgrade-fail: '進化失敗,請再接再厲.'
upgrade-fail-station: '進化失敗,請再接再厲.'
wrong-upgrade-reference: '您無法使用此消耗品升級此物品.'
upgrade-success: '你成功進化了 &6#item#&e!'
not-have-item-upgrade: '你沒有欲進化之物品!'
upgrade-requirement-safe-check: '你將不符合升級後的物品要求.'
death-downgrading: '&c你的 &6#item#&c 在那場戰鬥中被嚴重損壞了...'
not-enough-materials: '你沒有足夠的素材來合成此物品.'
conditions-not-met: '你無法合成此物品.'
crafting-canceled: '你取消了一個待合成物品.'
crafting-queue-full: '合成佇列已滿.'
station-big-stack: '製作數量: #size#'
recipe-preview: '配方預覽'
unable-to-repair: '此消耗品無法修復此物品!'
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
speed: 加速
slow: 緩速
fast-digging: 挖掘加速
slow-digging: 挖掘疲勞
increase-damage: 力量
heal: 立即治療
harm: 立即傷害
jump: 跳躍提升
confusion: 噁心
regeneration: 回復
damage-resistance: 抗性
fire-resistance: 抗火
water-breathing: 水下呼吸
invisibility: 隱形
blindness: 失明
night-vision: 夜視
hunger: 飢餓
weakness: 虛弱
poison: 劇毒
wither: 凋零
health-boost: 生命值提升
absorption: 吸收
saturation: 飽食
glowing: 發光
levitation: 懸浮
luck: 幸運
unluck: 霉運
slow-falling: 緩降
conduit-power: 海靈祝福
dolphins-grace: 海豚悠游
bad-omen: 不祥之兆
hero-of-the-village: 村莊英雄
darkness: 黑暗
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#Weapon Stats
attack-damage: '&7➸ 攻擊傷害: &f{value}'
attack-speed: '&7➸ 攻擊速度: &f{value}'
critical-strike-chance: '&7■ 暴擊機率: &f<plus>{value}%'
critical-strike-power: '&7■ 暴擊傷害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ 技能暴擊率: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ 技能暴威力: &f<plus>{value}%'
range: '&7■ 範圍: &f{value}'
mana-cost: '&9■ 消耗 {value} 法力值'
stamina-cost: '&9■ 消耗 {value} 體力'
arrow-velocity: '&7■ 箭矢速度: &f{value}'
blunt-power: '&7■ AOE 傷害半徑: &f{value}'
blunt-rating: '&7■ AOE 傷害比例: &f{value}%'
two-handed: '&7■ 雙持'
handworn: '&3 &7■ 手持'
knockback: '&7■ 擊退: &f{value}'
recoil: '&7■ 後坐力: &f{value}%'
note-weight: '&7■ Note Weight: &f{value}'
lifesteal: '&3 &7■ 吸血: &c+{value}%'
spell-vampirism: '&3 &7■ 法術吸血: &c+{value}%'
#Extra Damage
pve-damage: '&7■ PvE 傷害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage: '&7■ PvP 傷害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage: '&7■ 法術傷害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
weapon-damage: '&7■ 武器傷害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
undead-damage: '&7■ 不死生物傷害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-damage: '&7■ 技能傷害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage: '&7■ 物理傷害加成: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage: '&7■ 投射物傷害: &f<plus>{value}%'
faction-damage-undead: '&3 &7■ 亡靈陣營傷害: &f<plus>{value}%'
ability-format: '&a>&8| &7{trigger} &8|&e|&8| &7&l{ability}'
ability-modifier: ' &3>&8|&7 {modifier}&8: &f{value}'
ability-splitter: '&8'
#Armor Stats
block-power: '&7■ 格擋: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-rating: '&7■ 格擋機率: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-cooldown-reduction: '&7■ 格擋冷卻縮減: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-rating: '&7■ 閃避機率: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-cooldown-reduction: '&7■ 迴避冷卻縮減: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-rating: '&7■ 抵擋機率: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-cooldown-reduction: '&7■ 招架冷卻縮減: &f<plus>{value}%'
armor: '&7✠ 護甲: &f<plus>{value}'
armor-toughness: '&7✠ 盔甲強度: &f<plus>{value}'
knockback-resistance: '&7✠ 抗擊退: &f<plus>{value}%'
max-health: '&c❤ 生命值: <plus>{value}'
movement-speed: '&7■ 移動速度: &f<plus>{value}'
#Damage Reduction
defense: '&3 &7■ 防禦力: &f<plus>{value}'
damage-reduction: '&7■ 傷害減免: &f<plus>{value}%'
fall-damage-reduction: '&7■ 摔落傷害減免: &f<plus>{value}%'
fire-damage-reduction: '&7■ 火焰傷害減免: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage-reduction: '&7■ 魔法傷害減免: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage-reduction: '&7■ 彈射物傷害減免: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage-reduction: '&7■ 物理傷害減免: &f<plus>{value}%'
pve-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvE 傷害減免: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvP 傷害減免: &f<plus>{value}%'
#RPG stats
health-regeneration: '&7■ 生命力回復: &f<plus>{value}'
max-mana: '&7■ 最大法力值加成: &f<plus>{value}'
mana-regeneration: '&7■ 法力值回復: &f<plus>{value}'
max-stamina: '&7■ 最大耐力值加成: &f<plus>{value}'
stamina-regeneration: '&7■ 耐力值回復: &f<plus>{value}'
cooldown-reduction: '&7■ 技能冷卻減少: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience: '&7■ 額外經驗: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-alchemy: '&7■ 額外的煉金術經驗: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-enchanting: '&7■ 額外的附魔師經驗: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-farming: '&7■ 額外的農業經驗: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-fishing: '&7■ 額外的漁夫經驗: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-mining: '&7■ 額外的礦工經驗: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smelting: '&7■ 額外的冶煉經驗: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smithing: '&7■ 額外的鍛造經驗: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-woodcutting: '&7■ 額外的 Woodcutting 經驗: &f<plus>{value}%'
#Extra Options
perm-effect: '&7■ 效果 &f{effect}'
command: '&7■ 指令: &f{format}c &7(&f{cooldown}d&7s)'
item-cooldown: '&7■ &f{value}&7 秒 冷卻'
arrow-potion-effects: '&3 &7■ 箭矢效果: &f{effect}'
restore-health: '&7■ 恢復 &f{value} &7生命值'
restore-food: '&7■ 恢復 &f{value} &7飢餓值'
restore-saturation: '&7■ 恢復 &f{value} &7飽和度'
restore-mana: '&7■ 恢復 &f{value} &7法力值'
restore-stamina: '&7■ 恢復 &f{value} &7法力值'
effect: '&7■ 獲得 &f{effect}e &7持續 &f{duration}d&7 秒'
repair: '&7■ 修復: &f{value}'
repair-percent: '&3 &7■ 修復: &f{value}%'
can-identify: '&7■ 可識別'
can-deconstruct: '&7■ 可分解'
can-deskin: '&3 &7■ 可以去除帶有Skin的物品.'
success-rate: '&7■ 成功機率: &a&l{value}%'
max-consume: '&7■ 最大消耗: &f{value} &7uses'
#Gem Stones
empty-gem-socket: '&a◆ 可鑲嵌 {name} 寶石'
filled-gem-socket: '&a◆ {name}'
when-applied: '&a鑲嵌時間:'
gem-stone-lore: '&8&l[&2&l*&8&l] 放置寶石以鑲嵌'
soulbinding-chance: '&7■ &a{value}%&7 機率綁定物品'
soulbound-break-chance: '&7■ &a{value}%&7 機率破壞綁定'
soulbound-level: '&7■ 綁定等級 &e{value}'
autosmelt: '&7■ &f自動熔煉'
bouncing-crack: '&7■ &f範圍破壞'
pickaxe-power: '&7■ &f工具威力: &a{value}'
durability: '&7耐久: {current} / {max}'
item-type: '&7> 類型: {type}'
tier: '&7[&f&l品質&7]: {value}'
required-class: '&7> &9&l職業限制&7&l: {value}'
required-level: '&7> &c&l等級限制&7&l: {value}'
#MMOCore Attributes
required-dexterity: '&e需要 &c{value} &eDexterity'
required-strength: '&e需要 &c{value} &eStrength'
required-intelligence: '&e需要 &c{value} &eIntelligence'
additional-dexterity: '&3 &7■ 魔力回復: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-strength: '&3 &7■ 力量提升: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-intelligence: '&3 &7■ 靈活度提升: &f<plus>{value}'
profession-alchemy: '&e煉金術等級: &c{value}'
profession-enchanting: '&e附魔師等級: &c{value}'
profession-farming: '&e農業等級: &c{value}'
profession-fishing: '&e漁夫等級: &c{value}'
profession-mining: '&e礦工等級: &c{value}'
profession-smelting: '&e冶煉等級: &c{value}'
profession-smithing: '&e鍛造等級: &c{value}'
profession-woodcutting: '&e木工等級: &c{value}'
#Elemental Stat Format
elemental-damage: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} 攻擊力'
elemental-damage-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} 攻擊力'
elemental-defense: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} 防禦值'
elemental-defense-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} 防禦值'
elemental-weakness: '{color}{icon}&7 {value}% {element} 虛弱值'
#Custom stats
custom-myluck: '&3 &7■ 幸運: &f<plus>{value}'
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
cast: Cast
shoot-bow: Shoot Bow
shoot-trident: Shoot Trident
sneak: Sneak
shift-left-click: Shift Left Click
arrow-tick: Arrow Tick
timer: Timer
death: Death
trident-land: Trident Land
arrow-land: Arrow Land
trident-tick: Trident Tick
kill-entity: Kill Entity
right-click: Right Click
attack: Attack
arrow-hit: Arrow Hit
login: Login
api: Api
damaged: Damaged
left-click: Left Click
trident-hit: Trident Hit
damaged-by-entity: Damaged By Entity
shift-right-click: Shift Right Click
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
nether-spirit: '&3 &7■ Nether Spirit'
void-spirit: '&3 &7■ Void Spirit'
mana-spirit: '&3 &7■ Mana Spirit'
lightning-spirit: '&3 &7■ Lightning Spirit'
xray-spirit: '&3 &7■ X-Ray Spirit'
thunder-spirit: '&3 &7■ Thunder Spirit'
sunfire-spirit: '&3 &7■ Sunfire Spirit'
wave: '&3 &7■ Wave Melody'
circular: '&3 &7■ Circular Melody'
slash: '&3 &7■ Slashing Melody'
simple: '&3 &7■ Simple Melody'
brute: '&3 &7■ Brute Melody'
heavy: '&3 &7■ Heavy Melody'
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
positive: '&a✔ Requires #level# in #profession#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #level# in #profession#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #mana# Mana'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #mana# Mana'
positive: '&a✔ Requires $#money#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires $#money#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires Level #level#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires Level #level#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #stellium# Stellium'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #stellium# Stellium'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #stamina# Stamina'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #stamina# Stamina'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #points# #attribute#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #points# #attribute#'
positive: '&a✔ Required Class: #class#'
negative: '&c✖ Required Class: #class#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #food# Food'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #food# Food'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #level##item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #level##item#'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #item#'
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
name: '&aConfirm'
lore: [ ]
name: '&8'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPrevious Page'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aNext Page'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPrevious'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aNext'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aBack'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a&lCraft&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Conditions:'
- '{crafting_time}'
- '{crafting_time}&7Crafting Time: &c#crafting-time#&7s'
- ''
- '&8Ingredients:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eLeft-Click to craft!'
- '&eRight-Click to preview!'
name: '&e&lUpgrade&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Conditions:'
- ''
- '&8Ingredients:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eLeft-Click to craft!'
- '&eRight-Click to preview!'
name: '&6&lQueue&f #name#'
- '{ready}&7&oThis item was successfully crafted.'
- '{queue}&7&oThis item is in the crafting queue.'
- '{queue}'
- '{queue}&7Time Left: &c#left#'
- ''
- '{ready}&eClick to claim!'
- '{queue}&eClick to cancel.'
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
received-item: 'Obdržel jsi &6#item#&e#amount#.'
hands-too-charged: 'Nemůžeš nic dělat, tvé ruce jsou připraveny na akci.'
spell-on-cooldown: '#progress# &eMusíš počkat #left# sekund#s# před vyčarováním tohoto kouzla.'
item-on-cooldown: 'Tento item má cooldown! Prosím počkej #left# sekund#s#.'
not-enough-perms-command: 'Nemáš dostatečná oprávnění.'
not-enough-levels: 'Nemáš dostatečný level pro použití tohoto předmětu!'
soulbound-restriction: 'Tato položka je propojena s jiným hráčem, nelze ji použít!'
not-enough-perms: 'Nemáš dostatečná oprávnění.'
wrong-class: 'Nemáš správnou třídu!'
not-enough-mana: 'Nemáš dostatek many!'
not-enough-stamina: 'Nemáš dostatek výdrže!'
not-enough-attribute: 'Nemáte dostatek #attribute#!'
not-enough-profession: 'Nemáš dostatečný level v #profession#!'
unidentified-item: 'Nemůžeš použít neidentifikovaný předmět!'
zero-durability: 'Tato položka je rozbitá, musíš ji nejprve opravit.'
cannot-identify-stacked-items: 'Můžeš identifikovat pouze jednu položku najednou.'
successfully-identified: 'Úspěšně jsi identifikoval &6#item#&e.'
successfully-deconstructed: 'Úspěšně jsi dekonstruoval &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-applied: 'Úspěšně jsi aplikoval &6#gem#&e na &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-broke: 'Tvůj gem &6#gem#&c se rozbil při použití &6#item#&c.'
repaired-item: 'Úspěšně jsi opravil &6#item#&e pro &6#amount# &epoužití.'
skin-applied: 'Úspěšně jsi použili skin na &6#item#&e!'
skin-removed: 'Úspěšně jsi odstranili skin z &6#item#&e!'
skin-broke: 'Skin se rozbil při použití na &6#item#&c.'
skin-rejected: 'Vzhled byl již aplikován na &6#item#&c!'
skin-incompatible: 'Tento skin není kompatibilní s &6#item#&c!'
random-unsocket-gem-too-old: 'Gemy jsou pevně spojeny s vaší položkou. Nelze odstranit.'
random-unsocket-success: '&aOdstranil jsi &3#gem# &az &6#item#&a!'
cant-bind-item: 'Tato položka je v současné době propojena s #player# poutem Lvl #level#. Nejdříve budete muset toto pouto rozbít.'
no-soulbound: 'Tato položka není vázána nikomu.'
cant-bind-stacked: 'Nemůžeš bindnout stackovatelné tyto předměty.'
unsuccessful-soulbound: 'Pokus pouto se nezdařilo.'
unsuccessful-soulbound-break: 'Nelze rozbít toto spojení.'
low-soulbound-level: 'Propojení Lvl #level#. Potřebuješ vyšší úroveň na svém jídle pro rozbití.'
successfully-bind-item: 'Úspěšně jsi použil Lvl &6#level# &epropojení k &6#item#&e.'
successfully-break-bind: 'Úspěšně jsi rozbil Lvl &6#level# &eitem propojení!'
soulbound-item-lore: '&4Linked to #player#//&4Lvl #level# Soulbound'
cant-upgraded-stack: 'You can''t upgrade stacked items.'
max-upgrades-hit: 'This item cannot be upgraded anymore.'
upgrade-fail: 'Your upgrade failed and you lost your consumable.'
upgrade-fail-station: 'Your upgrade failed and you lost your materials.'
wrong-upgrade-reference: 'You cannot upgrade this item with this consumable.'
upgrade-success: 'You successfully upgraded your &6#item#&e!'
not-have-item-upgrade: 'You don''t have the item to upgrade!'
upgrade-requirement-safe-check: 'You would not meet the upgraded item requirements.'
death-downgrading: '&cYour &6#item#&c got severely damaged that fight...'
not-enough-materials: 'You do not have enough materials to craft this item.'
conditions-not-met: 'You cannot craft this item.'
crafting-canceled: 'You cancelled a crafting recipe.'
crafting-queue-full: 'The crafting queue is currently full.'
station-big-stack: 'Amount Crafted: #size#'
recipe-preview: 'Recipe Preview'
unable-to-repair: 'This item can''t be repaired by this consumable!'
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
speed: Speed
slow: Slow
fast-digging: Fast Digging
slow-digging: Slow Digging
increase-damage: Increase Damage
heal: Heal
harm: Harm
jump: Jump
confusion: Confusion
regeneration: Regeneration
damage-resistance: Damage Resistance
fire-resistance: Fire Resistance
water-breathing: Water Breathing
invisibility: Invisibility
blindness: Blindness
night-vision: Night Vision
hunger: Hunger
weakness: Weakness
poison: Poison
wither: Wither
health-boost: Health Boost
absorption: Absorption
saturation: Saturation
glowing: Glowing
levitation: Levitation
luck: Luck
unluck: Unluck
slow-falling: Slow Falling
conduit-power: Conduit Power
dolphins-grace: Dolphins Grace
bad-omen: Bad Omen
hero-of-the-village: Hero Of The Village
darkness: Darkness
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#Weapon Stats
attack-damage: '&3 &7➸ Attack Damage: &f{value}'
attack-speed: '&3 &7➸ Attack Speed: &f{value}'
critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Crit Strike Chance: &f<plus>{value}%'
critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Crit Strike Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Skill Crit Chance: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Skill Crit Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
range: '&3 &7■ Range: &f{value}'
mana-cost: '&3 &7■ Uses &9{value} Mana'
stamina-cost: '&3 &7■ Uses &9{value} Stamina'
arrow-velocity: '&3 &7■ Arrow Velocity: &f{value}'
blunt-power: '&3 &7■ Blunt Power: &f{value}'
blunt-rating: '&3 &7■ Blunt Rating: &f{value}%'
two-handed: '&3 &7■ Two Handed'
handworn: '&3 &7■ Handworn'
knockback: '&3 &7■ Knockback: &f{value}'
recoil: '&3 &7■ Recoil: &f{value}%'
note-weight: '&3 &7■ Note Weight: &f{value}'
lifesteal: '&3 &7■ Lifesteal: &c+{value}%'
spell-vampirism: '&3 &7■ Spell Vampirism: &c+{value}%'
#Extra Damage
pve-damage: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
weapon-damage: '&3 &7■ Weapon Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
undead-damage: '&3 &7■ Undead Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-damage: '&3 &7■ Skill Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
faction-damage-undead: '&3 &7■ Undead Faction Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
ability-format: '&a>&8| &7{trigger} &8|&e|&8| &7&l{ability}'
ability-modifier: ' &3>&8|&7 {modifier}&8: &f{value}'
ability-splitter: '&8'
#Armor Stats
block-power: '&3 &7■ Block Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-rating: '&3 &7■ Block Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Block Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-rating: '&3 &7■ Dodge Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Dodge Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-rating: '&3 &7■ Parry Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Parry Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
armor: '&3 &7✠ Armor: &f<plus>{value}'
armor-toughness: '&3 &7✠ Armor Toughness: &f<plus>{value}'
knockback-resistance: '&3 &7✠ Knockback Resistance: &f<plus>{value}%'
max-health: '&3 &7❤ Health:&c <plus>{value}'
movement-speed: '&3 &7■ Movement Speed: &f<plus>{value}'
#Damage Reduction
defense: '&3 &7■ Defense: &f<plus>{value}'
damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
fall-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fall Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
fire-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fire Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
pve-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
#RPG stats
health-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Health Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
max-mana: '&3 &7■ Max Mana: &f<plus>{value}'
mana-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Mana Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
max-stamina: '&3 &7■ Max Stamina: &f<plus>{value}'
stamina-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Stamina Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Skill Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience: '&3 &7■ Additional Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-alchemy: '&7■ Additional Alchemy Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-enchanting: '&7■ Additional Enchanting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-farming: '&7■ Additional Farming Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-fishing: '&7■ Additional Fishing Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-mining: '&7■ Additional Mining Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smelting: '&7■ Additional Smelting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smithing: '&7■ Additional Smithing Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-woodcutting: '&7■ Additional Woodcutting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
#Extra Options
perm-effect: '&3 &7■ Permanent &f{effect}'
command: '&3 &7■ Command: &f{format} &3 &7(&f{cooldown}&3 &7s)'
item-cooldown: '&3 &7■ &f{value}&3 &7s Cooldown'
arrow-potion-effects: '&3 &7■ Arrow Effect: &f{effect}'
restore-health: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Health'
restore-food: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Food'
restore-saturation: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Saturation'
restore-mana: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Mana'
restore-stamina: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Stamina'
effect: '&3 &7■ Grants &f{effect} &7for &f{duration} &7s'
repair: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}'
repair-percent: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}%'
can-identify: '&3 &7■ Can identify items.'
can-deconstruct: '&3 &7■ Can deconstruct tiered items.'
can-deskin: '&3 &7■ Can de-skin skinned items.'
success-rate: '&3 &7■ Success Rate: &a&l{value}%'
max-consume: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Uses Left'
#Gem Stones
empty-gem-socket: '&a◆ Empty {name} Gem Socket'
filled-gem-socket: '&a◆ {name}'
when-applied: '&aWhen Applied:'
gem-stone-lore: '&8&l[&2&l*&8&l] &aDrag onto an item &7to apply!'
soulbinding-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to bind your item.'
soulbound-break-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to break soulbounds.'
soulbound-level: '&3 &7■ Level &e{value} &7Soulbound'
autosmelt: '&3 &7■ &fAutosmelt'
bouncing-crack: '&3 &7■ &fBouncing Crack'
pickaxe-power: '&3 &7■ &fPickaxe Power: &a{value}'
durability: '&7Durability: {current} / {max}'
item-type: '&c{type}'
tier: '&3 &7Tier: {value}'
required-class: '&3 &7{value} Item'
required-level: '&eRequires Lvl {value}'
#MMOCore Attributes
required-dexterity: '&eRequires &c{value} &eDexterity'
required-strength: '&eRequires &c{value} &eStrength'
required-intelligence: '&eRequires &c{value} &eIntelligence'
additional-dexterity: '&3 &7■ Extra Dexterity: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-strength: '&3 &7■ Extra Strength: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-intelligence: '&3 &7■ Extra Intelligence: &f<plus>{value}'
profession-alchemy: '&eAlchemy Level: &c{value}'
profession-enchanting: '&eEnchanting Level: &c{value}'
profession-farming: '&eFarming Level: &c{value}'
profession-fishing: '&eFishing Level: &c{value}'
profession-mining: '&eMining Level: &c{value}'
profession-smelting: '&eSmelting Level: &c{value}'
profession-smithing: '&eSmithing Level: &c{value}'
profession-woodcutting: '&eWoodcutting Level: &c{value}'
#Elemental Stat Format
elemental-damage: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Damage'
elemental-damage-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Damage'
elemental-defense: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Defense'
elemental-defense-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Defense'
elemental-weakness: '{color}{icon}&7 {value}% {element} Weakness'
#Custom stats
custom-myluck: '&3 &7■ Luck: &f<plus>{value}'
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
cast: Lancé de sort
shoot-bow: Tir à l'Arc
shoot-trident: Tir de Trident
sneak: Accroupissement
shift-left-click: Maj. Clic gauche
arrow-tick: Tick de Flèche
timer: Délai
death: Mort
trident-land: Arrivée du trident
arrow-land: Arrivée de la flèche
trident-tick: Tick de Trident
kill-entity: Entité Tuée
right-click: Clic droit
attack: Attaque
arrow-hit: Flèche touchée
login: Se connecter
api: Api
damaged: Endommagé
left-click: Clic gauche
trident-hit: Coup de Trident
damaged-by-entity: Endommagé par l'entité
shift-right-click: Maj clic droit
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
nether-spirit: '&3 &7■ Esprit du Nether'
void-spirit: '&3 &7■ Esprit du Néant'
mana-spirit: '&3 &7■ Esprit de Mana'
lightning-spirit: '&3 &7■ Esprit de Foudre'
xray-spirit: '&3 &7■ Esprit de Rayons X'
thunder-spirit: '&3 &7■ Esprit du tonnerre'
sunfire-spirit: '&3 &7■ Esprit du Soleil'
wave: '&3 &7■ Mélodie d''onde'
circular: '&3 &7■ Mélodie circulaire'
slash: '&3 &7■ Mélodie déchirante'
simple: '&3 &7■ Mélodie simple'
brute: '&3 &7■ Mélodie Brutale'
heavy: '&3 &7■ Mélodie lourde'
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
positive: '&a✔ Nécessite #level# dans #profession#'
negative: '&a✖ Nécessite #level# dans #profession#'
positive: '&a✔ Nécessite #mana# de mana'
negative: '&c✖ Nécessite #mana# de mana'
positive: '&a✔ Nécessite $#money#'
negative: '&c✖ Nécessite $#money#'
positive: '&a✔ Nécessite le niveau #level#'
negative: '&c✖ Nécessite le niveau #level#'
positive: '&a✔ Nécessite #stellium# de Stellium'
negative: '&c✖ Nécessite #stellium# de Stellium'
positive: '&a✔ Nécessite #stamina# d''endurance'
negative: '&c✖ Nécessite #stamina# d''endurance'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ Nécessite #points# de #attribute#'
negative: '&c✖ Nécessite #points# de #attribute#'
positive: '&a✔ Classe Requise : #class#'
negative: '&c✖ Classe Requise: #class#'
positive: '&a✔ Requiert #food# Nourriture'
negative: '&c✖ Requiert #food# Nourriture'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #level##item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #level##item#'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #item#'
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
name: '&aConfirmer'
lore: [ ]
name: '&8'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPage Précédente'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPage suivante'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPrécédent'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aSuivant'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aRetour'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a&lFabrication&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8conditions:'
- '{crafting_time}'
- '{crafting_time}&7Temps de Fabrication : &c#temps-de-fabrication#&7s'
- ''
- '&8Ingrédients :'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eClic gauche pour fabriquer !'
- '&eClic droit pour prévisualiser!'
name: '&e&lUpgrade&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Conditions:'
- ''
- '&8Ingrédients :'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eClic gauche pour fabriquer !'
- '&eClic droit pour prévisualiser!'
name: '&6&lFile d''attente&f #name#'
- '{ready}&7&oCet objet a été fabriqué avec succès.'
- '{queue}&7&oCet objet se trouve dans la file d''attente de fabrication.'
- '{queue}'
- '{queue}&7Temps restant : &c#left#'
- ''
- '{ready}&eCliquez pour revendiquer !'
- '{queue}&eCliquez pour annuler.'
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
received-item: 'Vous avez reçu &6#item#&e#amount#.'
hands-too-charged: 'Vous ne pouvez rien faire, vos mains sont trop chargées.'
spell-on-cooldown: '#progress# &eVous devez attendre #left# seconde#s# avant de lancer ce sort.'
item-on-cooldown: 'Cet objet est en cours de rechargement! Veuillez patienter #left# seconde#s#.'
not-enough-perms-command: 'Vous n''avez pas assez de permissions.'
not-enough-levels: 'Vous n''avez pas assez de niveaux pour utiliser cet objet!'
soulbound-restriction: 'Cet objet est lié à un autre joueur, vous ne pouvez pas l''utiliser !'
not-enough-perms: 'Vous n''avez pas les permissions suffisantes pour utiliser ceci.'
wrong-class: 'Vous n''avez pas la bonne classe!'
not-enough-mana: 'Vous n''avez pas assez de mana !'
not-enough-stamina: 'Vous n''avez pas assez d''endurance!'
not-enough-attribute: 'Vous n''avez pas assez de #attribute#!'
not-enough-profession: 'Vous n''avez pas assez de niveaux dans #profession#!'
unidentified-item: 'Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser un objet non identifié!'
zero-durability: 'Cet objet est cassé, vous devez d''abord le réparer.'
cannot-identify-stacked-items: 'Vous ne pouvez identifier qu''un seul élément à la fois.'
successfully-identified: 'Vous avez identifié avec succès &6#item#&e.'
successfully-deconstructed: 'Vous avez déconstruit avec succès &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-applied: 'Vous avez appliqué &6#gem#&e avec succès à votre &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-broke: 'Votre gemme &6#gem#&c s''est cassée en essayant de l''appliquer à &6#item#&c.'
repaired-item: 'Vous avez réparé &6#item#&e avec succès pour &6#amount# &eutilisations.'
skin-applied: 'Vous avez appliqué le skin à votre &6#item#&e avec succès !'
skin-removed: 'Vous avez supprimé avec succès le skin de votre &6#item#&e!'
skin-broke: 'Votre skin s''est cassé en essayant de l''ajouter sur votre &6#item#&c.'
skin-rejected: 'Un skin a déjà été appliqué à votre &6#item#&c!'
skin-incompatible: 'Ce skin n''est pas compatible avec votre &6#item#&c!'
random-unsocket-gem-too-old: 'Les gemmes ont un lien étroit avec votre objet. Impossible de retirer.'
random-unsocket-success: '&aVous avez supprimé &3#gem# &ade votre &6#item#&a!'
cant-bind-item: 'Cet objet est actuellement lié à #joueur# par un lien au Niv.#niveau# d''âme. Vous devrez d''abord briser ce lien.'
no-soulbound: 'Cet élément n''est lié à personne.'
cant-bind-stacked: 'Vous ne pouvez pas lier des objets empilés.'
unsuccessful-soulbound: 'Votre liaison a échoué.'
unsuccessful-soulbound-break: 'Vous ne pouviez pas casser le lien.'
low-soulbound-level: 'Le lien de cet objet est au Niv.#niveau. Vous aurez besoin d''un niveau de lien plus élevé sur votre objet pour casser ce lien.'
successfully-bind-item: 'Vous avez appliqué avec succès un lien de niveau &6#level# &eà votre &6#item#&e.'
successfully-break-bind: 'Vous avez cassé avec succès le lien de l''objet au Niv.&6#level# &e!'
soulbound-item-lore: '&4Lié à #player#//&4Lvl #level#'
cant-upgraded-stack: 'Vous ne pouvez pas améliorer les objets empilés.'
max-upgrades-hit: 'Cet objet ne peut plus être amélioré.'
upgrade-fail: 'Votre amélioration a échoué et vous avez perdu votre consommable.'
upgrade-fail-station: 'Votre amélioration a échoué et vous avez perdu vos matériaux.'
wrong-upgrade-reference: 'Vous ne pouvez pas améliorer cet objet avec ce consommable.'
upgrade-success: 'Vous avez amélioré votre &6#item#&e avec succès !'
not-have-item-upgrade: 'Vous n''avez pas d''objets à améliorer !'
upgrade-requirement-safe-check: 'Vous ne respecteriez pas les conditions d''amélioration de l''objet.'
death-downgrading: '&cVotre &6#item#&c a été gravement endommagé par ce combat...'
not-enough-materials: 'Vous n''avez pas assez de matériaux pour fabriquer cet objet.'
conditions-not-met: 'Vous ne pouvez pas fabriquer cet objet.'
crafting-canceled: 'Vous avez annulé une recette de fabrication.'
crafting-queue-full: 'La file d''artisanat est pleine.'
station-big-stack: 'Quantité fabriquée : #size#'
recipe-preview: 'Aperçu de la recette'
unable-to-repair: 'Cet objet ne peut pas être réparé par ce consommable!'
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
speed: Vitesse
slow: Lenteur
fast-digging: Célérité
slow-digging: Fatigue
increase-damage: Force
heal: Soin instantané
harm: Dégats instantanés
jump: Sauts améliorés
confusion: Nausée
regeneration: Régénération
damage-resistance: Résistance
fire-resistance: Résistance au feu
water-breathing: Apnée
invisibility: Invisibilité
blindness: Cécité
night-vision: Vision Nocturne
hunger: Faim
weakness: Faiblesse
poison: Poison
wither: Wither
health-boost: Bonus de vie
absorption: Absorption
saturation: Saturation
glowing: Surbrillance
levitation: Lévitation
luck: Chance
unluck: Malchance
slow-falling: Chute lente
conduit-power: Force de conduit
dolphins-grace: Grâce du dauphin
bad-omen: Mauvais Présage
hero-of-the-village: Héro du village
darkness: Obscurité
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#Weapon Stats
attack-damage: '&3 &7<unk> Dégâts d''attaque : &f{value}'
attack-speed: '&3 &7➸ Vitesse d''attaque : &f{value}'
critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Chances de coup critique : &f<plus>{value}%'
critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Pouvoir de coup critique : &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Chances Critiques de la Compétence : &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Puissance Critique de la Compétence: &f<plus>{value}%'
range: '&3 &7■ Portée: &f{value}'
mana-cost: '&3 &7■ Utilises &9{value} Mana'
stamina-cost: '&3 &7■ Utilise &9{value} d''Endurance'
arrow-velocity: '&3 &7■ Vitesse de flèche: &f{value}'
blunt-power: '&3 &7■ Puissance de l''attaque de zone : &f{value}'
blunt-rating: '&3 &7■ Chance d''attaque de zone: &f{value}%'
two-handed: '&3 &7■ À deux mains'
handworn: '&3 &7■ Porté à la main'
knockback: '&3 &7■ Recul : &f{value}'
recoil: '&3 &7■ Rebond : &f{value}%'
note-weight: '&3 &7■ Note Weight: &f{value}'
lifesteal: '&3 &7■ Vol de vie: &c+{value}%'
spell-vampirism: '&3 &7■ Vol de vie (Sorts): &c+{value}%'
#Extra Damage
pve-damage: '&3 &7■ Dégâts PvE : &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage: '&3 &7■ Dégâts PvP : &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage: '&3 &7■ Dégâts magiques: &f<plus>{value}%'
weapon-damage: '&3 &7■ Dégâts des armes: &f<plus>{value}%'
undead-damage: '&3 &7■ Dégâts contre les morts-vivants: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-damage: '&3 &7■ Dégâts de compétence : &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage: '&3 &7■ Dégâts physiques: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage: '&3 &7■ Dégâts de projectile : &f<plus>{value}%'
faction-damage-undead: '&3 &7■ Dégâts de la faction des morts-vivants : &f<plus>{value}%'
ability-format: '&a>&8| &7{trigger} &8|&e|&8| &7&l{ability}'
ability-modifier: ' &3>&8|&7 {modifier}&8: &f{value}'
ability-splitter: '&8'
#Armor Stats
block-power: '&3 &7■ Block Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-rating: '&3 &7■ Block Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Block Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-rating: '&3 &7■ Dodge Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Dodge Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-rating: '&3 &7■ Parry Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Parry Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
armor: '&3 &7✠ Armor: &f<plus>{value}'
armor-toughness: '&3 &7✠ Armor Toughness: &f<plus>{value}'
knockback-resistance: '&3 &7✠ Knockback Resistance: &f<plus>{value}%'
max-health: '&3 &7❤ Health:&c <plus>{value}'
movement-speed: '&3 &7■ Movement Speed: &f<plus>{value}'
#Damage Reduction
defense: '&3 &7■ Defense: &f<plus>{value}'
damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
fall-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fall Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
fire-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fire Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
pve-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
#RPG stats
health-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Health Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
max-mana: '&3 &7■ Max Mana: &f<plus>{value}'
mana-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Mana Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
max-stamina: '&3 &7■ Max Stamina: &f<plus>{value}'
stamina-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Stamina Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Skill Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience: '&3 &7■ Additional Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-alchemy: '&7■ Additional Alchemy Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-enchanting: '&7■ Additional Enchanting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-farming: '&7■ Additional Farming Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-fishing: '&7■ Additional Fishing Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-mining: '&7■ Additional Mining Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smelting: '&7■ Additional Smelting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smithing: '&7■ Additional Smithing Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-woodcutting: '&7■ Additional Woodcutting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
#Extra Options
perm-effect: '&3 &7■ Permanent &f{effect}'
command: '&3 &7■ Command: &f{format} &3 &7(&f{cooldown}&3 &7s)'
item-cooldown: '&3 &7■ &f{value}&3 &7s Cooldown'
arrow-potion-effects: '&3 &7■ Arrow Effect: &f{effect}'
restore-health: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Health'
restore-food: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Food'
restore-saturation: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Saturation'
restore-mana: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Mana'
restore-stamina: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Stamina'
effect: '&3 &7■ Grants &f{effect} &7for &f{duration} &7s'
repair: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}'
repair-percent: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}%'
can-identify: '&3 &7■ Can identify items.'
can-deconstruct: '&3 &7■ Can deconstruct tiered items.'
can-deskin: '&3 &7■ Can de-skin skinned items.'
success-rate: '&3 &7■ Success Rate: &a&l{value}%'
max-consume: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Uses Left'
#Gem Stones
empty-gem-socket: '&a◆ Empty {name} Gem Socket'
filled-gem-socket: '&a◆ {name}'
when-applied: '&aWhen Applied:'
gem-stone-lore: '&8&l[&2&l*&8&l] &aDrag onto an item &7to apply!'
soulbinding-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to bind your item.'
soulbound-break-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to break soulbounds.'
soulbound-level: '&3 &7■ Level &e{value} &7Soulbound'
autosmelt: '&3 &7■ &fAutosmelt'
bouncing-crack: '&3 &7■ &fBouncing Crack'
pickaxe-power: '&3 &7■ &fPickaxe Power: &a{value}'
durability: '&7Durability: {current} / {max}'
item-type: '&c{type}'
tier: '&3 &7Tier: {value}'
required-class: '&3 &7{value} Item'
required-level: '&eRequires Lvl {value}'
#MMOCore Attributes
required-dexterity: '&eRequires &c{value} &eDexterity'
required-strength: '&eRequires &c{value} &eStrength'
required-intelligence: '&eRequires &c{value} &eIntelligence'
additional-dexterity: '&3 &7■ Extra Dexterity: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-strength: '&3 &7■ Extra Strength: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-intelligence: '&3 &7■ Extra Intelligence: &f<plus>{value}'
profession-alchemy: '&eAlchemy Level: &c{value}'
profession-enchanting: '&eEnchanting Level: &c{value}'
profession-farming: '&eFarming Level: &c{value}'
profession-fishing: '&eFishing Level: &c{value}'
profession-mining: '&eMining Level: &c{value}'
profession-smelting: '&eSmelting Level: &c{value}'
profession-smithing: '&eSmithing Level: &c{value}'
profession-woodcutting: '&eWoodcutting Level: &c{value}'
#Elemental Stat Format
elemental-damage: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Damage'
elemental-damage-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Damage'
elemental-defense: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Defense'
elemental-defense-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Defense'
elemental-weakness: '{color}{icon}&7 {value}% {element} Weakness'
#Custom stats
custom-myluck: '&3 &7■ Luck: &f<plus>{value}'
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
cast: Cast
shoot-bow: Shoot Bow
shoot-trident: Shoot Trident
sneak: Sneak
shift-left-click: Shift Left Click
arrow-tick: Arrow Tick
timer: Timer
death: Death
trident-land: Trident Land
arrow-land: Arrow Land
trident-tick: Trident Tick
kill-entity: Kill Entity
right-click: Right Click
attack: Attack
arrow-hit: Arrow Hit
login: Login
api: Api
damaged: Damaged
left-click: Left Click
trident-hit: Trident Hit
damaged-by-entity: Damaged By Entity
shift-right-click: Shift Right Click
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
nether-spirit: '&3 &7■ Nether Spirit'
void-spirit: '&3 &7■ Void Spirit'
mana-spirit: '&3 &7■ Mana Spirit'
lightning-spirit: '&3 &7■ Lightning Spirit'
xray-spirit: '&3 &7■ X-Ray Spirit'
thunder-spirit: '&3 &7■ Thunder Spirit'
sunfire-spirit: '&3 &7■ Sunfire Spirit'
wave: '&3 &7■ Wave Melody'
circular: '&3 &7■ Circular Melody'
slash: '&3 &7■ Slashing Melody'
simple: '&3 &7■ Simple Melody'
brute: '&3 &7■ Brute Melody'
heavy: '&3 &7■ Heavy Melody'
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
positive: '&a✔ Requires #level# in #profession#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #level# in #profession#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #mana# Mana'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #mana# Mana'
positive: '&a✔ Requires $#money#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires $#money#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires Level #level#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires Level #level#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #stellium# Stellium'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #stellium# Stellium'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #stamina# Stamina'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #stamina# Stamina'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #points# #attribute#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #points# #attribute#'
positive: '&a✔ Required Class: #class#'
negative: '&c✖ Required Class: #class#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #food# Food'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #food# Food'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #level##item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #level##item#'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #item#'
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
name: '&aConfirm'
lore: [ ]
name: '&8'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPrevious Page'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aNext Page'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPrevious'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aNext'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aBack'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a&lCraft&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Conditions:'
- '{crafting_time}'
- '{crafting_time}&7Crafting Time: &c#crafting-time#&7s'
- ''
- '&8Ingredients:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eLeft-Click to craft!'
- '&eRight-Click to preview!'
name: '&e&lUpgrade&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Conditions:'
- ''
- '&8Ingredients:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eLeft-Click to craft!'
- '&eRight-Click to preview!'
name: '&6&lQueue&f #name#'
- '{ready}&7&oThis item was successfully crafted.'
- '{queue}&7&oThis item is in the crafting queue.'
- '{queue}'
- '{queue}&7Time Left: &c#left#'
- ''
- '{ready}&eClick to claim!'
- '{queue}&eClick to cancel.'
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
received-item: 'You received &6#item#&e#amount#.'
hands-too-charged: 'You can''t do anything, your hands are too charged.'
spell-on-cooldown: '#progress# &eYou must wait #left# second#s# before casting this spell.'
item-on-cooldown: 'This item is on cooldown! Please wait #left# second#s#.'
not-enough-perms-command: 'You don''t have enough permissions.'
not-enough-levels: 'You don''t have enough levels to use this item!'
soulbound-restriction: 'This item is linked to another player, you can''t use it!'
not-enough-perms: 'You don''t have enough permissions to use this.'
wrong-class: 'You don''t have the right class!'
not-enough-mana: 'You don''t have enough mana!'
not-enough-stamina: 'You don''t have enough stamina!'
not-enough-attribute: 'You don''t have enough #attribute#!'
not-enough-profession: 'You don''t have enough levels in #profession#!'
unidentified-item: 'You can''t use an unidentified item!'
zero-durability: 'This item is broken, you first need to repair it.'
cannot-identify-stacked-items: 'You may only identify one item at a time.'
successfully-identified: 'You successfully identified &6#item#&e.'
successfully-deconstructed: 'You successfully deconstructed &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-applied: 'You successfully applied &6#gem#&e onto your &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-broke: 'Your gem stone &6#gem#&c broke while trying to apply it onto &6#item#&c.'
repaired-item: 'You successfully repaired &6#item#&e for &6#amount# &euses.'
skin-applied: 'You successfully applied the skin onto your &6#item#&e!'
skin-removed: 'You successfully removed the skin from your &6#item#&e!'
skin-broke: 'Your skin broke while trying to apply it onto your &6#item#&c.'
skin-rejected: 'A skin has already been applied onto your &6#item#&c!'
skin-incompatible: 'This skin is not compatible with your &6#item#&c!'
random-unsocket-gem-too-old: 'The gems have bonded strongly with your item. Cannot remove.'
random-unsocket-success: '&aYou removed &3#gem# &afrom your &6#item#&a!'
cant-bind-item: 'This item is currently linked to #player# by a Lvl #level# soulbound. You will have to break this soulbound first.'
no-soulbound: 'This item is not bound to anyone.'
cant-bind-stacked: 'You can''t bind stacked items.'
unsuccessful-soulbound: 'Your soulbound failed.'
unsuccessful-soulbound-break: 'You couldn''t break the soulbound.'
low-soulbound-level: 'This item soulbound is Lvl #level#. You will need a higher soulbound level on your consumable to break this soulbound.'
successfully-bind-item: 'You successfully applied a Lvl &6#level# &esoulbound to your &6#item#&e.'
successfully-break-bind: 'You successfully broke the Lvl &6#level# &eitem soulbound!'
soulbound-item-lore: '&4Linked to #player#//&4Lvl #level# Soulbound'
cant-upgraded-stack: 'You can''t upgrade stacked items.'
max-upgrades-hit: 'This item cannot be upgraded anymore.'
upgrade-fail: 'Your upgrade failed and you lost your consumable.'
upgrade-fail-station: 'Your upgrade failed and you lost your materials.'
wrong-upgrade-reference: 'You cannot upgrade this item with this consumable.'
upgrade-success: 'You successfully upgraded your &6#item#&e!'
not-have-item-upgrade: 'You don''t have the item to upgrade!'
upgrade-requirement-safe-check: 'You would not meet the upgraded item requirements.'
death-downgrading: '&cYour &6#item#&c got severely damaged that fight...'
not-enough-materials: 'You do not have enough materials to craft this item.'
conditions-not-met: 'You cannot craft this item.'
crafting-canceled: 'You cancelled a crafting recipe.'
crafting-queue-full: 'The crafting queue is currently full.'
station-big-stack: 'Amount Crafted: #size#'
recipe-preview: 'Recipe Preview'
unable-to-repair: 'This item can''t be repaired by this consumable!'
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
speed: Speed
slow: Slow
fast-digging: Fast Digging
slow-digging: Slow Digging
increase-damage: Increase Damage
heal: Heal
harm: Harm
jump: Jump
confusion: Confusion
regeneration: Regeneration
damage-resistance: Damage Resistance
fire-resistance: Fire Resistance
water-breathing: Water Breathing
invisibility: Invisibility
blindness: Blindness
night-vision: Night Vision
hunger: Hunger
weakness: Weakness
poison: Poison
wither: Wither
health-boost: Health Boost
absorption: Absorption
saturation: Saturation
glowing: Glowing
levitation: Levitation
luck: Luck
unluck: Unluck
slow-falling: Slow Falling
conduit-power: Conduit Power
dolphins-grace: Dolphins Grace
bad-omen: Bad Omen
hero-of-the-village: Hero Of The Village
darkness: Darkness
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#Weapon Stats
attack-damage: '&3 &7➸ Attack Damage: &f{value}'
attack-speed: '&3 &7➸ Attack Speed: &f{value}'
critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Crit Strike Chance: &f<plus>{value}%'
critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Crit Strike Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Skill Crit Chance: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Skill Crit Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
range: '&3 &7■ Range: &f{value}'
mana-cost: '&3 &7■ Uses &9{value} Mana'
stamina-cost: '&3 &7■ Uses &9{value} Stamina'
arrow-velocity: '&3 &7■ Arrow Velocity: &f{value}'
blunt-power: '&3 &7■ Blunt Power: &f{value}'
blunt-rating: '&3 &7■ Blunt Rating: &f{value}%'
two-handed: '&3 &7■ Two Handed'
handworn: '&3 &7■ Handworn'
knockback: '&3 &7■ Knockback: &f{value}'
recoil: '&3 &7■ Recoil: &f{value}%'
note-weight: '&3 &7■ Note Weight: &f{value}'
lifesteal: '&3 &7■ Lifesteal: &c+{value}%'
spell-vampirism: '&3 &7■ Spell Vampirism: &c+{value}%'
#Extra Damage
pve-damage: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
weapon-damage: '&3 &7■ Weapon Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
undead-damage: '&3 &7■ Undead Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-damage: '&3 &7■ Skill Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
faction-damage-undead: '&3 &7■ Undead Faction Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
ability-format: '&a>&8| &7{trigger} &8|&e|&8| &7&l{ability}'
ability-modifier: ' &3>&8|&7 {modifier}&8: &f{value}'
ability-splitter: '&8'
#Armor Stats
block-power: '&3 &7■ Block Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-rating: '&3 &7■ Block Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Block Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-rating: '&3 &7■ Dodge Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Dodge Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-rating: '&3 &7■ Parry Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Parry Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
armor: '&3 &7✠ Armor: &f<plus>{value}'
armor-toughness: '&3 &7✠ Armor Toughness: &f<plus>{value}'
knockback-resistance: '&3 &7✠ Knockback Resistance: &f<plus>{value}%'
max-health: '&3 &7❤ Health:&c <plus>{value}'
movement-speed: '&3 &7■ Movement Speed: &f<plus>{value}'
#Damage Reduction
defense: '&3 &7■ Defense: &f<plus>{value}'
damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
fall-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fall Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
fire-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fire Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
pve-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
#RPG stats
health-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Health Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
max-mana: '&3 &7■ Max Mana: &f<plus>{value}'
mana-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Mana Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
max-stamina: '&3 &7■ Max Stamina: &f<plus>{value}'
stamina-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Stamina Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Skill Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience: '&3 &7■ Additional Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-alchemy: '&7■ Additional Alchemy Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-enchanting: '&7■ Additional Enchanting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-farming: '&7■ Additional Farming Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-fishing: '&7■ Additional Fishing Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-mining: '&7■ Additional Mining Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smelting: '&7■ Additional Smelting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smithing: '&7■ Additional Smithing Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-woodcutting: '&7■ Additional Woodcutting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
#Extra Options
perm-effect: '&3 &7■ Permanent &f{effect}'
command: '&3 &7■ Command: &f{format} &3 &7(&f{cooldown}&3 &7s)'
item-cooldown: '&3 &7■ &f{value}&3 &7s Cooldown'
arrow-potion-effects: '&3 &7■ Arrow Effect: &f{effect}'
restore-health: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Health'
restore-food: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Food'
restore-saturation: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Saturation'
restore-mana: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Mana'
restore-stamina: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Stamina'
effect: '&3 &7■ Grants &f{effect} &7for &f{duration} &7s'
repair: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}'
repair-percent: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}%'
can-identify: '&3 &7■ Can identify items.'
can-deconstruct: '&3 &7■ Can deconstruct tiered items.'
can-deskin: '&3 &7■ Can de-skin skinned items.'
success-rate: '&3 &7■ Success Rate: &a&l{value}%'
max-consume: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Uses Left'
#Gem Stones
empty-gem-socket: '&a◆ Empty {name} Gem Socket'
filled-gem-socket: '&a◆ {name}'
when-applied: '&aWhen Applied:'
gem-stone-lore: '&8&l[&2&l*&8&l] &aDrag onto an item &7to apply!'
soulbinding-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to bind your item.'
soulbound-break-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to break soulbounds.'
soulbound-level: '&3 &7■ Level &e{value} &7Soulbound'
autosmelt: '&3 &7■ &fAutosmelt'
bouncing-crack: '&3 &7■ &fBouncing Crack'
pickaxe-power: '&3 &7■ &fPickaxe Power: &a{value}'
durability: '&7Durability: {current} / {max}'
item-type: '&c{type}'
tier: '&3 &7Tier: {value}'
required-class: '&3 &7{value} Item'
required-level: '&eRequires Lvl {value}'
#MMOCore Attributes
required-dexterity: '&eRequires &c{value} &eDexterity'
required-strength: '&eRequires &c{value} &eStrength'
required-intelligence: '&eRequires &c{value} &eIntelligence'
additional-dexterity: '&3 &7■ Extra Dexterity: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-strength: '&3 &7■ Extra Strength: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-intelligence: '&3 &7■ Extra Intelligence: &f<plus>{value}'
profession-alchemy: '&eAlchemy Level: &c{value}'
profession-enchanting: '&eEnchanting Level: &c{value}'
profession-farming: '&eFarming Level: &c{value}'
profession-fishing: '&eFishing Level: &c{value}'
profession-mining: '&eMining Level: &c{value}'
profession-smelting: '&eSmelting Level: &c{value}'
profession-smithing: '&eSmithing Level: &c{value}'
profession-woodcutting: '&eWoodcutting Level: &c{value}'
#Elemental Stat Format
elemental-damage: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Damage'
elemental-damage-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Damage'
elemental-defense: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Defense'
elemental-defense-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Defense'
elemental-weakness: '{color}{icon}&7 {value}% {element} Weakness'
#Custom stats
custom-myluck: '&3 &7■ Luck: &f<plus>{value}'
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
cast: Cast
shoot-bow: Shoot Bow
shoot-trident: Shoot Trident
sneak: Sneak
shift-left-click: Shift Left Click
arrow-tick: Arrow Tick
timer: Timer
death: Death
trident-land: Trident Land
arrow-land: Arrow Land
trident-tick: Trident Tick
kill-entity: Kill Entity
right-click: Right Click
attack: Attack
arrow-hit: Arrow Hit
login: Login
api: Api
damaged: Damaged
left-click: Left Click
trident-hit: Trident Hit
damaged-by-entity: Damaged By Entity
shift-right-click: Shift Right Click
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
nether-spirit: '&3 &7■ Nether Spirit'
void-spirit: '&3 &7■ Void Spirit'
mana-spirit: '&3 &7■ Mana Spirit'
lightning-spirit: '&3 &7■ Lightning Spirit'
xray-spirit: '&3 &7■ X-Ray Spirit'
thunder-spirit: '&3 &7■ Thunder Spirit'
sunfire-spirit: '&3 &7■ Sunfire Spirit'
wave: '&3 &7■ Wave Melody'
circular: '&3 &7■ Circular Melody'
slash: '&3 &7■ Slashing Melody'
simple: '&3 &7■ Simple Melody'
brute: '&3 &7■ Brute Melody'
heavy: '&3 &7■ Heavy Melody'
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
positive: '&a✔ Requires #level# in #profession#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #level# in #profession#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #mana# Mana'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #mana# Mana'
positive: '&a✔ Requires $#money#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires $#money#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires Level #level#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires Level #level#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #stellium# Stellium'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #stellium# Stellium'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #stamina# Stamina'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #stamina# Stamina'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #points# #attribute#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #points# #attribute#'
positive: '&a✔ Required Class: #class#'
negative: '&c✖ Required Class: #class#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #food# Food'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #food# Food'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #level##item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #level##item#'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #item#'
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
name: '&aConfirm'
lore: [ ]
name: '&8'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPrevious Page'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aNext Page'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPrevious'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aNext'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aBack'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a&lCraft&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Conditions:'
- '{crafting_time}'
- '{crafting_time}&7Crafting Time: &c#crafting-time#&7s'
- ''
- '&8Ingredients:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eLeft-Click to craft!'
- '&eRight-Click to preview!'
name: '&e&lUpgrade&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Conditions:'
- ''
- '&8Ingredients:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eLeft-Click to craft!'
- '&eRight-Click to preview!'
name: '&6&lQueue&f #name#'
- '{ready}&7&oThis item was successfully crafted.'
- '{queue}&7&oThis item is in the crafting queue.'
- '{queue}'
- '{queue}&7Time Left: &c#left#'
- ''
- '{ready}&eClick to claim!'
- '{queue}&eClick to cancel.'
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
received-item: 'You received &6#item#&e#amount#.'
hands-too-charged: 'You can''t do anything, your hands are too charged.'
spell-on-cooldown: '#progress# &eYou must wait #left# second#s# before casting this spell.'
item-on-cooldown: 'This item is on cooldown! Please wait #left# second#s#.'
not-enough-perms-command: 'You don''t have enough permissions.'
not-enough-levels: 'You don''t have enough levels to use this item!'
soulbound-restriction: 'This item is linked to another player, you can''t use it!'
not-enough-perms: 'You don''t have enough permissions to use this.'
wrong-class: 'You don''t have the right class!'
not-enough-mana: 'You don''t have enough mana!'
not-enough-stamina: 'You don''t have enough stamina!'
not-enough-attribute: 'You don''t have enough #attribute#!'
not-enough-profession: 'You don''t have enough levels in #profession#!'
unidentified-item: 'You can''t use an unidentified item!'
zero-durability: 'This item is broken, you first need to repair it.'
cannot-identify-stacked-items: 'You may only identify one item at a time.'
successfully-identified: 'You successfully identified &6#item#&e.'
successfully-deconstructed: 'You successfully deconstructed &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-applied: 'You successfully applied &6#gem#&e onto your &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-broke: 'Your gem stone &6#gem#&c broke while trying to apply it onto &6#item#&c.'
repaired-item: 'You successfully repaired &6#item#&e for &6#amount# &euses.'
skin-applied: 'You successfully applied the skin onto your &6#item#&e!'
skin-removed: 'You successfully removed the skin from your &6#item#&e!'
skin-broke: 'Your skin broke while trying to apply it onto your &6#item#&c.'
skin-rejected: 'A skin has already been applied onto your &6#item#&c!'
skin-incompatible: 'This skin is not compatible with your &6#item#&c!'
random-unsocket-gem-too-old: 'The gems have bonded strongly with your item. Cannot remove.'
random-unsocket-success: '&aYou removed &3#gem# &afrom your &6#item#&a!'
cant-bind-item: 'This item is currently linked to #player# by a Lvl #level# soulbound. You will have to break this soulbound first.'
no-soulbound: 'This item is not bound to anyone.'
cant-bind-stacked: 'You can''t bind stacked items.'
unsuccessful-soulbound: 'Your soulbound failed.'
unsuccessful-soulbound-break: 'You couldn''t break the soulbound.'
low-soulbound-level: 'This item soulbound is Lvl #level#. You will need a higher soulbound level on your consumable to break this soulbound.'
successfully-bind-item: 'You successfully applied a Lvl &6#level# &esoulbound to your &6#item#&e.'
successfully-break-bind: 'You successfully broke the Lvl &6#level# &eitem soulbound!'
soulbound-item-lore: '&4Linked to #player#//&4Lvl #level# Soulbound'
cant-upgraded-stack: 'You can''t upgrade stacked items.'
max-upgrades-hit: 'This item cannot be upgraded anymore.'
upgrade-fail: 'Your upgrade failed and you lost your consumable.'
upgrade-fail-station: 'Your upgrade failed and you lost your materials.'
wrong-upgrade-reference: 'You cannot upgrade this item with this consumable.'
upgrade-success: 'You successfully upgraded your &6#item#&e!'
not-have-item-upgrade: 'You don''t have the item to upgrade!'
upgrade-requirement-safe-check: 'You would not meet the upgraded item requirements.'
death-downgrading: '&cYour &6#item#&c got severely damaged that fight...'
not-enough-materials: 'You do not have enough materials to craft this item.'
conditions-not-met: 'You cannot craft this item.'
crafting-canceled: 'You cancelled a crafting recipe.'
crafting-queue-full: 'The crafting queue is currently full.'
station-big-stack: 'Amount Crafted: #size#'
recipe-preview: 'Recipe Preview'
unable-to-repair: 'This item can''t be repaired by this consumable!'
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
speed: Speed
slow: Slow
fast-digging: Fast Digging
slow-digging: Slow Digging
increase-damage: Increase Damage
heal: Heal
harm: Harm
jump: Jump
confusion: Confusion
regeneration: Regeneration
damage-resistance: Damage Resistance
fire-resistance: Fire Resistance
water-breathing: Water Breathing
invisibility: Invisibility
blindness: Blindness
night-vision: Night Vision
hunger: Hunger
weakness: Weakness
poison: Poison
wither: Wither
health-boost: Health Boost
absorption: Absorption
saturation: Saturation
glowing: Glowing
levitation: Levitation
luck: Luck
unluck: Unluck
slow-falling: Slow Falling
conduit-power: Conduit Power
dolphins-grace: Dolphins Grace
bad-omen: Bad Omen
hero-of-the-village: Hero Of The Village
darkness: Darkness
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#Weapon Stats
attack-damage: '&3 &7➸ Attack Damage: &f{value}'
attack-speed: '&3 &7➸ Attack Speed: &f{value}'
critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Crit Strike Chance: &f<plus>{value}%'
critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Crit Strike Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Skill Crit Chance: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Skill Crit Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
range: '&3 &7■ Range: &f{value}'
mana-cost: '&3 &7■ Uses &9{value} Mana'
stamina-cost: '&3 &7■ Uses &9{value} Stamina'
arrow-velocity: '&3 &7■ Arrow Velocity: &f{value}'
blunt-power: '&3 &7■ Blunt Power: &f{value}'
blunt-rating: '&3 &7■ Blunt Rating: &f{value}%'
two-handed: '&3 &7■ Two Handed'
handworn: '&3 &7■ Handworn'
knockback: '&3 &7■ Knockback: &f{value}'
recoil: '&3 &7■ Recoil: &f{value}%'
note-weight: '&3 &7■ Note Weight: &f{value}'
lifesteal: '&3 &7■ Lifesteal: &c+{value}%'
spell-vampirism: '&3 &7■ Spell Vampirism: &c+{value}%'
#Extra Damage
pve-damage: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
weapon-damage: '&3 &7■ Weapon Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
undead-damage: '&3 &7■ Undead Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-damage: '&3 &7■ Skill Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
faction-damage-undead: '&3 &7■ Undead Faction Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
ability-format: '&a>&8| &7{trigger} &8|&e|&8| &7&l{ability}'
ability-modifier: ' &3>&8|&7 {modifier}&8: &f{value}'
ability-splitter: '&8'
#Armor Stats
block-power: '&3 &7■ Block Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-rating: '&3 &7■ Block Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Block Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-rating: '&3 &7■ Dodge Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Dodge Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-rating: '&3 &7■ Parry Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Parry Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
armor: '&3 &7✠ Armor: &f<plus>{value}'
armor-toughness: '&3 &7✠ Armor Toughness: &f<plus>{value}'
knockback-resistance: '&3 &7✠ Knockback Resistance: &f<plus>{value}%'
max-health: '&3 &7❤ Health:&c <plus>{value}'
movement-speed: '&3 &7■ Movement Speed: &f<plus>{value}'
#Damage Reduction
defense: '&3 &7■ Defense: &f<plus>{value}'
damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
fall-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fall Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
fire-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fire Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
pve-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
#RPG stats
health-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Health Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
max-mana: '&3 &7■ Max Mana: &f<plus>{value}'
mana-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Mana Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
max-stamina: '&3 &7■ Max Stamina: &f<plus>{value}'
stamina-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Stamina Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Skill Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience: '&3 &7■ Additional Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-alchemy: '&7■ Additional Alchemy Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-enchanting: '&7■ Additional Enchanting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-farming: '&7■ Additional Farming Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-fishing: '&7■ Additional Fishing Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-mining: '&7■ Additional Mining Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smelting: '&7■ Additional Smelting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smithing: '&7■ Additional Smithing Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-woodcutting: '&7■ Additional Woodcutting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
#Extra Options
perm-effect: '&3 &7■ Permanent &f{effect}'
command: '&3 &7■ Command: &f{format} &3 &7(&f{cooldown}&3 &7s)'
item-cooldown: '&3 &7■ &f{value}&3 &7s Cooldown'
arrow-potion-effects: '&3 &7■ Arrow Effect: &f{effect}'
restore-health: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Health'
restore-food: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Food'
restore-saturation: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Saturation'
restore-mana: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Mana'
restore-stamina: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Stamina'
effect: '&3 &7■ Grants &f{effect} &7for &f{duration} &7s'
repair: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}'
repair-percent: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}%'
can-identify: '&3 &7■ Can identify items.'
can-deconstruct: '&3 &7■ Can deconstruct tiered items.'
can-deskin: '&3 &7■ Can de-skin skinned items.'
success-rate: '&3 &7■ Success Rate: &a&l{value}%'
max-consume: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Uses Left'
#Gem Stones
empty-gem-socket: '&a◆ Empty {name} Gem Socket'
filled-gem-socket: '&a◆ {name}'
when-applied: '&aWhen Applied:'
gem-stone-lore: '&8&l[&2&l*&8&l] &aDrag onto an item &7to apply!'
soulbinding-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to bind your item.'
soulbound-break-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to break soulbounds.'
soulbound-level: '&3 &7■ Level &e{value} &7Soulbound'
autosmelt: '&3 &7■ &fAutosmelt'
bouncing-crack: '&3 &7■ &fBouncing Crack'
pickaxe-power: '&3 &7■ &fPickaxe Power: &a{value}'
durability: '&7Durability: {current} / {max}'
item-type: '&c{type}'
tier: '&3 &7Tier: {value}'
required-class: '&3 &7{value} Item'
required-level: '&eRequires Lvl {value}'
#MMOCore Attributes
required-dexterity: '&eRequires &c{value} &eDexterity'
required-strength: '&eRequires &c{value} &eStrength'
required-intelligence: '&eRequires &c{value} &eIntelligence'
additional-dexterity: '&3 &7■ Extra Dexterity: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-strength: '&3 &7■ Extra Strength: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-intelligence: '&3 &7■ Extra Intelligence: &f<plus>{value}'
profession-alchemy: '&eAlchemy Level: &c{value}'
profession-enchanting: '&eEnchanting Level: &c{value}'
profession-farming: '&eFarming Level: &c{value}'
profession-fishing: '&eFishing Level: &c{value}'
profession-mining: '&eMining Level: &c{value}'
profession-smelting: '&eSmelting Level: &c{value}'
profession-smithing: '&eSmithing Level: &c{value}'
profession-woodcutting: '&eWoodcutting Level: &c{value}'
#Elemental Stat Format
elemental-damage: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Damage'
elemental-damage-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Damage'
elemental-defense: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Defense'
elemental-defense-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Defense'
elemental-weakness: '{color}{icon}&7 {value}% {element} Weakness'
#Custom stats
custom-myluck: '&3 &7■ Luck: &f<plus>{value}'
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
cast: Cast
shoot-bow: Shoot Bow
shoot-trident: Shoot Trident
sneak: Sneak
shift-left-click: Shift Left Click
arrow-tick: Arrow Tick
timer: Timer
death: Death
trident-land: Trident Land
arrow-land: Arrow Land
trident-tick: Trident Tick
kill-entity: Kill Entity
right-click: Right Click
attack: Attack
arrow-hit: Arrow Hit
login: Login
api: Api
damaged: Damaged
left-click: Left Click
trident-hit: Trident Hit
damaged-by-entity: Damaged By Entity
shift-right-click: Shift Right Click
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
nether-spirit: '&3 &7■ Nether Spirit'
void-spirit: '&3 &7■ Void Spirit'
mana-spirit: '&3 &7■ Mana Spirit'
lightning-spirit: '&3 &7■ Lightning Spirit'
xray-spirit: '&3 &7■ X-Ray Spirit'
thunder-spirit: '&3 &7■ Thunder Spirit'
sunfire-spirit: '&3 &7■ Sunfire Spirit'
wave: '&3 &7■ Wave Melody'
circular: '&3 &7■ Circular Melody'
slash: '&3 &7■ Slashing Melody'
simple: '&3 &7■ Simple Melody'
brute: '&3 &7■ Brute Melody'
heavy: '&3 &7■ Heavy Melody'
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
positive: '&a✔ Requires #level# in #profession#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #level# in #profession#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #mana# Mana'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #mana# Mana'
positive: '&a✔ Requires $#money#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires $#money#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires Level #level#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires Level #level#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #stellium# Stellium'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #stellium# Stellium'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #stamina# Stamina'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #stamina# Stamina'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #points# #attribute#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #points# #attribute#'
positive: '&a✔ Required Class: #class#'
negative: '&c✖ Required Class: #class#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #food# Food'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #food# Food'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #level##item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #level##item#'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #item#'
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
name: '&aConfirm'
lore: [ ]
name: '&8'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPrevious Page'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aNext Page'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPrevious'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aNext'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aBack'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a&lCraft&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Conditions:'
- '{crafting_time}'
- '{crafting_time}&7Crafting Time: &c#crafting-time#&7s'
- ''
- '&8Ingredients:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eLeft-Click to craft!'
- '&eRight-Click to preview!'
name: '&e&lUpgrade&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Conditions:'
- ''
- '&8Ingredients:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eLeft-Click to craft!'
- '&eRight-Click to preview!'
name: '&6&lQueue&f #name#'
- '{ready}&7&oThis item was successfully crafted.'
- '{queue}&7&oThis item is in the crafting queue.'
- '{queue}'
- '{queue}&7Time Left: &c#left#'
- ''
- '{ready}&eClick to claim!'
- '{queue}&eClick to cancel.'
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
received-item: 'You received &6#item#&e#amount#.'
hands-too-charged: 'You can''t do anything, your hands are too charged.'
spell-on-cooldown: '#progress# &eYou must wait #left# second#s# before casting this spell.'
item-on-cooldown: 'This item is on cooldown! Please wait #left# second#s#.'
not-enough-perms-command: 'You don''t have enough permissions.'
not-enough-levels: 'You don''t have enough levels to use this item!'
soulbound-restriction: 'This item is linked to another player, you can''t use it!'
not-enough-perms: 'You don''t have enough permissions to use this.'
wrong-class: 'You don''t have the right class!'
not-enough-mana: 'You don''t have enough mana!'
not-enough-stamina: 'You don''t have enough stamina!'
not-enough-attribute: 'You don''t have enough #attribute#!'
not-enough-profession: 'You don''t have enough levels in #profession#!'
unidentified-item: 'You can''t use an unidentified item!'
zero-durability: 'This item is broken, you first need to repair it.'
cannot-identify-stacked-items: 'You may only identify one item at a time.'
successfully-identified: 'You successfully identified &6#item#&e.'
successfully-deconstructed: 'You successfully deconstructed &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-applied: 'You successfully applied &6#gem#&e onto your &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-broke: 'Your gem stone &6#gem#&c broke while trying to apply it onto &6#item#&c.'
repaired-item: 'You successfully repaired &6#item#&e for &6#amount# &euses.'
skin-applied: 'You successfully applied the skin onto your &6#item#&e!'
skin-removed: 'You successfully removed the skin from your &6#item#&e!'
skin-broke: 'Your skin broke while trying to apply it onto your &6#item#&c.'
skin-rejected: 'A skin has already been applied onto your &6#item#&c!'
skin-incompatible: 'This skin is not compatible with your &6#item#&c!'
random-unsocket-gem-too-old: 'The gems have bonded strongly with your item. Cannot remove.'
random-unsocket-success: '&aYou removed &3#gem# &afrom your &6#item#&a!'
cant-bind-item: 'This item is currently linked to #player# by a Lvl #level# soulbound. You will have to break this soulbound first.'
no-soulbound: 'This item is not bound to anyone.'
cant-bind-stacked: 'You can''t bind stacked items.'
unsuccessful-soulbound: 'Your soulbound failed.'
unsuccessful-soulbound-break: 'You couldn''t break the soulbound.'
low-soulbound-level: 'This item soulbound is Lvl #level#. You will need a higher soulbound level on your consumable to break this soulbound.'
successfully-bind-item: 'You successfully applied a Lvl &6#level# &esoulbound to your &6#item#&e.'
successfully-break-bind: 'You successfully broke the Lvl &6#level# &eitem soulbound!'
soulbound-item-lore: '&4Linked to #player#//&4Lvl #level# Soulbound'
cant-upgraded-stack: 'You can''t upgrade stacked items.'
max-upgrades-hit: 'This item cannot be upgraded anymore.'
upgrade-fail: 'Your upgrade failed and you lost your consumable.'
upgrade-fail-station: 'Your upgrade failed and you lost your materials.'
wrong-upgrade-reference: 'You cannot upgrade this item with this consumable.'
upgrade-success: 'You successfully upgraded your &6#item#&e!'
not-have-item-upgrade: 'You don''t have the item to upgrade!'
upgrade-requirement-safe-check: 'You would not meet the upgraded item requirements.'
death-downgrading: '&cYour &6#item#&c got severely damaged that fight...'
not-enough-materials: 'You do not have enough materials to craft this item.'
conditions-not-met: 'You cannot craft this item.'
crafting-canceled: 'You cancelled a crafting recipe.'
crafting-queue-full: 'The crafting queue is currently full.'
station-big-stack: 'Amount Crafted: #size#'
recipe-preview: 'Recipe Preview'
unable-to-repair: 'This item can''t be repaired by this consumable!'
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
speed: Speed
slow: Slow
fast-digging: Fast Digging
slow-digging: Slow Digging
increase-damage: Increase Damage
heal: Heal
harm: Harm
jump: Jump
confusion: Confusion
regeneration: Regeneration
damage-resistance: Damage Resistance
fire-resistance: Fire Resistance
water-breathing: Water Breathing
invisibility: Invisibility
blindness: Blindness
night-vision: Night Vision
hunger: Hunger
weakness: Weakness
poison: Poison
wither: Wither
health-boost: Health Boost
absorption: Absorption
saturation: Saturation
glowing: Glowing
levitation: Levitation
luck: Luck
unluck: Unluck
slow-falling: Slow Falling
conduit-power: Conduit Power
dolphins-grace: Dolphins Grace
bad-omen: Bad Omen
hero-of-the-village: Hero Of The Village
darkness: Darkness
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#Weapon Stats
attack-damage: '&3 &7➸ Attack Damage: &f{value}'
attack-speed: '&3 &7➸ Attack Speed: &f{value}'
critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Crit Strike Chance: &f<plus>{value}%'
critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Crit Strike Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Skill Crit Chance: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Skill Crit Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
range: '&3 &7■ Range: &f{value}'
mana-cost: '&3 &7■ Uses &9{value} Mana'
stamina-cost: '&3 &7■ Uses &9{value} Stamina'
arrow-velocity: '&3 &7■ Arrow Velocity: &f{value}'
blunt-power: '&3 &7■ Blunt Power: &f{value}'
blunt-rating: '&3 &7■ Blunt Rating: &f{value}%'
two-handed: '&3 &7■ Two Handed'
handworn: '&3 &7■ Handworn'
knockback: '&3 &7■ Knockback: &f{value}'
recoil: '&3 &7■ Recoil: &f{value}%'
note-weight: '&3 &7■ Note Weight: &f{value}'
lifesteal: '&3 &7■ Lifesteal: &c+{value}%'
spell-vampirism: '&3 &7■ Spell Vampirism: &c+{value}%'
#Extra Damage
pve-damage: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
weapon-damage: '&3 &7■ Weapon Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
undead-damage: '&3 &7■ Undead Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-damage: '&3 &7■ Skill Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
faction-damage-undead: '&3 &7■ Undead Faction Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
ability-format: '&a>&8| &7{trigger} &8|&e|&8| &7&l{ability}'
ability-modifier: ' &3>&8|&7 {modifier}&8: &f{value}'
ability-splitter: '&8'
#Armor Stats
block-power: '&3 &7■ Block Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-rating: '&3 &7■ Block Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Block Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-rating: '&3 &7■ Dodge Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Dodge Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-rating: '&3 &7■ Parry Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Parry Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
armor: '&3 &7✠ Armor: &f<plus>{value}'
armor-toughness: '&3 &7✠ Armor Toughness: &f<plus>{value}'
knockback-resistance: '&3 &7✠ Knockback Resistance: &f<plus>{value}%'
max-health: '&3 &7❤ Health:&c <plus>{value}'
movement-speed: '&3 &7■ Movement Speed: &f<plus>{value}'
#Damage Reduction
defense: '&3 &7■ Defense: &f<plus>{value}'
damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
fall-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fall Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
fire-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fire Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
pve-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
#RPG stats
health-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Health Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
max-mana: '&3 &7■ Max Mana: &f<plus>{value}'
mana-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Mana Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
max-stamina: '&3 &7■ Max Stamina: &f<plus>{value}'
stamina-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Stamina Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Skill Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience: '&3 &7■ Additional Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-alchemy: '&7■ Additional Alchemy Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-enchanting: '&7■ Additional Enchanting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-farming: '&7■ Additional Farming Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-fishing: '&7■ Additional Fishing Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-mining: '&7■ Additional Mining Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smelting: '&7■ Additional Smelting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smithing: '&7■ Additional Smithing Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-woodcutting: '&7■ Additional Woodcutting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
#Extra Options
perm-effect: '&3 &7■ Permanent &f{effect}'
command: '&3 &7■ Command: &f{format} &3 &7(&f{cooldown}&3 &7s)'
item-cooldown: '&3 &7■ &f{value}&3 &7s Cooldown'
arrow-potion-effects: '&3 &7■ Arrow Effect: &f{effect}'
restore-health: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Health'
restore-food: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Food'
restore-saturation: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Saturation'
restore-mana: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Mana'
restore-stamina: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Stamina'
effect: '&3 &7■ Grants &f{effect} &7for &f{duration} &7s'
repair: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}'
repair-percent: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}%'
can-identify: '&3 &7■ Can identify items.'
can-deconstruct: '&3 &7■ Can deconstruct tiered items.'
can-deskin: '&3 &7■ Can de-skin skinned items.'
success-rate: '&3 &7■ Success Rate: &a&l{value}%'
max-consume: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Uses Left'
#Gem Stones
empty-gem-socket: '&a◆ Empty {name} Gem Socket'
filled-gem-socket: '&a◆ {name}'
when-applied: '&aWhen Applied:'
gem-stone-lore: '&8&l[&2&l*&8&l] &aDrag onto an item &7to apply!'
soulbinding-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to bind your item.'
soulbound-break-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to break soulbounds.'
soulbound-level: '&3 &7■ Level &e{value} &7Soulbound'
autosmelt: '&3 &7■ &fAutosmelt'
bouncing-crack: '&3 &7■ &fBouncing Crack'
pickaxe-power: '&3 &7■ &fPickaxe Power: &a{value}'
durability: '&7Durability: {current} / {max}'
item-type: '&c{type}'
tier: '&3 &7Tier: {value}'
required-class: '&3 &7{value} Item'
required-level: '&eRequires Lvl {value}'
#MMOCore Attributes
required-dexterity: '&eRequires &c{value} &eDexterity'
required-strength: '&eRequires &c{value} &eStrength'
required-intelligence: '&eRequires &c{value} &eIntelligence'
additional-dexterity: '&3 &7■ Extra Dexterity: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-strength: '&3 &7■ Extra Strength: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-intelligence: '&3 &7■ Extra Intelligence: &f<plus>{value}'
profession-alchemy: '&eAlchemy Level: &c{value}'
profession-enchanting: '&eEnchanting Level: &c{value}'
profession-farming: '&eFarming Level: &c{value}'
profession-fishing: '&eFishing Level: &c{value}'
profession-mining: '&eMining Level: &c{value}'
profession-smelting: '&eSmelting Level: &c{value}'
profession-smithing: '&eSmithing Level: &c{value}'
profession-woodcutting: '&eWoodcutting Level: &c{value}'
#Elemental Stat Format
elemental-damage: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Damage'
elemental-damage-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Damage'
elemental-defense: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Defense'
elemental-defense-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Defense'
elemental-weakness: '{color}{icon}&7 {value}% {element} Weakness'
#Custom stats
custom-myluck: '&3 &7■ Luck: &f<plus>{value}'
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
cast: Rzuć
shoot-bow: Strzał
shoot-trident: Rzut
sneak: Kucnięcie
shift-left-click: Kucnięcie + Lewy Przycisk
arrow-tick: Trafienia Strzałą
timer: Czas
death: Śmierć
trident-land: Trójząb na Ziemi
arrow-land: Strzała na Ziemi
trident-tick: Uderzenie Trójzębu
kill-entity: Przy zabójstwie
right-click: Prawy Przycisk
attack: Atak
arrow-hit: Trafienia Strzałą
login: Zaloguj
api: Api
damaged: Otrzymane Obrażenie
left-click: Lewy przycisk
trident-hit: Uderzenie Trójzębu
damaged-by-entity: Uszkodzenie przez jednostkę
shift-right-click: Kucnięcie + Prawy Przycisk
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
nether-spirit: '&7■ Duch Netheru'
void-spirit: '&7■ Duch Pustki'
mana-spirit: '&7■ Duch Many'
lightning-spirit: '&7■ Duch Błyskawicy'
xray-spirit: '&7■ Duch X-Ray'
thunder-spirit: '&7■ Duch Grzmotu'
sunfire-spirit: '&7■ Duch Słonecznego Ognia'
wave: '&3 &7■ Melodia Fali'
circular: '&3 &7■ Okrągła Melodia'
slash: '&3 &7■ Przebijająca Melodia'
simple: '&3 &7■ Prosta Melodia'
brute: '&3 &7■ Brutalna Melodia'
heavy: '&3 &7■ Ciężka Melodia'
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
positive: '&a✔ Wymagany poziom #level# w profesji #profession#'
negative: '&a✖ Wymagany poziom #level# w profesji #profession#'
positive: '&a✔ Wymaga #mana# Many'
negative: '&a✖ Wymaga #mana# Many'
positive: '&a✔ Wymaga $#money#'
negative: '&a✖ Wymaga $#money#'
positive: '&a✔ Wymagany Poziom #level#'
negative: '&a✖ Wymagany Poziom #level#'
positive: '&a✔ Wymaga #stellium# Stellium'
negative: '&a✖ Wymaga #stellium# Stellium'
positive: '&a✔ Wymaga #stamina# Energii'
negative: '&a✖ Wymaga #stamina# Energii'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ Wymaga #points# #attribute#'
negative: '&a✖ Wymaga #points# #attribute#'
positive: '&a✔ Wymagana Klasa: #class#'
negative: '&a✖ Wymagana Klasa: #class#'
positive: '&a✔ Wymaga #food# Food'
negative: '&c✖ Wymaga #food# Food'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #level##item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #level##item#'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #item#'
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
name: '&aPotwierdź'
lore: [ ]
name: '&8'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPoprzednia strona'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aNastępna strona'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPoprzednia'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aNastępna'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aWstecz'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a&lStwórz&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Warunek:'
- '{crafting_time}'
- '{crafting_time}&7Czas Tworzenia: &c#crafting-time#&7s'
- ''
- '&8Ingredients:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eKliknij lewym przyciskiem myszy, aby stworzyć!'
- '&eKliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy, aby wyświetlić podgląd!'
name: '&e&lUlepsz&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Warunek:'
- ''
- '&8Składniki:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eKliknij lewym przyciskiem myszy, aby stworzyć!'
- '&eKliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy, aby wyświetlić podgląd!'
name: '&6&lKolejka&f #name#'
- '{ready}&7&oTen przedmiot został pomyślnie wytworzony.'
- '{queue}&7&oTen przedmiot znajduje się w kolejce tworzenia.'
- '{queue}'
- '{queue}&7Pozostały czas: &c#left#'
- ''
- '{ready}&eKliknij, aby odebrać!'
- '{queue}&eKliknij, aby anulować.'
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
received-item: 'Otrzymałeś &6#item#&e#amount#.'
hands-too-charged: 'Nie możesz nic zrobić, twoje ręce są przeładowane.'
spell-on-cooldown: '#progress# &eMusisz poczekać #left# sekund#s# przed użyciem tego zaklęcia.'
item-on-cooldown: 'Ten przedmiot jest w trakcie odnawiania! Proszę poczekaj #left# sekund#s#.'
not-enough-perms-command: 'Nie posiadasz wystarczających uprawnień.'
not-enough-levels: 'Nie posiadasz odpowiedniego poziomu do użycia tego przedmiotu!'
soulbound-restriction: 'Ten przedmiot jest połączony z innym graczem, nie możesz go użyć!'
not-enough-perms: 'Nie masz wystarczających uprawnień, by tego użyć.'
wrong-class: 'Nie posiadasz odpowiedniej klasy!'
not-enough-mana: 'Nie posiadasz wystarczającej ilości many!'
not-enough-stamina: 'Nie posiadasz wystarczającej ilości energii!'
not-enough-attribute: 'Nie masz wystarczającej ilości #attribute#!'
not-enough-profession: 'Twój poziom w #profession# nie jest wystarczający!'
unidentified-item: 'Nie możesz użyć niezidentyfikowanego przedmiotu!'
zero-durability: 'Ten przedmiot jest zepsuty, najpierw musisz go naprawić.'
cannot-identify-stacked-items: 'Możesz zidentyfikować tylko jeden przedmiot naraz.'
successfully-identified: 'Udało ci się zidentyfikować &6#item#&e.'
successfully-deconstructed: 'Pomyślnie zdekonstruowałeś &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-applied: 'Pomyślnie zastosowałeś &6#gem#&e na &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-broke: 'Twój klejnot &6#gem#&c został zniszczony podczas próby zastosowania go na &6#item#&c.'
repaired-item: 'Pomyślnie naprawiłeś &6#item#&e za &6#amount# &eużyć.'
skin-applied: 'Pomyślnie zastosowałeś skórkę na &6#item#&e!'
skin-removed: 'Pomyślnie usunąłeś skórkę z &6#item#&e!'
skin-broke: 'Twoja skórka zepsuła się podczas próby zastosowania jej na &6#item#&c.'
skin-rejected: 'Skórka została już zaaplikowana na &6#item#&c!'
skin-incompatible: 'Ten skin nie jest kompatybilny z &6#item#&c!'
random-unsocket-gem-too-old: 'Klejnot silnie związał się z twoim przemiotem. Nie można go usunąć.'
random-unsocket-success: '&aUsunąłeś &3#gem# &az &6#item#&a!'
cant-bind-item: 'Ten przedmiot jest obecnie powiązany z #player# za pomocą związania duszy poziomu #level#. Musisz najpierw zerwać więzy duszy.'
no-soulbound: 'Ten przedmiot nie jest z nikim związany.'
cant-bind-stacked: 'Nie możesz związać zgrupowanych przedmiotów.'
unsuccessful-soulbound: 'Twoja próba związania się nie udała.'
unsuccessful-soulbound-break: 'Nie byłeś w stanie złamać więzów.'
low-soulbound-level: 'Więzy tego przedmiotu są na poziomie #level#. Potrzebujesz wyższego poziomu więzów na twoim przedmiocie, by zerwać aktualnie więzy.'
successfully-bind-item: 'Pomyślnie zastosowałeś poziom &6#poziom# &ewięzów dla &6#item#&e.'
successfully-break-bind: 'Pomyślnie zniszczyłeś więzy przedmiotu &6#level# &rPoziomu!'
soulbound-item-lore: '&4Połączono z #player#//&4Poziom #level# Więzów duszy.'
cant-upgraded-stack: 'Nie możesz ulepszyć zgrupowanych przedmiotów.'
max-upgrades-hit: 'Ten przedmiot nie może być już ulepszony.'
upgrade-fail: 'Twoja ulepszenie nie powiodło się i straciłeś swoje przedmioty konsumpcyjne.'
upgrade-fail-station: 'Twoje ulepszenie nie powiodło się i straciłeś materiały.'
wrong-upgrade-reference: 'Nie możesz ulepszyć tego przedmiotu z tym materiałem eksploatacyjnym.'
upgrade-success: 'Pomyślnie ulepszyłeś &6#item#&e!'
not-have-item-upgrade: 'Nie posiadasz przedmiotu do ulepszenia!'
upgrade-requirement-safe-check: 'Nie spełnisz wymagań ulepszonego przedmiotu.'
death-downgrading: '&cTwój &6#item#&c został poważnie uszkodzony w tej walce...'
not-enough-materials: 'Nie masz wystarczającej ilości materiałów, aby wytworzyć ten przedmiot.'
conditions-not-met: 'Nie możesz wytworzyć tego przedmiotu.'
crafting-canceled: 'Anulowałeś przepis na wytwarzanie.'
crafting-queue-full: 'Kolejka wytwarzania jest obecnie pełna.'
station-big-stack: 'Wytworzona ilość: #size#'
recipe-preview: 'Podgląd przepisu'
unable-to-repair: 'Ten przedmiot nie może zostać naprawiony przez ten materiał!'
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
speed: Prędkość
slow: Spowolnienie
fast-digging: Szybkie kopanie
slow-digging: Powolne kopanie
increase-damage: Zwiększone obrażenia
heal: Uzdrowienie
harm: Uszkodzenie
jump: Skok
confusion: Dezorientacja
regeneration: Regeneracja
damage-resistance: Odporność na uszkodzenia
fire-resistance: Odporność na ogień
water-breathing: Oddychanie pod wodą
invisibility: Niewidzialność
blindness: Ślepota
night-vision: Widzenie w ciemności
hunger: Głód
weakness: Osłabienie
poison: Zatrucie
wither: Wither
health-boost: Wzmocnienie zdrowia
absorption: Absorpcja
saturation: Saturacja
glowing: Świecienie
levitation: Lewitacja
luck: Szczęście
unluck: Nieszczęście
slow-falling: Powolne Opadanie
conduit-power: Moc Przesyłowa
dolphins-grace: Łaska delfinów
bad-omen: Zły znak
hero-of-the-village: Bohater Wsi
darkness: Ciemność
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#Weapon Stats
attack-damage: '&3 &7➸ Zadawane Obrażenia: &f{value}'
attack-speed: '&3 &7➸ Szybkość ataku: &f{value}'
critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Szansa na trafienie krytyczne: &f<plus>{value}%'
critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Obrażenia trafienia krytycznego: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Szansa na trafienie krytyczne umiejętności: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Obrażenia trafienia krytycznego umiejętności: &f<plus>{value}%'
range: '&3 &7■ Zasięg: &f{value}'
mana-cost: '&3 &7■ Zużywa &9{value} Many'
stamina-cost: '&3 &7■ Zużywa &9{value} Energii'
arrow-velocity: '&3 &7■ Prędkość strzały: &f{value}'
blunt-power: '&3 &7 Siła obuchów: &f{value}'
blunt-rating: '&3 &7■ Ocena Obuchu: &f{value}%'
two-handed: '&3 &7■ Dwuręczny'
handworn: '&3 &7■ Trzymany w rękach'
knockback: '&3 &7■ Odrzut: &f{value}'
recoil: '&3 &7■ Moc odrzutu: &f{value}%'
note-weight: '&3 &7■ Waga: &f{value}'
lifesteal: '&3 &7■ Kradzież życia: &c+{value}%'
spell-vampirism: '&3 &7■ Kradzież życia umijętności: &c+{value}%'
#Extra Damage
pve-damage: '&3 &7■ Obrażenia PVE: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage: '&3 &7■ Obrażenia PVP: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage: '&3 &7■ Obrażenia Magiczne: &f<plus>{value}%'
weapon-damage: '&3 &7■ Obrażenia broni: &f<plus>{value}%'
undead-damage: '&3 &7■ Obrażenia zadawane nieumarłym: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-damage: '&3 &7■ Obrażenia umiejętności: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage: '&3 &7■ Obrażenia fizyczne: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage: '&3 &7■ Obrażenia pocisków: &f<plus>{value}%'
faction-damage-undead: '&3 &7■ Obrażenia zadawane frakcji nieumarłych: &f<plus>{value}%'
ability-format: '&a>&8| &7{trigger} &8|&e|&8| &7&l{ability}'
ability-modifier: ' &3>&8|&7 {modifier}&8: &f{value}'
ability-splitter: '&8'
#Armor Stats
block-power: '&3 &7■ Moc bloku: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-rating: '&3 &7■ Ocena bloku: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Skrócenie czasu odnowienia bloku: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-rating: '&3 &7■ Ocena uników: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Skrócenie czasu odnowienia uników: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-rating: '&3 &7■ Ocena parowania: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Skrócenie czasu odnowienia parowania: &f<plus>{value}%'
armor: '&3 &7✠ Pancerz: &f<plus>{value}'
armor-toughness: '&3 &7✠ Wytrzymałość pancerza: &f<plus>{value}'
knockback-resistance: '&3 &7✠ Odporność na odrzut: &f<plus>{value}%'
max-health: '&3 &7❤ Max Zdrowie:&c <plus>{value}'
movement-speed: '&3 &7■ Prędkość ruchu: &f<plus>{value}'
#Damage Reduction
defense: '&3 &7■ Obrona: &f<plus>{value}'
damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Redukcja obrażeń: &f<plus>{value}%'
fall-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Redukcja obrażeń od upadku: &f<plus>{value}%'
fire-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Redukcja obrażeń od ognia: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Redukcja obrażeń magicznych: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Redukcja obrażeń od pocisków: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Redukcja obrażeń fizycznych: &f<plus>{value}%'
pve-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Redukcja obrażeń PvE: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Redukcja obrażeń PvP: &f<plus>{value}%'
#RPG stats
health-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Regeneracja zdrowia: &f<plus>{value}'
max-mana: '&3 &7■ Mana: &f<plus>{value}'
mana-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Regeneracja Many: &f<plus>{value}'
max-stamina: '&3 &7■ Max Energia: &f<plus>{value}'
stamina-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Regeneracja Energii: &f<plus>{value}'
cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Skrócenie czasu odnowienia umiejętności: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience: '&3 &7■ Dodatkowe doświadczenie: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-alchemy: '&7■ Dodatkowe doświadczenie alchemiczne: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-enchanting: '&7■ Dodatkowe dodatkowe doświadczenie czarów: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-farming: '&7■ Dodatkowe doświadczenie w rolnictwie: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-fishing: '&7■ Dodatkowe doświadczenie wędkarskie: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-mining: '&7■ Dodatkowe doświadczenie górnicze: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smelting: '&7■ Dodatkowe doświadczenie w wytapianiu: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smithing: '&7■ Dodatkowe doświadczenie w kowalstwie: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-woodcutting: '&7■ Dodatkowe doświadczenie w obróbce drewna: &f<plus>{value}%'
#Extra Options
perm-effect: '&3 &7■ Stały &f{effect}'
command: '&3 &7■ Komenda: &f{format} &3 &7(&f{cooldown}&3 &7s)'
item-cooldown: '&3 &7■ &f{value}&3 &7s Czas odnowienia'
arrow-potion-effects: '&3 &7■ Efekt strzały: &f{effect}'
restore-health: '&3 &7■ Przywraca &f{value} &7Zdrowia'
restore-food: '&3 &7■ Przywraca &f{value} &7Pożywienia'
restore-saturation: '&3 &7■ Przywraca &f{value} &7Tlenu'
restore-mana: '&3 &7■ Przywraca &f{value} &7Many'
restore-stamina: '&3 &7■ Przywraca &f{value} &7Energii'
effect: '&3 &7■ Przyznaje &f{effect} &7na &f{duration} &7s'
repair: '&3 &7■ Naprawa: &f{value}'
repair-percent: '&3 &7■ Naprawia: &f{value}%'
can-identify: '&3 &7■ Potrafi zidentyfikować przedmioty.'
can-deconstruct: '&3 &7■ Może dekonstruować wielopoziomowe przedmioty.'
can-deskin: '&3 &7■ Może usunąć skórkę z wyposażenia.'
success-rate: '&3 &7■ Wskaźnik sukcesu: &a&l{value}%'
max-consume: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Pozostałe użycia'
#Gem Stones
empty-gem-socket: '&a◆ Puste Gniazdo klejnotu'
filled-gem-socket: '&a◆ {name}'
when-applied: '&aGdy zastosowane:'
gem-stone-lore: '&8&l[&2&l*&8&l] &aPrzeciągnij na element by &7Zaaplikować!'
soulbinding-chance: '&3 &7■ Ma &a{value}% &7Szansa na związanie przedmiotu.'
soulbound-break-chance: '&3 &7■ Ma &a{value}% &7szansę na zerwanie więzów dusz.'
soulbound-level: '&3 &7■ Poziom &e{value} &7Przywiązania do duszy'
autosmelt: '&3 &7■ &fAutomatyczne Przepalanie'
bouncing-crack: '&3 &7■ &fOdbijające się pęknięcie'
pickaxe-power: '&3 &7■ &fMoc kilofa: &a{value}'
durability: '&7Wytrzymałość: {current} / {max}'
item-type: '&c{type}'
tier: '&3 &7Tier: {value}'
required-class: '&3 &7{value} Przedmiot'
required-level: '&eWymagany poziom {value}'
#MMOCore Attributes
required-dexterity: '&eWymaga &c{value} &eZręcznośći'
required-strength: '&eWymaga &c{value} &eSiły'
required-intelligence: '&eWymaga &c{value} &eInteligencji'
additional-dexterity: '&3 &7■ Dodatkowa Zręczność: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-strength: '&3 &7■ Dodatkowa Siła: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-intelligence: '&3 &7■ Dodatkowa Inteligencja: &f<plus>{value}'
profession-alchemy: '&ePoziom Alchemii: &c{value}'
profession-enchanting: '&ePoziom Czarowania: &c{value}'
profession-farming: '&ePoziom Rolnictwa: &c{value}'
profession-fishing: '&ePoziom Wędkarstwa: &c{value}'
profession-mining: '&ePoziom Górnictwa: &c{value}'
profession-smelting: '&ePoziom Wytapiania: &c{value}'
profession-smithing: '&ePoziom Kowalstwa: &c{value}'
profession-woodcutting: '&ePoziom Obróbki Drewna: &c{value}'
#Elemental Stat Format
elemental-damage: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Obrażenia'
elemental-damage-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Obrażenia'
elemental-defense: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Obrona'
elemental-defense-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Obrona'
elemental-weakness: '{color}{icon}&7 {value}% {element} Osłabienie'
#Custom stats
custom-myluck: '&3 &7■ Szczęście: &f<plus>{value}'
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
cast: Cast
shoot-bow: Shoot Bow
shoot-trident: Shoot Trident
sneak: Sneak
shift-left-click: Shift Left Click
arrow-tick: Arrow Tick
timer: Timer
death: Death
trident-land: Trident Land
arrow-land: Arrow Land
trident-tick: Trident Tick
kill-entity: Kill Entity
right-click: Right Click
attack: Attack
arrow-hit: Arrow Hit
login: Login
api: Api
damaged: Damaged
left-click: Left Click
trident-hit: Trident Hit
damaged-by-entity: Damaged By Entity
shift-right-click: Shift Right Click
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
nether-spirit: '&3 &7■ Nether Spirit'
void-spirit: '&3 &7■ Void Spirit'
mana-spirit: '&3 &7■ Mana Spirit'
lightning-spirit: '&3 &7■ Lightning Spirit'
xray-spirit: '&3 &7■ X-Ray Spirit'
thunder-spirit: '&3 &7■ Thunder Spirit'
sunfire-spirit: '&3 &7■ Sunfire Spirit'
wave: '&3 &7■ Wave Melody'
circular: '&3 &7■ Circular Melody'
slash: '&3 &7■ Slashing Melody'
simple: '&3 &7■ Simple Melody'
brute: '&3 &7■ Brute Melody'
heavy: '&3 &7■ Heavy Melody'
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
positive: '&a✔ Requires #level# in #profession#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #level# in #profession#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #mana# Mana'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #mana# Mana'
positive: '&a✔ Requires $#money#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires $#money#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires Level #level#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires Level #level#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #stellium# Stellium'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #stellium# Stellium'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #stamina# Stamina'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #stamina# Stamina'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #points# #attribute#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #points# #attribute#'
positive: '&a✔ Required Class: #class#'
negative: '&c✖ Required Class: #class#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #food# Food'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #food# Food'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #level##item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #level##item#'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #item#'
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
name: '&aConfirm'
lore: [ ]
name: '&8'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPrevious Page'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aNext Page'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPrevious'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aNext'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aBack'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a&lCraft&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Conditions:'
- '{crafting_time}'
- '{crafting_time}&7Crafting Time: &c#crafting-time#&7s'
- ''
- '&8Ingredients:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eLeft-Click to craft!'
- '&eRight-Click to preview!'
name: '&e&lUpgrade&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Conditions:'
- ''
- '&8Ingredients:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eLeft-Click to craft!'
- '&eRight-Click to preview!'
name: '&6&lQueue&f #name#'
- '{ready}&7&oThis item was successfully crafted.'
- '{queue}&7&oThis item is in the crafting queue.'
- '{queue}'
- '{queue}&7Time Left: &c#left#'
- ''
- '{ready}&eClick to claim!'
- '{queue}&eClick to cancel.'
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
received-item: 'You received &6#item#&e#amount#.'
hands-too-charged: 'You can''t do anything, your hands are too charged.'
spell-on-cooldown: '#progress# &eYou must wait #left# second#s# before casting this spell.'
item-on-cooldown: 'This item is on cooldown! Please wait #left# second#s#.'
not-enough-perms-command: 'You don''t have enough permissions.'
not-enough-levels: 'You don''t have enough levels to use this item!'
soulbound-restriction: 'This item is linked to another player, you can''t use it!'
not-enough-perms: 'You don''t have enough permissions to use this.'
wrong-class: 'You don''t have the right class!'
not-enough-mana: 'You don''t have enough mana!'
not-enough-stamina: 'You don''t have enough stamina!'
not-enough-attribute: 'You don''t have enough #attribute#!'
not-enough-profession: 'You don''t have enough levels in #profession#!'
unidentified-item: 'You can''t use an unidentified item!'
zero-durability: 'This item is broken, you first need to repair it.'
cannot-identify-stacked-items: 'You may only identify one item at a time.'
successfully-identified: 'You successfully identified &6#item#&e.'
successfully-deconstructed: 'You successfully deconstructed &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-applied: 'You successfully applied &6#gem#&e onto your &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-broke: 'Your gem stone &6#gem#&c broke while trying to apply it onto &6#item#&c.'
repaired-item: 'You successfully repaired &6#item#&e for &6#amount# &euses.'
skin-applied: 'You successfully applied the skin onto your &6#item#&e!'
skin-removed: 'You successfully removed the skin from your &6#item#&e!'
skin-broke: 'Your skin broke while trying to apply it onto your &6#item#&c.'
skin-rejected: 'A skin has already been applied onto your &6#item#&c!'
skin-incompatible: 'This skin is not compatible with your &6#item#&c!'
random-unsocket-gem-too-old: 'The gems have bonded strongly with your item. Cannot remove.'
random-unsocket-success: '&aYou removed &3#gem# &afrom your &6#item#&a!'
cant-bind-item: 'This item is currently linked to #player# by a Lvl #level# soulbound. You will have to break this soulbound first.'
no-soulbound: 'This item is not bound to anyone.'
cant-bind-stacked: 'You can''t bind stacked items.'
unsuccessful-soulbound: 'Your soulbound failed.'
unsuccessful-soulbound-break: 'You couldn''t break the soulbound.'
low-soulbound-level: 'This item soulbound is Lvl #level#. You will need a higher soulbound level on your consumable to break this soulbound.'
successfully-bind-item: 'You successfully applied a Lvl &6#level# &esoulbound to your &6#item#&e.'
successfully-break-bind: 'You successfully broke the Lvl &6#level# &eitem soulbound!'
soulbound-item-lore: '&4Linked to #player#//&4Lvl #level# Soulbound'
cant-upgraded-stack: 'You can''t upgrade stacked items.'
max-upgrades-hit: 'This item cannot be upgraded anymore.'
upgrade-fail: 'Your upgrade failed and you lost your consumable.'
upgrade-fail-station: 'Your upgrade failed and you lost your materials.'
wrong-upgrade-reference: 'You cannot upgrade this item with this consumable.'
upgrade-success: 'You successfully upgraded your &6#item#&e!'
not-have-item-upgrade: 'You don''t have the item to upgrade!'
upgrade-requirement-safe-check: 'You would not meet the upgraded item requirements.'
death-downgrading: '&cYour &6#item#&c got severely damaged that fight...'
not-enough-materials: 'You do not have enough materials to craft this item.'
conditions-not-met: 'You cannot craft this item.'
crafting-canceled: 'You cancelled a crafting recipe.'
crafting-queue-full: 'The crafting queue is currently full.'
station-big-stack: 'Amount Crafted: #size#'
recipe-preview: 'Recipe Preview'
unable-to-repair: 'This item can''t be repaired by this consumable!'
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
speed: Speed
slow: Slow
fast-digging: Fast Digging
slow-digging: Slow Digging
increase-damage: Increase Damage
heal: Heal
harm: Harm
jump: Jump
confusion: Confusion
regeneration: Regeneration
damage-resistance: Damage Resistance
fire-resistance: Fire Resistance
water-breathing: Water Breathing
invisibility: Invisibility
blindness: Blindness
night-vision: Night Vision
hunger: Hunger
weakness: Weakness
poison: Poison
wither: Wither
health-boost: Health Boost
absorption: Absorption
saturation: Saturation
glowing: Glowing
levitation: Levitation
luck: Luck
unluck: Unluck
slow-falling: Slow Falling
conduit-power: Conduit Power
dolphins-grace: Dolphins Grace
bad-omen: Bad Omen
hero-of-the-village: Hero Of The Village
darkness: Darkness
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#Weapon Stats
attack-damage: '&3 &7➸ Attack Damage: &f{value}'
attack-speed: '&3 &7➸ Attack Speed: &f{value}'
critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Crit Strike Chance: &f<plus>{value}%'
critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Crit Strike Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Skill Crit Chance: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Skill Crit Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
range: '&3 &7■ Range: &f{value}'
mana-cost: '&3 &7■ Uses &9{value} Mana'
stamina-cost: '&3 &7■ Uses &9{value} Stamina'
arrow-velocity: '&3 &7■ Arrow Velocity: &f{value}'
blunt-power: '&3 &7■ Blunt Power: &f{value}'
blunt-rating: '&3 &7■ Blunt Rating: &f{value}%'
two-handed: '&3 &7■ Two Handed'
handworn: '&3 &7■ Handworn'
knockback: '&3 &7■ Knockback: &f{value}'
recoil: '&3 &7■ Recoil: &f{value}%'
note-weight: '&3 &7■ Note Weight: &f{value}'
lifesteal: '&3 &7■ Lifesteal: &c+{value}%'
spell-vampirism: '&3 &7■ Spell Vampirism: &c+{value}%'
#Extra Damage
pve-damage: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
weapon-damage: '&3 &7■ Weapon Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
undead-damage: '&3 &7■ Undead Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-damage: '&3 &7■ Skill Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
faction-damage-undead: '&3 &7■ Undead Faction Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
ability-format: '&a>&8| &7{trigger} &8|&e|&8| &7&l{ability}'
ability-modifier: ' &3>&8|&7 {modifier}&8: &f{value}'
ability-splitter: '&8'
#Armor Stats
block-power: '&3 &7■ Block Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-rating: '&3 &7■ Block Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Block Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-rating: '&3 &7■ Dodge Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Dodge Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-rating: '&3 &7■ Parry Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Parry Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
armor: '&3 &7✠ Armor: &f<plus>{value}'
armor-toughness: '&3 &7✠ Armor Toughness: &f<plus>{value}'
knockback-resistance: '&3 &7✠ Knockback Resistance: &f<plus>{value}%'
max-health: '&3 &7❤ Health:&c <plus>{value}'
movement-speed: '&3 &7■ Movement Speed: &f<plus>{value}'
#Damage Reduction
defense: '&3 &7■ Defense: &f<plus>{value}'
damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
fall-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fall Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
fire-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fire Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
pve-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
#RPG stats
health-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Health Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
max-mana: '&3 &7■ Max Mana: &f<plus>{value}'
mana-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Mana Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
max-stamina: '&3 &7■ Max Stamina: &f<plus>{value}'
stamina-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Stamina Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Skill Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience: '&3 &7■ Additional Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-alchemy: '&7■ Additional Alchemy Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-enchanting: '&7■ Additional Enchanting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-farming: '&7■ Additional Farming Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-fishing: '&7■ Additional Fishing Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-mining: '&7■ Additional Mining Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smelting: '&7■ Additional Smelting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smithing: '&7■ Additional Smithing Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-woodcutting: '&7■ Additional Woodcutting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
#Extra Options
perm-effect: '&3 &7■ Permanent &f{effect}'
command: '&3 &7■ Command: &f{format} &3 &7(&f{cooldown}&3 &7s)'
item-cooldown: '&3 &7■ &f{value}&3 &7s Cooldown'
arrow-potion-effects: '&3 &7■ Arrow Effect: &f{effect}'
restore-health: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Health'
restore-food: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Food'
restore-saturation: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Saturation'
restore-mana: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Mana'
restore-stamina: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Stamina'
effect: '&3 &7■ Grants &f{effect} &7for &f{duration} &7s'
repair: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}'
repair-percent: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}%'
can-identify: '&3 &7■ Can identify items.'
can-deconstruct: '&3 &7■ Can deconstruct tiered items.'
can-deskin: '&3 &7■ Can de-skin skinned items.'
success-rate: '&3 &7■ Success Rate: &a&l{value}%'
max-consume: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Uses Left'
#Gem Stones
empty-gem-socket: '&a◆ Empty {name} Gem Socket'
filled-gem-socket: '&a◆ {name}'
when-applied: '&aWhen Applied:'
gem-stone-lore: '&8&l[&2&l*&8&l] &aDrag onto an item &7to apply!'
soulbinding-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to bind your item.'
soulbound-break-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to break soulbounds.'
soulbound-level: '&3 &7■ Level &e{value} &7Soulbound'
autosmelt: '&3 &7■ &fAutosmelt'
bouncing-crack: '&3 &7■ &fBouncing Crack'
pickaxe-power: '&3 &7■ &fPickaxe Power: &a{value}'
durability: '&7Durability: {current} / {max}'
item-type: '&c{type}'
tier: '&3 &7Tier: {value}'
required-class: '&3 &7{value} Item'
required-level: '&eRequires Lvl {value}'
#MMOCore Attributes
required-dexterity: '&eRequires &c{value} &eDexterity'
required-strength: '&eRequires &c{value} &eStrength'
required-intelligence: '&eRequires &c{value} &eIntelligence'
additional-dexterity: '&3 &7■ Extra Dexterity: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-strength: '&3 &7■ Extra Strength: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-intelligence: '&3 &7■ Extra Intelligence: &f<plus>{value}'
profession-alchemy: '&eAlchemy Level: &c{value}'
profession-enchanting: '&eEnchanting Level: &c{value}'
profession-farming: '&eFarming Level: &c{value}'
profession-fishing: '&eFishing Level: &c{value}'
profession-mining: '&eMining Level: &c{value}'
profession-smelting: '&eSmelting Level: &c{value}'
profession-smithing: '&eSmithing Level: &c{value}'
profession-woodcutting: '&eWoodcutting Level: &c{value}'
#Elemental Stat Format
elemental-damage: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Damage'
elemental-damage-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Damage'
elemental-defense: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Defense'
elemental-defense-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Defense'
elemental-weakness: '{color}{icon}&7 {value}% {element} Weakness'
#Custom stats
custom-myluck: '&3 &7■ Luck: &f<plus>{value}'
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
cast: Lanzamiento
shoot-bow: Tiro de arco
shoot-trident: Tiro de tridente
sneak: Agacharse
shift-left-click: Shift + click izquierdo
arrow-tick: Tick de flecha
timer: Temporizador
death: Muerte
trident-land: Aterrizaje de tridente
arrow-land: Aterrizaje de flecha
trident-tick: Tick de tridente
kill-entity: Asesinar entidad
right-click: Click derecho
attack: Ataque
arrow-hit: Golpe de flecha
login: Inicio de sesión
api: Api
damaged: Recibir daño
left-click: Click izquierdo
trident-hit: Golpe de tridente
damaged-by-entity: Dañado por Entidad
shift-right-click: Shift + Click Derecho
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
nether-spirit: '&7■ Espíritu Infernal'
void-spirit: '&7■ Espíritu del Vacío'
mana-spirit: '&7■ Espíritu del Maná'
lightning-spirit: '&7■ Espíritu del Relámpago'
xray-spirit: '&7■ Espíritu de Rayos-X'
thunder-spirit: '&7■ Espíritu del Trueno'
sunfire-spirit: '&7■ Espíritu Solar'
wave: '&7■ Ataque en olas'
circular: '&7■ Ataque circular'
slash: '&7■ Ataque oblicuo'
simple: '&7■ Ataque simple'
brute: '&7■ Ataque brutal'
heavy: '&3 &7■ Melodía Pesada'
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
positive: '&a✔ Debes ser nivel #level# en #profession#'
negative: '&c✖ Debes ser nivel #level# en #profession#'
positive: '&a✔ Necesitas #mana# Maná'
negative: '&c✖ Necesitas #mana# Maná'
positive: '&a✔ Necesitas $#money#'
negative: '&c✖ Necesitas $#money#'
positive: '&a✔ Debes ser nivel #level#'
negative: '&c✖ Debes ser nivel #level#'
positive: '&a✔ Necesitas #stellium# de Stellium'
negative: '&c✖ Necesitas #stellium# de Stellium'
positive: '&a✔ Necesitas #stamina# de Energía'
negative: '&c✖ Necesitas #stamina# de Energía'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ Necesitas #points# puntos de #attribute#'
negative: '&c✖ Necesitas #points# puntos de #attribute#'
positive: '&a✔ Clase requerida: #class#'
negative: '&c✖ Clase requerida: #class#'
positive: '&a✔ Necesitas #food# de Comida'
negative: '&c✖ Necesitas #food# de Comida'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #level##item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #level##item#'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #item#'
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
name: '&aConfirmar'
lore: [ ]
name: '&8'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPágina anterior'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPágina siguiente'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aAnterior'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aSiguiente'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aVolver'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a&lCraft&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Condiciones:'
- '{crafting_time}'
- '{crafting_time}&7Tiempo de Creación: &c#crafting-time#&7s'
- ''
- '&8Ingredientes:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&e¡Click izquierdo para crear!'
- '&e¡Click drecho para ver!'
name: '&e&lMejorar&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Condiciones:'
- ''
- '&8Ingredientes:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&e¡Click izquierdo para crear!'
- '&e¡Click drecho para ver!'
name: '&6&lEn cola&f #name#'
- '{ready}&7&oEste objeto fue elaborado con éxito.'
- '{queue}&7&oEste objeto está en la cola de elaboración.'
- '{queue}'
- '{queue}&7Tiempo restante: &c#left#'
- ''
- '{ready}&e¡Haz clic para reclamar!'
- '{queue}&eClick para cancelar.'
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
received-item: 'Has recibido &6#item#&e#amount#.'
hands-too-charged: 'No puedes hacer nada, tus manos están muy cargadas.'
spell-on-cooldown: '#progress# &eDebes esperar #left# segundo#s# antes de lanzar este hechizo.'
item-on-cooldown: '¡Este item está en enfriamiento! Por favor, espera #left#s.'
not-enough-perms-command: 'No tienes suficientes permisos.'
not-enough-levels: '¡No tienes suficientes niveles para usar este item!'
soulbound-restriction: '¡Este item está enlazado a otro jugador, no puedes usarlo!'
not-enough-perms: 'No tienes suficientes permisos para usar esto.'
wrong-class: '¡No tienes la clase correcta!'
not-enough-mana: '¡No tienes suficiente maná!'
not-enough-stamina: '¡No tienes suficiente estamina!'
not-enough-attribute: '¡No tienes suficiente #attribute#!'
not-enough-profession: '¡No tienes suficientes niveles de #profession#!'
unidentified-item: '¡No puedes usar un item sin identificar!'
zero-durability: 'El item está roto, primero necesitas repararlo.'
cannot-identify-stacked-items: 'Solo puedes identificar un item a la vez.'
successfully-identified: 'Has identificado correctamente &6#item#&e.'
successfully-deconstructed: 'Has destruido correctamente &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-applied: 'Has aplicado correctamente &6#gem#&e en tu &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-broke: 'Tu piedra preciosa &6#gem#&c se ha roto al tratar de aplicarla en &6#item#&c.'
repaired-item: 'Has reparado correctamente &6#item#&e para &6#amount# &eusos.'
skin-applied: 'Has aplicado con éxito la skin en tu &6#item#&e!'
skin-removed: 'Has eliminado con éxito la skin de tu &6#item#&e!'
skin-broke: 'Tu skin se rompió al intentar aplicarlo en tu &6#item#&c.'
skin-rejected: 'Ya se ha aplicado una skin en tu &6#item#&c!'
skin-incompatible: 'Esta skin no es compatible con tu &6#item#&c!'
random-unsocket-gem-too-old: 'Las gemas se han unido fuertemente a tu item. No se puede quitar.'
random-unsocket-success: '&aHas quitado &3#gem# &ade tu &6#item#&a!'
cant-bind-item: 'Este item está enlazado a #player# con un nivel #level# de enlace de alma. Tienes que romper este enlace de alma primero.'
no-soulbound: 'Este item no está enlazado a nadie.'
cant-bind-stacked: 'No puede enlazar items en stack.'
unsuccessful-soulbound: 'Tu enlace ha fallado.'
unsuccessful-soulbound-break: 'No puedes romper el enlace de alma.'
low-soulbound-level: 'El enlace de alma de este item es de nivel #level#. Necesitarás un nivel más alto de enlace de alma en tu consumible para romper este enlace de alma.'
successfully-bind-item: 'Has aplicado con éxito un Lvl &6#level# &ede enlace de alma a tu &6#item#&e.'
successfully-break-bind: 'Has roto correctamente un item de enlace de alma de lvl &6#level# &e!'
soulbound-item-lore: '&4Enlazado al jugador #player#//&4Lvl #level# de Enlace de alma'
cant-upgraded-stack: 'No puedes mejorar items en stack.'
max-upgrades-hit: 'Este item no se puede mejorar más.'
upgrade-fail: 'Tu mejora ha fallado y has perdido tu consumible.'
upgrade-fail-station: 'Tu mejora ha fallado y has perdido tus materiales.'
wrong-upgrade-reference: 'No puedes mejorar este item sin un consumible.'
upgrade-success: 'Has mejorado correctamente tu &6#item#&e!'
not-have-item-upgrade: '¡No tienes el item para mejorar!'
upgrade-requirement-safe-check: 'No reúnes los requisitos para mejorar este item.'
death-downgrading: '&cTu &6#item#&c está se ha dañado severamente en esta batalla...'
not-enough-materials: 'No tienes suficientes materiales para fabricar este item.'
conditions-not-met: 'No puedes fabricar este item.'
crafting-canceled: 'Has cancelado una receta de crafteo.'
crafting-queue-full: 'La cola de elaboración está actualmente llena.'
station-big-stack: 'Cantidad elaborada: #size#'
recipe-preview: 'Vista previa de la receta'
unable-to-repair: '¡Este item no puede ser reparado por este consumible!'
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
speed: Velocidad
slow: Lentitud
fast-digging: Excavación veloz
slow-digging: Excavación lenta
increase-damage: Incremento de daño
heal: Curación
harm: Daño
jump: Salto
confusion: Confusión
regeneration: Regeneración
damage-resistance: Resistencia al daño
fire-resistance: Resistencia al fuego
water-breathing: Respiración acuática
invisibility: Invisibilidad
blindness: Ceguera
night-vision: Visión nocturna
hunger: Hambre
weakness: Debilidad
poison: Veneno
wither: Wither
health-boost: Mejora de vida
absorption: Absorción
saturation: Saturación
glowing: Brillo
levitation: Levitación
luck: Suerte
unluck: Mala suerte
slow-falling: Caída de pluma
conduit-power: Conducto de energía
dolphins-grace: Gracia de los delfines
bad-omen: Mal presagio
hero-of-the-village: Heroe de la villa
darkness: Oscuridad
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#Weapon Stats
attack-damage: '&3 &7➸ Daño de ataque: &f{value}'
attack-speed: '&3 &7➸ Velocidad de ataque: &f{value}'
critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Prob. de crítico: &f<plus>{value}%'
critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Poder de crítico: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Prob. de habilidad crítica:: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Poder de habilidad crítica: &f<plus>{value}%'
range: '&3 &7■ Rango: &f{value}'
mana-cost: '&3 &7■ Usa &9{value} Maná'
stamina-cost: '&3 &7■ Usa &9{value} Estamina'
arrow-velocity: '&3 &7■ Velocidad de flecha: &f{value}'
blunt-power: '&3 &7■ Poder contundente: &f{value}'
blunt-rating: '&3 &7■ Calificación contundente: &f{value}%'
two-handed: '&3 &7■ A dos manos'
handworn: '&3 &7■ Ignora necesitar ambas manos'
knockback: '&3 &7■ Empuje: &f{value}'
recoil: '&3 &7■ Retroceso: &f{value}%'
note-weight: '&3 &7■ Nota de peso: &f{value}'
lifesteal: '&3 &7■ Robo de vida: &c+{value}%'
spell-vampirism: '&3 &7■ Hechizo de vampirismo: &c+{value}%'
#Extra Damage
pve-damage: '&3 &7■ Daño JcE: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage: '&3 &7■ Daño Jcj: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage: '&3 &7■ Daño Mágico: &f<plus>{value}%'
weapon-damage: '&3 &7■ Daño de arma: &f<plus>{value}%'
undead-damage: '&3 &7■ Daño a monstruos: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-damage: '&3 &7■ Daño especial: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage: '&3 &7■ Daño físico: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage: '&3 &7■ Daño de proyectiles: &f<plus>{value}%'
faction-damage-undead: '&3 &7■ Daño a no-muertos: &f<plus>{value}%'
ability-format: '&a>&8| &7{trigger} &8|&e|&8| &7&l{ability}'
ability-modifier: ' &3>&8|&7 {modifier}&8: &f{value}'
ability-splitter: '&8'
#Armor Stats
block-power: '&3 &7■ Poder de bloqueo &f<plus>{value}%'
block-rating: '&3 &7■ Prob. de bloqueo: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Frequencia de bloqueo: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-rating: '&3 &7■ Prob. de evasión: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Reducción de enfriamiento de esquivar: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-rating: '&3 &7■ Prob. de contraataque: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Reducción del enfriamiento de contraataque: &f<plus>{value}%'
armor: '&3 &7✠ Armadura: &f<plus>{value}'
armor-toughness: '&3 &7✠ Dureza de la armadura: &f<plus>{value}'
knockback-resistance: '&3 &7✠ Resistencia al empuje: &f<plus>{value}%'
max-health: '&3 &7❤ Salud:&c <plus>{value}'
movement-speed: '&3 &7■ Velocidad de movimiento: &f<plus>{value}'
#Damage Reduction
defense: '&3 &7■ Defensa: &f<plus>{value}'
damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Reducción de daño: &f<plus>{value}%'
fall-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Red. de daño por Caida: &f<plus>{value}%'
fire-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Red. de daño por Fuego: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Red. de daño por magia: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Red. de daño por proy.: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Red. de daño fisico: &f<plus>{value}%'
pve-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Red de daño JcE: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Red de daño JcJ: &f<plus>{value}%'
#RPG stats
health-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Maxima Regeneracion vida: &f<plus>{value}'
max-mana: '&3 &7■ Maná Máximo: &f<plus>{value}'
mana-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Regeneracion Mana: &f<plus>{value}'
max-stamina: '&3 &7■ Stamina Máxima: &f<plus>{value}'
stamina-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Regeneracion de Stamina: &f<plus>{value}'
cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Reducion de Tiempo para Habilidad: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience: '&3 &7■ EXP Adicional: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-alchemy: '&7■ EXP Adicional Alquimista: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-enchanting: '&7■ EXP Encantamiento Adicional: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-farming: '&7■ EXP Agricultura Adicional: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-fishing: '&7■ EXP Agricultura Adicional: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-mining: '&7■ EXP Adicional Mineria: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smelting: '&7■ EXP Fundicion Adicional: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smithing: '&7■ EXP Adicional Herreria: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-woodcutting: '&7■ EXP Adicional Talador: &f<plus>{value}%'
#Extra Options
perm-effect: '&3 &7■ Permanente &f{effect}'
command: '&3 &7■ Comando: &f{format} &3 &7(&f{cooldown}&3 &7s)'
item-cooldown: '&3 &7■ &f{value}&3 &7s Tiempo'
arrow-potion-effects: '&3 &7■ Arrow Effect: &f{effect}'
restore-health: '&3 &7■ Restaura &f{value} &7de vida'
restore-food: '&3 &7■ Restaura &f{value} &7de comida'
restore-saturation: '&3 &7■ Otorga &f{value} &7de saturación'
restore-mana: '&3 &7■ Restaura &f{value} &7de maná'
restore-stamina: '&3 &7■ Restaura &f{value} &7de energía'
effect: '&3 &7■ Otorga &f{effect} &7por &f{duration} &7s'
repair: '&3 &7■ Repara: &f{value}'
repair-percent: '&3 &7■ Repara: &f{value}%'
can-identify: '&3 &7■ Puede identificar objetos.'
can-deconstruct: '&3 &7■ Puede desarmar objetos mejorados.'
can-deskin: '&3 &7■ Puede quitar el aspecto de un objeto.'
success-rate: '&3 &7■ Probabilidad de Éxito: &a&l{value}%'
max-consume: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Usos restantes'
#Gem Stones
empty-gem-socket: '&a◆ Runa de gema {name} vacía'
filled-gem-socket: '&a◆ {name}'
when-applied: '&aAl aplicarse:'
gem-stone-lore: '&8&l[&2&l*&8&l] &aColocala sobre un objeto &7para aplicarla!'
soulbinding-chance: '&3 &7■ Tiene un &a{value}% &7de probabilidad de vincularse a tu objeto..'
soulbound-break-chance: '&3 &7■ Tiene un &a{value}% &7de probabilidad de destruir vinculos.'
soulbound-level: '&3 &7■ Vinculo de alma nivel &e{value}'
autosmelt: '&3 &7■ &fFundición Automática'
bouncing-crack: '&3 &7■ &fRebote de Fractura'
pickaxe-power: '&3 &7■ &fPoder de Pico: &a{value}'
durability: '&7Durabilidad: {cu|rrent} / {max}'
item-type: '&c{type}'
tier: '&3 &7Rareza: {value}'
required-class: '&3 &7Objeto de {value}'
required-level: '&eequiere Nvl {value}'
#MMOCore Attributes
required-dexterity: '&eRequiere &c{value} &ede Agilidad'
required-strength: '&eRequiere &c{value} &ede Fuerza'
required-intelligence: '&eRequiere &c{value} &ede Inteligencia'
additional-dexterity: '&3 &7■ Destreza extra: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-strength: '&3 &7■ Fuerza extra: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-intelligence: '&3 &7■ Inteligencia extra: &f<plus>{value}'
profession-alchemy: '&eNivel de alquimia: &c{value}'
profession-enchanting: '&eNivel de Encantar: &c{value}'
profession-farming: '&eNivel agrícola: &c{value}'
profession-fishing: '&eNivel de pesca: &c{value}'
profession-mining: '&eNivel de minería: &c{value}'
profession-smelting: '&eNivel de fundición: &c{value}'
profession-smithing: '&eNivel de herrería: &c{value}'
profession-woodcutting: '&eNivel de Carpinteria: &c{value}'
#Elemental Stat Format
elemental-damage: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Daño'
elemental-damage-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Daño'
elemental-defense: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Defensa'
elemental-defense-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Defensa'
elemental-weakness: '{color}{icon}&7 {value}% {element} Debilidad'
#Custom stats
custom-myluck: '&3 &7■ Suerte: &f<plus>{value}'
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
cast: Cast
shoot-bow: Shoot Bow
shoot-trident: Shoot Trident
sneak: Sneak
shift-left-click: Shift Left Click
arrow-tick: Arrow Tick
timer: Timer
death: Death
trident-land: Trident Land
arrow-land: Arrow Land
trident-tick: Trident Tick
kill-entity: Kill Entity
right-click: Right Click
attack: Attack
arrow-hit: Arrow Hit
login: Login
api: Api
damaged: Damaged
left-click: Left Click
trident-hit: Trident Hit
damaged-by-entity: Damaged By Entity
shift-right-click: Shift Right Click
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
nether-spirit: '&3 &7■ Nether Spirit'
void-spirit: '&3 &7■ Void Spirit'
mana-spirit: '&3 &7■ Mana Spirit'
lightning-spirit: '&3 &7■ Lightning Spirit'
xray-spirit: '&3 &7■ X-Ray Spirit'
thunder-spirit: '&3 &7■ Thunder Spirit'
sunfire-spirit: '&3 &7■ Sunfire Spirit'
wave: '&3 &7■ Wave Melody'
circular: '&3 &7■ Circular Melody'
slash: '&3 &7■ Slashing Melody'
simple: '&3 &7■ Simple Melody'
brute: '&3 &7■ Brute Melody'
heavy: '&3 &7■ Heavy Melody'
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
positive: '&a✔ Requires #level# in #profession#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #level# in #profession#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #mana# Mana'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #mana# Mana'
positive: '&a✔ Requires $#money#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires $#money#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires Level #level#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires Level #level#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #stellium# Stellium'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #stellium# Stellium'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #stamina# Stamina'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #stamina# Stamina'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #points# #attribute#'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #points# #attribute#'
positive: '&a✔ Required Class: #class#'
negative: '&c✖ Required Class: #class#'
positive: '&a✔ Requires #food# Food'
negative: '&c✖ Requires #food# Food'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #level##item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #level##item#'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #item#'
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
name: '&aConfirm'
lore: [ ]
name: '&8'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPrevious Page'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aNext Page'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aPrevious'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aNext'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aBack'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a&lCraft&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Conditions:'
- '{crafting_time}'
- '{crafting_time}&7Crafting Time: &c#crafting-time#&7s'
- ''
- '&8Ingredients:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eLeft-Click to craft!'
- '&eRight-Click to preview!'
name: '&e&lUpgrade&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Conditions:'
- ''
- '&8Ingredients:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eLeft-Click to craft!'
- '&eRight-Click to preview!'
name: '&6&lQueue&f #name#'
- '{ready}&7&oThis item was successfully crafted.'
- '{queue}&7&oThis item is in the crafting queue.'
- '{queue}'
- '{queue}&7Time Left: &c#left#'
- ''
- '{ready}&eClick to claim!'
- '{queue}&eClick to cancel.'
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
received-item: 'You received &6#item#&e#amount#.'
hands-too-charged: 'You can''t do anything, your hands are too charged.'
spell-on-cooldown: '#progress# &eYou must wait #left# second#s# before casting this spell.'
item-on-cooldown: 'This item is on cooldown! Please wait #left# second#s#.'
not-enough-perms-command: 'You don''t have enough permissions.'
not-enough-levels: 'You don''t have enough levels to use this item!'
soulbound-restriction: 'This item is linked to another player, you can''t use it!'
not-enough-perms: 'You don''t have enough permissions to use this.'
wrong-class: 'You don''t have the right class!'
not-enough-mana: 'You don''t have enough mana!'
not-enough-stamina: 'You don''t have enough stamina!'
not-enough-attribute: 'You don''t have enough #attribute#!'
not-enough-profession: 'You don''t have enough levels in #profession#!'
unidentified-item: 'You can''t use an unidentified item!'
zero-durability: 'This item is broken, you first need to repair it.'
cannot-identify-stacked-items: 'You may only identify one item at a time.'
successfully-identified: 'You successfully identified &6#item#&e.'
successfully-deconstructed: 'You successfully deconstructed &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-applied: 'You successfully applied &6#gem#&e onto your &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-broke: 'Your gem stone &6#gem#&c broke while trying to apply it onto &6#item#&c.'
repaired-item: 'You successfully repaired &6#item#&e for &6#amount# &euses.'
skin-applied: 'You successfully applied the skin onto your &6#item#&e!'
skin-removed: 'You successfully removed the skin from your &6#item#&e!'
skin-broke: 'Your skin broke while trying to apply it onto your &6#item#&c.'
skin-rejected: 'A skin has already been applied onto your &6#item#&c!'
skin-incompatible: 'This skin is not compatible with your &6#item#&c!'
random-unsocket-gem-too-old: 'The gems have bonded strongly with your item. Cannot remove.'
random-unsocket-success: '&aYou removed &3#gem# &afrom your &6#item#&a!'
cant-bind-item: 'This item is currently linked to #player# by a Lvl #level# soulbound. You will have to break this soulbound first.'
no-soulbound: 'This item is not bound to anyone.'
cant-bind-stacked: 'You can''t bind stacked items.'
unsuccessful-soulbound: 'Your soulbound failed.'
unsuccessful-soulbound-break: 'You couldn''t break the soulbound.'
low-soulbound-level: 'This item soulbound is Lvl #level#. You will need a higher soulbound level on your consumable to break this soulbound.'
successfully-bind-item: 'You successfully applied a Lvl &6#level# &esoulbound to your &6#item#&e.'
successfully-break-bind: 'You successfully broke the Lvl &6#level# &eitem soulbound!'
soulbound-item-lore: '&4Linked to #player#//&4Lvl #level# Soulbound'
cant-upgraded-stack: 'You can''t upgrade stacked items.'
max-upgrades-hit: 'This item cannot be upgraded anymore.'
upgrade-fail: 'Your upgrade failed and you lost your consumable.'
upgrade-fail-station: 'Your upgrade failed and you lost your materials.'
wrong-upgrade-reference: 'You cannot upgrade this item with this consumable.'
upgrade-success: 'You successfully upgraded your &6#item#&e!'
not-have-item-upgrade: 'You don''t have the item to upgrade!'
upgrade-requirement-safe-check: 'You would not meet the upgraded item requirements.'
death-downgrading: '&cYour &6#item#&c got severely damaged that fight...'
not-enough-materials: 'You do not have enough materials to craft this item.'
conditions-not-met: 'You cannot craft this item.'
crafting-canceled: 'You cancelled a crafting recipe.'
crafting-queue-full: 'The crafting queue is currently full.'
station-big-stack: 'Amount Crafted: #size#'
recipe-preview: 'Recipe Preview'
unable-to-repair: 'This item can''t be repaired by this consumable!'
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
speed: Speed
slow: Slow
fast-digging: Fast Digging
slow-digging: Slow Digging
increase-damage: Increase Damage
heal: Heal
harm: Harm
jump: Jump
confusion: Confusion
regeneration: Regeneration
damage-resistance: Damage Resistance
fire-resistance: Fire Resistance
water-breathing: Water Breathing
invisibility: Invisibility
blindness: Blindness
night-vision: Night Vision
hunger: Hunger
weakness: Weakness
poison: Poison
wither: Wither
health-boost: Health Boost
absorption: Absorption
saturation: Saturation
glowing: Glowing
levitation: Levitation
luck: Luck
unluck: Unluck
slow-falling: Slow Falling
conduit-power: Conduit Power
dolphins-grace: Dolphins Grace
bad-omen: Bad Omen
hero-of-the-village: Hero Of The Village
darkness: Darkness
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#Weapon Stats
attack-damage: '&3 &7➸ พลังโจมตี: &f{value}'
attack-speed: '&3 &7➸ ความเร็วโจมตี: &f{value}'
critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ อัตราคริติคอล: &f<plus>{value}%'
critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ ความเสียหายคริติคอล: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ อัตราคริติคอลสกิล: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ ความเสียหายคริติคอลสกิล: &f<plus>{value}%'
range: '&3 &7■ ระยะ: &f{value}'
mana-cost: '&3 &7■ ใช้มานา &9{value} หน่วย'
stamina-cost: '&3 &7■ ใช้พลังกาย {value} หน่วย'
arrow-velocity: '&3 &7■ ความเร็วลูกธนู: &f{value}'
blunt-power: '&3 &7■ Blunt Power: &f{value}'
blunt-rating: '&3 &7■ Blunt Rating: &f{value}%'
two-handed: '&3 &7■ Two Handed'
handworn: '&3 &7■ Handworn'
knockback: '&3 &7■ Knockback: &f{value}'
recoil: '&3 &7■ Recoil: &f{value}%'
note-weight: '&3 &7■ Note Weight: &f{value}'
lifesteal: '&3 &7■ Lifesteal: &c+{value}%'
spell-vampirism: '&3 &7■ Spell Vampirism: &c+{value}%'
#Extra Damage
pve-damage: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
weapon-damage: '&3 &7■ Weapon Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
undead-damage: '&3 &7■ Undead Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-damage: '&3 &7■ Skill Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
faction-damage-undead: '&3 &7■ Undead Faction Damage: &f<plus>{value}%'
ability-format: '&a>&8| &7{trigger} &8|&e|&8| &7&l{ability}'
ability-modifier: ' &3>&8|&7 {modifier}&8: &f{value}'
ability-splitter: '&8'
#Armor Stats
block-power: '&3 &7■ Block Power: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-rating: '&3 &7■ Block Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Block Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-rating: '&3 &7■ Dodge Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Dodge Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-rating: '&3 &7■ Parry Rating: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Parry Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
armor: '&3 &7✠ Armor: &f<plus>{value}'
armor-toughness: '&3 &7✠ Armor Toughness: &f<plus>{value}'
knockback-resistance: '&3 &7✠ Knockback Resistance: &f<plus>{value}%'
max-health: '&3 &7❤ Health:&c <plus>{value}'
movement-speed: '&3 &7■ Movement Speed: &f<plus>{value}'
#Damage Reduction
defense: '&3 &7■ Defense: &f<plus>{value}'
damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
fall-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fall Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
fire-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fire Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Magic Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Projectile Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Physical Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
pve-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvE Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvP Damage Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
#RPG stats
health-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Health Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
max-mana: '&3 &7■ Max Mana: &f<plus>{value}'
mana-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Mana Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
max-stamina: '&3 &7■ Max Stamina: &f<plus>{value}'
stamina-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Stamina Regeneration: &f<plus>{value}'
cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Skill Cooldown Reduction: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience: '&3 &7■ Additional Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-alchemy: '&7■ Additional Alchemy Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-enchanting: '&7■ Additional Enchanting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-farming: '&7■ Additional Farming Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-fishing: '&7■ Additional Fishing Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-mining: '&7■ Additional Mining Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smelting: '&7■ Additional Smelting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smithing: '&7■ Additional Smithing Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-woodcutting: '&7■ Additional Woodcutting Experience: &f<plus>{value}%'
#Extra Options
perm-effect: '&3 &7■ Permanent &f{effect}'
command: '&3 &7■ Command: &f{format} &3 &7(&f{cooldown}&3 &7s)'
item-cooldown: '&3 &7■ &f{value}&3 &7s Cooldown'
arrow-potion-effects: '&3 &7■ Arrow Effect: &f{effect}'
restore-health: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Health'
restore-food: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Food'
restore-saturation: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Saturation'
restore-mana: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Mana'
restore-stamina: '&3 &7■ Restores &f{value} &7Stamina'
effect: '&3 &7■ Grants &f{effect} &7for &f{duration} &7s'
repair: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}'
repair-percent: '&3 &7■ Repair: &f{value}%'
can-identify: '&3 &7■ Can identify items.'
can-deconstruct: '&3 &7■ Can deconstruct tiered items.'
can-deskin: '&3 &7■ Can de-skin skinned items.'
success-rate: '&3 &7■ Success Rate: &a&l{value}%'
max-consume: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Uses Left'
#Gem Stones
empty-gem-socket: '&a◆ Empty {name} Gem Socket'
filled-gem-socket: '&a◆ {name}'
when-applied: '&aWhen Applied:'
gem-stone-lore: '&8&l[&2&l*&8&l] &aDrag onto an item &7to apply!'
soulbinding-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to bind your item.'
soulbound-break-chance: '&3 &7■ Has a &a{value}% &7chance to break soulbounds.'
soulbound-level: '&3 &7■ Level &e{value} &7Soulbound'
autosmelt: '&3 &7■ &fAutosmelt'
bouncing-crack: '&3 &7■ &fBouncing Crack'
pickaxe-power: '&3 &7■ &fPickaxe Power: &a{value}'
durability: '&7Durability: {current} / {max}'
item-type: '&c{type}'
tier: '&3 &7Tier: {value}'
required-class: '&3 &7{value} Item'
required-level: '&eRequires Lvl {value}'
#MMOCore Attributes
required-dexterity: '&eRequires &c{value} &eDexterity'
required-strength: '&eRequires &c{value} &eStrength'
required-intelligence: '&eRequires &c{value} &eIntelligence'
additional-dexterity: '&3 &7■ Extra Dexterity: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-strength: '&3 &7■ Extra Strength: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-intelligence: '&3 &7■ Extra Intelligence: &f<plus>{value}'
profession-alchemy: '&eAlchemy Level: &c{value}'
profession-enchanting: '&eEnchanting Level: &c{value}'
profession-farming: '&eFarming Level: &c{value}'
profession-fishing: '&eFishing Level: &c{value}'
profession-mining: '&eMining Level: &c{value}'
profession-smelting: '&eSmelting Level: &c{value}'
profession-smithing: '&eSmithing Level: &c{value}'
profession-woodcutting: '&eWoodcutting Level: &c{value}'
#Elemental Stat Format
elemental-damage: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Damage'
elemental-damage-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Damage'
elemental-defense: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Defense'
elemental-defense-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Defense'
elemental-weakness: '{color}{icon}&7 {value}% {element} Weakness'
#Custom stats
custom-myluck: '&3 &7■ Luck: &f<plus>{value}'
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
cast: Atış
shoot-bow: Ok Fırlatma
shoot-trident: Mızrak Fırlatma
sneak: Eğilme
shift-left-click: Shift + Sol Tıkla
arrow-tick: Ok Tick
timer: Zaman
death: Ölüm
trident-land: Mızrak Düşmesi
arrow-land: Ok Düşmesi
trident-tick: Mızrak Tick
kill-entity: Varlık Öldürme
right-click: Sağ Tıkla
attack: Saldırı
arrow-hit: Okla Vurma
login: Giriş
api: Api
damaged: Hasar Alma
left-click: Sol Tıkla
trident-hit: Mızrakla Vurma
damaged-by-entity: Varlık Tarafından Hasar Alma
shift-right-click: Shift + Sağ Tıkla
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
nether-spirit: '&3 &7■ Nether Ruhu'
void-spirit: '&3 &7■ Hiçlik Ruhu'
mana-spirit: '&3 &7■ Mana Ruhu'
lightning-spirit: '&3 &7■ Yıldırım Ruhu'
xray-spirit: '&3 &7■ X-Ray Ruhu'
thunder-spirit: '&3 &7■ Tufan Ruhu'
sunfire-spirit: '&3 &7■ Günateşi Ruhu'
wave: '&3 &7■ Dalgalı Melodi'
circular: '&3 &7■ Dairesel Melodi'
slash: '&3 &7■ Kesikli Melodi'
simple: '&3 &7■ Basit Melodi'
brute: '&3 &7■ Vahşi Melodi'
heavy: '&3 &7■ Ağır Melodi'
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
positive: '&a✔#profession#''da #level# Seviye Olmanız Gerekiyor'
negative: '&c✖ #profession#''da #level# Seviye Olmanız Gerekiyor'
positive: '&a✔ #mana# Mana Gerekli'
negative: '&c✖ #mana# Mana Gerekli'
positive: '&a✔ #money#$ Gerekli'
negative: '&c✖ #money#$ Gerekli'
positive: '&a✔ #level# Seviye Gerekli'
negative: '&c✖ #level# Seviye Gerekli'
positive: '&a✔ #stellium# Stelyum Gerekli'
negative: '&c✖ #stellium# Stelyum Gerekli'
positive: '&a✔ #stamina# Dayanıklılık Gerekli'
negative: '&c✖ #stamina# Dayanıklılık Gerekli'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ Gereken #points# #attribute#'
negative: '&c✖ Gereken #points# #attribute#'
positive: '&a✔ Gereken Sınıf: #class#'
negative: '&c✖ Gereken Sınıf: #class#'
positive: '&a✔ #food# Yemeği Gerekli'
negative: '&c✖ #food# Yemeği Gerekli'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #level##item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #level##item#'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #item#'
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
name: '&aOnayla'
lore: [ ]
name: '&8'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aÖnceki Sayfa'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aSıradaki Sayfa'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aÖnceki'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aSıradaki'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aGeri'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a&lÜret&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Şartlar:'
- '{crafting_time}'
- '{crafting_time}&7Üretim Süresi: &c#crafting-time#&7s'
- ''
- '&8Malzemeler:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eÜretmek için Sol Tıklayın!'
- '&eÖnizlemek için Sağ Tıklayın!'
name: '&e&lYükselt&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Şartlar:'
- ''
- '&8Malzemeler:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eÜretmek için Sol Tıklayın!'
- '&eÖnizlemek için Sağ Tıklayın!'
name: '&6&lSırada&f #name#'
- '{ready}&7&oEşyanın üretimi tamamlandı.'
- '{queue}&7&oEşya, üretim sırasında.'
- '{queue}'
- '{queue}&7Kalan Zaman: &c#left#'
- ''
- '{ready}&eAlmak için tıklayın!'
- '{queue}&eİptal etmek için tıklayın.'
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
received-item: '&e#amount#x &6#item# aldınız.'
hands-too-charged: 'Hiçbir şey yapamazsınız, elleriniz çok dolu.'
spell-on-cooldown: '#progress# &eBu yeteneği kullanmadan önce #left# saniye beklemeniz gerekiyor.'
item-on-cooldown: 'Eşya bekleme süresinde! Lütfen #left# saniye bekleyin.'
not-enough-perms-command: 'Yeterli izniniz yok.'
not-enough-levels: 'Bu eşyayı kullanmak için yeterli seviyeye sahip değilsiniz!'
soulbound-restriction: 'Bu eşya başka bir oyuncuya bağlanmış, kullanamazsınız!'
not-enough-perms: 'Bunu kullanmak için yeterli izniniz yok.'
wrong-class: 'Yanlış sınıftansınız!'
not-enough-mana: 'Yeterli mananız yok!'
not-enough-stamina: 'Yeterli dayanıklılığınız yok!'
not-enough-attribute: 'Yeterli #attribute# sizde yok!'
not-enough-profession: '#profession#''da yeterli seviyeye sahip değilsiniz!'
unidentified-item: 'Tanımlanmamış bir eşyayı kullanamazsınız!'
zero-durability: 'Bu eşya kırılmış, öncelikle tamir etmeniz gerekiyor.'
cannot-identify-stacked-items: 'Tek seferde sadece bir eşyayı tanımlayabilirsiniz.'
successfully-identified: '&6#item#&r Eşyasını başarıyla tanımladınız.'
successfully-deconstructed: '&6#item#&r Eşyasını başarıyla analiz ettiniz.'
gem-stone-applied: '&6#item#&r Eşyanıza başarıyla &6#gem#&r eklediniz.'
gem-stone-broke: '&6#gem#&c Cevheriniz &6#item#&c eşyasına basılırken kırıldı.'
repaired-item: '&6#item#&r eşyasını &6#amount# &rkullanım için başarıyla tamir ettiniz.'
skin-applied: '&6#item#&r Eşyasına başarıyla skin eklediniz!'
skin-removed: '&6#item#&r Eşyasından başarıyla skini kaldırdınız!'
skin-broke: 'Skininiz &6#item#&r eşyasına uygulanmaya çalışırken kırıldı.'
skin-rejected: '&6#item#&r Eşyanızda zaten bir skin var!'
skin-incompatible: 'Bu skin &6#item#&r eşyasıyla uyumlu değil!'
random-unsocket-gem-too-old: 'Cevherler eşyanızla fena sağlam bağlandı. Kaldırılamıyor.'
random-unsocket-success: '&3#gem# &aCevherini &6#item#&a eşyasından kaldırdınız!'
cant-bind-item: 'Bu eşya #player# oyuncusuna #level# seviye bir ruh bağı ile bağlanmış. Öncelikle ruh bağını kırmanız gerekiyor.'
no-soulbound: 'Bu eşya kimseye bağlı değil.'
cant-bind-stacked: 'Toplu eşyaları bağlayamazsınız.'
unsuccessful-soulbound: 'Ruh bağınız başarısız oldu.'
unsuccessful-soulbound-break: 'Ruh bağını kıramadınız.'
low-soulbound-level: 'Bu eşyanın ruh bağı #level# seviye. Daha yüksek ruh bağlı eşyanız olmadan bu ruh bağını kıramazsınız.'
successfully-bind-item: '&6#item#&r Eşyanızla başarıyla &6#level#&r &eseviye ruh bağı kurdunuz.'
successfully-break-bind: '&6#level# &eSeviye eşya ruh bağını başarıyla kırdınız!'
soulbound-item-lore: '&4#player# adlı oyuncuya bağlı//&4#level# Seviye Ruh Bağı'
cant-upgraded-stack: 'Toplu eşyaları yükseltemezsiniz.'
max-upgrades-hit: 'Bu eşya daha fazla yükseltilemez.'
upgrade-fail: 'Yükseltme başarısız oldu ve yükseltme eşyanızı kaybettiniz.'
upgrade-fail-station: 'Yükseltme başarısız oldu ve materyallerinizi kaybettiniz.'
wrong-upgrade-reference: 'Bu yükseltme eşyası ile bu eşyayı yükseltemezsiniz.'
upgrade-success: '&6#item#&r Eşyanızı başarıyla yükselttiniz!'
not-have-item-upgrade: 'Yükseltmek için eşyanız yok!'
upgrade-requirement-safe-check: 'Yükseltilmiş eşya gereksinimlerini karşılayamazsınız.'
death-downgrading: '&6#item#&r Eşyanız o savaşta ciddi hasar aldı...'
not-enough-materials: 'Bu eşyayı üretmek için yeterli materyallere sahip değilsiniz.'
conditions-not-met: 'Bu eşyayı üretemezsiniz.'
crafting-canceled: 'Üretimi iptal ettiniz.'
crafting-queue-full: 'Üretim sırası şu an dolu.'
station-big-stack: 'Üretilen Miktar: #size#'
recipe-preview: 'Tarif Önizlemesi'
unable-to-repair: 'Bu eşyayı bununla tamir edemezsiniz!'
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
speed: Hız
slow: Yavaş
fast-digging: Hızlı Kazma
slow-digging: Yavaş Kazma
increase-damage: Hasar Artışı
heal: İyileşme
harm: Hasar
jump: Zıpla
confusion: Karmaşa
regeneration: Rejenerasyon
damage-resistance: Hasar Direnci
fire-resistance: Ateş Direnci
water-breathing: Suda Nefes Alma
invisibility: Görünmezlik
blindness: Körlük
night-vision: Gece Görüşü
hunger: Açlık
weakness: Zayıflık
poison: Zehir
wither: Wither
health-boost: Can Artışı
absorption: Emiş
saturation: Doygunluk
glowing: Parlama
levitation: Yükselme
luck: Şans
unluck: Şanssızlık
slow-falling: Yavaş Düşme
conduit-power: Kanal Gücü
dolphins-grace: Yunusların Lütfu
bad-omen: Kötü Kehanet
hero-of-the-village: Köyün Kahramanı
darkness: Karanlık
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#Weapon Stats
attack-damage: '&3 &7➸ Saldırı Hasarı: &f{value}'
attack-speed: '&3 &7➸ Saldırı Hızı: &f{value}'
critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Kritik Saldırı Şansı: &f<plus>{value}%'
critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Kritik Saldırı Gücü: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Kritik Yetenek Şansı: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Kritik Yetenek Gücü: &f<plus>{value}%'
range: '&3 &7■ Mesafe: &f{value}'
mana-cost: '&3 &7■ &9{value} &7Mana kullanır'
stamina-cost: '&3 &7■ &9{value} &7Dayanıklılık kullanır'
arrow-velocity: '&3 &7■ Ok Hızı: &f{value}'
blunt-power: '&3 &7■ Kaba Kuvvet: &f{value}'
blunt-rating: '&3 &7■ Sağlamlık Oranı: &f{value}%'
two-handed: '&3 &7■ Çift Elli'
handworn: '&3 &7■ Handworn'
knockback: '&3 &7■ Savurma: &f{value}'
recoil: '&3 &7■ Geri Tepme: &f{value}%'
note-weight: '&3 &7■ Nota Ağırlığı: &f{value}'
lifesteal: '&3 &7■ Can Çalma: &c+{value}%'
spell-vampirism: '&3 &7■ Büyü Vampirliği: &c+{value}%'
#Extra Damage
pve-damage: '&3 &7■ PvE Hasarı: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage: '&3 &7■ PvP Hasarı: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage: '&3 &7■ Büyü Hasarı: &f<plus>{value}%'
weapon-damage: '&3 &7■ Silah Hasarı: &f<plus>{value}%'
undead-damage: '&3 &7■ Ölümsüz Hasarı: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-damage: '&3 &7■ Yetenek Hasarı: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage: '&3 &7■ Fiziksel Hasarı: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage: '&3 &7■ Fırlatma Hasarı: &f<plus>{value}%'
faction-damage-undead: '&3 &7■ Ölümsüz Canavarlara Hasar: &f<plus>{value}%'
ability-format: '&a>&8| &7{trigger} &8|&e|&8| &7&l{ability}'
ability-modifier: ' &3>&8|&7 {modifier}&8: &f{value}'
ability-splitter: '&8'
#Armor Stats
block-power: '&3 &7■ Bloklama Şansı: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-rating: '&3 &7■ Bloklama Gücü: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Bloklama Bekleme Süresi Azaltma: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-rating: '&3 &7■ Kaçınma Oranı: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Kaçınma Bekleme Süresi Azaltma: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-rating: '&3 &7■ Savuşturma Oranı: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Savuşturma Bekleme Süresi Azaltma: &f<plus>{value}%'
armor: '&3 &7✠ Zırh: &f<plus>{value}'
armor-toughness: '&3 &7✠ Zırh Sertliği: &f<plus>{value}'
knockback-resistance: '&3 &7✠ Savurma Dayanıklılığı: &f<plus>{value}%'
max-health: '&3 &7❤ Can:&c <plus>{value}'
movement-speed: '&3 &7■ Hareket Hızı: &f<plus>{value}'
#Damage Reduction
defense: '&3 &7■ Defans: &f<plus>{value}'
damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Hasar Azaltma: &f<plus>{value}%'
fall-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Düşme Hasarı Azaltma: &f<plus>{value}%'
fire-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Ateş Hasarı Azaltma: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Büyü Hasarı Azaltma: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Mermi Hasarı Azaltma: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Fiziksel Hasar Azaltma: &f<plus>{value}%'
pve-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvE Hasarı Azaltma: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ PvP Hasarı Azaltma: &f<plus>{value}%'
#RPG stats
health-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Can Yenilenmesi: &f<plus>{value}'
max-mana: '&3 &7■ Maksimum Mana: &f<plus>{value}'
mana-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Mana Yenilenmesi: &f<plus>{value}'
max-stamina: '&3 &7■ Maksimum Dayanıklılık: &f<plus>{value}'
stamina-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Dayanıklılık Yenilenmesi: &f<plus>{value}'
cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Yetenek Bekleme Süresi Azaltma: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience: '&3 &7■ İlave Deneyim: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-alchemy: '&7■ İlave Simyacılık Deneyimi: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-enchanting: '&7■ İlave Büyücülük Deneyimi: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-farming: '&7■ İlave Çiftçilik Deneyimi: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-fishing: '&7■ İlave Balıkçılık Deneyimi: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-mining: '&7■ İlave Madencilik Deneyimi: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smelting: '&7■ İlave Eritme Deneyimi: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smithing: '&7■ İlave Demircilik Deneyimi: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-woodcutting: '&7■ İlave Odunculuk Deneyimi: &f<plus>{value}%'
#Extra Options
perm-effect: '&3 &7■ Kalıcı &f{effect}'
command: '&3 &7■ Komut: &f{format} &3 &7(&f{cooldown}&3 &7s)'
item-cooldown: '&3 &7■ &f{value}&3 &7s Bekleme Süresi'
arrow-potion-effects: '&3 &7■ Ok Efekti: &f{effect}'
restore-health: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Can Yeniler'
restore-food: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Açlık Yeniler'
restore-saturation: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Doyma Yeniler'
restore-mana: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Mana Yeniler'
restore-stamina: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Dayanıklılık Yeniler'
effect: '&3 &7■ &f{duration} &7saniyeliğine &f{effect} &7verir'
repair: '&3 &7■ Tamir: &f{value}'
repair-percent: '&3 &7■ Tamir: &f% {value}'
can-identify: '&3 &7■ Eşyaları tanımlayabilir.'
can-deconstruct: '&3 &7■ Aşamalı eşyaları analiz edebilir.'
can-deskin: '&3 &7■ Skinli eşyaların skinini çıkarabilir.'
success-rate: '&3 &7■ Başarı Oranı: &a&l{value}%'
max-consume: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Kullanım Kaldı'
#Gem Stones
empty-gem-socket: '&a◆ Boş {name} Cevher Soketi'
filled-gem-socket: '&a◆ {name}'
when-applied: '&aUygulandığında:'
gem-stone-lore: '&8&l[&2&l*&8&l] &7Uygulamak için &aeşyanın üzerine sürükleyin!'
soulbinding-chance: '&3 &7■ Eşyanızı bağlama şansı &a% {value}.'
soulbound-break-chance: '&3 &7■ Ruh bağını bozma şansı &a% {value}.'
soulbound-level: '&3 &7■ Seviye &e{value} &7Ruh Bağı'
autosmelt: '&3 &7■ &fOtomatik Eritme'
bouncing-crack: '&3 &7■ &fÇoklu Kazış'
pickaxe-power: '&3 &7■ &fKazma Gücü: &a{value}'
durability: '&7Dayanıklılık: {current} / {max}'
item-type: '&c{type}'
tier: '&3 &7Aşama: {value}'
required-class: '&3 &7{value} Eşya'
required-level: '&eGerekli Seviye {value}'
#MMOCore Attributes
required-dexterity: '&c{value} &eBeceri Gerekli'
required-strength: '&c{value} &eGüç Gerekli'
required-intelligence: '&c{value} &eZeka Gerekli'
additional-dexterity: '&3 &7■ Ekstra Beceri: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-strength: '&3 &7■ Ekstra Güç: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-intelligence: '&3 &7■ Ekstra Zeka: &f<plus>{value}'
profession-alchemy: '&eSimya Seviyesi: &c{value}'
profession-enchanting: '&eBüyücülük Seviyesi: &c{value}'
profession-farming: '&eÇiftçilik Seviyesi: &c{value}'
profession-fishing: '&eBalıkçılık Seviyesi: &c{value}'
profession-mining: '&eMadencilik Seviyesi: &c{value}'
profession-smelting: '&eEritici Seviyesi: &c{value}'
profession-smithing: '&eDemircilik Seviyesi: &c{value}'
profession-woodcutting: '&eOdunculuk Seviyesi: &c{value}'
#Elemental Stat Format
elemental-damage: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Hasar'
elemental-damage-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Hasar'
elemental-defense: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Defans'
elemental-defense-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Defans'
elemental-weakness: '{color}{icon}&7 {value}% {element} Zayıflık'
#Custom stats
custom-myluck: '&3 &7■ Şans: &f<plus>{value}'
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
cast: Thực hiện
shoot-bow: Bắn cung
shoot-trident: Ném đinh ba
sneak: Shift
shift-left-click: Shift + chuột trái
arrow-tick: Arrow Tick
timer: Thời gian
death: Khi chết
trident-land: Đinh ba chạm đất
arrow-land: Mũi tên chạm đất
trident-tick: Đinh ba trúng
kill-entity: Giết thực thể
right-click: Chuột phải
attack: Tấn công
arrow-hit: Mũi tên bắn trúng
login: Đăng nhập
api: Api
damaged: Bị tấn công
left-click: Chuột trái
trident-hit: Trúng đinh ba
damaged-by-entity: Bị tấn công bởi thực thể
shift-right-click: Shift + chuột phải
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
nether-spirit: '&3 &7■ Hiệu ứng địa ngục'
void-spirit: '&3 &7■ Hiệu ứng không trung'
mana-spirit: '&3 &7■ Hiệu ứng mana'
lightning-spirit: '&3 &7■ Hiệu ứng ánh sáng'
xray-spirit: '&3 &7■ Hiệu ứng X-Ray'
thunder-spirit: '&3 &7■ Hiệu ứng sấm sét'
sunfire-spirit: '&3 &7■ Hiệu ứng tia lửa'
wave: '&3 &7■ Hiệu ứng sóng'
circular: '&3 &7■ Hiệu ứng vòng tròn'
slash: '&3 &7■ Hiệu ứng chém'
simple: '&3 &7■ Hiệu ứng bình thường'
brute: '&3 &7■ Hiệu ứng bạo lực'
heavy: '&3 &7■ Hiệu ứng nặng nề'
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
positive: '&a✔ Yêu cầu #level# trong #profession#'
negative: '&c✖ Yêu cầu #level# trong #profession#'
positive: '&a✔ Yêu cầu #mana# Mana'
negative: '&c✖ Yêu cầu #mana# Mana'
positive: '&a✔ Yêu cầu $#money#'
negative: '&c✖ Yêu cầu $#money#'
positive: '&a✔ Yêu cầu Level #level#'
negative: '&c✖ Yêu cầu Level #level#'
positive: '&a✔ Yêu cầu #stellium# Stellium'
negative: '&c✖ Yêu cầu #stellium# Stellium'
positive: '&a✔ Yêu cầu #stamina# Stamina'
negative: '&c✖ Yêu cầu #stamina# Stamina'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ #display#'
negative: '&c✖ #display#'
positive: '&a✔ Yêu cầu #points# #attribute#'
negative: '&c✖ Yêu cầu #points# #attribute#'
positive: '&a✔ Yêu cầu class: #class#'
negative: '&c✖ Yêu cầu class: #class#'
positive: '&a✔ Yêu cầu #food# Thức ăn'
negative: '&c✖ Yêu cầu #food# Thức ăn'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #level##item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #level##item#'
positive: '&8✔ &7#amount# #item#'
negative: '&c✖ &7#amount# #item#'
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
name: '&aXác nhận'
lore: [ ]
name: '&8'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aTrang trước'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aTrang sau'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aTrước'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aSau'
lore: [ ]
name: '&aQuay lại'
lore: [ ]
name: '&a&lChế tạo&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Điều kiện:'
- '{crafting_time}'
- '{crafting_time}&7Thời gian chế tạo: &c#crafting-time#&7s'
- ''
- '&8Nguyên liệu:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eNhấp chuột trái để chế tạo!'
- '&eNhấp chuột phải để xem trước!'
name: '&e&lNâng cấp&f #name#'
- '{conditions}'
- '{conditions}&8Điều kiện:'
- ''
- '&8Nguyên liệu:'
- '#ingredients#'
- ''
- '&eNhấp chuột trái để chế tạo!'
- '&eNhấp chuột phải để xem trước!'
name: '&6&lHàng đợi&f #name#'
- '{ready}&7&oVật phẩm này đã được chế tạo thành công.'
- '{queue}&7&oVật phẩm này nằm trong hàng đợi chế tạo.'
- '{queue}'
- '{queue}&7Thời gian còn lại: &c#left#'
- ''
- '{ready}&eBấm để nhận!'
- '{queue}&eBấm để hủy bỏ.'
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
received-item: 'Bạn nhận được &e#amount# &6#item#.'
hands-too-charged: 'Bạn không thể hành động do tay không đủ sức.'
spell-on-cooldown: '#progress# &eBạn cần đợi #left# giây trước khi sử dụng kỹ năng này.'
item-on-cooldown: 'Vật phẩm đang trong thời gian hồi! Vui lòng chờ #left# giây.'
not-enough-perms-command: 'Bạn không có quyền.'
not-enough-levels: 'Bạn không có đủ cấp độ để sử dụng vật phẩm này!'
soulbound-restriction: 'Vật phẩm này đã được liên kết với người chơi khác, bạn không thể sử dụng nó!'
not-enough-perms: 'Bạn không có đủ quyền để sử dụng cái này.'
wrong-class: 'Không đúng class yêu cầu!'
not-enough-mana: 'Bạn không có đủ năng lượng!'
not-enough-stamina: 'Bạn không có đủ stamina!'
not-enough-attribute: 'Bạn không có đủ #attribute#!'
not-enough-profession: 'Bạn không có đủ cấp độ trong #profession#!'
unidentified-item: 'Bạn không thể sử dụng vật phẩm không xác định!'
zero-durability: 'Vật phẩm này bị hỏng, trước tiên bạn cần phải sửa chữa nó.'
cannot-identify-stacked-items: 'Bạn chỉ có thể xác định một vật phẩm tại một thời điểm.'
successfully-identified: 'Bạn đã xác định thành công &6#item#&e.'
successfully-deconstructed: 'Bạn đã giải cấu trúc thành công &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-applied: 'Bạn đã áp dụng thành công &6#gem#&e vào &6#item#&e.'
gem-stone-broke: 'Gem stone của bạn &6#gem#&c bị vỡ trong khi cố gắng áp dụng nó vào &6#item#&c.'
repaired-item: 'Bạn đã sửa chữa thành công &6#item#&e cho &6#amount# &euses.'
skin-applied: 'Bạn đã áp dụng thành công skin lên &6#item#&e!'
skin-removed: 'Bạn đã loại bỏ thành công skin khỏi &6#item#&e!'
skin-broke: 'Skin của bạn bị vỡ khi cố gắng áp dụng lên &6#item#&c.'
skin-rejected: 'Một skin đã được áp dụng cho &6#item#&c!'
skin-incompatible: 'Skin này không tương thích với của bạn &6#item#&c!'
random-unsocket-gem-too-old: 'Các viên đá quý đã liên kết chặt chẽ với vật phẩm của bạn. Không thể loại bỏ.'
random-unsocket-success: '&aBạn gỡ bỏ &3#gem# &akhỏi &6#item#&a!'
cant-bind-item: 'Vật phẩm này hiện được liên kết với #player# bởi Lvl #level# soulbound. Bạn sẽ phải phá vỡ mối quan hệ soulbound này trước tiên.'
no-soulbound: 'Vật phẩm này không ràng buộc với bất kỳ ai.'
cant-bind-stacked: 'Bạn không thể ràng buộc các vật phẩm xếp chồng lên nhau.'
unsuccessful-soulbound: 'Soulbound của bạn không thành công.'
unsuccessful-soulbound-break: 'Bạn không thể phá vỡ sự ràng buộc của Soulbound.'
low-soulbound-level: 'Vật phẩm này có soulbound Lvl #level#. Bạn sẽ cần một soulbound cao hơn cấp trên vật phẩm của bạn để phá vỡ kết cấu linh hồn này.'
successfully-bind-item: 'Bạn đã áp dụng thành công Lvl &6#level# &esoulbound vào &6#item#&e.'
successfully-break-bind: 'Bạn đã phá vỡ thành công Lvl &6#level# &evật phẩm soulbound!'
soulbound-item-lore: '&4Kết #player#//&4Lvl #level# Soulbound'
cant-upgraded-stack: 'Bạn không thể nâng cấp các vật phẩm xếp chồng lên nhau.'
max-upgrades-hit: 'Vật phẩm này không thể được nâng cấp nữa.'
upgrade-fail: 'Nâng cấp của bạn không thành công và bạn bị mất vật phẩm.'
upgrade-fail-station: 'Nâng cấp không thành công và bạn bị mất vật liệu.'
wrong-upgrade-reference: 'Bạn không thể nâng cấp vật phẩm này bằng vật phẩm này.'
upgrade-success: 'Bạn đã nâng cấp thành công &6#item#&e!'
not-have-item-upgrade: 'Bạn không có vật phẩm để nâng cấp!'
upgrade-requirement-safe-check: 'Bạn sẽ không đáp ứng các yêu cầu về vật phẩm đã nâng cấp.'
death-downgrading: '&6#item#&c của bạn đã bị thiệt hại nghiêm trọng...'
not-enough-materials: 'Bạn không có đủ nguyên liệu để chế tạo vật phẩm này.'
conditions-not-met: 'Bạn không thể chế tạo vật phẩm này.'
crafting-canceled: 'Bạn đã hủy một công thức chế tạo.'
crafting-queue-full: 'Hàng đợi chế tạo hiện đã đầy.'
station-big-stack: 'Số lượng Crafted: #size#'
recipe-preview: 'Xem trước công thức'
unable-to-repair: 'Vật phẩm này không thể được sửa chữa bằng vật phẩm này!'
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
speed: Tốc độ
slow: Chậm
fast-digging: Đào nhanh
slow-digging: Đào chậm
increase-damage: Tăng sát thương
heal: Hồi phục
harm: Gây hại
jump: Nhảy cao
confusion: Chóng mặt
regeneration: Hồi máu
damage-resistance: Kháng sát thương
fire-resistance: Kháng lửa
water-breathing: Thở dưới nước
invisibility: Tàng hình
blindness: Mù
night-vision: Nhìn trong bóng tối
hunger: Đói
weakness: Kiệt sức
poison: Độc
wither: Khô héo
health-boost: Tăng máu
absorption: Hấp thụ
saturation: Bão hòa
glowing: Phát sáng
levitation: Lơ lửng
luck: May mắn
unluck: Xui xẻo
slow-falling: Rơi chậm
conduit-power: Hiệu ứng thủy triều
dolphins-grace: Ân huệ của cá heo
bad-omen: Điềm xấu
hero-of-the-village: Anh hùng dân làng
darkness: Bóng tối
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#Weapon Stats
attack-damage: '&3 &7➸ Sát thương: &f{value}'
attack-speed: '&3 &7➸ Tốc độ đánh: &f{value}'
critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Tỷ lệ chí mạng: &f<plus>{value}%'
critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Sát thương chí mạng: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-chance: '&3 &7■ Tỷ lệ chí mạng kỹ năng: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-critical-strike-power: '&3 &7■ Sát thương chí mạng kỹ năng: &f<plus>{value}%'
range: '&3 &7■ Phạm vi: &f{value}'
mana-cost: '&3 &7■ Sử dụng &9{value} Mana'
stamina-cost: '&3 &7■ Sử dụng &9{value} Stamina'
arrow-velocity: '&3 &7■ Vận tốc mũi tên: &f{value}'
blunt-power: '&3 &7■ Đánh lan: &f{value}'
blunt-rating: '&3 &7■ Tỷ lệ lan: &f{value}%'
two-handed: '&3 &7■ Hai tay'
handworn: '&3 &7■ Handworn'
knockback: '&3 &7■ Bật lùi: &f{value}'
recoil: '&3 &7■ Giật: &f{value}%'
note-weight: '&3 &7■ Lưu ý Trọng lượng: &f{value}'
lifesteal: '&3 &7■ Hút máu: &c+{value}%'
spell-vampirism: '&3 &7■ Hút máu kỹ năng: &c+{value}%'
#Extra Damage
pve-damage: '&3 &7■ Sát thương PvE: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage: '&3 &7■ Sát thương PvP: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage: '&3 &7■ Sát thương pháp thuật: &f<plus>{value}%'
weapon-damage: '&3 &7■ Sát thương vũ khí: &f<plus>{value}%'
undead-damage: '&3 &7■ Sát thương Undead: &f<plus>{value}%'
skill-damage: '&3 &7■ Sát thương kỹ năng: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage: '&3 &7■ Sát thương vật lý: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage: '&3 &7■ Sát thương vật bắn ra: &f<plus>{value}%'
faction-damage-undead: '&3 &7■ Sát của phe Undead: &f<plus>{value}%'
ability-format: '&a>&8| &7{trigger} &8|&e|&8| &7&l{ability}'
ability-modifier: ' &3>&8|&7 {modifier}&8: &f{value}'
ability-splitter: '&8'
#Armor Stats
block-power: '&3 &7■ Chặn đòn: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-rating: '&3 &7■ Tỷ lệ chặn: &f<plus>{value}%'
block-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Giảm thời gian hồi chặn đòn: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-rating: '&3 &7■ Tỷ lệ né: &f<plus>{value}%'
dodge-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Giảm thời gian né: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-rating: '&3 &7■ Tỷ lệ phản đòn: &f<plus>{value}%'
parry-cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Giảm thời gian hồi phản đòn: &f<plus>{value}%'
armor: '&3 &7✠ Giáp: &f<plus>{value}'
armor-toughness: '&3 &7✠ Độ bền giáp: &f<plus>{value}'
knockback-resistance: '&3 &7✠ Kháng bật lùi: &f<plus>{value}%'
max-health: '&3 &7❤ Máu:&c <plus>{value}'
movement-speed: '&3 &7■ Tốc độ di chuyển: &f<plus>{value}'
#Damage Reduction
defense: '&3 &7■ Phòng thủ: &f<plus>{value}'
damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Giảm sát thương: &f<plus>{value}%'
fall-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Giảm sát thương rơi: &f<plus>{value}%'
fire-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Giảm sát thương lửa: &f<plus>{value}%'
magic-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Giảm sát thương pháp thuật: &f<plus>{value}%'
projectile-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Giảm sát thương vật bắn ra: &f<plus>{value}%'
physical-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Giảm sát thương vật lý: &f<plus>{value}%'
pve-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Giảm sát thương PvE: &f<plus>{value}%'
pvp-damage-reduction: '&3 &7■ Giảm sát thương PvP: &f<plus>{value}%'
#RPG stats
health-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Hồi máu: &f<plus>{value}'
max-mana: '&3 &7■ Mana tối đa: &f<plus>{value}'
mana-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Hồi mana: &f<plus>{value}'
max-stamina: '&3 &7■ Stamina tối đa: &f<plus>{value}'
stamina-regeneration: '&3 &7■ Hồi stamina: &f<plus>{value}'
cooldown-reduction: '&3 &7■ Giảm thời gian hồi kỹ năng: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience: '&3 &7■ Kinh nghiệm bổ sung: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-alchemy: '&7■ Kinh nghiệm Alchemy bổ sung: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-enchanting: '&7■ Kinh nghiệm Enchanting bổ sung: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-farming: '&7■ Kinh nghiệm Farming bổ sung: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-fishing: '&7■ Kinh nghiệm Fishing bổ sung: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-mining: '&7■ Kinh nghiệm Mining bổ sung: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smelting: '&7■ Kinh nghiệm Smelting bổ sung: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-smithing: '&7■ Kinh nghiệm Smithing bổ sung: &f<plus>{value}%'
additional-experience-woodcutting: '&7■ Kinh nghiệm Woodcutting bổ sung: &f<plus>{value}%'
#Extra Options
perm-effect: '&3 &7■ &f{effect} vĩnh viễn'
command: '&3 &7■ Lệnh: &f{format} &3 &7(&f{cooldown}&3 &7s)'
item-cooldown: '&3 &7■ &f{value}&3 &7s đếm ngược'
arrow-potion-effects: '&3 &7■ Hiệu ứng tên: &f{effect}'
restore-health: '&3 &7■ Khôi phục &f{value} &7Máu'
restore-food: '&3 &7■ Khôi phục &f{value} &7Food'
restore-saturation: '&3 &7■ Khôi phục &f{value} &7Saturation'
restore-mana: '&3 &7■ Khôi phục &f{value} &7Mana'
restore-stamina: '&3 &7■ Khôi phục &f{value} &7Stamina'
effect: '&3 &7■ Nhận &f{effect} &7với &f{duration} &7s'
repair: '&3 &7■ Sửa chữa: &f{value}'
repair-percent: '&3 &7■ Sửa chữa: &f{value}%'
can-identify: '&3 &7■ Có thể xác định vật phẩm.'
can-deconstruct: '&3 &7■ Có thể giải cấu trúc vật phẩm theo loại.'
can-deskin: '&3 &7■ Can de-skin skinned items.'
success-rate: '&3 &7■ Tỷ lệ thành công: &a&l{value}%'
max-consume: '&3 &7■ &f{value} &7Lần dùng còn lại'
#Gem Stones
empty-gem-socket: '&a◆ Trống {name} nơi đặt Gem'
filled-gem-socket: '&a◆ {name}'
when-applied: '&aKhi được áp dụng:'
gem-stone-lore: '&8&l[&2&l*&8&l] &aKéo vào vật phẩm &7để áp dụng!'
soulbinding-chance: '&3 &7■ Có cơ hội &a{value}% &7ràng buộc vật phẩm của .'
soulbound-break-chance: '&3 &7■ Có cơ hội &a{value}% &7phá vỡ soulbounds.'
soulbound-level: '&3 &7■ Cấp &e{value} &7Soulbound'
autosmelt: '&3 &7■ &fTự động nung'
bouncing-crack: '&3 &7■ &fĐào lan'
pickaxe-power: '&3 &7■ &fPickaxe Power: &a{value}'
durability: '&7Độ bền: {current} / {max}'
item-type: '&c{type}'
tier: '&3 &7Loại: {value}'
required-class: '&3 &7{value} Item'
required-level: '&eYêu cầu Lvl {value}'
#MMOCore Attributes
required-dexterity: '&eYêu cầu &c{value} &eDexterity'
required-strength: '&eYêu cầu &c{value} &eStrength'
required-intelligence: '&eYêu cầu &c{value} &eIntelligence'
additional-dexterity: '&3 &7■ Thêm Dexterity: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-strength: '&3 &7■ Thêm Strength: &f<plus>{value}'
additional-intelligence: '&3 &7■ Thêm Intelligence: &f<plus>{value}'
profession-alchemy: '&eAlchemy Level: &c{value}'
profession-enchanting: '&eEnchanting Level: &c{value}'
profession-farming: '&eFarming Level: &c{value}'
profession-fishing: '&eFishing Level: &c{value}'
profession-mining: '&eMining Level: &c{value}'
profession-smelting: '&eSmelting Level: &c{value}'
profession-smithing: '&eSmithing Level: &c{value}'
profession-woodcutting: '&eWoodcutting Level: &c{value}'
#Elemental Stat Format
elemental-damage: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Sát thương'
elemental-damage-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Sát thương'
elemental-defense: '{color}{icon}&7 {value} {element} Phòng thủ'
elemental-defense-percent: '{color}{icon}&7 +{value}% {element} Phòng thủ'
elemental-weakness: '{color}{icon}&7 {value}% {element} Weakness'
#Custom stats
custom-myluck: '&3 &7■ May mắn: &f<plus>{value}'
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