from minecraft.networking.packets import Packet from minecraft.networking.types import ( VarInt, Integer, UnsignedByte, Position, Vector, MutableRecord ) class BlockChangePacket(Packet): @staticmethod def get_id(context): return 0x0B if context.protocol_version >= 332 else \ 0x0C if context.protocol_version >= 318 else \ 0x0B if context.protocol_version >= 67 else \ 0x24 if context.protocol_version >= 62 else \ 0x23 packet_name = 'block change' definition = [ {'location': Position}, {'block_state_id': VarInt}] block_state_id = 0 # For protocols < 347: an accessor for (block_state_id >> 4). def blockId(self, block_id): self.block_state_id = (self.block_state_id & 0xF) | (block_id << 4) blockId = property(lambda self: self.block_state_id >> 4, blockId) # For protocols < 347: an accessor for (block_state_id & 0xF). def blockMeta(self, meta): self.block_state_id = (self.block_state_id & ~0xF) | (meta & 0xF) blockMeta = property(lambda self: self.block_state_id & 0xF, blockMeta) # This alias is retained for backward compatibility. def blockStateId(self, block_state_id): self.block_state_id = block_state_id blockStateId = property(lambda self: self.block_state_id, blockStateId) class MultiBlockChangePacket(Packet): @staticmethod def get_id(context): return 0x0F if context.protocol_version >= 343 else \ 0x10 if context.protocol_version >= 332 else \ 0x11 if context.protocol_version >= 318 else \ 0x10 if context.protocol_version >= 67 else \ 0x22 packet_name = 'multi block change' class Record(MutableRecord): __slots__ = 'x', 'y', 'z', 'block_state_id' def __init__(self, **kwds): self.block_state_id = 0 super(MultiBlockChangePacket.Record, self).__init__(**kwds) # Access the 'x', 'y', 'z' fields as a Vector of ints. def position(self, position): self.x, self.y, self.z = position position = property(lambda r: Vector(r.x, r.y, r.z), position) # For protocols < 347: an accessor for (block_state_id >> 4). def blockId(self, block_id): self.block_state_id = self.block_state_id & 0xF | block_id << 4 blockId = property(lambda r: r.block_state_id >> 4, blockId) # For protocols < 347: an accessor for (block_state_id & 0xF). def blockMeta(self, meta): self.block_state_id = self.block_state_id & ~0xF | meta & 0xF blockMeta = property(lambda r: r.block_state_id & 0xF, blockMeta) # This alias is retained for backward compatibility. def blockStateId(self, block_state_id): self.block_state_id = block_state_id blockStateId = property(lambda r: r.block_state_id, blockStateId) def read(self, file_object): h_position = self.x, self.z = h_position >> 4, h_position & 0xF self.y = self.block_state_id = def write(self, packet_buffer): UnsignedByte.send(self.x << 4 | self.z & 0xF, packet_buffer) UnsignedByte.send(self.y, packet_buffer) VarInt.send(self.block_state_id, packet_buffer) def read(self, file_object): self.chunk_x = self.chunk_z = records_count = self.records = [] for i in range(records_count): record = self.Record() self.records.append(record) def write_fields(self, packet_buffer): Integer.send(self.chunk_x, packet_buffer) Integer.send(self.chunk_z, packet_buffer) VarInt.send(len(self.records), packet_buffer) for record in self.records: record.write(packet_buffer)