joodicator 612fa8e324 Add support for Minecraft 18w43a to 1.14 (protocols 441 to 477)
This commit introduces two backward-incompatible changes which may break
existing code:

(1) `'
is no longer accessible as an attribute of the the `SpawnObjectPacket'
class: the values now depend on a `ConnectionContext`, and must be
accessed through an instance, or using `SpawnObjectPacket.field_enum'.
See the text of the `AttributeError` raised from the descriptor for
`SpawnObjectPacket.EntityType` for the full details.

(2) For some subclasses of `networking.types.Type', it is necessary to
call the methods `read_with_context' and `send_with_context' instead of
`read' and `send', supplying a `ConnectionContext' for those data types
- currently only `Position` - whose layout depends on it.
2019-05-11 08:43:51 +02:00

226 lines
7.9 KiB

from minecraft.networking.packets import (
Packet, AbstractKeepAlivePacket, AbstractPluginMessagePacket
from minecraft.networking.types import (
Integer, FixedPointInteger, UnsignedByte, Byte, Boolean, UUID, Short,
VarInt, Double, Float, String, Enum,
from .combat_event_packet import CombatEventPacket
from .map_packet import MapPacket
from .player_list_item_packet import PlayerListItemPacket
from .player_position_and_look_packet import PlayerPositionAndLookPacket
from .spawn_object_packet import SpawnObjectPacket
from .block_change_packet import BlockChangePacket, MultiBlockChangePacket
from .explosion_packet import ExplosionPacket
# Formerly known as state_playing_clientbound.
def get_packets(context):
packets = {
if context.protocol_version <= 47:
packets |= {
return packets
class KeepAlivePacket(AbstractKeepAlivePacket):
def get_id(context):
return 0x20 if context.protocol_version >= 471 else \
0x21 if context.protocol_version >= 389 else \
0x20 if context.protocol_version >= 345 else \
0x1F if context.protocol_version >= 332 else \
0x20 if context.protocol_version >= 318 else \
0x1F if context.protocol_version >= 107 else \
class JoinGamePacket(Packet):
def get_id(context):
return 0x25 if context.protocol_version >= 389 else \
0x24 if context.protocol_version >= 345 else \
0x23 if context.protocol_version >= 332 else \
0x24 if context.protocol_version >= 318 else \
0x23 if context.protocol_version >= 107 else \
packet_name = "join game"
get_definition = staticmethod(lambda context: [
{'entity_id': Integer},
{'game_mode': UnsignedByte},
{'dimension': Integer if context.protocol_version >= 108 else Byte},
{'difficulty': UnsignedByte} if context.protocol_version < 464 else {},
{'max_players': UnsignedByte},
{'level_type': String},
{'render_distance': VarInt} if context.protocol_version >= 468 else {},
{'reduced_debug_info': Boolean}])
class ChatMessagePacket(Packet):
def get_id(context):
return 0x0E if context.protocol_version >= 343 else \
0x0F if context.protocol_version >= 332 else \
0x10 if context.protocol_version >= 317 else \
0x0F if context.protocol_version >= 107 else \
packet_name = "chat message"
definition = [
{'json_data': String},
{'position': Byte}]
class Position(Enum):
CHAT = 0 # A player-initiated chat message.
SYSTEM = 1 # The result of running a command.
GAME_INFO = 2 # Displayed above the hotbar in vanilla clients.
class DisconnectPacket(Packet):
def get_id(context):
return 0x1A if context.protocol_version >= 471 else \
0x1B if context.protocol_version >= 345 else \
0x1A if context.protocol_version >= 332 else \
0x1B if context.protocol_version >= 318 else \
0x1A if context.protocol_version >= 107 else \
packet_name = "disconnect"
definition = [
{'json_data': String}]
class SetCompressionPacket(Packet):
# Note: removed between protocol versions 47 and 107.
id = 0x46
packet_name = "set compression"
definition = [
{'threshold': VarInt}]
class SpawnPlayerPacket(Packet):
def get_id(context):
return 0x05 if context.protocol_version >= 67 else \
packet_name = 'spawn player'
get_definition = staticmethod(lambda context: [
{'entity_id': VarInt},
{'player_UUID': UUID},
{'x': Double} if context.protocol_version >= 100
else {'x': FixedPointInteger},
{'y': Double} if context.protocol_version >= 100
else {'y': FixedPointInteger},
{'z': Double} if context.protocol_version >= 100
else {'z': FixedPointInteger},
{'yaw': Float},
{'pitch': Float},
# TODO: read entity metadata
{'current_item': Short} if context.protocol_version <= 49 else {}
class EntityVelocityPacket(Packet):
def get_id(context):
return 0x45 if context.protocol_version >= 471 else \
0x41 if context.protocol_version >= 461 else \
0x42 if context.protocol_version >= 451 else \
0x41 if context.protocol_version >= 389 else \
0x40 if context.protocol_version >= 352 else \
0x3F if context.protocol_version >= 345 else \
0x3E if context.protocol_version >= 336 else \
0x3D if context.protocol_version >= 332 else \
0x3B if context.protocol_version >= 86 else \
0x3C if context.protocol_version >= 77 else \
0x3B if context.protocol_version >= 67 else \
packet_name = 'entity velocity'
get_definition = staticmethod(lambda context: [
{'entity_id': VarInt},
{'velocity_x': Short},
{'velocity_y': Short},
{'velocity_z': Short}
class UpdateHealthPacket(Packet):
def get_id(context):
return 0x48 if context.protocol_version >= 471 else \
0x44 if context.protocol_version >= 461 else \
0x45 if context.protocol_version >= 451 else \
0x44 if context.protocol_version >= 389 else \
0x43 if context.protocol_version >= 352 else \
0x42 if context.protocol_version >= 345 else \
0x41 if context.protocol_version >= 336 else \
0x40 if context.protocol_version >= 318 else \
0x3E if context.protocol_version >= 86 else \
0x3F if context.protocol_version >= 77 else \
0x3E if context.protocol_version >= 67 else \
packet_name = 'update health'
get_definition = staticmethod(lambda context: [
{'health': Float},
{'food': VarInt},
{'food_saturation': Float}
class PluginMessagePacket(AbstractPluginMessagePacket):
def get_id(context):
return 0x18 if context.protocol_version >= 471 else \
0x19 if context.protocol_version >= 345 else \
0x18 if context.protocol_version >= 332 else \
0x19 if context.protocol_version >= 318 else \
0x18 if context.protocol_version >= 70 else \
class PlayerListHeaderAndFooterPacket(Packet):
def get_id(context):
return 0x53 if context.protocol_version >= 471 else \
0x5F if context.protocol_version >= 461 else \
0x50 if context.protocol_version >= 451 else \
0x4F if context.protocol_version >= 441 else \
0x4E if context.protocol_version >= 393 else \
0x4A if context.protocol_version >= 338 else \
0x49 if context.protocol_version >= 335 else \
0x47 if context.protocol_version >= 110 else \
0x48 if context.protocol_version >= 107 else \
packet_name = 'player list header and footer'
definition = [
{'header': String},
{'footer': String}]