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synced 2024-12-02 07:03:27 +01:00
This commit introduces two backward-incompatible changes which may break existing code: (1) `networking.packets.clientbound.play.SpawnObjectPacket.EntityType' is no longer accessible as an attribute of the the `SpawnObjectPacket' class: the values now depend on a `ConnectionContext`, and must be accessed through an instance, or using `SpawnObjectPacket.field_enum'. See the text of the `AttributeError` raised from the descriptor for `SpawnObjectPacket.EntityType` for the full details. (2) For some subclasses of `networking.types.Type', it is necessary to call the methods `read_with_context' and `send_with_context' instead of `read' and `send', supplying a `ConnectionContext' for those data types - currently only `Position` - whose layout depends on it.
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175 lines
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from minecraft.networking.packets import Packet
from minecraft.networking.types.utility import descriptor
from minecraft.networking.types import (
VarInt, UUID, Byte, Double, Integer, UnsignedByte, Short, Enum, Vector,
class SpawnObjectPacket(Packet):
def get_id(context):
return 0x00 if context.protocol_version >= 67 else \
packet_name = 'spawn object'
fields = ('entity_id', 'object_uuid', 'type_id',
'x', 'y', 'z', 'pitch', 'yaw')
def EntityType(desc, self, cls): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
if self is None:
# EntityType is being accessed as a class attribute.
raise AttributeError(
'This interface is deprecated:\n\n'
'As of pyCraft\'s support for Minecraft 1.14, the nested '
'class "SpawnObjectPacket.EntityType" cannot be accessed as a '
'class attribute, because it depends on the protocol version. '
'There are two ways to access the correct version of the '
'1. Access the "EntityType" attribute of a '
'"SpawnObjectPacket" instance with its "context" property '
'2. Call "SpawnObjectPacket.field_enum(\'type_id\', '
# EntityType is being accessed as an instance attribute.
return self.field_enum('type_id', self.context)
def field_enum(cls, field, context):
if field != 'type_id' or context is None:
pv = context.protocol_version
name = 'EntityType_%d' % pv
if hasattr(cls, name):
return getattr(cls, name)
class EntityType(Enum):
ACTIVATED_TNT = 50 if pv < 458 else 55 # PrimedTnt
AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD = 3 if pv < 458 else 0
ARMORSTAND = 78 if pv < 458 else 1
ARROW = 60 if pv < 458 else 2
BOAT = 1 if pv < 458 else 5
DRAGON_FIREBALL = 93 if pv < 458 else 13
EGG = 62 if pv < 458 else 74 # ThrownEgg
ENDERCRYSTAL = 51 if pv < 458 else 16
ENDERPEARL = 65 if pv < 458 else 75 # ThrownEnderpearl
EVOCATION_FANGS = 79 if pv < 458 else 20
EXP_BOTTLE = 75 if pv < 458 else 76 # ThrownExpBottle
EYE_OF_ENDER = 72 if pv < 458 else 23 # EyeOfEnderSignal
FALLING_OBJECT = 70 if pv < 458 else 24 # FallingSand
FIREBALL = 63 if pv < 458 else 34 # Fireball (ghast)
FIRECHARGE = 64 if pv < 458 else 65 # SmallFireball (blaze)
FIREWORK_ROCKET = 76 if pv < 458 else 25 # FireworksRocketEntity
FISHING_HOOK = 90 if pv < 458 else 93 # Fishing bobber
ITEM_FRAMES = 71 if pv < 458 else 33 # ItemFrame
ITEM_STACK = 2 if pv < 458 else 32 # Item
LEASH_KNOT = 77 if pv < 458 else 35
LLAMA_SPIT = 68 if pv < 458 else 37
MINECART = 10 if pv < 458 else 39 # MinecartRideable
POTION = 73 if pv < 458 else 77 # ThrownPotion
SHULKER_BULLET = 67 if pv < 458 else 60
SNOWBALL = 61 if pv < 458 else 67
SPECTRAL_ARROW = 91 if pv < 458 else 68
WITHER_SKULL = 66 if pv < 458 else 85
if pv >= 393:
if pv >= 458:
setattr(cls, name, EntityType)
return EntityType
def read(self, file_object):
self.entity_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
if self.context.protocol_version >= 49:
self.object_uuid = UUID.read(file_object)
if self.context.protocol_version >= 458:
self.type_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
self.type_id = Byte.read(file_object)
xyz_type = Double if self.context.protocol_version >= 100 else Integer
for attr in 'x', 'y', 'z':
setattr(self, attr, xyz_type.read(file_object))
for attr in 'pitch', 'yaw':
setattr(self, attr, UnsignedByte.read(file_object))
self.data = Integer.read(file_object)
if self.context.protocol_version >= 49 or self.data > 0:
for attr in 'velocity_x', 'velocity_y', 'velocity_z':
setattr(self, attr, Short.read(file_object))
def write_fields(self, packet_buffer):
VarInt.send(self.entity_id, packet_buffer)
if self.context.protocol_version >= 49:
UUID.send(self.object_uuid, packet_buffer)
if self.context.protocol_version >= 458:
VarInt.send(self.type_id, packet_buffer)
Byte.send(self.type_id, packet_buffer)
xyz_type = Double if self.context.protocol_version >= 100 else Integer
for coord in self.x, self.y, self.z:
xyz_type.send(coord, packet_buffer)
for coord in self.pitch, self.yaw:
UnsignedByte.send(coord, packet_buffer)
Integer.send(self.data, packet_buffer)
if self.context.protocol_version >= 49 or self.data > 0:
for coord in self.velocity_x, self.velocity_y, self.velocity_z:
Short.send(coord, packet_buffer)
# Access the entity type as a string, according to the EntityType enum.
def type(self):
if self.context is None:
raise ValueError('This packet must have a non-None "context" '
'in order to read the "type" property.')
# pylint: disable=no-member
return self.EntityType.name_from_value(self.type_id)
def type(self, type_name):
if self.context is None:
raise ValueError('This packet must have a non-None "context" '
'in order to set the "type" property.')
self.type_id = getattr(self.EntityType, type_name)
# Access the fields 'x', 'y', 'z' as a Vector.
def position(self, position):
self.x, self.y, self.z = position
position = property(lambda p: Vector(p.x, p.y, p.z), position)
# Access the fields 'x', 'y', 'z', 'yaw', 'pitch' as a PositionAndLook.
# NOTE: modifying the object retrieved from this property will not change
# the packet; it can only be changed by attribute or property assignment.
def position_and_look(self, position_and_look):
self.x, self.y, self.z = position_and_look.position
self.yaw, self.pitch = position_and_look.look
position_and_look = property(lambda p: PositionAndLook(
x=p.x, y=p.y, z=p.z, yaw=p.yaw, pitch=p.pitch),
# Access the fields 'velocity_x', 'velocity_y', 'velocity_z' as a Vector.
def velocity(self, velocity):
self.velocity_x, self.velocity_y, self.velocity_z = velocity
velocity = property(lambda p: Vector(p.velocity_x, p.velocity_y,
p.velocity_z), velocity)
# This alias is retained for backward compatibility.
def objectUUID(self, object_uuid):
self.object_uuid = object_uuid
objectUUID = property(lambda self: self.object_uuid, objectUUID)