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@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
# Ignore bin
@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
name: War
version: 1.6 (de Gaulle) PREVIEW 3
description: Lets you create TDM and CTF (warzones) for a more structured PVP experience.
author: tommytony
website: war.tommytony.com
main: bukkit.tommytony.war.War
# Player commands
description: (War) Lists the warzones on the server. Each warzone is an independent TDM arena.
usage: /warzones
description: (War) Shortcut for /warzones.
usage: /zones
description: (War) Teleports you to the specified warzone's lobby.
usage: /warzone ziggy
description: (War) Shortcut for /warzone.
usage: /zone ziggy
description: (War) Teleports you to the warhub, if it exists. The warhub offers portals to reach each warzone on the server.
usage: /warhub
description: (War) Lists the teams in the warzone.
- Must be standing in warzone or lobby.
- /teams
description: (War) Use to change teams. Also used instead of walking in the team gate in the lobby.
- Must be standing in warzone or lobby.
- /join <team color>
description: (War) Use to leave a warzone. Teleports you back to the lobby.
- Must be in team already.
- /leave
description: (War) Team chat.
usage: /team Leeeroooy!!!
# Warzone maker commands (must have the 'war.*' permission or be added as a zone-maker in /plugins/War/war.txt
# 1- Battle-related commands
description: (War) Warzone blocks are restored (from memory). Teams are respawned.
- Must be standing in warzone or lobby
- /nextbattle
# 2- Warzone creation commands
description: (War) Use to create a warzone. Lobby is created and blocks are saved when the second corner is set.
- =<Classic/Northwest-Southeast mode>=
- /setzone <zonename> <northwest/southeast/nw/se>
- ex: first, /setzone ziggy se, then, /setzone ziggy nw
- In classic mode, corner1 defaults to the topmost block (127) in the northwest and corner2 to the bottommost block (0) in the southeast.
- =<Wand Cuboid mode>=
- 1) /setzone <name> wand
- 2) Left-click to select or move corner1
- 3) Right-click to select or move corner2
- Turn off wand by dropping the wooden sword.
- =<Wandless Cuboid mode>=
- /setzone <name> <corner1/corner2/c1/c2/pos1/pos2>
- The three modes can be mixed and matched.
- Warzones must be at least 10 blocks wide in all directions.
description: (War) Persists changes made to the warzone since the last save. Config can be set with named parameters.
- Must be standing in warzone or lobby
- /savezone => Basic save
- /savezone lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on outline:off ff:on blockheads:off spawnstyle:<big/flat/small> unbreakable:on nocreatures:on disabled:on
- /savezone loadout:default => sets the respawn inventory to your current items
- /savezone reward:default => sets the winner's reward to your current items
description: (War) Creates or changes the position of the warzone lobby.
- Must be standing in warzone or lobby.
- /setzonelobby <north/east/south/west/n/e/s/w>
description: (War) Creates or moves a team spawn. The lobby is updated. Teams are diamond, iron or gold.
- Must be standing in warzone.
- /setteam <diamond/iron/gold/white/orange/magenta/blue/green/pink/gray/purple/navy/brown/darkgreen/red/black>
description: (War) Creates or moves a monument.
- Must be standing in warzone.
- /setmonument <monument-name>
description: (War) Creates/moves a team flag post for CTF.
- Must be standing in warzone.
- /setteamflag <team-color>
description: (War) Reloads zone blocks from memory. Everyone back to the lobby.
- Must be standing in warzone or lobby.
- /resetzone
description: (War) Deletes the zone, resets all blocks.
- Must be standing in warzone or lobby, or provide name
- /deletezone, /deletezone <zone-name>
description: (War) Deletes the team. Team must exist.
- Must be standing in warzone or lobby.
- /deleteteam <team-color>
description: (War) Deletes the monument.
- Must be standing in warzone or lobby.
- /deletemonument <monument-name>
description: (War) Use named parameters to change the configuration of the warzone. Resets blocks like /nextbattle. Does not save zone blocks like /savezone.
- Must be standing in warzone or lobby.
- /setzoneconfig lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on outline:off ff:on blockheads:off spawnstyle:<big/flat/small> unbreakable:on nocreatures:on disabled:on
- /setzoneconfig loadout:default => sets the respawn inventory to your current items
- /setzoneconfig reward:default => sets the winner's reward to your current items
description: (War) Alias for /setzoneconfig
description: (War) Toggles between player mode and zone maker mode. Or gives/removes access to zonemaker commands for another player.
- /zonemaker
- /zonemaker <new-or-kicked-zone-maker-name>
description: (War) Alias for /zonemaker
# 3- War hub
description: (War) Create or moves a West-facing wall of portals. One portal per warzone. Warzones get a portal back to the warhub.
usage: /setwarhub
description: (War) Deletes the warhub if it exists. Resets all warzone lobbies.
usage: /deletewarhub
# 4- Defaults and server configuration
description: (War) Disables the War plugin.
usage: /unloadwar
description: (War) Enables the War plugin.
usage: /loadwar
description: (War) Change gobal settings and the default warzone configuration values.
- /setwarconfig pvpinzonesonly:on buildinzonesonly:on => Global settings
- /setwarconfig lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on outline:off ff:on blockheads:off spawnstyle:<big/flat/small> unbreakable:on nocreatures:on => Warzone defaults
- /setwarconfig loadout:default => sets the respawn inventory to your current items
- /setwarconfig reward:default => sets the winner's reward to your current items
- /setwarconfig rallypoint:<warzone-name> => changes when players get teleported at the end of a match for that zone, useful for chaining warzones together in a sequence, or preventing players from rejoining immediately
description: (War) Alias for /setwarconfig
# Fallback
description: (War) Short War help. Can also be used as a prefix for all War commands as a fallback if they conflict with other plugins.
- /war
- /war setzone ziggy northwest
- /war warhub
- /war zone ziggy
- etc.
description: (War) Same as /war. Used as fallback.
usage: See /war.
#Note: When you /disable War with Essentials, or at shutdown, all warzone blocks will be reset and artifacts will disappear.
# When you /enable War, all blocks will be loaded from disk and the War-related artifacts will reappear.
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
private boolean loaded = false;
// Zones and hub
private List<Warzone> warzones;
private List<Warzone> warzones = new ArrayList<Warzone>();
private WarHub warHub;
private final List<Warzone> incompleteZones = new ArrayList<Warzone>();
private final List<String> zoneMakerNames = new ArrayList<String>();
@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
public void loadWar() {
this.warzones = new ArrayList<Warzone>();
this.desc = this.getDescription();
this.log = this.getServer().getLogger();
@ -228,29 +227,6 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
return true;*/
public Warzone getWarzoneFromLocation(Player player) {
return this.getWarzoneFromLocation(player.getLocation());
public Warzone getWarzoneFromLocation(Location location) {
Warzone zone = War.war.warzone(location);
if (zone == null) {
ZoneLobby lobby = War.war.lobby(location);
if (lobby == null) return null;
zone = lobby.getZone();
return zone;
public Warzone getWarzoneFromName(String name) {
for (Warzone zone : War.war.getWarzones()) {
if (zone.getName().toLowerCase().equals(name.toLowerCase())) {
return zone;
return null;
* Converts the player-inventory to a loadout hashmap
@ -400,8 +376,8 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
this.badMsg(player, "Usage: /deletemonument <name>." + " Deletes the monument. " + "Must be in a warzone or lobby (try /warzones and /warzone). ");
} else {
String name = arguments[0];
Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
ZoneLobby lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
Warzone warzone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
ZoneLobby lobby = ZoneLobby.getLobbyByLocation(player);
if (warzone == null && lobby != null) {
warzone = lobby.getZone();
} else {
@ -420,10 +396,10 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
public void performSetMonument(Player player, String[] arguments) {
if (!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation()) || arguments.length < 1 || arguments.length > 1 || (arguments.length == 1 && this.warzone(player.getLocation()) != null && arguments[0].equals(this.warzone(player.getLocation()).getName()))) {
if (!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation()) || arguments.length < 1 || arguments.length > 1 || (arguments.length == 1 && Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player) != null && arguments[0].equals(Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player).getName()))) {
this.badMsg(player, "Usage: /setmonument <name>. Creates or moves a monument. Monument can't have same name as zone. Must be in warzone.");
} else {
Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
Warzone warzone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
String monumentName = arguments[0];
if (warzone.hasMonument(monumentName)) {
// move the existing monument
@ -446,8 +422,8 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
this.badMsg(player, "Usage: /deleteteam <team-name/color>." + " Deletes the team and its spawn. " + "Must be in a warzone or lobby (try /zones and /zone). ");
} else {
String name = arguments[0];
Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
ZoneLobby lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
Warzone warzone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
ZoneLobby lobby = ZoneLobby.getLobbyByLocation(player);
if (warzone == null && lobby != null) {
warzone = lobby.getZone();
} else {
@ -479,7 +455,7 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
this.badMsg(player, "Usage: /setteamflag <team-name/color>, e.g. /setteamflag diamond. " + "Sets the team flag post to the current location. " + "Must be in a warzone (try /zones and /zone). ");
} else {
TeamKind kind = TeamKinds.teamKindFromString(arguments[0]);
Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
Warzone warzone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
Team team = warzone.getTeamByKind(kind);
if (team == null) {
// no such team yet
@ -508,7 +484,7 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
this.badMsg(player, "Usage: /setteam <team-kind/color>, e.g. /setteam red." + "Sets the team spawn to the current location. " + "Must be in a warzone (try /zones and /zone). ");
} else {
TeamKind teamKind = TeamKinds.teamKindFromString(arguments[0]);
Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
Warzone warzone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
Team existingTeam = warzone.getTeamByKind(teamKind);
if (existingTeam != null) {
// relocate
@ -551,8 +527,8 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
} else { // get zone by position
warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
warzone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
lobby = ZoneLobby.getLobbyByLocation(player);
if (warzone == null && lobby != null) {
@ -594,8 +570,8 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
if (!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation()) && !this.inAnyWarzoneLobby(player.getLocation())) {
this.badMsg(player, "Usage: /resetzone. Reloads the zone. Must be in warzone or lobby.");
} else {
Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
ZoneLobby lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
Warzone warzone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
ZoneLobby lobby = ZoneLobby.getLobbyByLocation(player);
if (warzone == null && lobby != null) {
warzone = lobby.getZone();
} else {
@ -603,7 +579,7 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
for (Team team : warzone.getTeams()) {
team.teamcast("The war has ended. " + this.playerListener.getAllTeamsMsg(player) + " Resetting warzone " + warzone.getName() + " and teams...");
team.teamcast("The war has ended. " + warzone.getTeamInformation() + " Resetting warzone " + warzone.getName() + " and teams...");
for (Player p : team.getPlayers()) {
@ -626,8 +602,8 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
if ((!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation()) && !this.inAnyWarzoneLobby(player.getLocation())) || arguments.length == 0) {
this.badMsg(player, "Usage: /setzoneconfig lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on outline:off ff:on " + "Please give at leaset one named parameter. Does not save the blocks of the warzone. Resets the zone with the new config. Must be in warzone.");
} else {
Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
ZoneLobby lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
Warzone warzone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
ZoneLobby lobby = ZoneLobby.getLobbyByLocation(player);
if (warzone == null && lobby != null) {
warzone = lobby.getZone();
} else {
@ -657,8 +633,8 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
if (!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation()) && !this.inAnyWarzoneLobby(player.getLocation())) {
this.badMsg(player, "Usage: /savezone lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on outline:off ff:on " + "All named params optional. Saves the blocks of the warzone (i.e. the current zone state will be reloaded at each battle start). Must be in warzone.");
} else {
Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
ZoneLobby lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
Warzone warzone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
ZoneLobby lobby = ZoneLobby.getLobbyByLocation(player);
if (warzone == null && lobby != null) {
warzone = lobby.getZone();
} else {
@ -696,8 +672,8 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
this.badMsg(player, usageStr);
Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
ZoneLobby lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
Warzone warzone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
ZoneLobby lobby = ZoneLobby.getLobbyByLocation(player);
if (warzone == null && lobby != null) {
warzone = lobby.getZone();
} else {
@ -738,7 +714,7 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
WarzoneMapper.save(warzone, false);
} else {
// Not in a warzone: set the lobby position to where the player is standing
Warzone warzone = this.matchWarzone(arguments[0]);
Warzone warzone = Warzone.getZoneByName(arguments[0]);
if (warzone == null) {
this.badMsg(player, "No warzone matches " + arguments[0] + ".");
} else {
@ -794,10 +770,10 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
if (!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation())) {
this.badMsg(player, "Usage: /nextbattle. Resets the zone blocks and all teams' life pools. Must be in warzone.");
} else {
Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
Warzone warzone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
for (Team team : warzone.getTeams()) {
team.teamcast("The battle was interrupted. " + this.playerListener.getAllTeamsMsg(player) + " Resetting warzone " + warzone.getName() + " and life pools...");
team.teamcast("The battle was interrupted. " + warzone.getTeamInformation() + " Resetting warzone " + warzone.getName() + " and life pools...");
@ -992,42 +968,13 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
public Team getPlayerTeam(String playerName) {
for (Warzone warzone : this.warzones) {
Team team = warzone.getPlayerTeam(playerName);
if (team != null) {
return team;
return null;
public Warzone getPlayerTeamWarzone(String playerName) {
for (Warzone warzone : this.warzones) {
Team team = warzone.getPlayerTeam(playerName);
if (team != null) {
return warzone;
return null;
public Logger getLogger() {
return this.log;
public Warzone warzone(Location location) {
for (Warzone warzone : this.warzones) {
if (location.getWorld().getName().equals(warzone.getWorld().getName()) && warzone.getVolume() != null && warzone.getVolume().contains(location)) {
return warzone;
return null;
public boolean inAnyWarzone(Location location) {
Block locBlock = location.getWorld().getBlockAt(location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ());
Warzone currentZone = this.warzone(location);
Warzone currentZone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(location);
if (currentZone == null) {
return false;
} else if (currentZone.getVolume().isWallBlock(locBlock)) {
@ -1037,7 +984,7 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
public boolean inWarzone(String warzoneName, Location location) {
Warzone currentZone = this.warzone(location);
Warzone currentZone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(location);
if (currentZone == null) {
return false;
} else if (warzoneName.toLowerCase().equals(currentZone.getName().toLowerCase())) {
@ -1125,15 +1072,6 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
return null;
public Warzone matchWarzone(String warzoneSubString) {
for (Warzone warzone : this.warzones) {
if (warzone.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith(warzoneSubString.toLowerCase())) {
return warzone;
return null;
public void addWandBearer(Player player, String zoneName) {
if (this.wandBearers.containsKey(player.getName())) {
String alreadyHaveWand = this.wandBearers.get(player.getName());
@ -1314,24 +1252,15 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
this.warHub = warHub;
public ZoneLobby lobby(Location location) {
for (Warzone warzone : this.warzones) {
if (warzone.getLobby() != null && warzone.getLobby().getVolume() != null && warzone.getLobby().getVolume().contains(location)) {
return warzone.getLobby();
return null;
public boolean inAnyWarzoneLobby(Location location) {
if (this.lobby(location) == null) {
if (ZoneLobby.getLobbyByLocation(location) == null) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean inWarzoneLobby(String warzoneName, Location location) {
ZoneLobby currentLobby = this.lobby(location);
ZoneLobby currentLobby = ZoneLobby.getLobbyByLocation(location);
if (currentLobby == null) {
return false;
} else if (warzoneName.toLowerCase().equals(currentLobby.getZone().getName().toLowerCase())) {
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ public class WarBlockListener extends BlockListener {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Block block = event.getBlock();
if (player != null && block != null) {
Team team = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Warzone zone = War.war.warzone(player.getLocation());
Team team = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
Warzone zone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
if (team != null && block != null && zone != null && zone.isMonumentCenterBlock(block) && block.getType() == team.getKind().getMaterial() && block.getData() == team.getKind().getData()) {
Monument monument = zone.getMonumentFromCenterBlock(block);
if (monument != null && !monument.hasOwner()) {
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ public class WarBlockListener extends BlockListener {
private void handleBreakOrDamage(Player player, Block block, Cancellable event) {
Warzone warzone = War.war.warzone(player.getLocation());
Team team = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Warzone warzone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
Team team = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
boolean isZoneMaker = War.war.isZoneMaker(player);
if (warzone != null && team == null && !isZoneMaker) {
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ public class WarBlockListener extends BlockListener {
for (Team t : warzone.getTeams()) {
t.teamcast(team.getKind().getColor() + player.getName() + ChatColor.WHITE + " stole team " + lostFlagTeam.getName() + "'s flag.");
if (t.getName().equals(lostFlagTeam.getName())) {
t.teamcast("Prevent " + team.getKind().getColor() + player.getName() + ChatColor.WHITE
t.teamcast("Prevent " + team.getKind().getColor() + player.getName() + ChatColor.WHITE
+ " from reaching team " + team.getName() + "'s spawn or flag.");
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ public class WarBlockListener extends BlockListener {
// buildInZonesOnly
Warzone blockZone = War.war.warzone(new Location(block.getWorld(), block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ()));
Warzone blockZone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(new Location(block.getWorld(), block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ()));
if (blockZone == null && War.war.isBuildInZonesOnly() && !War.war.canBuildOutsideZone(player)) {
War.war.badMsg(player, "You can only build inside warzones. Ask for the 'war.build' permission to build outside.");
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ public class WarCommandHandler {
public boolean handle(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
String command = cmd.getName();
String[] arguments = null;
if ((command.equals("war") || command.equals("War")) && args.length > 0) {
command = args[0];
arguments = new String[args.length - 1];
@ -21,9 +22,11 @@ public class WarCommandHandler {
arguments[i - 1] = args[i];
if (arguments.length == 1 && (arguments[0].equals("help") || arguments[0].equals("h"))) {
// show help
return false;
} else if (command.equals("war") || command.equals("War")) {
// show help
return false;
} else {
arguments = args;
@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
// only let adversaries (same warzone, different team) attack each other
Player a = (Player) attacker;
Player d = (Player) defender;
Warzone attackerWarzone = War.war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(a.getName());
Team attackerTeam = War.war.getPlayerTeam(a.getName());
Warzone defenderWarzone = War.war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(d.getName());
Team defenderTeam = War.war.getPlayerTeam(d.getName());
Warzone attackerWarzone = Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(a.getName());
Team attackerTeam = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(a.getName());
Warzone defenderWarzone = Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(d.getName());
Team defenderTeam = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(d.getName());
if (attackerTeam != null && defenderTeam != null && attackerTeam != defenderTeam && attackerWarzone == defenderWarzone) {
// Make sure one of the players isn't in the spawn
if (defenderTeam.getSpawnVolume().contains(d.getLocation())) { // attacking person in spawn
@ -109,15 +109,15 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
// attacked by dispenser arrow most probably
// Detect death, prevent it and respawn the player
Player d = (Player) defender;
Warzone defenderWarzone = War.war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(d.getName());
Warzone defenderWarzone = Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(d.getName());
if (d != null && defenderWarzone != null && event.getDamage() >= d.getHealth()) {
String deathMessage = "";
if (event instanceof EntityDamageByProjectileEvent)
deathMessage = "A dispenser killed " + War.war.getPlayerTeam(d.getName()).getKind().getColor() + d.getDisplayName();
deathMessage = "A dispenser killed " + Team.getTeamByPlayerName(d.getName()).getKind().getColor() + d.getDisplayName();
else if (event.getDamager() instanceof CraftTNTPrimed)
deathMessage = War.war.getPlayerTeam(d.getName()).getKind().getColor() + d.getDisplayName() + ChatColor.WHITE + " exploded";
deathMessage = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(d.getName()).getKind().getColor() + d.getDisplayName() + ChatColor.WHITE + " exploded";
deathMessage = War.war.getPlayerTeam(d.getName()).getKind().getColor() + d.getDisplayName() + ChatColor.WHITE + " died";
deathMessage = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(d.getName()).getKind().getColor() + d.getDisplayName() + ChatColor.WHITE + " died";
for (Team team : defenderWarzone.getTeams()) {
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
if (War.war.isLoaded()) {
Entity entity = event.getEntity();
// prevent godmode
if (entity instanceof Player && War.war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(((Player) entity).getName()) != null) {
if (entity instanceof Player && Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(((Player) entity).getName()) != null) {
@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
// Detect death, prevent it and respawn the player
if (entity instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) entity;
Warzone zone = War.war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(player.getName());
Warzone zone = Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (zone != null && event.getDamage() >= player.getHealth()) {
String deathMessage = "";
deathMessage = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName()).getKind().getColor() + player.getDisplayName() + ChatColor.WHITE + " died";
deathMessage = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName()).getKind().getColor() + player.getDisplayName() + ChatColor.WHITE + " died";
for (Team team : zone.getTeams()) {
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
Entity entity = event.getEntity();
if (entity instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) entity;
Team team = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Team team = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (team != null && team.getSpawnVolume().contains(player.getLocation())) {
// smother out the fire that didn't burn out when you respawned
// Stop fire (upcast, watch out!)
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
public void onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent event) {
if (War.war.isLoaded()) {
Location location = event.getLocation();
Warzone zone = War.war.warzone(location);
Warzone zone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(location);
if (zone != null && zone.isNoCreatures()) {
// war.logInfo("Prevented " + event.getMobType().getName() + " from spawning in zone " + zone.getName());
@ -234,8 +234,7 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
Entity entity = event.getEntity();
if (entity instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) entity;
Location location = player.getLocation();
Warzone zone = War.war.warzone(location);
Warzone zone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
if (zone != null) {
@ -39,13 +39,11 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
public void onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent event) {
if (War.war.isLoaded()) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Team team = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
if (team != null) {
Warzone zone = War.war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(player.getName());
if (zone != null) {
zone.handlePlayerLeave(player, zone.getTeleport(), true);
Warzone zone = Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (zone != null) {
zone.handlePlayerLeave(player, zone.getTeleport(), true);
if (War.war.isWandBearer(player)) {
@ -56,9 +54,9 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
public void onPlayerDropItem(PlayerDropItemEvent event) {
if (War.war.isLoaded()) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Team team = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Team team = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (team != null) {
Warzone zone = War.war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(player.getName());
Warzone zone = Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (zone.isFlagThief(player.getName())) {
// a flag thief can't drop his flag
@ -99,9 +97,9 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
public void onPlayerPickupItem(PlayerPickupItemEvent event) {
if (War.war.isLoaded()) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Team team = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Team team = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (team != null) {
Warzone zone = War.war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(player.getName());
Warzone zone = Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (zone.isFlagThief(player.getName())) {
// a flag thief can't pick up anything
@ -130,7 +128,7 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
if (War.war.isLoaded()) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Inventory inventory = event.getInventory();
Team team = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Team team = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (team != null && inventory instanceof PlayerInventory) {
// make sure the player doesn't have too many precious blocks
// or illegal armor (i.e. armor not found in loadout)
@ -149,7 +147,7 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
public void onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event) {
if (War.war.isLoaded()) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Team talkingPlayerTeam = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Team talkingPlayerTeam = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (talkingPlayerTeam != null) {
String msg = event.getMessage();
String[] split = msg.split(" ");
@ -216,14 +214,14 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
Location playerLoc = event.getFrom(); // same as player.getLoc. Don't call again we need same result.
Warzone locZone = null;
ZoneLobby locLobby = null;
locZone = War.war.warzone(playerLoc);
locLobby = War.war.lobby(playerLoc);
locZone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(playerLoc);
locLobby = ZoneLobby.getLobbyByLocation(playerLoc);
boolean canPlay = War.war.canPlayWar(player);
boolean isMaker = War.war.isZoneMaker(player);
// Zone walls
Team currentTeam = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Warzone playerWarzone = War.war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(player.getName()); // this uses the teams, so it asks: get the player's team's warzone
Team currentTeam = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
Warzone playerWarzone = Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(player.getName()); // this uses the teams, so it asks: get the player's team's warzone
boolean protecting = false;
if (currentTeam != null) {
// Warzone nearbyZone = war.zoneOfZoneWallAtProximity(playerLoc);
@ -246,7 +244,7 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
// Warzone lobby gates
if (locLobby != null) {
Warzone zone = locLobby.getZone();
Team oldTeam = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Team oldTeam = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
boolean isAutoAssignGate = false;
if (oldTeam == null && canPlay) { // trying to counter spammy player move
isAutoAssignGate = zone.getLobby().isAutoAssignGate(playerLoc);
@ -324,7 +322,7 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
boolean isLeaving = playerWarzone != null && playerWarzone.getLobby().isLeavingZone(playerLoc);
Team playerTeam = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Team playerTeam = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (isLeaving) { // already in a team and in warzone, leaving
// same as leave
if (playerTeam != null) {
@ -348,19 +346,16 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
if (playerTeam != null && playerWarzone.nearAnyOwnedMonument(playerLoc, playerTeam) && player.getHealth() < 20 && player.getHealth() > 0 // don't heal the dead
&& this.random.nextInt(77) == 3) { // one chance out of many of getting healed
int currentHp = player.getHealth();
int newHp = currentHp + locZone.getMonumentHeal();
if (newHp > 20) {
newHp = 20;
int newHp = Math.max(20, currentHp + locZone.getMonumentHeal());
String isS = "s"; // no 's' in 'hearts' when it's just one heart
if (newHp - currentHp == 2) {
isS = "";
String isS = "s";
String heartNum = ""; // since (newHp-currentHp)/2 won't give the right amount
if (newHp - currentHp == 2) {
heartNum = "1 ";
} else if (newHp - currentHp % 2 == 0) {
if (newHp - currentHp == 2) { // no 's' in 'hearts' when it's just one heart
isS = "";
heartNum = "one ";
else if (newHp - currentHp % 2 == 0) {
heartNum = ((newHp - currentHp) / 2) + " ";
} else {
heartNum = ((newHp - currentHp - 1) / 2) + ".5 ";
@ -404,7 +399,7 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
} else if (locZone != null && locZone.getLobby() != null && !locZone.getLobby().isLeavingZone(playerLoc) && !isMaker) {
// player is not in any team, but inside warzone boundaries, get him out
Warzone zone = War.war.warzone(playerLoc);
Warzone zone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(playerLoc);
// player.teleport(zone.getTeleport());
War.war.badMsg(player, "You can't be inside a warzone without a team.");
@ -422,33 +417,11 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
private void dropFromOldTeamIfAny(Player player) {
// drop from old team if any
Team previousTeam = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Team previousTeam = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (previousTeam != null) {
if (!previousTeam.removePlayer(player.getName())) {
War.war.log("Could not remove player " + player.getName() + " from team " + previousTeam.getName(), java.util.logging.Level.WARNING);
public String getAllTeamsMsg(Player player) {
String teamsMessage = "Teams: ";
Warzone warzone = War.war.warzone(player.getLocation());
ZoneLobby lobby = War.war.lobby(player.getLocation());
if (warzone == null && lobby != null) {
warzone = lobby.getZone();
} else {
lobby = warzone.getLobby();
if (warzone.getTeams().isEmpty()) {
teamsMessage += "none.";
for (Team team : warzone.getTeams()) {
teamsMessage += team.getName() + " (" + team.getPoints() + " points, " + team.getRemainingLifes() + "/" + warzone.getLifePool() + " lives left. ";
for (Player member : team.getPlayers()) {
teamsMessage += member.getName() + " ";
teamsMessage += ") ";
return teamsMessage;
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import com.tommytony.war.Team;
import com.tommytony.war.TeamKind;
import com.tommytony.war.TeamKinds;
import com.tommytony.war.Warzone;
import com.tommytony.war.ZoneLobby;
public class JoinCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
public JoinCommand(WarCommandHandler handler, CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
@ -23,21 +24,36 @@ public class JoinCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
Player player = (Player) this.sender;
if (!War.war.canPlayWar(player)) {
//War.war.badMsg(player, "Cannot play war.");
this.sender.sendMessage("Cannot play war");
return true;
if (this.args.length < 1) {
Warzone zone;
if (this.args.length == 0) {
return false;
Warzone zone = War.war.getWarzoneFromLocation(player);
if (zone == null) {
War.war.badMsg(player, "No such warzone.");
return true;
else if (this.args.length == 2) {
// zone by name
zone = Warzone.getZoneByName(this.args[0]);
// move the team-name to first place :)
this.args[0] = this.args[1];
else {
zone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player);
if (zone == null) {
ZoneLobby lobby = ZoneLobby.getLobbyByLocation(player);
if (lobby == null) return false;
zone = lobby.getZone();
if (zone == null) {
return false;
// drop from old team if any
Team previousTeam = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Team previousTeam = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (previousTeam != null) {
Warzone oldZone = War.war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(player.getName());
Warzone oldZone = Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (!previousTeam.removePlayer(player.getName())) {
War.war.log("Could not remove player " + player.getName() + " from team " + previousTeam.getName(), java.util.logging.Level.WARNING);
@ -58,7 +74,7 @@ public class JoinCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
TeamKind kind = TeamKinds.teamKindFromString(this.args[0]);
if (zone.isDisabled()) {
War.war.badMsg(player, "This warzone is disabled.");
this.sender.sendMessage("This warzone is disabled.");
} else {
List<Team> teams = zone.getTeams();
boolean foundTeam = false;
@ -66,7 +82,7 @@ public class JoinCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
if (team.getName().startsWith(name) || team.getKind() == kind) {
if (!zone.hasPlayerInventory(player.getName())) {
War.war.msg(player, "Your inventory is in storage until you /leave.");
this.sender.sendMessage("Your inventory is in storage until you /leave.");
if (team.getPlayers().size() < zone.getTeamCap()) {
@ -77,17 +93,18 @@ public class JoinCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
foundTeam = true;
} else {
War.war.badMsg(player, "Team " + team.getName() + " is full.");
this.sender.sendMessage("Team " + team.getName() + " is full.");
foundTeam = true;
if (foundTeam) {
for (Team team : teams) {
team.teamcast("" + player.getName() + " joined " + team.getName());
} else {
War.war.badMsg(player, "No such team. Try /teams.");
this.sender.sendMessage("No such team. Try /teams.");
return true;
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package bukkit.tommytony.war.command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.War;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.WarCommandHandler;
import com.tommytony.war.Warzone;
@ -17,11 +16,11 @@ public class LeaveCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
if (!(this.sender instanceof Player)) return true;
Player player = (Player) this.sender;
if (!War.war.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation()) || War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName()) == null) {
Warzone zone = Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (zone == null) {
return false;
Warzone zone = War.war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(player.getName());
zone.handlePlayerLeave(player, zone.getTeleport(), true);
return true;
@ -4,11 +4,15 @@ import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.War;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.WarCommandHandler;
import com.tommytony.war.Team;
* Sends a message to all team-members
* @author das-schaf
public class TeamCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
public TeamCommand(WarCommandHandler handler, CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
super(handler, sender, args);
@ -18,7 +22,7 @@ public class TeamCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
if (!(this.sender instanceof Player)) return true;
Player player = (Player) this.sender;
Team playerTeam = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Team playerTeam = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (playerTeam == null) {
return false;
@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ package bukkit.tommytony.war.command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.War;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.WarCommandHandler;
import com.tommytony.war.Warzone;
import com.tommytony.war.ZoneLobby;
public class TeamsCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
public TeamsCommand(WarCommandHandler handler, CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
@ -16,17 +16,24 @@ public class TeamsCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
public boolean handle() {
Warzone zone;
if (this.args.length == 1) {
zone = War.war.getWarzoneFromName(this.args[0]);
zone = Warzone.getZoneByName(this.args[0]);
} else {
if (!(this.sender instanceof Player)) {
return false;
zone = War.war.getWarzoneFromLocation((Player) this.sender);
zone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation((Player) this.sender);
if (zone == null) {
ZoneLobby lobby = ZoneLobby.getLobbyByLocation((Player) this.sender);
if (lobby == null) return false;
zone = lobby.getZone();
if (zone == null) {
return true;
return false;
// zone.getTeams();
return true;
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.War;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.WarCommandHandler;
import com.tommytony.war.Team;
import com.tommytony.war.Warzone;
public class WarhubCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
@ -23,9 +22,8 @@ public class WarhubCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
} else if (!War.war.canWarp(player)) {
War.war.badMsg(player, "Can't warp to warhub. You need the 'war.warp' permission.");
} else {
Team playerTeam = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Warzone playerWarzone = War.war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(player.getName());
if (playerTeam != null) { // was in zone
Warzone playerWarzone = Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (playerWarzone != null) { // was in zone
playerWarzone.handlePlayerLeave(player, War.war.getWarHub().getLocation(), true);
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.War;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.WarCommandHandler;
import com.tommytony.war.Team;
import com.tommytony.war.Warzone;
public class WarzoneCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
@ -15,19 +14,20 @@ public class WarzoneCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
public boolean handle() {
// ignore it when no player
if (!(this.sender instanceof Player)) return true;
Player player = (Player) this.sender;
if (this.args.length < 1) {
// handle missing warzone-name
return false;
} else if (!War.war.canWarp(player)) {
War.war.badMsg(player, "Can't warp to zone. You need the 'war.warp' permission.");
this.sender.sendMessage("Can't warp to zone. You need the 'war.warp' permission.");
} else {
for (Warzone warzone : War.war.getWarzones()) {
if (warzone.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith(this.args[0].toLowerCase()) && warzone.getTeleport() != null) {
Team playerTeam = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
if (playerTeam != null) {
Warzone playerWarzone = War.war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(player.getName());
Warzone playerWarzone = Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (playerWarzone != null) {
playerWarzone.handlePlayerLeave(player, warzone.getTeleport(), true);
} else {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public class WarzoneCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
return true;
War.war.badMsg(player, "No such warzone.");
this.sender.sendMessage("No such warzone.");
return true;
@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ import bukkit.tommytony.war.WarCommandHandler;
import com.tommytony.war.Team;
import com.tommytony.war.Warzone;
* Lists all warzones
* @author Tim Düsterhus
public class WarzonesCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
public WarzonesCommand(WarCommandHandler handler, CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
super(handler, sender, args);
@ -19,16 +24,19 @@ public class WarzonesCommand extends AbstractWarCommand {
if (War.war.getWarzones().isEmpty()) {
warzonesMessage += "none.";
for (Warzone warzone : War.war.getWarzones()) {
warzonesMessage += warzone.getName() + " (" + warzone.getTeams().size() + " teams, ";
int playerTotal = 0;
for (Team team : warzone.getTeams()) {
playerTotal += team.getPlayers().size();
else {
for (Warzone warzone : War.war.getWarzones()) {
warzonesMessage += warzone.getName() + " (" + warzone.getTeams().size() + " teams, ";
int playerTotal = 0;
for (Team team : warzone.getTeams()) {
playerTotal += team.getPlayers().size();
warzonesMessage += playerTotal + " players)";
warzonesMessage += playerTotal + " players)";
this.sender.sendMessage(warzonesMessage + ((this.sender instanceof Player) ? " Use /zone <zone-name> to teleport to a warzone." : ""));
return true;
@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ public class Team {
this.setFlagVolume(null); // no flag at the start
public static Team getTeamByPlayerName(String playerName) {
for (Warzone warzone : War.war.getWarzones()) {
Team team = warzone.getPlayerTeam(playerName);
if (team != null) {
return team;
return null;
public TeamKind getKind() {
return this.kind;
@ -86,6 +86,38 @@ public class Warzone {
this.volume = new ZoneVolume(name, this.getWorld(), this);
public static Warzone getZoneByName(String name) {
for (Warzone warzone : War.war.getWarzones()) {
if (warzone.getName().toLowerCase().equals(name.toLowerCase())) {
return warzone;
return null;
public static Warzone getZoneByLocation(Location location) {
for (Warzone warzone : War.war.getWarzones()) {
if (location.getWorld().getName().equals(warzone.getWorld().getName()) && warzone.getVolume() != null && warzone.getVolume().contains(location)) {
return warzone;
return null;
public static Warzone getZoneByLocation(Player player) {
return Warzone.getZoneByLocation(player.getLocation());
public static Warzone getZoneByPlayerName(String playerName) {
for (Warzone warzone : War.war.getWarzones()) {
Team team = warzone.getPlayerTeam(playerName);
if (team != null) {
return warzone;
return null;
public boolean ready() {
if (this.volume.hasTwoCorners() && !this.volume.tooSmall() && !this.volume.tooBig()) {
return true;
@ -108,6 +140,23 @@ public class Warzone {
return null;
public String getTeamInformation() {
String teamsMessage = "Teams: ";
if (this.getTeams().isEmpty()) {
teamsMessage += "none.";
else {
for (Team team : this.getTeams()) {
teamsMessage += team.getName() + " (" + team.getPoints() + " points, " + team.getRemainingLifes() + "/" + this.getLifePool() + " lives left. ";
for (Player member : team.getPlayers()) {
teamsMessage += member.getName() + " ";
teamsMessage += ") ";
return teamsMessage;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
@ -663,7 +712,7 @@ public class Warzone {
public void setAutoAssignOnly(boolean autoAssignOnly) {
this.autoAssignOnly = autoAssignOnly;
this.autoAssignOnly = autoAssignOnly;
if (this.getLobby() != null) {
@ -674,8 +723,8 @@ public class Warzone {
public void handleDeath(Player player) {
Team playerTeam = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Warzone playerWarzone = War.war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(player.getName());
Team playerTeam = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
Warzone playerWarzone = Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (playerTeam != null && playerWarzone != null) {
// teleport to team spawn upon death
@ -768,7 +817,7 @@ public class Warzone {
private void handlePlayerLeave(Player player, boolean removeFromTeam) {
Team playerTeam = War.war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
Team playerTeam = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
if (playerTeam != null) {
if (removeFromTeam) {
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.War;
@ -99,6 +100,19 @@ public class ZoneLobby {
public static ZoneLobby getLobbyByLocation(Location location) {
for (Warzone warzone : War.war.getWarzones()) {
if (warzone.getLobby() != null && warzone.getLobby().getVolume() != null && warzone.getLobby().getVolume().contains(location)) {
return warzone.getLobby();
return null;
public static ZoneLobby getLobbyByLocation(Player player) {
return ZoneLobby.getLobbyByLocation(player.getLocation());
* Changes the lobby's position. Orientation is determined from the player location. Creates volume or resets. Saves new lobby blocks.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user