diff --git a/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/config/WarzoneConfig.java b/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/config/WarzoneConfig.java index f1a3687..27d1152 100644 --- a/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/config/WarzoneConfig.java +++ b/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/config/WarzoneConfig.java @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ package com.tommytony.war.config; public enum WarzoneConfig { - AUTOASSIGN (Boolean.class, "Auto-assign", "If true, distributes players across teams"), - BLOCKHEADS (Boolean.class, "Team helmets", "If true, players are given a team-colored hat"), - DEATHMESSAGES (Boolean.class, "Death notification", "If true, notify the zone when players are killed"), - DISABLED (Boolean.class, "Disabled", "If true, prevent players from joining the zone"), - FRIENDLYFIRE (Boolean.class, "Friendly fire", "If true, players are allowed to injure teammates"), - GLASSWALLS (Boolean.class, "Glass walls", "If true, use magic glass walls to keep players in/out of zones"), - INSTABREAK (Boolean.class, "Insta-break", "If true, players break blocks instantly (Spleef)"), - MINTEAMS (Integer.class, "Min teams", "Minimum number of active teams required to start the battle"), - MINPLAYERS (Integer.class, "Min players", "Minimum number of players required per team to start the battle"), - MONUMENTHEAL (Integer.class, "Monument heal", "Number of hearts given to players jumping on the monument"), - NOCREATURES (Boolean.class, "No creatures", "If true, prevent mob spawning"), - NODROPS (Boolean.class, "No drops", "If true, prevent players from dropping items"), - PVPINZONE (Boolean.class, "PVP", "Enable/disable PVP in the zone (Spleef)"), - REALDEATHS (Boolean.class, "Real deaths", "If true, send players to the real Minecraft death screen"), - RESETONEMPTY (Boolean.class, "Reset on empty", "If true, reset the zone when all players leave"), - RESETONCONFIGCHANGE (Boolean.class, "Reset on config change", "If true, reset every time the zone config is modified"), - RESETONLOAD (Boolean.class, "Reset on load", "If true, reset warzone when the server starts"), - RESETONUNLOAD (Boolean.class, "Reset on unload", "If true, reset warzone when the server stops"), - UNBREAKABLE (Boolean.class, "Unbreakable", "If true, prevent breaking blocks"), - JOINMIDBATTLE (Boolean.class, "Join mid battle", "If true, players are allowed to join during a battle"), - AUTOJOIN (Boolean.class, "Auto-join", "If true, bypass the zone lobby and auto-assign the player"), - SCOREBOARD (ScoreboardType.class, "Scoreboard type", "Type of scoreboard for this zone (none, points, lifepool, top kills)"), - SOUPHEALING (Boolean.class, "Soup healing", "If true, allow players to heal by consuming soup"), - ALLOWENDER (Boolean.class, "Allow ender chests", "Ender chests are usually blocked to prevent item duplication"), - RESETBLOCKS (Boolean.class, "Reset blocks", "If true, reset warzone blocks each battle"), - CAPTUREPOINTTIME (Integer.class, "Cap control time", "Time, in seconds, required to gain control of a capture point"); + AUTOASSIGN (Boolean.class, "Auto-Assign", "If true, distributes players across teams"), + BLOCKHEADS (Boolean.class, "Team Helmets", "If true, players are given a team-colored hat"), + DEATHMESSAGES (Boolean.class, "Death Notification", "If true, notify the zone when players are killed"), + DISABLED (Boolean.class, "Disable Zone", "If true, prevent players from joining the zone"), + FRIENDLYFIRE (Boolean.class, "Friendly Fire", "If true, players are allowed to injure teammates"), + GLASSWALLS (Boolean.class, "Glass Walls", "If true, use magic glass walls to keep players in/out of zones"), + INSTABREAK (Boolean.class, "Insta-Break", "If true, players break blocks instantly\nUseful for Spleef gamemodes"), + MINTEAMS (Integer.class, "Minimum Teams", "Minimum number of active teams required to start the battle"), + MINPLAYERS (Integer.class, "Minimum Players", "Minimum number of players required per team to start the battle"), + MONUMENTHEAL (Integer.class, "Monument Heal", "Number of hearts given to players jumping on the monument"), + NOCREATURES (Boolean.class, "No Mobs", "If true, prevent mob spawning"), + NODROPS (Boolean.class, "No Drops", "If true, prevent players from dropping items"), + PVPINZONE (Boolean.class, "PVP", "If true, PVP is enabled\nUseful for Spleef gamemodes"), + REALDEATHS (Boolean.class, "Real Deaths", "If true, send players to the real Minecraft death screen"), + RESETONEMPTY (Boolean.class, "Reset on Empty", "If true, reset the zone when all players leave"), + RESETONCONFIGCHANGE (Boolean.class, "Reset on Config Change", "If true, reset every time the zone config is modified"), + RESETONLOAD (Boolean.class, "Reset on Load", "If true, reset warzone when the server starts"), + RESETONUNLOAD (Boolean.class, "Reset on Unload", "If true, reset warzone when the server stops"), + UNBREAKABLE (Boolean.class, "Unbreakable Blocks", "If true, prevent block breaking"), + JOINMIDBATTLE (Boolean.class, "Join Mid-Battle", "If true, players are allowed to join during a battle"), + AUTOJOIN (Boolean.class, "Auto-Join", "If true, bypass the zone lobby and auto-assign the player a team"), + SCOREBOARD (ScoreboardType.class, "Scoreboard Type", "Type of scoreboard for this zone\nOptions: none, points, lifepool, top kills"), + SOUPHEALING (Boolean.class, "Soup Healing", "If true, allow players to heal by consuming soup"), + ALLOWENDER (Boolean.class, "Allow Ender Chests", "If true, ender chests are allowed\nEnder chests are usually blocked to prevent item duplication"), + RESETBLOCKS (Boolean.class, "Reset Blocks", "If true, reset warzone blocks each battle"), + CAPTUREPOINTTIME (Integer.class, "Capture Control Time", "Time, in seconds, required to gain control of a capture point"); private final Class configType;