Closes gh-358. Update for compatibility with the new Bukkit Events system (i.e. CB #1782+).

This commit is contained in:
Thomas-Antoine O'Neill 2012-01-20 20:40:30 -05:00
parent 4e1b5670a4
commit bbdfef0ca6
14 changed files with 65 additions and 429 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
<classpathentry including="**/*.java" kind="src" output="target/classes" path="src/main/java"/>
<classpathentry kind="src" output="target/test-classes" path="src/test/java"/>
<classpathentry kind="src" path="src/main/resources"/>
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/J2SE-1.5"/>
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER"/>
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.maven.ide.eclipse.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER"/>

View File

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.Event.Priority;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile;
@ -52,7 +50,6 @@ import com.tommytony.war.utils.PlayerState;
public class War extends JavaPlugin {
public static War war;
private static boolean loadedOnce = false;
// general
private WarPlayerListener playerListener = new WarPlayerListener();
@ -126,45 +123,12 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
isSpoutServer = false;
// Register hooks
if (!War.loadedOnce) {
War.loadedOnce = true; // This prevented multiple hookups of the same listener
PluginManager pm = this.getServer().getPluginManager();
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLAYER_QUIT, this.playerListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLAYER_KICK, this.playerListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLAYER_MOVE, this.playerListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLAYER_PICKUP_ITEM, this.playerListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.INVENTORY_OPEN, this.playerListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLAYER_DROP_ITEM, this.playerListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLAYER_COMMAND_PREPROCESS, this.playerListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLAYER_INTERACT, this.playerListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLAYER_TOGGLE_SNEAK, this.playerListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.ENTITY_EXPLODE, this.entityListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.ENTITY_DAMAGE, this.entityListener, Priority.High, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.ENTITY_COMBUST, this.entityListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.CREATURE_SPAWN, this.entityListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.ENTITY_REGAIN_HEALTH, this.entityListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.FOOD_LEVEL_CHANGE, this.entityListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.ENTITY_DEATH, this.entityListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.EXPLOSION_PRIME, this.entityListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.BLOCK_PLACE, this.blockListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.BLOCK_DAMAGE, this.blockListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.BLOCK_BREAK, this.blockListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.BLOCK_PISTON_EXTEND, this.blockListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.BLOCK_PISTON_RETRACT, this.blockListener, Priority.Normal, this);
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLUGIN_DISABLE, this.serverListener, Priority.Normal, this);
if (this.isSpoutServer()) {
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.CUSTOM_EVENT, new WarSpoutListener(this), Priority.Low, this);
// Register events
PluginManager pm = this.getServer().getPluginManager();
pm.registerEvents(this.playerListener, this);
pm.registerEvents(this.entityListener, this);
pm.registerEvents(this.blockListener, this);
pm.registerEvents(this.serverListener, this);
// Add defaults
warConfig.put(WarConfig.BUILDINZONESONLY, false);

View File

@ -8,9 +8,10 @@ import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDamageEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockListener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonExtendEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonRetractEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent;
@ -24,7 +25,6 @@ import com.tommytony.war.FlagReturn;
import com.tommytony.war.Monument;
import com.tommytony.war.Team;
import com.tommytony.war.Warzone;
import com.tommytony.war.config.TeamConfig;
import com.tommytony.war.config.WarConfig;
import com.tommytony.war.config.WarzoneConfig;
import com.tommytony.war.spout.SpoutMessenger;
@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ import com.tommytony.war.spout.SpoutMessenger;
* @author tommytony
public class WarBlockListener extends BlockListener {
public class WarBlockListener implements Listener {
* @see BlockListener.onBlockPlace()
public void onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = BlockPlaceEvent.class)
public void onBlockPlace(final BlockPlaceEvent event) {
if (!War.war.isLoaded()) {
@ -163,8 +163,9 @@ public class WarBlockListener extends BlockListener {
@EventHandler(event = BlockPistonExtendEvent.class)
// Do not allow moving of block into or from important zones
public void onBlockPistonExtend(BlockPistonExtendEvent event) {
public void onBlockPistonExtend(final BlockPistonExtendEvent event) {
Warzone zone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(event.getBlock().getLocation());
if (zone!=null) {
for (Block b : event.getBlocks()) {
@ -179,7 +180,9 @@ public class WarBlockListener extends BlockListener {
public void onBlockPistonRetract(BlockPistonRetractEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = BlockPistonRetractEvent.class)
public void onBlockPistonRetract(final BlockPistonRetractEvent event) {
Warzone zone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(event.getBlock().getLocation());
if (zone!=null) {
Block b = event.getBlock().getRelative(event.getDirection(), 2);
@ -193,8 +196,8 @@ public class WarBlockListener extends BlockListener {
* @see BlockListener.onBlockBreak()
public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = BlockBreakEvent.class)
public void onBlockBreak(final BlockBreakEvent event) {
if (!War.war.isLoaded()) {
@ -205,7 +208,8 @@ public class WarBlockListener extends BlockListener {
public void onBlockDamage(BlockDamageEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = BlockDamageEvent.class)
public void onBlockDamage(final BlockDamageEvent event) {
if (!War.war.isLoaded()) {

View File

@ -18,17 +18,18 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.entity.Projectile;
import org.bukkit.entity.TNTPrimed;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityListener;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent.RegainReason;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.FoodLevelChangeEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.SpoutManager;
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ import com.tommytony.war.utils.DeferredBlockReset;
* @author tommytony, Tim Düsterhus
* @package bukkit.tommytony.war
public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
public class WarEntityListener implements Listener {
private final Random killSeed = new Random();
@ -250,8 +251,8 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
* @see EntityListener.onEntityExplode()
public void onEntityExplode(EntityExplodeEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = EntityExplodeEvent.class)
public void onEntityExplode(final EntityExplodeEvent event) {
if (!War.war.isLoaded()) {
@ -365,8 +366,8 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
* @see EntityListener.onEntityDamage()
public void onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = EntityDamageEvent.class)
public void onEntityDamage(final EntityDamageEvent event) {
if (!War.war.isLoaded()) {
@ -410,8 +411,8 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
public void onEntityCombust(EntityCombustEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = EntityCombustEvent.class)
public void onEntityCombust(final EntityCombustEvent event) {
if (!War.war.isLoaded()) {
@ -436,8 +437,8 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
* @see EntityListener.onCreatureSpawn()
public void onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = CreatureSpawnEvent.class)
public void onCreatureSpawn(final CreatureSpawnEvent event) {
if (!War.war.isLoaded()) {
@ -454,8 +455,8 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
* @see EntityListener.onEntityRegainHealth()
public void onEntityRegainHealth(EntityRegainHealthEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = EntityRegainHealthEvent.class)
public void onEntityRegainHealth(final EntityRegainHealthEvent event) {
if (!War.war.isLoaded() ||
(event.getRegainReason() != RegainReason.REGEN
&& event.getRegainReason() != RegainReason.EATING
@ -484,8 +485,8 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
public void onFoodLevelChange(FoodLevelChangeEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = FoodLevelChangeEvent.class)
public void onFoodLevelChange(final FoodLevelChangeEvent event) {
if (!War.war.isLoaded() || !(event.getEntity() instanceof Player)) {
@ -498,8 +499,8 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
public void onEntityDeath(EntityDeathEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = EntityDeathEvent.class)
public void onEntityDeath(final EntityDeathEvent event) {
if (!War.war.isLoaded() || !(event.getEntity() instanceof Player)) {
@ -516,8 +517,8 @@ public class WarEntityListener extends EntityListener {
public void onExplosionPrime(ExplosionPrimeEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = ExplosionPrimeEvent.class)
public void onExplosionPrime(final ExplosionPrimeEvent event) {
if (!War.war.isLoaded()) {

View File

@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftItem;
import org.bukkit.entity.Item;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Event.Result;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.Action;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerDropItemEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInventoryEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerListener;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPickupItemEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent;
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ import com.tommytony.war.spout.SpoutMessenger;
* @author tommytony, Tim Düsterhus
* @package bukkit.tommytony.war
public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
public class WarPlayerListener implements Listener {
private java.util.Random random = new java.util.Random();
private HashMap<String, Location> latestLocations = new HashMap<String, Location>();
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
* @see PlayerListener.onPlayerQuit()
public void onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = PlayerQuitEvent.class)
public void onPlayerQuit(final PlayerQuitEvent event) {
if (War.war.isLoaded()) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Warzone zone = Warzone.getZoneByPlayerName(player.getName());
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
public void onPlayerDropItem(PlayerDropItemEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = PlayerDropItemEvent.class)
public void onPlayerDropItem(final PlayerDropItemEvent event) {
if (War.war.isLoaded()) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Team team = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
public void onPlayerPickupItem(PlayerPickupItemEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = PlayerPickupItemEvent.class)
public void onPlayerPickupItem(final PlayerPickupItemEvent event) {
if (War.war.isLoaded()) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Team team = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
public void onInventoryOpen(PlayerInventoryEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = PlayerInventoryEvent.class)
public void onInventoryOpen(final PlayerInventoryEvent event) {
if (War.war.isLoaded()) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Inventory inventory = event.getInventory();
@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
public void onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent.class)
public void onPlayerCommandPreprocess(final PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event) {
if (War.war.isLoaded()) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Team talkingPlayerTeam = Team.getTeamByPlayerName(player.getName());
@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
public void onPlayerKick(PlayerKickEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = PlayerKickEvent.class)
public void onPlayerKick(final PlayerKickEvent event) {
if (War.war.isLoaded()) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
String reason = event.getReason();
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
@EventHandler(event = PlayerInteractEvent.class)
public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
if (War.war.isLoaded()) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = PlayerMoveEvent.class)
public void onPlayerMove(final PlayerMoveEvent event) {
if (!War.war.isLoaded()) {
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
@EventHandler(event = PlayerToggleSneakEvent.class)
public void onPlayerToggleSneak(PlayerToggleSneakEvent event) {
if (War.war.isLoaded() && event.isSneaking()) {
Warzone playerWarzone = Warzone.getZoneByLocation(event.getPlayer());

View File

@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
package bukkit.tommytony.war;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.server.PluginDisableEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.server.ServerListener;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.SpoutManager;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.player.SpoutPlayer;
public class WarServerListener extends ServerListener {
public class WarServerListener implements Listener {
public void onPluginDisable(PluginDisableEvent event) {
@EventHandler(event = PluginDisableEvent.class)
public void onPluginDisable(final PluginDisableEvent event) {
if (event.getPlugin().getDataFolder().getName().equals("Spout")) {
if (War.war.isSpoutServer()) {
for (Player player : War.war.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
package bukkit.tommytony.war;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.event.spout.SpoutCraftEnableEvent;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.event.spout.SpoutListener;
public class WarSpoutListener extends SpoutListener {
static Plugin plugin;
public WarSpoutListener(Plugin plugin) {
WarSpoutListener.plugin = plugin;
public void onSpoutCraftEnable(SpoutCraftEnableEvent event) {
if(!event.getPlayer().isSpoutCraftEnabled()) {
//event.getPlayer().sendMessage("PROTIP: Get Spout at for real-time scores display!");

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.WarCommandHandler;
import com.tommytony.war.Bomb;
import com.tommytony.war.Monument;
import com.tommytony.war.Warzone;
import com.tommytony.war.ZoneLobby;
import com.tommytony.war.mappers.WarzoneYmlMapper;

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData;
import com.tommytony.war.volumes.Volume;

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import org.getspout.spoutapi.SpoutManager;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.player.SpoutPlayer;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.War;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.WarSpoutListener;
import com.tommytony.war.config.InventoryBag;
import com.tommytony.war.config.TeamConfig;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ import org.getspout.spoutapi.SpoutManager;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.player.SpoutPlayer;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.War;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.WarSpoutListener;
import com.tommytony.war.config.InventoryBag;
import com.tommytony.war.config.TeamConfig;

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import org.getspout.spoutapi.SpoutManager;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.player.SpoutPlayer;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.War;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.WarSpoutListener;
import com.tommytony.war.Team;
import com.tommytony.war.Warzone;

View File

@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
name: War
version: 1.7-PREVIEW (Doolittle)
description: Lets you create TDM and CTF arenas (warzones) for a fast-paced and structured PVP experience.
author: tommytony
main: bukkit.tommytony.war.War
softdepend: [Spout]
description: Full War permissions. Create and destroy warzones. Change War configuration.
default: op
war.admin: true
war.zonemaker: true
war.player: true
war.warp: true true
war.pvp: true
description: War admin rights. Create and destroy warzones. Change War configuration.
default: false
war.zonemaker: true
war.player: true true
description: Warzone maker rights. Create and edit warzones, but you can only edit a warzone if you are its author.
default: false
war.player: true true
description: Lets you participate in War matches.
default: true
description: Gives you access the /zone and /warhub commands that let you teleport to all warzones.
default: true
Useful only after using /warcfg buildinzonesonly:true. This node circumvents the build restriction and lets you build outside warzones.
Give to people that you consider worthy of having build rights.
default: false
Useful only after using /warcfg pvpinzonesonly:true. This node circumvents the pvp restriction and lets you pvp outside warzones.
To setup a pvp world, give war.pvp to players, but only as a permission specific to the pvp world. Other worlds will remain protected
by the pvpinzonesonly setting. NOTE - No matter what, pvp must be turned on in your file, otherwise War won't work.
default: false
# Player commands
description: War> Lists the warzones on the server. Each warzone is an independent arena.
usage: Lists the warzones on the server. Each warzone is an independent arena.
Ex - /warzones
description: War> Shortcut for /warzones.
usage: Lists the warzones on the server. Each warzone is an independent arena.
Ex - /zones
description: War> Teleports you to the specified warzone's lobby.
usage: Teleports you to the specified warzone's lobby.
Ex - /warzone <zone-name>
description: War> Shortcut for /warzone.
usage: Teleports you to the specified warzone's lobby.
Ex - /zone <zone-name>
description: War> Teleports you to the warhub, if it exists. The warhub offers portals to reach each warzone on the server.
usage: Teleports you to the warhub, if it exists.
Ex - /warhub
description: War> Lists the teams in the warzone.
usage: Lists the teams in the warzone. Use zone name when outside warzone.
Ex - /teams [zone-name]
description: War> Use to change teams. Also used instead of walking in the team gate in the lobby.
usage: Use to change teams. Also used instead of walking in the team gate in the lobby. Must be standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex - /join <team-color>
description: War> Use to leave a warzone. Teleports you back to the lobby.
usage: Use to leave a warzone. Teleports you back to the lobby. Must be in team already.
Ex - /leave
description: War> Team chat.
usage: Team chat.
Ex - /team <message>
# Warzone maker commands (must have the 'war.zonemaker' permission or be added as a zone-maker in /plugins/War/war.txt)
# Battle-related commands
description: War> Warzone blocks are restored, teams are respawned but score remains unaffected. All zone-makers can do this, even if they are not an author of the zone.
usage: Warzone blocks are restored, teams are respawned but score remains unaffected. All zone-makers can do this, even if they are not an author of the zone. Provide a zone name if not standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex - /nextbattle [zone-name]
# Warzone creation commands
description: War> Use to create a warzone. Lobby is created and blocks are saved when the second corner is set. You can only edit zones you create or those listing you as author (add authors with /zonecfg author:yourname).
usage: Use to create a warzone. Lobby is created and blocks are saved when the second corner is set. You can only edit zones you create or those listing you as author (add authors with /zonecfg author:yourname). Warzones must be at least 10 blocks wide in all directions.
Ex -
==Wand Cuboid mode==>
1) /setzone <zone-name> to get wooden sword,
2) Left-click to select or move corner1,
3) Right-click to select or move corner2.
Turn off wand by dropping the wooden sword.
==Wandless Cuboid mode==>
/setzone <zone-name> <corner1/corner2/c1/c2/pos1/pos2>
description: War> Persists changes made to the warzone since the last save. Config can be set with named parameters.
usage: Persists changes made to the warzone since the last save. Config can be set with named parameters. Provide a zone name if not standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex -
/savezone [zone-name] => Basic save - name optional if standing inside,
/savezone [zone-name] lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on ff:on blockheads:on spawnstyle:<big/flat/small/invisible> unbreakable:on nocreatures:on disabled:on monumentheal:<0-20>
flagreturn:<both/spawn/flag> flagpointsonly:false glasswalls:on pvpinzone:true instabreak:false nodrops:false nohunger:false saturation:<0-20> minplayers:1 minteams:1
/savezone [zone-name] loadout:default => sets the respawn inventory to your current items,
/savezone [zone-name] loadout:<extra-loadout-name> => adds an extra loadout (i.e. another player class) that the players can toggle to by sneaking while inside the spawn
/savezone [zone-name] deleteloadout:<extra-loadout-name> => removed the specified loadout from the choices. You cannot remove the default loadout.
/savezone [zone-name] reward:default => sets the winner's reward to your current items.
/savezone [zone-name] author:tommytony,someguy => adds these players as authors of the warzone, allowing them to edit it.
/savezone [zone-name] deleteauthor:tommytony,someguy => removes these players from the warzone authors.
description: War> Creates or changes the position of the warzone lobby.
usage: Creates or changes the position of the warzone lobby.
Ex -
==Attached lobby==>
Must be standing in warzone or lobby.
/setzonelobby <north/east/south/west/n/e/s/w>
==Detached lobby==>
Must be standing outside warzone or lobby.
/setzonelobby <zone-name>
description: War> Creates or moves a team spawn. The lobby is updated.
usage: Creates or moves a team spawn. The lobby is updated. Must be standing in warzone.
Ex -
/setteam <diamond/iron/gold/white/orange/magenta/blue/green/pink/gray/purple/navy/brown/darkgreen/red/black>
description: War> Creates or moves a monument. Monuments can be capture with wool from your team and give your health.
usage: Creates or moves a monument. Monuments can be capture with wool from your team and give your health. Must be standing in warzone.
Ex -
/setmonument <monument-name>
description: War> Creates/moves a team flag post for CTF.
usage: Creates/moves a team flag post for CTF. Must be standing in warzone.
Ex -
/setteamflag <team-color>
description: War> Creates or moves a bomb. Get the bomb to the other team's spawn. People from other teams can blow you up.
usage: Creates or moves a bomb. Get the bomb to the other team's spawn. People from other teams can blow you up. Must be standing in warzone.
Ex -
/setbomb <bomb-name>
description: War> Creates or moves a cake. Get the cake to your spawn to score a replenish your lifepool.
usage: Creates or moves a bomb. Get the cake to your spawn to score a replenish your lifepool. Must be standing in warzone.
Ex -
/setcake <cake-name>
description: War> Reloads zone blocks from disk. Everyone is teleported back to the lobby.
usage: Reloads zone blocks from disk. Everyone is teleported back to the lobby. Provide a zone name if not standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex -
/resetzone [zone-name]
description: War> Deletes the zone, resets all blocks.
usage: Deletes the zone after resetting all blocks. Provide a zone name if not standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex -
/deletezone [zone-name]
description: War> Renames the zone
usage: Renames the zone. Provide a zone name if not standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex -
/renamezone [zone-name] <new-name>
description: War> Deletes the team. Team must exist.
usage: Deletes the team. Team must exist. Provide a zone name if not standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex -
/deleteteam [zone-name] <team-color>
description: War> Deletes the specified team's flag. Team and flag must exist.
usage: Deletes the specified team's flag. Team and flag must exist. Provide a zone name if not standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex -
/deleteteamflag [zone-name] <team-color>
description: War> Deletes the monument.
usage: Deletes the monument. Provide a zone name if not standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex -
/deletemonument [zone-name] <monument-name>
description: War> Deletes the bomb.
usage: Deletes the bomb. Provide a zone name if not standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex -
/deletebomb [zone-name] <bomb-name>
description: War> Deletes the cake.
usage: Deletes the cake. Provide a zone name if not standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex -
/deletecake [zone-name] <cake-name>
description: War> Use named parameters to change the configuration of the warzone. Resets blocks like /nextbattle. Does not save zone blocks like /savezone.
usage: Use named parameters to change the configuration of the warzone. Resets blocks like /nextbattle. Does not save zone blocks like /savezone. Provide a zone name if not standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex -
/setzoneconfig [zone-name] lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on ff:on blockheads:on spawnstyle:<big/flat/small/invisible> unbreakable:on nocreatures:on disabled:on monumentheal:<0-20>
flagreturn:<both/spawn/flag> flagpointsonly:false glasswalls:on pvpinzone:true instabreak:false nodrops:false nohunger:false saturation:<0-20> minplayers:1 minteams:1
/setzoneconfig [zone-name] loadout:default => sets the respawn inventory to your current items,
/setzoneconfig [zone-name] loadout:<extra-loadout-name> => adds an extra loadout (i.e. another player class) that the players can toggle to by sneaking while inside the spawn
/setzoneconfig [zone-name] deleteloadout:<extra-loadout-name> => removed the specified loadout from the choices. You cannot remove the default loadout.
/setzoneconfig [zone-name] reward:default => sets the winner's reward to your current items.
/setzoneconfig [zone-name] author:tommytony,someguy => adds these players as authors of the warzone, allowing them to edit it.
/setzoneconfig [zone-name] deleteauthor:tommytony,someguy => removes these players from the warzone authors.
description: War> Alias for /setzoneconfig
usage: Use named parameters to change the configuration of the warzone and default team settings. Resets blocks like /nextbattle. Does not save zone blocks like /savezone. Provide a zone name if not standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex -
/zonecfg [zone-name] lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on ff:on blockheads:on spawnstyle:<big/flat/small/invisible> unbreakable:on nocreatures:on disabled:on monumentheal:<0-20>
flagreturn:<both/spawn/flag> flagpointsonly:false glasswalls:on pvpinzone:true instabreak:false nodrops:false nohunger:false saturation:<0-20> minplayers:1 minteams:1
/zonecfg [zone-name] loadout:default => sets the respawn inventory to your current items,
/zonecfg [zone-name] loadout:<extra-loadout-name> => adds an extra loadout (i.e. another player class) that the players can toggle to by sneaking while inside the spawn
/zonecfg [zone-name] deleteloadout:<extra-loadout-name> => removed the specified loadout from the choices. You cannot remove the default loadout.
/zonecfg [zone-name] reward:default => sets the winner's reward to your current items.
/zonecfg [zone-name] author:tommytony,someguy => adds these players as authors of the warzone, allowing them to edit it.
/zonecfg [zone-name] deleteauthor:tommytony,someguy => removes these players from the warzone authors.
description: War> Use named parameters to change team-specific settings. Resets warzone blocks like /nextbattle. Does not save zone blocks like /savezone.
usage: Use named parameters to change the configuration of the warzone. Resets blocks like /nextbattle. Does not save zone blocks like /savezone. Provide a zone name if not standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex -
/setteamconfig [zone-name] <team-name> lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on ff:on blockheads:on spawnstyle:<big/flat/small/invisible>
flagreturn:<both/spawn/flag> flagpointsonly:false nohunger:false saturation:<0-20>
/setteamconfig [zone-name] <team-name> loadout:default => sets the respawn inventory to your current items,
/setteamconfig [zone-name] <team-name> loadout:<extra-loadout-name> => adds an extra loadout (i.e. another player class) that the players can toggle to by sneaking while inside the spawn
/setteamconfig [zone-name] <team-name> deleteloadout:<extra-loadout-name> => removed the specified loadout from the choices. You cannot remove the default loadout.
/setteamconfig [zone-name] <team-name> reward:default => sets the winner's reward to your current items.
description: War> Alias for /setteamconfig
usage: Use named parameters to change the team-specific settings. Resets warzone blocks like /nextbattle. Does not save zone blocks like /savezone. Provide a zone name if not standing in warzone or lobby.
Ex -
/teamcfg [zone-name] <team-name> lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 spawnstyle:<big/flat/small/invisible> unbreakable:on nocreatures:on disabled:on monumentheal:<0-20>
flagreturn:<both/spawn/flag> flagpointsonly:false nohunger:false saturation:<0-20>
/teamcfg [zone-name] <team-name> loadout:default => sets the respawn inventory to your current items,
/teamcfg [zone-name] <team-name> loadout:<extra-loadout-name> => adds an extra loadout (i.e. another player class) that the players can toggle to by sneaking while inside the spawn
/teamcfg [zone-name] <team-name> deleteloadout:<extra-loadout-name> => removed the specified loadout from the choices. You cannot remove the default loadout.
/teamcfg [zone-name] <team-name> reward:default => sets the winner's reward to your current items.
description: War> Toggles between player mode and zone maker mode. Or gives/removes access to zonemaker commands for another player.
usage: Toggles between player mode and zone maker mode. Or gives/removes access to zonemaker commands for another player.
Ex -
/zonemaker <new-or-kicked-zone-maker-name>
description: War> Alias for /zonemaker
usage: Toggles between player mode and zone maker mode. Or gives/removes access to zonemaker commands for another player.
Ex -
/zonemaker <new-or-kicked-zone-maker-name>
# War admin commands (must have the 'war.*' permission or be an op)
# War hub
description: War> Create or moves a wall of portals. One portal per warzone. Warzones get a portal back to the warhub.
usage: Create or moves a wall of portals. One portal per warzone. Warzones get a portal back to the warhub.
Ex -
description: War> Deletes the warhub if it exists. Resets all warzone lobbies.
usage: Deletes the warhub if it exists. Resets all warzone lobbies.
Ex -
# Defaults and server configuration
description: War> Disables the War plugin.
usage: Disables the War plugin.
Ex -
description: War> Enables the War plugin.
usage: Enables the War plugin.
Ex -
description: War> Change gobal settings and the default warzone configuration values.
usage: Change global settings and the default warzone and team configuration values.
Ex -
/setwarconfig pvpinzonesonly:on buildinzonesonly:on disablepvpmessage:off tntinzonesonly:off maxzones:12 => Global settings,
/setwarconfig lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on ff:on blockheads:on spawnstyle:<big/flat/small/invisible> unbreakable:on nocreatures:on disabled:on monumentheal:<0-20>
flagreturn:<both/spawn/flag> flagpointsonly:false glasswalls:on pvpinzone:true instabreak:false nodrops:false nohunger:false saturation:<0-20> minplayers:1 minteams:1
=> Warzone defaults,
/setwarconfig loadout:default => sets the respawn inventory to your current items,
/setwarconfig loadout:<extra-loadout-name> => adds an extra loadout (i.e. another player class) that the players can toggle to by sneaking while inside the spawn
/setwarconfig deleteloadout:<extra-loadout-name> => removed teh specified loadout from the choices. You cannot remove the default loadout.
/setwarconfig reward:default => sets the winner's reward to your current items.
/setwarconfig rallypoint:<warzone-name> => changes when players get teleported at the end of a match for that zone, useful for chaining warzones together in a sequence, or preventing players from rejoining immediately
description: War> Alias for /setwarconfig
usage: Change global settings and the default warzone and team configuration values.
Ex -
/warcfg pvpinzonesonly:on buildinzonesonly:on disablepvpmessage:off tntinzonesonly:off maxzones:12 => Global settings,
/warcfg lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on ff:on blockheads:on spawnstyle:<big/flat/small/invisible> unbreakable:on nocreatures:on disabled:on monumentheal:<0-20>
flagreturn:<both/spawn/flag> flagpointsonly:false glasswalls:on pvpinzone:true instabreak:false nodrops:false nohunger:false saturation:<0-20> minplayers:1 minteams:1
=> Warzone defaults,
/warcfg loadout:default => sets the respawn inventory to your current items,
/warcfg loadout:<extra-loadout-name> => adds an extra loadout (i.e. another player class) that the players can toggle to by sneaking while inside the spawn
/warcfg deleteloadout:<extra-loadout-name> => removed teh specified loadout from the choices. You cannot remove the default loadout.
/warcfg reward:default => sets the winner's reward to your current items.
/warcfg rallypoint:<warzone-name> => changes when players get teleported at the end of a match for that zone, useful for chaining warzones together in a sequence, or preventing players from rejoining immediately
# Fallback
description: War> Short War help. Can also be used as a prefix for all War commands as a fallback if they conflict with other plugins.
usage: War is on. Please pick your battle. Try /warhub, /zones and /zone. Further instructions at
The /war command can be used as a prefix to all other command as a fallback if they conflict with other plugins. Ex -
/war setzone <zone-name>,
/war warhub,
/war zone <zone-name>
description: War> Same as /war. Used as fallback.
usage: See /war.