diff --git a/war/.classpath b/war/.classpath
index 6885bc4..fa17e5a 100644
--- a/war/.classpath
+++ b/war/.classpath
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
diff --git a/war/src/main/java/bukkit/tommytony/war/War.java b/war/src/main/java/bukkit/tommytony/war/War.java
index d5403c3..f2ed18f 100644
--- a/war/src/main/java/bukkit/tommytony/war/War.java
+++ b/war/src/main/java/bukkit/tommytony/war/War.java
@@ -603,9 +603,6 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
-// this.msg(player, "Warzone and teams reset. " + resetBlocks + " blocks reset.");
-// logInfo(resetBlocks + " blocks reset in warzone " + warzone.getName() + ".");
@@ -753,135 +750,6 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
-// Pre 1.5
-// public void performSetZone(Player player, String[] arguments) {
-// if(arguments.length < 2 || arguments.length > 2
-// || (arguments.length == 2 && (!arguments[1].equals("southeast") && !arguments[1].equals("northwest")
-// && !arguments[1].equals("se") && !arguments[1].equals("nw")))) {
-// this.badMsg(player, "Usage: /setzone <'southeast'/'northwest'/'se'/'nw'>. " +
-// "Set one corner, then the next. Defines the outline of the warzone, which will be reset at the start of every battle. " +
-// "Saves the zone blocks if the zone if the outline is correct.");
-// } else {
-// Warzone warzone = this.findWarzone(arguments[0]);
-// String msgString = "";
-// Location oldSoutheast = null;
-// Location oldNorthwest = null;
-// boolean fail = false;
-// if(warzone == null) {
-// // create the warzone
-// warzone = new Warzone(this, player.getLocation().getWorld(), arguments[0]);
-// this.getIncompleteZones().add(warzone);
-// //WarMapper.save(this);
-// if(arguments[1].equals("northwest") || arguments[1].equals("nw")) {
-// warzone.setNorthwest(player.getLocation());
-// this.msg(player, "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " created. Northwesternmost point set to x:"
-// + (int)warzone.getNorthwest().getBlockX() + " z:" + (int)warzone.getNorthwest().getBlockZ() + ".");
-// } else {
-// warzone.setSoutheast(player.getLocation());
-// this.msg(player, "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " created. Southeasternmost point set to x:"
-// + (int)warzone.getSoutheast().getBlockX() + " z:" + (int)warzone.getSoutheast().getBlockZ() + ".");
-// }
-// //WarzoneMapper.save(this, warzone, false);
-// } else {
-// // change existing warzone
-// if(arguments[1].equals("northwest") || arguments[1].equals("nw")) {
-// if(warzone.getSoutheast() != null
-// && (player.getLocation().getBlockX() >= warzone.getSoutheast().getBlockX()
-// || player.getLocation().getBlockZ() <= warzone.getSoutheast().getBlockZ())) {
-// this.badMsg(player, "You must place that corner northwest relative to the existing southeast corner!");
-// } else if (warzone.getSoutheast() == null){
-// // just moving the single nw corner we've placed so far
-// warzone.setNorthwest(player.getLocation());
-// }else {
-// if(warzone.getVolume().isSaved()) {
-// msg(player, "Resetting " + warzone.getName() + " blocks.");
-// if(warzone.getLobby() != null) {
-// warzone.getLobby().getVolume().resetBlocks();
-// }
-// int reset = warzone.getVolume().resetBlocks();
-// msgString = reset + " blocks reset. ";
-// oldNorthwest = warzone.getNorthwest();
-// }
-// warzone.setNorthwest(player.getLocation());
-// }
-// } else if(arguments[1].equals("southeast") || arguments[1].equals("se")) {
-// if(warzone.getNorthwest() != null
-// && (player.getLocation().getBlockX() <= warzone.getNorthwest().getBlockX()
-// || player.getLocation().getBlockZ() >= warzone.getNorthwest().getBlockZ())) {
-// this.badMsg(player, "You must place that corner southeast relative to the existing northwest corner! ");
-// fail = true;
-// } else if (warzone.getNorthwest() == null){
-// // just moving the single se corner we've placed so far
-// warzone.setSoutheast(player.getLocation());
-// } else {
-// if(warzone.getVolume().isSaved()) {
-// // we're resizing a zone
-// msg(player, "Resetting zone " + warzone.getName() + " blocks.");
-// if(warzone.getLobby() != null) {
-// warzone.getLobby().getVolume().resetBlocks();
-// }
-// int reset = warzone.getVolume().resetBlocks();
-// msgString = reset + " blocks reset. ";
-// oldSoutheast = warzone.getSoutheast();
-// }
-// warzone.setSoutheast(player.getLocation());
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// if(warzone.getNorthwest() == null) {
-// msg(player, msgString + "Still missing northwesternmost point.");
-// } else if(warzone.getSoutheast() == null) {
-// msg(player, msgString + "Still missing southeasternmost point.");
-// } else if (warzone.tooBig()) {
-// badMsg(player, msgString + "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " is too Big. Max north-south size: 750. Max east-west size: 750.");
-// } else if (warzone.tooSmall()) {
-// badMsg(player, msgString + "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " is too small. Min north-south size: 10. Min east-west size: 10.");
-// } else if(!fail && warzone.ready()) {
-// if(!this.warzones.contains(warzone)) {
-// this.addWarzone(warzone);
-// }
-// if(this.incompleteZones.contains(warzone)) {
-// this.incompleteZones.remove(warzone);
-// }
-// WarMapper.save(this);
-// msgString += "New zone outline ok. Saving new warzone blocks...";
-// msg(player, msgString);
-// warzone.saveState(false); // we just changed the volume, cant reset walls
-// if(warzone.getLobby() == null) {
-// // Set default lobby on south side
-// ZoneLobby lobby = new ZoneLobby(this, warzone, BlockFace.SOUTH);
-// warzone.setLobby(lobby);
-// if(warHub != null) { // warhub has to change
-// warHub.getVolume().resetBlocks();
-// warHub.initialize();
-// }
-// this.msg(player, "Default lobby created on south side of zone. Use /setzonelobby to change its position.");
-// } else {
-// // gotta move the lobby
-// warzone.getLobby().changeWall(warzone.getLobby().getWall());
-// }
-// warzone.initializeZone();
-// WarzoneMapper.save(this, warzone, true);
-// this.msg(player, "Warzone saved. Use /setteam, /setmonument and /savezone to configure the zone.");
-// }
-// if(warzone.getVolume().isSaved()
-// && (warzone.tooBig() || warzone.tooSmall())
-// && (oldNorthwest != null || oldSoutheast != null) )
-// {
-// // we resized but the result is too small or too big. Restore the old corner and reinit the zone.
-// if(oldNorthwest != null) {
-// warzone.setNorthwest(oldNorthwest);
-// } else if (oldSoutheast != null) {
-// warzone.setSoutheast(oldSoutheast);
-// }
-// warzone.initializeZone();
-// }
-// }
-// }
public void performNextBattle(Player player) {
if(!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation())) {
@@ -894,8 +762,6 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
-// this.msg(player, "Warzone reset. " + resetBlocks + " blocks reset.");
-// logInfo(resetBlocks + " blocks reset in warzone " + warzone.getName() + ".");
@@ -1379,7 +1245,6 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
return zoneMakerNames;
- @SuppressWarnings("static-access")
public boolean canPlayWar(Player player) {
if(Permissions != null
&& (Permissions.Security.permission(player, "war.player")
@@ -1393,7 +1258,6 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
return false;
- @SuppressWarnings("static-access")
public boolean canWarp(Player player) {
if(Permissions != null
&& (Permissions.Security.permission(player, "war.warp")
@@ -1407,7 +1271,6 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
return false;
- @SuppressWarnings("static-access")
public boolean canBuildOutsideZone(Player player) {
if(isBuildInZonesOnly()) {
if(Permissions != null
@@ -1525,23 +1388,16 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
return zoneMakersImpersonatingPlayers;
- @SuppressWarnings("static-access")
public void setupPermissions() {
Plugin test = this.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Permissions");
- if(this.Permissions == null) {
+ if(Permissions == null) {
if(test != null) {
- this.Permissions = (Permissions)test;
+ Permissions = (Permissions)test;
} else {
logInfo("Permissions system not enabled. Defaulting to regular War config.");
- }
-// public BlockState refetchStateForBlock(World world, Block block) {
-// Block again = world.getBlockAt(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ());
-// return again.getState();
-// }
+ }
public void setDefaultBlockHeads(boolean defaultBlockHeads) {
this.defaultBlockHeads = defaultBlockHeads;
diff --git a/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/Warzone.java b/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/Warzone.java
index f988dca..0ae3888 100644
--- a/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/Warzone.java
+++ b/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/Warzone.java
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ import com.tommytony.war.volumes.ZoneVolume;
public class Warzone {
private String name;
private ZoneVolume volume;
-// private Location northwest;
-// private Location southeast;
private final List teams = new ArrayList();
private final List monuments = new ArrayList();
@@ -104,51 +102,6 @@ public class Warzone {
return name;
-// public void setNorthwest(Location northwest) {
-// this.northwest = northwest;
-// this.volume.setCornerOne(world.getBlockAt(northwest.getBlockX(), northwest.getBlockY(), northwest.getBlockZ()));
-// addNorthwestCursorBlocks();
-// }
-// private void addNorthwestCursorBlocks() {
-// Block topNWBlock = this.world.getBlockAt(this.northwest.getBlockX(), this.northwest.getBlockY()-1, this.northwest.getBlockZ());
-// BlockInfo[] originalNorthwestBlocks = new BlockInfo[3];
-// originalNorthwestBlocks[0] = new BlockInfo(topNWBlock); // save blocks for reset
-// originalNorthwestBlocks[1] = new BlockInfo(topNWBlock.getFace(BlockFace.EAST));
-// originalNorthwestBlocks[2] = new BlockInfo(topNWBlock.getFace(BlockFace.SOUTH));
-// topNWBlock.setType(Material.GLASS);
-// topNWBlock.getFace(BlockFace.EAST).setType(Material.GLASS);
-// topNWBlock.getFace(BlockFace.SOUTH).setType(Material.GLASS);
-// this.war.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this.war, new ResetCursorJob(topNWBlock, originalNorthwestBlocks, false), 75);
-// }
-// public Location getNorthwest() {
-// return northwest;
-// }
-// public void setSoutheast(Location southeast) {
-// this.southeast = southeast;
-// this.volume.setCornerTwo(world.getBlockAt(southeast.getBlockX(), southeast.getBlockY(), southeast.getBlockZ()));
-// addSoutheastCursorBlocks();
-// }
-// private void addSoutheastCursorBlocks() {
-// Block topSEBlock = this.world.getBlockAt(this.southeast.getBlockX(), this.southeast.getBlockY()-1, this.southeast.getBlockZ());
-// BlockInfo[] originalSoutheastBlocks = new BlockInfo[3];
-// originalSoutheastBlocks[0] = new BlockInfo(topSEBlock); // save block for reset
-// originalSoutheastBlocks[1] = new BlockInfo(topSEBlock.getFace(BlockFace.WEST));
-// originalSoutheastBlocks[2] = new BlockInfo(topSEBlock.getFace(BlockFace.NORTH));
-// topSEBlock.setType(Material.GLASS);
-// topSEBlock.getFace(BlockFace.WEST).setType(Material.GLASS);
-// topSEBlock.getFace(BlockFace.NORTH).setType(Material.GLASS);
-// this.war.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this.war, new ResetCursorJob(topSEBlock, originalSoutheastBlocks, true), 75);
-// }
-// public Location getSoutheast() {
-// return southeast;
-// }
public void setTeleport(Location location) {
this.teleport = location;
@@ -212,19 +165,6 @@ public class Warzone {
-// // Set the zone chunks to all players
-// World world = this.getWorld();
-// if(world instanceof CraftWorld) {
-// CraftWorld craftWorld = (CraftWorld)world;
-// // team spawns
-// for(Team team : teams) {
-// if(team.getPlayers().size() > 0) {
-// craftWorld.refreshChunk(team.getTeamSpawn().getBlockX(), team.getTeamSpawn().getBlockZ());
-// }
-// }
-// // dont do all the zone chunks for now
-// }
@@ -259,9 +199,6 @@ public class Warzone {
-// this.setNorthwest(this.getNorthwest());
-// this.setSoutheast(this.getSoutheast());
@@ -566,30 +503,6 @@ public class Warzone {
return false;
-// private boolean teleportNear(Block block) {
-// if(teleport != null) {
-// int x = (int)this.teleport.getBlockX();
-// int y = (int)this.teleport.getBlockY();
-// int z = (int)this.teleport.getBlockZ();
-// int bx = block.getX();
-// int by = block.getY();
-// int bz = block.getZ();
-// if((bx == x && by == y && bz == z) ||
-// (bx == x+1 && by == y-1 && bz == z+1) ||
-// (bx == x+1 && by == y-1 && bz == z) ||
-// (bx == x+1 && by == y-1 && bz == z-1) ||
-// (bx == x && by == y-1 && bz == z+1) ||
-// (bx == x && by == y-1 && bz == z) ||
-// (bx == x && by == y-1 && bz == z-1) ||
-// (bx == x-1 && by == y-1 && bz == z+1) ||
-// (bx == x-1 && by == y-1 && bz == z) ||
-// (bx == x-1 && by == y-1 && bz == z-1) ) {
-// return true;
-// }
-// }
-// return false;
-// }
public World getWorld() {
return world;
@@ -789,7 +702,6 @@ public class Warzone {
return null;
public void protectZoneWallAgainstPlayer(Player player) {
@@ -812,6 +724,8 @@ public class Warzone {
for(ZoneWallGuard guard : zoneWallGuards) {
+ BlockFace guardWall = guard.getWall();
+ getVolume().resetWallBlocks(guardWall);
if(isDrawZoneOutline()) {
@@ -830,7 +744,6 @@ public class Warzone {
public boolean getAutoAssignOnly() {
return isAutoAssignOnly();
@@ -976,7 +889,6 @@ public class Warzone {
public void handlePlayerLeave(Player player, Location destination, boolean removeFromTeam) {
Team playerTeam = war.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
if(playerTeam !=null) {
@@ -1173,14 +1085,4 @@ public class Warzone {
public Location getRallyPoint() {
return this.rallyPoint;
-// public Team getTeamByName(String name) {
-// for(Team team : getTeams()) {
-// if(team.getName().startsWith(name)) {
-// return team;
-// }
-// }
-// return null;
-// }
diff --git a/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/ZoneSetter.java b/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/ZoneSetter.java
index 1000814..05c52d7 100644
--- a/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/ZoneSetter.java
+++ b/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/ZoneSetter.java
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ public class ZoneSetter {
war.msg(player, "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " created. Northwesternmost point set to x:"
- + (int)warzone.getVolume().getNorthwestX() + " z:" + (int)warzone.getVolume().getNorthwestZ() + ".");
+ + (int)warzone.getVolume().getNorthwestX() + " z:" + (int)warzone.getVolume().getNorthwestZ() + ". ");
} else {
// change existing warzone
resetWarzone(warzone, msgString);
msgString.append("Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " modified. Northwesternmost point set to x:"
- + (int)warzone.getVolume().getNorthwestX() + " z:" + (int)warzone.getVolume().getNorthwestZ() + ".");
+ + (int)warzone.getVolume().getNorthwestX() + " z:" + (int)warzone.getVolume().getNorthwestZ() + ". ");
saveIfReady(warzone, msgString);
} catch (NotNorthwestException e) {
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ public class ZoneSetter {
if(warzone.getVolume().isSaved()) warzone.initializeZone();
- saveIfReady(warzone, msgString);
public void placeSoutheast() {
@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ public class ZoneSetter {
war.msg(player, "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " created. Southeasternmost point set to x:"
- + (int)warzone.getVolume().getSoutheastX() + " z:" + (int)warzone.getVolume().getSoutheastZ() + ".");
+ + (int)warzone.getVolume().getSoutheastX() + " z:" + (int)warzone.getVolume().getSoutheastZ() + ". ");
} else {
// change existing warzone
resetWarzone(warzone, msgString);
@@ -90,7 +89,6 @@ public class ZoneSetter {
if(warzone.getVolume().isSaved()) warzone.initializeZone();
- saveIfReady(warzone, msgString);
public void placeCorner1() {
@@ -105,13 +103,13 @@ public class ZoneSetter {
war.msg(player, "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " created. Corner 1 set to x:"
- + (int)corner1Block.getX() + " y:" + (int)corner1Block.getY() + " z:" + (int)corner1Block.getZ() + ".");
+ + (int)corner1Block.getX() + " y:" + (int)corner1Block.getY() + " z:" + (int)corner1Block.getZ() + ". ");
} else {
// change existing warzone
resetWarzone(warzone, msgString);
msgString.append("Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " modified. Corner 1 set to x:"
- + (int)corner1Block.getX() + " y:" + (int)corner1Block.getY() + " z:" + (int)corner1Block.getZ() + ".");
+ + (int)corner1Block.getX() + " y:" + (int)corner1Block.getY() + " z:" + (int)corner1Block.getZ() + ". ");
saveIfReady(warzone, msgString);
} catch (TooSmallException e) {
@@ -121,7 +119,6 @@ public class ZoneSetter {
if(warzone.getVolume().isSaved()) warzone.initializeZone();
- saveIfReady(warzone, msgString);
public void placeCorner2() {
@@ -136,13 +133,13 @@ public class ZoneSetter {
war.msg(player, "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " created. Corner 2 set to x:"
- + (int)corner2Block.getX() + " y:" + (int)corner2Block.getY() + " z:" + (int)corner2Block.getZ() + ".");
+ + (int)corner2Block.getX() + " y:" + (int)corner2Block.getY() + " z:" + (int)corner2Block.getZ() + ". ");
} else {
// change existing warzone
resetWarzone(warzone, msgString);
msgString.append("Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " modified. Corner 2 set to x:"
- + (int)corner2Block.getX() + " y:" + (int)corner2Block.getY() + " z:" + (int)corner2Block.getZ() + ".");
+ + (int)corner2Block.getX() + " y:" + (int)corner2Block.getY() + " z:" + (int)corner2Block.getZ() + ". ");
saveIfReady(warzone, msgString);
} catch (TooSmallException e) {
@@ -152,7 +149,6 @@ public class ZoneSetter {
if(warzone.getVolume().isSaved()) warzone.initializeZone();
- saveIfReady(warzone, msgString);
private void resetWarzone(Warzone warzone, StringBuilder msgString) {
diff --git a/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/volumes/ZoneVolume.java b/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/volumes/ZoneVolume.java
index df0b6f6..881447f 100644
--- a/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/volumes/ZoneVolume.java
+++ b/war/src/main/java/com/tommytony/war/volumes/ZoneVolume.java
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ public class ZoneVolume extends Volume {
public boolean isDownWallBlock(Block block) {
- if (getMaxY() == block.getY()
+ if (getMinY() == block.getY()
&& block.getX() <= getMaxX()
&& block.getX() >= getMinX()
&& block.getZ() >= getMinZ()