mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 21:39:22 +01:00
Rewriting the file read-writing.
This commit is contained in:
@ -39,9 +39,11 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
String version = "0.3";
private final List<Warzone> warzones = new ArrayList<Warzone>();
private final List<String> zoneMakerNames = new ArrayList<String>();
private final HashMap<Integer, ItemStack> defaultLoadout = new HashMap<Integer, ItemStack>();
private int defaultLifepool = 7;
private boolean defaultFriendlyFire = false;
private boolean defaultFriendlyFire = false;
private boolean defaultDrawZoneOutline = true;
public void onDisable() {
@ -70,19 +72,13 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.BLOCK_DAMAGED, blockListener, Priority.Normal, this); // BROKEN
// Load files from disk or create them
this.defaultLoadout.put(0, new ItemStack(272, 1));
this.defaultLoadout.put(1, new ItemStack(261, 1));
this.defaultLoadout.put(2, new ItemStack(262, 12));
this.defaultLoadout.put(3, new ItemStack(274, 1));
this.defaultLoadout.put(4, new ItemStack(273, 1));
this.defaultLoadout.put(5, new ItemStack(275, 1));
this.defaultLoadout.put(27, new ItemStack(259, 1));
this.defaultLoadout.put(6, new ItemStack(297, 1));
this.defaultLoadout.put(8, new ItemStack(3, 12));
this.defaultLoadout.put(100, new ItemStack(301, 1));
this.defaultLoadout.put(101, new ItemStack(300, 1));
this.defaultLoadout.put(102, new ItemStack(299, 1));
this.defaultLoadout.put(103, new ItemStack(298, 1));
this.defaultLoadout.put(0, new ItemStack(Material.StoneSword));
this.defaultLoadout.put(1, new ItemStack(Material.Bow));
this.defaultLoadout.put(2, new ItemStack(Material.Arrow, 7));
this.defaultLoadout.put(3, new ItemStack(Material.StonePickaxe));
this.defaultLoadout.put(4, new ItemStack(Material.StoneSpade));
this.defaultLoadout.put(5, new ItemStack(Material.StoneAxe));
this.defaultLoadout.put(6, new ItemStack(Material.Bread, 2));
this.defaultLifepool = 7;
this.defaultFriendlyFire = false;
@ -187,5 +183,13 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
return null;
public List<String> getZoneMakerNames() {
return zoneMakerNames;
public boolean getDefaultDrawZoneOutline() {
return defaultDrawZoneOutline ;
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import com.tommytony.war.Monument;
import com.tommytony.war.Team;
import com.tommytony.war.TeamMaterials;
import com.tommytony.war.Warzone;
import com.tommytony.war.ZoneWallGuard;
import com.tommytony.war.mappers.WarMapper;
import com.tommytony.war.mappers.WarzoneMapper;
@ -439,7 +438,6 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
if(warzone.hasMonument(monumentName)) {
// move the existing monument
Monument monument = warzone.getMonument(monumentName);
player.sendMessage(war.str("Monument " + monument.getName() + " was moved."));
} else {
@ -508,10 +506,7 @@ public class WarPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
player.sendMessage(war.str("Your dance pleases the monument's voodoo. You gain full health!"));
// if(player != null && from != null && to != null &&
// playerTeam != null && !playerWarzone.getVolume().contains(to)) {
// player.sendMessage(war.str("Can't go outside the warzone boundary! Use /leave to exit the battle."));
@ -146,9 +146,7 @@ public class Monument {
return name;
public void setLocation(Location location) {
this.location = location;
public void setLocation(Location location) {
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import org.bukkit.World;
import bukkit.tommytony.war.War;
import com.tommytony.war.volumes.VerticalVolume;
import com.tommytony.war.volumes.Volume;
@ -34,6 +33,7 @@ public class Warzone {
private boolean friendlyFire;
private int lifePool;
private HashMap<Integer, ItemStack> loadout;
private boolean drawZoneOutline;
private HashMap<String, List<ItemStack>> inventories = new HashMap<String, List<ItemStack>>();
private World world;
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ public class Warzone {
private List<ZoneWallGuard> zoneWallGuards = new ArrayList<ZoneWallGuard>();
private War war;
public Warzone(War war, World world, String name) {
this.world = world;
this.war = war;
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ public class Warzone {
this.friendlyFire = war.getDefaultFriendlyFire();
this.drawZoneOutline = war.getDefaultDrawZoneOutline();
this.volume = new VerticalVolume(name, war, this);
@ -167,38 +169,13 @@ public class Warzone {
public void initializeZone() {
if(ready() && volume.isSaved()){
// get surface corners
int c1maxY = world.getHighestBlockYAt(volume.getMinX(), volume.getMinZ());
int c2maxY = world.getHighestBlockYAt(volume.getMaxX(), volume.getMaxZ());
Block ne = world.getBlockAt(volume.getMinX(), c1maxY, volume.getMinZ());
Block nw = world.getBlockAt(volume.getMinX(), c2maxY, volume.getMaxZ());
Block sw = world.getBlockAt(volume.getMinX(), c1maxY, volume.getMaxZ());
Block se = world.getBlockAt(volume.getMaxX(), c2maxY, volume.getMinZ());
// add north wall, ne - nw
Block lastBlock = null;
for(int z = volume.getMinZ(); z < volume.getMaxZ(); z++) {
lastBlock = highestBlockToGlass(ne.getX(), z, lastBlock);
// add east, ne - se
lastBlock = null;
for(int x = volume.getMinX(); x < volume.getMaxX(); x++) {
lastBlock = highestBlockToGlass(x, ne.getZ(), lastBlock);
// add south, se - sw
lastBlock = null;
for(int z = volume.getMinZ(); z < volume.getMaxZ(); z++) {
lastBlock = highestBlockToGlass(se.getX(), z, lastBlock);
// add west, nw - sw
for(int x = volume.getMinX(); x < volume.getMaxX(); x++) {
lastBlock = highestBlockToGlass(x, nw.getZ(), lastBlock);
// add wall outlines
if(drawZoneOutline) {
// everyone back to team spawn with full health
@ -222,6 +199,32 @@ public class Warzone {
private void addZoneOutline(BlockFace wall) {
int c1maxY = world.getHighestBlockYAt(volume.getMinX(), volume.getMinZ());
int c2maxY = world.getHighestBlockYAt(volume.getMaxX(), volume.getMaxZ());
Block ne = world.getBlockAt(volume.getMinX(), c1maxY, volume.getMinZ());
Block nw = world.getBlockAt(volume.getMinX(), c2maxY, volume.getMaxZ());
Block se = world.getBlockAt(volume.getMaxX(), c2maxY, volume.getMinZ());
Block lastBlock = null;
if(BlockFace.North == wall) {
for(int z = volume.getMinZ(); z < volume.getMaxZ(); z++) {
lastBlock = highestBlockToGlass(ne.getX(), z, lastBlock);
} else if (BlockFace.East == wall) {
for(int x = volume.getMinX(); x < volume.getMaxX(); x++) {
lastBlock = highestBlockToGlass(x, ne.getZ(), lastBlock);
} else if (BlockFace.South == wall) {
for(int z = volume.getMinZ(); z < volume.getMaxZ(); z++) {
lastBlock = highestBlockToGlass(se.getX(), z, lastBlock);
} else if (BlockFace.West == wall) {
for(int x = volume.getMinX(); x < volume.getMaxX(); x++) {
lastBlock = highestBlockToGlass(x, nw.getZ(), lastBlock);
private Block highestBlockToGlass(int x, int z, Block lastBlock) {
int highest = world.getHighestBlockYAt(x, z);
Block block = world.getBlockAt(x, highest -1 , z);
@ -271,21 +274,29 @@ public class Warzone {
// Reset inventory to loadout
PlayerInventory playerInv = player.getInventory();
for(int i = 0; i < playerInv.getSize(); i++){
playerInv.setItem(i, null);
// for(int i = 0; i < playerInv.getSize(); i++){
// playerInv.setItem(index, new ItemStack(Material.))
// playerInv.setItem(i, null);
// }
for(Integer slot : loadout.keySet()) {
if(slot == 100) {
} else if(slot == 101) {
} else if(slot == 102) {
} else if(slot == 103) {
} else {
// if(slot == 101) {
// playerInv.setLeggings(loadout.get(slot));
// } else if(slot == 102) {
// playerInv.setChestplate(loadout.get(slot));
// } else if(slot == 103) {
// playerInv.setHelmet(loadout.get(slot));
// } else {
playerInv.setItem(slot, loadout.get(slot));
if(team.getMaterial() == Material.GoldBlock) {
playerInv.setHelmet(new ItemStack(Material.GoldBoots));
} else if (team.getMaterial() == Material.DiamondBlock) {
playerInv.setHelmet(new ItemStack(Material.DiamondBoots));
} else if (team.getMaterial() == Material.IronBlock) {
playerInv.setHelmet(new ItemStack(Material.IronBoots));
@ -466,79 +477,93 @@ public class Warzone {
public boolean isNearWall(Location latestPlayerLocation) {
if(volume.hasTwoCorners()) {
if(Math.abs(southeast.getBlockZ() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() < southeast.getBlockX()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() > northwest.getBlockX()) {
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() <= southeast.getBlockX()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() >= northwest.getBlockX()) {
return true; // near east wall
} else if (Math.abs(southeast.getBlockX() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() < northwest.getBlockZ()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() > southeast.getBlockZ()) {
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() <= northwest.getBlockZ()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() >= southeast.getBlockZ()) {
return true; // near south wall
} else if (Math.abs(northwest.getBlockX() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() < northwest.getBlockZ()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() > southeast.getBlockZ()) {
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() <= northwest.getBlockZ()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() >= southeast.getBlockZ()) {
return true; // near north wall
} else if (Math.abs(northwest.getBlockZ() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() < southeast.getBlockX()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() > northwest.getBlockX()) {
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() <= southeast.getBlockX()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() >= northwest.getBlockX()) {
return true; // near west wall
return false;
public Block getNearestWallBlock(Location latestPlayerLocation) {
public List<Block> getNearestWallBlocks(Location latestPlayerLocation) {
List<Block> nearestWallBlocks = new ArrayList<Block>();
if(Math.abs(southeast.getBlockZ() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() <= southeast.getBlockX()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() >= northwest.getBlockX()) {
// near east wall
Block eastWallBlock = world.getBlockAt(latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() + 1, latestPlayerLocation.getBlockY(), southeast.getBlockZ());
return eastWallBlock;
} else if (Math.abs(southeast.getBlockX() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
if (Math.abs(southeast.getBlockX() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() <= northwest.getBlockZ()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() >= southeast.getBlockZ()) {
// near south wall
Block southWallBlock = world.getBlockAt(southeast.getBlockX(), latestPlayerLocation.getBlockY() + 1, latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ());
return southWallBlock;
} else if (Math.abs(northwest.getBlockX() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
if (Math.abs(northwest.getBlockX() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() <= northwest.getBlockZ()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() >= southeast.getBlockZ()) {
// near north wall
Block northWallBlock = world.getBlockAt(northwest.getBlockX(), latestPlayerLocation.getBlockY() + 1, latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ());
return northWallBlock;
} else if (Math.abs(northwest.getBlockZ() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
if (Math.abs(northwest.getBlockZ() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() <= southeast.getBlockX()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() >= northwest.getBlockX()) {
// near west wall
Block westWallBlock = world.getBlockAt(latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX(), latestPlayerLocation.getBlockY() + 1, northwest.getBlockZ());
return westWallBlock;
return null;
return nearestWallBlocks;
// note: y + 1 to line up 3 sided square with player eyes
public BlockFace getNearestWall(Location latestPlayerLocation) {
public List<BlockFace> getNearestWalls(Location latestPlayerLocation) {
List<BlockFace> walls = new ArrayList<BlockFace>();
if(Math.abs(southeast.getBlockZ() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() <= southeast.getBlockX()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() >= northwest.getBlockX()) {
// near east wall
return BlockFace.East;
} else if (Math.abs(southeast.getBlockX() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
if (Math.abs(southeast.getBlockX() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() <= northwest.getBlockZ()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() >= southeast.getBlockZ()) {
// near south wall
return BlockFace.South;
} else if (Math.abs(northwest.getBlockX() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
if (Math.abs(northwest.getBlockX() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() <= northwest.getBlockZ()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ() >= southeast.getBlockZ()) {
// near north wall
return BlockFace.North;
} else if (Math.abs(northwest.getBlockZ() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
if (Math.abs(northwest.getBlockZ() - latestPlayerLocation.getBlockZ()) < minSafeDistanceFromWall
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() <= southeast.getBlockX()
&& latestPlayerLocation.getBlockX() >= northwest.getBlockX()) {
// near west wall
return BlockFace.West;
return null;
return walls;
public ZoneWallGuard getPlayerZoneWallGuard(String name, BlockFace wall) {
@ -552,15 +577,17 @@ public class Warzone {
public void protectZoneWallAgainstPlayer(Player player) {
BlockFace nearestWall = getNearestWall(player.getLocation());
ZoneWallGuard guard = getPlayerZoneWallGuard(player.getName(), nearestWall);
if(guard != null) {
// already protected, need to move the guard
} else {
// new guard
guard = new ZoneWallGuard(player, war, this);
List<BlockFace> nearestWalls = getNearestWalls(player.getLocation());
for(BlockFace wall : nearestWalls) {
ZoneWallGuard guard = getPlayerZoneWallGuard(player.getName(), wall);
if(guard != null) {
// already protected, need to move the guard
} else {
// new guard
guard = new ZoneWallGuard(player, war, this, wall);
@ -570,6 +597,9 @@ public class Warzone {
int reset = volume.resetWallBlocks(guard.getWall()); // this should restore old blocks
if(drawZoneOutline) {
war.getLogger().info("Reset " + reset + " blocks in " + guard.getWall() + "wall of warzone " + name);
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package com.tommytony.war;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.Block;
import org.bukkit.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.HumanEntity;
@ -21,9 +23,10 @@ public class ZoneWallGuard {
private final int radius = 3;
public ZoneWallGuard(Player player, War war, Warzone warzone) {
public ZoneWallGuard(Player player, War war, Warzone warzone, BlockFace wall) {
this.player = player;
this.war = war;
this.wall = wall;
this.playerLocation = player.getLocation();
this.warzone = warzone;
@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ public class ZoneWallGuard {
private void activate() {
// save current blocks
Block nearestWallBlock = warzone.getNearestWallBlock(playerLocation);
List<Block> nearestWallBlocks = warzone.getNearestWallBlocks(playerLocation);
// if(volume == null) {
// volume = new CenteredVolume("zoneGuard-" + warzone.getName() + "-" + player.getName(), nearestWallBlock, radius, war, warzone);
// int saved = volume.saveBlocks();
@ -42,51 +45,86 @@ public class ZoneWallGuard {
// war.getLogger().info("Warzone wall guard updated: " + saved + " blocks saved for " + player.getName());
// }
// add wall guard blocks
if(warzone.getVolume().isNorthWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East)) &&
warzone.getVolume().isNorthWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West))) {
// north wall guard
this.wall = BlockFace.North;
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East), BlockFace.North);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.North);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.North);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West), BlockFace.North);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.North);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.North);
} else if (warzone.getVolume().isSouthWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East)) &&
warzone.getVolume().isSouthWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West))) {
// south wall guard
this.wall = BlockFace.South;
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East), BlockFace.South);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.South);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.South);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West), BlockFace.South);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.South);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.South);
// ..
} else if (warzone.getVolume().isEastWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North)) &&
warzone.getVolume().isEastWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South))) {
//east wall guard
this.wall = BlockFace.East;
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North), BlockFace.East);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.East);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.East);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South), BlockFace.West);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.West);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.West);
} else if (warzone.getVolume().isWestWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North)) &&
warzone.getVolume().isWestWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South))) {
//west wall guard
this.wall = BlockFace.West;
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North), BlockFace.West);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.West);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.West);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South), BlockFace.West);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.West);
toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.West);
for(Block block : nearestWallBlocks) {
if(this.wall == BlockFace.North && warzone.getVolume().isNorthWallBlock(block)) {
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.East), BlockFace.North);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.East).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.North);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.East).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.North);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.West), BlockFace.North);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.West).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.North);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.West).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.North);
} else if(this.wall == BlockFace.South && warzone.getVolume().isSouthWallBlock(block)) {
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.East), BlockFace.South);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.East).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.South);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.East).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.South);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.West), BlockFace.South);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.West).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.South);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.West).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.South);
} else if(this.wall == BlockFace.East && warzone.getVolume().isEastWallBlock(block)) {
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.North), BlockFace.East);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.North).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.East);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.North).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.East);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.South), BlockFace.West);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.South).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.West);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.South).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.West);
} else if(this.wall == BlockFace.West && warzone.getVolume().isWestWallBlock(block)) {
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.North), BlockFace.West);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.North).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.West);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.North).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.West);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.South), BlockFace.West);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.South).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.West);
toGlass(block.getFace(BlockFace.South).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.West);
// nearestWallBlock.setType(Material.Glass);
// nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.Up).setType(Material.Glass);
// nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.Down).setType(Material.Glass);
// if(warzone.getVolume().isNorthWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East)) &&
// warzone.getVolume().isNorthWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West))) {
// // north wall guard
// this.wall = BlockFace.North;
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East), BlockFace.North);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.North);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.North);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West), BlockFace.North);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.North);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.North);
// } else if (warzone.getVolume().isSouthWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East)) &&
// warzone.getVolume().isSouthWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West))) {
// // south wall guard
// this.wall = BlockFace.South;
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East), BlockFace.South);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.South);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.East).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.South);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West), BlockFace.South);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.South);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.West).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.South);
// // ..
// } else if (warzone.getVolume().isEastWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North)) &&
// warzone.getVolume().isEastWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South))) {
// //east wall guard
// this.wall = BlockFace.East;
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North), BlockFace.East);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.East);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.East);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South), BlockFace.West);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.West);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.West);
// } else if (warzone.getVolume().isWestWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North)) &&
// warzone.getVolume().isWestWallBlock(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South))) {
// //west wall guard
// this.wall = BlockFace.West;
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North), BlockFace.West);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.West);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.North).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.West);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South), BlockFace.West);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South).getFace(BlockFace.Up), BlockFace.West);
// toGlass(nearestWallBlock.getFace(BlockFace.South).getFace(BlockFace.Down), BlockFace.West);
// }
private void toGlass(Block block, BlockFace wall) {
@ -121,10 +159,6 @@ public class ZoneWallGuard {
return player;
public void setWall(BlockFace wall) {
this.wall = wall;
public BlockFace getWall() {
return wall;
@ -54,6 +54,16 @@ public class WarMapper {
// zone makers
String makersStr = warConfig.getString("zoneMakers");
String[] makersSplit = makersStr.split(",");
for(String makerName : makersSplit) {
if(makerName != null && !makerName.equals("")){
// defaultLoadout
String defaultLoadoutStr = warConfig.getString("defaultLoadout");
String[] defaultLoadoutSplit = defaultLoadoutStr.split(";");
@ -73,6 +83,9 @@ public class WarMapper {
// defaultFriendlyFire
// defaultDrawZoneOutline
war.getLogger().info("Loaded war config.");
@ -88,6 +101,13 @@ public class WarMapper {
warConfig.setString("warzones", warzonesStr);
// zone makers: default is none and it means everyone can use /setzone
String makersStr = ""; // everyone
for(String name : war.getZoneMakerNames()) {
makersStr += name + ",";
warConfig.setString("zoneMakers", makersStr);
// defaultLoadout
String defaultLoadoutStr = "";
HashMap<Integer, ItemStack> items = war.getDefaultLoadout();
@ -103,6 +123,9 @@ public class WarMapper {
// defaultFriendlyFire
warConfig.setBoolean("defaultFriendlyFire", war.getDefaultFriendlyFire());
// defaultFriendlyFire
warConfig.setBoolean("defaultDrawZoneOutline", war.getDefaultDrawZoneOutline());
//war.getLogger().info("Saved war config.");
@ -149,31 +149,40 @@ public class WarzoneMapper {
if(loadBlocks) {
PropertiesFile warzoneBlocksFile = new PropertiesFile(war.getName() + "/warzone-" + warzone.getName() + ".dat");
if(loadBlocks && warzone.getNorthwest() != null && warzone.getSoutheast() != null) {
// zone blocks
VerticalVolume zoneVolume = new VerticalVolume("zone", war, warzone);
String stateStr = warzoneBlocksFile.getString("zoneBlocks");
if(stateStr != null && !stateStr.equals("")) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
war.getLogger().warning("Failed to read volume file " + warzone.getVolume().getName() +
" for warzone " + warzone.getName() + ". " + e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage());
// monument blocks
for(Monument monument: warzone.getMonuments()) {
String monumentBlocksStr = warzoneBlocksFile.getString("monument"+monument.getName()+"Blocks");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
war.getLogger().warning("Failed to read volume file " + warzone.getVolume().getName() +
" for warzone " + warzone.getName() + ". " + e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage());
// team spawn blocks
for(Team team : warzone.getTeams()) {
String teamBlocksStr = warzoneBlocksFile.getString("team"+team.getName()+"Blocks");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
war.getLogger().warning("Failed to read volume file " + warzone.getVolume().getName() +
" for warzone " + warzone.getName() + ". " + e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage());
//war.getLogger().info("Loaded warzone " + name + " config and blocks.");
} else {
//war.getLogger().info("Loaded warzone " + name + " config.");
@ -253,24 +262,37 @@ public class WarzoneMapper {
if(saveBlocks) {
(new File(war.getName()+"/"+warzone.getName())).mkdir();
// zone blocks
PropertiesFile warzoneBlocksFile = new PropertiesFile(war.getName() + "/warzone-" + warzone.getName() + ".dat");
warzoneBlocksFile.setString("zoneBlocks", warzone.getVolume().blocksToString()); // oh boy
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
war.getLogger().warning("Failed to write volume file " + warzone.getVolume().getName() +
" for warzone " + warzone.getName() + ". " + e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage());
// monument blocks
for(Monument monument: monuments) {
String monumentBlocksStr = monument.getVolume().blocksToString();
warzoneBlocksFile.setString("monument"+monument.getName()+"Blocks", monumentBlocksStr);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
war.getLogger().warning("Failed to write volume file " + warzone.getVolume().getName() +
" for warzone " + warzone.getName() + ". " + e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage());
// team spawn blocks
for(Team team : teams) {
String teamBlocksStr = team.getVolume().blocksToString();
warzoneBlocksFile.setString("team"+team.getName()+"Blocks", teamBlocksStr);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
war.getLogger().warning("Failed to write volume file " + warzone.getVolume().getName() +
" for warzone " + warzone.getName() + ". " + e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage());
// if(saveBlocks) {
@ -286,12 +308,16 @@ public class WarzoneMapper {
if(!deletedConfig) {
war.getLogger().warning("Failed to delete file " + war.getName() + "/warzone-"+name+".txt");
File warzoneBlocksFile = new File(war.getName() + "/warzone-" + name + ".dat");
boolean deletedData = warzoneBlocksFile.delete();
if(!deletedData) {
war.getLogger().warning("Failed to delete file " + war.getName() + "/warzone-"+name+".dat");
File zoneFolder = new File(war.getName() + "/warzone-" + name);
File[] files = zoneFolder.listFiles();
for(File file : files) {
boolean deletedData = file.delete();
if(!deletedData) {
@ -83,10 +83,12 @@ public class VerticalVolume extends Volume{
int x = getMinX();
for(int i = 0; i < getSizeX(); i++) {
BlockInfo oldBlockInfo = getBlockInfos()[i][j][k];
Block currentBlock = getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, z);
if(resetBlock(oldBlockInfo, currentBlock)) {
if(oldBlockInfo != null) {
Block currentBlock = getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, z);
if(resetBlock(oldBlockInfo, currentBlock)) {
@ -99,10 +101,12 @@ public class VerticalVolume extends Volume{
int x = getMinX();
for(int i = 0; i < getSizeX(); i++) {
BlockInfo oldBlockInfo = getBlockInfos()[i][j][k];
Block currentBlock = getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, z);
if(resetBlock(oldBlockInfo, currentBlock)) {
if(oldBlockInfo != null) {
Block currentBlock = getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, z);
if(resetBlock(oldBlockInfo, currentBlock)) {
@ -115,10 +119,12 @@ public class VerticalVolume extends Volume{
int z = getMinZ();
for(int k = 0; k < getSizeZ(); k++) {
BlockInfo oldBlockInfo = getBlockInfos()[i][j][k];
Block currentBlock = getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, z);
if(resetBlock(oldBlockInfo, currentBlock)) {
if(oldBlockInfo != null) {
Block currentBlock = getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, z);
if(resetBlock(oldBlockInfo, currentBlock)) {
@ -131,10 +137,12 @@ public class VerticalVolume extends Volume{
int z = getMinZ();
for(int k = 0; k < getSizeZ(); k++) {
BlockInfo oldBlockInfo = getBlockInfos()[i][j][k];
Block currentBlock = getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, z);
if(resetBlock(oldBlockInfo, currentBlock)) {
if(oldBlockInfo != null) {
Block currentBlock = getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, z);
if(resetBlock(oldBlockInfo, currentBlock)) {
@ -142,7 +150,7 @@ public class VerticalVolume extends Volume{
} catch (Exception e) {
this.getWar().getLogger().warning(getWar().str("Failed to reset wall " + wall + " in volume " + getName() + ". " + e.getMessage()));
this.getWar().getLogger().warning("Failed to reset wall " + wall + " in volume " + getName() + ". " + e.getClass().toString() + " " + e.getMessage());
return noOfResetBlocks;
@ -1,7 +1,18 @@
package com.tommytony.war.volumes;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.naming.BinaryRefAddr;
import org.bukkit.Block;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
@ -96,9 +107,9 @@ public class Volume {
BlockState state = currentBlock.getState();
Sign currentSign = (Sign) state;
currentSign.setLine(0, oldBlockInfo.getSignLines()[0]);
currentSign.setLine(1, oldBlockInfo.getSignLines()[0]);
currentSign.setLine(2, oldBlockInfo.getSignLines()[0]);
currentSign.setLine(3, oldBlockInfo.getSignLines()[0]);
currentSign.setLine(1, oldBlockInfo.getSignLines()[1]);
currentSign.setLine(2, oldBlockInfo.getSignLines()[2]);
currentSign.setLine(3, oldBlockInfo.getSignLines()[3]);
@ -111,7 +122,7 @@ public class Volume {
} catch (Exception e) {
this.getWar().getLogger().warning(getWar().str("Failed to reset volume " + getName() + " blocks. " + e.getMessage()));
this.getWar().getLogger().warning(getWar().str("Failed to reset volume " + getName() + " blocks. " + e.getClass().toString() + " " + e.getMessage()));
return noOfResetBlocks;
@ -194,68 +205,170 @@ public class Volume {
return blockInfos;
public String blocksToString() {
StringBuilder volumeStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
volumeStringBuilder.append(cornerOne.getX() + "," + cornerOne.getY() + "," + cornerOne.getZ() + ";");
volumeStringBuilder.append(cornerTwo.getX() + "," + cornerTwo.getY() + "," + cornerTwo.getZ() + ";");
for(int i = 0; i < getSizeX(); i++){
for(int j = 0; j < getSizeY(); j++) {
for(int k = 0; k < getSizeZ(); k++) {
BlockInfo info = getBlockInfos()[i][j][k];
volumeStringBuilder.append(info.getTypeID() + "," + info.getData() + "," + info.getSignLines()[0]);
if(info.getType() == Material.Sign || info.getType() == Material.SignPost) {
String[] lines = info.getSignLines();
volumeStringBuilder.append(lines[0] + "\n");
volumeStringBuilder.append(lines[1] + "\n");
volumeStringBuilder.append(lines[2] + "\n");
volumeStringBuilder.append(lines[3] + "\n");
// public String blocksToString() {
// if(hasTwoCorners() && blockInfos != null) {
// StringBuilder volumeStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
// volumeStringBuilder.append(cornerOne.getX() + "," + cornerOne.getY() + "," + cornerOne.getZ() + ";");
// volumeStringBuilder.append(cornerTwo.getX() + "," + cornerTwo.getY() + "," + cornerTwo.getZ() + ";");
// for(int i = 0; i < getSizeX(); i++){
// for(int j = 0; j < getSizeY(); j++) {
// for(int k = 0; k < getSizeZ(); k++) {
// BlockInfo info = getBlockInfos()[i][j][k];
// if(info == null) {
// volumeStringBuilder.append("0,0,");
// } else {
// volumeStringBuilder.append(info.getTypeID() + "," + info.getData() + ",");
// if(info.getType() == Material.Sign || info.getType() == Material.SignPost) {
// String[] lines = info.getSignLines();
// volumeStringBuilder.append(lines[0] + "\n");
// volumeStringBuilder.append(lines[1] + "\n");
// volumeStringBuilder.append(lines[2] + "\n");
// volumeStringBuilder.append(lines[3] + "\n");
// }
// }
// volumeStringBuilder.append(";");
// }
// }
// }
// return volumeStringBuilder.toString();
// }
// return "";
// }
// public void blocksFromString(String volumeString) {
// Scanner scanner = new Scanner(volumeString);
// int x1 = 0;
// if(scanner.hasNext(".+,")) x1 = Integer.parseInt(scanner.next(".+,").replace(",", ""));
// int y1 = 0;
// if(scanner.hasNext(".+,")) y1 = Integer.parseInt(scanner.next(".+,").replace(",", ""));
// int z1 = 0;
// if(scanner.hasNext(".+,")) z1 = Integer.parseInt(scanner.next(".+,").replace(",", ""));
// if(scanner.hasNext(";")) scanner.next(";");
// cornerOne = getWorld().getBlockAt(x1, y1, z1);
// int x2 = 0;
// if(scanner.hasNext(".+,")) x2 = Integer.parseInt(scanner.next(".+,").replace(",", ""));
// int y2 = 0;
// if(scanner.hasNext(".+,")) y2 = Integer.parseInt(scanner.next(".+,").replace(",", ""));
// int z2 = 0;
// if(scanner.hasNext(".+,")) z2 = Integer.parseInt(scanner.next(".+,").replace(",", ""));
// if(scanner.hasNext(";")) scanner.next(";");
// cornerTwo = getWorld().getBlockAt(x2, y2, z2);
// setBlockInfos(new BlockInfo[getSizeX()][getSizeY()][getSizeZ()]);
// for(int i = 0; i < getSizeX(); i++){
// for(int j = 0; j < getSizeY(); j++) {
// for(int k = 0; k < getSizeZ(); k++) {
// int typeID = 0;
// if(scanner.hasNext(".+,")) typeID = Integer.parseInt(scanner.next(".+,").replace(",", ""));
// byte data = 0;
// if(scanner.hasNext(".+,")) data = Byte.parseByte(scanner.next(".+,").replace(",", ""));
// String[] lines = null;
// if(typeID == Material.Sign.getID() || typeID == Material.SignPost.getID()) {
// lines = new String[4];
// if(scanner.hasNextLine()) lines[0] = scanner.nextLine();
// if(scanner.hasNextLine()) lines[1] = scanner.nextLine();
// if(scanner.hasNextLine()) lines[2] = scanner.nextLine();
// if(scanner.hasNextLine()) lines[3] = scanner.nextLine();
// }
// if(scanner.hasNext(";")) scanner.next(";");
// getBlockInfos()[i][j][k] = new BlockInfo(typeID, data, lines);
// }
// }
// }
// }
public void fromDisk() throws IOException {
BufferedReader in = null;
try {
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(war.getName() + "/warzone-" + warzone.getName() + "/" + name)));
String firstLine = in.readLine();
if(firstLine != null && !firstLine.equals("")) {
int x1 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
int y1 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
int z1 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
int x2 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
int y2 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
int z2 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
cornerOne = getWorld().getBlockAt(x1, y1, z1);
cornerTwo = getWorld().getBlockAt(x2, y2, z2);
setBlockInfos(new BlockInfo[getSizeX()][getSizeY()][getSizeZ()]);
for(int i = 0; i < getSizeX(); i++){
for(int j = 0; j < getSizeY(); j++) {
for(int k = 0; k < getSizeZ(); k++) {
String blockLine = in.readLine();
String[] blockSplit = blockLine.split(",");
int typeID = Integer.parseInt(blockSplit[0]);
byte data = Byte.parseByte(blockSplit[1]);
String[] lines = null;
if(typeID == Material.Sign.getID() || typeID == Material.SignPost.getID()) {
String signLines = blockSplit[2];
if(blockSplit.length > 3) {
// sign includes commas
for(int splitI = 3; splitI < blockSplit.length; splitI++) {
String[] signLinesSplit = signLines.split("[line]");
lines = new String[4];
lines[0] = signLinesSplit[0];
lines[1] = signLinesSplit[1];
lines[2] = signLinesSplit[2];
lines[3] = signLinesSplit[3];
getBlockInfos()[i][j][k] = new BlockInfo(typeID, data, lines);
} finally {
if(in != null) in.close();
return volumeStringBuilder.toString();
public void blocksFromString(String volumeString) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(volumeString);
int x1 = scanner.nextInt();
int y1 = scanner.nextInt();
int z1 = scanner.nextInt();
cornerOne = getWorld().getBlockAt(x1, y1, z1);
int x2 = scanner.nextInt();
int y2 = scanner.nextInt();
int z2 = scanner.nextInt();
cornerOne = getWorld().getBlockAt(x2, y2, z2);
setBlockInfos(new BlockInfo[getSizeX()][getSizeY()][getSizeZ()]);
for(int i = 0; i < getSizeX(); i++){
for(int j = 0; j < getSizeY(); j++) {
for(int k = 0; k < getSizeZ(); k++) {
// scan ne
int typeID = scanner.nextInt();
byte data = scanner.nextByte();
String[] lines = null;
if(typeID == Material.Sign.getID() || typeID == Material.SignPost.getID()) {
lines = new String[4];
lines[0] = scanner.nextLine();
lines[1] = scanner.nextLine();
lines[2] = scanner.nextLine();
lines[3] = scanner.nextLine();
public void toDisk() throws IOException {
if(isSaved() && getBlockInfos() != null) {
BufferedWriter out = null;
try {
out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(war.getName() + "/warzone-" + warzone.getName() + "/" + name)));
out.write("corner1"); out.newLine();
out.write(cornerOne.getX()); out.newLine();
out.write(cornerOne.getY()); out.newLine();
out.write(cornerOne.getZ()); out.newLine();
out.write("corner2"); out.newLine();
out.write(cornerTwo.getX()); out.newLine();
out.write(cornerTwo.getY()); out.newLine();
out.write(cornerTwo.getZ()); out.newLine();
for(int i = 0; i < getSizeX(); i++){
for(int j = 0; j < getSizeY(); j++) {
for(int k = 0; k < getSizeZ(); k++) {
BlockInfo info = getBlockInfos()[i][j][k];
if(info == null) {
out.write("0,0,"); out.newLine();
} else {
if(info.getType() == Material.Sign || info.getType() == Material.SignPost) {
String[] lines = info.getSignLines();
out.write(info.getTypeID() + "," + info.getData() + "," + lines[0] + "[line]" + lines[1] + "[line]" + lines[2] + "[line]"+ lines[3]);
} else {
out.write(info.getTypeID() + "," + info.getData() + ",");
getBlockInfos()[i][j][k] = new BlockInfo(typeID, data, lines);
} finally {
if(out != null) out.close();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user