Closes gh-69. Damn this was a bitch to fix. /setzone code is much clearer and less crazy now.

This commit is contained in:
taoneill 2011-02-22 00:54:51 -05:00
parent 31e4f3cb38
commit fc1621f4c6
2 changed files with 58 additions and 68 deletions

View File

@ -774,6 +774,10 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
"Saves the zone blocks if the zone if the outline is correct.");
} else {
Warzone warzone = this.findWarzone(arguments[0]);
String msgString = "";
Location oldSoutheast = null;
Location oldNorthwest = null;
boolean fail = false;
if(warzone == null) {
// create the warzone
warzone = new Warzone(this, player.getLocation().getWorld(), arguments[0]);
@ -800,7 +804,6 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
// just moving the single nw corner we've placed so far
}else {
String msgString = "";
if(warzone.getVolume().isSaved()) {
msg(player, "Resetting " + warzone.getName() + " blocks.");
if(warzone.getLobby() != null) {
@ -809,35 +812,22 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
int reset = warzone.getVolume().resetBlocks();
msgString = reset + " blocks reset. ";
} else {
oldNorthwest = warzone.getNorthwest();
if(warzone.tooSmall()) {
badMsg(player, "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " is too small. Min north-south size: 20. Min east-west size: 20.");
} else if (warzone.tooBig()) {
badMsg(player, "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " is too Big. Max north-south size: 500. Max east-west size: 500.");
else {
msgString += "New zone outline ok. Northwesternmost point of zone " + warzone.getName() + " set to x:" + (int)warzone.getNorthwest().getBlockX()
+ " z:" + (int)warzone.getNorthwest().getBlockZ()+ ". Saving new warzone blocks...";
msg(player, msgString);, warzone, false);
} else if(arguments[1].equals("southeast") || arguments[1].equals("se")) {
if(warzone.getNorthwest() != null
&& (player.getLocation().getBlockX() <= warzone.getNorthwest().getBlockX()
|| player.getLocation().getBlockZ() >= warzone.getNorthwest().getBlockZ())) {
this.badMsg(player, "You must place that corner southeast relative to the existing northwest corner! ");
fail = true;
} else if (warzone.getNorthwest() == null){
// just moving the single se corner we've placed so far
} else {
String msgString = "";
if(warzone.getVolume().isSaved()) {
// we're resizing a zone
msg(player, "Resetting zone " + warzone.getName() + " blocks.");
if(warzone.getLobby() != null) {
@ -845,45 +835,40 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {
int reset = warzone.getVolume().resetBlocks();
msgString = reset + " blocks reset. ";
} else {
oldSoutheast = warzone.getSoutheast();
if(warzone.tooSmall()) {
badMsg(player, "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " is too small. Min north-south size: 20. Min east-west size: 20.");
} else if (warzone.tooBig()) {
badMsg(player, "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " is too Big. Max north-south size: 500. Max east-west size: 500.");
else {
msgString += "New zone outline ok. Southeasternmost point of zone " + warzone.getName() + " set to x:" + (int)warzone.getSoutheast().getBlockX()
+ " z:" + (int)warzone.getSoutheast().getBlockZ()+ ". Saving new warzone blocks...";
msg(player, msgString);, warzone, false);
if(warzone.getNorthwest() == null) {
msg(player, "Still missing northwesternmost point.");
msg(player, msgString + "Still missing northwesternmost point.");
} else if(warzone.getSoutheast() == null) {
msg(player, msgString + "Still missing southeasternmost point.");
} else if (warzone.tooBig()) {
badMsg(player, msgString + "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " is too Big. Max north-south size: 500. Max east-west size: 500.");
} else if (warzone.tooSmall()) {
badMsg(player, msgString + "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " is too small. Min north-south size: 20. Min east-west size: 20.");
} else if(!fail && warzone.ready()) {
if(!this.warzones.contains(warzone)) {
if(warzone.getSoutheast() == null) {
msg(player, "Still missing southeasternmost point.");
if(this.incompleteZones.contains(warzone)) {
if(warzone.getNorthwest() != null && warzone.getSoutheast() != null) {
if(warzone.ready()) {;
msgString += "New zone outline ok. Saving new warzone blocks...";
msg(player, msgString);
warzone.saveState(false); // we just changed the volume, cant reset walls
if(warzone.getLobby() == null) {
// Set default lobby on south side
ZoneLobby lobby = new ZoneLobby(this, warzone, BlockFace.SOUTH);
if(warHub != null) { // warhub has to change
this.msg(player, "Default lobby created on south side of zone. Use /setzonelobby <n/s/e/w> to change which zone wall it is attached to.");
this.msg(player, "Default lobby created on south side of zone. Use /setzonelobby <n/s/e/w> to change its position.");
} else {
// gotta move the lobby
@ -892,7 +877,20 @@ public class War extends JavaPlugin {, warzone, true);
this.msg(player, "Warzone saved. Use /setteam, /setmonument and /savezone to configure the zone.");
&& (warzone.tooBig() || warzone.tooSmall())
&& (oldNorthwest != null || oldSoutheast != null) )
// we resized but the result is too small or too big. Restore the old corner and reinit the zone.
if(oldNorthwest != null) {
} else if (oldSoutheast != null) {

View File

@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ public class ZoneLobby {
public ZoneLobby(War war, Warzone warzone, BlockFace wall) {
this.war = war;
this.warzone = warzone;
//this.changeWall(wall, false);
@ -69,16 +68,9 @@ public class ZoneLobby {
public void changeWall(BlockFace newWall) {
// changeWall(newWall, true);
// }
// public void changeWall(BlockFace newWall, boolean save) {
if(volume == null) {
// no previous wall
this.volume = new Volume("lobby", war, warzone.getWorld());
} else {
// move the lobby
// this.volume.resetBlocks(); // should be done previously thru getVolume
this.wall = newWall;
@ -133,12 +125,12 @@ public class ZoneLobby {
corner2 = warzone.getWorld().getBlockAt(wallCenterPos - lobbyHalfSide, highestNonAirBlockAtCenter + 1 + lobbyHeight, z + lobbyDepth);
if(corner1 != null && corner2 != null/* && save*/) {
if(corner1 != null && corner2 != null) {
// save the blocks, wide enough for three team gates, 3+1 high and 10 deep, extruding out from the zone wall.
this.volume.saveBlocks();, warzone.getName(), war);
//, warzone.getName(), war);