[Lang] Add FR HU KO NO PL PT localizations

This commit adds localizations for the languages French, Korean, and Norwegian. Portuguese, Hungarian, and Polish are still a work-in-progress but they have been added. The languages German, Spanish, and Russian have been updated also.
This commit is contained in:
Connor Monahan 2014-01-03 20:16:28 -06:00
parent ca03c96173
commit fdc4e90635
10 changed files with 705 additions and 171 deletions

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@ -1,142 +1,129 @@
#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net)
build.denied.location = You can't build here.
build.denied.outside = You can only build inside warzones.
build.denied.teamblock = You can only use your team's blocks to capture monuments.
build.denied.zone.break = The blocks in this warzone are unbreakable!
# Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net)
build.denied.location = You can't build here.
build.denied.outside = You can only build inside warzones.
build.denied.teamblock = You can only use your team's blocks to capture monuments.
build.denied.zone.break = The blocks in this warzone are unbreakable!
build.denied.zone.multteam = You already have a {0} block.
build.denied.zone.outside = You can't destroy a warzone you are not playing in.
build.denied.zone.place = You cannot place blocks in this warzone.
build.denied.zone.type = You cannot modify this type of block.
command.console = You can't do this if you are not in game.
build.denied.zone.outside = You can't destroy a warzone you are not playing in.
build.denied.zone.place = You cannot place blocks in this warzone.
build.denied.zone.type = You cannot modify this type of block.
command.console = You can't do this if you are not in game.
command.disabled = You can only use War commands (e.g. /leave) while playing.
drop.bomb.broadcast = {0} dropped the {1} bomb!
drop.bomb.disabled = You can't drop items while stealing bomb. What are you doing?! Run for your enemy's spawn!
drop.bomb.disabled = You can't drop items while stealing bomb. What are you doing?! Run for your enemy's spawn!
drop.cake.broadcast = {0} dropped the {1} cake!
drop.cake.disabled = You can't drop items while stealing cake. What are you doing?! Run!
drop.cake.disabled = You can't drop items while stealing cake. What are you doing?! Run!
drop.flag.broadcast = {0} dropped the {1} flag!
drop.flag.disabled = You can't drop items while stealing flag. What are you doing?! Run!
drop.item.border = You can't drop items near the zone border.
drop.item.disabled = You can't drop items in this warzone.
drop.item.spawn = You can't drop items while you are still in spawn.
drop.team = You can''t drop {0} blocks.
drop.wand = You dropped the zone {0} wand.
join.aarequired = This warzone requires you to be automatically assigned to a team. Please enter the autoassign gate instead.
join.broadcast = {0} joined team {1}.
join.disabled = This warzone is disabled.
join.full.all = All teams are full.
join.full.single = Team {0} is full.
join.inventorystored = Your inventory is in storage until you exit with /war leave.
join.permission.all = You don't have permission for any of the available teams in this warzone.
drop.flag.disabled = You can't drop items while stealing flag. What are you doing?! Run!
drop.item.border = You can't drop items near the zone border.
drop.item.disabled = You can't drop items in this warzone.
drop.item.spawn = You can't drop items while you are still in spawn.
drop.team = You can''t drop {0} blocks.
drop.wand = You dropped the zone {0} wand.
join.aarequired = This warzone requires you to be automatically assigned to a team. Please enter the autoassign gate instead.
join.broadcast = {0} joined team {1}.
join.disabled = This warzone is disabled.
join.full.all = All teams are full.
join.full.single = Team {0} is full.
join.inventorystored = Your inventory is in storage until you exit with /war leave.
join.permission.all = You don't have permission for any of the available teams in this warzone.
join.permission.single = You don''t have permission to join team {0}.
join.progress = You can't join a battle in progress in this zone.
join.selfteam = You can't join your own team.
join.team404 = That team could not be found. Try using /teams for a list.
leave.broadcast = {0} left the zone.
join.progress = You can't join a battle in progress in this zone.
join.selfteam = You can't join your own team.
join.team404 = That team could not be found. Try using /teams for a list.
leave.broadcast = {0} left the zone.
leave.inventoryrestore = Your inventory is being restored.
pvp.death.drown = {0} drowned
pvp.death.explosion = {0} exploded
pvp.death.fall = {0} fell to an untimely death
pvp.death.fire = {0} burned to a crisp
pvp.death.other = {0} died
pvp.ff.disabled = Your attack missed! Your target is on your team.
pvp.ff.enabled = Friendly fire is on! Please, don't hurt your teammates.
pvp.kill.adjectives = ;;mighty;deadly;fine;precise;brutal;powerful
pvp.kill.bomb = {0} made {1} blow up!
pvp.kill.format = {0}''s {1} {2} {3} {4}
pvp.kill.self = {0} committed suicide
pvp.kill.verbs = killed;killed;killed;finished;annihilated;murdered;obliterated;exterminated
pvp.kill.weapon.aim = aim
pvp.kill.weapon.bow = bow
pvp.kill.weapon.hand = hand
pvp.death.drown = {0} drowned
pvp.death.explosion = {0} exploded
pvp.death.fall = {0} fell to an untimely death
pvp.death.fire = {0} burned to a crisp
pvp.death.other = {0} died
pvp.ff.disabled = Your attack missed! Your target is on your team.
pvp.ff.enabled = Friendly fire is on! Please, don't hurt your teammates.
pvp.kill.adjectives = ;;mighty;deadly;fine;precise;brutal;powerful
pvp.kill.bomb = {0} made {1} blow up!
pvp.kill.format = {0}''s {1} {2} {3} {4}
pvp.kill.self = {0} committed suicide
pvp.kill.verbs = killed;killed;killed;finished;annihilated;murdered;obliterated;exterminated
pvp.kill.weapon.aim = aim
pvp.kill.weapon.bow = bow
pvp.kill.weapon.hand = hand
pvp.outside.permission = You can't attack players outside warzones.
pvp.self.notplaying = You need to be playing in the warzone to attack.
pvp.self.respawn = You can't attack while respawning!
pvp.self.spawn = You can't attack while still in spawn!
pvp.target.notplaying = Your target is not playing in the warzone.
pvp.target.otherzone = Your target is playing in another warzone.
pvp.target.respawn = The target is currently respawning!
pvp.target.spawn = The target is still in spawn!
pvp.self.notplaying = You need to be playing in the warzone to attack.
pvp.self.respawn = You can't attack while respawning!
pvp.self.spawn = You can't attack while still in spawn!
pvp.target.notplaying = Your target is not playing in the warzone.
pvp.target.otherzone = Your target is playing in another warzone.
pvp.target.respawn = The target is currently respawning!
pvp.target.spawn = The target is still in spawn!
sign.lobby.autoassign = Warzone\n{0}\nEnter the auto-\nassign gate.
sign.lobby.pick = Warzone\n{0}\n\nPick your team.
sign.lobby.warhub = \nTo War hub\n\n
sign.team.limited = Team {0}\n{1}/{2} players\n{3}/{4} pts\n{5} lives left
sign.team.unlimited = Team {0}\n{1}/{2} players\n{3}/{4} pts\nunlimited lives
sign.warhub = War hub\n(/warhub)\nPick your\nbattle!
sign.warzone = Warzone\n{0}\n{1}/{2} players\n{3} teams
team.chat.enable = Team chat toggled on. Your regular chat messages will be received by your team only.
sign.lobby.pick = Warzone\n{0}\n\nPick your team.
sign.lobby.warhub = \nTo War hub\n\n
sign.team.limited = Team {0}\n{1}/{2} players\n{3}/{4} pts\n{5} lives left
sign.team.unlimited = Team {0}\n{1}/{2} players\n{3}/{4} pts\nunlimited lives
sign.warhub = War hub\n(/warhub)\nPick your\nbattle!
sign.warzone = Warzone\n{0}\n{1}/{2} players\n{3} teams
team.chat.enable = Team chat toggled on. Your regular chat messages will be received by your team only.
team.chat.disable = Team chat toggled off.
use.anvil = You can't use anvils in this warzone!
use.enchant = You can't use enchantment tables in this warzone!
use.ender = You can't use ender chests while playing in a warzone!
use.item.spawn = You can't use items while still in spawn.
use.anvil = You can't use anvils in this warzone!
use.enchant = You can't use enchantment tables in this warzone!
use.ender = You can't use ender chests while playing in a warzone!
use.item.spawn = You can't use items while still in spawn.
use.xpkillmeter = This is due to the xpkillmeter option being enabled.
wand.toofar = Your target block is too far away.
war.notadmin = You can't do this if you are not a War admin (permission war.admin).
war.notzm = You can't do this if you are not a warzone maker (permission war.zonemaker).
war.prefix = War>
war.title = War
warhub.none = No warhub on this War server. Try /zones and /zone.
war.notadmin = You can't do this if you are not a War admin (permission war.admin).
war.notzm = You can't do this if you are not a warzone maker (permission war.zonemaker).
war.prefix = War>
war.title = War
warhub.none = No warhub on this War server. Try /zones and /zone.
warhub.permission = You do not have permission to teleport to War hub.
warhub.teleport = Welcome to the WarHub. Choose your battle!
zone.airstrike = {0} called in an airstrike!
zone.battle.end = The battle is over. Team {0} lost: {1} died and there were no lives left in their life pool.
zone.battle.newscores = New scores - {0}
zone.battle.next = The battle was interrupted. Resetting warzone {0}...
zone.battle.reset = A new battle will begin shortly. Resetting warzone...
zone.battle.resetprogress = Reset progress: {0}%, {1} seconds...
zone.battle.resetcomplete = Warzone reset in {0} seconds. A new battle begins.
zone.bomb.broadcast = {0} blew up team {1}''s spawn. Team {2} scores one point.
zone.cake.broadcast = {0} captured cake {1}. Team {2} scores one point and gets a full lifepool.
warhub.teleport = Welcome to the WarHub. Choose your battle!
zone.airstrike = {0} called in an airstrike!
zone.battle.end = The battle is over. Team {0} lost: {1} died and there were no lives left in their life pool.
zone.battle.newscores = New scores - {0}
zone.battle.next = The battle was interrupted. Resetting warzone {0}...
zone.battle.reset = A new battle will begin shortly. Resetting warzone...
zone.battle.resetprogress = Reset progress: {0}%, {1} seconds...
zone.battle.resetcomplete = Warzone reset in {0} seconds. A new battle begins.
zone.bomb.broadcast = {0} blew up team {1}''s spawn. Team {2} scores one point.
zone.cake.broadcast = {0} captured cake {1}. Team {2} scores one point and gets a full lifepool.
zone.flagcapture.broadcast = {0} captured team {1}''s flag. Team {2} scores one point.
zone.flagreturn.deadlock = You can't capture the enemy flag until your team's flag is returned.
zone.flagreturn.flag = You have to capture the enemy flag at your team's flag.
zone.flagreturn.spawn = You have to capture the enemy flag at your team's spawn.
zone.leavenotice = Use /war leave to exit the zone.
zone.lifepool.empty = Team {0}''s life pool is empty. One more death and they lose the battle!
zone.loadout.equip = Equipped {0} loadout (sneak to switch).
zone.loadout.reenter = Can't change loadout after exiting the spawn.
zone.monument.badblock = You must capture a monument with a block of your team's wool color. Get one from your team spawn.
zone.monument.capture = Monument {0} has been captured by team {1}.
zone.monument.lose = Team {0} loses control of mounment {1}
zone.monument.voodoo = Your dance pleases the monument''s voodoo. You gain {0} heart(s)!
zone.noteamnotice = You can't be inside a warzone without a team.
zone.score.board404 = This warzone has not enabled a scoreboard.
zone.score.empty = You can't score until at least one player joins another team.
zone.spawn.minplayers = You can''t leave spawn until there''s a minimum of {0} player(s) on at least {1} team(s).
zone.spawn.timer = You can''t leave spawn for {0} second(s) after respawning!
zone.steal.bomb.broadcast = {0} has bomb {1}.
zone.steal.bomb.notice = You have bomb {0}. Reach another team's spawn to score. Don't get touched by anyone or you'll blow up!
zone.steal.bomb.prevent = Prevent {0} from reaching your spawn with the bomb!
zone.steal.cake.broadcast = {0} has cake {1}.
zone.steal.cake.notice = You have cake {0}. Reach your team''s spawn to score and replenish your lifepool.
zone.steal.cake.prevent = Prevent {0} from reaching their spawn with the cake!
zone.steal.flag.broadcast = {0} stole team {1}''s flag.
zone.steal.flag.empty = You can't steal team {0}'s flag since no players are on that team.
zone.steal.flag.notice = You have team {0}''s flag. Reach your team spawn or flag to capture it!
zone.steal.flag.prevent = Prevent {0} from reaching team {1}''s spawn or flag.
zone.stealextra.bomb = You can only steal one bomb at a time!
zone.stealextra.cake = You can only steal one cake at a time!
zone.stealextra.flag = You can only steal one flag at a time!
zone.stealextra.other = You can only steal one thing at a time!
zone.teaminfo.format = {0}: {1} points, {2}/{3} lives left. {4}
zone.teaminfo.none = none
zone.teaminfo.prefix = Teams:
zone.teleport = Welcome to warzone {0}.
zone.warp.permission = You do not have permission to teleport to the warzone.
zone.zone404 = The warzone could not be found.
zone.zoneinfo.format = {0}: {1} teams, {2} players
zone.zoneinfo.prefix = Warzones:
zone.zoneinfo.teleport = Use /zone <zone-name> to teleport to a warzone.
zone.flagreturn.deadlock = You can't capture the enemy flag until your team's flag is returned.
zone.flagreturn.flag = You have to capture the enemy flag at your team's flag.
zone.flagreturn.spawn = You have to capture the enemy flag at your team's spawn.
zone.leavenotice = Use /war leave to exit the zone.
zone.lifepool.empty = Team {0}''s life pool is empty. One more death and they lose the battle!
zone.loadout.equip = Equipped {0} loadout (sneak to switch).
zone.loadout.reenter = Can't change loadout after exiting the spawn.
zone.monument.badblock = You must capture a monument with a block of your team's wool color. Get one from your team spawn.
zone.monument.capture = Monument {0} has been captured by team {1}.
zone.monument.lose = Team {0} loses control of mounment {1}
zone.monument.voodoo = Your dance pleases the monument''s voodoo. You gain {0} heart(s)!
zone.noteamnotice = You can't be inside a warzone without a team.
zone.score.board404 = This warzone has not enabled a scoreboard.
zone.score.empty = You can't score until at least one player joins another team.
zone.spawn.minplayers = You can''t leave spawn until there''s a minimum of {0} player(s) on at least {1} team(s).
zone.spawn.timer = You can''t leave spawn for {0} second(s) after respawning!
zone.steal.bomb.broadcast = {0} has bomb {1}.
zone.steal.bomb.notice = You have bomb {0}. Reach another team's spawn to score. Don't get touched by anyone or you'll blow up!
zone.steal.bomb.prevent = Prevent {0} from reaching your spawn with the bomb!
zone.steal.cake.broadcast = {0} has cake {1}.
zone.steal.cake.notice = You have cake {0}. Reach your team''s spawn to score and replenish your lifepool.
zone.steal.cake.prevent = Prevent {0} from reaching their spawn with the cake!
zone.steal.flag.broadcast = {0} stole team {1}''s flag.
zone.steal.flag.empty = You can't steal team {0}'s flag since no players are on that team.
zone.steal.flag.notice = You have team {0}''s flag. Reach your team spawn or flag to capture it!
zone.steal.flag.prevent = Prevent {0} from reaching team {1}''s spawn or flag.
zone.stealextra.bomb = You can only steal one bomb at a time!
zone.stealextra.cake = You can only steal one cake at a time!
zone.stealextra.flag = You can only steal one flag at a time!
zone.stealextra.other = You can only steal one thing at a time!
zone.teaminfo.format = {0}: {1} points, {2}/{3} lives left. {4}
zone.teaminfo.none = none
zone.teaminfo.prefix = Teams:
zone.teleport = Welcome to warzone {0}.
zone.warp.permission = You do not have permission to teleport to the warzone.
zone.zone404 = The warzone could not be found.
zone.zoneinfo.format = {0}: {1} teams, {2} players
zone.zoneinfo.prefix = Warzones:
zone.zoneinfo.teleport = Use /zone <zone-name> to teleport to a warzone.

View File

@ -4,23 +4,23 @@ build.denied.outside = Du kannst nur inerhalb einer Warzone bauen.
build.denied.teamblock = Du kannst nur dein Team-Block nehmen, um ein Monument einzunehmen.
build.denied.zone.break = Die Bl\u00f6cke in dieser Warzone sind unzerst\u00f6rbar.
build.denied.zone.multteam = Du hast schon einen {0} Block.
build.denied.zone.outside = Du kannst keine Warzone zerst\u00f6ren, in der du nicht bist.
build.denied.zone.place = Du kannst keine Bl\u00f6cke in dieser Warzone bauen.
build.denied.zone.outside = Du kannst nichts in einer Warzone zerst\u00f6ren,wenn du dich nicht in ihr befindest.
build.denied.zone.place = Du kannst in dieser Warzone keine Bl\u00f6cke setzen.
build.denied.zone.type = Du kannst keine Bl\u00f6cke dieses Typs zerst\u00f6ren.
command.console = Du kannst das nicht in der Konsole machen.
command.console = Dieser Command ist leider nicht von der Konsole aus nutzbar
command.disabled = Du kannst nur War Kommandos (Z.Bsp. /leave) ausf\u00fchren, w\u00e4hrend du spielst!
drop.bomb.broadcast = {0} hat die {1} Bombe fallen gelassen.
drop.bomb.disabled = Du kannst keine Items droppen w\u00e4hrend du die Bombe stielst.\nWas machst du?! Renne zu dem Spawn von deinen Feinden!
drop.cake.broadcast = {0} hat den {1} Kuchen fallen gelassen.
drop.cake.disabled = Du kannst keine Items droppen w\u00e4hrend du den Kuchen stielst.\nWas machst du?! Renne zu dem Spawn von deinem Team!
drop.cake.disabled = Du kannst keine Items droppen w\u00e4hrend du den Kuchen stielst.\nWorauf wartest du ?! Lauf!
drop.flag.broadcast = {0} hat die {1} Fahne fallen gelassen!
drop.flag.disabled = Du kannst keine Items droppen w\u00e4hrend du die Fahne stielst!\nWas machst du? RENNE!
drop.flag.disabled = Du kannst keine Items droppen w\u00e4hrend du die Fahne stielst!\nWorauf wartest du ? RENN!
drop.item.border = Du kannst keine Items in der N\u00e4he des Randes droppen!
drop.item.disabled = Du kannst keine Items in dieser Warzone droppen!
drop.item.spawn = Du kannst keine Items droppen, wenn du noch am Spawn stehst!
drop.item.spawn = Du kannst keine Items droppen, w\u00e4hrend du noch am Spawn stehst!
drop.team = Du kannst {0} Bl\u00f6cke nicht droppen!
drop.wand = Du hast die Zone {0} Werkzeug gedroppt!
join.aarequired = Diese Warzone braucht dich in einem zuf\u00e4lligen Team!\nBenutze bitte das automatische Tor!
drop.wand = Du hast das Werkzeug der Zone {0} gedroppt!
join.aarequired = In dieser Warzone wird f\u00fcr dich ein zuf\u00e4lliges Team ausgew\u00e4hlt.\nBitte laufe durch das Tor !
join.broadcast = {0} hat das Team {1} betreten!
join.disabled = Diese Warzone ist deaktiviert.
join.full.all = Alle Teams sind voll.
@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ pvp.kill.weapon.bow = Bogen
pvp.kill.weapon.hand = Hand
pvp.outside.permission = Du kannst keine Spieler au\u00dferhalb der Arena angreifen.
pvp.self.notplaying = Du musst in einer Arena sein, um anzugreifen.
pvp.self.respawn = Du kannst nicht angreifen, w\u00e4hrend dem Wiederbeleben.
pvp.self.respawn = Du kannst nicht angreifen, w\u00e4hrend du dich gerade Erholst.
pvp.self.spawn = Du kannst nicht im Spawn angreifen.
pvp.target.notplaying = Dein Ziel spielt nicht in einer Kriegszone.
pvp.target.notplaying = Dein Ziel spielt nicht in einer Warzone.
pvp.target.otherzone = Dein Ziel spielt in einer anderen Kriegszone.
pvp.target.respawn = Dein Zeil spawnt gerade neu.
pvp.target.spawn = Dein Zeil ist noch im Spawn.
@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ sign.team.limited = Team {0}\n{1}/{2} Spieler\n{3}/{4} Pkt\n{5} Leben
sign.team.unlimited = Team {0}\n{1}/{2} Spieler\n{3}/{4} Pkt\nunbegrenzt
sign.warhub = Warhub\n(/warhub)\nW\u00e4hle deine\nKampf
sign.warzone = Kriegszone\n{0}\n{1}/{2} Spieler\n{3} Teams
team.chat.enable = Team-Chat wurde aktiviert! Deine Nachrichten k\u00f6nnen jetzt nur noch von deinem Team gelesen werden.
team.chat.disable = Team-Chat wurde deaktiviert!
use.anvil = Du kannst keine Ambosse in einer Kriegszone benutzen.
use.enchant = Du kannst keine Verzauberungstische in einer Kriegszone benutzen.
use.ender = Du kannst keiner Enderkisten in einer Kriegszone benutzen.
@ -82,13 +84,14 @@ zone.battle.newscores = Neuer Stand - {0}
zone.battle.next = Der Kampf wurde unterbrochen. Kriegszone {0} wird zur\u00fcck gesetzt...
zone.battle.reset = Ein neuer Kampf beginnt. Setzte Kampfzone zu\u00fcck...
zone.battle.resetprogress = Fortschritt - Zur\u00fccksetzen: {0}%, {1} Sekunden.
zone.battle.resetcomplete = Warzone wird in {0} zur\u00fcck gesetzt. Ein neuer Kampf beginnt
zone.bomb.broadcast = {0} explodierte Team {1}s Spawn. Team {2} hat einen Punkt.
zone.cake.broadcast = {0} hat Kuchen: {1} gesichert. Team {2} Hat einen Punkt und hat wieder volle Leben.
zone.flagcapture.broadcast = {0} hat Team {1}s Flagge gesichert. Team {2} hat eine Punkt erzielt
zone.flagreturn.deadlock = Du kannst die gegnerische Flagge nicht sichern, bis deine Team-Flagge gesichert wurde.
zone.flagreturn.flag = Du musst die gegnerische Flagge bei deiner Team Flagge sichern.
zone.flagreturn.spawn = Du musst die gegnerische Flagge bei deinem Team Spawn sichern.
zone.leavenotice = Benutze /war leave um die Zone zu verlassen.
zone.leavenotice = Benutze /leave um die Zone zu verlassen.
zone.lifepool.empty = Team {0}s Leben sind leer. Ein Tod mehr und sie verlieren den Kampf.
zone.loadout.equip = Mit {0} ausger\u00fcstet (Schleiche zum wechseln).
zone.loadout.reenter = Wechsle die Ausr\u00fcstung nach dem Verlassen des Spawns.

View File

@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
# Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net)
build.denied.location = No puedes construir aqui.
build.denied.outside = Solo puedes construir adentro de la zona de batalla.
build.denied.teamblock = Solo puedes usar los bloques de tu equipo para capturar monumentos.
build.denied.zone.break = Los bloques en la zona de batalla son inrrompibles.
build.denied.zone.multteam = Tu actualmente tienes {0} bloques.
build.denied.zone.outside = No puedes destruir la zona de batalla, actualmente no estas jugando.
build.denied.zone.place = No puedes mover bloques en esta zona de batalla.
build.denied.zone.type = No puedes modificar este tipo de bloque.
command.console = No puedes hacer esto si no estas en el juego.
command.disabled = Solo puedes usar comando de War (ej: /leave) mientras juegas.
build.denied.location = No puedes construir aqui!
build.denied.outside = Solo puedes contruir en la arena.
build.denied.teamblock = Solo puedes usar los bloques de tu equipo para capturar los monumentos!
build.denied.zone.break = Estos bloques tienen las propiedades de la Bedrock!
build.denied.zone.multteam = Tienes {0} bloques
build.denied.zone.outside = No puedes destruir arenas en las que no estas jugando.
build.denied.zone.place = No puedes modificar estos bloques!
build.denied.zone.type = No puedes modificar estos bloques!
command.console = No puedes usar este comando si no estas en partida.
command.disabled = Solo puedes usar comandos de guerra si estas jugando (Ej: /leave).
drop.bomb.broadcast = {0} ha soltado la {1} bomba!
drop.bomb.disabled = No puedes tirar objetos mientras robas una bomba. Que estas haciendo?\u00a1 Corre para el punto de inicio del enemigo!
drop.cake.broadcast = {0} ha soltado la {1} torta!
drop.cake.disabled = No puedes tirar objetos mientras robas una torta. Que estas haciendo?\u00a1 Corre!
drop.bomb.disabled = No puedes tirar objetos mientras tienes la bomba!
drop.cake.broadcast = {0} ha soltado la {1} tarta!
drop.cake.disabled = No puedes tirar objetos mientras estas con la tarta!
drop.flag.broadcast = {0} ha soltado la {1} bandera!
drop.flag.disabled = No puedes tirar objetos mientras robas una bandera. Que estas haciendo?\u00a1 Corre!
drop.item.border = No puedes tirar objetos cerca del borde de la zona.
drop.item.disabled = No puedes tirar objetos en esta zona de batalla.
drop.item.spawn = Usted no puede tirar elementos mientras se encuentra todavia en el punto de inicio.
drop.flag.disabled = No puedes tirar objetos mientras tengas bandera!
drop.item.border = No puedes tirar objetos en el borde de la arena.
drop.item.disabled = No puedes tirar objetos en esta arena!
drop.item.spawn = No puedes tirar objetos en tu base
drop.team = No puedes tirar {0} bloques.
drop.wand = Haz tirado la varita de la zona {0}.
join.aarequired = Esta zona de batalla requiere que sea automaticamente asignado a un equipo. O ingresa al portal de equipo aleatorio.
drop.wand = Has tirado el creador de la arena {0}.
join.aarequired = Esta arena te auto-unira a un equipo.
join.broadcast = {0} ingreso al equipo {1}
join.disabled = Esta zona de batalla esta deshabilitada.
join.full.all = Todos los equipos estan llenos
@ -33,18 +33,18 @@ join.selfteam = No puedes ingresar en tu propio equipo.
join.team404 = El equipo no ha sido encontrado. Usa /teams para ver la lista de los equipos.
leave.broadcast = {0} ha dejado la zona.
leave.inventoryrestore = Tu inventario ha sido restaurado.
pvp.death.drown = {0} se ahogo
pvp.death.explosion = {0} exploto
pvp.death.fall = {0} cayo para tener una muerte inoportuna
pvp.death.drown = {0} se ha ahogado
pvp.death.explosion = {0} ha explotado
pvp.death.fall = {0} ha caido para tener una muerte inoportuna
pvp.death.fire = {0} se hizo cenizas
pvp.death.other = {0} murio
pvp.ff.disabled = Tu ataque fallo! Ahora tu objetivo es en tu equipo.
pvp.death.other = {0} ha muerto
pvp.ff.disabled = Tu ataque ha fallado! Ahora tu objetivo es en tu equipo.
pvp.ff.enabled = Fuego amigo esta activado! Porfavor, no lastimes a los de tu equipo.
pvp.kill.adjectives = ;;fuerte;mortal;buena;precisa;brutal;poderosa
pvp.kill.bomb = {0} hizo que {1} explotara!
pvp.kill.format = {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}
pvp.kill.self = {0} cometio un suicidio
pvp.kill.verbs = mato;mato;mato;termino;aniquilo;asesino;elimino;extermino
pvp.kill.self = {0} ha cometido un suicidio
pvp.kill.verbs = matado;matado;matado;terminado;aniquilado;asesinado;eliminado;exterminado
pvp.kill.weapon.aim = apuntar
pvp.kill.weapon.bow = arco
pvp.kill.weapon.hand = mano
@ -56,13 +56,15 @@ pvp.target.notplaying = Tu objetivo no esta dentro de la zona de batalla.
pvp.target.otherzone = Tu objetivo esta jugando en otra zona de batalla.
pvp.target.respawn = Tu objetivo esta actualmente reapareciendo!
pvp.target.spawn = Tu objetivo esta actualmente en el punto de inicio!
sign.lobby.autoassign = Warzone\n{0}\nIngresa auto\nmaticamente
sign.lobby.pick = Warzone\n{0}\n\nElige tu equipo
sign.lobby.warhub = \nPara\nWar central\n
sign.lobby.autoassign = Warzone\n{0}\nIngresa auto-\nmaticamente
sign.lobby.pick = Batalla\n{0}\n\nElige tu equipo
sign.lobby.warhub = \nAl War Hub\n\n
sign.team.limited = Equipo {0}\n{1}/{2} jugadores\n{3}/{4} ptos\n{5} vidas restantes
sign.team.unlimited = Equipo {0}\n{1}/{2} jugadores\n{3}/{4} ptos\nvidas infinitas
sign.warhub = War central\n(/warhub)\nElige tu\nbatalla!
sign.warzone = Warzone\n{0}\n{1}/{2} jugadores\n{3} equipos
team.chat.enable = El ChatTeam ha sido activado. Solo recibir\u00e1s mensajes de tu equipo.
team.chat.disable = El ChatTeam ha sido desactivado.
use.anvil = No puedes usar yunques en esta zona de batalla!
use.enchant = No puedes usar mesas de encantamientos en esta zona de batalla!
use.ender = No puedes usar cofres del end mientras juegas en una zona de batalla!
@ -71,8 +73,8 @@ use.xpkillmeter = La opcion xpkillmeter esta habilitado.
wand.toofar = Tu bloque objetivo esta muy lejos.
war.notadmin = No puedes hacer esto si no eres un War Admin (permiso: war.admin).
war.notzm = No puedes hacer esto si no eres un editor de la zona de batalla (permiso: war.zonemaker).
war.prefix = War>
war.title = War
war.prefix = PvP>
war.title = PvP
warhub.none = No hay war central en este servidor War. Fijate las zonas con /zones o /zone.
warhub.permission = No tienes permisos para teletransportarte para el War central.
warhub.teleport = Bienvenido a la War central. Elige tu batalla!
@ -82,6 +84,7 @@ zone.battle.newscores = Nuevas puntuaciones - {0}
zone.battle.next = La batalla ha sido interrumpida. Reiniciando zona de batalla {0}.
zone.battle.reset = Una nueva batalla comienza. Reiniciando zona de batalla...
zone.battle.resetprogress = Progreso del reinicio: {0}%, {1} segundos
zone.battle.resetcomplete = La batalla se va a resetear en {0} segundos. Se acerca una nueva batalla.
zone.bomb.broadcast = {0} exploto el punto de inicio del equipo {1}. El equipo {2} obtiene un punto.
zone.cake.broadcast = {0} ha capturado la torta {1}. El equipo {2} obtiene un punto y se le rellenan las vidas restantes.
zone.flagcapture.broadcast = {0} ha capturado la bandera del equipo {1}. El equipo {2} obtiene un punto.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
# Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net)
build.denied.location = Vous ne pouvez pas construire ici.
build.denied.outside = Vous pouvez construire uniquement dans les zones de combat.
build.denied.teamblock = Vous devez utiliser les blocs de l'\u00e9quipe pour vous emparer des monuments.
build.denied.zone.break = Vous ne pouvez pas casser de bloc !
build.denied.zone.multteam = Vous avez d\u00e9j\u00e0 le bloc {0}.
build.denied.zone.outside = Vous ne pouvez pas d\u00e9truire le terrain si vous n'\u00eates pas dans la partie.
build.denied.zone.place = Vous ne pouvez pas placer de bloc ici.
build.denied.zone.type = Vous ne pouvez pas modifier ce type de bloc.
command.console = Vous ne pouvez pas effectuer cette action si vous n'\u00eates pas dans une partie.
command.disabled = Vous ne pouvez utiliser que les commandes de combat quand vous jouez.
drop.bomb.broadcast = {0} a perdu la bombe {1} !
drop.bomb.disabled = Vous ne pouvez pas jeter des objets quand vous avez la bombe, Que faites vous ?!... Foncez au Spawn de l'ennemi !
drop.cake.broadcast = {0} a perdu le g\u00e2teau {1} !
drop.cake.disabled = Vous ne pouvez pas jeter des objets tout en volant un g\u00e2teau. Que faites vous ?! Courez !
drop.flag.broadcast = {0} a perdu le drapeau {1} !
drop.flag.disabled = Vous ne pouvez pas jeter d'objets quand vous avez le drapeau. Que faites vous ?! Courez !
drop.item.border = Vous ne pouvez pas jeter d'objets pr\u00e8s des fronti\u00e8res de la zone.
drop.item.disabled = Vous ne pouvez rien jeter sur ce champs de bataille. Soyez \u00e9colo !
drop.item.spawn = Vous ne pouvez pas jeter d'objets en \u00e9tant \u00e0 votre base.
drop.team = Vous ne pouvez pas jeter de blocs {0}.
drop.wand = Vous jetez l''outil de zone {0}.
join.aarequired = Vous serez automatiquement int\u00e9gr\u00e9 \u00e0 une \u00e9quipe en passant le portail.
join.broadcast = {0} a rejoint l''\u00e9quipe {1}.
join.disabled = Cette ar\u00e8ne est d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9e.
join.full.all = Toutes les \u00e9quipes sont au complet.
join.full.single = Il n'y a plus de place dans l''\u00e9quipe {0}.
join.inventorystored = Votre inventaire est conserv\u00e9 jusqu'\u00e0 ce que vous quittiez le champs de bataille (via '/war leave').
join.permission.all = Vous n'avez pas les permissions suffisantes pour rejoindre une \u00e9quipe.
join.permission.single = Vous n''avez pas la permission de rejoindre l''\u00e9quipe {0}.
join.progress = Les combats ont d\u00e9j\u00e0 d\u00e9marr\u00e9, vous ne pouvez pas rejoindre cette ar\u00e8ne.
join.selfteam = Vous ne pouvez pas rejoindre votre propre \u00e9quipe.
join.team404 = Cette \u00e9quipe n'existe pas. Utilisez '/teams' pour obtenir la liste des \u00e9quipes existantes.
leave.broadcast = {0} a quitt\u00e9 la bataille.
leave.inventoryrestore = Votre inventaire vient d'\u00eatre restaur\u00e9.
pvp.death.drown = {0} ne sait pas nager, et vient de se noyer !
pvp.death.explosion = Boom ! {0} vient d''exploser !
pvp.death.fall = {0} s''est cass\u00e9 le doigt de pied en tombant... Et il en est mort !
pvp.death.fire = {0} vient de p\u00e9rir dans les flammes... Paix \u00e0 son \u00e2me !
pvp.death.other = {0} est mort !
pvp.ff.disabled = Rat\u00e9 ! Il est dans ton \u00e9quipe celui-l\u00e0 !
pvp.ff.enabled = Tir ami activ\u00e9 ! Faites attention quand vous tapez ;)
pvp.kill.adjectives = ;;puissant;mortel;bien;pr\u00e9cis;brutal;puissant
pvp.kill.bomb = Bien jou\u00e9 {0} ! Le souffle de l''explosion a tu\u00e9 {1} !
pvp.kill.format = {1} {2} de {0} {3} {4}
pvp.kill.self = {0} s''est suicid\u00e9 !
pvp.kill.verbs = tu\u00e9;tu\u00e9;tu\u00e9;termin\u00e9;an\u00e9anti;assassin\u00e9;effac\u00e9;extermin\u00e9
pvp.kill.weapon.aim = cible
pvp.kill.weapon.bow = arc
pvp.kill.weapon.hand = main
pvp.outside.permission = Vous ne pouvez pas attaquer les joueurs en dehors de l'ar\u00e8ne.
pvp.self.notplaying = Vous devez rejoindre l'ar\u00e8ne pour attaquer. Allez, viens, on est bien !
pvp.self.respawn = Attendez qu'il soit pr\u00eat pour attaquer !
pvp.self.spawn = Vous ne pouvez pas attaquer depuis votre base.
pvp.target.notplaying = Votre cible est en dehors de l'ar\u00e8ne.
pvp.target.otherzone = Votre cible est dans une autre ar\u00e8ne... Bien tent\u00e9 !
pvp.target.respawn = La cible est actuellement \u00e0 sa base !
pvp.target.spawn = La cible est d\u00e9j\u00e0 au point d'apparition !
sign.lobby.autoassign = Warzone\n{0}\nEntrez dans un\nportail.
sign.lobby.pick = Ar\u00e8ne\n{0}\nChoisissez\nvotre \u00e9quipe
sign.lobby.warhub = \nVers la zone de\nchoix d'ar\u00e8ne\n
sign.team.limited = Equipe {0}\n{1}/{2} joueurs\n{3}/{4} points\n{5} vies
sign.team.unlimited = Equipe {0}\n{1}/{2} joueurs\n{3}/{4} points\nVies illimit\u00e9es
sign.warhub = War hub\n( /warhub )\nChoisissez votre\nbataille !
sign.warzone = Champs de bataille\n{0}\n{1}/{2} joueurs\n{3} \u00e9quipes
team.chat.enable = Chat d'\u00e9quipe activ\u00e9. Seule votre \u00e9quipe pourra lire vos messages.
team.chat.disable = Chat d'\u00e9quipe d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9.
use.anvil = Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser l'enclume sur ce champs de bataille !
use.enchant = Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser la table d'enchantement sur ce champs de bataille !
use.ender = Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser les coffres de l'end en pleine bataille !
use.item.spawn = Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser d'objet \u00e0 votre base.
use.xpkillmeter = L'option 'xpkillmeter' doit \u00eatre activ\u00e9e.
wand.toofar = Le bloc cible est trop \u00e9loign\u00e9.
war.notadmin = Vous n'avez pas la permission.
war.notzm = Vous n'avez pas la permission requise.
war.prefix = War >
war.title = War
warhub.none = Il n'y a pas de "warhub". Utilisez '/zones' et '/zone'.
warhub.permission = Vous n'avez pas la permission de vous t\u00e9l\u00e9porter.
warhub.teleport = Bienvenue ! Choisissez un champs de bataille.
zone.airstrike = {0} a fait un raid a\u00e9rien !
zone.battle.end = La partie est termin\u00e9e ! L''\u00e9quipe {0} a perdu : {1} morts et plus aucune de vie.
zone.battle.newscores = Nouveaux scores - {0}
zone.battle.next = Le combat a \u00e9t\u00e9 interrompu... Remise \u00e0 z\u00e9ro de la zone {0}...
zone.battle.reset = Une nouvelle bataille va bient\u00f4t d\u00e9marrer. Pr\u00e9paration de l'ar\u00e8ne...
zone.battle.resetprogress = Progression: {0}%, {1} secondes...
zone.battle.resetcomplete = L''ar\u00e8ne va \u00eatre r\u00e9initialis\u00e9e dans {0} secondes. Une nouvelle bataille va commencer !
zone.bomb.broadcast = {0} a explos\u00e9 la base de l''\u00e9quipe {1}. L''\u00e9quipe {2} gagne un point.
zone.cake.broadcast = {0} a ramen\u00e9 le g\u00e2teau {1} \u00e0 sa base. L''\u00e9quipe {2} gagne un point et r\u00e9cup\u00e8re toutes ses vies.
zone.flagcapture.broadcast = {0} a ramen\u00e9 le drapeau de l''\u00e9quipe {1} dans son camp ! L''\u00e9quipe {2} gagne un point.
zone.flagreturn.deadlock = Vous ne pouvez pas rapporter un drapeau ennemi alors que votre propre drapeau a \u00e9t\u00e9 vol\u00e9 !
zone.flagreturn.flag = Vous devez rapporter le drapeau ennemi \u00e0 votre propre drapeau.
zone.flagreturn.spawn = Vous devez rapporter le drapeau ennemi \u00e0 votre base.
zone.leavenotice = Utilisez '/war leave' pour quitter le champs de bataille.
zone.lifepool.empty = L''\u00e9quipe {0} n''a plus de vie. Encore un d\u00e9c\u00e8s, et elle perd la bataille !
zone.loadout.equip = Voici l''\u00e9quipement {0} (accroupissez-vous pour changer).
zone.loadout.reenter = Vous ne pouvez pas changer votre \u00e9quipement apr\u00e8s avoir quitt\u00e9 votre base.
zone.monument.badblock = Vous devez vous emparer d'un monument avec une laine \u00e0 la couleur de votre \u00e9quipe. Obtenez en une \u00e0 votre base.
zone.monument.capture = L''\u00e9quipe {1} s''est empar\u00e9e du monument {0}.
zone.monument.lose = L''\u00e9quipe {0} a perdu le contr\u00f4le du monument {1}.
zone.monument.voodoo = Votre danse a plu au monument. Vous gagnez {0} coeur(s) !
zone.noteamnotice = Vous ne pouvez pas \u00eatre dans l'ar\u00e8ne sans \u00eatre dans une \u00e9quipe.
zone.score.board404 = Le tableau des scores n'est pas activ\u00e9 dans cette ar\u00e8ne.
zone.score.empty = Vous ne pourrez pas marquer de point tant qu'aucun joueur n'aura rejoint une autre \u00e9quipe.
zone.spawn.minplayers = Vous ne pouvez pas quitter votre base s''il n''y a pas au moins {0} joueurs dans au moins {1} \u00e9quipes.
zone.spawn.timer = Vous ne pouvez pas quitter votre base pendant {0} apr\u00e8s votre apparition.
zone.steal.bomb.broadcast = {0} s''est empar\u00e9 de la bombe {1}.
zone.steal.bomb.notice = Vous avez la bombe {0}. Atteignez la base d''une \u00e9quipe ennemie pour gagner des points. Si vous vous faites toucher, vous exploserez !
zone.steal.bomb.prevent = Emp\u00eachez {0} d''atteindre votre base avec la bombe !
zone.steal.cake.broadcast = {0} a vol\u00e9 le g\u00e2teau {1}.
zone.steal.cake.notice = Vous avez le g\u00e2teau {0}. Atteignez votre base pour gagner des points et obtenir des vies !
zone.steal.cake.prevent = Emp\u00eachez {0} d''atteindre sa base avec le g\u00e2teau !
zone.steal.flag.broadcast = {0} a vol\u00e9 le drapeau de l''\u00e9quipe {1} !
zone.steal.flag.empty = Vous ne pouvez pas voler le drapeau de l''\u00e9quipe {0} si aucun joueur n''a rejoint cette \u00e9quipe.
zone.steal.flag.notice = Vous avez le drapeau de l''\u00e9quipe {0}. Atteigez votre base ou votre propre drapeau, et vite !
zone.steal.flag.prevent = Emp\u00eachez {0} d''atteindre la base ou le drapeau de l''\u00e9quipe {1} !
zone.stealextra.bomb = Vous ne pouvez voler qu'une seule bombe \u00e0 la fois !
zone.stealextra.cake = Vous ne pouvez voler qu'un seul g\u00e2teau \u00e0 la fois !
zone.stealextra.flag = Vous ne pouvez voler qu'un seul drapeau \u00e0 la fois !
zone.stealextra.other = Vous ne pouvez voler qu'une seule chose \u00e0 la fois !
zone.teaminfo.format = {0} : {1} points, {2}/{3} vies restantes. {4}
zone.teaminfo.none = aucun(e)
zone.teaminfo.prefix = Equipes :
zone.teleport = Bienvenue sur le champs de bataille {0} !
zone.warp.permission = Vous n'avez pas la permission de vous t\u00e9l\u00e9porter \u00e0 cette ar\u00e8ne.
zone.zone404 = Ar\u00e8ne non trouv\u00e9e.
zone.zoneinfo.format = {0} : {1} \u00e9quipes, {2} joueurs
zone.zoneinfo.prefix = Liste des ar\u00e8nes :
zone.zoneinfo.teleport = Utilisez '/zone <nom de la zone>' pour vous y t\u00e9l\u00e9porter.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net)
build.denied.location = Itt nem \u00e9p\u00edthetsz.
build.denied.outside = Csak a j\u00e1t\u00e9kteren bel\u00fcl \u00e9p\u00edthetsz.
join.disabled = Ez az ar\u00e9na le van tiltva.
join.full.all = A csapatok tele vannak.
join.inventorystored = Az eszk\u00f6zt\u00e1rad vissza\u00e1ll, ha kil\u00e9psz a /warp leave paranccsal.
join.permission.single = Nincs jogod, hogy csatlakozz a(z) {0} csapathoz.
leave.broadcast = {0} kil\u00e9pett az ar\u00e9n\u00e1b\u00f3l.
leave.inventoryrestore = Az eszk\u00f6zt\u00e1rad vissza\u00e1llt.
pvp.ff.disabled = Rossz helyre c\u00e9lozt\u00e1l! A csapat t\u00e1rsadat tal\u00e1ltad el.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
# Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net)
build.denied.location = \uc774\uacf3\uc5d0\uc11c \ube14\ub7ed\uc744 \uc124\uce58\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
build.denied.outside = \uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed \ub0b4\uc5d0\uc11c\ub9cc \ube14\ub7ed\uc744 \uc124\uce58\ud560 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
build.denied.teamblock = \uc790\uc2e0\uc758 \ud300 \ube14\ub7ed\ub9cc\uc744 \uc774\uc6a9\ud574 \uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed \uc911\uc2ec\uc5d0 \uc788\ub294 \uae43\ubc1c\ub85c \uaf42\uc744 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
build.denied.zone.break = \uc774 \uc804\uc7c1\uc5d0\uc11c \ube14\ub7ed\uc744 \ud30c\uad34\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
build.denied.zone.multteam = \uc774\ubbf8 {0} \ube14\ub7ed\uc744 \uac00\uc9c0\uace0 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
build.denied.zone.outside = \uc804\uc7c1\uc5d0 \ucc38\uc5ec\ud558\uc9c0 \uc54a\uace0 \uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed\uc5d0\uc11c \ube14\ub7ed\uc744 \ud30c\uad34\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
build.denied.zone.place = \uc774 \uc804\uc7c1\uc5d0\uc11c \ube14\ub7ed\uc744 \uc124\uce58\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
build.denied.zone.type = \uc804\uc7c1\uc5d0\uc11c \uc774 \ube14\ub7ed\uc744 \uc124\uce58 \ub610\ub294 \ud30c\uad34\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
command.console = \uc804\uc7c1\uac8c\uc784\uc911\uc5d0\ub9cc \uc0ac\uc6a9\uac00\ub2a5\ud55c \ucee4\ub9e8\ub4dc\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.
command.disabled = \uac8c\uc784\ub3c4\uc911\uc5d0\ub294 \uc804\uc7c1\uac8c\uc784 \ucee4\ub9e8\ub4dc (\uc608\uc2dc: /leave) \uc774\uc678\uc5d0\ub294 \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
drop.bomb.broadcast = {0} \uc774(\uac00) {1} \uc5d0\uac8c \ud3ed\ud0c4\uc744 \ud22c\ud558\ud588\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
drop.bomb.disabled = \ud3ed\ud0c4\uc744 \ud6d4\uce58\uba74 \uc544\uc774\ud15c\uc744 \ub5a8\uc5b4\ub728\ub9b4 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc9c0\uae08 \ub2f9\uc7a5 \uc801\uad70 \uae30\uc9c0\uc758 \uc2a4\ud3f0\uc73c\ub85c \uac00\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624!
drop.cake.broadcast = {0} \uc774(\uac00) {1} \uc5d0\uac8c \ud3ed\ud0c4\uc744 \ud22c\ud558\ud588\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
drop.cake.disabled = \ucf00\uc774\ud06c\ub97c \ud6d4\uce60 \ub54c \uc544\uc774\ud15c\uc744 \ub5a8\uc5b4\ub728\ub9b4 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ube68\ub9ac \ub6f0\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624!
drop.flag.broadcast = {0} \uc774(\uac00) {1} \uc5d0\uac8c \uae43\ubc1c\uc744 \ub5a8\uc5b4\ub728\ub838\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
drop.flag.disabled = \uae43\ubc1c\uc744 \ud6d4\uce60 \ub54c \uc544\uc774\ud15c\uc744 \ub5a8\uc5b4\ub728\ub9b4 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ube68\ub9ac \ub6f0\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624!
drop.item.border = \uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed \uacbd\uacc4\uc120 \uadfc\ucc98\uc5d0\uc11c \uc544\uc774\ud15c\uc744 \ub5a8\uc5b4\ub728\ub9b4 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
drop.item.disabled = \uc774 \uc804\uc7c1\uc5d0\uc11c \uc544\uc774\ud15c\uc744 \ub5a8\uc5b4\ub728\ub9b4 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
drop.item.spawn = \uae30\uc9c0 \uc2a4\ud3f0\uad6c\uc5ed\uc5d0\uc11c\ub294 \uc544\uc774\ud15c\uc744 \ub5a8\uc5b4\ub728\ub9b4 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
drop.team = {0} \uc591\ud138 \ube14\ub7ed\uc744 \ub5a8\uc5b4\ub728\ub9b4 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
drop.wand = \uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed\uc5d0 {0} wand \ub97c \ub5a8\uc5b4\ub728\ub838\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
join.aarequired = \uc804\uc7c1\uc744 \ucc38\uac00\ud558\ub824\uba74 \ud300\uc5d0 \uac00\uc785\ub418\uc5b4\uc57c\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc804\uc7c1\ucc38\uac00 \uac8c\uc774\ud2b8\ub97c \ud1b5\uacfc\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.
join.broadcast = {0} \uc774(\uac00) {1} \ud300\uc73c\ub85c \uc804\uc7c1\uc5d0 \ucc38\uac00\ud588\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
join.disabled = \uc774 \uc804\uc7c1\uc740 \ud604\uc7ac \ube44\ud65c\uc131\ud654 \ub418\uc5b4 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
join.full.all = \uc774 \uc804\uc7c1\uc758 \ubaa8\ub4e0 \ud300 \uc778\uc6d0\uc218\uac00 \ucc3c\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
join.full.single = {0} \ud300 \uc778\uc6d0\uc218\uac00 \ucc3c\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
join.inventorystored = \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc758 \uc778\ubca4\ud1a0\ub9ac\uac00 \ube44\uc6cc\uc84c\uc9c0\ub9cc \uc800\uc7a5\ub418\uc5b4 \uc804\uc7c1\uc774 \ub05d\ub098\uac70\ub098 /sg leave \ub97c \uc785\ub825\ud558\uba74 \ub2e4\uc2dc \ubcf5\uad6c\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.
join.permission.all = \uc774 \uc804\uc7c1\uc758 \uc5b4\ub5a4 \ud300\uc5d0\ub3c4 \ucc38\uac00\ud560 \uad8c\ud55c\uc774 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
join.permission.single = {0} \ud300\uc5d0 \ucc38\uac00\ud560 \uad8c\ud55c\uc774 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
join.progress = \uc774 \uc804\uc7c1\uc740 \ud604\uc7ac \uc9c4\ud589\uc911\uc774\uc5ec\uc11c \ucc38\uac00\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
join.selfteam = \uc774\ubbf8 \uc790\uc2e0\uc758 \uc804\uc7c1 \ud300\uc5d0 \uc18c\uc18d\ub41c \ud300\uc73c\ub85c \ucc38\uac00\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
join.team404 = \uc785\ub825\ud55c \ud300\uc744 \ucc3e\uc744 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. /teams \ub97c \uc785\ub825\ud574 \ud300 \ubaa9\ub85d\uc744 \ubcf4\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.
leave.broadcast = {0} \uc774(\uac00) \uc804\uc7c1\uc5d0\uc11c \ub098\uac14\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
leave.inventoryrestore = \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc758 \uc778\ubca4\ud1a0\ub9ac\uac00 \ub2e4\uc2dc \ubcf5\uad6c\ub418\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
pvp.death.drown = {0} \uc774(\uac00) \ubb3c\uc5d0 \ube60\uc838 \uc8fd\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4
pvp.death.explosion = {0} \uc774(\uac00) \ud3ed\ubc1c\ub85c \uc8fd\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4
pvp.death.fall = {0} \uc774(\uac00) \ubd88\ubd84\uba85\ud55c \uc774\uc720\ub85c \uc8fd\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4
pvp.death.fire = {0} \uc774(\uac00) \ubd88\uc5d0 \ud0c0\uc11c \uc8fd\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4
pvp.death.other = {0} \uc774(\uac00) \uc8fd\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4
pvp.ff.disabled = \uc790\uc2e0\uc758 \ud300\uc6d0\uc744 \uacf5\uaca9\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc801\uc744 \uacf5\uaca9\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624
pvp.ff.enabled = \ud300\ub3d9\ub8cc\ub97c \uacf5\uaca9\ud558\uc9c0 \uc54a\ub294\uac8c \uc88b\uaca0\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
pvp.kill.adjectives = ;;\uac15\ub825\ud55c;\uc8fd\uc74c\uc758;\ud6cc\ub96d\ud55c;\uc815\ud655\ud55c;\uc794\uc778\ud55c;\ub9e4\uc6b0\uac15\ub825\ud55c
pvp.kill.bomb = {0} \uc774(\uac00) {1} \uc744(\ub97c) \ud130\ub728\ub838\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
pvp.kill.format = {0} \uc758 {1} {2} {3} {4}
pvp.kill.self = {0} \uc774(\uac00) \uc790\uc0b4\ud588\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4
pvp.kill.verbs = \uc8fd\uc74c;\uc8fd\uc74c;\uc8fd\uc74c;\ub05d\ub09c;\uc804\uba78\ub41c;\uc0b4\ud574\ub41c;\ub9d0\uc18c\ub41c;\uc808\uba78\ub41c
pvp.kill.weapon.aim = \uaca8\ub0e5
pvp.kill.weapon.bow = \ud65c
pvp.kill.weapon.hand = \uc190
pvp.outside.permission = \uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed \ubc16\uc5d0 \uc788\ub294 \ud50c\ub808\uc774\uc5b4\ub97c \uacf5\uaca9\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
pvp.self.notplaying = \uc804\uc7c1\uc911\uc5d0\ub9cc \uacf5\uaca9\uc774 \uac00\ub2a5\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.
pvp.self.respawn = \ub9ac\uc2a4\ud3f0 \ub3c4\uc911 \uacf5\uaca9\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
pvp.self.spawn = \uc2a4\ud3f0\uad6c\uc5ed \uc548\uc5d0 \uc788\uc744 \ub54c \uacf5\uaca9\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
pvp.target.notplaying = \uc804\uc7c1\uc5d0 \ucc38\uac00\ud558\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc740 \ud50c\ub808\uc774\uc5b4\ub97c \uacf5\uaca9\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
pvp.target.otherzone = \ub2e4\ub978 \uc804\uc7c1\uac8c\uc784\uc5d0 \ucc38\uac00\ud55c \ud50c\ub808\uc774\uc5b4\ub97c \uacf5\uaca9\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
pvp.target.respawn = \ub9ac\uc2a4\ud3f0\uc911\uc778 \ud50c\ub808\uc774\uc5b4\ub97c \uacf5\uaca9\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
pvp.target.spawn = \uc2a4\ud3f0\uc9c0\uc5ed\uc5d0 \uc788\ub294 \ud50c\ub808\uc774\uc5b4\ub97c \uacf5\uaca9\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
sign.lobby.autoassign = {0}\n\uc804\uc7c1\n\uac8c\uc774\ud2b8\ub97c\n\ud1b5\uacfc\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.
sign.lobby.pick = \uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed\n{0} \n \n\ud300\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.
sign.lobby.warhub = \n\uc804\uc7c1\ub85c\ube44\ub85c \uac00\uae30\n
sign.team.limited = {0} \ud300\n\uc778\uc6d0\uc218: {1}/{2}\n\ud3ec\uc778\ud2b8: {3}/{4}\n{5} \uba85 \uc0dd\uc874
sign.team.unlimited = {0} \ud300\n\uc778\uc6d0\uc218: {1}/{2}\n\ud3ec\uc778\ud2b8: {3}/{4}\n\ubaa9\uc228 \ubb34\uc81c\ud55c
sign.warhub = \uc804\uc7c1\ub85c\ube44\n(/warhub)\n\uc6d0\ud558\ub294 \uc804\uc7c1\uc885\ub958\n\ub97c \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624!
sign.warzone = {0}\n\uc804\uc7c1\n\uc778\uc6d0\uc218: {1}/{2}\n{3} \uac1c\uc758 \ud300
team.chat.enable = \ud300\ub07c\ub9ac \ucc44\ud305\ud560 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc758 \uc77c\ubc18\ucc44\ud305 \uba54\uc2dc\uc9c0\uac00 \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc758 \ud300\uc5d0\uac8c\ub9cc \ubcf4\uc77c \uac83\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.
team.chat.disable = \ud300\ub07c\ub9ac \ucc44\ud305\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
use.anvil = \uc774 \uc804\uc7c1\uc5d0\uc11c \ubaa8\ub8e8\ub97c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
use.enchant = \uc774 \uc804\uc7c1\uc5d0\uc11c \ub3c4\uad6c\ub97c \uc778\ucc48\ud2b8\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
use.ender = \uc5d4\ub354\uc0c1\uc790\ub97c \uc804\uc7c1 \uc911 \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
use.item.spawn = \uae30\uc9c0 \uc2a4\ud3f0\uad6c\uc5ed\uc5d0\uc11c \uc544\uc774\ud15c\uc744 \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
use.xpkillmeter = \uacbd\ud5d8\uce58\ubc14\ub97c \ud0ac \uce74\uc6b4\ud130\ub85c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud558\uace0 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
wand.toofar = \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc758 \ud0c0\uac9f \ube14\ub7ed\uc774 \ub108\ubb34 \uba40\ub9ac \ub5a8\uc5b4\uc838 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
war.notadmin = war.admin \uad8c\ud55c\uc774 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
war.notzm = war.zonemaker \uad8c\ud55c\uc774 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
war.prefix = \uc804\uc7c1>
war.title = \uc804\uc7c1
warhub.none = \uc774 \uc11c\ubc84\uc5d0 \uc804\uc7c1\ub85c\ube44\uac00 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. /zones \ub97c \uc785\ub825\ud574 \ucc38\uc5ec\uac00\ub2a5\ud55c \uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed\uc744 \uc54c\uc544\ubcf4\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.
warhub.permission = \uc804\uc7c1\ub85c\ube44\ub85c \ud154\ub808\ud3ec\ud2b8\ud560 \uad8c\ud55c\uc774 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
warhub.teleport = \uc804\uc7c1\ub85c\ube44\uc5d0 \uc624\uc2e0\uac83\uc744 \ud658\uc601\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4! \uc6d0\ud558\ub294 \uc804\uc7c1\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.
zone.airstrike = {0} \uc774(\uac00) \uc5d0\uc5b4\uc2a4\ud2b8\ub77c\uc774\ucee4\uac00 \ub418\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.battle.end = \uc804\uc7c1\uc774 \uc885\ub8cc\ub418\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. {1} \uba85\uc774 \uc8fd\uace0 \ubaa9\uc228\uc774 \ub354 \uc774\uc0c1 \uc5c6\uc5b4 {0} \ud300\uc774 \uc84c\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.battle.newscores = \uc2e0\uaddc \uc810\uc218 - {0}
zone.battle.next = {0} \uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed\uc744 \uc7ac\uc2dc\uc791\ud558\uba74\uc11c \uc804\uc7c1\uc774 \uc911\ub2e8\ub418\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4..
zone.battle.reset = \uace7 \uc0c8\ub85c\uc6b4 \uc804\uc7c1\uc774 \uc2dc\uc791\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed\uc774 \uc7ac\uc2dc\uc791\uc911\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4..
zone.battle.resetprogress = {0}% \uc7ac\uc2dc\uc791\uc911, {1}\ucd08..
zone.battle.resetcomplete = \uc804\uc7c1\uc774 {0} \ucd08 \ud6c4 \uc81c\uc2dc\uc791\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc7a0\uc2dc \ud6c4 \uc0c8\ub85c\uc6b4 \uc804\uc7c1\uac8c\uc784\uc774 \uc2dc\uc791\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.bomb.broadcast = {0} \ud300\uc774 {1} \ud300\uc758 \uc2a4\ud3f0\uc7a5\uc18c\ub97c \ud3ed\ubc1c\uc2dc\ucf30\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. {2} \ud300\uc774 1\uc810\uc744 \ud68d\ub4dd\ud588\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.cake.broadcast = {0} \ud300\uc774 {1} \ud300\uc758 \ucf00\uc774\ud06c\ub97c \uc7a1\uc558\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. {2} \ud300\uc774 1\uc810\uc744 \ud68d\ub4dd\ud558\uace0 \ubaa9\uc228\uc774 \ubaa8\ub450 \ucc44\uc6cc\uc9d1\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.flagcapture.broadcast = {0} \ud300\uc774 {1} \ud300\uc758 \uae43\ubc1c\uc744 \uc7a1\uc558\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. {2} \ud300\uc774 1\uc810\uc744 \ud68d\ub4dd\ud588\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.flagreturn.deadlock = \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc758 \ud300 \uae43\ubc1c\uc774 \ub3cc\uc544\uc62c \ub54c\uae4c\uc9c0 \uc801\uad70\uc758 \uae43\ubc1c\uc744 \uc7a1\uc744 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.flagreturn.flag = \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc758 \ud300 \uae43\ubc1c\uaf42\uc774\uc5d0 \uc801\uad70\uc758 \uae43\ubc1c\uc744 \uac00\uc838\uc640 \uaf42\uc544\uc57c\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.flagreturn.spawn = \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc758 \ud300 \uae30\uc9c0 \uc2a4\ud3f0\uc9c0\uc5ed\uae4c\uc9c0 \uc801\uad70\uc758 \uae43\ubc1c\uc744 \uac00\uc838\uc640\uc57c\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.leavenotice = \uc804\uc7c1\uc5d0\uc11c \ub098\uac00\ub824\uba74 /war leave \ub97c \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc138\uc694.
zone.lifepool.empty = {0} \ud300\uc758 \ubaa9\uc228\uc774 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4! \ud300\uc6d0 \uc911 \ud55c\uba85\uc774 \ub610 \uc8fd\ub294\ub2e4\uba74 \uadf8 \ud300\uc740 \uc804\uc7c1\uc5d0\uc11c \uc9c0\uac8c\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.loadout.equip = {0} \uc774(\uac00) \uc7a5\ucc29\ub418\uc5b4 \uc7a5\uc804\ub418\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. (Shift\ud0a4\ub85c \uc0ac\uc6a9)
zone.loadout.reenter = \uc2a4\ud3f0\uad6c\uc5ed\uc5d0\uc11c \ub098\uc628 \ud6c4 \uc7a5\uc804\uc744 \ud574\uc81c\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.monument.badblock = \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc758 \ud300 \uc591\ud138\ub85c \uc911\uc559\ud0d1\uc744 \uc810\ub839\ud574\uc57c\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ud300 \uae30\uc9c0\uc5d0\uc11c \ud55c\uac1c\ub97c \uad6c\ud574\uc624\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624
zone.monument.capture = {0} \uc911\uc559\ud0d1\uc774 {1} \ud300\uc5d0\uac8c \uc810\ub839\ub2f9\ud588\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.monument.lose = {0} \ud300\uc774 {1} \uc911\uc559\ud0d1\uc744 \uc783\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.monument.voodoo = \uc911\uc559\ud0d1\uc744 \uc5bb\uc5b4 {0} \uac1c\uc758 \ubaa9\uc228\uc744 \uc5bb\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
zone.noteamnotice = \uc804\uc7c1\uac8c\uc784\uc758 \ud300\uc5d0 \uc18c\uc18d\ub418\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc73c\uba74 \uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed\uc5d0 \ub4e4\uc5b4\uac08 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.score.board404 = \uc774 \uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed\uc740 \uc2a4\ucf54\uc5b4\ubcf4\ub4dc\uac00 \uc0ac\uc6a9\ub418\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.score.empty = \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc740 \uc801\ud300\uc5d0 \ucd5c\uc18c \ud55c\uba85\uc774\uc0c1\uc774 \ub4e4\uc5b4\uc624\uc9c0 \uc54a\ub294 \ud55c, \uc810\uc218\ub97c \ub0bc \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.spawn.minplayers = \ucd5c\uc18c {1} \uac1c\uc758 \ud300\uc5d0\uc11c {0} \uba85\uc774\uc0c1\uc758 \ud50c\ub808\uc774\uc5b4\uac00 \uc788\uc5b4\uc57c\ub9cc \uc2a4\ud3f0\uc9c0\uc5ed\uc5d0\uc11c \ub098\uc62c \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.spawn.timer = \ub9ac\uc2a4\ud3f0 \ud6c4 {0} \ucd08 \ub3d9\uc548 \uc2a4\ud3f0\uc9c0\uc5ed\uc5d0\uc11c \ub098\uc62c \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
zone.steal.bomb.broadcast = {0} \uc774(\uac00) {1} \ud3ed\ud0c4\uc744 \uac00\uc9c0\uace0 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.steal.bomb.notice = \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc740 {0} \ud3ed\ud0c4\uc744 \uac00\uc9c0\uace0 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc801\ud300\uc758 \uc2a4\ud3f0\uc9c0\uc5ed\uae4c\uc9c0 \uac00\uba74 \uc810\uc218\ub97c \uc5bb\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ub9cc\uc57d \ub2e4\ub978\uc0ac\ub78c\uc774 \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc744 \ub54c\ub9ac\uba74 \ubaa8\ub450 \ud3ed\ubc1c\ud560\uac83\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4!
zone.steal.bomb.prevent = {0} \ub85c\ubd80\ud130 \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc758 \uc2a4\ud3f0\uc9c0\uc5ed\uc5d0 \ud3ed\ud0c4\uc744 \uac00\uc838\uc624\ub294\uac83\uc744 \ub9c9\uc73c\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624!
zone.steal.cake.broadcast = {0} \uc774(\uac00) {1} \ucf00\uc78c\uc744 \uac00\uc9c0\uace0 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.steal.cake.notice = \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc740 {0} \ucf00\uc78c\uc744 \uac00\uc9c0\uace0 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ucf00\uc78c\uc744 \ub4e4\uace0 \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc758 \ud300 \uc2a4\ud3f0\uc9c0\uc5ed\uc73c\ub85c \uac00\uba74 1\uc810\uc744 \uc5bb\uace0 \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc758 \ubaa9\uc228\uc744 \ucc44\uc6b8 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
zone.steal.cake.prevent = {0} \ub85c\ubd80\ud130 \uadf8\ub4e4\uc758 \ud300 \uc2a4\ud3f0\uc9c0\uc5ed\uc5d0 \ucf00\uc78c\uc744 \uac00\uc838\uac00\ub294\uac83\uc744 \ub9c9\uc73c\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624!
zone.steal.flag.broadcast = {0} \uc774(\uac00) {1} \ud300\uc758 \uae43\ubc1c\uc744 \ud6d4\ucce4\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
zone.steal.flag.empty = \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc740 {0} \ud300\uc5d0 \ud50c\ub808\uc774\uc5b4\uac00 \uc5c6\uae30 \ub54c\ubb38\uc5d0 \uc774 \ud300\uc758 \uae43\ubc1c\uc744 \ud6d4\uce60 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.steal.flag.notice = \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc740 {0} \ud300\uc758 \uae43\ubc1c\uc744 \uac00\uc9c0\uace0 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc758 \ud300 \uc2a4\ud3f0\uc9c0\uc5ed\uc73c\ub85c \uac00\uc838\uac00\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624!
zone.steal.flag.prevent = {0} \ub85c\ubd80\ud130 \uae43\ubc1c\uc744 {1} \ud300\uc758 \uc2a4\ud3f0\uc9c0\uc5ed\uc73c\ub85c \uac00\uc838\uac00\ub294\uac83\uc744 \ub9c9\uc73c\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624!
zone.stealextra.bomb = \ud3ed\ud0c4\uc740 \ud55c\ubc88\uc5d0 \ud55c\uac1c\uc529\ub9cc \ud6d4\uce60 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.stealextra.cake = \ucf00\uc774\ud06c\ub294 \ud55c\ubc88\uc5d0 \ud55c\uac1c\uc529\ub9cc \ud6d4\uce60 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.stealextra.flag = \uae43\ubc1c\uc740 \ud55c\ubc88\uc5d0 \ud55c\uac1c\uc529\ub9cc \ud6d4\uce60 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.stealextra.other = \ud55c\ubc88\uc5d0 \ud55c \uc885\ub958(\ud3ed\ud0c4, \ucf00\uc774\ud06c, \uae43\ubc1c \ub4f1)\ub9cc \ud6d4\uce60 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.teaminfo.format = {0}: {1} \uc810, {2}/{3} \uac1c\uc758 \ubaa9\uc228, {4}
zone.teaminfo.none = \uc5c6\uc74c
zone.teaminfo.prefix = \ud300:
zone.teleport = {0} \uc804\uc7c1\uc5d0 \uc624\uc2e0\uac83\uc744 \ud658\uc601\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4
zone.warp.permission = \uc804\uc7c1\uac8c\uc784\uc73c\ub85c \ud154\ub808\ud3ec\ud2b8\ud560 \uad8c\ud55c\uc774 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.zone404 = \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc774 \uc785\ub825\ud55c \uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed\uc744 \ucc3e\uc744 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.
zone.zoneinfo.format = {0}: {1} \uac1c\uc758 \ud300, {2} \uba85\uc758 \ud50c\ub808\uc774\uc5b4
zone.zoneinfo.prefix = \uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed:
zone.zoneinfo.teleport = \uc6d0\ud558\ub294 \uc804\uc7c1\uac8c\uc784\uc73c\ub85c \ud154\ub808\ud3ec\ud2b8\ud558\ub824\uba74 /zone <\uc804\uc7c1\uad6c\uc5ed-\uc774\ub984> \uc744 \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
# Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net)
build.denied.location = Du kan ikke bygge her
build.denied.outside = Du kan bare bygge i krigssoner
build.denied.teamblock = Du kan bare bruke lag-blokken for \u00e5 ta monumenter
build.denied.zone.break = Blokkene i denne krigssonen er uknuselige!
build.denied.zone.multteam = Du har allerede en {0}-blokk
build.denied.zone.outside = Du kan ikke \u00f8delegge en krigssone du ikke spiller i
build.denied.zone.place = Du kan ikke sette ut blokker i denne krigssonen
build.denied.zone.type = Du kan ikke endre slike blokker
command.console = Du m\u00e5 v\u00e6re i et spill for \u00e5 gj\u00f8re det
command.disabled = Du kan bare bruke War-kommandoer (som /leave) n\u00e5r du spiller
drop.bomb.broadcast = {0} mistet {1}-bomben!
drop.bomb.disabled = Du kan ikke droppe ting mens du stjeler bomber. Hva gj\u00f8r du?! L\u00f8p til fiendens spawn!
drop.cake.broadcast = {0} mistet {1}-kaken
drop.cake.disabled = Du kan ikke droppe ting mens du stjeler kaker. Hva gj\u00f8r du?! L\u00f8p til fiendens spawn!
drop.flag.broadcast = {0} mistet {1}-flagget
drop.flag.disabled = Du kan ikke droppe ting mens du stjeler flagget. Hva gj\u00f8r du?! L\u00f8p!!
drop.item.border = Du kan ikke droppe ting s\u00e5 n\u00e6r sone-grensen
drop.item.disabled = Du kan ikke droppe ting i denne sonen
drop.item.spawn = Du kan ikke droppe ting i spawn
drop.team = Du kan ikke droppe {0} blokker
drop.wand = Du droppet wand til sone {0}
join.aarequired = Denne sonen krever at du automatisk tilordnes et lag. Bruk porten med mange farger i stedet
join.broadcast = {0} ble med p\u00e5 lag {1}
join.disabled = Denne sonen er skrudd av
join.full.all = Alle lagene er fulle
join.full.single = Lag {0} er fult
join.inventorystored = Inventoryen din er lagret til du g\u00e5r ut av spillet med /war leave
join.permission.all = Du har ikke tilgang til noen av lagene i denne sonen
join.permission.single = Du har ikke tilgang til \u00e5 bli med p\u00e5 lag {0}
join.progress = Du kan ikke bli med p\u00e5 en kamp som har startet i denne sonen
join.selfteam = Du kan ikke bytte til ditt eget lag
join.team404 = Fant ikke det lagt. Bruk /teams for \u00e5 se listen av lag
leave.broadcast = {0} forlot sonen
leave.inventoryrestore = Inventoryen din har blitt gjenopprettet
pvp.death.drown = {0} druknet
pvp.death.explosion = {0} eksploderte
pvp.death.fall = {0} falt og falt, helt til han d\u00f8de
pvp.death.fire = {0} brant opp
pvp.death.other = {0} d\u00f8de
pvp.ff.disabled = Du bommet! M\u00e5let ditt er p\u00e5 ditt eget lag(!)
pvp.ff.enabled = Pass p\u00e5 s\u00e5 du ikke skader lagkameratene dine!
pvp.kill.adjectives = ;;mektig;d\u00f8delig;fin;presis;brutal;sterk
pvp.kill.bomb = {0} fikk {1} til \u00e5 eksplodere!
pvp.kill.format = {0}s {1} {2} {3} {4}
pvp.kill.self = {0} tok sitt eget liv
pvp.kill.verbs = drepte;drepte;drepte;avsluttet;tilintetgjorde;myrdet;moste;utslettet
pvp.kill.weapon.aim = sikter
pvp.kill.weapon.bow = bue
pvp.kill.weapon.hand = h\u00e5nd
pvp.outside.permission = Du kan ikke angripe spillere utenfor krissoner
pvp.self.notplaying = Du m\u00e5 spille i en krigssone for \u00e5 angripe
pvp.self.respawn = Du kan ikke angripe mens du respawner!
pvp.self.spawn = Du kan ikke angripe f\u00f8r du har forlatt spawn
pvp.target.notplaying = M\u00e5let ditt spiller ikke i krigssonen
pvp.target.otherzone = M\u00e5let ditt spiller i en annen krigssone
pvp.target.respawn = M\u00e5let respawner!
pvp.target.spawn = M\u00e5let har ikke forlatt spawn!
sign.lobby.autoassign = Krigssone\n{0}
sign.lobby.pick = Krigssone\n{0}\nVelg et lag
sign.lobby.warhub = \nTil Samlingplassen\n
sign.team.limited = Lag {0}\n{1}/{2} spillere\n{3}/{4} poeng\n{5} liv igjen
sign.team.unlimited = Lag {0}\n{1}/{2} spillere\n{3}/{4} poeng\nuendelig med liv
sign.warhub = Samlingsplass\n(/warhub)\nVelg din\nkamp!
sign.warzone = Krigssone\n{0}\n{1}/{2} spillere\n{3} lag
team.chat.enable = Lagmeldinger er skrudd p\u00e5. Meldinger vil bare g\u00e5 til laget ditt
team.chat.disable = Lagmelding er skrudd av. Meldinger g\u00e5r som vanlig
use.anvil = Du kan ikke bruke ambolt i denne krigssonen
use.enchant = Du kan ikke bruke fortryllingsbrett i denne sonen
use.ender = Du kan ikke bruke ender-kister mens du spiller i denne sonen
use.item.spawn = Du kan ikke bruke items i spawn
use.xpkillmeter = Dette er fordi xpkillmeter er skrudd p\u00e5
wand.toofar = Den blokken er for langt unna
war.notadmin = Du m\u00e5 ha rettighet (war.admin) for \u00e5 gj\u00f8re det
war.notzm = Du m\u00e5 ha rettighet (war.zonemaker) for \u00e5 gj\u00f8re det
war.prefix = War>
war.title = War
warhub.none = Det er ingen samlingsplass p\u00e5 denne War serveren. Pr\u00f8v /zones og /zone
warhub.permission = Du har ikke lov til \u00e5 teleporte til Samlingplassen
warhub.teleport = Velkommen til Samlingsplassen. Velg din kamp!
zone.airstrike = {0} tilkalte et luftangrep!
zone.battle.end = Kampen er over. Lag {0} tapte: {1} d\u00f8de som siste mann p\u00e5 laget
zone.battle.newscores = Nye resultat - {0}
zone.battle.next = Kampen ble avbrutt. Gjenoppretter sone {0}...
zone.battle.reset = En ny kamp vil starte snart. Nullstiller sonen...
zone.battle.resetprogress = Nullstiller: {0}, {1} sek.
zone.battle.resetcomplete = Krigssonen nullstilles om {0} sekunder. Klar for en ny kamp!
zone.bomb.broadcast = {0} sprengte {1}s spawn. Poeng til {2}
zone.cake.broadcast = {0} tok {1}. Poeng og fullt liv til {2}
zone.flagcapture.broadcast = {0} tok {1}s flagg. Poeng til {2}
zone.flagreturn.deadlock = Du kan ikke ta fiendens flagg f\u00f8r ditt lags flagg er returnert
zone.flagreturn.flag = Du m\u00e5 ta fiendens flagg ved ditt lags flagg
zone.flagreturn.spawn = Du m\u00e5 ta fiendens flagg ved ditt lags spawn
zone.leavenotice = Bruk /war leave for \u00e5 g\u00e5 ut av sonen
zone.lifepool.empty = {0}s liv er tomt. N\u00e5r neste d\u00f8r er det over for dem!
zone.loadout.equip = Plukket opp utrustning: {0} (sneak for \u00e5 bytte)
zone.loadout.reenter = Kan ikke bytte utrustning etter at du har forlatt spawn
zone.monument.badblock = Du m\u00e5 bruke ull med ditt lags farge for \u00e5 ta et monument. Hent en fra ditt lags spawn
zone.monument.capture = Monument {0} er tatt av {1}
zone.monument.lose = {0} mistet kontroll av monument {1}
zone.monument.voodoo = Dansen din faller i smak. Du vinner {0} hjerter!
zone.noteamnotice = Du kan ikke v\u00e6re i sen krigssone uten et lag
zone.score.board404 = Denne sonen har ikke noen resultatliste
zone.score.empty = Du kan ikke f\u00e5 poeng f\u00f8r minste en spiller blir med p\u00e5 et annet lag
zone.spawn.minplayers = Du kan ikke forlate spawn f\u00f8r det er minimum {0} spiller(e) p\u00e5 minst {1} lag
zone.spawn.timer = Du kan ikke forlate spawn f\u00f8r {0} sek. etter respawn!
zone.steal.bomb.broadcast = {0} har {1}-bomben
zone.steal.bomb.notice = Du har {0}-bomben. F\u00e5 den til en fiendes spawn for \u00e5 f\u00e5 poeng. Ikke la noen komme borti deg p\u00e5 veien!!
zone.steal.bomb.prevent = Stopp {0} f\u00f8r han bomber din spawn!
zone.steal.cake.broadcast = {0} har {1}-kaken
zone.steal.cake.notice = Du har {0}. Ta den hjem for \u00e5 f\u00e5 poeng og fylle p\u00e5 liv
zone.steal.cake.prevent = Stopp {0} fra \u00e5 f\u00e5 kaken hjem!
zone.steal.flag.broadcast = {0} stjal flagget til {1}
zone.steal.flag.empty = Du kan ikke stjele {0}s flagg fordi det ikke er noen spillere p\u00e5 det laget
zone.steal.flag.notice = Du har {0}s flagg. Ta det med til ditt lags spawn eller flagg for \u00e5 ta det
zone.steal.flag.prevent = Stopp {0} fra \u00e5 ta flagget til {1}s spawn eller flagg
zone.stealextra.bomb = Du kan bare stjele en bombe om gangen
zone.stealextra.cake = Du kan bare stjele en kake om gangen
zone.stealextra.flag = Du kan bare stjele ett flagg om gangen
zone.stealextra.other = Du kan bare stjele en ting om gangen
zone.teaminfo.format = {0}: {1} poeng, {2}/{3} liv igjen. {4}
zone.teaminfo.none = ingen info
zone.teaminfo.prefix = Lag:
zone.teleport = Velkommen til krigsone {0}
zone.warp.permission = Du har ikke lov til \u00e5 teleportere til sonen
zone.zone404 = Fant ikke krigssonen
zone.zoneinfo.format = {0}: {1} lag, {2} spillere
zone.zoneinfo.prefix = Krigssoner:
zone.zoneinfo.teleport = Bruk /zone <zone-name> for \u00e5 teleportere til en sone

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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
# Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net)
build.denied.location = Nie mo\u017cesz tu budowa\u0107.
build.denied.outside = Mo\u017cesz budowa\u0107 tylko na arenach.
build.denied.teamblock = Mo\u017cesz u\u017cywa\u0107 wy\u0142\u0105cznie blok\u00f3w swojej dru\u017cyny aby przej\u0105\u0107 pomnik.
build.denied.zone.break = Bloki na tej arenie s\u0105 niezniszczalne.
build.denied.zone.multteam = Aktualnie masz {0} blok\u00f3w.
build.denied.zone.outside = Nie mo\u017cesz niszczy\u0107 aren na kt\u00f3rych nie grasz.
build.denied.zone.place = Nie mo\u017cesz k\u0142a\u015b\u0107 blok\u00f3w na tej arenie.
build.denied.zone.type = Nie mo\u017cesz modyfikowa\u0107 tego typu blok\u00f3w.
command.console = Nie mo\u017cesz tego robi\u0107, je\u015bli nie jeste\u015b w grze.
command.disabled = Mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tylko komend z War (np. /leave) podczas gry.
drop.bomb.broadcast = {0} pod\u0142o\u017cy\u0142 {1} bomb\u0119!
drop.bomb.disabled = Nie mo\u017cesz wyrzuca\u0107 przedmiot\u00f3w gdy ukrad\u0142e\u015b bomb\u0119. Co ty robisz?!Biegnij do wrogiej bazy!
drop.cake.broadcast = {0} Upu\u015bci\u0142 {1} ciasto!
drop.cake.disabled = Nie mo\u017cesz wyrzuca\u0107 przedmiot\u00f3w gdy ukrad\u0142e\u015b ciasto. Co robisz?!Biegnij!
drop.flag.broadcast = {0} upu\u015bci\u0142 flag\u0119 {1}
drop.flag.disabled = Nie mo\u017cesz upuszcza\u0107 przedmiot\u00f3w kiedy kradniesz flag\u0119. Co ty robisz?! Zwiewaj!
drop.item.border = Nie mo\u017cesz wyrzuca\u0107 przedmiot\u00f3w w pobli\u017cu granicy areny.
drop.item.disabled = Nie mo\u017cesz wyrzuca\u0107 przedmiot\u00f3w na tej arenie.
drop.item.spawn = Nie mo\u017cesz wyrzuca\u0107 przedmiot\u00f3w gdy przebywasz na spawn.
drop.team = Nie mo\u017cesz wyrzuca\u0107 {0} klock\u00f3w.
join.aarequired = Ta arena wymaga automatycznego przydzielenia do dru\u017cyny.\nProsz\u0119 wejd\u017a w kolorow\u0105 bram\u0119.
join.broadcast = {0} przy\u0142\u0105czy\u0142/a si\u0119 do dru\u017cyny {1}
join.disabled = Ta arena jest wy\u0142\u0105czona.
join.full.all = Wszystkie dru\u017cyny s\u0105 pe\u0142ne.
join.full.single = Dru\u017cyna {0} jest pe\u0142na.
join.inventorystored = Tw\u00f3j ekwipunek jest przechowywany w magazynie a\u017c do momentu opuszczenia areny /war leave.
join.permission.all = Nie masz pozwolenia na dost\u0119p do wszystkich dru\u017cyny z tej areny.
join.permission.single = Nie masz pozwolenia na do\u0142\u0105czenie do dru\u017cyny {0}
join.progress = Nie mo\u017cesz do\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 do trwaj\u0105cej walki na tej arenie.
join.selfteam = Nie mo\u017cesz do\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 do swojej dru\u017cyny.
join.team404 = Taka dru\u017cyna nie mo\u017ce zosta\u0107 znaleziona. U\u017cyj /teams aby sprawdzi\u0107 list\u0119 dru\u017cyn.
leave.broadcast = {0} opu\u015bci\u0142/a dru\u017cyn\u0119.
leave.inventoryrestore = Tw\u00f3j ekwipunek jest przywracany.
pvp.death.drown = {0} uton\u0105\u0142
pvp.death.explosion = {0} wybuch\u0142
pvp.death.fall = {0} spad\u0142 z bardzo wysoka
pvp.death.fire = {0} sp\u0142on\u0105\u0142 na popi\u00f3\u0142
pvp.death.other = {0} zgin\u0105\u0142
pvp.ff.disabled = Nie trafi\u0142e\u015b. Tw\u00f3j cel jest w twojej dru\u017cynie.
pvp.ff.enabled = Bratob\u00f3jczy ogie\u0144 jest w\u0142\u0105czony! Prosz\u0119 nie krzywd\u017a cz\u0142onk\u00f3w swojej dru\u017cyny.
pvp.kill.adjectives = ;;pot\u0119\u017cny;\u015bmiertelny; dobry;precyzyjne;brutalny,mocny
pvp.kill.bomb = {0} sprawi\u0142a \u017ce {1} wybuch\u0142!
pvp.kill.format = {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}
pvp.kill.self = {0} pope\u0142ni\u0142 samob\u00f3jstwo
pvp.kill.verbs = zabity;zabity;zabity;wyko\u0144czone;unicestwiony;zamordowany; zatarte;t\u0119pionee; zg\u0142adzony
pvp.kill.weapon.aim = cel
pvp.kill.weapon.bow = \u0142uk
pvp.kill.weapon.hand = r\u0119ka
pvp.outside.permission = Nie mo\u017cesz atakowa\u0107 graczy spoza areny.
pvp.self.notplaying = Musisz gra\u0107 na tej arenie aby m\u00f3c atakowa\u0107 graczy.
pvp.self.respawn = Nie mo\u017cesz atakowa\u0107 gdy czekasz na odrodzenie.
pvp.self.spawn = Nie mo\u017cesz atakowa\u0107 gdy przebywasz na spawn.
pvp.target.notplaying = Tw\u00f3j cel nie gra na arenie.
pvp.target.otherzone = Tw\u00f3j cel gra na innej arenie.
pvp.target.respawn = Tw\u00f3j cel jeszcze si\u0119 nie odrodzi\u0142.
pvp.target.spawn = Cel jest wci\u0105\u017c na spawn.
sign.lobby.autoassign = Arena\n{0}\nDru\u017cyny wybier-\nane automatyczn
sign.lobby.pick = Arena\n{0}\n \nWybierz dru\u017cyn\u0119
sign.lobby.warhub = \nDo strefy wojny\n
sign.team.limited = Dru\u017cyna {0}\n{1}/{2} graczy\n{3}/{4} pkt\n{5} \u017cy\u0107
sign.team.unlimited = Dru\u017cyna {0}\n{1}/{2} graczy\n{3}/{4} pkt\n\u221e \u017cycia
sign.warhub = War hub\n(/warhub)\nWybierz swoj\u0105\naren\u0119!
sign.warzone = Arena\n{0}\n{1}/{2} graczy\n{3} dru\u017cyny
use.anvil = Nie mo\u017cesz u\u017cywa\u0107 kowad\u0142a na tej arenie!
use.enchant = Nie mo\u017cesz u\u017cywa\u0107 sto\u0142u do zaklinania na tej arenie!
use.ender = Nie mo\u017cesz korzysta\u0107 ze skrzyni kresu podczas gry na arenie!
use.item.spawn = Nie mo\u017cesz korzysta\u0107 z przedmiot\u00f3w gdy jeste\u015b na spawn.
wand.toofar = Blok na kt\u00f3ry celujesz jest za daleko.
war.notadmin = Nie mo\u017cesz tego robi\u0107 je\u015bli nie jeste\u015b War admin'em ( permission war.admin).
war.notzm = Nie mo\u017cesz tego robi\u0107 je\u015bli nie jeste\u015b tw\u00f3rc\u0105 aren (permission war.zonemaker).
war.prefix = War>
war.title = War
warhub.none = Na tym serwerze nie ma centrum aren.Spr\u00f3buj /zones i /zone [nazwa areny]
warhub.permission = Nie masz permission na teleportacje do poczekalni areny.
warhub.teleport = Witaj w centrum aren. Wybierz swoja aren\u0119!
zone.airstrike = {0} wezwa\u0142 nalot!
zone.battle.end = Gra zako\u0144czona. Dru\u017cyna {0} przegra\u0142a. {1} zgin\u0105\u0142 nie pozostawiaj\u0105c swojej dru\u017cynie ani jednego \u017cycia.
zone.battle.newscores = Nowy wynik - {0}
zone.battle.next = Walka zosta\u0142a przerwana. Restartowanie areny {0}...
zone.battle.reset = Nowa bitwa rozpocznie si\u0119 nied\u0142ugo.Restartowanie areny...
zone.battle.resetprogress = Restartowanie areny post\u0119p: {0}%, {1}sekund...
zone.bomb.broadcast = {0} Wysadzi\u0142 spawn dru\u017cyny {1}. Dru\u017cyna {2} zdobywa jeden punkt.
zone.cake.broadcast = {0} przej\u0105\u0142 ciasto {1}. Dru\u017cyna {2} zdobywa jeden punkt i dostaje odnawia wszystkie \u017cycia.
zone.flagcapture.broadcast = {0} Przej\u0105\u0142 flag\u0119 dru\u017cyny {1}. Dru\u017cyna {2} zdobywa jeden punkt.
zone.flagreturn.deadlock = Nie mo\u017cesz przej\u0105\u0107 wrogiej flagi dop\u00f3ki twoja flaga nie zostanie zwr\u00f3cona.
zone.flagreturn.flag = Musisz przynie\u015b\u0107 flag\u0119 wroga do swojej flagi.
zone.flagreturn.spawn = Musisz przynie\u015b\u0107 flag\u0119 wroga do swojego spawn.
zone.leavenotice = Wpisz /war leave aby opu\u015bci\u0107 aren\u0119.
zone.lifepool.empty = Dru\u017cyna {0} nie posiada wi\u0119cej \u017cy\u0107.Jedna \u015bmier\u0107 wi\u0119cej i przegraj\u0105 oni bitw\u0119!
zone.loadout.equip = Wyposa\u017cenie {0} za\u0142adowane (kucnij aby zmieni\u0107)
zone.loadout.reenter = Nie mo\u017cesz zmieni\u0107 wyposa\u017cenia po opuszczeniu spawn.
zone.monument.badblock = Musisz przej\u0105\u0107 pomnik blokiem we\u0142ny koloru twojej dru\u017cyny.\nMo\u017cesz go zdoby\u0107 ze spawn'u swojej dru\u017cyny.
zone.monument.capture = Pomnik {0} zosta\u0142 przej\u0119ty przez dru\u017cyn\u0119 {1}.
zone.monument.lose = Dru\u017cyna {0} straci\u0142a kontrol\u0119 nad pomnikiem {1}.
zone.monument.voodoo = Tw\u00f3j taniec zadowoli\u0142 pomnik boga voodoo. Zdobywasz {0} serduszko/a \u017cycia.
zone.noteamnotice = Nie mo\u017cesz przebywa\u0107 na arenie bez dru\u017cyny.
zone.score.board404 = Ta arena nie korzysta z tablicy wynik\u00f3w.
zone.score.empty = Nie mo\u017cesz dosta\u0107 punkt\u00f3w do momentu do\u0142\u0105czenia innego gracza do dru\u017cyny przeciwnej.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net)
build.denied.location = Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode construir aqui.
build.denied.outside = Voc\u00ea s\u00f3 pode construir nos campos de batalha.
build.denied.teamblock = Voc\u00ea s\u00f3 pode usar blocos do seu time para capturar monumentos.
build.denied.zone.break = Os blocos nessa \u00e1rea s\u00e3o indestrut\u00edveis.
build.denied.zone.outside = Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode destruir numa partida que voc\u00ea n\u00e3o est\u00e1 jogando.
build.denied.zone.place = Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode construir aqui.
build.denied.zone.type = Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode modificar este tipo de bloco.
command.console = Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode fazer isto enquanto n\u00e3o estiver na partida.
command.disabled = Voc\u00ea s\u00f3 pode usar comandos espec\u00edficos (ex: /leave) enquanto joga.
drop.bomb.broadcast = {0} derrubou a bomba {1}!
drop.cake.broadcast = {0} derrubou o bolo {1}!
drop.flag.broadcast = {0} derrubou a bandeira de {1}!
drop.item.disabled = Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode dropar itens nesta zona.
join.broadcast = {0} entrou no time {1}.
join.disabled = Este campo de batalha est\u00e1 desativado.
join.full.all = Todos os times est\u00e3o lotados.
join.full.single = Time {0} lotado.
join.permission.single = Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o tem permiss\u00f5es para se ingressar no time {0}.
join.selfteam = Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode entrar no seu pr\u00f3prio time.
leave.broadcast = {0} saiu da partida.
leave.inventoryrestore = Invent\u00e1rio restaurado.
pvp.death.drown = {0} afogou-se.
pvp.death.explosion = {0} explodiu.
pvp.death.fall = {0} caiu e morreu.
pvp.death.fire = {0} morreu queimado.
pvp.death.other = {0} morreu.
pvp.kill.bomb = {0} fez {1} explodir!
pvp.kill.self = {0} cometeu suic\u00eddio.
pvp.kill.verbs = matou;matou;matou;aniquilou;assassinou;eliminou;exterminou
pvp.kill.weapon.aim = mira
pvp.kill.weapon.bow = arco
pvp.kill.weapon.hand = m\u00e3o
pvp.outside.permission = Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode atacar jogadores que est\u00e3o fora da partida.
pvp.self.notplaying = Voc\u00ea precisa estar na partida para atacar.
pvp.self.respawn = Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode atacar enquanto renasce!
sign.lobby.pick = Partida\n{0}\n\nEscolha seu time.
sign.team.limited = Time {0}\n{1}/{2} jogadores\n{3}/{4} pontos\n{5} mortes restantes
sign.team.unlimited = Time {0}\n{1}/{2} jogadores\n{3}/{4} pontos\nvidas ilimitadas
use.anvil = Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode usar bigornas nesta zona!
use.enchant = Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode usar mesas de encantamento nesta zona!
use.ender = Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode usar ba\u00fas do fim enquanto joga na partida!

View File

@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ sign.team.limited = \u041a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430 {0}\n{1}/{2} \u04
sign.team.unlimited = \u041a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430 {0}\n{1}/{2} \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432\n{3}/{4} \u043e\u0447\u043a\u043e\u0432\n\u0431\u0435\u0441\u043a.\u0436\u0438\u0437\u043d\u0435\u0439
sign.warhub = \u0425\u0430\u0431 \u0430\u0440\u0435\u043d\n(/warhub)\n\u0412\u044b\u0431\u0435\u0440\u0438\n\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0443!
sign.warzone = \u0410\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0430\n{0}\n{1}/{2} \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432\n{3} \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434
team.chat.enable = \u041a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0447\u0430\u0442 \u0432\u043a\u043b\u044e\u0447\u0435\u043d. \u0412\u0430\u0448\u0438 \u0441\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u0432 \u0447\u0430\u0442 \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0443\u0442 \u0432\u0438\u0434\u043d\u044b \u0442\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e \u0412\u0430\u0448\u0435\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0435
team.chat.disable = \u041a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0447\u0430\u0442 \u043e\u0442\u043a\u043b\u044e\u0447\u0435\u043d.
use.anvil = \u0417\u0430\u043f\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u043e \u0438\u0441\u043f\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0437\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043d\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0438 \u043d\u0430 \u044d\u0442\u043e\u0439 \u0430\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0435!
use.enchant = \u0417\u0430\u043f\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u043e \u0438\u0441\u043f\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0437\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0447\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0438 \u043d\u0430 \u044d\u0442\u043e\u0439 \u0430\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0435!
use.ender = \u0417\u0430\u043f\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u043e \u0438\u0441\u043f\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0437\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0441\u0443\u043d\u0434\u0443\u043a\u0438 \u044d\u043d\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0430 \u043d\u0430 \u044d\u0442\u043e\u0439 \u0430\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0435!
@ -81,7 +83,8 @@ zone.battle.end = \u0411\u043e\u0439 \u0437\u0430\u043a\u043e\u043d\u0447\u0438\
zone.battle.newscores = \u0421\u0447\u0435\u0442 - {0}
zone.battle.next = \u0411\u043e\u0439 \u0431\u044b\u043b \u043f\u0440\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0430\u043d. \u041f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0430\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0437\u043a\u0430 \u0430\u0440\u0435\u043d\u044b {0}...
zone.battle.reset = \u041d\u0430\u0447\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0439 \u0431\u043e\u0439. \u041f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0430\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0437\u043a\u0430 \u0430\u0440\u0435\u043d\u044b...
zone.battle.resetprogress = \u041f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0430\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0437\u043a\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0441\u0430: {0}%, {1} \u0441\u0435\u043a.
zone.battle.resetprogress = \u0421\u0431\u0440\u043e\u0441 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0441\u0430: {0}%, {1} \u0441\u0435\u043a.
zone.battle.resetcomplete = \u0410\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0430 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0430\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0437\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0447\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437 {0} \u0441\u0435\u043a. \u041d\u0430\u0447\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0439 \u0431\u043e\u0439...
zone.bomb.broadcast = {0} \u043f\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0440\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0441\u043f\u0430\u0443\u043d {1}. \u041a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430 {2} \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0435\u0442 1 \u043e\u0447\u043a\u043e.
zone.cake.broadcast = {0} \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0441 \u0442\u043e\u0440\u0442 "{1}". \u041a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430 {2} \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0435\u0442 1 \u043e\u0447\u043a\u043e \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u044f\u044e\u0442 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e \u0436\u0438\u0437\u043d\u0435\u0439.
zone.flagcapture.broadcast = {0} \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0441 \u0444\u043b\u0430\u0433 {1}. \u041a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430 {2} \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0435\u0442 1 \u043e\u0447\u043a\u043e.