
849 lines
35 KiB

package com.tommytony.war.structure;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.material.Sign;
import com.tommytony.war.Team;
import com.tommytony.war.War;
import com.tommytony.war.Warzone;
import com.tommytony.war.config.TeamConfig;
import com.tommytony.war.config.TeamKind;
import com.tommytony.war.config.WarzoneConfig;
import com.tommytony.war.utility.Direction;
import com.tommytony.war.volume.Volume;
import com.tommytony.war.volume.ZoneVolume;
* @author tommytony
public class ZoneLobby {
private final Warzone warzone;
private BlockFace wall;
private Volume volume;
Location lobbyMiddleWallBlock = null; // on the zone wall, one above the zone lobby floor
Location warHubLinkGate = null;
Map<String, Location> teamGateBlocks = new HashMap<String, Location>();
Location autoAssignGate = null;
Location zoneTeleportBlock = null;
private final int lobbyHeight = 3;
private int lobbyHalfSide;
private final int lobbyDepth = 10;
* Use this constructor with /setzonelobby <n/s/e/w>
* @param warzone
* @param wall
* On which wall of the warzone will the lobby be stuck to at mid-weight
public ZoneLobby(Warzone warzone, BlockFace wall) {
this.warzone = warzone;
int noOfTeams = this.warzone.getTeams().size();
if (this.warzone.getWarzoneConfig().getBoolean(WarzoneConfig.AUTOASSIGN)) {
noOfTeams = 1;
int lobbyWidth = noOfTeams * 4 + 5;
this.lobbyHalfSide = lobbyWidth / 2;
if (this.lobbyHalfSide < 7) {
this.lobbyHalfSide = 7;
* Use this constructor with /setzonelobby <zonename>. Makes sure the lobby is not sticking inside the zone.
* @param warzone
* @param playerLocation Player moving lobby location
public ZoneLobby(Warzone warzone, Location playerLocation) {
this.warzone = warzone;
int noOfTeams = this.warzone.getTeams().size();
if (this.warzone.getWarzoneConfig().getBoolean(WarzoneConfig.AUTOASSIGN)) {
noOfTeams = 1;
int lobbyWidth = noOfTeams * 4 + 5;
this.lobbyHalfSide = lobbyWidth / 2;
if (this.lobbyHalfSide < 7) {
this.lobbyHalfSide = 7;
* Convenience ctor when loading form disk. This figures out the middle wall block of the lobby from the volume instead of the other way around.
public ZoneLobby(Warzone warzone, BlockFace wall, Volume volume) {
this.warzone = warzone;
int noOfTeams = this.warzone.getTeams().size();
if (this.warzone.getWarzoneConfig().getBoolean(WarzoneConfig.AUTOASSIGN)) {
noOfTeams = 1;
int lobbyWidth = noOfTeams * 4 + 5;
this.lobbyHalfSide = lobbyWidth / 2;
if (this.lobbyHalfSide < 7) {
this.lobbyHalfSide = 7;
this.wall = wall;
// we're setting the zoneVolume directly, so we need to figure out the lobbyMiddleWallBlock on our own
if (wall == Direction.NORTH()) {
this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock = volume.getCornerOne().getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(Direction.EAST(), this.lobbyHalfSide).getLocation();
} else if (wall == Direction.EAST()) {
this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock = volume.getCornerOne().getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(Direction.SOUTH(), this.lobbyHalfSide).getLocation();
} else if (wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock = volume.getCornerOne().getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(Direction.WEST(), this.lobbyHalfSide).getLocation();
} else if (wall == Direction.WEST()) {
this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock = volume.getCornerOne().getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(Direction.NORTH(), this.lobbyHalfSide).getLocation();
public static ZoneLobby getLobbyByLocation(Location location) {
for (Warzone warzone : War.war.getWarzones()) {
if (warzone.getLobby() != null && warzone.getLobby().getVolume() != null && warzone.getLobby().getVolume().contains(location)) {
return warzone.getLobby();
return null;
public static ZoneLobby getLobbyByLocation(Player player) {
return ZoneLobby.getLobbyByLocation(player.getLocation());
* Changes the lobby's position. Orientation is determined from the player location. Creates volume or resets. Saves new lobby blocks.
* @param playerLocation
public void setLocation(Location playerLocation) {
World lobbyWorld = playerLocation.getWorld();
// Lobby orientation
int yaw = 0;
if (playerLocation.getYaw() >= 0) {
yaw = (int) (playerLocation.getYaw() % 360);
} else {
yaw = (int) (360 + (playerLocation.getYaw() % 360));
BlockFace facing = null;
BlockFace opposite = null;
if ((yaw >= 0 && yaw < 45) || (yaw >= 315 && yaw <= 360)) {
facing = Direction.WEST();
opposite = Direction.EAST();
} else if (yaw >= 45 && yaw < 135) {
facing = Direction.NORTH();
opposite = Direction.SOUTH();
} else if (yaw >= 135 && yaw < 225) {
facing = Direction.EAST();
opposite = Direction.WEST();
} else if (yaw >= 225 && yaw < 315) {
facing = Direction.SOUTH();
opposite = Direction.NORTH();
this.wall = opposite; // a player facing south places a lobby that looks just like a lobby stuck to the north wall
this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock = lobbyWorld.getBlockAt(playerLocation.getBlockX(), playerLocation.getBlockY(), playerLocation.getBlockZ()).getRelative(facing, 6).getLocation();
Block corner1 = null;
Block corner2 = null;
int x = this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getBlockX();
int y = this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getBlockY();
int z = this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getBlockZ();
if (this.wall == Direction.NORTH()) {
corner1 = lobbyWorld.getBlockAt(x, y - 1, z + this.lobbyHalfSide);
corner2 = lobbyWorld.getBlockAt(x - this.lobbyDepth, y + 1 + this.lobbyHeight, z - this.lobbyHalfSide);
} else if (this.wall == Direction.EAST()) {
corner1 = lobbyWorld.getBlockAt(x - this.lobbyHalfSide, y - 1, z);
corner2 = lobbyWorld.getBlockAt(x + this.lobbyHalfSide, y + 1 + this.lobbyHeight, z - this.lobbyDepth);
} else if (this.wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
corner1 = lobbyWorld.getBlockAt(x, y - 1, z - this.lobbyHalfSide);
corner2 = lobbyWorld.getBlockAt(x + this.lobbyDepth, y + 1 + this.lobbyHeight, z + this.lobbyHalfSide);
} else if (this.wall == Direction.WEST()) {
corner1 = lobbyWorld.getBlockAt(x + this.lobbyHalfSide, y - 1, z);
corner2 = lobbyWorld.getBlockAt(x - this.lobbyHalfSide, y + 1 + this.lobbyHeight, z + this.lobbyDepth);
this.saveLobbyBlocks(corner1, corner2);
* Classic way of creating a lobby. Lobby position goes to middle of zone wall. Creates volume or resets. Saves new lobby blocks.
* @param newWall
public void setWall(BlockFace newWall) {
this.createVolumeOrReset(this.warzone.getWorld()); // when attached to the warzone, lobby is in same world
this.wall = newWall;
ZoneVolume zoneVolume = this.warzone.getVolume();
Block corner1 = null;
Block corner2 = null;
if (this.wall == Direction.NORTH()) {
int wallStart = zoneVolume.getMinZ();
int wallEnd = zoneVolume.getMaxZ();
int x = zoneVolume.getMinX();
int wallLength = wallEnd - wallStart + 1;
int wallCenterPos = wallStart + wallLength / 2;
int y = zoneVolume.getCenterY();
this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock = this.warzone.getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, wallCenterPos).getLocation();
corner1 = this.warzone.getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y - 1, wallCenterPos + this.lobbyHalfSide);
corner2 = this.warzone.getWorld().getBlockAt(x - this.lobbyDepth, y + 1 + this.lobbyHeight, wallCenterPos - this.lobbyHalfSide);
} else if (this.wall == Direction.EAST()) {
int wallStart = zoneVolume.getMinX();
int wallEnd = zoneVolume.getMaxX();
int z = zoneVolume.getMinZ();
int wallLength = wallEnd - wallStart + 1;
int wallCenterPos = wallStart + wallLength / 2;
int y = zoneVolume.getCenterY();
this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock = this.warzone.getWorld().getBlockAt(wallCenterPos, y, z).getLocation();
corner1 = this.warzone.getWorld().getBlockAt(wallCenterPos - this.lobbyHalfSide, y - 1, z);
corner2 = this.warzone.getWorld().getBlockAt(wallCenterPos + this.lobbyHalfSide, y + 1 + this.lobbyHeight, z - this.lobbyDepth);
} else if (this.wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
int wallStart = zoneVolume.getMinZ();
int wallEnd = zoneVolume.getMaxZ();
int x = zoneVolume.getMaxX();
int wallLength = wallEnd - wallStart + 1;
int wallCenterPos = wallStart + wallLength / 2;
int y = zoneVolume.getCenterY();
this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock = this.warzone.getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, wallCenterPos).getLocation();
corner1 = this.warzone.getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y - 1, wallCenterPos - this.lobbyHalfSide);
corner2 = this.warzone.getWorld().getBlockAt(x + this.lobbyDepth, y + 1 + this.lobbyHeight, wallCenterPos + this.lobbyHalfSide);
} else if (this.wall == Direction.WEST()) {
int wallStart = zoneVolume.getMinX();
int wallEnd = zoneVolume.getMaxX();
int z = zoneVolume.getMaxZ();
int wallLength = wallEnd - wallStart + 1;
int wallCenterPos = wallStart + wallLength / 2;
int y = zoneVolume.getCenterY();
this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock = this.warzone.getWorld().getBlockAt(wallCenterPos, y, z).getLocation();
corner1 = this.warzone.getWorld().getBlockAt(wallCenterPos + this.lobbyHalfSide, y - 1, z);
corner2 = this.warzone.getWorld().getBlockAt(wallCenterPos - this.lobbyHalfSide, y + 1 + this.lobbyHeight, z + this.lobbyDepth);
this.saveLobbyBlocks(corner1, corner2);
private void createVolumeOrReset(World lobbyWorld) {
if (this.volume == null) {
// no previous wall
this.volume = new Volume("lobby", lobbyWorld);
} else if (this.volume.isSaved()) {
this.volume.setWorld(lobbyWorld); // set world for the case where where are changing lobby location between worlds
private void calculateLobbyWidth() {
int noOfTeams = this.warzone.getTeams().size();
if (this.warzone.getWarzoneConfig().getBoolean(WarzoneConfig.AUTOASSIGN)) {
noOfTeams = 1;
int lobbyWidth = noOfTeams * 4 + 5;
this.lobbyHalfSide = lobbyWidth / 2;
if (this.lobbyHalfSide < 7) {
this.lobbyHalfSide = 7;
private void saveLobbyBlocks(Block corner1, Block corner2) {
if (corner1 != null && corner2 != null) {
// save the blocks, wide enough for three team gates, 3+1 high and 10 deep, extruding out from the zone wall.
public void initialize() {
// maybe the number of teams change, now reset the gate positions
if (this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock != null && this.volume != null) {
if (!warzone.getLobbyMaterials().getFloorBlock().getType().equals(Material.AIR)) {
// If air, leave original blocks.
this.volume.setFaceMaterial(BlockFace.DOWN, warzone.getLobbyMaterials().getFloorBlock());
if (!warzone.getLobbyMaterials().getOutlineBlock().getType().equals(Material.AIR)) {
// If air, leave original blocks.
// add war hub link gate
if (War.war.getWarHub() != null) {
Block linkGateBlock = this.warHubLinkGate.getBlock();
this.placeWarhubLinkGate(linkGateBlock, warzone.getLobbyMaterials().getGateBlock());
// add warhub sign
String[] lines = (War.war.getString("sign.lobby.warhub") + ' ').split("\n");
this.resetGateSign(linkGateBlock, lines, false);
// add team gates or single auto assign gate
for (String teamName : this.teamGateBlocks.keySet()) {
Block gateInfo = this.teamGateBlocks.get(teamName).getBlock();
this.placeTeamGate(gateInfo, TeamKind.teamKindFromString(teamName));
for (Team t : this.warzone.getTeams()) {
// set zone tp
this.zoneTeleportBlock = this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getBlock().getRelative(this.wall, 6).getLocation();
int yaw = 0;
if (this.wall == Direction.WEST()) {
yaw = 180;
} else if (this.wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
yaw = 90;
} else if (this.wall == Direction.EAST()) {
yaw = 0;
} else if (this.wall == Direction.NORTH()) {
yaw = 270;
this.warzone.setTeleport(new Location(this.volume.getWorld(), this.zoneTeleportBlock.getX(), this.zoneTeleportBlock.getY(), this.zoneTeleportBlock.getZ(), yaw, 0));
// set to air the minimum path
BlockFace front = this.wall;
BlockFace leftSide = null; // looking at the zone
BlockFace rightSide = null;
if (this.wall == Direction.NORTH()) {
leftSide = Direction.EAST();
rightSide = Direction.WEST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.EAST()) {
leftSide = Direction.SOUTH();
rightSide = Direction.NORTH();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
leftSide = Direction.WEST();
rightSide = Direction.EAST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.WEST()) {
leftSide = Direction.NORTH();
rightSide = Direction.SOUTH();
Block clearedPathStartBlock = this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getBlock().getRelative(this.wall, 2);
Volume warzoneTeleportAir = new Volume("warzoneTeleport", clearedPathStartBlock.getWorld());
warzoneTeleportAir.setCornerTwo(clearedPathStartBlock.getRelative(rightSide).getRelative(front, 4).getRelative(BlockFace.UP));
clearedPathStartBlock.getRelative(this.wall).getRelative(this.wall).setType(Material.AIR); // teleport block
// set zone sign
Block zoneSignBlock = this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getBlock().getRelative(this.wall, 4);
org.bukkit.block.Sign block = (org.bukkit.block.Sign) zoneSignBlock.getState();
org.bukkit.material.Sign data = (Sign) block.getData();
String[] lines = new String[4];
if (this.autoAssignGate != null) {
lines = MessageFormat.format(War.war.getString("sign.lobby.autoassign"), warzone.getName()).split("\n");
} else {
lines = MessageFormat.format(War.war.getString("sign.lobby.pick"), warzone.getName()).split("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
block.setLine(i, lines[i]);
// lets get some light in here
if (this.wall == Direction.NORTH() || this.wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
BlockState one = this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getRelative(Direction.WEST(), this.lobbyHalfSide - 1).getRelative(this.wall, 9).getState();
one = this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getRelative(Direction.EAST(), this.lobbyHalfSide - 1).getRelative(this.wall, 9).getState();
} else {
BlockState one = this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getRelative(Direction.NORTH(), this.lobbyHalfSide - 1).getRelative(this.wall, 9).getState();
one = this.lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getRelative(Direction.SOUTH(), this.lobbyHalfSide - 1).getRelative(this.wall, 9).getState();
} else {
War.war.log("Failed to initalize zone lobby for zone " + this.warzone.getName(), java.util.logging.Level.WARNING);
private void setGatePositions(Block lobbyMiddleWallBlock) {
BlockFace leftSide = null; // look at the zone
BlockFace rightSide = null;
if (this.wall == Direction.NORTH()) {
leftSide = Direction.EAST();
rightSide = Direction.WEST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.EAST()) {
leftSide = Direction.SOUTH();
rightSide = Direction.NORTH();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
leftSide = Direction.WEST();
rightSide = Direction.EAST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.WEST()) {
leftSide = Direction.NORTH();
rightSide = Direction.SOUTH();
if (this.warzone.getWarzoneConfig().getBoolean(WarzoneConfig.AUTOASSIGN)) {
this.autoAssignGate = lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getLocation();
} else {
this.autoAssignGate = null;
for (int doorIndex = 0; doorIndex < this.warzone.getTeams().size(); doorIndex++) {
// 0 at center, 1 to the left, 2 to the right, 3 to the left, etc
Team team = this.warzone.getTeams().get(doorIndex);
if (this.warzone.getTeams().size() % 2 == 0) {
// even number of teams
if (doorIndex % 2 == 0) {
this.teamGateBlocks.put(team.getName(), lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getRelative(rightSide, doorIndex * 2 + 2).getLocation());
} else {
this.teamGateBlocks.put(team.getName(), lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getRelative(leftSide, doorIndex * 2).getLocation());
} else {
if (doorIndex == 0) {
this.teamGateBlocks.put(team.getName(), lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getLocation());
} else if (doorIndex % 2 == 0) {
this.teamGateBlocks.put(team.getName(), lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getRelative(rightSide, doorIndex * 2).getLocation());
} else {
this.teamGateBlocks.put(team.getName(), lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getRelative(leftSide, doorIndex * 2 + 2).getLocation());
this.warHubLinkGate = lobbyMiddleWallBlock.getRelative(this.wall, 9).getLocation();
private void placeTeamGate(Block block, TeamKind teamKind) {
if (block != null) {
BlockFace front = this.wall;
BlockFace leftSide = null; // looking at the zone
BlockFace rightSide = null;
if (this.wall == Direction.NORTH()) {
leftSide = Direction.EAST();
rightSide = Direction.WEST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.EAST()) {
leftSide = Direction.SOUTH();
rightSide = Direction.NORTH();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
leftSide = Direction.WEST();
rightSide = Direction.EAST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.WEST()) {
leftSide = Direction.NORTH();
rightSide = Direction.SOUTH();
// minimal air path
this.clearGatePath(block, front, leftSide, rightSide, true);
// gate blocks
BlockState lightBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getState();
this.setBlock(block.getRelative(leftSide), teamKind);
this.setBlock(block.getRelative(rightSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP), teamKind);
this.setBlock(block.getRelative(leftSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP), teamKind);
this.setBlock(block.getRelative(rightSide), teamKind);
this.setBlock(block.getRelative(leftSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP), teamKind);
this.setBlock(block.getRelative(rightSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP), teamKind);
this.setBlock(block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP), teamKind);
private void placeWarhubLinkGate(Block block, ItemStack frame) {
if (block != null) {
BlockFace front = null;
BlockFace leftSide = null; // looking at the zone
BlockFace rightSide = null;
// warhub link is opposite direction as zone wall
if (this.wall == Direction.NORTH()) {
front = Direction.SOUTH();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.EAST()) {
front = Direction.WEST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
front = Direction.NORTH();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.WEST()) {
front = Direction.EAST();
if (this.wall == Direction.NORTH()) {
leftSide = Direction.EAST();
rightSide = Direction.WEST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.EAST()) {
leftSide = Direction.SOUTH();
rightSide = Direction.NORTH();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
leftSide = Direction.WEST();
rightSide = Direction.EAST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.WEST()) {
leftSide = Direction.NORTH();
rightSide = Direction.SOUTH();
// minimal air path
this.clearGatePath(block, front, leftSide, rightSide, false);
// gate blocks
BlockState lightBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getState();
Block[] updateBlocks = {
block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP) };
for (Block update : updateBlocks) {
BlockState state = update.getState();
private void setBlock(Block block, TeamKind kind) {
private void placeAutoAssignGate() {
if (this.autoAssignGate != null) {
BlockFace front = this.wall;
BlockFace leftSide = null; // lookingat the zone
BlockFace rightSide = null;
if (this.wall == Direction.NORTH()) {
leftSide = Direction.EAST();
rightSide = Direction.WEST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.EAST()) {
leftSide = Direction.SOUTH();
rightSide = Direction.NORTH();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
leftSide = Direction.WEST();
rightSide = Direction.EAST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.WEST()) {
leftSide = Direction.NORTH();
rightSide = Direction.SOUTH();
List<Team> teams = this.warzone.getTeams();
Block autoAssignGateBlock = this.autoAssignGate.getBlock();
// minimal air path
this.clearGatePath(autoAssignGateBlock, front, leftSide, rightSide, false);
// gate blocks
BlockState lightBlock = autoAssignGateBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getState();
int size = teams.size();
if (size > 0) {
TeamKind[] doorBlockKinds = new TeamKind[7];
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
doorBlockKinds[i] = teams.get(i % size).getKind();
this.setBlock(autoAssignGateBlock.getRelative(leftSide), doorBlockKinds[0]);
this.setBlock(autoAssignGateBlock.getRelative(leftSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP), doorBlockKinds[1]);
this.setBlock(autoAssignGateBlock.getRelative(leftSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP), doorBlockKinds[2]);
this.setBlock(autoAssignGateBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP), doorBlockKinds[3]);
this.setBlock(autoAssignGateBlock.getRelative(rightSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP), doorBlockKinds[4]);
this.setBlock(autoAssignGateBlock.getRelative(rightSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP), doorBlockKinds[5]);
this.setBlock(autoAssignGateBlock.getRelative(rightSide), doorBlockKinds[6]);
public boolean isInTeamGate(Team team, Location location) {
Location info = this.teamGateBlocks.get(team.getName());
if (info != null) {
if (location.getBlockX() == info.getX() && location.getBlockY() == info.getY() && location.getBlockZ() == info.getZ()) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isAutoAssignGate(Location location) {
if (this.autoAssignGate != null
&& (location.getBlockX() == this.autoAssignGate.getX()
&& location.getBlockY() == this.autoAssignGate.getY()
&& location.getBlockZ() == this.autoAssignGate.getZ())) {
return true;
return false;
public Team getTeamGate(Location location) {
for (Team team : this.warzone.getTeams()) {
if (this.isInTeamGate(team, location)) {
return team;
return null;
public boolean isInAnyGate(Location location) {
return this.isAutoAssignGate(location) || this.getTeamGate(location) != null;
public Volume getVolume() {
return this.volume;
public void setVolume(Volume volume) {
this.volume = volume;
public BlockFace getWall() {
return this.wall;
public boolean isInWarHubLinkGate(Location location) {
if (this.warHubLinkGate != null
&& location.getBlockX() == this.warHubLinkGate.getX()
&& location.getBlockY() == this.warHubLinkGate.getY()
&& location.getBlockZ() == this.warHubLinkGate.getZ()) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean blockIsAGateBlock(Block block, BlockFace blockWall) {
if (blockWall == this.wall) {
for (String teamName : this.teamGateBlocks.keySet()) {
Location gateInfo = this.teamGateBlocks.get(teamName);
if (this.isPartOfGate(gateInfo.getBlock(), block)) {
return true;
if (this.autoAssignGate != null && this.isPartOfGate(this.autoAssignGate.getBlock(), block)) {
// auto assign
return true;
return false;
private boolean isPartOfGate(Block gateBlock, Block block) {
if (gateBlock != null) {
BlockFace leftSide = null; // look at the zone
BlockFace rightSide = null;
if (this.wall == Direction.NORTH()) {
leftSide = Direction.EAST();
rightSide = Direction.WEST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.EAST()) {
leftSide = Direction.SOUTH();
rightSide = Direction.NORTH();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
leftSide = Direction.WEST();
rightSide = Direction.EAST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.WEST()) {
leftSide = Direction.NORTH();
rightSide = Direction.SOUTH();
return (block.getX() == gateBlock.getX() && block.getY() == gateBlock.getY() && block.getZ() == gateBlock.getZ()) || (block.getX() == gateBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getX() && block.getY() == gateBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getY() && block.getZ() == gateBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getZ()) || (block.getX() == gateBlock.getRelative(leftSide).getX() && block.getY() == gateBlock.getRelative(leftSide).getY() && block.getZ() == gateBlock.getRelative(leftSide).getZ()) || (block.getX() == gateBlock.getRelative(leftSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getX() && block.getY() == gateBlock.getRelative(leftSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getY() && block.getZ() == gateBlock.getRelative(leftSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getZ()) || (block.getX() == gateBlock.getRelative(leftSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getX() && block.getY() == gateBlock.getRelative(leftSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getY() && block.getZ() == gateBlock.getRelative(leftSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getZ()) || (block.getX() == gateBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getX() && block.getY() == gateBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getY() && block.getZ() == gateBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getZ()) || (block.getX() == gateBlock.getRelative(rightSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getX() && block.getY() == gateBlock.getRelative(rightSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getY() && block.getZ() == gateBlock.getRelative(rightSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getZ()) || (block.getX() == gateBlock.getRelative(rightSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getX() && block.getY() == gateBlock.getRelative(rightSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getY() && block.getZ() == gateBlock.getRelative(rightSide).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getZ()) || (block.getX() == gateBlock.getRelative(rightSide).getX() && block.getY() == gateBlock.getRelative(rightSide).getY() && block.getZ() == gateBlock.getRelative(rightSide).getZ()) || (block.getX() == gateBlock.getX() && block.getY() == gateBlock.getY() - 1 && block.getZ() == gateBlock.getZ());
return false;
public Warzone getZone() {
return this.warzone;
public void resetTeamGateSign(Team team) {
Location info = this.teamGateBlocks.get(team.getName());
if (info != null) {
this.resetTeamGateSign(team, info.getBlock());
private void resetTeamGateSign(Team team, Block gate) {
if (gate != null) {
String[] lines;
if (team.getTeamConfig().resolveInt(TeamConfig.LIFEPOOL) == -1) {
lines = MessageFormat
} else {
lines = MessageFormat
this.resetGateSign(gate, lines, true);
private void resetGateSign(Block gate, String[] lines, boolean awayFromWall) {
Block block = null;
BlockFace direction = null;
if (awayFromWall) {
direction = this.wall;
} else if (this.wall == Direction.NORTH()) {
direction = Direction.SOUTH();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.EAST()) {
direction = Direction.WEST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
direction = Direction.NORTH();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.WEST()) {
direction = Direction.EAST();
if (this.wall == Direction.NORTH()) {
block = gate.getRelative(direction).getRelative(BlockFace.UP, 2);
} else if (this.wall == Direction.EAST()) {
block = gate.getRelative(direction).getRelative(BlockFace.UP, 2);
} else if (this.wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
block = gate.getRelative(direction).getRelative(BlockFace.UP, 2);
} else if (this.wall == Direction.WEST()) {
block = gate.getRelative(direction).getRelative(BlockFace.UP, 2);
org.bukkit.block.Sign state = (org.bukkit.block.Sign) block.getState();
org.bukkit.material.Sign data = (Sign) state.getData();
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
state.setLine(i, lines[i]);
public boolean isLeavingZone(Location location) {
BlockFace inside = null;
BlockFace left = null;
BlockFace right = null;
if (this.wall == Direction.NORTH()) {
inside = Direction.SOUTH();
left = Direction.WEST();
right = Direction.EAST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.EAST()) {
inside = Direction.WEST();
left = Direction.NORTH();
right = Direction.SOUTH();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.SOUTH()) {
inside = Direction.NORTH();
left = Direction.EAST();
right = Direction.WEST();
} else if (this.wall == Direction.WEST()) {
inside = Direction.EAST();
left = Direction.SOUTH();
right = Direction.NORTH();
if (this.autoAssignGate != null) {
if (this.leaving(location, this.autoAssignGate.getBlock(), inside, left, right)) {
return true;
for (String teamName : this.teamGateBlocks.keySet()) {
Location info = this.teamGateBlocks.get(teamName);
if (this.leaving(location, info.getBlock(), inside, left, right)) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean leaving(Location location, Block gate, BlockFace inside, BlockFace left, BlockFace right) {
// 3x4x1 deep
Volume gateExitVolume = new Volume("tempGateExit", location.getWorld());
Block out = gate.getRelative(inside);
gateExitVolume.setCornerTwo(gate.getRelative(right, 1).getRelative(BlockFace.UP, 2));
if (gateExitVolume.contains(location)) {
return true;
return false;
private void clearGatePath(Block gateBlock, BlockFace awayFromGate, BlockFace left, BlockFace right, boolean clearPathForPlayer) {
Volume gateAirVolume = new Volume("gateAir", gateBlock.getWorld());
gateAirVolume.setCornerTwo(gateBlock.getRelative(left).getRelative(awayFromGate, 2).getRelative(BlockFace.UP, 2));
if (clearPathForPlayer) {
gateBlock.getRelative(awayFromGate, 2).getRelative(right, 2).setType(Material.AIR);
gateBlock.getRelative(awayFromGate, 2).getRelative(right, 2).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).setType(Material.AIR);
gateBlock.getRelative(awayFromGate, 2).getRelative(right, 2).getRelative(BlockFace.UP, 2).setType(Material.AIR);
gateBlock.getRelative(awayFromGate, 2).getRelative(left, 2).setType(Material.AIR);
gateBlock.getRelative(awayFromGate, 2).getRelative(left, 2).getRelative(BlockFace.UP).setType(Material.AIR);
gateBlock.getRelative(awayFromGate, 2).getRelative(left, 2).getRelative(BlockFace.UP, 2).setType(Material.AIR);