mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 01:32:17 +01:00
327 lines
11 KiB
327 lines
11 KiB
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package history
import (
type HistoryItemType struct {
HistoryId string `json:"historyid"`
Ts int64 `json:"ts"`
UserId string `json:"userid"`
SessionId string `json:"sessionid"`
ScreenId string `json:"screenid"`
LineId string `json:"lineid"`
HadError bool `json:"haderror"`
CmdStr string `json:"cmdstr"`
Remote sstore.RemotePtrType `json:"remote"`
IsMetaCmd bool `json:"ismetacmd"`
ExitCode *int64 `json:"exitcode,omitempty"`
DurationMs *int64 `json:"durationms,omitempty"`
FeState sstore.FeStateType `json:"festate,omitempty"`
Tags map[string]bool `json:"tags,omitempty"`
LineNum int64 `json:"linenum" dbmap:"-"`
Status string `json:"status"`
// only for updates
Remove bool `json:"remove" dbmap:"-"`
// transient (string because of different history orderings)
HistoryNum string `json:"historynum" dbmap:"-"`
func (h *HistoryItemType) ToMap() map[string]interface{} {
rtn := make(map[string]interface{})
rtn["historyid"] = h.HistoryId
rtn["ts"] = h.Ts
rtn["userid"] = h.UserId
rtn["sessionid"] = h.SessionId
rtn["screenid"] = h.ScreenId
rtn["lineid"] = h.LineId
rtn["linenum"] = h.LineNum
rtn["haderror"] = h.HadError
rtn["cmdstr"] = h.CmdStr
rtn["remoteownerid"] = h.Remote.OwnerId
rtn["remoteid"] = h.Remote.RemoteId
rtn["remotename"] = h.Remote.Name
rtn["ismetacmd"] = h.IsMetaCmd
rtn["exitcode"] = h.ExitCode
rtn["durationms"] = h.DurationMs
rtn["festate"] = dbutil.QuickJson(h.FeState)
rtn["tags"] = dbutil.QuickJson(h.Tags)
rtn["status"] = h.Status
return rtn
func (h *HistoryItemType) FromMap(m map[string]interface{}) bool {
dbutil.QuickSetStr(&h.HistoryId, m, "historyid")
dbutil.QuickSetInt64(&h.Ts, m, "ts")
dbutil.QuickSetStr(&h.UserId, m, "userid")
dbutil.QuickSetStr(&h.SessionId, m, "sessionid")
dbutil.QuickSetStr(&h.ScreenId, m, "screenid")
dbutil.QuickSetStr(&h.LineId, m, "lineid")
dbutil.QuickSetBool(&h.HadError, m, "haderror")
dbutil.QuickSetStr(&h.CmdStr, m, "cmdstr")
dbutil.QuickSetStr(&h.Remote.OwnerId, m, "remoteownerid")
dbutil.QuickSetStr(&h.Remote.RemoteId, m, "remoteid")
dbutil.QuickSetStr(&h.Remote.Name, m, "remotename")
dbutil.QuickSetBool(&h.IsMetaCmd, m, "ismetacmd")
dbutil.QuickSetStr(&h.HistoryNum, m, "historynum")
dbutil.QuickSetInt64(&h.LineNum, m, "linenum")
dbutil.QuickSetNullableInt64(&h.ExitCode, m, "exitcode")
dbutil.QuickSetNullableInt64(&h.DurationMs, m, "durationms")
dbutil.QuickSetJson(&h.FeState, m, "festate")
dbutil.QuickSetJson(&h.Tags, m, "tags")
dbutil.QuickSetStr(&h.Status, m, "status")
return true
type HistoryQueryOpts struct {
Offset int
MaxItems int
FromTs int64
SearchText string
SessionId string
RemoteId string
ScreenId string
NoMeta bool
RawOffset int
FilterFn func(*HistoryItemType) bool
type HistoryQueryResult struct {
MaxItems int
Items []*HistoryItemType
Offset int // the offset shown to user
RawOffset int // internal offset
HasMore bool
NextRawOffset int // internal offset used by pager for next query
prevItems int // holds number of items skipped by RawOffset
type HistoryViewData struct {
Items []*HistoryItemType `json:"items"`
Offset int `json:"offset"`
RawOffset int `json:"rawoffset"`
NextRawOffset int `json:"nextrawoffset"`
HasMore bool `json:"hasmore"`
Lines []*sstore.LineType `json:"lines"`
Cmds []*sstore.CmdType `json:"cmds"`
const HistoryCols = "h.historyid, h.ts, h.userid, h.sessionid, h.screenid, h.lineid, h.haderror, h.cmdstr, h.remoteownerid, h.remoteid, h.remotename, h.ismetacmd, h.linenum, h.exitcode, h.durationms, h.festate, h.tags, h.status"
const DefaultMaxHistoryItems = 1000
func InsertHistoryItem(ctx context.Context, hitem *HistoryItemType) error {
if hitem == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot insert nil history item")
txErr := sstore.WithTx(ctx, func(tx *sstore.TxWrap) error {
query := `INSERT INTO history
( historyid, ts, userid, sessionid, screenid, lineid, haderror, cmdstr, remoteownerid, remoteid, remotename, ismetacmd, linenum, exitcode, durationms, festate, tags, status) VALUES
tx.NamedExec(query, hitem.ToMap())
return nil
return txErr
const HistoryQueryChunkSize = 1000
func _getNextHistoryItem(items []*HistoryItemType, index int, filterFn func(*HistoryItemType) bool) (*HistoryItemType, int) {
for ; index < len(items); index++ {
item := items[index]
if filterFn(item) {
return item, index
return nil, index
// returns true if done, false if we still need to process more items
func (result *HistoryQueryResult) processItem(item *HistoryItemType, rawOffset int) bool {
if result.prevItems < result.Offset {
return false
if len(result.Items) == result.MaxItems {
result.HasMore = true
result.NextRawOffset = rawOffset
return true
if len(result.Items) == 0 {
result.RawOffset = rawOffset
result.Items = append(result.Items, item)
return false
func runHistoryQueryWithFilter(tx *sstore.TxWrap, opts HistoryQueryOpts) (*HistoryQueryResult, error) {
if opts.MaxItems == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid query, maxitems is 0")
rtn := &HistoryQueryResult{Offset: opts.Offset, MaxItems: opts.MaxItems}
var rawOffset int
if opts.RawOffset >= opts.Offset {
rtn.prevItems = opts.Offset
rawOffset = opts.RawOffset
} else {
rawOffset = 0
for {
resultItems, err := runHistoryQuery(tx, opts, rawOffset, HistoryQueryChunkSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
isDone := false
for resultIdx := 0; resultIdx < len(resultItems); resultIdx++ {
if opts.FilterFn != nil && !opts.FilterFn(resultItems[resultIdx]) {
isDone = rtn.processItem(resultItems[resultIdx], rawOffset+resultIdx)
if isDone {
if isDone {
if len(resultItems) < HistoryQueryChunkSize {
rawOffset += HistoryQueryChunkSize
return rtn, nil
func runHistoryQuery(tx *sstore.TxWrap, opts HistoryQueryOpts, realOffset int, itemLimit int) ([]*HistoryItemType, error) {
// check sessionid/screenid format because we are directly inserting them into the SQL
if opts.SessionId != "" {
_, err := uuid.Parse(opts.SessionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed sessionid")
if opts.ScreenId != "" {
_, err := uuid.Parse(opts.ScreenId)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed screenid")
if opts.RemoteId != "" {
_, err := uuid.Parse(opts.RemoteId)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed remoteid")
whereClause := "WHERE 1"
var queryArgs []interface{}
hNumStr := ""
if opts.SessionId != "" && opts.ScreenId != "" {
whereClause += fmt.Sprintf(" AND h.sessionid = '%s' AND h.screenid = '%s'", opts.SessionId, opts.ScreenId)
hNumStr = ""
} else if opts.SessionId != "" {
whereClause += fmt.Sprintf(" AND h.sessionid = '%s'", opts.SessionId)
hNumStr = "s"
} else {
hNumStr = "g"
if opts.SearchText != "" {
whereClause += " AND h.cmdstr LIKE ? ESCAPE '\\'"
likeArg := opts.SearchText
likeArg = strings.ReplaceAll(likeArg, "%", "\\%")
likeArg = strings.ReplaceAll(likeArg, "_", "\\_")
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, "%"+likeArg+"%")
if opts.FromTs > 0 {
whereClause += fmt.Sprintf(" AND h.ts <= %d", opts.FromTs)
if opts.RemoteId != "" {
whereClause += fmt.Sprintf(" AND h.remoteid = '%s'", opts.RemoteId)
if opts.NoMeta {
whereClause += " AND NOT h.ismetacmd"
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %s, ('%s' || CAST((row_number() OVER win) as text)) historynum FROM history h %s WINDOW win AS (ORDER BY h.ts, h.historyid) ORDER BY h.ts DESC, h.historyid DESC LIMIT %d OFFSET %d", HistoryCols, hNumStr, whereClause, itemLimit, realOffset)
marr := tx.SelectMaps(query, queryArgs...)
rtn := make([]*HistoryItemType, len(marr))
for idx, m := range marr {
hitem := dbutil.FromMap[*HistoryItemType](m)
rtn[idx] = hitem
return rtn, nil
func GetHistoryItems(ctx context.Context, opts HistoryQueryOpts) (*HistoryQueryResult, error) {
var rtn *HistoryQueryResult
txErr := sstore.WithTx(ctx, func(tx *sstore.TxWrap) error {
var err error
rtn, err = runHistoryQueryWithFilter(tx, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
return rtn, nil
func GetHistoryItemByLineNum(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineNum int) (*HistoryItemType, error) {
return sstore.WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *sstore.TxWrap) (*HistoryItemType, error) {
query := `SELECT * FROM history WHERE screenid = ? AND linenum = ?`
hitem := dbutil.GetMapGen[*HistoryItemType](tx, query, screenId, lineNum)
return hitem, nil
func GetLastHistoryLineNum(ctx context.Context, screenId string) (int, error) {
return sstore.WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *sstore.TxWrap) (int, error) {
query := `SELECT COALESCE(max(linenum), 0) FROM history WHERE screenid = ?`
maxLineNum := tx.GetInt(query, screenId)
return maxLineNum, nil
func getLineIdsFromHistoryItems(historyItems []*HistoryItemType) []string {
var rtn []string
for _, hitem := range historyItems {
if hitem.LineId != "" {
rtn = append(rtn, hitem.LineId)
return rtn
func GetLineCmdsFromHistoryItems(ctx context.Context, historyItems []*HistoryItemType) ([]*sstore.LineType, []*sstore.CmdType, error) {
if len(historyItems) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil
return sstore.WithTxRtn3(ctx, func(tx *sstore.TxWrap) ([]*sstore.LineType, []*sstore.CmdType, error) {
lineIdsJsonArr := dbutil.QuickJsonArr(getLineIdsFromHistoryItems(historyItems))
query := `SELECT * FROM line WHERE lineid IN (SELECT value FROM json_each(?))`
lineArr := dbutil.SelectMappable[*sstore.LineType](tx, query, lineIdsJsonArr)
query = `SELECT * FROM cmd WHERE lineid IN (SELECT value FROM json_each(?))`
cmdArr := dbutil.SelectMapsGen[*sstore.CmdType](tx, query, lineIdsJsonArr)
return lineArr, cmdArr, nil
func PurgeHistoryByIds(ctx context.Context, historyIds []string) error {
return sstore.WithTx(ctx, func(tx *sstore.TxWrap) error {
query := `DELETE FROM history WHERE historyid IN (SELECT value FROM json_each(?))`
tx.Exec(query, dbutil.QuickJsonArr(historyIds))
return nil