Wave is available on Windows via [Chocolatey](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/wave) and the [Windows Package Manager](https://winstall.app/apps/CommandLine.Wave).
Wave is available in the following package managers for Linux
#### Snap
Different Linux distributions have different ways of enabling Snap. You can find distro-specific instructions in our [Snapcraft listing](https://snapcraft.io/waveterm).
sudo snap install --classic waveterm
#### AUR/Pacman (community)
This is a [community-maintained AUR package](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/waveterm) for installing Wave on Arch distributions.
#### Nix (community)
This is a [community-maintained Nix package](https://search.nixos.org/packages?channel=unstable&show=waveterm&size=50&sort=relevance&type=packages&query=waveterm) for installing on NixOS or any other Linux distribution set up with Nix.