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2022-11-23 07:59:29 +01:00
package simpleexpand
import (
type SimpleExpandContext struct {
HomeDir string
type SimpleExpandInfo struct {
HasTilde bool // only ~ as the first character when SimpleExpandContext.HomeDir is set
HasVar bool // $x, $$, ${...}
HasGlob bool // *, ?, [, {
HasExtGlob bool // ?(...) ... ?*+@!
HasHistory bool // ! (anywhere)
HasSpecial bool // subshell, arith
func expandHomeDir(info *SimpleExpandInfo, litVal string, multiPart bool, homeDir string) string {
if homeDir == "" {
return litVal
if litVal == "~" && !multiPart {
return homeDir
if strings.HasPrefix(litVal, "~/") {
info.HasTilde = true
return homeDir + litVal[1:]
return litVal
func expandLiteral(buf *bytes.Buffer, info *SimpleExpandInfo, litVal string) {
var lastBackSlash bool
var lastExtGlob bool
var lastDollar bool
for _, ch := range litVal {
if ch == 0 {
if lastBackSlash {
lastBackSlash = false
if ch == '\n' {
// special case, backslash *and* newline are ignored
if ch == '\\' {
lastBackSlash = true
lastExtGlob = false
lastDollar = false
if ch == '*' || ch == '?' || ch == '[' || ch == '{' {
info.HasGlob = true
if ch == '`' {
info.HasSpecial = true
if ch == '!' {
info.HasHistory = true
if lastExtGlob && ch == '(' {
info.HasExtGlob = true
if lastDollar && (ch != ' ' && ch != '"' && ch != '\'' && ch != '(' || ch != '[') {
info.HasVar = true
if lastDollar && (ch == '(' || ch == '[') {
info.HasSpecial = true
lastExtGlob = (ch == '?' || ch == '*' || ch == '+' || ch == '@' || ch == '!')
lastDollar = (ch == '$')
if lastBackSlash {
// also expands ~
func expandLiteralPlus(buf *bytes.Buffer, info *SimpleExpandInfo, litVal string, multiPart bool, ectx SimpleExpandContext) {
litVal = expandHomeDir(info, litVal, multiPart, ectx.HomeDir)
expandLiteral(buf, info, litVal)
func expandSQANSILiteral(buf *bytes.Buffer, litVal string) {
// no info specials
2022-11-29 03:05:54 +01:00
if strings.HasSuffix(litVal, "'") {
litVal = litVal[0 : len(litVal)-1]
2022-11-23 07:59:29 +01:00
str, _, _ := expand.Format(nil, litVal, nil)
func expandSQLiteral(buf *bytes.Buffer, litVal string) {
// no info specials
2022-11-29 03:05:54 +01:00
if strings.HasSuffix(litVal, "'") {
litVal = litVal[0 : len(litVal)-1]
2022-11-23 07:59:29 +01:00
// will also work for partial double quoted strings
func expandDQLiteral(buf *bytes.Buffer, info *SimpleExpandInfo, litVal string) {
var lastBackSlash bool
var lastDollar bool
for _, ch := range litVal {
if ch == 0 {
if lastBackSlash {
lastBackSlash = false
if ch == '"' || ch == '\\' || ch == '$' || ch == '`' {
if ch == '\\' {
lastBackSlash = true
lastDollar = false
2022-11-29 03:05:54 +01:00
if ch == '"' {
2022-11-23 07:59:29 +01:00
// similar to expandLiteral, but no globbing
if ch == '`' {
info.HasSpecial = true
if ch == '!' {
info.HasHistory = true
if lastDollar && (ch != ' ' && ch != '"' && ch != '\'' && ch != '(' || ch != '[') {
info.HasVar = true
if lastDollar && (ch == '(' || ch == '[') {
info.HasSpecial = true
lastDollar = (ch == '$')
// in a valid parsed DQ string, you cannot have a trailing backslash (because \" would not end the string)
// still putting the case here though in case we ever deal with incomplete strings (e.g. completion)
if lastBackSlash {
func simpleExpandWordInternal(buf *bytes.Buffer, info *SimpleExpandInfo, ectx SimpleExpandContext, parts []syntax.WordPart, sourceStr string, inDoubleQuote bool, level int) {
for partIdx, untypedPart := range parts {
switch part := untypedPart.(type) {
case *syntax.Lit:
if !inDoubleQuote && partIdx == 0 && level == 1 && ectx.HomeDir != "" {
expandLiteralPlus(buf, info, part.Value, len(parts) > 1, ectx)
} else if inDoubleQuote {
expandDQLiteral(buf, info, part.Value)
} else {
expandLiteral(buf, info, part.Value)
case *syntax.SglQuoted:
if part.Dollar {
expandSQANSILiteral(buf, part.Value)
} else {
expandSQLiteral(buf, part.Value)
case *syntax.DblQuoted:
simpleExpandWordInternal(buf, info, ectx, part.Parts, sourceStr, true, level+1)
rawStr := sourceStr[part.Pos().Offset():part.End().Offset()]
// simple word expansion
// expands: literals, single-quoted strings, double-quoted strings (recursively)
// does *not* expand: params (variables), command substitution, arithmetic expressions, process substituions, globs
// for the not expands, they will show up as the literal string
// this is different than expand.Literal which will replace variables as empty string if they aren't defined.
// so "a"'foo'${bar}$x => "afoo${bar}$x", but expand.Literal would produce => "afoo"
// note will do ~ expansion (will not do ~user expansion)
func SimpleExpandWord(ectx SimpleExpandContext, word *syntax.Word, sourceStr string) (string, SimpleExpandInfo) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
var info SimpleExpandInfo
simpleExpandWordInternal(&buf, &info, ectx, word.Parts, sourceStr, false, 1)
return buf.String(), info
func SimpleExpandPartialWord(ectx SimpleExpandContext, partialWord string, multiPart bool) (string, SimpleExpandInfo) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
var info SimpleExpandInfo
if partialWord == "" {
return "", info
if strings.HasPrefix(partialWord, "\"") {
expandDQLiteral(&buf, &info, partialWord[1:])
} else if strings.HasPrefix(partialWord, "$\"") {
expandDQLiteral(&buf, &info, partialWord[2:])
} else if strings.HasPrefix(partialWord, "'") {
expandSQLiteral(&buf, partialWord[1:])
} else if strings.HasPrefix(partialWord, "$'") {
expandSQANSILiteral(&buf, partialWord[2:])
} else {
expandLiteralPlus(&buf, &info, partialWord, multiPart, ectx)
return buf.String(), info