mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 04:02:13 +01:00
new config system (#283)
This commit is contained in:
@ -164,17 +164,19 @@ tasks:
desc: Generate Typescript bindings for the Go backend.
- go run cmd/generate/main-generate.go
- go run cmd/generatewshclient/main-generatewshclient.go
- go run cmd/generatets/main-generatets.go
- go run cmd/generatego/main-generatego.go
- "cmd/generate/*.go"
- "cmd/generatewshclient/*.go"
- "cmd/generatego/*.go"
- "cmd/generatets/*.go"
- "pkg/service/**/*.go"
- "pkg/waveobj/wtype.go"
- "pkg/wconfig/**/*.go"
- "pkg/wstore/*.go"
- "pkg/wshrpc/**/*.go"
- "pkg/tsgen/**/*.go"
- "pkg/gogen/**/*.go"
- "pkg/wconfig/**/*.go"
- "pkg/eventbus/eventbus.go"
- frontend/types/gotypes.d.ts
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package main
import (
const WshClientFileName = "pkg/wshrpc/wshclient/wshclient.go"
const WaveObjMetaConstsFileName = "pkg/waveobj/metaconsts.go"
const SettingsMetaConstsFileName = "pkg/wconfig/metaconsts.go"
func GenerateWshClient() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "generating wshclient file to %s\n", WshClientFileName)
var buf strings.Builder
gogen.GenerateBoilerplate(&buf, "wshclient", []string{
wshDeclMap := wshrpc.GenerateWshCommandDeclMap()
for _, key := range utilfn.GetOrderedMapKeys(wshDeclMap) {
methodDecl := wshDeclMap[key]
if methodDecl.CommandType == wshrpc.RpcType_ResponseStream {
gogen.GenMethod_ResponseStream(&buf, methodDecl)
} else if methodDecl.CommandType == wshrpc.RpcType_Call {
gogen.GenMethod_Call(&buf, methodDecl)
} else {
panic("unsupported command type " + methodDecl.CommandType)
err := os.WriteFile(WshClientFileName, []byte(buf.String()), 0644)
if err != nil {
func GenerateWaveObjMetaConsts() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "generating waveobj meta consts file to %s\n", WaveObjMetaConstsFileName)
var buf strings.Builder
gogen.GenerateBoilerplate(&buf, "waveobj", []string{})
gogen.GenerateMetaMapConsts(&buf, "MetaKey_", reflect.TypeOf(waveobj.MetaTSType{}))
err := os.WriteFile(WaveObjMetaConstsFileName, []byte(buf.String()), 0644)
if err != nil {
func GenerateSettingsMetaConsts() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "generating settings meta consts file to %s\n", SettingsMetaConstsFileName)
var buf strings.Builder
gogen.GenerateBoilerplate(&buf, "wconfig", []string{})
gogen.GenerateMetaMapConsts(&buf, "ConfigKey_", reflect.TypeOf(wconfig.SettingsType{}))
err := os.WriteFile(SettingsMetaConstsFileName, []byte(buf.String()), 0644)
if err != nil {
func main() {
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package main
import (
func genMethod_ResponseStream(fd *os.File, methodDecl *wshrpc.WshRpcMethodDecl) {
fmt.Fprintf(fd, "// command %q, wshserver.%s\n", methodDecl.Command, methodDecl.MethodName)
var dataType string
dataVarName := "nil"
if methodDecl.CommandDataType != nil {
dataType = ", data " + methodDecl.CommandDataType.String()
dataVarName = "data"
respType := "any"
if methodDecl.DefaultResponseDataType != nil {
respType = methodDecl.DefaultResponseDataType.String()
fmt.Fprintf(fd, "func %s(w *wshutil.WshRpc%s, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) chan wshrpc.RespOrErrorUnion[%s] {\n", methodDecl.MethodName, dataType, respType)
fmt.Fprintf(fd, " return sendRpcRequestResponseStreamHelper[%s](w, %q, %s, opts)\n", respType, methodDecl.Command, dataVarName)
fmt.Fprintf(fd, "}\n\n")
func genMethod_Call(fd *os.File, methodDecl *wshrpc.WshRpcMethodDecl) {
fmt.Fprintf(fd, "// command %q, wshserver.%s\n", methodDecl.Command, methodDecl.MethodName)
var dataType string
dataVarName := "nil"
if methodDecl.CommandDataType != nil {
dataType = ", data " + methodDecl.CommandDataType.String()
dataVarName = "data"
returnType := "error"
respName := "_"
tParamVal := "any"
if methodDecl.DefaultResponseDataType != nil {
returnType = "(" + methodDecl.DefaultResponseDataType.String() + ", error)"
respName = "resp"
tParamVal = methodDecl.DefaultResponseDataType.String()
fmt.Fprintf(fd, "func %s(w *wshutil.WshRpc%s, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) %s {\n", methodDecl.MethodName, dataType, returnType)
fmt.Fprintf(fd, " %s, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[%s](w, %q, %s, opts)\n", respName, tParamVal, methodDecl.Command, dataVarName)
if methodDecl.DefaultResponseDataType != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(fd, " return resp, err\n")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(fd, " return err\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fd, "}\n\n")
func main() {
fd, err := os.Create("pkg/wshrpc/wshclient/wshclient.go")
if err != nil {
defer fd.Close()
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "generating wshclient file to %s\n", fd.Name())
fmt.Fprintf(fd, "// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fd, "// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fd, "// generated by cmd/generatewshclient/main-generatewshclient.go\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fd, "package wshclient\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fd, "import (\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fd, " \"github.com/wavetermdev/thenextwave/pkg/wshutil\"\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fd, " \"github.com/wavetermdev/thenextwave/pkg/wshrpc\"\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fd, " \"github.com/wavetermdev/thenextwave/pkg/waveobj\"\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fd, ")\n\n")
wshDeclMap := wshrpc.GenerateWshCommandDeclMap()
for _, key := range utilfn.GetOrderedMapKeys(wshDeclMap) {
methodDecl := wshDeclMap[key]
if methodDecl.CommandType == wshrpc.RpcType_ResponseStream {
genMethod_ResponseStream(fd, methodDecl)
} else if methodDecl.CommandType == wshrpc.RpcType_Call {
genMethod_Call(fd, methodDecl)
} else {
panic("unsupported command type " + methodDecl.CommandType)
fmt.Fprintf(fd, "\n")
@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ async function handleWSEvent(evtMsg: WSEventType) {
const clientData = await services.ClientService.GetClientData();
const settings = await services.FileService.GetSettingsConfig();
const newWin = createBrowserWindow(clientData.oid, windowData, settings);
const fullConfig = await services.FileService.GetFullConfig();
const newWin = createBrowserWindow(clientData.oid, windowData, fullConfig);
await newWin.readyPromise;
} else if (evtMsg.eventtype == "electron:closewindow") {
@ -268,11 +268,7 @@ function shFrameNavHandler(event: Electron.Event<Electron.WebContentsWillFrameNa
// note, this does not *show* the window.
// to show, await win.readyPromise and then win.show()
function createBrowserWindow(
clientId: string,
waveWindow: WaveWindow,
settings: SettingsConfigType
): WaveBrowserWindow {
function createBrowserWindow(clientId: string, waveWindow: WaveWindow, fullConfig: FullConfigType): WaveBrowserWindow {
let winWidth = waveWindow?.winsize?.width;
let winHeight = waveWindow?.winsize?.height;
let winPosX = waveWindow.pos.x;
@ -326,8 +322,9 @@ function createBrowserWindow(
show: false,
autoHideMenuBar: true,
const isTransparent = settings?.window?.transparent ?? false;
const isBlur = !isTransparent && (settings?.window?.blur ?? false);
const settings = fullConfig?.settings;
const isTransparent = settings?.["window:transparent"] ?? false;
const isBlur = !isTransparent && (settings?.["window:blur"] ?? false);
if (isTransparent) {
winOpts.transparent = true;
} else if (isBlur) {
@ -582,8 +579,8 @@ if (unamePlatform !== "darwin") {
async function createNewWaveWindow(): Promise<void> {
const clientData = await services.ClientService.GetClientData();
const newWindow = await services.ClientService.MakeWindow();
const settings = await services.FileService.GetSettingsConfig();
const newBrowserWindow = createBrowserWindow(clientData.oid, newWindow, settings);
const fullConfig = await services.FileService.GetFullConfig();
const newBrowserWindow = createBrowserWindow(clientData.oid, newWindow, fullConfig);
@ -700,7 +697,7 @@ async function relaunchBrowserWindows(): Promise<void> {
globalIsRelaunching = false;
const clientData = await services.ClientService.GetClientData();
const settings = await services.FileService.GetSettingsConfig();
const fullConfig = await services.FileService.GetFullConfig();
const wins: WaveBrowserWindow[] = [];
for (const windowId of clientData.windowids.slice().reverse()) {
const windowData: WaveWindow = (await services.ObjectService.GetObject("window:" + windowId)) as WaveWindow;
@ -710,7 +707,7 @@ async function relaunchBrowserWindows(): Promise<void> {
const win = createBrowserWindow(clientData.oid, windowData, settings);
const win = createBrowserWindow(clientData.oid, windowData, fullConfig);
for (const win of wins) {
@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ ipcMain.on("get-is-dev", (event) => {
ipcMain.on("get-platform", (event, url) => {
event.returnValue = unamePlatform;
ipcMain.on("get-user-name", (event) => {
const userInfo = os.userInfo();
event.returnValue = userInfo.username;
// must match golang
function getWaveHomeDir() {
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("api", {
getIsDev: () => ipcRenderer.sendSync("get-is-dev"),
getPlatform: () => ipcRenderer.sendSync("get-platform"),
getCursorPoint: () => ipcRenderer.sendSync("get-cursor-point"),
getUserName: () => ipcRenderer.sendSync("get-user-name"),
openNewWindow: () => ipcRenderer.send("open-new-window"),
showContextMenu: (menu, position) => ipcRenderer.send("contextmenu-show", menu, position),
onContextMenuClick: (callback) => ipcRenderer.on("contextmenu-click", (_event, id) => callback(id)),
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { appHandleKeyDown, appHandleKeyUp } from "@/app/appkey";
import { useWaveObjectValue } from "@/app/store/wos";
import { Workspace } from "@/app/workspace/workspace";
import { ContextMenuModel } from "@/store/contextmenu";
import { PLATFORM, WOS, atoms, getApi, globalStore } from "@/store/global";
import { PLATFORM, WOS, atoms, getApi, globalStore, useSettingsPrefixAtom } from "@/store/global";
import { getWebServerEndpoint } from "@/util/endpoints";
import * as keyutil from "@/util/keyutil";
import * as util from "@/util/util";
@ -80,12 +80,13 @@ function handleContextMenu(e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) {
function AppSettingsUpdater() {
const settings = jotai.useAtomValue(atoms.settingsConfigAtom);
const windowSettings = useSettingsPrefixAtom("window");
React.useEffect(() => {
const isTransparentOrBlur = (settings?.window?.transparent || settings?.window?.blur) ?? false;
const opacity = util.boundNumber(settings?.window?.opacity ?? 0.8, 0, 1);
let baseBgColor = settings?.window?.bgcolor;
console.log("window settings", settings.window);
const isTransparentOrBlur =
(windowSettings?.["window:transparent"] || windowSettings?.["window:blur"]) ?? false;
const opacity = util.boundNumber(windowSettings?.["window:opacity"] ?? 0.8, 0, 1);
let baseBgColor = windowSettings?.["window:bgcolor"];
console.log("window settings", windowSettings);
if (isTransparentOrBlur) {
const rootStyles = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ function AppSettingsUpdater() {
document.body.style.opacity = null;
}, [settings?.window]);
}, [windowSettings]);
return null;
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import {
import { Button } from "@/app/element/button";
import { TypeAheadModal } from "@/app/modals/typeaheadmodal";
import { ContextMenuModel } from "@/app/store/contextmenu";
import { atoms, globalStore, useBlockAtom, WOS } from "@/app/store/global";
import { atoms, globalStore, useBlockAtom, useSettingsKeyAtom, WOS } from "@/app/store/global";
import * as services from "@/app/store/services";
import { WshServer } from "@/app/store/wshserver";
import { MagnifyIcon } from "@/element/magnify";
@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ const BlockFrame_Header = ({
}: BlockFrameProps & { changeConnModalAtom: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<boolean> }) => {
const [blockData] = WOS.useWaveObjectValue<Block>(WOS.makeORef("block", nodeModel.blockId));
const viewName = util.useAtomValueSafe(viewModel.viewName) ?? blockViewToName(blockData?.meta?.view);
const settingsConfig = jotai.useAtomValue(atoms.settingsConfigAtom);
const showBlockIds = jotai.useAtomValue(useSettingsKeyAtom("blockheader:showblockids"));
const settingsConfig = jotai.useAtomValue(atoms.settingsAtom);
const viewIconUnion = util.useAtomValueSafe(viewModel.viewIcon) ?? blockViewToIcon(blockData?.meta?.view);
const preIconButton = util.useAtomValueSafe(viewModel.preIconButton);
const headerTextUnion = util.useAtomValueSafe(viewModel.viewText);
@ -190,9 +191,7 @@ const BlockFrame_Header = ({
<div className="block-frame-default-header-iconview">
<div className="block-frame-view-type">{viewName}</div>
{settingsConfig?.blockheader?.showblockids && (
<div className="block-frame-blockid">[{nodeModel.blockId.substring(0, 8)}]</div>
{showBlockIds && <div className="block-frame-blockid">[{nodeModel.blockId.substring(0, 8)}]</div>}
<div className="block-frame-textelems-wrapper">{headerTextElems}</div>
@ -135,31 +135,6 @@ export function getBlockHeaderIcon(blockIcon: string, blockData: Block): React.R
return blockIconElem;
export function getBlockHeaderText(blockIcon: string, blockData: Block, settings: SettingsConfigType): React.ReactNode {
if (!blockData) {
return "no block data";
let blockIdStr = "";
if (settings?.blockheader?.showblockids) {
blockIdStr = ` [${blockData.oid.substring(0, 8)}]`;
let blockIconElem = getBlockHeaderIcon(blockIcon, blockData);
if (!util.isBlank(blockData?.meta?.title)) {
try {
const rtn = processTitleString(blockData.meta.title) ?? [];
return [blockIconElem, ...rtn, blockIdStr == "" ? null : blockIdStr];
} catch (e) {
console.error("error processing title", blockData.meta.title, e);
return [blockIconElem, blockData.meta.title + blockIdStr];
let viewString = blockData?.meta?.view;
if (blockData?.meta?.controller == "cmd") {
viewString = "cmd";
return [blockIconElem, viewString + blockIdStr];
export const IconButton = React.memo(({ decl, className }: { decl: HeaderIconButton; className?: string }) => {
const buttonRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
useLongClick(buttonRef, decl.click, decl.longClick);
@ -96,7 +96,10 @@ function initGlobalAtoms(initOpts: GlobalInitOptions) {
return WOS.getObjectValue(WOS.makeORef("workspace", windowData.workspaceid), get);
const settingsConfigAtom = jotai.atom(null) as jotai.PrimitiveAtom<SettingsConfigType>;
const fullConfigAtom = jotai.atom(null) as jotai.PrimitiveAtom<FullConfigType>;
const settingsAtom = jotai.atom((get) => {
return get(fullConfigAtom)?.settings ?? {};
}) as jotai.Atom<SettingsType>;
const tabAtom: jotai.Atom<Tab> = jotai.atom((get) => {
const windowData = get(windowDataAtom);
if (windowData == null) {
@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ function initGlobalAtoms(initOpts: GlobalInitOptions) {
} catch (_) {
// do nothing
const reducedMotionPreferenceAtom = jotai.atom((get) => get(settingsConfigAtom).window.reducedmotion);
const reducedMotionPreferenceAtom = jotai.atom((get) => get(settingsAtom)?.["window:reducedmotion"]);
const typeAheadModalAtom = jotai.atom({});
atoms = {
// initialized in wave.ts (will not be null inside of application)
@ -131,7 +134,8 @@ function initGlobalAtoms(initOpts: GlobalInitOptions) {
client: clientAtom,
waveWindow: windowDataAtom,
workspace: workspaceAtom,
activeTabId: activeTabIdAtom,
isFullScreen: isFullScreenAtom,
@ -271,19 +275,35 @@ function useBlockCache<T>(blockId: string, name: string, makeFn: () => T): T {
const settingsAtomCache = new Map<string, jotai.Atom<any>>();
function useSettingsAtom<T>(name: string, settingsFn: (settings: SettingsConfigType) => T): jotai.Atom<T> {
let atom = settingsAtomCache.get(name);
function useSettingsKeyAtom<T extends keyof SettingsType>(key: T): jotai.Atom<SettingsType[T]> {
let atom = settingsAtomCache.get(key) as jotai.Atom<SettingsType[T]>;
if (atom == null) {
atom = jotai.atom((get) => {
const settings = get(atoms.settingsConfigAtom);
const settings = get(atoms.settingsAtom);
if (settings == null) {
return null;
return settingsFn(settings);
}) as jotai.Atom<T>;
settingsAtomCache.set(name, atom);
return settings[key];
settingsAtomCache.set(key, atom);
return atom as jotai.Atom<T>;
return atom;
function useSettingsPrefixAtom(prefix: string): jotai.Atom<SettingsType> {
// TODO: use a shallow equal here to make this more efficient
let atom = settingsAtomCache.get(prefix + ":");
if (atom == null) {
atom = jotai.atom((get) => {
const settings = get(atoms.settingsAtom);
if (settings == null) {
return {};
return util.getPrefixedSettings(settings, prefix);
settingsAtomCache.set(prefix + ":", atom);
return atom;
const blockAtomCache = new Map<string, Map<string, jotai.Atom<any>>>();
@ -337,7 +357,7 @@ function handleWSEventMessage(msg: WSEventType) {
if (msg.eventtype == "config") {
globalStore.set(atoms.settingsConfigAtom, msg.data.settings);
globalStore.set(atoms.fullConfigAtom, (msg.data as WatcherUpdate).fullconfig);
if (msg.eventtype == "userinput") {
@ -474,8 +494,17 @@ function isDev() {
return cachedIsDev;
let cachedUserName: string = null;
function getUserName(): string {
if (cachedUserName == null) {
cachedUserName = getApi().getUserName();
return cachedUserName;
async function openLink(uri: string) {
if (globalStore.get(atoms.settingsConfigAtom)?.web?.openlinksinternally) {
if (globalStore.get(atoms.settingsAtom)?.["web:openlinksinternally"]) {
const blockDef: BlockDef = {
meta: {
view: "web",
@ -563,6 +592,7 @@ export {
@ -581,7 +611,8 @@ export {
@ -53,16 +53,12 @@ export const ClientService = new ClientServiceType();
// fileservice.FileService (file)
class FileServiceType {
AddWidget(arg1: WidgetsConfigType): Promise<void> {
return WOS.callBackendService("file", "AddWidget", Array.from(arguments))
// delete file
DeleteFile(connection: string, path: string): Promise<void> {
return WOS.callBackendService("file", "DeleteFile", Array.from(arguments))
GetSettingsConfig(): Promise<SettingsConfigType> {
return WOS.callBackendService("file", "GetSettingsConfig", Array.from(arguments))
GetFullConfig(): Promise<FullConfigType> {
return WOS.callBackendService("file", "GetFullConfig", Array.from(arguments))
GetWaveFile(arg1: string, arg2: string): Promise<any> {
return WOS.callBackendService("file", "GetWaveFile", Array.from(arguments))
@ -72,9 +68,6 @@ class FileServiceType {
ReadFile(connection: string, path: string): Promise<FullFile> {
return WOS.callBackendService("file", "ReadFile", Array.from(arguments))
RemoveWidget(arg1: number): Promise<void> {
return WOS.callBackendService("file", "RemoveWidget", Array.from(arguments))
// save file
SaveFile(connection: string, path: string, data64: string): Promise<void> {
@ -139,33 +139,33 @@ const Tab = React.memo(
function handleContextMenu(e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>) {
let menu: ContextMenuItem[] = [];
const settings = globalStore.get(atoms.settingsConfigAtom);
console.log("settings", settings);
const fullConfig = globalStore.get(atoms.fullConfigAtom);
const bgPresets: string[] = [];
for (const key in settings?.presets ?? {}) {
for (const key in fullConfig?.presets ?? {}) {
if (key.startsWith("bg@")) {
bgPresets.sort((a, b) => {
const aOrder = settings.presets[a]["display:order"] ?? 0;
const bOrder = settings.presets[b]["display:order"] ?? 0;
const aOrder = fullConfig.presets[a]["display:order"] ?? 0;
const bOrder = fullConfig.presets[b]["display:order"] ?? 0;
return aOrder - bOrder;
console.log("bgPresets", bgPresets);
menu.push({ label: "Copy TabId", click: () => navigator.clipboard.writeText(id) });
menu.push({ type: "separator" });
if (bgPresets.length > 0) {
const submenu: ContextMenuItem[] = [];
const oref = WOS.makeORef("tab", id);
for (const presetName of bgPresets) {
const preset = settings.presets[presetName];
const preset = fullConfig.presets[presetName];
if (preset == null) {
label: preset["display:name"] ?? presetName,
click: () => services.ObjectService.UpdateObjectMeta(oref, preset),
click: () => {
services.ObjectService.UpdateObjectMeta(oref, preset);
menu.push({ label: "Backgrounds", type: "submenu", submenu });
@ -134,11 +134,11 @@ function DirectoryTable({
}: DirectoryTableProps) {
const settings = jotai.useAtomValue(atoms.settingsConfigAtom);
const fullConfig = jotai.useAtomValue(atoms.fullConfigAtom);
const getIconFromMimeType = useCallback(
(mimeType: string): string => {
while (mimeType.length > 0) {
let icon = settings.mimetypes?.[mimeType]?.icon ?? null;
let icon = fullConfig.mimetypes?.[mimeType]?.icon ?? null;
if (isIconValid(icon)) {
return `fa fa-solid fa-${icon} fa-fw`;
@ -146,14 +146,14 @@ function DirectoryTable({
return "fa fa-solid fa-file fa-fw";
const getIconColor = useCallback(
(mimeType: string): string => {
let iconColor = settings.mimetypes?.[mimeType]?.color ?? "inherit";
let iconColor = fullConfig.mimetypes?.[mimeType]?.color ?? "inherit";
return iconColor;
const columns = useMemo(
() => [
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ function DirectoryTable({
columnHelper.accessor("path", {}),
const table = useReactTable({
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import { WshServer } from "@/app/store/wshserver";
import { VDomView } from "@/app/view/term/vdom";
import { WOS, atoms, getEventORefSubject, globalStore, useBlockAtom, useSettingsAtom } from "@/store/global";
import { WOS, atoms, getEventORefSubject, globalStore, useBlockAtom, useSettingsPrefixAtom } from "@/store/global";
import * as services from "@/store/services";
import * as keyutil from "@/util/keyutil";
import * as util from "@/util/util";
@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ class TermViewModel {
this.blockBg = jotai.atom((get) => {
const blockData = get(this.blockAtom);
const settings = globalStore.get(atoms.settingsConfigAtom);
const theme = computeTheme(settings, blockData?.meta?.["term:theme"]);
const fullConfig = get(atoms.fullConfigAtom);
const theme = computeTheme(fullConfig, blockData?.meta?.["term:theme"]);
if (theme != null && theme.background != null) {
return { bg: theme.background };
@ -203,9 +203,7 @@ const TerminalView = ({ blockId, model }: TerminalViewProps) => {
const htmlElemFocusRef = React.useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
model.htmlElemFocusRef = htmlElemFocusRef;
const [blockData] = WOS.useWaveObjectValue<Block>(WOS.makeORef("block", blockId));
const termSettingsAtom = useSettingsAtom<TerminalConfigType>("term", (settings: SettingsConfigType) => {
return settings?.term;
const termSettingsAtom = useSettingsPrefixAtom("term");
const termSettings = jotai.useAtomValue(termSettingsAtom);
React.useEffect(() => {
@ -240,8 +238,8 @@ const TerminalView = ({ blockId, model }: TerminalViewProps) => {
return true;
const settings = globalStore.get(atoms.settingsConfigAtom);
const termTheme = computeTheme(settings, blockData?.meta?.["term:theme"]);
const fullConfig = globalStore.get(atoms.fullConfigAtom);
const termTheme = computeTheme(fullConfig, blockData?.meta?.["term:theme"]);
const themeCopy = { ...termTheme };
themeCopy.background = "#00000000";
const termWrap = new TermWrap(
@ -249,8 +247,8 @@ const TerminalView = ({ blockId, model }: TerminalViewProps) => {
theme: themeCopy,
fontSize: termSettings?.fontsize ?? 12,
fontFamily: termSettings?.fontfamily ?? "Hack",
fontSize: termSettings?.["term:fontsize"] ?? 12,
fontFamily: termSettings?.["term:fontfamily"] ?? "Hack",
drawBoldTextInBrightColors: false,
fontWeight: "normal",
fontWeightBold: "bold",
@ -258,7 +256,7 @@ const TerminalView = ({ blockId, model }: TerminalViewProps) => {
keydownHandler: handleTerminalKeydown,
useWebGl: !termSettings?.disablewebgl,
useWebGl: !termSettings?.["term:disablewebgl"],
(window as any).term = termWrap;
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ interface TermThemeProps {
const TermThemeUpdater = ({ blockId, termRef }: TermThemeProps) => {
const { termthemes } = useAtomValue(atoms.settingsConfigAtom);
const fullConfig = useAtomValue(atoms.fullConfigAtom);
const termthemes = fullConfig?.termthemes;
const [blockData] = WOS.useWaveObjectValue<Block>(WOS.makeORef("block", blockId));
let defaultThemeName = "default-dark";
let themeName = blockData.meta?.["term:theme"] ?? "default-dark";
@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
import * as util from "@/util/util";
function computeTheme(settings: SettingsConfigType, themeName: string): TermThemeType {
function computeTheme(fullConfig: FullConfigType, themeName: string): TermThemeType {
let defaultThemeName = "default-dark";
themeName = themeName ?? "default-dark";
const defaultTheme: TermThemeType = settings?.termthemes?.[defaultThemeName] || ({} as any);
const theme: TermThemeType = settings?.termthemes?.[themeName] || ({} as any);
const defaultTheme: TermThemeType = fullConfig?.termthemes?.[defaultThemeName] || ({} as any);
const theme: TermThemeType = fullConfig?.termthemes?.[themeName] || ({} as any);
const combinedTheme = { ...defaultTheme };
for (const key in theme) {
if (!util.isBlank(theme[key])) {
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import { Markdown } from "@/app/element/markdown";
import { TypingIndicator } from "@/app/element/typingindicator";
import { WOS, atoms, fetchWaveFile, globalStore } from "@/store/global";
import { WOS, atoms, fetchWaveFile, getUserName, globalStore } from "@/store/global";
import * as services from "@/store/services";
import { WshServer } from "@/store/wshserver";
import * as jotai from "jotai";
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ export class WaveAiModel implements ViewModel {
const viewTextChildren: HeaderElem[] = [
elemtype: "text",
text: get(atoms.settingsConfigAtom).ai?.model ?? "gpt-3.5-turbo",
text: get(atoms.settingsAtom)["ai:model"] ?? "gpt-3.5-turbo",
return viewTextChildren;
@ -152,18 +152,21 @@ export class WaveAiModel implements ViewModel {
// send message to backend and get response
const settings = globalStore.get(atoms.settingsConfigAtom);
const settings = globalStore.get(atoms.settingsAtom);
const opts: OpenAIOptsType = {
model: settings.ai.model,
apitoken: settings.ai.apitoken,
maxtokens: settings.ai.maxtokens,
timeout: settings.ai.timeoutms / 1000,
baseurl: settings.ai.baseurl,
model: settings["ai:model"],
apitoken: settings["ai:apitoken"],
maxtokens: settings["ai:maxtokens"],
timeout: settings["ai:timeoutms"] / 1000,
baseurl: settings["ai:baseurl"],
const newPrompt: OpenAIPromptMessageType = {
role: "user",
content: text,
if (newPrompt.name == "*username") {
newPrompt.name = getUserName();
let temp = async () => {
const history = await this.fetchAiData();
const beMsg: OpenAiStreamRequest = {
@ -14,10 +14,28 @@ import "./workspace.less";
const iconRegex = /^[a-z0-9-]+$/;
function keyLen(obj: Object): number {
if (obj == null) {
return 0;
return Object.keys(obj).length;
function sortByDisplayOrder(wmap: { [key: string]: WidgetConfigType }): WidgetConfigType[] {
if (wmap == null) {
return [];
const wlist = Object.values(wmap);
wlist.sort((a, b) => {
return a["display:order"] - b["display:order"];
return wlist;
const Widgets = React.memo(() => {
const settingsConfig = jotai.useAtomValue(atoms.settingsConfigAtom);
const fullConfig = jotai.useAtomValue(atoms.fullConfigAtom);
const newWidgetModalVisible = React.useState(false);
const helpWidget: WidgetsConfigType = {
const helpWidget: WidgetConfigType = {
icon: "circle-question",
label: "help",
blockdef: {
@ -26,13 +44,17 @@ const Widgets = React.memo(() => {
const showHelp = settingsConfig?.["widget:showhelp"] ?? true;
const showDivider = settingsConfig?.defaultwidgets?.length > 0 && settingsConfig?.widgets?.length > 0;
const showHelp = fullConfig?.settings?.["widget:showhelp"] ?? true;
const showDivider = keyLen(fullConfig?.defaultwidgets) > 0 && keyLen(fullConfig?.widgets) > 0;
const defaultWidgets = sortByDisplayOrder(fullConfig?.defaultwidgets);
const widgets = sortByDisplayOrder(fullConfig?.widgets);
return (
<div className="workspace-widgets">
{settingsConfig?.defaultwidgets?.map((data, idx) => <Widget key={`defwidget-${idx}`} widget={data} />)}
{defaultWidgets.map((data, idx) => (
<Widget key={`defwidget-${idx}`} widget={data} />
{showDivider ? <div className="widget-divider" /> : null}
{settingsConfig?.widgets?.map((data, idx) => <Widget key={`widget-${idx}`} widget={data} />)}
{widgets?.map((data, idx) => <Widget key={`widget-${idx}`} widget={data} />)}
{showHelp ? (
<div className="widget-spacer" />
@ -61,7 +83,7 @@ function getIconClass(icon: string): string {
return `fa fa-solid fa-${icon} fa-fw`;
const Widget = React.memo(({ widget }: { widget: WidgetsConfigType }) => {
const Widget = React.memo(({ widget }: { widget: WidgetConfigType }) => {
return (
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ declare global {
uiContext: jotai.Atom<UIContext>; // driven from windowId, activetabid, etc.
waveWindow: jotai.Atom<WaveWindow>; // driven from WOS
workspace: jotai.Atom<Workspace>; // driven from WOS
settingsConfigAtom: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<SettingsConfigType>; // driven from WOS, settings -- updated via WebSocket
fullConfigAtom: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<FullConfigType>; // driven from WOS, settings -- updated via WebSocket
settingsAtom: jotai.Atom<SettingsType>; // derrived from fullConfig
tabAtom: jotai.Atom<Tab>; // driven from WOS
activeTabId: jotai.Atom<string>; // derrived from windowDataAtom
isFullScreen: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<boolean>;
@ -49,10 +50,9 @@ declare global {
getAuthKey(): string;
getIsDev(): boolean;
getCursorPoint: () => Electron.Point;
getPlatform: () => NodeJS.Platform;
getEnv: (varName: string) => string;
getUserName: () => string;
showContextMenu: (menu?: ElectronContextMenuItem[]) => void;
onContextMenuClick: (callback: (id: string) => void) => void;
onNavigate: (callback: (url: string) => void) => void;
@ -5,22 +5,6 @@
declare global {
// wconfig.AiConfigType
type AiConfigType = {
baseurl: string;
apitoken: string;
model: string;
maxtokens: number;
timeoutms: number;
// wconfig.AutoUpdateOpts
type AutoUpdateOpts = {
enabled: boolean;
intervalms: number;
installonquit: boolean;
// waveobj.Block
type Block = WaveObj & {
blockdef: BlockDef;
@ -41,11 +25,6 @@ declare global {
meta?: MetaType;
// wconfig.BlockHeaderOpts
type BlockHeaderOpts = {
showblockids: boolean;
// webcmd.BlockInputWSCommand
type BlockInputWSCommand = {
wscommand: "blockinput";
@ -157,6 +136,12 @@ declare global {
meta: MetaType;
// wconfig.ConfigError
type ConfigError = {
file: string;
err: string;
// wshrpc.ConnStatus
type ConnStatus = {
status: string;
@ -201,6 +186,17 @@ declare global {
ijsonbudget?: number;
// wconfig.FullConfigType
type FullConfigType = {
settings: SettingsType;
mimetypes: {[key: string]: MimeTypeConfigType};
defaultwidgets: {[key: string]: WidgetConfigType};
widgets: {[key: string]: WidgetConfigType};
presets: {[key: string]: MetaType};
termthemes: {[key: string]: TermThemeType};
configerrors: ConfigError[];
// fileservice.FullFile
type FullFile = {
info: FileInfo;
@ -235,6 +231,8 @@ declare global {
connection?: string;
history?: string[];
"history:forward"?: string[];
"display:name"?: string;
"display:order"?: number;
icon?: string;
"icon:color"?: string;
frame?: boolean;
@ -363,21 +361,37 @@ declare global {
termsize: TermSize;
// wconfig.SettingsConfigType
type SettingsConfigType = {
mimetypes: {[key: string]: MimeTypeConfigType};
term: TerminalConfigType;
ai: AiConfigType;
defaultwidgets: WidgetsConfigType[];
widgets: WidgetsConfigType[];
"widget:showhelp": boolean;
blockheader: BlockHeaderOpts;
autoupdate: AutoUpdateOpts;
termthemes: {[key: string]: TermThemeType};
window: WindowSettingsType;
web: WebConfigType;
telemetry: TelemetrySettingsType;
presets?: {[key: string]: MetaType};
// wconfig.SettingsType
type SettingsType = {
"ai:*"?: boolean;
"ai:baseurl"?: string;
"ai:apitoken"?: string;
"ai:name"?: string;
"ai:model"?: string;
"ai:maxtokens"?: number;
"ai:timeoutms"?: number;
"term:*"?: boolean;
"term:fontsize"?: number;
"term:fontfamily"?: string;
"term:disablewebgl"?: boolean;
"web:*"?: boolean;
"web:openlinksinternally"?: boolean;
"blockheader:*"?: boolean;
"blockheader:showblockids"?: boolean;
"autoupdate:*"?: boolean;
"autoupdate:enabled"?: boolean;
"autoupdate:intervalms"?: number;
"autoupdate:installonquit"?: boolean;
"widget:*"?: boolean;
"widget:showhelp"?: boolean;
"window:*"?: boolean;
"window:transparent"?: boolean;
"window:blur"?: boolean;
"window:opacity"?: number;
"window:bgcolor"?: string;
"window:reducedmotion"?: boolean;
"telemetry:*"?: boolean;
"telemetry:enabled"?: boolean;
// waveobj.StickerClickOptsType
@ -415,11 +429,6 @@ declare global {
blockids: string[];
// wconfig.TelemetrySettingsType
type TelemetrySettingsType = {
enabled: boolean;
// waveobj.TermSize
type TermSize = {
rows: number;
@ -452,13 +461,6 @@ declare global {
cursorAccent: string;
// wconfig.TerminalConfigType
type TerminalConfigType = {
fontsize?: number;
fontfamily?: string;
disablewebgl: boolean;
// wshrpc.TimeSeriesData
type TimeSeriesData = {
ts: number;
@ -543,8 +545,7 @@ declare global {
// wconfig.WatcherUpdate
type WatcherUpdate = {
settings: SettingsConfigType;
error: string;
fullconfig: FullConfigType;
// wshrpc.WaveEvent
@ -599,11 +600,6 @@ declare global {
args: any[];
// wconfig.WebConfigType
type WebConfigType = {
openlinksinternally: boolean;
// service.WebReturnType
type WebReturnType = {
success?: boolean;
@ -612,9 +608,10 @@ declare global {
updates?: WaveObjUpdate[];
// wconfig.WidgetsConfigType
type WidgetsConfigType = {
icon: string;
// wconfig.WidgetConfigType
type WidgetConfigType = {
"display:order"?: number;
icon?: string;
color?: string;
label?: string;
description?: string;
@ -627,15 +624,6 @@ declare global {
height: number;
// wconfig.WindowSettingsType
type WindowSettingsType = {
transparent: boolean;
blur: boolean;
opacity: number;
bgcolor: string;
reducedmotion: boolean;
// waveobj.Workspace
type Workspace = WaveObj & {
name: string;
@ -242,6 +242,19 @@ function atomWithDebounce<T>(initialValue: T, delayMilliseconds = 500): AtomWith
function getPrefixedSettings(settings: SettingsType, prefix: string): SettingsType {
const rtn: SettingsType = {};
if (settings == null || isBlank(prefix)) {
return rtn;
for (const key in settings) {
if (key == prefix || key.startsWith(prefix + ":")) {
rtn[key] = settings[key];
return rtn;
export {
@ -249,6 +262,7 @@ export {
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async () => {
await loadConnStatus();
const settings = await services.FileService.GetSettingsConfig();
console.log("settings", settings);
globalStore.set(atoms.settingsConfigAtom, settings);
const fullConfig = await services.FileService.GetFullConfig();
console.log("fullconfig", fullConfig);
globalStore.set(atoms.fullConfigAtom, fullConfig);
services.ObjectService.SetActiveTab(waveWindow.activetabid); // no need to wait
const reactElem = React.createElement(App, null, null);
const elem = document.getElementById("main");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package gogen
import (
func GenerateBoilerplate(buf *strings.Builder, pkgName string, imports []string) {
buf.WriteString("// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.\n")
buf.WriteString("// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n")
buf.WriteString("\n// Generated Code. DO NOT EDIT.\n\n")
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("package %s\n\n", pkgName))
if len(imports) > 0 {
buf.WriteString("import (\n")
for _, imp := range imports {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\t%q\n", imp))
func getBeforeColonPart(s string) string {
if colonIdx := strings.Index(s, ":"); colonIdx != -1 {
return s[:colonIdx]
return s
func GenerateMetaMapConsts(buf *strings.Builder, constPrefix string, rtype reflect.Type) {
buf.WriteString("const (\n")
var lastBeforeColon = ""
isFirst := true
for idx := 0; idx < rtype.NumField(); idx++ {
field := rtype.Field(idx)
if field.PkgPath != "" {
fieldName := field.Name
jsonTag := field.Tag.Get("json")
if commaIdx := strings.Index(jsonTag, ","); commaIdx != -1 {
jsonTag = jsonTag[:commaIdx]
if jsonTag == "" {
jsonTag = fieldName
beforeColon := getBeforeColonPart(jsonTag)
if beforeColon != lastBeforeColon {
if !isFirst {
lastBeforeColon = beforeColon
cname := constPrefix + fieldName
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\t%-40s = %q\n", cname, jsonTag))
isFirst = false
func GenMethod_Call(buf *strings.Builder, methodDecl *wshrpc.WshRpcMethodDecl) {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "// command %q, wshserver.%s\n", methodDecl.Command, methodDecl.MethodName)
var dataType string
dataVarName := "nil"
if methodDecl.CommandDataType != nil {
dataType = ", data " + methodDecl.CommandDataType.String()
dataVarName = "data"
returnType := "error"
respName := "_"
tParamVal := "any"
if methodDecl.DefaultResponseDataType != nil {
returnType = "(" + methodDecl.DefaultResponseDataType.String() + ", error)"
respName = "resp"
tParamVal = methodDecl.DefaultResponseDataType.String()
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "func %s(w *wshutil.WshRpc%s, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) %s {\n", methodDecl.MethodName, dataType, returnType)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\t%s, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[%s](w, %q, %s, opts)\n", respName, tParamVal, methodDecl.Command, dataVarName)
if methodDecl.DefaultResponseDataType != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\treturn resp, err\n")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\treturn err\n")
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "}\n\n")
func GenMethod_ResponseStream(buf *strings.Builder, methodDecl *wshrpc.WshRpcMethodDecl) {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "// command %q, wshserver.%s\n", methodDecl.Command, methodDecl.MethodName)
var dataType string
dataVarName := "nil"
if methodDecl.CommandDataType != nil {
dataType = ", data " + methodDecl.CommandDataType.String()
dataVarName = "data"
respType := "any"
if methodDecl.DefaultResponseDataType != nil {
respType = methodDecl.DefaultResponseDataType.String()
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "func %s(w *wshutil.WshRpc%s, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) chan wshrpc.RespOrErrorUnion[%s] {\n", methodDecl.MethodName, dataType, respType)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\treturn sendRpcRequestResponseStreamHelper[%s](w, %q, %s, opts)\n", respType, methodDecl.Command, dataVarName)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "}\n\n")
@ -153,17 +153,7 @@ func (fs *FileService) DeleteFile(connection string, path string) error {
return wshclient.RemoteFileDeleteCommand(client, path, &wshrpc.RpcOpts{Route: connRoute})
func (fs *FileService) GetSettingsConfig() wconfig.SettingsConfigType {
func (fs *FileService) GetFullConfig() wconfig.FullConfigType {
watcher := wconfig.GetWatcher()
return watcher.GetSettingsConfig()
func (fs *FileService) AddWidget(newWidget wconfig.WidgetsConfigType) error {
watcher := wconfig.GetWatcher()
return watcher.AddWidget(newWidget)
func (fs *FileService) RemoveWidget(idx uint) error {
watcher := wconfig.GetWatcher()
return watcher.RmWidget(idx)
return watcher.GetFullConfig()
@ -74,11 +74,8 @@ func (tdata *TelemetryData) Scan(val interface{}) error {
func IsTelemetryEnabled() bool {
settings := wconfig.GetWatcher().GetSettingsConfig()
if settings.Telemetry == nil || settings.Telemetry.Enabled == nil {
return true
return *settings.Telemetry.Enabled
settings := wconfig.GetWatcher().GetFullConfig()
return settings.Settings.TelemetryEnabled
func IsAllowedRenderer(renderer string) bool {
@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ var ExtraTypes = []any{
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Generated Code. DO NOT EDIT.
package waveobj
const (
MetaKey_View = "view"
MetaKey_Controller = "controller"
MetaKey_Title = "title"
MetaKey_File = "file"
MetaKey_Url = "url"
MetaKey_Connection = "connection"
MetaKey_History = "history"
MetaKey_HistoryForward = "history:forward"
MetaKey_DisplayName = "display:name"
MetaKey_DisplayOrder = "display:order"
MetaKey_Icon = "icon"
MetaKey_IconColor = "icon:color"
MetaKey_Frame = "frame"
MetaKey_FrameClear = "frame:*"
MetaKey_FrameBorderColor = "frame:bordercolor"
MetaKey_FrameBorderColor_Focused = "frame:bordercolor:focused"
MetaKey_Cmd = "cmd"
MetaKey_CmdClear = "cmd:*"
MetaKey_CmdInteractive = "cmd:interactive"
MetaKey_CmdLogin = "cmd:login"
MetaKey_CmdRunOnStart = "cmd:runonstart"
MetaKey_CmdClearOnStart = "cmd:clearonstart"
MetaKey_CmdClearOnRestart = "cmd:clearonrestart"
MetaKey_CmdEnv = "cmd:env"
MetaKey_CmdCwd = "cmd:cwd"
MetaKey_CmdNoWsh = "cmd:nowsh"
MetaKey_Bg = "bg"
MetaKey_BgClear = "bg:*"
MetaKey_BgOpacity = "bg:opacity"
MetaKey_BgBlendMode = "bg:blendmode"
MetaKey_TermClear = "term:*"
MetaKey_TermFontSize = "term:fontsize"
MetaKey_TermFontFamily = "term:fontfamily"
MetaKey_TermMode = "term:mode"
MetaKey_TermTheme = "term:theme"
MetaKey_Count = "count"
@ -9,51 +9,6 @@ import (
const Entity_Any = "any"
// well known meta keys
// to add a new key, add it here and add it to MetaTSType (make sure the keys match)
// TODO: will code generate one side of this so we don't need to add the keys in two places
// will probably drive this off the meta decls so we can add more information and validate the keys/values
const (
MetaKey_DisplayName = "display:name" // special, does not get merged
MetaKey_DisplayOrder = "display:order" // special, does not get merged
MetaKey_View = "view"
MetaKey_Controller = "controller"
MetaKey_Title = "title"
MetaKey_File = "file"
MetaKey_Url = "url"
MetaKey_Connection = "connection"
MetaKey_History = "history" // stores an array of history items specific to the block
MetaKey_Icon = "icon"
MetaKey_IconColor = "icon:color"
MetaKey_Frame = "frame"
MetaKey_FrameBorderColor = "frame:bordercolor"
MetaKey_FrameBorderColor_Focused = "frame:bordercolor:focused"
MetaKey_Cmd = "cmd"
MetaKey_CmdInteractive = "cmd:interactive"
MetaKey_CmdLogin = "cmd:login"
MetaKey_CmdRunOnStart = "cmd:runonstart"
MetaKey_CmdClearOnStart = "cmd:clearonstart"
MetaKey_CmdClearOnRestart = "cmd:clearonrestart"
MetaKey_CmdEnv = "cmd:env"
MetaKey_CmdCwd = "cmd:cwd"
MetaKey_CmdNoWsh = "cmd:nowsh"
MetaKey_Bg = "bg"
MetaKey_BgClear = "bg:*"
MetaKey_BgOpacity = "bg:opacity"
MetaKey_BgBlendMode = "bg:blendmode"
MetaKey_TermFontSize = "term:fontsize"
MetaKey_TermFontFamily = "term:fontfamily"
MetaKey_TermMode = "term:mode"
MetaKey_TermTheme = "term:theme"
MetaKey_Count = "count" // temp for cpu plot. will remove later
// for typescript typing
type MetaTSType struct {
// shared
@ -66,6 +21,9 @@ type MetaTSType struct {
History []string `json:"history,omitempty"`
HistoryForward []string `json:"history:forward,omitempty"`
DisplayName string `json:"display:name,omitempty"`
DisplayOrder float64 `json:"display:order,omitempty"`
Icon string `json:"icon,omitempty"`
IconColor string `json:"icon:color,omitempty"`
@ -118,7 +76,8 @@ type MetaPresetDecl struct {
// returns a clean copy of meta with mergeMeta merged in
func MergeMeta(meta MetaMapType, metaUpdate MetaMapType) MetaMapType {
// if mergeSpecial is false, then special keys will not be merged (like display:*)
func MergeMeta(meta MetaMapType, metaUpdate MetaMapType, mergeSpecial bool) MetaMapType {
rtn := make(MetaMapType)
for k, v := range meta {
rtn[k] = v
@ -145,7 +104,7 @@ func MergeMeta(meta MetaMapType, metaUpdate MetaMapType) MetaMapType {
// now deal with regular keys
for k, v := range metaUpdate {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, "display:") {
if !mergeSpecial && strings.HasPrefix(k, "display:") {
if strings.HasSuffix(k, ":*") {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package defaultconfig
import "embed"
//go:embed *.json
var ConfigFS embed.FS
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
"defwidget@terminal": {
"display:order": 1,
"icon": "square-terminal",
"label": "terminal",
"blockdef": {
"meta": {
"view": "term",
"controller": "shell"
"defwidget@files": {
"display:order": 2,
"icon": "folder",
"label": "files",
"blockdef": {
"meta": {
"view": "preview",
"file": "~"
"defwidget@web": {
"display:order": 3,
"icon": "globe",
"label": "web",
"blockdef": {
"meta": {
"view": "web",
"url": "https://waveterm.dev/"
"defwidget@ai": {
"display:order": 4,
"icon": "sparkles",
"label": "ai",
"blockdef": {
"meta": {
"view": "waveai"
"defwidget@cpuplot": {
"display:order": 5,
"icon": "chart-line",
"label": "cpu",
"blockdef": {
"meta": {
"view": "cpuplot"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
"audio": {
"icon": "file-audio"
"application/pdf": {
"icon": "file-pdf"
"application/json": {
"icon": "file-lines"
"directory": {
"icon": "folder",
"color": "var(--term-bright-blue)"
"font": {
"icon": "book-font"
"image": {
"icon": "file-image"
"text": {
"icon": "file-lines"
"text/css": {
"icon": "css3-alt fa-brands"
"text/javascript": {
"icon": "js fa-brands"
"text/typescript": {
"icon": "js fa-brands"
"text/golang": {
"icon": "golang fa-brands"
"text/html": {
"icon": "html5 fa-brands"
"text/less": {
"icon": "less fa-brands"
"text/markdown": {
"icon": "markdown fa-brands"
"text/rust": {
"icon": "rust fa-brands"
"text/scss": {
"icon": "sass fa-brands"
"video": {
"icon": "file-video"
"text/csv": {
"icon": "file-csv"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
"bg@default": {
"display:name": "Default",
"display:order": -1,
"bg:*": true
"bg@rainbow": {
"display:name": "Rainbow",
"display:order": 1,
"bg:*": true,
"bg": "linear-gradient( 226.4deg, rgba(255,26,1,1) 28.9%, rgba(254,155,1,1) 33%, rgba(255,241,0,1) 48.6%, rgba(34,218,1,1) 65.3%, rgba(0,141,254,1) 80.6%, rgba(113,63,254,1) 100.1% )",
"bg:opacity": 0.3
"bg@green": {
"display:name": "Green",
"bg:*": true,
"bg": "green",
"bg:opacity": 0.3
"bg@blue": {
"display:name": "Blue",
"bg:*": true,
"bg": "blue",
"bg:opacity": 0.3
"bg@red": {
"display:name": "Red",
"bg:*": true,
"bg": "red",
"bg:opacity": 0.3
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"ai:model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"ai:maxtokens": 1000,
"ai:timeoutms": 10000,
"autoupdate:enabled": true,
"autoupdate:installonquit": true,
"autoupdate:intervalms": 3600000
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
"default-dark": {
"black": "#757575",
"red": "#cc685c",
"green": "#76c266",
"yellow": "#cbca9b",
"blue": "#85aacb",
"magenta": "#cc72ca",
"cyan": "#74a7cb",
"white": "#c1c1c1",
"brightBlack": "#727272",
"brightRed": "#cc9d97",
"brightGreen": "#a3dd97",
"brightYellow": "#cbcaaa",
"brightBlue": "#9ab6cb",
"brightMagenta": "#cc8ecb",
"brightCyan": "#b7b8cb",
"brightWhite": "#f0f0f0",
"gray": "#8b918a",
"cmdtext": "#f0f0f0",
"foreground": "#c1c1c1",
"selectionBackground": "",
"background": "#00000077",
"cursorAccent": ""
"dracula": {
"black": "#21222C",
"red": "#FF5555",
"green": "#50FA7B",
"yellow": "#F1FA8C",
"blue": "#BD93F9",
"magenta": "#FF79C6",
"cyan": "#8BE9FD",
"white": "#F8F8F2",
"brightBlack": "#6272A4",
"brightRed": "#FF6E6E",
"brightGreen": "#69FF94",
"brightYellow": "#FFFFA5",
"brightBlue": "#D6ACFF",
"brightMagenta": "#FF92DF",
"brightCyan": "#A4FFFF",
"brightWhite": "#FFFFFF",
"gray": "#6272A4",
"cmdtext": "#F8F8F2",
"foreground": "#F8F8F2",
"selectionBackground": "#44475a",
"background": "#282a36",
"cursorAccent": "#f8f8f2"
"campbell": {
"black": "#0C0C0C",
"red": "#C50F1F",
"green": "#13A10E",
"yellow": "#C19C00",
"blue": "#0037DA",
"magenta": "#881798",
"cyan": "#3A96DD",
"white": "#CCCCCC",
"brightBlack": "#767676",
"brightRed": "#E74856",
"brightGreen": "#16C60C",
"brightYellow": "#F9F1A5",
"brightBlue": "#3B78FF",
"brightMagenta": "#B4009E",
"brightCyan": "#61D6D6",
"brightWhite": "#F2F2F2",
"gray": "#767676",
"cmdtext": "#CCCCCC",
"foreground": "#CCCCCC",
"selectionBackground": "#3A96DD",
"background": "#0C0C0C",
"cursorAccent": "#CCCCCC"
@ -4,14 +4,9 @@
package wconfig
import (
@ -22,97 +17,19 @@ import (
const configDir = "config"
var configDirAbsPath = filepath.Join(wavebase.GetWaveHomeDir(), configDir)
var termThemesDirAbsPath = filepath.Join(configDirAbsPath, termThemesDir)
var instance *Watcher
var once sync.Once
type Watcher struct {
initialized bool
watcher *fsnotify.Watcher
mutex sync.Mutex
settingsData SettingsConfigType
initialized bool
watcher *fsnotify.Watcher
mutex sync.Mutex
fullConfig FullConfigType
type WatcherUpdate struct {
Settings SettingsConfigType `json:"settings"`
Error string `json:"error"`
func LoadFullSettings() (*SettingsConfigType, error) {
// first load settings.json
// then load themes
// then apply defaults
settings, err := readFileContents[SettingsConfigType](settingsAbsPath, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
themes, err := readThemes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if settings.TermThemes == nil {
settings.TermThemes = make(map[string]TermThemeType)
for k, v := range themes {
settings.TermThemes[k] = v
return settings, nil
func readThemes() (map[string]TermThemeType, error) {
files, err := os.ReadDir(termThemesDirAbsPath)
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return nil, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading themes directory: %v", err)
themes := make(map[string]TermThemeType)
for _, file := range files {
if !file.IsDir() && filepath.Ext(file.Name()) == ".json" {
log.Printf("reading theme file %s\n", file.Name())
theme, err := readFileContents[TermThemeType](filepath.Join(termThemesDirAbsPath, file.Name()), true)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error reading theme file %s: %v", file.Name(), err)
if theme == nil {
themeName := getThemeName(file.Name())
themes[themeName] = *theme
return themes, nil
func readFileContents[T any](filePath string, nilOnNotExist bool) (*T, error) {
var content T
data, err := os.ReadFile(filePath)
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
if nilOnNotExist {
return nil, nil
} else {
return &content, nil
if err != nil {
log.Printf("could not read file %s: %v", filePath, err)
return nil, err
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &content); err != nil {
log.Printf("could not unmarshal file %s: %v", filePath, err)
return nil, err
return &content, nil
func isInDirectory(fileName, directory string) bool {
rel, err := filepath.Rel(directory, fileName)
return err == nil && !strings.HasPrefix(rel, "..")
FullConfig FullConfigType `json:"fullconfig"`
// GetWatcher returns the singleton instance of the Watcher
@ -124,52 +41,14 @@ func GetWatcher() *Watcher {
instance = &Watcher{watcher: watcher}
if err := instance.addSettingsFile(settingsAbsPath); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to add path %s to watcher: %v", settingsAbsPath, err)
if err := instance.addTermThemesDir(termThemesDirAbsPath); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to add terminal themes path %s to watcher: %v", termThemesDirAbsPath, err)
err = instance.watcher.Add(configDirAbsPath)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to add path %s to watcher: %v", configDirAbsPath, err)
return instance
func (w *Watcher) addSettingsFile(filePath string) error {
defer w.mutex.Unlock()
dir := filepath.Dir(filePath)
err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0751)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating config directory: %v", err)
log.Printf("started config watcher: %v\n", filePath)
return nil
func (w *Watcher) addTermThemesDir(dir string) error {
defer w.mutex.Unlock()
_, err := os.Stat(dir)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0751); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating themes directory: %v", err)
} else if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error accessing themes directory: %v", err)
if err := w.watcher.Add(dir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error adding themes directory to watcher: %v", err)
log.Printf("started termthemes watcher: %v\n", dir)
return nil
func (w *Watcher) Start() {
defer w.mutex.Unlock()
@ -198,13 +77,9 @@ func (w *Watcher) Start() {
// for initial values, exit on first error
func (w *Watcher) sendInitialValues() error {
settings, err := LoadFullSettings()
if err != nil {
return err
w.settingsData = *settings
w.fullConfig = ReadFullConfig()
message := WatcherUpdate{
Settings: w.settingsData,
FullConfig: w.fullConfig,
return nil
@ -226,17 +101,12 @@ func (w *Watcher) broadcast(message WatcherUpdate) {
EventType: eventbus.WSEvent_Config,
Data: message,
if message.Error != "" {
log.Printf("watcher: error processing update: %v. error: %s", message.Settings, message.Error)
func (w *Watcher) GetSettingsConfig() SettingsConfigType {
func (w *Watcher) GetFullConfig() FullConfigType {
defer w.mutex.Unlock()
return w.settingsData
return w.fullConfig
func (w *Watcher) handleEvent(event fsnotify.Event) {
@ -250,11 +120,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) handleEvent(event fsnotify.Event) {
if !isValidSubSettingsFileName(fileName) {
if isInDirectory(fileName, termThemesDirAbsPath) {
w.handleTermThemesEvent(event, fileName)
} else if filepath.Base(fileName) == filepath.Base(settingsAbsPath) {
w.handleSettingsFileEvent(event, fileName)
w.handleSettingsFileEvent(event, fileName)
var validFileRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9_@.-]+\.json$`)
@ -267,50 +133,8 @@ func isValidSubSettingsFileName(fileName string) bool {
return validFileRe.MatchString(baseName)
func (w *Watcher) handleTermThemesEvent(event fsnotify.Event, fileName string) {
settings, err := LoadFullSettings()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error loading settings after term-themes event: %v", err)
w.settingsData = *settings
w.broadcast(WatcherUpdate{Settings: w.settingsData})
func (w *Watcher) handleSettingsFileEvent(event fsnotify.Event, fileName string) {
settings, err := LoadFullSettings()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error loading settings after settings file event: %v", err)
w.settingsData = *settings
w.broadcast(WatcherUpdate{Settings: w.settingsData})
func getThemeName(fileName string) string {
return strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(fileName), filepath.Ext(fileName))
func (w *Watcher) AddWidget(newWidget WidgetsConfigType) error {
current := w.GetSettingsConfig()
current.Widgets = append(current.Widgets, newWidget)
update, err := json.Marshal(current)
if err != nil {
return err
os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(settingsFile), 0751)
return os.WriteFile(settingsFile, update, 0644)
func (w *Watcher) RmWidget(idx uint) error {
current := w.GetSettingsConfig().Widgets
truncated := append(current[:idx], current[idx+1:]...)
update, err := json.Marshal(truncated)
if err != nil {
return err
os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(settingsFile), 0751)
return os.WriteFile(settingsFile, update, 0644)
fullConfig := ReadFullConfig()
w.fullConfig = fullConfig
w.broadcast(WatcherUpdate{FullConfig: w.fullConfig})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Generated Code. DO NOT EDIT.
package wconfig
const (
ConfigKey_AiClear = "ai:*"
ConfigKey_AiBaseURL = "ai:baseurl"
ConfigKey_AiApiToken = "ai:apitoken"
ConfigKey_AiName = "ai:name"
ConfigKey_AiModel = "ai:model"
ConfigKey_AiMaxTokens = "ai:maxtokens"
ConfigKey_AiTimeoutMs = "ai:timeoutms"
ConfigKey_TermClear = "term:*"
ConfigKey_TermFontSize = "term:fontsize"
ConfigKey_TermFontFamily = "term:fontfamily"
ConfigKey_TermDisableWebGl = "term:disablewebgl"
ConfigKey_WebClear = "web:*"
ConfigKey_WebOpenLinksInternally = "web:openlinksinternally"
ConfigKey_BlockHeaderClear = "blockheader:*"
ConfigKey_BlockHeaderShowBlockIds = "blockheader:showblockids"
ConfigKey_AutoUpdateClear = "autoupdate:*"
ConfigKey_AutoUpdateEnabled = "autoupdate:enabled"
ConfigKey_AutoUpdateIntervalMs = "autoupdate:intervalms"
ConfigKey_AutoUpdateInstallOnQuit = "autoupdate:installonquit"
ConfigKey_WidgetClear = "widget:*"
ConfigKey_WidgetShowHelp = "widget:showhelp"
ConfigKey_WindowClear = "window:*"
ConfigKey_WindowTransparent = "window:transparent"
ConfigKey_WindowBlur = "window:blur"
ConfigKey_WindowOpacity = "window:opacity"
ConfigKey_WindowBgColor = "window:bgcolor"
ConfigKey_WindowReducedMotion = "window:reducedmotion"
ConfigKey_TelemetryClear = "telemetry:*"
ConfigKey_TelemetryEnabled = "telemetry:enabled"
@ -4,40 +4,293 @@
package wconfig
import (
const termThemesDir = "terminal-themes"
const settingsFile = "settings.json"
const SettingsFile = "settings.json"
var settingsAbsPath = filepath.Join(configDirAbsPath, settingsFile)
type SettingsType struct {
AiClear bool `json:"ai:*,omitempty"`
AiBaseURL string `json:"ai:baseurl,omitempty"`
AiApiToken string `json:"ai:apitoken,omitempty"`
AiName string `json:"ai:name,omitempty"`
AiModel string `json:"ai:model,omitempty"`
AiMaxTokens int `json:"ai:maxtokens,omitempty"`
AiTimeoutMs int `json:"ai:timeoutms,omitempty"`
type WidgetsConfigType struct {
Icon string `json:"icon"`
Color string `json:"color,omitempty"`
Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
BlockDef waveobj.BlockDef `json:"blockdef"`
TermClear bool `json:"term:*,omitempty"`
TermFontSize int `json:"term:fontsize,omitempty"`
TermFontFamily string `json:"term:fontfamily,omitempty"`
TermDisableWebGl bool `json:"term:disablewebgl,omitempty"`
WebClear bool `json:"web:*,omitempty"`
WebOpenLinksInternally bool `json:"web:openlinksinternally,omitempty"`
BlockHeaderClear bool `json:"blockheader:*,omitempty"`
BlockHeaderShowBlockIds bool `json:"blockheader:showblockids,omitempty"`
AutoUpdateClear bool `json:"autoupdate:*,omitempty"`
AutoUpdateEnabled bool `json:"autoupdate:enabled,omitempty"`
AutoUpdateIntervalMs int `json:"autoupdate:intervalms,omitempty"`
AutoUpdateInstallOnQuit bool `json:"autoupdate:installonquit,omitempty"`
WidgetClear bool `json:"widget:*,omitempty"`
WidgetShowHelp bool `json:"widget:showhelp,omitempty"`
WindowClear bool `json:"window:*,omitempty"`
WindowTransparent bool `json:"window:transparent,omitempty"`
WindowBlur bool `json:"window:blur,omitempty"`
WindowOpacity float64 `json:"window:opacity,omitempty"`
WindowBgColor string `json:"window:bgcolor,omitempty"`
WindowReducedMotion bool `json:"window:reducedmotion,omitempty"`
TelemetryClear bool `json:"telemetry:*,omitempty"`
TelemetryEnabled bool `json:"telemetry:enabled,omitempty"`
type TerminalConfigType struct {
FontSize int `json:"fontsize,omitempty"`
FontFamily string `json:"fontfamily,omitempty"`
DisableWebGl bool `json:"disablewebgl"`
type ConfigError struct {
File string `json:"file"`
Err string `json:"err"`
type WebConfigType struct {
OpenLinksInternally bool `json:"openlinksinternally"`
type FullConfigType struct {
Settings SettingsType `json:"settings" merge:"meta"`
MimeTypes map[string]MimeTypeConfigType `json:"mimetypes"`
DefaultWidgets map[string]WidgetConfigType `json:"defaultwidgets"`
Widgets map[string]WidgetConfigType `json:"widgets"`
Presets map[string]waveobj.MetaMapType `json:"presets"`
TermThemes map[string]TermThemeType `json:"termthemes"`
ConfigErrors []ConfigError `json:"configerrors" configfile:"-"`
type AiConfigType struct {
BaseURL string `json:"baseurl"`
ApiToken string `json:"apitoken"`
Model string `json:"model"`
MaxTokens uint32 `json:"maxtokens"`
TimeoutMs uint32 `json:"timeoutms"`
var settingsAbsPath = filepath.Join(configDirAbsPath, SettingsFile)
func readConfigHelper(fileName string, barr []byte, readErr error) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
var cerrs []ConfigError
if readErr != nil && !os.IsNotExist(readErr) {
cerrs = append(cerrs, ConfigError{File: "defaults:" + fileName, Err: readErr.Error()})
if len(barr) == 0 {
return nil, cerrs
var rtn waveobj.MetaMapType
err := json.Unmarshal(barr, &rtn)
if err != nil {
cerrs = append(cerrs, ConfigError{File: "defaults:" + fileName, Err: err.Error()})
return rtn, cerrs
func ReadDefaultsConfigFile(fileName string) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
barr, readErr := defaultconfig.ConfigFS.ReadFile(fileName)
return readConfigHelper("defaults:"+fileName, barr, readErr)
func ReadWaveHomeConfigFile(fileName string) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
fullFileName := filepath.Join(configDirAbsPath, fileName)
barr, err := os.ReadFile(fullFileName)
return readConfigHelper(fullFileName, barr, err)
func WriteWaveHomeConfigFile(fileName string, m waveobj.MetaMapType) error {
fullFileName := filepath.Join(configDirAbsPath, fileName)
barr, err := jsonMarshalConfigInOrder(m)
if err != nil {
return err
return os.WriteFile(fullFileName, barr, 0644)
// simple merge that overwrites
func mergeMetaMapSimple(m waveobj.MetaMapType, toMerge waveobj.MetaMapType) waveobj.MetaMapType {
if m == nil {
return toMerge
if toMerge == nil {
return m
for k, v := range toMerge {
if v == nil {
delete(m, k)
m[k] = v
if len(m) == 0 {
return nil
return m
func ReadConfigPart(partName string, simpleMerge bool) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
defConfig, cerrs1 := ReadDefaultsConfigFile(partName)
userConfig, cerrs2 := ReadWaveHomeConfigFile(partName)
allErrs := append(cerrs1, cerrs2...)
if simpleMerge {
return mergeMetaMapSimple(defConfig, userConfig), allErrs
} else {
return waveobj.MergeMeta(defConfig, userConfig, true), allErrs
func ReadFullConfig() FullConfigType {
var fullConfig FullConfigType
configRType := reflect.TypeOf(fullConfig)
configRVal := reflect.ValueOf(&fullConfig).Elem()
for fieldIdx := 0; fieldIdx < configRType.NumField(); fieldIdx++ {
field := configRType.Field(fieldIdx)
if field.PkgPath != "" {
configFile := field.Tag.Get("configfile")
if configFile == "-" {
jsonTag := field.Tag.Get("json")
if jsonTag == "-" || jsonTag == "" {
simpleMerge := field.Tag.Get("merge") == ""
fileName := field.Tag.Get("json") + ".json"
configPart, cerrs := ReadConfigPart(fileName, simpleMerge)
fullConfig.ConfigErrors = append(fullConfig.ConfigErrors, cerrs...)
if configPart != nil {
fieldPtr := configRVal.Field(fieldIdx).Addr().Interface()
utilfn.ReUnmarshal(fieldPtr, configPart)
return fullConfig
func getConfigKeyType(configKey string) reflect.Type {
ctype := reflect.TypeOf(SettingsType{})
for i := 0; i < ctype.NumField(); i++ {
field := ctype.Field(i)
if field.Tag.Get("json") == configKey {
return field.Type
return nil
func getConfigKeyNamespace(key string) string {
colonIdx := strings.Index(key, ":")
if colonIdx == -1 {
return ""
return key[:colonIdx]
func orderConfigKeys(m waveobj.MetaMapType) []string {
keys := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for k := range m {
keys = append(keys, k)
sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool {
k1 := keys[i]
k2 := keys[j]
k1ns := getConfigKeyNamespace(k1)
k2ns := getConfigKeyNamespace(k2)
if k1ns != k2ns {
return k1ns < k2ns
return k1 < k2
return keys
func reindentJson(barr []byte, indentStr string) []byte {
if len(barr) < 2 {
return barr
if barr[0] != '{' && barr[0] != '[' {
return barr
if bytes.Index(barr, []byte("\n")) == -1 {
return barr
outputLines := bytes.Split(barr, []byte("\n"))
for i, line := range outputLines {
if i == 0 || i == len(outputLines)-1 {
outputLines[i] = append([]byte(indentStr), line...)
return bytes.Join(outputLines, []byte("\n"))
func jsonMarshalConfigInOrder(m waveobj.MetaMapType) ([]byte, error) {
if len(m) == 0 {
return []byte("{}"), nil
var buf bytes.Buffer
orderedKeys := orderConfigKeys(m)
for idx, key := range orderedKeys {
val := m[key]
keyBarr, err := json.Marshal(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
valBarr, err := json.MarshalIndent(val, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
valBarr = reindentJson(valBarr, " ")
buf.WriteString(" ")
buf.WriteString(": ")
if idx < len(orderedKeys)-1 {
return buf.Bytes(), nil
func SetBaseConfigValue(configKey string, val any) error {
ctype := getConfigKeyType(configKey)
if ctype == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid config key: %s", configKey)
m, cerrs := ReadWaveHomeConfigFile(SettingsFile)
if len(cerrs) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("error reading config file: %v", cerrs[0])
if m == nil {
m = make(waveobj.MetaMapType)
if val == nil {
delete(m, configKey)
} else {
if reflect.TypeOf(val) != ctype {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid value type for %s: %T", configKey, val)
m[configKey] = val
return WriteWaveHomeConfigFile(SettingsFile, m)
type WidgetConfigType struct {
DisplayOrder float64 `json:"display:order,omitempty"`
Icon string `json:"icon,omitempty"`
Color string `json:"color,omitempty"`
Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
BlockDef waveobj.BlockDef `json:"blockdef"`
type MimeTypeConfigType struct {
@ -45,16 +298,6 @@ type MimeTypeConfigType struct {
Color string `json:"color"`
type BlockHeaderOpts struct {
ShowBlockIds bool `json:"showblockids"`
type AutoUpdateOpts struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
IntervalMs uint32 `json:"intervalms"`
InstallOnQuit bool `json:"installonquit"`
type TermThemeType struct {
Black string `json:"black"`
Red string `json:"red"`
@ -79,275 +322,3 @@ type TermThemeType struct {
Background string `json:"background"`
CursorAccent string `json:"cursorAccent"`
type TermThemesConfigType map[string]TermThemeType
// TODO add default term theme settings
// note we pointers so we preserve nulls
type WindowSettingsType struct {
Transparent *bool `json:"transparent"`
Blur *bool `json:"blur"`
Opacity *float64 `json:"opacity"`
BgColor *string `json:"bgcolor"`
ReducedMotion *bool `json:"reducedmotion"`
type TelemetrySettingsType struct {
Enabled *bool `json:"enabled"`
type SettingsConfigType struct {
MimeTypes map[string]MimeTypeConfigType `json:"mimetypes"`
Term TerminalConfigType `json:"term"`
Ai *AiConfigType `json:"ai"`
DefaultWidgets []WidgetsConfigType `json:"defaultwidgets"`
Widgets []WidgetsConfigType `json:"widgets"`
WidgetShowHelp *bool `json:"widget:showhelp"`
BlockHeader BlockHeaderOpts `json:"blockheader"`
AutoUpdate *AutoUpdateOpts `json:"autoupdate"`
TermThemes TermThemesConfigType `json:"termthemes"`
WindowSettings WindowSettingsType `json:"window"`
Web WebConfigType `json:"web"`
Telemetry *TelemetrySettingsType `json:"telemetry"`
Presets map[string]*waveobj.MetaMapType `json:"presets,omitempty"`
var DefaultTermDarkTheme = TermThemeType{
Black: "#757575",
Red: "#cc685c",
Green: "#76c266",
Yellow: "#cbca9b",
Blue: "#85aacb",
Magenta: "#cc72ca",
Cyan: "#74a7cb",
White: "#c1c1c1",
BrightBlack: "#727272",
BrightRed: "#cc9d97",
BrightGreen: "#a3dd97",
BrightYellow: "#cbcaaa",
BrightBlue: "#9ab6cb",
BrightMagenta: "#cc8ecb",
BrightCyan: "#b7b8cb",
BrightWhite: "#f0f0f0",
Gray: "#8b918a",
CmdText: "#f0f0f0",
Foreground: "#c1c1c1",
SelectionBackground: "",
Background: "#00000077",
CursorAccent: "",
var DraculaTheme = TermThemeType{
Black: "#21222C", // AnsiBlack
Red: "#FF5555", // AnsiRed
Green: "#50FA7B", // AnsiGreen
Yellow: "#F1FA8C", // AnsiYellow
Blue: "#BD93F9", // AnsiBlue
Magenta: "#FF79C6", // AnsiMagenta
Cyan: "#8BE9FD", // AnsiCyan
White: "#F8F8F2", // AnsiWhite
BrightBlack: "#6272A4", // AnsiBrightBlack
BrightRed: "#FF6E6E", // AnsiBrightRed
BrightGreen: "#69FF94", // AnsiBrightGreen
BrightYellow: "#FFFFA5", // AnsiBrightYellow
BrightBlue: "#D6ACFF", // AnsiBrightBlue
BrightMagenta: "#FF92DF", // AnsiBrightMagenta
BrightCyan: "#A4FFFF", // AnsiBrightCyan
BrightWhite: "#FFFFFF", // AnsiBrightWhite
Gray: "#6272A4", // Comment or closest approximation
CmdText: "#F8F8F2", // Foreground
Foreground: "#F8F8F2", // Foreground
SelectionBackground: "#44475a", // Selection
Background: "#282a36", // Background
CursorAccent: "#f8f8f2", // Foreground (used for cursor accent)
var CampbellTheme = TermThemeType{
Black: "#0C0C0C", // Black
Red: "#C50F1F", // Red
Green: "#13A10E", // Green
Yellow: "#C19C00", // Yellow
Blue: "#0037DA", // Blue
Magenta: "#881798", // Purple (used as Magenta)
Cyan: "#3A96DD", // Cyan
White: "#CCCCCC", // White
BrightBlack: "#767676", // BrightBlack
BrightRed: "#E74856", // BrightRed
BrightGreen: "#16C60C", // BrightGreen
BrightYellow: "#F9F1A5", // BrightYellow
BrightBlue: "#3B78FF", // BrightBlue
BrightMagenta: "#B4009E", // BrightPurple (used as BrightMagenta)
BrightCyan: "#61D6D6", // BrightCyan
BrightWhite: "#F2F2F2", // BrightWhite
Gray: "#767676", // BrightBlack or closest approximation
CmdText: "#CCCCCC", // Foreground
Foreground: "#CCCCCC", // Foreground
SelectionBackground: "#3A96DD", // Cyan (chosen for selection background)
Background: "#0C0C0C", // Background
CursorAccent: "#CCCCCC", // Foreground (used for cursor accent)
var BgDefaultPreset = waveobj.MetaMapType{
waveobj.MetaKey_DisplayName: "Default",
waveobj.MetaKey_DisplayOrder: -1,
waveobj.MetaKey_BgClear: true,
var BgRainbowPreset = waveobj.MetaMapType{
waveobj.MetaKey_DisplayName: "Rainbow",
waveobj.MetaKey_DisplayOrder: 1,
waveobj.MetaKey_BgClear: true,
waveobj.MetaKey_Bg: "linear-gradient( 226.4deg, rgba(255,26,1,1) 28.9%, rgba(254,155,1,1) 33%, rgba(255,241,0,1) 48.6%, rgba(34,218,1,1) 65.3%, rgba(0,141,254,1) 80.6%, rgba(113,63,254,1) 100.1% );",
waveobj.MetaKey_BgOpacity: 0.3,
var BgGreenPreset = waveobj.MetaMapType{
waveobj.MetaKey_DisplayName: "Green",
waveobj.MetaKey_BgClear: true,
waveobj.MetaKey_Bg: "green",
waveobj.MetaKey_BgOpacity: 0.3,
var BgBluePreset = waveobj.MetaMapType{
waveobj.MetaKey_DisplayName: "Blue",
waveobj.MetaKey_BgClear: true,
waveobj.MetaKey_Bg: "blue",
waveobj.MetaKey_BgOpacity: 0.3,
var BgRedPreset = waveobj.MetaMapType{
waveobj.MetaKey_DisplayName: "Red",
waveobj.MetaKey_BgClear: true,
waveobj.MetaKey_Bg: "red",
waveobj.MetaKey_BgOpacity: 0.3,
func applyDefaultSettings(settings *SettingsConfigType) {
defaultMimeTypes := map[string]MimeTypeConfigType{
"audio": {Icon: "file-audio"},
"application/pdf": {Icon: "file-pdf"},
"application/json": {Icon: "file-lines"},
"directory": {Icon: "folder", Color: "var(--term-bright-blue)"},
"font": {Icon: "book-font"},
"image": {Icon: "file-image"},
"text": {Icon: "file-lines"},
"text/css": {Icon: "css3-alt fa-brands"},
"text/javascript": {Icon: "js fa-brands"},
"text/typescript": {Icon: "js fa-brands"},
"text/golang": {Icon: "golang fa-brands"},
"text/html": {Icon: "html5 fa-brands"},
"text/less": {Icon: "less fa-brands"},
"text/markdown": {Icon: "markdown fa-brands"},
"text/rust": {Icon: "rust fa-brands"},
"text/scss": {Icon: "sass fa-brands"},
"video": {Icon: "file-video"},
"text/csv": {Icon: "file-csv"},
if settings.MimeTypes == nil {
settings.MimeTypes = defaultMimeTypes
} else {
for k, v := range defaultMimeTypes {
if _, found := settings.MimeTypes[k]; !found {
settings.MimeTypes[k] = v
if settings.AutoUpdate == nil {
settings.AutoUpdate = &AutoUpdateOpts{
Enabled: true,
InstallOnQuit: true,
IntervalMs: 3600000,
if settings.Ai == nil {
settings.Ai = &AiConfigType{
Model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
MaxTokens: 1000,
TimeoutMs: 10 * 1000,
defaultWidgets := []WidgetsConfigType{
Icon: "square-terminal",
Label: "terminal",
BlockDef: waveobj.BlockDef{
Meta: map[string]any{
waveobj.MetaKey_View: "term",
waveobj.MetaKey_Controller: "shell",
Icon: "folder",
Label: "files",
BlockDef: waveobj.BlockDef{
Meta: map[string]any{
waveobj.MetaKey_View: "preview",
waveobj.MetaKey_File: "~",
Icon: "globe",
Label: "web",
BlockDef: waveobj.BlockDef{
Meta: map[string]any{
waveobj.MetaKey_View: "web",
waveobj.MetaKey_Url: "https://waveterm.dev/",
Icon: "sparkles",
Label: "waveai",
BlockDef: waveobj.BlockDef{
Meta: map[string]any{
waveobj.MetaKey_View: "waveai",
Icon: "chart-line",
Label: "cpu",
BlockDef: waveobj.BlockDef{
Meta: map[string]any{
waveobj.MetaKey_View: "cpuplot",
if settings.DefaultWidgets == nil {
settings.DefaultWidgets = defaultWidgets
if settings.TermThemes == nil {
settings.TermThemes = make(map[string]TermThemeType)
if _, found := settings.TermThemes["default-dark"]; !found {
settings.TermThemes["default-dark"] = DefaultTermDarkTheme
if _, found := settings.TermThemes["dracula"]; !found {
settings.TermThemes["dracula"] = DraculaTheme
if _, found := settings.TermThemes["campbell"]; !found {
settings.TermThemes["campbell"] = CampbellTheme
if settings.Presets == nil {
settings.Presets = make(map[string]*waveobj.MetaMapType)
if _, found := settings.Presets["bg@default"]; !found {
settings.Presets["bg@default"] = &BgDefaultPreset
if _, found := settings.Presets["bg@rainbow"]; !found {
settings.Presets["bg@rainbow"] = &BgRainbowPreset
if _, found := settings.Presets["bg@green"]; !found {
settings.Presets["bg@green"] = &BgGreenPreset
if _, found := settings.Presets["bg@blue"]; !found {
settings.Presets["bg@blue"] = &BgBluePreset
if _, found := settings.Presets["bg@red"]; !found {
settings.Presets["bg@red"] = &BgRedPreset
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// generated by cmd/generatewshclient/main-generatewshclient.go
// Generated Code. DO NOT EDIT.
package wshclient
@ -13,171 +13,171 @@ import (
// command "announce", wshserver.AnnounceCommand
func AnnounceCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data string, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "announce", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "announce", data, opts)
return err
// command "authenticate", wshserver.AuthenticateCommand
func AuthenticateCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data string, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) (wshrpc.CommandAuthenticateRtnData, error) {
resp, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[wshrpc.CommandAuthenticateRtnData](w, "authenticate", data, opts)
return resp, err
resp, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[wshrpc.CommandAuthenticateRtnData](w, "authenticate", data, opts)
return resp, err
// command "controllerinput", wshserver.ControllerInputCommand
func ControllerInputCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandBlockInputData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "controllerinput", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "controllerinput", data, opts)
return err
// command "controllerrestart", wshserver.ControllerRestartCommand
func ControllerRestartCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandBlockRestartData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "controllerrestart", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "controllerrestart", data, opts)
return err
// command "createblock", wshserver.CreateBlockCommand
func CreateBlockCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandCreateBlockData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) (waveobj.ORef, error) {
resp, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[waveobj.ORef](w, "createblock", data, opts)
return resp, err
resp, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[waveobj.ORef](w, "createblock", data, opts)
return resp, err
// command "deleteblock", wshserver.DeleteBlockCommand
func DeleteBlockCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandDeleteBlockData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "deleteblock", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "deleteblock", data, opts)
return err
// command "eventpublish", wshserver.EventPublishCommand
func EventPublishCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.WaveEvent, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "eventpublish", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "eventpublish", data, opts)
return err
// command "eventrecv", wshserver.EventRecvCommand
func EventRecvCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.WaveEvent, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "eventrecv", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "eventrecv", data, opts)
return err
// command "eventsub", wshserver.EventSubCommand
func EventSubCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.SubscriptionRequest, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "eventsub", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "eventsub", data, opts)
return err
// command "eventunsub", wshserver.EventUnsubCommand
func EventUnsubCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data string, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "eventunsub", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "eventunsub", data, opts)
return err
// command "eventunsuball", wshserver.EventUnsubAllCommand
func EventUnsubAllCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "eventunsuball", nil, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "eventunsuball", nil, opts)
return err
// command "fileappend", wshserver.FileAppendCommand
func FileAppendCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandFileData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "fileappend", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "fileappend", data, opts)
return err
// command "fileappendijson", wshserver.FileAppendIJsonCommand
func FileAppendIJsonCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandAppendIJsonData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "fileappendijson", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "fileappendijson", data, opts)
return err
// command "fileread", wshserver.FileReadCommand
func FileReadCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandFileData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) (string, error) {
resp, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[string](w, "fileread", data, opts)
return resp, err
resp, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[string](w, "fileread", data, opts)
return resp, err
// command "filewrite", wshserver.FileWriteCommand
func FileWriteCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandFileData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "filewrite", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "filewrite", data, opts)
return err
// command "getmeta", wshserver.GetMetaCommand
func GetMetaCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandGetMetaData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) (waveobj.MetaMapType, error) {
resp, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[waveobj.MetaMapType](w, "getmeta", data, opts)
return resp, err
resp, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[waveobj.MetaMapType](w, "getmeta", data, opts)
return resp, err
// command "message", wshserver.MessageCommand
func MessageCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandMessageData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "message", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "message", data, opts)
return err
// command "remotefiledelete", wshserver.RemoteFileDeleteCommand
func RemoteFileDeleteCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data string, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "remotefiledelete", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "remotefiledelete", data, opts)
return err
// command "remotefileinfo", wshserver.RemoteFileInfoCommand
func RemoteFileInfoCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data string, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) (*wshrpc.FileInfo, error) {
resp, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[*wshrpc.FileInfo](w, "remotefileinfo", data, opts)
return resp, err
resp, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[*wshrpc.FileInfo](w, "remotefileinfo", data, opts)
return resp, err
// command "remotestreamcpudata", wshserver.RemoteStreamCpuDataCommand
func RemoteStreamCpuDataCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) chan wshrpc.RespOrErrorUnion[wshrpc.TimeSeriesData] {
return sendRpcRequestResponseStreamHelper[wshrpc.TimeSeriesData](w, "remotestreamcpudata", nil, opts)
return sendRpcRequestResponseStreamHelper[wshrpc.TimeSeriesData](w, "remotestreamcpudata", nil, opts)
// command "remotestreamfile", wshserver.RemoteStreamFileCommand
func RemoteStreamFileCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandRemoteStreamFileData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) chan wshrpc.RespOrErrorUnion[wshrpc.CommandRemoteStreamFileRtnData] {
return sendRpcRequestResponseStreamHelper[wshrpc.CommandRemoteStreamFileRtnData](w, "remotestreamfile", data, opts)
return sendRpcRequestResponseStreamHelper[wshrpc.CommandRemoteStreamFileRtnData](w, "remotestreamfile", data, opts)
// command "remotewritefile", wshserver.RemoteWriteFileCommand
func RemoteWriteFileCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandRemoteWriteFileData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "remotewritefile", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "remotewritefile", data, opts)
return err
// command "resolveids", wshserver.ResolveIdsCommand
func ResolveIdsCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandResolveIdsData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) (wshrpc.CommandResolveIdsRtnData, error) {
resp, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[wshrpc.CommandResolveIdsRtnData](w, "resolveids", data, opts)
return resp, err
resp, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[wshrpc.CommandResolveIdsRtnData](w, "resolveids", data, opts)
return resp, err
// command "setmeta", wshserver.SetMetaCommand
func SetMetaCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandSetMetaData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "setmeta", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "setmeta", data, opts)
return err
// command "setview", wshserver.SetViewCommand
func SetViewCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CommandBlockSetViewData, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "setview", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "setview", data, opts)
return err
// command "streamcpudata", wshserver.StreamCpuDataCommand
func StreamCpuDataCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.CpuDataRequest, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) chan wshrpc.RespOrErrorUnion[wshrpc.TimeSeriesData] {
return sendRpcRequestResponseStreamHelper[wshrpc.TimeSeriesData](w, "streamcpudata", data, opts)
return sendRpcRequestResponseStreamHelper[wshrpc.TimeSeriesData](w, "streamcpudata", data, opts)
// command "streamtest", wshserver.StreamTestCommand
func StreamTestCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) chan wshrpc.RespOrErrorUnion[int] {
return sendRpcRequestResponseStreamHelper[int](w, "streamtest", nil, opts)
return sendRpcRequestResponseStreamHelper[int](w, "streamtest", nil, opts)
// command "streamwaveai", wshserver.StreamWaveAiCommand
func StreamWaveAiCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data wshrpc.OpenAiStreamRequest, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) chan wshrpc.RespOrErrorUnion[wshrpc.OpenAIPacketType] {
return sendRpcRequestResponseStreamHelper[wshrpc.OpenAIPacketType](w, "streamwaveai", data, opts)
return sendRpcRequestResponseStreamHelper[wshrpc.OpenAIPacketType](w, "streamwaveai", data, opts)
// command "test", wshserver.TestCommand
func TestCommand(w *wshutil.WshRpc, data string, opts *wshrpc.RpcOpts) error {
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "test", data, opts)
return err
_, err := sendRpcRequestCallHelper[any](w, "test", data, opts)
return err
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ func UpdateObjectMeta(ctx context.Context, oref waveobj.ORef, meta waveobj.MetaM
if objMeta == nil {
objMeta = make(map[string]any)
newMeta := waveobj.MergeMeta(objMeta, meta)
newMeta := waveobj.MergeMeta(objMeta, meta, false)
waveobj.SetMeta(obj, newMeta)
DBUpdate(tx.Context(), obj)
return nil
Reference in New Issue
Block a user