checkpoint, extend working with all the crazy quote balancing for subs

This commit is contained in:
sawka 2022-11-21 23:06:58 -08:00
parent 75f662a188
commit bb3e12fee7
5 changed files with 153 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -99,8 +99,74 @@ func (ec *extendContext) ensureCurWord() {
// grp, dq, ddq
func extendWithSubs(buf *bytes.Buffer, word *WordType, wordPos int, extStr string) {
func extendWithSubs(word *WordType, wordPos int, extStr string, complete bool) utilfn.StrWithPos {
wmeta := wordMetaMap[word.Type]
if word.Type == WordTypeGroup {
atEnd := (wordPos == len(word.Raw))
subWord := findCompletionWordAtPos(word.Subs, wordPos, true)
if subWord == nil {
strPos := Extend(MakeEmptyWord(WordTypeLit, word.QC, 0, true), 0, extStr, atEnd)
strPos = strPos.Prepend(string(word.Raw[0:wordPos]))
strPos = strPos.Append(string(word.Raw[wordPos:]))
return strPos
} else {
subComplete := complete && atEnd
strPos := Extend(subWord, wordPos-subWord.Offset, extStr, subComplete)
strPos = strPos.Prepend(string(word.Raw[0:subWord.Offset]))
strPos = strPos.Append(string(word.Raw[subWord.Offset+len(subWord.Raw):]))
return strPos
} else if word.Type == WordTypeDQ || word.Type == WordTypeDDQ {
if wordPos < word.contentStartPos() {
wordPos = word.contentStartPos()
atEnd := (wordPos >= len(word.Raw)-wmeta.SuffixLen)
subWord := findCompletionWordAtPos(word.Subs, wordPos-wmeta.PrefixLen, true)
quoteBalance := !atEnd
if subWord == nil {
realOffset := wordPos
strPos, wordOpen := extendInternal(MakeEmptyWord(WordTypeLit, word.QC.push(WordTypeDQ), 0, true), 0, extStr, false, quoteBalance)
strPos = strPos.Prepend(string(word.Raw[0:realOffset]))
var requiredSuffix string
if wordOpen {
requiredSuffix = wmeta.getSuffix()
if atEnd {
if complete {
return utilfn.StrWithPos{Str: strPos.Str + requiredSuffix + " ", Pos: strPos.Pos + len(requiredSuffix) + 1}
} else {
if word.Complete && requiredSuffix != "" {
return strPos.Append(requiredSuffix)
return strPos
strPos = strPos.Append(string(word.Raw[wordPos:]))
return strPos
} else {
realOffset := subWord.Offset + wmeta.PrefixLen
strPos, wordOpen := extendInternal(subWord, wordPos-realOffset, extStr, false, quoteBalance)
strPos = strPos.Prepend(string(word.Raw[0:realOffset]))
var requiredSuffix string
if wordOpen {
requiredSuffix = wmeta.getSuffix()
if atEnd {
if complete {
return utilfn.StrWithPos{Str: strPos.Str + requiredSuffix + " ", Pos: strPos.Pos + len(requiredSuffix) + 1}
} else {
if word.Complete && requiredSuffix != "" {
return strPos.Append(requiredSuffix)
return strPos
strPos = strPos.Append(string(word.Raw[realOffset+len(subWord.Raw):]))
return strPos
} else {
return utilfn.StrWithPos{Str: string(word.Raw), Pos: wordPos}
// lit, svar, varb, sq, dsq
@ -127,6 +193,18 @@ func extendLeafCh(buf *bytes.Buffer, wordOpen *bool, wtype string, qc QuoteConte
func getWordOpenStr(wtype string, qc QuoteContext) string {
if wtype == WordTypeLit {
if qc.cur() == WordTypeDQ {
return "\""
} else {
return ""
wmeta := wordMetaMap[wtype]
return wmeta.getPrefix()
// lit, svar, varb sq, dsq
func extendLeaf(buf *bytes.Buffer, wordOpen *bool, word *WordType, wordPos int, extStr string) {
for _, ch := range extStr {
@ -135,45 +213,61 @@ func extendLeaf(buf *bytes.Buffer, wordOpen *bool, word *WordType, wordPos int,
// lit, grp, svar, dq, ddq, varb, sq, dsq
func Extend(word *WordType, wordPos int, extStr string, complete bool) utilfn.StrWithPos {
// returns (strwithpos, dq-closed)
func extendInternal(word *WordType, wordPos int, extStr string, complete bool, requiresQuoteBalance bool) (utilfn.StrWithPos, bool) {
if extStr == "" {
return utilfn.StrWithPos{Str: string(word.Raw), Pos: wordPos}
return utilfn.StrWithPos{Str: string(word.Raw), Pos: wordPos}, true
if word.canHaveSubs() {
return extendWithSubs(word, wordPos, extStr, complete), true
var buf bytes.Buffer
isEOW := wordPos >= word.contentEndPos()
if isEOW {
wordPos = word.contentEndPos()
if wordPos > 0 && wordPos < word.contentStartPos() {
if wordPos < word.contentStartPos() {
wordPos = word.contentStartPos()
wordOpen := false
if wordPos >= word.contentStartPos() {
wordOpen = true
if wordPos > 0 {
buf.WriteString(string(word.Raw[0:word.contentStartPos()])) // write the prefix
buf.WriteString(string(word.Raw[0:wordPos])) // write the prefix
if word.canHaveSubs() {
extendWithSubs(&buf, word, wordPos, extStr)
} else {
extendLeaf(&buf, &wordOpen, word, wordPos, extStr)
if wordPos > word.contentStartPos() {
wordOpen := true
extendLeaf(&buf, &wordOpen, word, wordPos, extStr)
if isEOW {
// end-of-word, write the suffix (and optional ' '). return the end of the string
wmeta := wordMetaMap[word.Type]
rtnPos := utf8.RuneCount(buf.Bytes())
var rtnPos int
if !wordOpen && requiresQuoteBalance {
buf.WriteString(getWordOpenStr(word.Type, word.QC))
wordOpen = true
if complete {
buf.WriteRune(' ')
rtnPos = utf8.RuneCount(buf.Bytes())
return utilfn.StrWithPos{Str: buf.String(), Pos: utf8.RuneCount(buf.Bytes())}, wordOpen
} else {
rtnPos = utf8.RuneCount(buf.Bytes()) - wmeta.SuffixLen
return utilfn.StrWithPos{Str: buf.String(), Pos: rtnPos}, wordOpen
return utilfn.StrWithPos{Str: buf.String(), Pos: rtnPos}
// completion in the middle of a word (no ' ')
rtnPos := utf8.RuneCount(buf.Bytes())
if !wordOpen {
// always required since there is a suffix
buf.WriteString(getWordOpenStr(word.Type, word.QC))
wordOpen = true
buf.WriteString(string(word.Raw[wordPos:])) // write the suffix
return utilfn.StrWithPos{Str: buf.String(), Pos: rtnPos}
return utilfn.StrWithPos{Str: buf.String(), Pos: rtnPos}, wordOpen
// lit, grp, svar, dq, ddq, varb, sq, dsq
func Extend(word *WordType, wordPos int, extStr string, complete bool) utilfn.StrWithPos {
rtn, _ := extendInternal(word, wordPos, extStr, complete, false)
return rtn
func (ec *extendContext) extend(ch rune) {
@ -204,7 +298,11 @@ func getSpecialEscape(ch rune) string {
return specialEsc[byte(ch)]
func writeSpecial(buf *bytes.Buffer, ch rune) {
func writeSpecial(buf *bytes.Buffer, ch rune, wrap bool) {
if wrap {
sesc := getSpecialEscape(ch)
if sesc != "" {
@ -212,6 +310,9 @@ func writeSpecial(buf *bytes.Buffer, ch rune) {
utf8Lit := getUtf8Literal(ch)
if wrap {
func extendLit(buf *bytes.Buffer, ch rune) {
@ -219,7 +320,7 @@ func extendLit(buf *bytes.Buffer, ch rune) {
if ch > unicode.MaxASCII || !unicode.IsPrint(ch) {
writeSpecial(buf, ch)
writeSpecial(buf, ch, true)
var bch = byte(ch)
@ -236,19 +337,15 @@ func extendDSQ(buf *bytes.Buffer, wordOpen *bool, ch rune) {
if ch == 0 {
if ch > unicode.MaxASCII || !unicode.IsPrint(ch) {
if *wordOpen {
*wordOpen = false
writeSpecial(buf, ch)
if *wordOpen {
if !*wordOpen {
*wordOpen = true
if ch > unicode.MaxASCII || !unicode.IsPrint(ch) {
writeSpecial(buf, ch, false)
if ch == '\'' {
@ -276,7 +373,7 @@ func extendSQ(buf *bytes.Buffer, wordOpen *bool, ch rune) {
*wordOpen = false
writeSpecial(buf, ch)
writeSpecial(buf, ch, true)
if !*wordOpen {
@ -296,7 +393,7 @@ func extendDQLit(buf *bytes.Buffer, wordOpen *bool, ch rune) {
*wordOpen = false
writeSpecial(buf, ch)
writeSpecial(buf, ch, true)
if !*wordOpen {

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ const (
WordTypeSimpleVar = "svar" // simplevar $ (can-extend)
WordTypeDQ = "dq" // " (quote-context) (can-extend) (has-subs)
WordTypeDDQ = "ddq" // $" (quote-context) (can-extend) (has-subs)
WordTypeDDQ = "ddq" // $" (can-extend) (has-subs) (for quotecontext, uses WordTypeDQ)
WordTypeVarBrace = "varb" // ${ (quote-context) (can-extend) (internals not parsed)
WordTypeDP = "dp" // $( (quote-context) (has-subs)
WordTypeBQ = "bq" // ` (quote-context) (has-subs)

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@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ func testExtend(t *testing.T, startStr string, extendStr string, complete bool,
outSP := Extend(word, startSP.Pos-word.Offset, extendStr, complete)
expSP := utilfn.ParseToSP(expStr)
fmt.Printf("extend: [%s] + [%s] => [%s]\n", startStr, extendStr, outSP)
fmt.Printf("extend: [%s] + %q => [%s]\n", startStr, extendStr, outSP)
if outSP != expSP {
t.Errorf("extension does not match: [%s] + [%s] => [%s] expected [%s]\n", startStr, extendStr, outSP, expSP)
t.Errorf("extension does not match: [%s] + %q => [%s] expected [%s]\n", startStr, extendStr, outSP, expSP)
@ -84,6 +84,19 @@ func Test2(t *testing.T) {
testExtend(t, `$f[*]`, "oo", false, "$foo[*]")
testExtend(t, `${f}[*]`, "oo", false, "${foo[*]}")
testExtend(t, `${f[*]}`, "oo", true, "${foo} [*]")
testExtend(t, `[*]`, "more stuff", false, `more\ stuff[*]`)
testExtend(t, `[*]`, "hello\amike", false, `hello$'\a'mike[*]`)
testExtend(t, `$'he[*]'`, "\x01\x02\x0a", true, `$'he\x01\x02\n' [*]`)
testExtend(t, `${x}\ [*]ll$y`, "e", false, `${x}\ e[*]ll$y`)
testExtend(t, `"he[*]"`, "$$o", true, `"he\$\$o" [*]`)
testExtend(t, `"h[*]llo"`, "e", false, `"he[*]llo"`)
testExtend(t, `"h[*]llo"`, "e", true, `"he[*]llo"`)
testExtend(t, `"[*]${h}llo"`, "e\x01", true, `"e"$'\x01'[*]"${h}llo"`)
testExtend(t, `"${h}llo[*]"`, "e\x01", true, `"${h}lloe"$'\x01' [*]`)
testExtend(t, `"${h}llo[*]"`, "e\x01", false, `"${h}lloe"$'\x01'[*]`)
testExtend(t, `"${h}ll[*]o"`, "e\x01", false, `"${h}lle"$'\x01'[*]"o"`)
testExtend(t, `"ab[*]c${x}def"`, "\x01", false, `"ab"$'\x01'[*]"c${x}def"`)
testExtend(t, `'ab[*]ef'`, "\x01", false, `'ab'$'\x01'[*]'ef'`)
// testExtend(t, `'he'`, "llo", `'hello'`)
// testExtend(t, `'he'`, "'", `'he'\'''`)

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@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ func (c *parseContext) parseStrDDQ() *WordType {
if !c.match2('$', '"') {
return nil
newContext := c.clone(c.Pos+2, WordTypeDDQ)
newContext := c.clone(c.Pos+2, WordTypeDQ) // use WordTypeDQ (not DDQ)
subWords, eofExit := newContext.tokenizeDQ()
newOffset := newContext.Pos + 2
w := c.makeWord(WordTypeDDQ, newOffset, !eofExit)

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@ -157,3 +157,11 @@ func strWithCursor(str string, pos int) string {
return string(rtn)
func (sp StrWithPos) Prepend(str string) StrWithPos {
return StrWithPos{Str: str + sp.Str, Pos: utf8.RuneCountInString(str) + sp.Pos}
func (sp StrWithPos) Append(str string) StrWithPos {
return StrWithPos{Str: sp.Str + str, Pos: sp.Pos}