mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 23:21:59 +01:00
use new external module github.com/sawka/txwrap
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,27 +3,26 @@ module github.com/scripthaus-dev/sh2-server
go 1.17
require (
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github.com/creack/pty v1.1.18
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golang.org/x/mod v0.5.1
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220412211240-33da011f77ad
mvdan.cc/sh/v3 v3.5.1
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github.com/alessio/shellescape v1.4.1 // indirect
github.com/armon/circbuf v0.0.0-20190214190532-5111143e8da2 // indirect
github.com/creack/pty v1.1.18 // indirect
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.5.4 // indirect
github.com/hashicorp/errwrap v1.1.0 // indirect
github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror v1.1.1 // indirect
github.com/mattn/go-shellwords v1.0.12 // indirect
go.uber.org/atomic v1.7.0 // indirect
golang.org/x/mod v0.5.1 // indirect
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220412211240-33da011f77ad // indirect
mvdan.cc/sh/v3 v3.5.1 // indirect
replace github.com/scripthaus-dev/mshell v0.0.0 => ../mshell/
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github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1/go.mod h1:xHWCNGjB5oqiDr8zfno3MHue2Ht5sIBksp03qcyfWMU=
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github.com/Masterminds/semver/v3 v3.1.1/go.mod h1:VPu/7SZ7ePZ3QOrcuXROw5FAcLl4a0cBrbBpGY/8hQs=
github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.4.11/go.mod h1:VhR8bwka0BXejwEJY73c50VrPtXAaKcyvVC4A4RozmA=
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github.com/rs/zerolog v1.15.0/go.mod h1:xYTKnLHcpfU2225ny5qZjxnj9NvkumZYjJHlAThCjNc=
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github.com/sawka/txwrap v0.1.0 h1:uWGplmEJUEd9WGYZy9fU+hoC2Z6Yal4NMH5DbKsUTdo=
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modernc.org/z v1.0.1/go.mod h1:8/SRk5C/HgiQWCgXdfpb+1RvhORdkz5sw72d3jjtyqA=
modernc.org/zappy v1.0.0/go.mod h1:hHe+oGahLVII/aTTyWK/b53VDHMAGCBYYeZ9sn83HC4=
mvdan.cc/editorconfig v0.2.0/go.mod h1:lvnnD3BNdBYkhq+B4uBuFFKatfp02eB6HixDvEz91C0=
mvdan.cc/sh/v3 v3.5.1 h1:hmP3UOw4f+EYexsJjFxvU38+kn+V/s2CclXHanIBkmQ=
mvdan.cc/sh/v3 v3.5.1/go.mod h1:1JcoyAKm1lZw/2bZje/iYKWicU/KMd0rsyJeKHnsK4E=
rsc.io/binaryregexp v0.2.0/go.mod h1:qTv7/COck+e2FymRvadv62gMdZztPaShugOCi3I+8D8=
@ -5,9 +5,12 @@ import (
@ -17,6 +20,35 @@ import (
const HistoryCols = "historyid, ts, userid, sessionid, screenid, windowid, lineid, cmdid, haderror, cmdstr, remoteownerid, remoteid, remotename, ismetacmd, incognito"
const DefaultMaxHistoryItems = 1000
type SingleConnDBGetter struct {
SingleConnLock *sync.Mutex
type TxWrap = txwrap.TxWrap
var dbWrap *SingleConnDBGetter
func init() {
dbWrap = &SingleConnDBGetter{SingleConnLock: &sync.Mutex{}}
func (dbg *SingleConnDBGetter) GetDB(ctx context.Context) (*sqlx.DB, error) {
db, err := GetDB(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return db, nil
func (dbg *SingleConnDBGetter) ReleaseDB(db *sqlx.DB) {
func WithTx(ctx context.Context, fn func(tx *TxWrap) error) error {
return txwrap.DBGWithTx(ctx, dbWrap, fn)
func NumSessions(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
var numSessions int
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
@ -129,7 +161,7 @@ func UpsertRemote(ctx context.Context, r *RemoteType) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT remoteid FROM remote WHERE remoteid = ?`
if tx.Exists(query, r.RemoteId) {
tx.ExecWrap(`DELETE FROM remote WHERE remoteid = ?`, r.RemoteId)
tx.Exec(`DELETE FROM remote WHERE remoteid = ?`, r.RemoteId)
query = `SELECT remoteid FROM remote WHERE remotecanonicalname = ?`
if tx.Exists(query, r.RemoteCanonicalName) {
@ -145,7 +177,7 @@ func UpsertRemote(ctx context.Context, r *RemoteType) error {
query = `INSERT INTO remote
( remoteid, physicalid, remotetype, remotealias, remotecanonicalname, remotesudo, remoteuser, remotehost, connectmode, autoinstall, sshopts, remoteopts, lastconnectts, archived, remoteidx, local) VALUES
tx.NamedExecWrap(query, r.ToMap())
tx.NamedExec(query, r.ToMap())
return nil
return txErr
@ -159,7 +191,7 @@ func InsertHistoryItem(ctx context.Context, hitem *HistoryItemType) error {
query := `INSERT INTO history
( historyid, ts, userid, sessionid, screenid, windowid, lineid, cmdid, haderror, cmdstr, remoteownerid, remoteid, remotename, ismetacmd, incognito) VALUES
tx.NamedExecWrap(query, hitem.ToMap())
tx.NamedExec(query, hitem.ToMap())
return nil
return txErr
@ -169,7 +201,7 @@ func IsIncognitoScreen(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string) (
var rtn bool
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT incognito FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
tx.GetWrap(&rtn, query, sessionId, screenId)
tx.Get(&rtn, query, sessionId, screenId)
return nil
return rtn, txErr
@ -238,7 +270,7 @@ func GetBareSessions(ctx context.Context) ([]*SessionType, error) {
var rtn []*SessionType
err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM session ORDER BY archived, sessionidx, archivedts`
tx.SelectWrap(&rtn, query)
tx.Select(&rtn, query)
return nil
if err != nil {
@ -268,7 +300,7 @@ func GetBareSessionById(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) (*SessionType, er
var rtn SessionType
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.GetWrap(&rtn, query, sessionId)
tx.Get(&rtn, query, sessionId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -285,7 +317,7 @@ func GetAllSessions(ctx context.Context) (*ModelUpdate, error) {
var activeSessionId string
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM session ORDER BY archived, sessionidx, archivedts`
tx.SelectWrap(&rtn, query)
tx.Select(&rtn, query)
sessionMap := make(map[string]*SessionType)
for _, session := range rtn {
sessionMap[session.SessionId] = session
@ -293,7 +325,7 @@ func GetAllSessions(ctx context.Context) (*ModelUpdate, error) {
var screens []*ScreenType
query = `SELECT * FROM screen ORDER BY archived, screenidx, archivedts`
tx.SelectWrap(&screens, query)
tx.Select(&screens, query)
screenMap := make(map[string][]*ScreenType)
for _, screen := range screens {
screenArr := screenMap[screen.SessionId]
@ -305,7 +337,7 @@ func GetAllSessions(ctx context.Context) (*ModelUpdate, error) {
var sws []*ScreenWindowType
query = `SELECT * FROM screen_window`
tx.SelectWrap(&sws, query)
tx.Select(&sws, query)
screenIdMap := make(map[string]*ScreenType)
for _, screen := range screens {
screenIdMap[screen.SessionId+screen.ScreenId] = screen
@ -346,7 +378,7 @@ func GetWindowById(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string) (*Win
rtnWindow = WindowFromMap(m)
query = `SELECT * FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ? ORDER BY linenum`
tx.SelectWrap(&rtnWindow.Lines, query, sessionId, windowId)
tx.Select(&rtnWindow.Lines, query, sessionId, windowId)
query = `SELECT * FROM cmd WHERE cmdid IN (SELECT cmdid FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?)`
cmdMaps := tx.SelectMaps(query, sessionId, windowId)
for _, m := range cmdMaps {
@ -362,7 +394,7 @@ func GetBareSessionScreens(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) ([]*ScreenType
var rtn []*ScreenType
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? ORDER BY archived, screenidx, archivedts`
tx.SelectWrap(&rtn, query, sessionId)
tx.Select(&rtn, query, sessionId)
return nil
return rtn, txErr
@ -413,14 +445,14 @@ func InsertSessionWithName(ctx context.Context, sessionName string, activate boo
maxSessionIdx := tx.GetInt(`SELECT COALESCE(max(sessionidx), 0) FROM session`)
query := `INSERT INTO session (sessionid, name, activescreenid, sessionidx, notifynum, archived, archivedts, ownerid, sharemode, accesskey)
VALUES (?, ?, '', ?, ?, 0, 0, '', 'local', '')`
tx.ExecWrap(query, newSessionId, sessionName, maxSessionIdx+1, 0)
tx.Exec(query, newSessionId, sessionName, maxSessionIdx+1, 0)
_, err := InsertScreen(tx.Context(), newSessionId, "", true)
if err != nil {
return err
if activate {
query = `UPDATE client SET activesessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, newSessionId)
tx.Exec(query, newSessionId)
return nil
@ -447,7 +479,7 @@ func SetActiveSessionId(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot switch to session, not found")
query = `UPDATE client SET activesessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId)
return nil
return txErr
@ -466,7 +498,7 @@ func GetActiveSessionId(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
func SetWinSize(ctx context.Context, winSize ClientWinSizeType) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE client SET winsize = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, quickJson(winSize))
tx.Exec(query, quickJson(winSize))
return nil
return txErr
@ -527,13 +559,13 @@ func InsertScreen(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, origScreenName string,
newScreenId = scbase.GenPromptUUID()
query = `INSERT INTO screen (sessionid, screenid, name, activewindowid, screenidx, screenopts, ownerid, sharemode, incognito, archived, archivedts) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, '', 'local', 0, 0, 0)`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, newScreenId, screenName, newWindowId, maxScreenIdx+1, ScreenOptsType{})
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, newScreenId, screenName, newWindowId, maxScreenIdx+1, ScreenOptsType{})
layout := LayoutType{Type: LayoutFull}
query = `INSERT INTO screen_window (sessionid, screenid, windowid, name, layout, selectedline, anchor, focustype) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, newScreenId, newWindowId, DefaultScreenWindowName, layout, 0, SWAnchorType{}, "input")
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, newScreenId, newWindowId, DefaultScreenWindowName, layout, 0, SWAnchorType{}, "input")
if activate {
query = `UPDATE session SET activescreenid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, newScreenId, sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, newScreenId, sessionId)
return nil
@ -557,13 +589,13 @@ func GetScreenById(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string) (*Scr
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
var screen ScreenType
found := tx.GetWrap(&screen, query, sessionId, screenId)
found := tx.Get(&screen, query, sessionId, screenId)
if !found {
return nil
rtnScreen = &screen
query = `SELECT * FROM screen_window WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
tx.SelectWrap(&screen.Windows, query, sessionId, screenId)
tx.Select(&screen.Windows, query, sessionId, screenId)
screen.Full = true
return nil
@ -586,7 +618,7 @@ func txCreateWindow(tx *TxWrap, sessionId string, curRemote RemotePtrType) strin
wmap := w.ToMap()
query := `INSERT INTO window ( sessionid, windowid, curremoteownerid, curremoteid, curremotename, nextlinenum, winopts, ownerid, sharemode, shareopts)
VALUES (:sessionid,:windowid,:curremoteownerid,:curremoteid,:curremotename,:nextlinenum,:winopts,:ownerid,:sharemode,:shareopts)`
tx.NamedExecWrap(query, wmap)
tx.NamedExec(query, wmap)
return w.WindowId
@ -625,7 +657,7 @@ func GetLineCmdByLineId(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string,
var lineVal LineType
query = `SELECT * FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ? AND lineid = ?`
found := tx.GetWrap(&lineVal, query, sessionId, windowId, lineId)
found := tx.Get(&lineVal, query, sessionId, windowId, lineId)
if !found {
return nil
@ -653,7 +685,7 @@ func GetLineCmdByCmdId(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string, c
var lineVal LineType
query = `SELECT * FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ? AND cmdid = ?`
found := tx.GetWrap(&lineVal, query, sessionId, windowId, cmdId)
found := tx.Get(&lineVal, query, sessionId, windowId, cmdId)
if !found {
return nil
@ -689,9 +721,9 @@ func InsertLine(ctx context.Context, line *LineType, cmd *CmdType) error {
line.LineNum = int64(nextLineNum)
query = `INSERT INTO line ( sessionid, windowid, userid, lineid, ts, linenum, linenumtemp, linelocal, linetype, text, cmdid, renderer, ephemeral, contentheight, star, archived)
VALUES (:sessionid,:windowid,:userid,:lineid,:ts,:linenum,:linenumtemp,:linelocal,:linetype,:text,:cmdid,:renderer,:ephemeral,:contentheight,:star,:archived)`
tx.NamedExecWrap(query, line)
tx.NamedExec(query, line)
query = `UPDATE window SET nextlinenum = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, nextLineNum+1, line.SessionId, line.WindowId)
tx.Exec(query, nextLineNum+1, line.SessionId, line.WindowId)
if cmd != nil {
cmd.OrigTermOpts = cmd.TermOpts
cmdMap := cmd.ToMap()
@ -699,7 +731,7 @@ func InsertLine(ctx context.Context, line *LineType, cmd *CmdType) error {
INSERT INTO cmd ( sessionid, cmdid, remoteownerid, remoteid, remotename, cmdstr, festate, statebasehash, statediffhasharr, termopts, origtermopts, status, startpk, doneinfo, rtnstate, runout, rtnbasehash, rtndiffhasharr)
VALUES (:sessionid,:cmdid,:remoteownerid,:remoteid,:remotename,:cmdstr,:festate,:statebasehash,:statediffhasharr,:termopts,:origtermopts,:status,:startpk,:doneinfo,:rtnstate,:runout,:rtnbasehash,:rtndiffhasharr)
tx.NamedExecWrap(query, cmdMap)
tx.NamedExec(query, cmdMap)
return nil
@ -741,7 +773,7 @@ func UpdateCmdDoneInfo(ctx context.Context, ck base.CommandKey, doneInfo *CmdDon
var rtnCmd *CmdType
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE cmd SET status = ?, doneinfo = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, CmdStatusDone, quickJson(doneInfo), ck.GetSessionId(), ck.GetCmdId())
tx.Exec(query, CmdStatusDone, quickJson(doneInfo), ck.GetSessionId(), ck.GetCmdId())
var err error
rtnCmd, err = GetCmdById(tx.Context(), ck.GetSessionId(), ck.GetCmdId())
if err != nil {
@ -764,7 +796,7 @@ func UpdateCmdRtnState(ctx context.Context, ck base.CommandKey, statePtr ShellSt
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE cmd SET rtnbasehash = ?, rtndiffhasharr = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, statePtr.BaseHash, quickJsonArr(statePtr.DiffHashArr), ck.GetSessionId(), ck.GetCmdId())
tx.Exec(query, statePtr.BaseHash, quickJsonArr(statePtr.DiffHashArr), ck.GetSessionId(), ck.GetCmdId())
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -779,7 +811,7 @@ func AppendCmdErrorPk(ctx context.Context, errPk *packet.CmdErrorPacketType) err
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE cmd SET runout = json_insert(runout, '$[#]', ?) WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, quickJson(errPk), errPk.CK.GetSessionId(), errPk.CK.GetCmdId())
tx.Exec(query, quickJson(errPk), errPk.CK.GetSessionId(), errPk.CK.GetCmdId())
return nil
@ -787,7 +819,7 @@ func AppendCmdErrorPk(ctx context.Context, errPk *packet.CmdErrorPacketType) err
func ReInitFocus(ctx context.Context) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE screen_window SET focustype = 'input'`
return nil
@ -795,7 +827,7 @@ func ReInitFocus(ctx context.Context) error {
func HangupAllRunningCmds(ctx context.Context) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE cmd SET status = ? WHERE status = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, CmdStatusHangup, CmdStatusRunning)
tx.Exec(query, CmdStatusHangup, CmdStatusRunning)
return nil
@ -803,7 +835,7 @@ func HangupAllRunningCmds(ctx context.Context) error {
func HangupRunningCmdsByRemoteId(ctx context.Context, remoteId string) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE cmd SET status = ? WHERE status = ? AND remoteid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, CmdStatusHangup, CmdStatusRunning, remoteId)
tx.Exec(query, CmdStatusHangup, CmdStatusRunning, remoteId)
return nil
@ -811,7 +843,7 @@ func HangupRunningCmdsByRemoteId(ctx context.Context, remoteId string) error {
func HangupCmd(ctx context.Context, ck base.CommandKey) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE cmd SET status = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, CmdStatusHangup, ck.GetSessionId(), ck.GetCmdId())
tx.Exec(query, CmdStatusHangup, ck.GetSessionId(), ck.GetCmdId())
return nil
@ -847,7 +879,7 @@ func SwitchScreenById(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string) (U
return fmt.Errorf("cannot switch to screen, screen=%s does not exist in session=%s", screenId, sessionId)
query = `UPDATE session SET activescreenid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, screenId, sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, screenId, sessionId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -866,7 +898,7 @@ func cleanSessionCmds(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) error {
query := `SELECT cmdid FROM cmd WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid NOT IN (SELECT cmdid FROM line WHERE sessionid = ?)`
removedCmds = tx.SelectStrings(query, sessionId, sessionId)
query = `DELETE FROM cmd WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid NOT IN (SELECT cmdid FROM line WHERE sessionid = ?)`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, sessionId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -888,11 +920,11 @@ func CleanWindows(sessionId string) {
for _, windowId := range removedWindowIds {
query = `DELETE FROM window WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, windowId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, windowId)
query = `DELETE FROM history WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, windowId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, windowId)
query = `DELETE FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, windowId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, windowId)
return cleanSessionCmds(tx.Context(), sessionId)
@ -918,12 +950,12 @@ func ArchiveScreen(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string) (Upda
return fmt.Errorf("cannot archive the last screen in a session")
query = `UPDATE screen SET archived = 1, archivedts = ?, screenidx = 0 WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, time.Now().UnixMilli(), sessionId, screenId)
tx.Exec(query, time.Now().UnixMilli(), sessionId, screenId)
isActive := tx.Exists(`SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ? AND activescreenid = ?`, sessionId, screenId)
if isActive {
screenIds := tx.SelectStrings(`SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND NOT archived ORDER BY screenidx`, sessionId)
nextId := getNextId(screenIds, screenId)
tx.ExecWrap(`UPDATE session SET activescreenid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`, nextId, sessionId)
tx.Exec(`UPDATE session SET activescreenid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`, nextId, sessionId)
return nil
@ -950,7 +982,7 @@ func UnArchiveScreen(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string) err
maxScreenIdx := tx.GetInt(`SELECT COALESCE(max(screenidx), 0) FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND NOT archived`, sessionId)
query = `UPDATE screen SET archived = 0, screenidx = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, maxScreenIdx+1, sessionId, screenId)
tx.Exec(query, maxScreenIdx+1, sessionId, screenId)
return nil
return txErr
@ -971,12 +1003,12 @@ func DeleteScreen(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string) (Updat
if isActive {
screenIds := tx.SelectStrings(`SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND NOT archived ORDER BY screenidx`, sessionId)
nextId := getNextId(screenIds, screenId)
tx.ExecWrap(`UPDATE session SET activescreenid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`, nextId, sessionId)
tx.Exec(`UPDATE session SET activescreenid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`, nextId, sessionId)
query = `DELETE FROM screen_window WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, screenId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, screenId)
query = `DELETE FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, screenId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, screenId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -1114,7 +1146,7 @@ func UpdateRemoteState(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string, r
query = `INSERT INTO remote_instance ( riid, name, sessionid, windowid, remoteownerid, remoteid, festate, statebasehash, statediffhasharr)
VALUES (:riid,:name,:sessionid,:windowid,:remoteownerid,:remoteid,:festate,:statebasehash,:statediffhasharr)`
tx.NamedExecWrap(query, ri.ToMap())
tx.NamedExec(query, ri.ToMap())
return nil
} else {
query = `UPDATE remote_instance SET festate = ?, statebasehash = ?, statediffhasharr = ? WHERE riid = ?`
@ -1123,7 +1155,7 @@ func UpdateRemoteState(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string, r
if err != nil {
return err
tx.ExecWrap(query, quickJson(ri.FeState), ri.StateBaseHash, quickJsonArr(ri.StateDiffHashArr), ri.RIId)
tx.Exec(query, quickJson(ri.FeState), ri.StateBaseHash, quickJsonArr(ri.StateDiffHashArr), ri.RIId)
return nil
@ -1137,7 +1169,7 @@ func UpdateCurRemote(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string, rem
return fmt.Errorf("cannot update curremote: no window found")
query = `UPDATE window SET curremoteownerid = ?, curremoteid = ?, curremotename = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, remotePtr.OwnerId, remotePtr.RemoteId, remotePtr.Name, sessionId, windowId)
tx.Exec(query, remotePtr.OwnerId, remotePtr.RemoteId, remotePtr.Name, sessionId, windowId)
return nil
return txErr
@ -1174,7 +1206,7 @@ func ReIndexSessions(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, newIndex int) error
query = `UPDATE session SET sessionid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`
for idx, id := range ids {
tx.ExecWrap(query, id, idx+1)
tx.Exec(query, id, idx+1)
return nil
@ -1200,7 +1232,7 @@ func SetSessionName(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, name string) error {
query = `UPDATE session SET name = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, name, sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, name, sessionId)
return nil
return txErr
@ -1213,7 +1245,7 @@ func SetScreenName(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string, name
return fmt.Errorf("screen does not exist")
query = `UPDATE screen SET name = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, name, sessionId, screenId)
tx.Exec(query, name, sessionId, screenId)
return nil
return txErr
@ -1229,7 +1261,7 @@ func SetScreenOpts(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string, opts
return fmt.Errorf("screen does not exist")
query = `UPDATE screen SET screenopts = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, opts, sessionId, screenId)
tx.Exec(query, opts, sessionId, screenId)
return nil
return txErr
@ -1242,7 +1274,7 @@ func ArchiveWindowLines(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string)
return fmt.Errorf("window does not exist")
query = `UPDATE line SET archived = 1 WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, windowId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, windowId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -1265,11 +1297,11 @@ func PurgeWindowLines(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string) (*
query = `SELECT lineid FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?`
lineIds = tx.SelectStrings(query, sessionId, windowId)
query = `DELETE FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, windowId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, windowId)
query = `DELETE FROM history WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, windowId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, windowId)
query = `UPDATE window SET nextlinenum = 1 WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, windowId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, windowId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -1311,7 +1343,7 @@ func GetRunningWindowCmds(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string
func UpdateCmdTermOpts(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, cmdId string, termOpts TermOpts) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE cmd SET termopts = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, termOpts, sessionId, cmdId)
tx.Exec(query, termOpts, sessionId, cmdId)
return nil
return txErr
@ -1332,7 +1364,7 @@ func WindowReset(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string) ([]*Rem
delRis = append(delRis, ri)
query = `DELETE FROM remote_instance WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, windowId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, windowId)
return nil
return delRis, txErr
@ -1346,19 +1378,19 @@ func DeleteSession(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) (UpdatePacket, error)
return fmt.Errorf("session does not exist")
query = `DELETE FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId)
query = `DELETE FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId)
query = `DELETE FROM screen_window WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId)
query = `DELETE FROM window WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId)
query = `DELETE FROM history WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId)
query = `DELETE FROM line WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId)
query = `DELETE FROM cmd WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId)
newActiveSessionId, _ = fixActiveSessionId(tx.Context())
return nil
@ -1392,7 +1424,7 @@ func fixActiveSessionId(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
if err != nil {
return err
tx.ExecWrap("UPDATE client SET activesessionid = ?", newActiveSessionId)
tx.Exec("UPDATE client SET activesessionid = ?", newActiveSessionId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -1417,7 +1449,7 @@ func ArchiveSession(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) (*ModelUpdate, error)
return nil
query = `UPDATE session SET archived = 1, archivedts = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, time.Now().UnixMilli(), sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, time.Now().UnixMilli(), sessionId)
newActiveSessionId, _ = fixActiveSessionId(tx.Context())
return nil
@ -1450,10 +1482,10 @@ func UnArchiveSession(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, activate bool) (*Mo
return nil
query = `UPDATE session SET archived = 0, archivedts = 0 WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId)
if activate {
query = `UPDATE client SET activesessionid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId)
return nil
@ -1524,27 +1556,27 @@ func UpdateRemote(ctx context.Context, remoteId string, editMap map[string]inter
return fmt.Errorf("remote has duplicate alias, cannot update")
query = `UPDATE remote SET remotealias = ? WHERE remoteid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, alias, remoteId)
tx.Exec(query, alias, remoteId)
if mode, found := editMap[RemoteField_ConnectMode]; found {
query = `UPDATE remote SET connectmode = ? WHERE remoteid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, mode, remoteId)
tx.Exec(query, mode, remoteId)
if autoInstall, found := editMap[RemoteField_AutoInstall]; found {
query = `UPDATE remote SET autoinstall = ? WHERE remoteid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, autoInstall, remoteId)
tx.Exec(query, autoInstall, remoteId)
if sshKey, found := editMap[RemoteField_SSHKey]; found {
query = `UPDATE remote SET sshopts = json_set(sshopts, '$.sshidentity', ?) WHERE remoteid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sshKey, remoteId)
tx.Exec(query, sshKey, remoteId)
if sshPassword, found := editMap[RemoteField_SSHPassword]; found {
query = `UPDATE remote SET sshopts = json_set(sshopts, '$.sshpassword', ?) WHERE remoteid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sshPassword, remoteId)
tx.Exec(query, sshPassword, remoteId)
if color, found := editMap[RemoteField_Color]; found {
query = `UPDATE remote SET remoteopts = json_set(remoteopts, '$.color', ?) WHERE remoteid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, color, remoteId)
tx.Exec(query, color, remoteId)
var err error
rtn, err = GetRemoteById(tx.Context(), remoteId)
@ -1575,23 +1607,23 @@ func UpdateScreenWindow(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string,
if anchorLine, found := editMap[SWField_AnchorLine]; found {
query = `UPDATE screen_window SET anchor = json_set(anchor, '$.anchorline', ?) WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND windowid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, anchorLine, sessionId, screenId, windowId)
tx.Exec(query, anchorLine, sessionId, screenId, windowId)
if anchorOffset, found := editMap[SWField_AnchorOffset]; found {
query = `UPDATE screen_window SET anchor = json_set(anchor, '$.anchoroffset', ?) WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND windowid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, anchorOffset, sessionId, screenId, windowId)
tx.Exec(query, anchorOffset, sessionId, screenId, windowId)
if sline, found := editMap[SWField_SelectedLine]; found {
query = `UPDATE screen_window SET selectedline = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND windowid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sline, sessionId, screenId, windowId)
tx.Exec(query, sline, sessionId, screenId, windowId)
if focusType, found := editMap[SWField_Focus]; found {
query = `UPDATE screen_window SET focustype = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND windowid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, focusType, sessionId, screenId, windowId)
tx.Exec(query, focusType, sessionId, screenId, windowId)
var sw ScreenWindowType
query = `SELECT * FROM screen_window WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND windowid = ?`
found := tx.GetWrap(&sw, query, sessionId, screenId, windowId)
found := tx.Get(&sw, query, sessionId, screenId, windowId)
if found {
rtn = &sw
@ -1608,7 +1640,7 @@ func GetScreenWindowByIds(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
var sw ScreenWindowType
query := `SELECT * FROM screen_window WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND windowid = ?`
found := tx.GetWrap(&sw, query, sessionId, screenId, windowId)
found := tx.Get(&sw, query, sessionId, screenId, windowId)
if found {
rtn = &sw
@ -1624,7 +1656,7 @@ func GetLineResolveItems(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string)
var rtn []ResolveItem
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT lineid as id, linenum as num FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ? ORDER BY linenum`
tx.SelectWrap(&rtn, query, sessionId, windowId)
tx.Select(&rtn, query, sessionId, windowId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -1648,7 +1680,7 @@ func UpdateSWsWithCmdFg(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, cmdId string) ([]
AND l.cmdid = ?
var swKeys []SWKey
tx.SelectWrap(&swKeys, query, sessionId, cmdId)
tx.Select(&swKeys, query, sessionId, cmdId)
if len(swKeys) == 0 {
return nil
@ -1681,7 +1713,7 @@ func StoreStateBase(ctx context.Context, state *packet.ShellState) error {
return nil
query = `INSERT INTO state_base (basehash, ts, version, data) VALUES (:basehash,:ts,:version,:data)`
tx.NamedExecWrap(query, stateBase)
tx.NamedExec(query, stateBase)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -1712,7 +1744,7 @@ func StoreStateDiff(ctx context.Context, diff *packet.ShellStateDiff) error {
return nil
query = `INSERT INTO state_diff (diffhash, ts, basehash, diffhasharr, data) VALUES (:diffhash,:ts,:basehash,:diffhasharr,:data)`
tx.NamedExecWrap(query, stateDiff.ToMap())
tx.NamedExec(query, stateDiff.ToMap())
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -1730,7 +1762,7 @@ func GetFullState(ctx context.Context, ssPtr ShellStatePtr) (*packet.ShellState,
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
var stateBase StateBase
query := `SELECT * FROM state_base WHERE basehash = ?`
found := tx.GetWrap(&stateBase, query, ssPtr.BaseHash)
found := tx.Get(&stateBase, query, ssPtr.BaseHash)
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("ShellState %s not found", ssPtr.BaseHash)
@ -1771,7 +1803,7 @@ func GetFullState(ctx context.Context, ssPtr ShellStatePtr) (*packet.ShellState,
func UpdateLineStar(ctx context.Context, lineId string, starVal int) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE line SET star = ? WHERE lineid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, starVal, lineId)
tx.Exec(query, starVal, lineId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -1783,7 +1815,7 @@ func UpdateLineStar(ctx context.Context, lineId string, starVal int) error {
func UpdateLineHeight(ctx context.Context, lineId string, heightVal int) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE line SET contentheight = ? WHERE lineid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, heightVal, lineId)
tx.Exec(query, heightVal, lineId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -1798,7 +1830,7 @@ func GetLineById(ctx context.Context, lineId string) (*LineType, error) {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
var line LineType
query := `SELECT * FROM line WHERE lineid = ?`
found := tx.GetWrap(&line, query, lineId)
found := tx.Get(&line, query, lineId)
if found {
rtn = &line
@ -1813,7 +1845,7 @@ func GetLineById(ctx context.Context, lineId string) (*LineType, error) {
func SetLineArchivedById(ctx context.Context, lineId string, archived bool) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE line SET archived = ? WHERE lineid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, archived, lineId)
tx.Exec(query, archived, lineId)
return nil
return txErr
@ -1822,7 +1854,7 @@ func SetLineArchivedById(ctx context.Context, lineId string, archived bool) erro
func purgeCmdById(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, cmdId string) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `DELETE FROM cmd WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, cmdId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, cmdId)
return DeletePtyOutFile(tx.Context(), sessionId, cmdId)
return txErr
@ -1833,9 +1865,9 @@ func PurgeLineById(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, lineId string) error {
query := `SELECT cmdid FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND lineid = ?`
cmdId := tx.GetString(query, sessionId, lineId)
query = `DELETE FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, lineId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, lineId)
query = `DELETE FROM history WHERE sessionid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, lineId)
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, lineId)
if cmdId != "" {
query = `SELECT count(*) FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid = ?`
cmdRefCount := tx.GetInt(query, sessionId, cmdId)
@ -1882,7 +1914,7 @@ func UpdateCurrentActivity(ctx context.Context, update ActivityUpdate) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
var tdata TelemetryData
query := `SELECT tdata FROM activity WHERE day = ?`
found := tx.GetWrap(&tdata, query, dayStr)
found := tx.Get(&tdata, query, dayStr)
if !found {
query = `INSERT INTO activity (day, uploaded, tdata, tzname, tzoffset, clientversion, clientarch)
VALUES (?, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`
@ -1890,7 +1922,7 @@ func UpdateCurrentActivity(ctx context.Context, update ActivityUpdate) error {
if len(tzName) > MaxTzNameLen {
tzName = tzName[0:MaxTzNameLen]
tx.ExecWrap(query, dayStr, tdata, tzName, tzOffset, scbase.PromptVersion, scbase.ClientArch())
tx.Exec(query, dayStr, tdata, tzName, tzOffset, scbase.PromptVersion, scbase.ClientArch())
tdata.NumCommands += update.NumCommands
tdata.FgMinutes += update.FgMinutes
@ -1900,7 +1932,7 @@ func UpdateCurrentActivity(ctx context.Context, update ActivityUpdate) error {
SET tdata = ?,
clientversion = ?
WHERE day = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, tdata, scbase.PromptVersion, dayStr)
tx.Exec(query, tdata, scbase.PromptVersion, dayStr)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -1913,7 +1945,7 @@ func GetNonUploadedActivity(ctx context.Context) ([]*ActivityType, error) {
var rtn []*ActivityType
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM activity WHERE uploaded = 0 ORDER BY day DESC LIMIT 30`
tx.SelectWrap(&rtn, query)
tx.Select(&rtn, query)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
@ -1931,7 +1963,7 @@ func MarkActivityAsUploaded(ctx context.Context, activityArr []*ActivityType) er
if activity.Day == dayStr {
tx.ExecWrap(query, activity.Day)
tx.Exec(query, activity.Day)
return nil
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import (
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ func IsValidConnectMode(mode string) bool {
func GetDB(ctx context.Context) (*sqlx.DB, error) {
if IsTxWrapContext(ctx) {
if txwrap.IsTxWrapContext(ctx) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot call GetDB from within a running transaction")
@ -975,7 +976,7 @@ func createClientData(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `INSERT INTO client ( clientid, userid, activesessionid, userpublickeybytes, userprivatekeybytes, winsize)
VALUES (:clientid,:userid,:activesessionid,:userpublickeybytes,:userprivatekeybytes,:winsize)`
tx.NamedExecWrap(query, c.ToMap())
tx.NamedExec(query, c.ToMap())
log.Printf("create new clientid[%s] userid[%s] with public/private keypair\n", c.ClientId, c.UserId)
return nil
@ -1030,7 +1031,7 @@ func EnsureClientData(ctx context.Context) (*ClientData, error) {
func SetClientOpts(ctx context.Context, clientOpts ClientOptsType) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE client SET clientopts = ?`
tx.ExecWrap(query, quickJson(clientOpts))
tx.Exec(query, quickJson(clientOpts))
return nil
return txErr
@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
package sstore
import (
type TxWrap struct {
Txx *sqlx.Tx
Err error
Ctx context.Context
type txWrapKey struct{}
// single-threaded access to DB
var globalNestingLock = &sync.Mutex{}
func IsTxWrapContext(ctx context.Context) bool {
ctxVal := ctx.Value(txWrapKey{})
return ctxVal != nil
func WithTx(ctx context.Context, fn func(tx *TxWrap) error) (rtnErr error) {
var txWrap *TxWrap
ctxVal := ctx.Value(txWrapKey{})
if ctxVal != nil {
txWrap = ctxVal.(*TxWrap)
if txWrap.Err != nil {
return txWrap.Err
if txWrap == nil {
defer globalNestingLock.Unlock()
db, err := GetDB(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
tx, beginErr := db.BeginTxx(ctx, nil)
if beginErr != nil {
return beginErr
txWrap = &TxWrap{Txx: tx, Ctx: ctx}
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
if rtnErr != nil {
} else {
rtnErr = txWrap.Txx.Commit()
fnErr := fn(txWrap)
if txWrap.Err == nil && fnErr != nil {
txWrap.Err = fnErr
if txWrap.Err != nil {
return txWrap.Err
return nil
func (tx *TxWrap) Context() context.Context {
return context.WithValue(tx.Ctx, txWrapKey{}, tx)
func (tx *TxWrap) NamedExecWrap(query string, arg interface{}) sql.Result {
if tx.Err != nil {
return nil
result, err := tx.Txx.NamedExec(query, arg)
if err != nil {
tx.Err = err
return result
func (tx *TxWrap) ExecWrap(query string, args ...interface{}) sql.Result {
if tx.Err != nil {
return nil
result, err := tx.Txx.Exec(query, args...)
if err != nil {
tx.Err = err
return result
func (tx *TxWrap) Exists(query string, args ...interface{}) bool {
var dest interface{}
return tx.GetWrap(&dest, query, args...)
func (tx *TxWrap) GetString(query string, args ...interface{}) string {
var rtnStr string
tx.GetWrap(&rtnStr, query, args...)
return rtnStr
func (tx *TxWrap) GetBool(query string, args ...interface{}) bool {
var rtnBool bool
tx.GetWrap(&rtnBool, query, args...)
return rtnBool
func (tx *TxWrap) SelectStrings(query string, args ...interface{}) []string {
var rtnArr []string
tx.SelectWrap(&rtnArr, query, args...)
return rtnArr
func (tx *TxWrap) GetInt(query string, args ...interface{}) int {
var rtnInt int
tx.GetWrap(&rtnInt, query, args...)
return rtnInt
func (tx *TxWrap) GetWrap(dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) bool {
if tx.Err != nil {
return false
err := tx.Txx.Get(dest, query, args...)
if err != nil && err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return false
if err != nil {
tx.Err = err
return false
return true
func (tx *TxWrap) SelectWrap(dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) {
if tx.Err != nil {
err := tx.Txx.Select(dest, query, args...)
if err != nil {
tx.Err = err
func (tx *TxWrap) SelectMaps(query string, args ...interface{}) []map[string]interface{} {
if tx.Err != nil {
return nil
rows, err := tx.Txx.Queryx(query, args...)
if err != nil {
tx.Err = err
return nil
var rtn []map[string]interface{}
for rows.Next() {
m := make(map[string]interface{})
err = rows.MapScan(m)
if err != nil {
tx.Err = err
return nil
rtn = append(rtn, m)
return rtn
func (tx *TxWrap) GetMap(query string, args ...interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
if tx.Err != nil {
return nil
row := tx.Txx.QueryRowx(query, args...)
m := make(map[string]interface{})
err := row.MapScan(m)
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil
tx.Err = err
return nil
return m
Reference in New Issue
Block a user