mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 02:41:23 +01:00
Merge pull request #1 from wavetermdev/sawka/blockstore
blockstore progress
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// Copyright 2023, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package db
import "embed"
//go:embed migrations-blockstore/*.sql
var BlockstoreMigrationFS embed.FS
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
DROP TABLE block_file;
DROP TABLE block_data;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
CREATE TABLE db_block_file (
blockid varchar(36) NOT NULL,
name varchar(200) NOT NULL,
size bigint NOT NULL,
createdts bigint NOT NULL,
modts bigint NOT NULL,
opts json NOT NULL,
meta json NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (blockid, name)
CREATE TABLE db_block_data (
blockid varchar(36) NOT NULL,
name varchar(200) NOT NULL,
partidx int NOT NULL,
data blob NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(blockid, name, partidx)
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import { Greet } from "./bindings/main/GreetService.js";
import { Events } from "@wailsio/runtime";
import * as rx from "rxjs";
import "/public/style.less";
const jotaiStore = createStore();
const counterSubject = rx.interval(1000).pipe(rx.map((i) => i));
const timeAtom = jotai.atom("No time yet");
@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ import * as React from "react";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
import { App } from "./app.tsx";
import "./public/style.less";
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
let reactElem = React.createElement(App, null, null);
let elem = document.getElementById("main");
@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
module thenextwave
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github.com/samber/lo v1.38.1 h1:j2XEAqXKb09Am4ebOg31SpvzUTTs6EN3VfgeLUhPdXM=
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github.com/sawka/txwrap v0.2.0 h1:V3LfvKVLULxcYSxdMguLwFyQFMEU9nFDJopg0ZkL+94=
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github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.7.0/go.mod h1:yWOB1SBYBC5VeMP7gHvWumXLIWorT60ONWic61uBYv0=
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github.com/skeema/knownhosts v1.2.1/go.mod h1:xYbVRSPxqBZFrdmDyMmsOs+uX1UZC3nTN3ThzgDxUwo=
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@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ import (
@ -26,6 +29,18 @@ func (g *GreetService) Greet(name string) string {
func main() {
err := wavebase.EnsureWaveHomeDir()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error ensuring wave home dir: %v\n", err)
log.Printf("wave home dir: %s\n", wavebase.GetWaveHomeDir())
err = blockstore.InitBlockstore()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error initializing blockstore: %v\n", err)
app := application.New(application.Options{
Name: "NextWave",
Description: "The Next Wave Terminal",
@ -65,7 +80,7 @@ func main() {
// blocking
err := app.Run()
err = app.Run()
// If an error occurred while running the application, log it and exit.
if err != nil {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package blockstore
// the blockstore package implements a write cache for block files
// it is not a read cache (reads still go to the DB -- unless items are in the cache)
// but all writes only go to the cache, and then the cache is periodically flushed to the DB
import (
const DefaultPartDataSize = 64 * 1024
const DefaultFlushTime = 5 * time.Second
const NoPartIdx = -1
var partDataSize int64 = DefaultPartDataSize // overridden in tests
var stopFlush = &atomic.Bool{}
var GBS *BlockStore = &BlockStore{
Lock: &sync.Mutex{},
Cache: make(map[cacheKey]*CacheEntry),
type FileOptsType struct {
MaxSize int64
Circular bool
IJson bool
type FileMeta = map[string]any
type BlockFile struct {
BlockId string `json:"blockid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Size int64 `json:"size"`
CreatedTs int64 `json:"createdts"`
ModTs int64 `json:"modts"`
Opts FileOptsType `json:"opts"`
Meta FileMeta `json:"meta"`
func copyMeta(meta FileMeta) FileMeta {
newMeta := make(FileMeta)
for k, v := range meta {
newMeta[k] = v
return newMeta
func (f *BlockFile) DeepCopy() *BlockFile {
if f == nil {
return nil
newFile := *f
newFile.Meta = copyMeta(f.Meta)
return &newFile
func (BlockFile) UseDBMap() {}
type BlockData struct {
BlockId string `json:"blockid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
PartIdx int `json:"partidx"`
Data []byte `json:"data"`
func (BlockData) UseDBMap() {}
// synchronous (does not interact with the cache)
func (s *BlockStore) MakeFile(ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string, meta FileMeta, opts FileOptsType) error {
if opts.MaxSize < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("max size must be non-negative")
if opts.Circular && opts.MaxSize <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("circular file must have a max size")
if opts.Circular && opts.IJson {
return fmt.Errorf("circular file cannot be ijson")
if opts.Circular {
if opts.MaxSize%partDataSize != 0 {
opts.MaxSize = (opts.MaxSize/partDataSize + 1) * partDataSize
now := time.Now().UnixMilli()
file := &BlockFile{
BlockId: blockId,
Name: name,
Size: 0,
CreatedTs: now,
ModTs: now,
Opts: opts,
Meta: meta,
return dbInsertFile(ctx, file)
func (s *BlockStore) DeleteFile(ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string) error {
err := dbDeleteFile(ctx, blockId, name)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error deleting file: %v", err)
s.withLock(blockId, name, false, func(entry *CacheEntry) {
if entry == nil {
entry.Deleted = true
return nil
func (s *BlockStore) DeleteBlock(ctx context.Context, blockId string) error {
fileNames, err := dbGetBlockFileNames(ctx, blockId)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting block files: %v", err)
for _, name := range fileNames {
s.DeleteFile(ctx, blockId, name)
return nil
func (s *BlockStore) Stat(ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string) (*BlockFile, error) {
file, ok := s.getFileFromCache(blockId, name)
if ok {
return file, nil
return dbGetBlockFile(ctx, blockId, name)
func stripNils[T any](arr []*T) []*T {
newArr := make([]*T, 0)
for _, item := range arr {
if item == nil {
newArr = append(newArr, item)
return newArr
func (s *BlockStore) ListFiles(ctx context.Context, blockId string) ([]*BlockFile, error) {
files, err := dbGetBlockFiles(ctx, blockId)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting block files: %v", err)
// now we wash the files through the cache
var hasNils bool
for idx, dbFile := range files {
cacheFile, ok := s.getFileFromCache(dbFile.BlockId, dbFile.Name)
if ok {
if cacheFile == nil {
hasNils = true
files[idx] = cacheFile
if hasNils {
files = stripNils(files)
return files, nil
func (s *BlockStore) WriteMeta(ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string, meta FileMeta, merge bool) error {
file, ok := s.getFileFromCache(blockId, name)
if !ok {
dbFile, err := dbGetBlockFile(ctx, blockId, name)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting file: %v", err)
file = dbFile
if file == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("file not found")
var rtnErr error
s.withLock(blockId, name, true, func(entry *CacheEntry) {
if entry.Deleted {
rtnErr = fmt.Errorf("file is deleted")
newFileEntry := entry.copyOrCreateFileEntry(file)
if merge {
for k, v := range meta {
if v == nil {
delete(newFileEntry.File.Meta, k)
newFileEntry.File.Meta[k] = v
} else {
newFileEntry.File.Meta = meta
entry.FileEntry = newFileEntry
entry.FileEntry.File.ModTs = time.Now().UnixMilli()
return rtnErr
func (s *BlockStore) loadFileInfo(ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string) (*BlockFile, error) {
file, ok := s.getFileFromCache(blockId, name)
if ok {
if file == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("file not found")
return file, nil
dbFile, err := dbGetBlockFile(ctx, blockId, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting file: %v", err)
if dbFile == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("file not found")
var rtnErr error
rtnFile := dbFile
s.withLock(blockId, name, true, func(entry *CacheEntry) {
if entry.Deleted {
rtnFile = nil
rtnErr = fmt.Errorf("file is deleted")
if entry.FileEntry != nil {
// someone beat us to it
rtnFile = entry.FileEntry.File.DeepCopy()
entry.FileEntry = entry.copyOrCreateFileEntry(dbFile)
// returns dbFile, nil
return rtnFile, rtnErr
func (f *BlockFile) getLastIncompletePartNum() int {
if f.Size%partDataSize == 0 {
return NoPartIdx
return f.partIdxAtOffset(f.Size)
func (f *BlockFile) partIdxAtOffset(offset int64) int {
partIdx := int(offset / partDataSize)
if f.Opts.Circular {
maxPart := int(f.Opts.MaxSize / partDataSize)
partIdx = partIdx % maxPart
return partIdx
// blockfile must be loaded
func (s *BlockStore) loadLastDataBlock(ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string) error {
var partIdx int
err := s.withLockExists(blockId, name, func(entry *CacheEntry) error {
partIdx = entry.FileEntry.File.getLastIncompletePartNum()
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if partIdx == NoPartIdx {
return nil
return s.loadDataParts(ctx, blockId, name, []int{partIdx})
func maxOfIntArr(arr []int) int {
if len(arr) == 0 {
return 0
max := arr[0]
for _, v := range arr[1:] {
if v > max {
max = v
return max
func (s *BlockStore) loadDataParts(ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string, parts []int) error {
partDataMap, err := dbGetFileParts(ctx, blockId, name, parts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting file part: %v", err)
maxPart := maxOfIntArr(parts)
return s.withLockExists(blockId, name, func(entry *CacheEntry) error {
entry.ensurePart(maxPart, false)
for partIdx, partData := range partDataMap {
if entry.DataEntries[partIdx] != nil {
// someone beat us to it
entry.DataEntries[partIdx] = partData
return nil
func (s *BlockStore) writeAt_nolock(entry *CacheEntry, offset int64, data []byte) {
endWrite := offset + int64(len(data))
entry.writeAt(offset, data)
if endWrite > entry.FileEntry.File.Size {
entry.FileEntry.File.Size = endWrite
entry.FileEntry.File.ModTs = time.Now().UnixMilli()
func (s *BlockStore) appendDataToCache(blockId string, name string, data []byte) error {
return s.withLockExists(blockId, name, func(entry *CacheEntry) error {
s.writeAt_nolock(entry, entry.FileEntry.File.Size, data)
return nil
func (s *BlockStore) AppendData(ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string, data []byte) error {
s.pinCacheEntry(blockId, name)
defer s.unpinCacheEntry(blockId, name)
_, err := s.loadFileInfo(ctx, blockId, name)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error loading file info: %v", err)
err = s.loadLastDataBlock(ctx, blockId, name)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error loading last data block: %v", err)
err = s.appendDataToCache(blockId, name, data)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error appending data: %v", err)
return nil
func (s *BlockStore) GetAllBlockIds(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
return dbGetAllBlockIds(ctx)
func (s *BlockStore) WriteAt(ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string, offset int64, data []byte) error {
s.pinCacheEntry(blockId, name)
defer s.unpinCacheEntry(blockId, name)
file, err := s.loadFileInfo(ctx, blockId, name)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error loading file info: %v", err)
startWriteIdx := offset
endWriteIdx := offset + int64(len(data))
startPartIdx := file.partIdxAtOffset(startWriteIdx)
endPartIdx := file.partIdxAtOffset(endWriteIdx)
err = s.loadDataParts(ctx, blockId, name, []int{startPartIdx, endPartIdx})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error loading data parts: %v", err)
return s.withLockExists(blockId, name, func(entry *CacheEntry) error {
s.writeAt_nolock(entry, offset, data)
return nil
// returns (offset, data, error)
// we return the offset because the offset may have been adjusted if the size was too big (for circular files)
func (s *BlockStore) ReadAt(ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string, offset int64, size int64) (int64, []byte, error) {
s.pinCacheEntry(blockId, name)
defer s.unpinCacheEntry(blockId, name)
file, err := s.Stat(ctx, blockId, name)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting file: %v", err)
if file.Opts.Circular {
// we can do this check here because MaxSize for file cannot be modified
if size > file.Opts.MaxSize {
// just read the last maxsize bytes
sizeTooBig := size - file.Opts.MaxSize
offset += sizeTooBig
var partsNeeded []int
lastPartOffset := (offset + size) % partDataSize
endOffsetOfLastPart := offset + size - lastPartOffset + partDataSize
for i := offset; i < endOffsetOfLastPart; i += partDataSize {
partsNeeded = append(partsNeeded, file.partIdxAtOffset(i))
dataEntries, err := dbGetFileParts(ctx, blockId, name, partsNeeded)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading data parts: %v", err)
// wash the entries through the cache
err = s.withLockExists(blockId, name, func(entry *CacheEntry) error {
if offset+size > entry.FileEntry.File.Size {
// limit read to the actual size of the file
size = entry.FileEntry.File.Size - offset
for _, partIdx := range partsNeeded {
if len(entry.DataEntries) <= partIdx || entry.DataEntries[partIdx] == nil {
dataEntries[partIdx] = entry.DataEntries[partIdx]
return nil
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("error reconciling cache entries: %v", err)
// combine the entries into a single byte slice
// note that we only want part of the first and last part depending on offset and size
var rtn []byte
amtLeftToRead := size
curReadOffset := offset
for amtLeftToRead > 0 {
partIdx := file.partIdxAtOffset(curReadOffset)
partDataEntry := dataEntries[partIdx]
var partData []byte
if partDataEntry == nil {
partData = make([]byte, partDataSize)
} else {
partData = partDataEntry.Data[0:partDataSize]
partOffset := curReadOffset % partDataSize
amtToRead := minInt64(partDataSize-partOffset, amtLeftToRead)
rtn = append(rtn, partData[partOffset:partOffset+amtToRead]...)
amtLeftToRead -= amtToRead
curReadOffset += amtToRead
return offset, rtn, nil
func (s *BlockStore) ReadFile(ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string) (int64, []byte, error) {
file, err := s.Stat(ctx, blockId, name)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting file: %v", err)
if file == nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("file not found")
return s.ReadAt(ctx, blockId, name, 0, file.Size)
func minInt64(a, b int64) int64 {
if a < b {
return a
return b
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package blockstore
import (
type cacheKey struct {
BlockId string
Name string
type DataCacheEntry struct {
Dirty *atomic.Bool
Flushing *atomic.Bool
PartIdx int
Data []byte // capacity is always BlockDataPartSize
type FileCacheEntry struct {
Dirty *atomic.Bool
File BlockFile
// invariants:
// - we only modify CacheEntry fields when we are holding the BlockStore lock
// - FileEntry can be nil, if pinned
// - FileEntry.File is never updated in place, the entire FileEntry is replaced
// - DataCacheEntry items are never updated in place, the entire DataCacheEntry is replaced
// - when pinned, the cache entry is never removed
// this allows us to flush the cache entry to disk without holding the lock
type CacheEntry struct {
BlockId string
Name string
Version int
PinCount int
Deleted bool
FileEntry *FileCacheEntry
DataEntries []*DataCacheEntry
func (e *CacheEntry) dump() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "CacheEntry{\nBlockId: %q, Name: %q, Version: %d, PinCount: %d, Deleted: %v\n", e.BlockId, e.Name, e.Version, e.PinCount, e.Deleted)
if e.FileEntry != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "FileEntry: %v\n", e.FileEntry.File)
for i, dce := range e.DataEntries {
if dce != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "DataEntry[%d][%v]: %q\n", i, dce.Dirty.Load(), string(dce.Data))
return buf.String()
func (s *BlockStore) dump() string {
defer s.Lock.Unlock()
var buf bytes.Buffer
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("BlockStore %d entries\n", len(s.Cache)))
for _, v := range s.Cache {
entryStr := v.dump()
return buf.String()
func makeDataCacheEntry(partIdx int) *DataCacheEntry {
return &DataCacheEntry{
Dirty: &atomic.Bool{},
Flushing: &atomic.Bool{},
PartIdx: partIdx,
Data: make([]byte, 0, partDataSize),
// for testing
func (s *BlockStore) getCacheSize() int {
defer s.Lock.Unlock()
return len(s.Cache)
// for testing
func (s *BlockStore) clearCache() {
defer s.Lock.Unlock()
s.Cache = make(map[cacheKey]*CacheEntry)
func (e *CacheEntry) ensurePart(partIdx int, create bool) *DataCacheEntry {
for len(e.DataEntries) <= partIdx {
e.DataEntries = append(e.DataEntries, nil)
if create && e.DataEntries[partIdx] == nil {
e.DataEntries[partIdx] = makeDataCacheEntry(partIdx)
return e.DataEntries[partIdx]
func (dce *DataCacheEntry) clonePart() *DataCacheEntry {
rtn := makeDataCacheEntry(dce.PartIdx)
copy(rtn.Data, dce.Data)
if dce.Dirty.Load() {
return rtn
func (dce *DataCacheEntry) writeToPart(offset int64, data []byte) (int64, *DataCacheEntry) {
if dce.Flushing.Load() {
dce = dce.clonePart()
leftInPart := partDataSize - offset
toWrite := int64(len(data))
if toWrite > leftInPart {
toWrite = leftInPart
if int64(len(dce.Data)) < offset+toWrite {
dce.Data = dce.Data[:offset+toWrite]
copy(dce.Data[offset:], data[:toWrite])
return toWrite, dce
func (entry *CacheEntry) writeAt(offset int64, data []byte) {
for len(data) > 0 {
partIdx := int(offset / partDataSize)
if entry.FileEntry.File.Opts.Circular {
maxPart := int(entry.FileEntry.File.Opts.MaxSize / partDataSize)
partIdx = partIdx % maxPart
partOffset := offset % partDataSize
partData := entry.ensurePart(partIdx, true)
nw, newDce := partData.writeToPart(partOffset, data)
entry.DataEntries[partIdx] = newDce
data = data[nw:]
offset += nw
type BlockStore struct {
Lock *sync.Mutex
Cache map[cacheKey]*CacheEntry
func (s *BlockStore) withLock(blockId string, name string, shouldCreate bool, f func(*CacheEntry)) {
defer s.Lock.Unlock()
entry := s.Cache[cacheKey{BlockId: blockId, Name: name}]
if entry == nil {
if shouldCreate {
entry = &CacheEntry{
BlockId: blockId,
Name: name,
PinCount: 0,
FileEntry: nil,
DataEntries: nil,
s.Cache[cacheKey{BlockId: blockId, Name: name}] = entry
func (s *BlockStore) withLockExists(blockId string, name string, f func(*CacheEntry) error) error {
defer s.Lock.Unlock()
entry := s.Cache[cacheKey{BlockId: blockId, Name: name}]
if entry == nil || entry.Deleted || entry.FileEntry == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("file not found")
return f(entry)
func (s *BlockStore) pinCacheEntry(blockId string, name string) {
defer s.Lock.Unlock()
entry := s.Cache[cacheKey{BlockId: blockId, Name: name}]
if entry == nil {
entry = &CacheEntry{
BlockId: blockId,
Name: name,
PinCount: 0,
FileEntry: nil,
DataEntries: nil,
s.Cache[cacheKey{BlockId: blockId, Name: name}] = entry
func (s *BlockStore) unpinCacheEntry(blockId string, name string) {
defer s.Lock.Unlock()
entry := s.Cache[cacheKey{BlockId: blockId, Name: name}]
if entry == nil {
// this is not good
func (s *BlockStore) tryDeleteCacheEntry(blockId string, name string) {
defer s.Lock.Unlock()
entry := s.Cache[cacheKey{BlockId: blockId, Name: name}]
if entry == nil {
if entry.PinCount > 0 {
delete(s.Cache, cacheKey{BlockId: blockId, Name: name})
// getFileFromCache returns the file from the cache if it exists
// return (file, cached)
func (s *BlockStore) getFileFromCache(blockId string, name string) (*BlockFile, bool) {
defer s.Lock.Unlock()
entry := s.Cache[cacheKey{BlockId: blockId, Name: name}]
if entry == nil {
return nil, false
if entry.Deleted {
return nil, true
if entry.FileEntry == nil {
return nil, false
return entry.FileEntry.File.DeepCopy(), true
func (e *CacheEntry) copyOrCreateFileEntry(dbFile *BlockFile) *FileCacheEntry {
if e.FileEntry == nil {
return &FileCacheEntry{
Dirty: &atomic.Bool{},
File: *dbFile,
return &FileCacheEntry{
Dirty: &atomic.Bool{},
File: *e.FileEntry.File.DeepCopy(),
// also sets Flushing to true
func (s *BlockStore) getDirtyDataEntries(entry *CacheEntry) (*FileCacheEntry, []*DataCacheEntry) {
defer s.Lock.Unlock()
if entry.Deleted || entry.FileEntry == nil {
return nil, nil
var dirtyData []*DataCacheEntry
for _, dce := range entry.DataEntries {
if dce != nil && dce.Dirty.Load() {
dirtyData = append(dirtyData, dce)
if !entry.FileEntry.Dirty.Load() && len(dirtyData) == 0 {
return nil, nil
for _, data := range dirtyData {
return entry.FileEntry, dirtyData
// clean is true if the block was clean (nothing to write)
// returns (clean, error)
func (s *BlockStore) flushEntry(ctx context.Context, entry *CacheEntry) error {
fileEntry, dirtyData := s.getDirtyDataEntries(entry)
if fileEntry == nil && len(dirtyData) == 0 {
s.tryDeleteCacheEntry(entry.BlockId, entry.Name)
return nil
err := dbWriteCacheEntry(ctx, fileEntry, dirtyData)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
package blockstore
import (
func dbInsertFile(ctx context.Context, file *BlockFile) error {
// will fail if file already exists
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := "INSERT INTO db_block_file (blockid, name, size, createdts, modts, opts, meta) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
tx.Exec(query, file.BlockId, file.Name, file.Size, file.CreatedTs, file.ModTs, dbutil.QuickJson(file.Opts), dbutil.QuickJson(file.Meta))
return nil
func dbDeleteFile(ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := "DELETE FROM db_block_file WHERE blockid = ? AND name = ?"
tx.Exec(query, blockId, name)
query = "DELETE FROM db_block_data WHERE blockid = ? AND name = ?"
tx.Exec(query, blockId, name)
return nil
func dbGetBlockFileNames(ctx context.Context, blockId string) ([]string, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) ([]string, error) {
var files []string
query := "SELECT name FROM db_block_file WHERE blockid = ?"
tx.Select(&files, query, blockId)
return files, nil
func dbGetBlockFile(ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string) (*BlockFile, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*BlockFile, error) {
query := "SELECT * FROM db_block_file WHERE blockid = ? AND name = ?"
file := dbutil.GetMappable[*BlockFile](tx, query, blockId, name)
return file, nil
func dbGetAllBlockIds(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) ([]string, error) {
var ids []string
query := "SELECT DISTINCT blockid FROM db_block_file"
tx.Select(&ids, query)
return ids, nil
func dbGetFileParts(ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string, parts []int) (map[int]*DataCacheEntry, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (map[int]*DataCacheEntry, error) {
var data []*DataCacheEntry
query := "SELECT partidx, data FROM db_block_data WHERE blockid = ? AND name = ? AND partidx IN (SELECT value FROM json_each(?))"
tx.Select(&data, query, blockId, name, dbutil.QuickJsonArr(parts))
rtn := make(map[int]*DataCacheEntry)
for _, d := range data {
d.Dirty = &atomic.Bool{}
rtn[d.PartIdx] = d
return rtn, nil
func dbGetBlockFiles(ctx context.Context, blockId string) ([]*BlockFile, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) ([]*BlockFile, error) {
query := "SELECT * FROM db_block_file WHERE blockid = ?"
files := dbutil.SelectMappable[*BlockFile](tx, query, blockId)
return files, nil
func dbWriteCacheEntry(ctx context.Context, fileEntry *FileCacheEntry, dataEntries []*DataCacheEntry) error {
if fileEntry == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("fileEntry or fileEntry.File is nil")
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT blockid FROM db_block_file WHERE blockid = ? AND name = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, fileEntry.File.BlockId, fileEntry.File.Name) {
// since deletion is synchronous this stops us from writing to a deleted file
return fmt.Errorf("file not found in db")
if fileEntry.Dirty.Load() {
query := `UPDATE db_block_file SET size = ?, createdts = ?, modts = ?, opts = ?, meta = ? WHERE blockid = ? AND name = ?`
tx.Exec(query, fileEntry.File.Size, fileEntry.File.CreatedTs, fileEntry.File.ModTs, dbutil.QuickJson(fileEntry.File.Opts), dbutil.QuickJson(fileEntry.File.Meta), fileEntry.File.BlockId, fileEntry.File.Name)
dataPartQuery := `REPLACE INTO db_block_data (blockid, name, partidx, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)`
for _, dataEntry := range dataEntries {
if dataEntry == nil || !dataEntry.Dirty.Load() {
tx.Exec(dataPartQuery, fileEntry.File.BlockId, fileEntry.File.Name, dataEntry.PartIdx, dataEntry.Data)
if tx.Err == nil {
// clear dirty flags
for _, dataEntry := range dataEntries {
if dataEntry != nil {
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package blockstore
import (
func initDb(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("initializing db for %q", t.Name())
useTestingDb = true
partDataSize = 50
err := InitBlockstore()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error initializing blockstore: %v", err)
func cleanupDb(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("cleaning up db for %q", t.Name())
if globalDB != nil {
globalDB = nil
useTestingDb = false
partDataSize = DefaultPartDataSize
func TestCreate(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanupDb(t)
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancelFn()
blockId := uuid.New().String()
err := GBS.MakeFile(ctx, blockId, "testfile", nil, FileOptsType{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating file: %v", err)
file, err := GBS.Stat(ctx, blockId, "testfile")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error stating file: %v", err)
if file == nil {
t.Fatalf("file not found")
if file.BlockId != blockId {
t.Fatalf("block id mismatch")
if file.Name != "testfile" {
t.Fatalf("name mismatch")
if file.Size != 0 {
t.Fatalf("size mismatch")
if file.CreatedTs == 0 {
t.Fatalf("created ts zero")
if file.ModTs == 0 {
t.Fatalf("mod ts zero")
if file.CreatedTs != file.ModTs {
t.Fatalf("create ts != mod ts")
if len(file.Meta) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("meta should have no values")
if file.Opts.Circular || file.Opts.IJson || file.Opts.MaxSize != 0 {
t.Fatalf("opts not empty")
func checkMapsEqual(t *testing.T, m1 map[string]any, m2 map[string]any, msg string) {
if len(m1) != len(m2) {
t.Errorf("%s: map length mismatch", msg)
for k, v := range m1 {
if m2[k] != v {
t.Errorf("%s: value mismatch for key %q", msg, k)
func TestSetMeta(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanupDb(t)
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancelFn()
blockId := uuid.New().String()
err := GBS.MakeFile(ctx, blockId, "testfile", nil, FileOptsType{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating file: %v", err)
if GBS.getCacheSize() != 0 {
t.Errorf("cache size mismatch -- should have 0 entries after create")
err = GBS.WriteMeta(ctx, blockId, "testfile", map[string]any{"a": 5, "b": "hello", "q": 8}, false)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error setting meta: %v", err)
file, err := GBS.Stat(ctx, blockId, "testfile")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error stating file: %v", err)
if file == nil {
t.Fatalf("file not found")
checkMapsEqual(t, map[string]any{"a": 5, "b": "hello", "q": 8}, file.Meta, "meta")
if GBS.getCacheSize() != 1 {
t.Errorf("cache size mismatch")
err = GBS.WriteMeta(ctx, blockId, "testfile", map[string]any{"a": 6, "c": "world", "d": 7, "q": nil}, true)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error setting meta: %v", err)
file, err = GBS.Stat(ctx, blockId, "testfile")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error stating file: %v", err)
if file == nil {
t.Fatalf("file not found")
checkMapsEqual(t, map[string]any{"a": 6, "b": "hello", "c": "world", "d": 7}, file.Meta, "meta")
func checkFileSize(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string, size int64) {
file, err := GBS.Stat(ctx, blockId, name)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error stating file %q: %v", name, err)
if file == nil {
t.Errorf("file %q not found", name)
if file.Size != size {
t.Errorf("size mismatch for file %q: expected %d, got %d", name, size, file.Size)
func checkFileData(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string, data string) {
_, rdata, err := GBS.ReadFile(ctx, blockId, name)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error reading data for file %q: %v", name, err)
if string(rdata) != data {
t.Errorf("data mismatch for file %q: expected %q, got %q", name, data, string(rdata))
func checkFileDataAt(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, blockId string, name string, offset int64, data string) {
_, rdata, err := GBS.ReadAt(ctx, blockId, name, offset, int64(len(data)))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error reading data for file %q: %v", name, err)
if string(rdata) != data {
t.Errorf("data mismatch for file %q: expected %q, got %q", name, data, string(rdata))
func TestAppend(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanupDb(t)
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancelFn()
blockId := uuid.New().String()
fileName := "t2"
err := GBS.MakeFile(ctx, blockId, fileName, nil, FileOptsType{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating file: %v", err)
err = GBS.AppendData(ctx, blockId, fileName, []byte("hello"))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error appending data: %v", err)
// fmt.Print(GBS.dump())
checkFileSize(t, ctx, blockId, fileName, 5)
checkFileData(t, ctx, blockId, fileName, "hello")
err = GBS.AppendData(ctx, blockId, fileName, []byte(" world"))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error appending data: %v", err)
// fmt.Print(GBS.dump())
checkFileSize(t, ctx, blockId, fileName, 11)
checkFileData(t, ctx, blockId, fileName, "hello world")
func makeText(n int) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
buf.WriteByte(byte('0' + (i % 10)))
return buf.String()
func TestMultiPart(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanupDb(t)
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancelFn()
blockId := uuid.New().String()
fileName := "m2"
data := makeText(80)
err := GBS.MakeFile(ctx, blockId, fileName, nil, FileOptsType{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating file: %v", err)
err = GBS.AppendData(ctx, blockId, fileName, []byte(data))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error appending data: %v", err)
checkFileSize(t, ctx, blockId, fileName, 80)
checkFileData(t, ctx, blockId, fileName, data)
_, barr, err := GBS.ReadAt(ctx, blockId, fileName, 42, 10)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error reading data: %v", err)
if string(barr) != data[42:52] {
t.Errorf("data mismatch: expected %q, got %q", data[42:52], string(barr))
GBS.WriteAt(ctx, blockId, fileName, 49, []byte("world"))
checkFileSize(t, ctx, blockId, fileName, 80)
checkFileDataAt(t, ctx, blockId, fileName, 49, "world")
checkFileDataAt(t, ctx, blockId, fileName, 48, "8world4")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
package blockstore
// setup for blockstore db
// includes migration support and txwrap setup
import (
sqlite3migrate "github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/v4/database/sqlite3"
_ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3"
dbfs "github.com/wavetermdev/thenextwave/db"
const BlockstoreDbName = "blockstore.db"
type TxWrap = txwrap.TxWrap
var globalDB *sqlx.DB
var useTestingDb bool // just for testing (forces GetDB() to return an in-memory db)
func InitBlockstore() error {
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second)
defer cancelFn()
var err error
globalDB, err = MakeDB(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
err = MigrateBlockstore()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("blockstore initialized\n")
return nil
func GetDBName() string {
scHome := wavebase.GetWaveHomeDir()
return path.Join(scHome, BlockstoreDbName)
func MakeDB(ctx context.Context) (*sqlx.DB, error) {
var rtn *sqlx.DB
var err error
if useTestingDb {
dbName := ":memory:"
log.Printf("[db] using in-memory db\n")
rtn, err = sqlx.Open("sqlite3", dbName)
} else {
dbName := GetDBName()
log.Printf("[db] opening db %s\n", dbName)
rtn, err = sqlx.Open("sqlite3", fmt.Sprintf("file:%s?cache=shared&mode=rwc&_journal_mode=WAL&_busy_timeout=5000", dbName))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("opening db: %w", err)
return rtn, nil
func WithTx(ctx context.Context, fn func(tx *TxWrap) error) error {
return txwrap.WithTx(ctx, globalDB, fn)
func WithTxRtn[RT any](ctx context.Context, fn func(tx *TxWrap) (RT, error)) (RT, error) {
return txwrap.WithTxRtn(ctx, globalDB, fn)
func MakeBlockstoreMigrate() (*migrate.Migrate, error) {
fsVar, err := iofs.New(dbfs.BlockstoreMigrationFS, "migrations-blockstore")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("opening iofs: %w", err)
mdriver, err := sqlite3migrate.WithInstance(globalDB.DB, &sqlite3migrate.Config{})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("making blockstore migration driver: %w", err)
m, err := migrate.NewWithInstance("iofs", fsVar, "sqlite3", mdriver)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("making blockstore migration db[%s]: %w", GetDBName(), err)
return m, nil
func MigrateBlockstore() error {
log.Printf("migrate blockstore\n")
m, err := MakeBlockstoreMigrate()
if err != nil {
return err
curVersion, dirty, err := GetMigrateVersion(m)
if dirty {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot migrate up, database is dirty")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot get current migration version: %v", err)
err = m.Up()
if err != nil && err != migrate.ErrNoChange {
return fmt.Errorf("migrating blockstore: %w", err)
newVersion, _, err := GetMigrateVersion(m)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot get new migration version: %v", err)
if newVersion != curVersion {
log.Printf("[db] blockstore migration done, version %d -> %d\n", curVersion, newVersion)
return nil
func GetMigrateVersion(m *migrate.Migrate) (uint, bool, error) {
if m == nil {
var err error
m, err = MakeBlockstoreMigrate()
if err != nil {
return 0, false, err
curVersion, dirty, err := m.Version()
if err == migrate.ErrNilVersion {
return 0, false, nil
return curVersion, dirty, err
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
package wavebase
import (
const DefaultWaveHome = "~/.w2"
const WaveHomeVarName = "WAVETERM_HOME"
const WaveDevVarName = "WAVETERM_DEV"
const HomeVarName = "HOME"
var baseLock = &sync.Mutex{}
var ensureDirCache = map[string]bool{}
func IsDevMode() bool {
pdev := os.Getenv(WaveDevVarName)
return pdev != ""
func GetHomeDir() string {
homeVar := os.Getenv(HomeVarName)
if homeVar == "" {
return "/"
return homeVar
func ExpandHomeDir(pathStr string) string {
if pathStr != "~" && !strings.HasPrefix(pathStr, "~/") {
return pathStr
homeDir := GetHomeDir()
if pathStr == "~" {
return homeDir
return path.Join(homeDir, pathStr[2:])
func GetWaveHomeDir() string {
homeVar := os.Getenv(WaveHomeVarName)
if homeVar != "" {
return ExpandHomeDir(homeVar)
return ExpandHomeDir(DefaultWaveHome)
func EnsureWaveHomeDir() error {
return CacheEnsureDir(GetWaveHomeDir(), "wavehome", 0700, "wave home directory")
func CacheEnsureDir(dirName string, cacheKey string, perm os.FileMode, dirDesc string) error {
ok := ensureDirCache[cacheKey]
if ok {
return nil
err := TryMkdirs(dirName, perm, dirDesc)
if err != nil {
return err
ensureDirCache[cacheKey] = true
return nil
func TryMkdirs(dirName string, perm os.FileMode, dirDesc string) error {
info, err := os.Stat(dirName)
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
err = os.MkdirAll(dirName, perm)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot make %s %q: %w", dirDesc, dirName, err)
info, err = os.Stat(dirName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error trying to stat %s: %w", dirDesc, err)
if !info.IsDir() {
return fmt.Errorf("%s %q must be a directory", dirDesc, dirName)
return nil
Reference in New Issue
Block a user