I am updating the layout node setup to write to its own wave object.
The existing setup requires me to plumb the layout updates through every
time the tab gets updated, which produces a lot of annoying and
unintuitive design patterns. With this new setup, the tab object doesn't
get written to when the layout changes, only the layout object will get
written to. This prevents collisions when both the tab object and the
layout node object are getting updated, such as when a new block is
added or deleted.
This cleans up the unused/unnecessary css properties added around the
same time as the modal component. This mostly refers to variables that
started with --app. They have been removed and their uses have been
replaced with other defaults. The --warning-color and --success-color
properties still exist despite being unused since they seem to fit with
the --error-color which is already in use.
This fixes two bugs. The first had to do with the path library not
working in prod. That involved making a simple version of it that works
in the meantime. The other is rendering a different number of hooks
which required moving hooks outside of an if statement.
WaveObj + objectservice + WaveObjectStore
New distributed object system for Wave. Every object has an otype + oid (oref), and can be persisted to the DB and gotten from the DB using those attributes. The frontend tracks a cache of objects (based on orefs) and the store is integrated with jotai atoms for use with react components.
The WaveObjectStore passes a new UIContext through to the backend, and will seamlessly handle updated/deleted objects passed back (updating the store).
The backend DB operations are now all generic. As the updates happen they update the context adding the updated/deleted objects to seamlessly pass them back to the client.
Simplified global.ts store. Have a new way to force an object to be present in the cache at the top level (await loadAndPin) along with integration with nice loading flags for async fetching (or integration with React.Suspense)