import { ClientService, FileService, ObjectService, WindowService } from "@/app/store/services"; import { getWebServerEndpoint } from "@/util/endpoints"; import { adaptFromElectronKeyEvent } from "@/util/keyutil"; import { fireAndForget } from "@/util/util"; import { BrowserWindow, BrowserWindowConstructorOptions, dialog, Display, ipcMain, Rectangle, screen, shell, } from "electron"; import { FastAverageColor } from "fast-average-color"; import path from "node:path"; import { PNG } from "pngjs"; import { debounce } from "throttle-debounce"; import { AppState } from "./appstate"; import { configureAuthKeyRequestInjection } from "./authkey"; import { getElectronAppBasePath, isDevVite, unamePlatform } from "./platform"; import { updater } from "./updater"; type WaveBrowserWindow = Electron.BrowserWindow & { waveWindowId: string; readyPromise: Promise }; // note, this does not *show* the window. // to show, await win.readyPromise and then export function createBrowserWindow( clientId: string, waveWindow: WaveWindow, fullConfig: FullConfigType ): WaveBrowserWindow { let winWidth = waveWindow?.winsize?.width; let winHeight = waveWindow?.winsize?.height; let winPosX = waveWindow.pos.x; let winPosY = waveWindow.pos.y; if (winWidth == null || winWidth == 0) { const primaryDisplay = screen.getPrimaryDisplay(); const { width } = primaryDisplay.workAreaSize; winWidth = width - winPosX - 100; if (winWidth > 2000) { winWidth = 2000; } } if (winHeight == null || winHeight == 0) { const primaryDisplay = screen.getPrimaryDisplay(); const { height } = primaryDisplay.workAreaSize; winHeight = height - winPosY - 100; if (winHeight > 1200) { winHeight = 1200; } } let winBounds = { x: winPosX, y: winPosY, width: winWidth, height: winHeight, }; winBounds = ensureBoundsAreVisible(winBounds); const settings = fullConfig?.settings; const winOpts: BrowserWindowConstructorOptions = { titleBarStyle: unamePlatform === "darwin" ? "hiddenInset" : settings["window:nativetitlebar"] ? "default" : "hidden", titleBarOverlay: unamePlatform !== "darwin" ? { symbolColor: "white", color: "#00000000", } : false, x: winBounds.x, y: winBounds.y, width: winBounds.width, height: winBounds.height, minWidth: 400, minHeight: 300, icon: unamePlatform == "linux" ? path.join(getElectronAppBasePath(), "public/logos/wave-logo-dark.png") : undefined, webPreferences: { preload: path.join(getElectronAppBasePath(), "preload", "index.cjs"), webviewTag: true, }, show: false, autoHideMenuBar: true, }; const isTransparent = settings?.["window:transparent"] ?? false; const isBlur = !isTransparent && (settings?.["window:blur"] ?? false); if (isTransparent) { winOpts.transparent = true; } else if (isBlur) { switch (unamePlatform) { case "win32": { winOpts.backgroundMaterial = "acrylic"; break; } case "darwin": { winOpts.vibrancy = "fullscreen-ui"; break; } } } else { winOpts.backgroundColor = "#222222"; } const bwin = new BrowserWindow(winOpts); (bwin as any).waveWindowId = waveWindow.oid; let readyResolve: (value: void) => void; (bwin as any).readyPromise = new Promise((resolve, _) => { readyResolve = resolve; }); const win: WaveBrowserWindow = bwin as WaveBrowserWindow; const usp = new URLSearchParams(); usp.set("clientid", clientId); usp.set("windowid", waveWindow.oid); const indexHtml = "index.html"; if (isDevVite) { console.log("running as dev server"); win.loadURL(`${process.env.ELECTRON_RENDERER_URL}/index.html?${usp.toString()}`); } else { console.log("running as file"); win.loadFile(path.join(getElectronAppBasePath(), "frontend", indexHtml), { search: usp.toString() }); } win.once("ready-to-show", () => { readyResolve(); }); win.webContents.on("will-navigate", shNavHandler); win.webContents.on("will-frame-navigate", shFrameNavHandler); win.webContents.on("did-attach-webview", (event, wc) => { wc.setWindowOpenHandler((details) => { win.webContents.send("webview-new-window",, details); return { action: "deny" }; }); }); win.webContents.on("before-input-event", (e, input) => { const waveEvent = adaptFromElectronKeyEvent(input); // console.log("WIN bie", waveEvent.type, waveEvent.code); handleCtrlShiftState(win.webContents, waveEvent); if (win.isFocused()) { AppState.wasActive = true; } }); win.on( "resize", debounce(400, (e) => mainResizeHandler(e, waveWindow.oid, win)) ); win.on( "move", debounce(400, (e) => mainResizeHandler(e, waveWindow.oid, win)) ); win.on("focus", () => { AppState.wasInFg = true; AppState.wasActive = true; if (AppState.isStarting) { return; } console.log("focus", waveWindow.oid); ClientService.FocusWindow(waveWindow.oid); }); win.on("blur", () => { handleCtrlShiftFocus(win.webContents, false); }); win.on("enter-full-screen", async () => { win.webContents.send("fullscreen-change", true); }); win.on("leave-full-screen", async () => { win.webContents.send("fullscreen-change", false); }); win.on("close", (e) => { if (AppState.isQuitting || updater?.status == "installing") { return; } const numWindows = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length; if (numWindows == 1) { return; } const choice = dialog.showMessageBoxSync(win, { type: "question", buttons: ["Cancel", "Yes"], title: "Confirm", message: "Are you sure you want to close this window (all tabs and blocks will be deleted)?", }); if (choice === 0) { e.preventDefault(); } }); win.on("closed", () => { if (AppState.isQuitting || updater?.status == "installing") { return; } const numWindows = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length; if (numWindows == 0) { return; } WindowService.CloseWindow(waveWindow.oid); }); win.webContents.on("zoom-changed", (e) => { win.webContents.send("zoom-changed"); }); win.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler(({ url, frameName }) => { if (url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("https://") || url.startsWith("file://")) { console.log("openExternal fallback", url); shell.openExternal(url); } console.log("window-open denied", url); return { action: "deny" }; }); configureAuthKeyRequestInjection(win.webContents.session); return win; } export async function createNewWaveWindow(): Promise { const clientData = await ClientService.GetClientData(); const fullConfig = await FileService.GetFullConfig(); let recreatedWindow = false; if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0 && clientData?.windowids?.length >= 1) { // reopen the first window const existingWindowId = clientData.windowids[0]; const existingWindowData = (await ObjectService.GetObject("window:" + existingWindowId)) as WaveWindow; if (existingWindowData != null) { const win = createBrowserWindow(clientData.oid, existingWindowData, fullConfig); await win.readyPromise;; recreatedWindow = true; } } if (recreatedWindow) { return; } const newWindow = await ClientService.MakeWindow(); const newBrowserWindow = createBrowserWindow(clientData.oid, newWindow, fullConfig); await newBrowserWindow.readyPromise;; } export async function relaunchBrowserWindows(): Promise { AppState.isRelaunching = true; const windows = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows(); for (const window of windows) { window.removeAllListeners(); window.close(); } AppState.isRelaunching = false; const clientData = await ClientService.GetClientData(); const fullConfig = await FileService.GetFullConfig(); const wins: WaveBrowserWindow[] = []; for (const windowId of clientData.windowids.slice().reverse()) { const windowData: WaveWindow = (await ObjectService.GetObject("window:" + windowId)) as WaveWindow; if (windowData == null) { WindowService.CloseWindow(windowId).catch((e) => { /* ignore */ }); continue; } const win = createBrowserWindow(clientData.oid, windowData, fullConfig); wins.push(win); } for (const win of wins) { await win.readyPromise; console.log("show", win.waveWindowId);; } } async function mainResizeHandler(_: any, windowId: string, win: WaveBrowserWindow) { if (win == null || win.isDestroyed() || win.fullScreen) { return; } const bounds = win.getBounds(); try { await WindowService.SetWindowPosAndSize( windowId, { x: bounds.x, y: bounds.y }, { width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height } ); } catch (e) { console.log("error resizing window", e); } } ipcMain.on("open-new-window", () => fireAndForget(createNewWaveWindow)); function shNavHandler(event: Electron.Event, url: string) { if (url.startsWith("") || url.startsWith("http://localhost:5173/index.html")) { // this is a dev-mode hot-reload, ignore it console.log("allowing hot-reload of index.html"); return; } event.preventDefault(); if (url.startsWith("https://") || url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("file://")) { console.log("open external, shNav", url); shell.openExternal(url); } else { console.log("navigation canceled", url); } } function shFrameNavHandler(event: Electron.Event) { if (!event.frame?.parent) { // only use this handler to process iframe events (non-iframe events go to shNavHandler) return; } const url = event.url; console.log(`frame-navigation url=${url} frame=${}`); if ( == "webview") { // "webview" links always open in new window // this will *not* effect the initial load because srcdoc does not count as an electron navigation console.log("open external, frameNav", url); event.preventDefault(); shell.openExternal(url); return; } if ( == "pdfview" && (url.startsWith("blob:file:///") || url.startsWith(getWebServerEndpoint() + "/wave/stream-file?")) ) { // allowed return; } event.preventDefault(); console.log("frame navigation canceled"); } function isWindowFullyVisible(bounds: Rectangle): boolean { const displays = screen.getAllDisplays(); // Helper function to check if a point is inside any display function isPointInDisplay(x: number, y: number) { for (const display of displays) { const { x: dx, y: dy, width, height } = display.bounds; if (x >= dx && x < dx + width && y >= dy && y < dy + height) { return true; } } return false; } // Check all corners of the window const topLeft = isPointInDisplay(bounds.x, bounds.y); const topRight = isPointInDisplay(bounds.x + bounds.width, bounds.y); const bottomLeft = isPointInDisplay(bounds.x, bounds.y + bounds.height); const bottomRight = isPointInDisplay(bounds.x + bounds.width, bounds.y + bounds.height); return topLeft && topRight && bottomLeft && bottomRight; } function findDisplayWithMostArea(bounds: Rectangle): Display { const displays = screen.getAllDisplays(); let maxArea = 0; let bestDisplay = null; for (let display of displays) { const { x, y, width, height } = display.bounds; const overlapX = Math.max(0, Math.min(bounds.x + bounds.width, x + width) - Math.max(bounds.x, x)); const overlapY = Math.max(0, Math.min(bounds.y + bounds.height, y + height) - Math.max(bounds.y, y)); const overlapArea = overlapX * overlapY; if (overlapArea > maxArea) { maxArea = overlapArea; bestDisplay = display; } } return bestDisplay; } function adjustBoundsToFitDisplay(bounds: Rectangle, display: Display): Rectangle { const { x: dx, y: dy, width: dWidth, height: dHeight } = display.workArea; let { x, y, width, height } = bounds; // Adjust width and height to fit within the display's work area width = Math.min(width, dWidth); height = Math.min(height, dHeight); // Adjust x to ensure the window fits within the display if (x < dx) { x = dx; } else if (x + width > dx + dWidth) { x = dx + dWidth - width; } // Adjust y to ensure the window fits within the display if (y < dy) { y = dy; } else if (y + height > dy + dHeight) { y = dy + dHeight - height; } return { x, y, width, height }; } function ensureBoundsAreVisible(bounds: Rectangle): Rectangle { if (!isWindowFullyVisible(bounds)) { let targetDisplay = findDisplayWithMostArea(bounds); if (!targetDisplay) { targetDisplay = screen.getPrimaryDisplay(); } return adjustBoundsToFitDisplay(bounds, targetDisplay); } return bounds; } if (unamePlatform !== "darwin") { const fac = new FastAverageColor(); ipcMain.on("update-window-controls-overlay", async (event, rect: Dimensions) => { // Bail out if the user requests the native titlebar const fullConfig = await FileService.GetFullConfig(); if (fullConfig.settings["window:nativetitlebar"]) return; const zoomFactor = event.sender.getZoomFactor(); const electronRect: Rectangle = { x: rect.left * zoomFactor, y: * zoomFactor, height: rect.height * zoomFactor, width: rect.width * zoomFactor, }; const overlay = await event.sender.capturePage(electronRect); const overlayBuffer = overlay.toPNG(); const png =; const color = fac.prepareResult(fac.getColorFromArray4(; const window = BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(event.sender); window.setTitleBarOverlay({ color: unamePlatform === "linux" ? color.rgba : "#00000000", // Windows supports a true transparent overlay, so we don't need to set a background color. symbolColor: color.isDark ? "white" : "black", }); }); }